7 'i, fml "WW. I m S H n ii 1 4 OUTLOOK IS GOOD The Way Plans are Developing for Coos Bay Road - , (Orcgonian) "Woik Is progressing in n most satis factory manner," said Major L. 1). Kin- ' :icy, ot tho Great Central Itailroai!, who ie in tho city for n few days, "ami I can say that there will he several important things nccon.pliehed before the teuton ends. One. surveying party started laet Monday on tho Belt Line, nt Coos Bay, ntid another will etnrt April 1 to com plcto tho cuncy beyond Camas Valley. . "Tlila work is being carried on in h systematic manner, and will he pushed along unceasingly. The men have been at work on Uio hie cut, and havo lost only two weeks thla Winter on account of had weather. Nature teemed to have favored thorn in their work, because there has not been much extremely bad M-atbcr. "Immigration into that section ir something phenomenal. Peoplo ate eeniiug from every section of the count ry, and seem to have decld ed that the cftuutry down that way ie good enough jf not the best, placo for a homo. Those who come have money, toe; they are ab!o to buy land and pay. for it. In fact, they arc tho kind af people we need here in Oregon." i "When will work begin on the new road?" "It is now bclcg carried on s fast as tl e Winter months will permit. The entire plan of the road I expect will be completed toon, and tho most active operations will be seen in this section. No one needs worry about tho cackinc of the road or abont our building it. The office buildings aro now nearlj completed and will toon bo ready for occupancy. We aro getting everything ready to begin active work as toon as all details are completed." "Coos Bay is showing- great signs o improvement. Mills ore being con structed and tbote that have been thni down aro now tanning full blast Everything inbnsinese line Ji most satis factory to me. I could cot ask it to be bolter. Rosebnrg, too, is seeing a most wonderful development; butineJS con ditions there were never better, and they are improving, Major Kinney has been in the city for c fen days in conference with tho local men interested in tho project. He ir ploiioil at the way matters aro rnov'.ng an i feels that the road will not have i I grjat amount cf opposition when one it has fairly ttaned. In the matter o the reported tale by him of hia lam holliiiKtj in Boteburg, lm said it a not a tale tooultidc parties, but a trans fer to a company in which ho owns i gu-2t amount of etoefc. The Use of Arm. Heart Trouble. Could Not Eat, Sleep . orWalK. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cured Entirely. , "If It hadn't been for Dr. Mile' Remedies I would not be here to write this letter. Two years ago htt June I lost the use of ray left arm, could not ue it and could only move it with the help of my right hand. My heart wis so weak I could not sleep nights for smothering spells. I was out of sorts all over nnd couldcat nothing. I grew so weak that IcouM not walk without staggering like a drunken man nnd my home doctor said he could do nothing for me. I was in so much pain I was altnoit wild. I could not take morphine nor opium as they made me worse, bo Ijjot to thinking about Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine and the more 1 thought about it the more 1 wanted to try them. I wrote to the Dr. Miles Medical Co. for ad vice which I followed to the letter. I can say today that I am glad I did as I am a well woman now; can work and can walk two or three miles and not mind it. 1 can also use my arm again as well i ever. You do not J-07 how thankful I am for those grand medicines Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure nnd Nervine. I think Dr. Miles' Itemedies are the best in the world, and if I thould get sick again 1 should take the same course. The remedies also helped my daughter Vida so wonderfully that 1 should have written you before to thank you, but I wanted to be sure that the cure was permanent, which I now know to be the case." Mrs. Frank 'loomis, Allen, Mich. nVAll druggists tell and guarantee first hot-' tje Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book fy Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medijro! Co., Elkhart, Ind. ' Lost NOTICE . Notice ia hereby civon that tho herein oftor set forth petition for tho Incorpora tion ol thn City of North Bend, Coos County, Oregon, will ho presented to tho County Court of Coos Cduuty, Ore gon, for notion thereon on tho 1st Mon tlnv in April of tho April UHW, term of enid County Court, for Gooa County, Oregon. Which said petition ia tu words and figures ns follows, to-wlt: To tho Honorable County Court, of Coos County, Oregon; We, tho tinderskned, qualified olec tors of Coca County, Oregon, residuum within tho boundarieii of thu herein after described land, do hereby petition to your honorable body that thn herein after described tract of land "may bo incorporated and known as tho city of '.'North Bend" under tho general law for tho incorporation ol Cities .Mid towns in thu state ol Oregon, nnd des cription of the boundaries ol raid p ro pe d city is na follows: Brgiuing at tho South-reat corner of lot six of Section fifteen, of Township Twenty.flvt South, of Itango Thirteen West ot Willamette Meridian, run thenco Northerly along tho West lino of Iota five nad six ot saul Section fifteen, and nloug tho West bo u miry of lote two, three and four of Section ten in said Township and Ranee, nnd tliruce Kasterlv along thu North lino of Jute one and two of said section ten, thence duo East to low water liuo of Coos Bay, thence Southerly along the low water line of Coos lii.y to point duo hast of the line dividing lot four of Section to said Tow nshlp and Bame equally into North and South halves thereof, tlicuco duo West on said line to tho West boundary line of said lot four, thence North along tho West boundary line of lots three and four of said Sectfou fifteen to the Socth boundary line of the North west quarter of tho North-eastquarter of said Section fifteen, thenco west along said South boundary line of said North west quarter of North-east quarter and of lot six of said Section fifteen to tho placo of beginning. And we do hereby stato and represent to your honorable body that wo aro more than one hundred and fifty people who are residents and living within the boundaries abovo described and of said proposed City. W'ln Vaughn, J W Flanagan, L F Falkenstcin, K Biggs, F 11 L-ckwood. SiR Hanson, CMByler, WM Lawler, Jr. Altua Kingston, Ira L Wei'zel, Chas 8 Kaiser, T T Golden, C F McCollum, John Lindgren, M P 1'endergrass, J W Grout, C A Painter, Thos Itooke. H H Jones, A Wirth. A F .Morri?, F Kaiser, U ii Starbuck, ti K Walker. K.M Slianer, W H Condart, John H KckhoO, Chas Kckboff Jr., J G Horn, J J Burns, 0 .n Klr-jord, Kmil Nielcon, J CToelle, Hmil Fortell, C H Flitcroft, Victor Anderson, Walter S Cursons, D B Barton, J C Bridges, Ike Freelurxl, Frank Sleeper, r 11 Chapman, Fred V Lilientball, K B Fish, Miko Berghund, John b'andin, John Bernath, 3-H-4 GROSSMANN'S PATENT WRITING RING Thu most important improvement of he age in thu art of penmanihip makes he poorest writer a pplendid penman in t few weeks by tho use of this ring. Kodorsed by prominent College Presi Isnta and Boards of Kducation in K11- opo and America, riample dozen ae- jorted sizes sent post paid for J 1.00, sin le sample iOc. When ordering a single ring, state whether for man, woman or child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. No. 110 S. Fourth St, Philadclrihia THE YORK NEW WORLD TEJB1CE-A-WEKK EDITION Read wherever tho English :s Spogen Lauguagc Tho Thri:e-A.Week World was a orilliant succesa in the beginning and ibb been steadily growing ever since, rime is the test of all thinps, nnd has ,et its Heal of approval on the Thrice-a-vVeek World, which ia widely circulntea n every State and Territory of tho Un on, and wlieretyer there nro people who an read our mother tongue. This papt-r for the coming winter and he year Wi, will make its newa ser vice, if potaible, more extentlvo thnn !ver. All events of importance, no mat ter where they happen, aro re ported accurately and promptly. The enbscriber, for only one dollar a year, geta three papera every week and noro nona and general reading than flost great dniliet can'furnish st five or iix timi'B tho prlre. The Thrice a-Week-Wcrld is ano utely fair in itn political hhwm. Pur tiean bias ia never allowed to affect ilH ncwa columns, and Democrat and Re publican alike can obtain in its page truthful accounta of all the great politi cat campttigne. ... V ndi!",0.n '? ? 'no "?ws J10 lhrIce-a-Week-iorld furniahea tjie ' best serial fiction, elaborate market reporta and other features of interest, The Thrice-a-Week-WorliPa reuular auhpcription price ifl only 1.00 per year and tlila paya for lot! papera. Wo offer thla uneonaled newspaper and Weeklv UOAbT MAIL together one year for The regular Riihacription price of the two papi-ms J2.C0 8sffloa!ooaoaE.(o'? IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS' AfiVWIinilB AT ANYTIMB Call on or Wrlto E.C.DAKE'S ADYERTISIKG AGEKCY . 64 & 65, Merchant' Exchange i SAN FRANCISCO. CAt. . i8gt)tix(? TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 11, 1878. - NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Stoic Lnnd UlVicc, Koscburg, Oregon,. ,., Jan. s- XV' Notice Is hereby gltvn tlul in compliance with the tiv Munsof the ncl of fncu-t of Juno j, iB-8. entitled "An net for the sale of uniuei mims in me Mates ot, (.niiiurnia, uio gon. Nev.ul,. mid Washington Territory," ns extended to all the Public loind Stitci by net of August 4. tllo . UMI I.IWI t...'.tSVI.V of Marshfield, county, of Coos, slate ol Ore gon, hat this day tiled in this ottkc his suom statement No J3.c, for lite vmrchasa ol the Southeast quarter, of Section No, a,, in Township No. 37 S. Kiiiiga No 11 West, nnd ill offer proof to show lli.l tho lind mmitht l more valuable for Us timber r I stone t!uii for acttcultimit purposes, mut lo taulil ills claim to Mhl Mini lielorn V. 1 lVugt,'. t' S. Commissioner for Prrgvn it .t.uihhihl.Crrgon. un Saturday, the mst t y ol March, ioj He naiuet as witnews: Wll .tAxgan, of Mnrahfield Or.. F K Taylor. K Whitley, 1 oe Xeeley.of Fawvk. Or, ' Anv and all perrons claiming adverse)' ih" above doribctl Units nrr requested to lile tbear I'lami in this ottwvon or before said ant iU of Match, 190-j t 10 . T. IlKitxiKs, Keglster. TIM UK K l..Nl ACT JCNK II, 187S NOTICK FOB PCBI.ICATION. United Slum I.aml Ortice, Kosvburg. Oregon, Jan. a;, lyoj Notice Is hereby civet that u compllancr tlU the pwvuionsof the Act of CoCKrvw ol June 3. 187a, eittitieii, 'n net lor trio viw 01 IiiiImt Umli in the States of ('alifornm.Onrgon. .railn nnd Washington 'rertitiKv.' ns e.teinl- j J iI to all the Public Liud States by net of Au- WILLIAM R. STlllltS. of MarifWWI, County of t'os. late ot Oreton has tills day fileil In llns otlicc Iiu jviorn suie nient No. 4373. for Ihe iiurclui; of Die SWjf of Ni:i-4. NWi-4oPSKi.4, Ki-j of SW 1-4 of Sec. No 19, In I'p N6N5 S. K No 11 W. an J will offijr proof 10 shot that the land jouclitls more valuible for lis tnnl"cr or stone than for agricultural purposes Atiit to cstibli.li his claim to akl land before W. U. Dom-las. C S. Commissioner for Oregon, at .t.mhfield, Oregon, on S.tiunUy. the 11 day of April, 1901 He names ai oitnestev Floyd Ootlelt. C U Smth. Kd Coficll, E CofTelt, alt of Marsh flrifl, OreRon. Any and all persois clalpijng adversely the above described lards ate reqtie-ted to lite their claims In this ctticc en or before sale if day of April, 1903. ' 1-30 J, T. IlKlocns, Kcyltl.T. riMBF.l. LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1S7S NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Koscburg, Oregon. 1-cb. 4, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance 1 uitli ihe provision of the act of Congress of lur.c I 3, 187B, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon. Ne vada, nnd Washington Territory," as cxfnijcd to all the Public l.and Stales by act of August ' ' ANTHONY STAMHCCK, of Marshfield, county of Coos, State of Ore. gon, has this day $in in this ofhec Ins suorn Statement No. 450. for the purchas; of 'he SJf of SJ,' S-tion No. 31, In Town thin No. 36 South, Kange No 11 West, and will oiTcr proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and 10 establish his claim to taid land before W. U Douglas, U S f.'oit. 1 nnssioner for Oregon, at .larthh-M, O.eg- n, op j Saturday, the ad diy of May. ir03 lie nanies as MiincKcs. ix-sicr .-hiiiwi, ies: Smith, Alvin Smith, William UoncbraLe, all of MnrshfleUI, Oregon, Any anil all persons claiming adversely the abovr-Ur-ti;ntwd lands are rcijted to liUr their claims In this olftce on or tclofe said 2d day of May, i;'3 J. T. UkltwKa, Kcguter. 3-ji TIMBKB LAND, ACT JUNE.'!. LS7rf. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UnitodStatrsUnd Office, Koteburg Oregon. trl loin KJ3- Notice Is hereby given that in complunce with theprosisKHitofthe act of Congress nf f j..v. j, .w. v.,,.v.. .... ..... .... .... ...... 1 timber Unds in 'he i'tates of Cihfornii. drt- g.n. Vesada. and Wasliinglon Territwy," as rxtended to all the Public 1-an J Stales by act of August 4, 1897. CARL A MAONEY. of Harrison, county of Koote run, sute of Ida ho, hat this (Uy filed in this otticc his sworn statement No 4P3. for the purchase of the Nl-.i j of SKr-4 ol See. 10. and N'K of SWi'4", SWi-4 f NWi'4 of Sec. No. rr.m Tp so. 34 h, K 11 west, and will offer proof to show that tl e land wjux'j! is more saluab4 fonts timber or stone tnn for agricultural purpose, and to establish ins claim to vk! lrd lfore W. V. IJoiikIhs, U. S. Commissioner, tor On-con, m t irshfield, Oregon, on 'I uet'lay. the lOtfi day of une, 1903. He name as wiin"S!et John I. M igney, of Harrison, Idaho. John Michelbrink, Henry Michclbrink, F F Fulli-r. of Al!etjny, Or. Any and nil persons claiming adtvrscltr the aboscilescribuil lands ure rcrmette) to file their claims in this office on or b tore slid 161I1 day of June, n33. sat I. T. Hkiixji's, Register. TIMBEB LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, Nunc E FOB PUBLICATION Unitwl Suites I .and OflV e.Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. jo, ir3. Nottr is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions of ihe act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An net for the s.ik- of umUr lands in the Stilus of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory, 'as extend, i-d 10 all ihe Public Land Slates by act of Au. gust 4, 1803, WALTER L CONDRON, of Marslifwld, county of Coot, Mate ol Oregon, r.i'nt No 4483. for the purchase of die K of SKt-4, NW1.4 of NKi-4, Sec. 10, tml s 1.4 of Mum. of S-c. No, 3. in Tp N". 34 South, Range No, 13 West and will offer pr Jof to show that the Ian isoughi is more valuaMe for ,tt ""-' or siot.o .liars for agricultural pump-. hi t ntunv liled in uiw ornco rus sworn ti.ne lui'i iu ri uj.im ins (.1 tun 11 i ! t"""'" W U. DoukIix, V. S. Commissioner for Ore. gon at Mnrtlifa-ld. Oregon, on S.iturdjy, the r,th day of liny, IW3. Hi' names as vOtnetsos: Chai Nohlo, W II NobW, L M Noble, D.isld nussen, all of surh field, Oiegon. .Any and all persons claiming nilvcrsely the alMve-de criliwl lands aru rfjuested lo file thtii thiiUiH in this office on or before said olh day jof M.7, ifj. . T. liuiu;i:i, RegUtur. s-s8 TIMBEB LAND ACT, JUNE ,'J, 17(3 - NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Jums Lind Otfice, Roieburg, Oiegon, I'll a, Kg. Notlu- is liornKy 1;ivi;n thlt In vompnauu with the provhioiis ol ihe net of Coigies; o' June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sals ol Tiinticr Intuit In (lie Sinirs of Cnllfotiita, Ore eon. N'eswiln. ami Washington 'IVultorv." 111 mteuilcil 10 nil the l'ulillc Lnul Stittes by net ol' (WISUH , IByj. I'KANK TIJUHV, ortUanlifietd, county of Costs, ulnto of Ore ghn, Ins this il.iy HUM - in this olllco tils swoin sl.ttrinrni No. .111'., for thn initcluso ol iheNllof NV4,.SU of NWJ of Section No. 31, ToMittltlpaoS, of Range 11 W,. ttttl will oiler ptoof to .show th it tho In ml lotiejit ,ls inoic sithi.itile for lis timber or Mono Ih.iu for iieilcuitumi imriMises, 111111,10 esininisn Ills cl.iliu to Mid find before W, U, Do'il.u. U.S. Cominlstloiier for Oregon, nt Miirshhchl, Uii gon, on Saturday, tho ad dav of May, 1901, lie iiame is witnesses; W II Morgan, Jesse Smith, U W IWc, of Mdtshliehl, Or., V U lavtor, of Knlivlew, Or. Any unit nil (H'tSiins clulmlni; ndversely the aWtvn il.ertbed lands me requested to lile their clilms In thlsolhce on or lief 010 &.ikl ad day ol .l.sy.iyoj. a-J 1 J. T. Hki mills, itegliler. TIMBF.B LAND. ACTMUNK II, 1878, NOTICK FOB PUBIjICaTION. United Mate Land Jllice, Kosebtirg.Oregnn. Feb. 17. ir3. Nolh-e Is hereby j;lven that In iiuplanee with ihe provisions of ihe act ol C'ongrrvs nf June 3. 1B7B. eiitllUl "An net for the vile ol limber lands In the M.iIps of I'aliforula, Oip ion. Nesaila, and Wtittungton Territory," nt extended to nil the Public Liml Males by net of Aweutt . iKa. WILLIAM F I-NWSUN. of Kwliutg. county t)f DoukI.is. state of Ore gon, lias this day llletl In this olhee lils tnoiu l..rPviw d'7.. v..1 -. V,V'ti"'!'; ! " outh. Krtiine No. tl Writ, and will oflcr ptool to slum that Ihe lind souiiht It moie valinbte " vi 1 -s,-sruii ' w. ni siiiiii u "i v for 1 s limber or stone thin for acriciiltiir.il pur- 1 ihmW. and lo i-ttabli-h his clilm ti mM laud j tK'fiue the Itegnier and Itrcedrr of this tithee j at Koscburg. Orrgoo. on 1'ucid.iy. the uthdity ' of May, n)i He names as xsiintssot; Jqhn (i.vrns, CImiIcs Tliom, John Thorn, Joseph Weittlierhy, nil of Keeburg, Oregon, Anv mid nil ersons claiming adversely the ahote doKnbMl lands are rtiiucsletl 10 lite their claims In this ollicc on orlx-furr s.nd uthdayof ,tay, 1903. J. f. ItKiiKits. IteKister. a-ai-p TLMBKB LAND, ACT JUNK :i, LS7S NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United Stales l-aml Ollice. Kosetmii" Oregon, Pel). 101I1, J903. Nonce Is hereby Riven that in compliance Hiih the provisions of the ncl of Cungrrss of une 3. i8;3, entitled "An net for the sale of umber hunts in the Stales of '.nhfornla Oiegon. Ncvnd.'..aml WashinRlon Territory,'' as es tended la all the Public Lind Slates by act ol Aigust '. 1391. .fYKTLE HAYNIiS. of Marshfield. county of Coos, state of lire Koti. has this day filed In this office her saorn statement No 4431, for ihe tiurehasc of the Southeast (urtrr of Section No. 3, Township 37 South, of Range No. is West and Mill olfer proof to show that Hip land sonjhl is more v-altuhlc for lis titular or stone than for n-rlcnl-turnl purposes, and lo establish her claim to said Lind before W. U, DoueUs, U S (' -niniittion rr for Oregon nt Marshtield Oregon, on S.lur. dav the 3d day of ,!.iv. 1001 nue names ns witnesses: KII.Nolle, W II Nnble. W F Noble. Chas Noble, all of .Irtish field, Or. Any and all perons claiming ndvencly the above-describctl tinds are requested to file their cLtims in this oltkc on or belore .said 3d day of May. 1&03. J, T. Hkukji.s, liegislcr. 33t TIMBKB LAND. ACT JUNE .', 1878. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Unil.-d Sutet liind Orticc, Koseburp, On'Ron. Feb. w, ir03. N itice is lie'tby given that In compliance vtfiii the provitionsoi ihe act ofConrrtsof June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber kinds in Ihe Slates of California, Oreno'n, Nrv.v iU, and Washington 'Irriilory. ' as e- ended lo all ihe I'ublic I-ind Matesbyact of Aiiiriut 4. ioj' DANNIlil.DIMMICK. . of .'.farthfihl. county of Coos, Sute of Oregon, hnsihuday filmlm Ihlt ollice his sworn state ment No 44t . for the purchase of the l)t 4 Src. it. Tp a6 S. K 1 1 W, ntri IJts 3 and 4. of Sec. No 6. in Township sj South, ot Kange 11 Wr. am! will oflcr proof 10 show tluit the Una sought ft more valuable for lit limlter or ttoni thnn for .ignculltirnl purKK-s. nnd to rstnblisl. Iiu cLllftl In ulfl l.infl l.fn,. W I' lltunla j. S. Commissioner for Uresrn.' nt' Marshfield Orion. on Kncl.iv ihr itt ,l.,v nf Maw iri n.-nnniM ns Miinrun. V II tiLm nl Marshfield. Or.,ls Neely, F K Taylor, lohn u.iriiy. 01 r.iirvievv, ur, Any nnd all ixrsons claiming ndvcrvly ihe alios i--!escrilel lands are rrpititi to file ilieir claims in this office on 0 before said 1st day of. Iay. ir3, a-31 , J. T. IIkidoks, Register. 1 TINIIBR LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United r-tten Land Olllco. Kosoburg Oreijon. Jan. 5 1WKI Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of tho net ol Congresa of' June II, 1878, entitled 'An net for the rale of timber htnda in the KtntiiH of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Waahinglon Territory," na oxtentlfd to all tho Public Land Btutua by act of August 4. 1RU2 BICIIABD J. COKE, of Mnrehfiold, county of Cooa, Stnto of Oregon, has thla day file I in this ollictijT nibjiworn Biuieuiuni. imi. i i , iur uio; Surcnaso 01 1110 1.01 ami j.i z 01 hi.i-i ectlon 27 and NWI-I of '.HW 1-4 of Section No. 2 In Townshii) No. 21 8, Range No. II W, and will offer proof to ahow that tho land sought la moro vnluabln for ite timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish bin claim to said hind before W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt .Marshfield Oregon, on .Monday, thu 30th day of March, 11)03, IIo natnes;8a witnesses: A A A rider eon, Allegany, Or.. F A Kelly, Marh fleld, Or , Fred N011I1, Allegany, Or., en... v,...i. .rni.it..i.i n Anv and all nerKona cla'iulni; advorflc-1 y thu abovo-do'cribod Inni'.w aro re (ideated to lllo their claiiriH in thla nfllnu on or before tnid ,'lOth day of Mnr, IliOII. j-1'4 J. T. JtMUHiiM, Bugibter. Tllli HIOOCBT BKSHA'flO.V I'.VKIt VIVIIUIIK LILT PUT C o 1 a p s a b I c Pocket -STEKEOSCOPH APPARATUS Tho einalhiBt SterooiTopo with ilm HtronuiHi optical effect. U'glilylinlrihu' in el ffnrent colora with rich gold ati silver decorations (mounting, 'iucliid. , (Kuiiiu)- PRICE ON A $ Mi. frvn ovt7whei prepaid in iiiiur v' AOEt'lri WAM'M), "LILIPUT S'ICH0stOJ,l: CO, FORREST BUILDING, i'hilndolpl 'i . A Scvore Accident (Ccqtiillo Utillutln) l.nst K uu ilny iivotiliit; wltllo rcluriiliig from Ihiiulon Mrs. K. Boyd, of Hits oily, mot with tjullo a Hovoru accident. In . . .1, company with suvoral olhurn ho """. Biiting on tho niter deck, when A gits: ol wind hluw over 11 plucool i turnery tisotl by tho Slur Comrily Co. Thu falling ploco struck Mrs, Boyd 011 tho hack ot Uio huud and nlthougli tho pleuo wns very light tho shuck rontlored svurt mi III eluiit to cause ttueoiisciotisnuss, which I tidied about au hour and 11 half Wo nru now more than plimtu'd In alnlo Unit tho lady Is progressing ulcely iiud will aooubu hortoll igtilu. SHORT"5TO"niES.k' Vk,' Thoro uro iihottt ri,o(H).(W0 of which fnnns In !l,tMR),()H) tho I'nlted .Stilton, jumbico com, Tlw tiverngo cot of pro -r . ilifultig 1111 nero of corn Is $f.7!l. (iroiiml for thn new atnlo eupltol r.t HiitTlKhiirg, Pn linn been lirnUi'ii. Thu hiilhUug will cost ?I,IHH),(KKI 11111I will be completed In Jitmiiiry, HXHJ. Ouf niitloiiiil I'lipltnl hold-t wlutt In prolmhly n wtirhl'M record In lettrr writing. Ktich liihnhltiiiit HpeinlHnbiiiit f;i.'J." yearly In the purchnNo of poHtugu HtllllipH. A movement U on foot In .St. LoiiIm to erect n tiKuiuiiii'iit to tho uiQimiry of II. Urtitz Brown, it former governor of MNmitirl and 11 cundlilitto for vice prert ldoiit 011 tho Oreeley ticket In 1S7"-'. Tho fnmniiM Wnril MeAlllnler funnr nenr Newpiirt, It, I., whom MeAlllHlur wmto tho edition do luxe of "Wlmt 1 Know of Society," Iiiih been rentetl tt Mortin Burr', mi Irltli furmer, for fnriulug purpoicit. Sleeping car tlcketrt bearing tho III tornnl reveuuo war tnx Mump re turned to tho treiiHiiry ili-pnrtinoiit for ri'huto filled tbfrty-Hlx eanea and welglmd H0 tout. It will take nix, elerkH Hov'eral moiithn to nroiort them. ' There Ik not n Mingle negro In either hotiHu of thu .South Cnnillnn gciicnil riHtenihly thin year. It la the II rat time that lint been tho case alnco tho en frnuchlMoiucnt of the negro, although InHt year theru wiim but otto colored member. I'1. P- N a. NEWS DEALEB Latent "ft 11 n Kr unci h c tl 11 I I " C U' I oh. ATI The I T T L E It Y A N l" I S 11 Ii m c r I p 1 1 p n p o r m a 11 d ; rilo clgarn an I tohiti Jt. ? -. . .?. 'X ' ... . .. ,'m. .y. :i: Y -frH-f-H-Ht-H-4-H Hf4l4-H-4sH-H-K'-H-H LUMB I 1x1,1 wsssmssmssm BtesaSSSiSS!lBiB3SaSsliffi3!StKr H - 4 - H - H - H That is what we have ta'sell. and w , ( we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE " QUALITY MIMSkMWlttMtNttMMtMMtBtMtMtaBMtMtHttllltlWtMtailtlttatMI is guaranteeil and the price is right. , StSMMSMSHSMtHtV OUR STOCK INQLTTDES anything recinired in Fir. Spruce, ' 1 .--.- ,, --i-HMMnsMnifsTTfiiiiir ssn i sinssstf twiiinii nr - r 1 J Red and White.Oedar. i- :l SOCCOCffl iSfMPSON LUMBER CO. t is PJionc Alain 151, t .- R-I-P-A-N-S iTabulcfe Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Tho fl emit pniikot In tuiiMigh for tisunt OCCIIflltlllH, I'lin liiiullv liotllo (00 ri'iils) iwiiiisiiin it niii'iuv lur u rimi, oil itriiK glotH boll tlit-iu. ......1 .i,.,. .. 1. i.. . ...... , 11 .1..,.. F stand Commodious 1 . 11 Steamship CCIdjVj?E .j. HAROWICK, Master. .-. j M11 It oa regular trips btttwnii Hun Fran- ciSQOiinil Porllniiil vln lliiinholdt and Coom Bay, calling at ntiove porta ench wny. Tho ALLIANCE Is n llrfl-olrjsi patten Her ho.tl, mill Imi nil thn mod ern rouveuleiiriiri.niid Innuu of lliu flints-tit nteitiiitirn of her clnsri For freight ami passeugur rntos or nail ing dales, apply to C.H.MERCHANT.Aet MABHHFIELl), :: : OBECION t THE STEAMER ARCATA- . Xlil.bOX, Mrnitn. Vill .lilt It n llcttiilitr 'l'rlpsr -BETWEEN- COOS BA.Y AND- SM FKANCISCO -CABBYINO- PA8SEHGERS AND FREIGHT AT -LOWEST RATES. ! Oregou Coal A Navigation Co , Propriutoss. ( K.S.DOW, Agent. .Marshfield, Oregoa H.O. CO. Agont, Empire Olty, Oregon 4 0 It T 0 N. .VO AflENT l v a P c. f a n ti d P o r t 1 11 11 d e a il i 11 k M it K n . i 11 0 h . P L A Y I NO (J A iTTl ' 0 11 h fur nil periodicals. : i .Slalloncry, Jewelry, itntinn- A PitfttWW ttfuwufr - fH - H 1 1 Nortll BClld . ER H-HI--4-M-W-HWHrI-H4W M jA I r NE9 Kil 'JW' "" JU,