..- . -. ., 4I. u 1 t VI I DELICATE SURGICAL OPERATION Performed On John Pierce Relieve Paralysis to On operation was performed yesterday on Ji'lin Pierce, who line br.cn lying sick nnil partially paralysed at the Centrnl hoteljfor eomo weeks. Hla pbydcona fountl that tho pi n': ris was aimed by pressure ou tho I: -a in and for tho relief of this, tho opera; Ion waa performed by Dr. Mingur, nse.jtcd by Dre. Gross, Straw nml llorsfall. Tho head wta shaved, and after an tiseptic precautions were taken, a horse eIioo flat waa n ado over tho fissure of Rolando. A cut nan mndo down to tho bono and tho eknll was trephined, n piscc of bono about K inch in diameter heicp taken out. Tho membrane of tho brainwa'o then opened and a consider-: awe traoum 01 uuiu .r-. -" wouna was uoicu wwi .u..uHiu tiutnrcj at etiK. . Tlo,bra!n uunea looked noitnai " ( near.nj, am r.nnos - "" ""-, years of so there is a sood project of hii'coniplett recovery. The operation was a very dvllcato oue, much mora so than it umklly performed outeldo o .1 fully equipped hospital. (sot a Ducking t (Bandon Recorder) . cixcf the boys who are working on tho ncrth side o! the river getting ready to extend thu j-tty, got spilled out ol their bint Tuesday hrcnoonin return in? homo. They had gone over to work, but tho wind was blowing very 'heavy and rain r.as threatening, and they started to rotnrn. Tho boys, D. A. Pat tereon, F. A. Holrn.-.n, J. L. Btitt, Harry Walker. Chas. Fox and Georpo Bolton, by name, got into tho boat and tried to pull down to Bandon from Parker' wharf lut tho wind being too stroni: they then ttcrtfd to crocs over, half a mile aU.et)vn. limy encctedt'i in crossiuj; 'hr iijh a part c' t5o r.er, hot the boat fi:! J m:tl cui ;ol in front of I ' ! Gibond pmc. Trio. lye f utGccdod j'b g:t.'c? athoro .utthoot ditiicnlty, only eaflerin; the inconvenience of n very I cold bath. Soutli African Tobacco South Africa 'u the field which is be Moved is England Io offer an opportunity of being independent of the American tobacco leaf markets. Near Pretoria n n series of Plantations has been opened, which is managed by Norfolk farmers Eent out from England and directed by n professional expert; while in Rhode da a series cf plantations has been started by thu nllo lieutenants of the lato Cecil Rhodes. Exports of Virginia end North Carolina have gone to South Africa 111 der contracts with English capitalist to take charge of tobacco farms, factories and experimental Etatione. Influences That Debauch Detioit Free Press Fully 00 per cent of all that is dis honett, all that is corrupt and all that is uenecing to free institutions in. municipal end state government can be traced directly to the influence ol these quasi public corporations upon local politics. They not only debauch city ' and state governments, hut it is their consistent policy to maintain a etate of prostitution their Influence is cast habitually against all decency and cflicl- oncy and integrity in public affairs. The sentiment in favor of municipal owner. 1 ship is grounded almost wholly in the belief that tho people have no other means of protecting themselves against the'rnpacity and criminal greed of quasi. public corporations. They are not ily- Ing to municipal ownership, but are being driven to it as JbbI a deaf erato 'aawsore. MAY OPERATE WATER WORKS United States Court Decision Favor able to City of Helena Tho right of the City of Helena, Mint, to build and cporato its own water works is nRlrmiH) in nn important ilrci flon handed down h.v tho United States Circuit Court of Appeal. Tho Helena Waterwoafca Company hud tnucht to retrain tho city from such an action, claiming that its franchise and contract with the municipality wcro violated and its profits illegally interfered with by tho city's propose! to build its own wa tvrnoik. In a suit brought on thca grounds judgment in tho company' favor wit given. The higher court reverses this decitieu and directs that tho hill of complaint bo dWiulmd. In ile decision the Court of AppU-ls declares that tho water com? ,,,. i,a, L0 exclusive light lo supply , , .. , , -.... ., Bml ..... :ho municipality yiola'ee no-ro-itracHa building and operating jla own water- works vstcm. Real Estate Transfers L J Simpion and wf io Mre. K O'Con nell, lot 5, blk 31, North Bond. ?3, C. II. Mcrchaut and wf to Corintba Mills lots 0, 27 and 23 blk iS Kr add Matthtkld, I93. C John Hillstrom and wf to Annio K Picutis tract of land in Western odd MarshtieM, fl75. C&tharinn Martenson to John K Mar ttnton tots I and 2 blk 3 J II Roberts, add Myrtle Point, f 1. Mario L Brown and h to Albert Pels, nau lole IS and 19 blk 21, North Bend, t5. Kate La-Brio and h to D Grant Heal-', ae4 m-c 2 aw 4 of bw4 eeo 1.(2 ne4 of 44 sec 11 w 2 of nwl w2 of an'4 sec 12, tract in sec t 28 r 151 C55 acres $10. Clara m Mooro and h to J C Shields, nt4 of so4 e2 of ;e5 of se 1 w 12 t 23 r 1 1. trawl in tec 13 t 25 r I, t!0. Efc;ce R Jons and wf to S C Rogers, k2 of nw-J w-1u)r4oIkI toe 22 t jb; r 1 1 ltW acres. fOO. Fannie E Dyer to C Y Lowe tract in b!ock 5 water front add Bandon. SoO. A II Buckingham and wf to Fannio K Dyor lot 1 blk 1 commorclal add Ben den lot 4 blk 4 Bandon LQ1. E A Smith aud wf to B F Smith loU blk l) Blliotta add Ccquille City (40.J Jas Forty and wf to John Brcchtel lot 0 blk 4 Ferndale. $10. Mrs W II Short and h to Johu C Brown lot 5 I Ik S B Dean & Co'e Md. 3?5. U S to Robert Dean e2 of 3w4 ew4 of ewl sec 28 t 27 r 12 120 acrcp. Heirs of ham Cox to Jennette Cox, w2 of nw4 nw4 of aw4 cf sec 11, n2 of ae4 of ecc 10 tract in aeco 2 and 11, 123 r 13 flO. 405 acres, A M Grcon and wf to R B Groen lots 8 and 10 blk 14 and lots 17 and 18 blk 11 Portland add Bandon. 1. lieire of Nathan Hmith to Jceso A Smith lota 6 7 8 0 and 10, ee4 of aw4, aw4 of ew4 eec 30 1 23 r 12 except 70.41 agree, f 10, Thos Bhnllz and w to W V Fisher ec4 roc 31 t 23 r 14. ItiO acres, f 1350. W O Chrietensen and wf to Katio A Deabner parcel of land Jonjw Bide of center line of Front Btreet in Md.tl82o. Tt. C 11.11 .!.. -I .. l PI... w1 uuuii c ubii wiuu ui nab ui uiino 11 Fletoher to August Nelson n2 enl of nei nw4oj ee4 tec 21 t 20 r 11 1G0 aero f0 - Moggie Young and h to August Nel son n2 sw4 of net nw4 of 6(4 sec 21 t 20 r 11. t50, L J Simpson and wf to Sella O'Con nell, lot i block 22 North L'end, h. LJ Simpson and wf to MrB EK Jones lot 20 block 27 North Bend. $55. W N Fitber and wf to J E Fisher 1-2 nteroat in sel sec 31 t 23 r 11 10 acres. fl. J M Adama und wf to lot 1 block 20 Dunhams add Bandon, $300. Elbert Felernan to John Burnath lot 18 blk 15 North Bend. $250, L UJJ to Vernlle F Uopkinfl bc4, sec 0 t27rll.IG0acrep. ', Maiy Elizabeth' tforrlflW J L Hnrker 1300 acres In see 14 1 27 v 12, w2 of no4 o2ol nw4ec 14 1 27 r 12 except 151.20 acres. $1000; J V Strong nm! wt to Hamuli Olson o4 ol ue I, etc 10 1 23 r 13. 40 acrea, $M0. G P Stowart and wf to Q V Bypher .4 of lot 8 blk 23 Uruwn'a udd Myrtle Point ?IOO. (JSTA' TE AND GENERAL NEWS. llio now crennuuy nt Jiffarson stnrlv Monday. Eugene haa n commercial club that in doing work. Tho Democratic Congrcsiionnl Con trn! committeo meets in Portlnud jWed neVdny. Jcckfcnvlllo has installed n mncliino for converting gosolluo into gas for that town. Marion county i out of dubt and ha a balance to tho credit sldo ot the led gor of over J70.0CJ. Murderer!.yonB.liR3 bean strode with a fit of repentance and thowa deep interest in religion and repentance. Dr. W. A. Cusick has declined tho ap pointment ntato board of health. Dr. Pierce of Salem has accepted tho posi tion. Mrs. July.VkerliiiB of Bko Oven, Oregon, picked up a pistol tho other day which had bcon catelossly left. The gun went off and as a result the will bo n cripple for life. Tho ball passed through both her knees. A big electric plant-IB to bo placed in tho Lucky Boy mines, Blno river district and th plant is to be increased to fifty stamps. Tho Luckey Boy is ono of tho beat paying mines in tho etato. Sergeant Hunter of Eugene, Co. C. O. N. fi. was docorated with the'rigimenta! honors at Eugono Friday night, for the beet marksman in Oregon National Guard. The ceremonies were carried ouf.with much romp and a military parade. Salem pc:rle claim that they heard the waves beating against tho shore, ot tho Pacific tho other night when a strong wind was blowing from tho webt. Who over it was that beard it must havo had a sea of beer swashing from ono aids of his empty cranium to tho otbor, or eho tome of thuDoB etcaped from tho big brick house Lumber in China (Pugct Sound Lumberman) China Is mysterious along all lines. It is something to guesa at. Just now many Coist lumbormen are look. ing to it in anticipation of a demand for lumber, that will call for a atronuous effort to supply! China la evor on tho eve of awakening. No ono can tell when she will take a placo amongbt tho great nations, and bocomo modorn in her needs and desires. When eho does lumber will be demanded, but with her awakening will coino tho ability to manufacture it (from tho great forests that cover tho, islands of tho southern seal. Mavbo it ia not wieo to awaken her, A. N. W. Club Tho A. N. W. wore ontertalned at tho home of Mrs. Hazard on Thursday af ternoon. This club ie quito a feature in tho Bocial lifo of Mnrshflcld and tho tallica aro showing thjir progressive spirit by electing a dclogate to the Stato Convention at Attoria in Juno. MrB McCormac tho first president of the club received the honor. This Club is tho 'first ono to join tho Oregon Federation of Woman Clubs and tho Marshfleld-ladies club novor do things by halves. Tho meeting of the Stato Federation will bo held ut Abtoria, DAGGER OF COLDS AND GRIP Tho greatost danger from coldaanu grip ia their resulting in pneumonia, if reason able caro hi used, however, and Uham berlaiu'u Cough remedy taken, all dan. ger will bo avoided. Among tho tone of thoubandq who havo used this remedy for these diseacoa wo havo yet to learn of a Binglu c.atu having resulted in pneu monia, which shows conclusively that it ia a cortain preventive of that danger ous disease, It vtjll cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than any other treatment. It if pleasant and safe to take, For salo by John PreUss, WHAT THEY WANT TO KNOW Some Questions Asked by 'Pros pective Settlers Tho following extracts from a letter received by .1. U, Robertson in nns.wei to an nil in w 1."m Angles paper, will give an idea of l ho quobtlotiH tithed by paillcs who uro looking for n location. ' All this inforiimthm mid much more should bo ready at hniul in prtulod loiin, for Jii't null cater. Tho lutter Is in part, ns follows: 1 am repicioutlug llvof.uu Hies of oast em liuivora who nru hoio looking (or n location. Land hero for farming la too expensive 10 wo nro locking for actne ihlug better. 1 havo l.vcd liuru lit Southern Callfortilu for 22 eare mid umloruhiiul coast condilicno faitly wcll. ' Thu land jou ndvertiio, is it stripped ot timber? lint it any clear pratB ,nt:d 011 it 01 lend that could ho .'annul? lloj. far is it to echouls and) nearo&t town? Pleato tell iib wltnt chanco there is for employment (or 3 ouug men and nt what wages. How do you get thcro soy from Frieco, there don't scorn to ho any regular boat running from Frieco to Coos Ray, nt least I havo not been ublu to find out. SonJ tia directions how to got thero aud .1 rather think two of us will come up there and look at tho country. Tho peoplo I ropreiout nro all Ameri cans and woulJ mako good citlrano In any community. If everything suits I havo no doubt I could get tctt or llftecti families to go up thero as I havo a largo circlo of frlende. A Boy Willi Presence of Mind Carl Cilnck is but 13 yearo of age, but ho did n service nt tho terrlblo Plain field railroad wreck that many a man would never havo thought of; and ho performed it with such direct expedition that aid camo to tho sufferers at tho earliest possible moment. Hu heard tho whistle of tho express, and, liko all hoys, wao never tired of seeing tho train go by. He ran to thu window. Just then tho big engine smashed against tho train that was standing on tho track. Cail did not rush to teo tho terrlblo things that wero boing dono. Ho re membered that his fathor'a telephone was the only immedlato ono in thu no'ghborhood. Hu rushed for it and called up tho polico station. In a mo- mout all tho men on hand wcro on a run (or the scene of disaster. Then hu call 'ed for flro headquarters and tho engines wero immediately under way. Even then Carl kept Ida wlta in hand, He searched tho tolephono booh for tho hospitals cud asked them to send help. Then ho crlled up all tho doctors i.o find ono by one, and asked them to come Immediately, and not until then did tho noblo little fellow lcavo the telephone. When epokon to about hie ecrvlco af ter It had been porformed, all tho com. rnent ho mado was: "Thoy camo all right." Now York Correspondence of Cleveland Plain Dealer. i WHERE THE DANGER LIES (Oregonlan) Freedom of doino'tlc trado will bo pafo from tho interference eo long ns it conforms to tho letter and epliit of public needs. When it .'departs from that condition it wilt mako euro to incur the penalty which public sentiment is ready to meto out, and which tho courto cannot much longor withhold. The lovldent tenor and purport of the Sher man anti-trust law and of tho interstate commorco act havo long been defied by the corporations, both railway and In dustrial. Neither trade nor ,'any otl er activity of privato ambition is to ho pormitted to defy tho law and eot Iteolf f - up as higher and greater 'than the Oov ermont. This is the reeoluto purposo of 1I10 peoples arultbaj trusts will hAvo :lo face it, la it there is no danger. The danger, and real danger, llos hi tho other (direction, mid if tho limn over coined when thuro Ib 110 dhqionllton in Uiocouitn to rule nudtiiCongronstuloitlQ lato, fur tho peoplo and , ngiihiHt tho trusts, thou tho court h thottmilvcs will Inst littlu longor than thu Irtioto or tho Congrcert 'hoy control. CALL i:0R REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION IMmarlon March Wtli. 10051, Conven tion April 5lrd, 1U05I. In ptiruuaucu of tho action of tho Uungrusstoual Coutinlttttu (or this Din ttlctn mentitu of the Republican Cen trnl Commlttou of Coon County, Oregon, wan held at I'uqulllo City uii tho 1 S tit day of March, ItHXlj nr.d it una then and there decided that thu Republican Prlmarlen for this County 1m held nt tho M'tpccllvu phtcib of voting lu thu vaiiouijprccluctn of tin. County ontliKIOth day of March, ll'O.'l, at ono o'clock in tho ulloruoou of that day, aud tliuru choosu delegates to attend tho Republtcnii County Convention Io lu huld at Co quillo City, Cooh County, Oregon, 011 Friday, thu 5!d day of April, A, D. 10051, commencing at tho hour of tun o'clock in thu forenoon of that day, which con vcution Ih called for tho purposo of tdecliug eight delegates to thu Repub lican Convtutt.on of thu First Congres bioual District for Oregon, which will be held at Eugene, Lano County, Oregon, on tho nth day of April, 1003. Tho Coos County Republican Contention will contitt of 107 membcrr, based upon thu votu (or Hon. Thos. 11. Tongue for thu year UK)'-'. Tho apportionment for tho respccllvo precinct of thia County Is na lollowt: Bandon Burton Prairio Coaledo Coos City Cooa River Cooa River North Ccquillo City Doer Park Dorn Empiro Enchanted Fonrmllo Lr.ko Murthfleld North Marshfleld South MitHOiiri Myrtlo Point Newport Norway Parkcrfbtirg Prosper Rlvorton Roland South Slough Sumner Tenmllo Tho abovo in ono delegate for ovcty tt'ti voted or fraction thurrnf of five of more cast for Hon. Thou. II. Ton gun for Congress ut thu Juno Election 1002. PrecinctH with lurs than ten votes are allowed onu delegate. Dated at CcqulllH City, Coin County, Oru, this lBth day of March, A, D. 10051, J. W. Bk.nnktt, Chairman Republican Central Com mitteo for Cooh County, Oregon. Attcbt L.HlAiii.ncui:u Sec. NORTH BEND GROWING Many New Buildings Woolen Mill Progressing Fast A Mail rcprseontativo glcana Iho fol lowing notes on improvements nt North Bond. Thingfl aro beginning to loom irpvnnd in Iosb than a yoar, if procont indications count for anything, North Bond, will bo ono of tho liveliest littlu manufacturing towns, to bo found on tho Pacific coast. If prcEont intcntione nrohonoatly carried out, which no ono can havo roa son to doubt, as everything that is being undertaken there ia of n permanent naturo, no one can miss It much by cast ing hia lot with tho now town of North JouJ' Tito now pinnic wagon roau irom ror- tor mill to Yarrow is now completed and ready for trade, The steam dredger, which has boon laid up for seroral days is ia the Hip At Porter mill and will bo nt work niinln tho fir ot of the week. A largo scow haa his ht'on secured w 111 1 wli'nh to haul nwny tho fund mid wiuto dirt. J, J, llitrnn tho export gtador who him tho conl mut for tho gr.nllng work nt N'trtli Bend Is now nt wmk grading tho lowur entl ol Virginia nlreut to meet thu npproneh to tho tun I ti dock. C, Peterson Iihh purclinnuil tho cor tier' lot tl Hhormnii ft California ntieot, known 11a tho old fish liottio. Ho Is ru niodoMng tho fish homo. Ho will when it Is coiu)tlelud havon hiiihllug 21x510, two ctorluu hluh which will ho flxud up for n testiuirniit. F. Brainier of Kanta Horn, California who haii purchased 11 lot hotweou Union and Khuimait, ou Virginia otrotit has a building 21x10, two etory, well under way. Ho oxpecta to havo It completed by Aprlal 1st, and will open a euloou anil harbor tibop In it, Nulson t ltrit limn, who luwo tho con tract for tho tixcnvatlon for thu now de partment store nro forwarding tho work with all' potilhlu expedition, aud ere long work on tho building proper can hu begun. Thlii storo will bu 011 thu coruor of Vliglnla vtroot next to water E, 8, Qordan Is making rapid pro gresa preparatory to tho erection of hii three story building which In to boW)x"." feet, tho lower room to bu used ns n utoro, tho second floor for olllces and a argo hall ou tho third. Robert Marsden has tho framo up for his building HOxGO, which will bo com plcted na noon as can bo done by tho tivailablo help. (! round (or tho br.uk building Is In readlnris and nn ioiii as thu kiln of brick now bulnc made by Mr. Longhead is finished work 011 th'o building will begin, All piling for tho foundation for tho now ship yard Is now in and tiaa been leveled down and in a short timo It will bo In rendinuen to rvcluvu tho kcol for thu now vessel to bo built thuro. Tho platform from Porter mill to tho yard is now completed which will mako tho conditions purfuct for getting material for ship on t into. This Is n great con venience and will oxpedito work on vcsiols. Tho llrl floor for tl:o woolon mill ia ready and work on tho framing and dimension Block is about ready for thu main building which will soon bo raise J skyward, Tho structure will ho thrco fltorles 80x200 with an annex tho samo hIzo Uo btorics high. A becond annox 50x 100 w 111 hu added for which tho piling has ull heed driven. I'itcdrivora nro busily ongagod driving piles to extend Vlrginln atreot to tho tmiii doclc, n dlntituco of 500 (eot and 80 foul wldo, which will bo planked with "J cedar, joining tho ma'n dock which will bo 210 feet by 1030 fcot. A largo lot of now machinery haa ar rival for Porter mill, ono of tho import ant Itoma of which ia a hand saw which will mako thia nlroady valunblo plant moru proflciuut and second to nono In Southern Oregon. A now largo donkey engine for ueo in Simpsons logging camp also at rived and wo aro informed that In tho near future tho machinery for tho now factory for wood work of all kinds und tho ahlnglo mill and sash aud door factory will ho received, prohablyjon tho next Alliance. A largo amount of clearing of lots in all parts of town is now going on and tiny ono who is tllliclud with 11 bad onto ot cold (out has but tc visit North Bend It lu a panacea for all audi ills, l?nrl TI hIiI ffjbM n MlafniiMM. Every now ugly brldgo Ih n renl mlfl fortuuo. By lta hIzo and by Its position 1 11 hrldgo Ih ono of tho moHt coiiHplcuouHf of public edifices nml deHenrcn nn muchj architectural cniialJeratlon as a city' hull or a courthouse. M Tho Bchomo of tho Berlin doctor for nnnlhllittliiK nioHqultouH by brcedliiB mi liiHt'ct thct -vlll doHtroy them nrouuos 11 iioinowhnt norvoun unxloty as to what Ih to ho dono with tho doHtroying IitBCct ,whun it mlHHloii Ih Vhded, 1'oHulhly tho niOHtiulto killer niiiy row to bo, more '.puKtlferoiiH mid uuuoylng than f. 4 I fjlMlliJMljOf -cy a 1 1 v a -y-ygEja-j HiilM.i At'.t'i ilAriMtitl J-nAJLi.. . -1 jWiiuJIU'i4aduKt9W.i w -.t .i.tiflt. 8CT. .,lpwi. mniMiM - -