Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 14, 1903, Image 8

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yjfmniD 'v "Fytf7Tfm'V-'
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From Thursday's Dally.
Z. T. Thomas, of Allegany, was doing
dusineuin. (own yesterday.
E. R. Jones has bought tho Isaac
Wilson ranch on Daniels creek and will
movo to tho place with his family ia n
few days.
A, Rideout is actios; ua nightwatch
man at tho depot, while Thos. Coke as
sists at one of the train crew.
Tho people of Coquilio City and the
Arago and Fiehtrap neighborhoods are
preparing to build a telephone lino
throopb those sections.
The Homer arrived from San Francis
co last evening after a quick trip np the
coast, having left the city at midnight
Monday. She will load coalfromBeaver
Hill and lumber from the etavemili.
Rudy Mike's Diary March 12, 1903.
The high school boy juat beginning ad
vorlitting work has the satisfaction of
seeing his advico carrying more weight
than that of tbo man who knows bis
advice is different.
-i m i
Schooner Libeled
Sheriff Gallier came over Tuesday and
arrested the Schooner Annie E. Emale
on complaint of Hail & Hall attorneys
(or a number of ship carpenters bold
ing claims against tho vessel aggregat
iog abont 11400. E. O. Hall and A. G,
Aiken were placed in charge of tho ves
sel. A telegram baa since been received
to the effect that Captain Colstrup will
arrive here Friday with money to Eottle
all claims against tho schooner.
A Rush for Timber
An Albany "dispatch saya: C. H.
fitewart and Misses Lib Irvine, Hattie
Hamilton ana Maggie Chambcra re
turned Saturday night from a trip to
Rend, on the line of Crook and Klamath
counties, where they took up timber
claims. Three hundred miles were
traveled by wogou through snow, and
three feet o! snow was on the ground in
t.'ie timber belt. A large crowd of
Eastern people was pn the field, one car
bad coming from be far as Pennsylvania,
There seemed to be a prevailing senti
ment that clainiB will be worth at least
J3.000, And eotno takiug them up, do so
wth the intention of holding seveial
years for n fancy price.
From Frlday'o Dally.
The Alliance is expected from Port
land to'ayji'rotv.
Norls Jensen' haB returned from a
business trip to San Francisco.
Dr. McCortnac is putting in a now and
tul-itanlial sldo walk in front of his
residence on, A ctreet.
Ohas. Bear, of North elough, brought
in a scow load of hay for II. Songecack
en yesterday.
' - -
Geern Brownoll, Eddy and Harris
haveetth,'decIrf'red'ho ia not a candidate
'lor tue bongrMflional nomination,
11 ! , 1M
An American squadron, consisting of
the Chicago, Cincinnati and Machiaa,
arc cruising in tho Medlteranean.
Rusty Mlko's Diary, March 13,1003
Wrlting Rusty Miko it liko golnc a flail
ing It's iun when you get something
but if you don't It's
E. W. Smith returned yesterday from
a trip to tho Cooa rircr hatchery, and
Iran accompanied by hia brother Frank,
superintendent of tho hatchery.
A case of amall pox has boon dis
covered in the penitentiary. Tho con
vict afllicted ia E. E, Stevens, recently
sent from Baker City. As soon as dis
covered he and hia cell mnto wore iso
lated to tho attic hospital.
0. W,'. Patorson, who went to San
Francisco on tho last Areata, submitted
to an operation Tuesday, 'A telegram
from his surgeon yesterday was to tho
effect that Mr. Paterson was resting
easily with a good chanco for recovery.
Of tho 77 cases on tho Lano county
court docket for tho March torrn, 12 were
for divorces. Of tho 10 criminal cases
one was condemed to death, live were
sent to the penitentiary, jono got three
months in the county jail, and the other
was not apprehended.
TbeJ A. N.lW. Club met at tho
home of Mrs. J. R. Rochon Thursday
afternoon. Over QO wore present. Delic
ious refreshments were served and a
profitable hour was spent, Next Thurs
day evening tho lace-makers will meet
with Mrs. S. H. Hazard.
The Epworth leaguo beldjta regular
business meoting at tho Methodist
church Wodnejday evening after which
tho young people repaired to the home
o! M. R. Brown in West Marahfiold,
where a very pleasant social evening
was passed.
W, TJ. Douglas ia attending to busi
ness in a somewhat crippled state, as
the result of a alight accident which
occurred Wednesday "at Beaver Hill
while he and some other train passen
gers were visiting the mine, a amall
bone in hia right foot being fractured.
Dime Social
The Preabyterian Ladies' Aid gave a
dime social Wednesday evening at Jas,
Forty's residence. A large crowd was
present and every body had a good time.
Run out of Town
Wm. Homaday, who haa been cooking
at a chop houso in town, waa run out of
the city by Marshal Carter yestirdoy.
The fellows was accused of stealing a
small eumof money from a young man
at one of the hotels, and also of attempt
ing to purloin a watch. Ho was put
across the bay to East Marshfleld,
where he hit tho road to the eastward
Dastardly Act
Some miscreant on Tuesday night
damaged the handsome gilded eaglo be
longing to John Preass, which stool on
a post at tho cornor of tho Red Cross
Drug Store. The large watch which
1 suspended from the eagle'a bill was
! wrenched off and taken away, and the
eaglo itself was bent forward at
an anglo evidently in an attempt to
tear it from ita fastenings.
If tho perpentratora of the net can be
apprehended they should be severely
dealt with.
Had an Oyster Stew
A few days ago after the arrival of
the Bteamors, J, W. Tibblttsroaeiycd n
largo lot of frozen oyetere, Ho hired
some emall.boyd to take them tothe cold
etorogo plant, Tho boya did aa they
were told hut instead of taking them to
the ico plant they took them to the
Czarina, wb'ch tboy thonght was tho
cold Btorago steamer. They left tho
oyetora and when Tibbltte discovered
tho mistake ho iont for tho oysters, but
the crow on the Czarina, it seems, know
pretty well what good oyatera are and
by tho titno the messengers arrived (or
them they had got .away with seven
qunrta o( the bivalves. Mr, Tibbltle haa
como to the conclusion by thii titno
that tho gang on tho Csarlna vroro
juat about ri(o tor oysters.
Brass Alonky and Cigarette.
One day there was n brass monkey in
a show window of a cigar atoro, which
worked automatically, and when tint
cigaretto was put into its hands, it drew
it to nnd fro, and puffed tho smoko just
liko n live porcou. Rut after nn Illicit
stopped," nud no oil or anything vlio
would make.it work. So they took it
apart, and to their groat surprise they
found tho machinery inside clogged
with tobacco, and it would not work
until it was cleansed. What do you
suppose cigarettes will do lor tho ma
chinery of a boy hia heart, lungs, liv
er, brnin, etc. if they will do that tor
tho machinery of a brass monkey? It
can do much worao: It can kill a boy
by affectiuc his machinery. It can
keep him from having good steady
norves, a clear brain, n strong heart, nnd
tough muscles for tho work of life, be
fore it does kill. Ex.
Myrtle Point Enterprise pleaio copy.
Grants Two Llcens and Pays
Tho town board mot last evening
with Mayor. Coke, Recorder Hyde,
Councilmen Nelson, Noble, Norton and
Stauff, City Attorney Farrjn, City
Treasurer Hall and Marshal Carter
being present,
The applications for liquor liconro of
T. F. Crawford and C. A. Mooro . woro
Tho billla of John Bear for a ton of
coal, fi.50and Mrs. Flitcruft for board
ing and nursing Grant Eggers with Iho
amali pox 15 days, $15, wero ordered
John F. Hall appoared boforo tho
council to present a petition from prop
erty owners on Pine stroet, asking that
a certain structnro recently erected by
J. H, Milner adjoining his hardware
store be removed. The matter was
la'd over for investigation,
This poiut was reached about bedtime
and other matters hero acted upon
Alan, Poor Man!
This ia what a lady editor o( a Georgia
paper saya about a man: "What is
man? Man that's horn of women is
in small cabbages and (ow in a patch.
infancy he is full of colic, paregoric
and catnip tea, and in old age ho Is full
of cusa words and rheumatism. In hia
youth hie maternal anceater taketh him
ccroEB her kneo and extends to him all
the sympathy, in her naturo with tho
heel end of a slipper, and when ho ia
a man ho dogfth tho tax collector nnd
sheriff until by eomo hook or crook sell
ing bad liquor, rotton cheoEb and
mackerel heads, while beating around
tho bush ho gathers in a few shickcls,
then ho becomes puffed and haa n
breath like a camphor treo and gctteth
a political situation. Yes, becomes a
great good and very pious alderman, and
hie friends cling to him liko sand-burrs
to your pauts legs. Ho ewelloth with
vanity nnd cutteth frozen wator for a
time, but is melted aa wax in a fire at
the next election and casi in thu ash
barrel where hiannmo is Dennis. Out
of office his friends forget to cling liko a
vino around a rotton Htump'and ho
soon goeth busted, which maketh him
lio down iu tho pasture whore the red.
bugi got Into hia hair and undercloth
ing. He gooth out of tho world and into
a place where itia toohot to wear clothe.
Verily, tho end of that mau ia worse
than tho beglnulng and the band play
ed "a hot time in tho old town." ,
Mrs, J. A. Mateon waa a home-coming
paeBengor on tho Homer,
From Saturday's Dally,
The schooner Jessie Miner arrived
lion Roberta, of Tonmlle, was ia town
yesterday on business.
It is supposed that tho Alliance left
Portland Inst evening,
The skiff recently ntolon from
Jensen-has been recovered,
Jus. Rooko ia preparing to paint his
resideuco in South Marshllcld.
J. II. Miluor started for Portland'
yesterday on a business trip, going by
way of Drain.
Si Noah brought down two scow loads
of ship kneor yesterday for 8. R, Davis,
to bo shipped to San Fraucisco,
P. G. Pdtcnoti was In town yojtorday
buying supplies and Implements (or hit
logging camp on North Cooa river.
John Nabb brought in a ioae of potatos
from his North slough farm yosterday
tor ahtpmont to tho San Francisco mar
ket. j
Mra.Potor Johnson, of Coquilio City,
como over on yesterdays train for n low
days visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cbas.
Nordstrom in South Marahflcld.
Tho woman's Club will met this nftor
noon at tho homo of Mrs. U. T. Colo
man. All Indies interested in tho Coffeo
Club arc requested to be present.
Rusty Mike's Diary, '.March 14, 1003
The (act that so many men of No. 12
brains aro practlcim: advertising, should
in itself eot'the man with a No. 4 brain
to thinking.
In an item of tho A. N. U. W. Club
in Friday morning'a parcr it.atatcd tho
club was to meet with Mrs, 8. II. Haz
ard on Thursday ovenlnc, Tho mooting
will be on Thursday aftornoon,
Norls Jenson saya
paya to advertise in
He recently went to
buy goods. That fact
that it certainly
tho Coast Mail.
San Francisco to
waa stated In tho
Mail and eotno ono wont around and
stole hia skiff, right away.
J. W. Green of Lano county who makes
annual trips to tho Bay to look after
fruit trees for the horticulturists Is hero,
Mr Greenclaimsto fullyundoretand every
dotail of horticulture and haa had a
great deal of excorienco. Mr. Orecn
has just proved up on his homestead
and will again dovoto hia ontiro timo to
hia business, that of doctoring orchards,
B. V. P. U.
Don't forgot to attend tho Young
People's meeting tomorrow evening at
tho Baptist church. Tho meeting will
be led by Mrs. A. II. Hodgina. Morn
ing services at 11 a. in. and ovening
services at 7:30 p. m. all am welcome
Baptist Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m preaching
eervleo at 11 n, m Topic "Tho Do
vinity in Humanity" text John X: 31
35, 30. B. Y, P, U, at 0:30 p. in. Even
iugeorvicoat 7:30 p. m. Topic "Tho
Gadara Demoniac" text Mark C:2-5,
Thursday 'd prayor moetlnK a 7:30 p. m.
Presbyterian Church
Subject of morning cormon tomorrow
at Ua.m.,"A Religious Encampment."
Evening service will boon"A Pereonnl
Invitation." Sabbath tcliool nt 10 n, m.
The O. K, meeting at 0:30 p. m. Tho
pastor xpecta to hold Lunton Servian
next week each evening. You aro cordi
ally invited to attend.
Methodist Church
Regular Horvicos at tho Methodiet
church Sunday March 15th ob follows:
Sunday school nt 10 a, m, preaching at
11a. ro, subject, "Tho Resurrection o(
tho Body,"' Epworth Leaguo 0:80 p, m.
preaching nt 7:30p, m. aubject "Tho
Greatoa( Pureult of Life," All are
welcome td' alUorvlces,
Board Issues Orders
Rolatlon Thereto
At its meoting Thurtd.ty night,
town board mado several crdora
treut matters.
It was directed thnt notlco ho Riven
for tho paymonl of tho money nsicascd
mr too improvement of Firat slrcot
from the louth linn of A strict to tho
south lino of Quoon Avcnuo, Thla In-
clndoa the bridge over Mill alotigh.
Notlco was also ordered glvon (or Iho
paymonl of assessment (or improvo
mont of A street from tho now Im
provement at Front atroet to tho eaa
lino ol Fourth streot.
It waa directed thnt notlco bo given
(or tho Improvement ol Washington
Avonuo from tho oast line of Railroad
street to the wcttorlr to tho end of
Washington Ave. plank roadway. From
the brldgo to tho east aide ol Graham
itrcut lojto be graded down to tho grade
nlrcady established and covered with
telegraph hill hallait IS feet wldo, IB
Inches deep nnd tho center and taporiug
down to nlno Inches on each sldo.
Balnea street (rom tho south lino of
Washington Avenue to Coalbauk slough
it to be surveyed and a grado establish
ed and hi street open J, This strectlira
half way bvtwtou thu end of Washing
ton avunuo bridge and Graham street,
tho lattor being the road leading by tho
I. O. 0, F. Comotory.
Stand by Your Town
Gut interested iu your town and stand
by it. If a rich man atarta a project,
encourago him; or a poor man help him.
Don't bo afraid to stick your hand in
your pocket. If you havo means Invest
in something tnat will give omployment
to somebody. Do not kick on every)
proposed Improvement simply became'
it is not at your own door. Do all you
can to beautify tho town and your pro
perty alao. Bo (rlondly to everybody
and courteoua to atrangera, and nevor
forget thnt you aro a part of tho town
and that your own deportment does ita
sharo in giving tho town its character.
Sell and buy all you can at homo. Stand
by nil othor enterprising cltlxens and bu
realytodo soma of the work yourself;
don't grumblo or spend your time In
prophesying failures. Ex,
Artieioa oi incorporation oi tho sea-
sido Spruco Lumbor Company havo
been filed In tho County Clerk's ofllco of
Clatsop county, The Incorporator are!
A. S. Froilid nnd II. M. Froslld, of Hon
side, and J. Roaliolt, of Minneapolis,
.Minn, and thocapitol stock Is f 250,0:0,
divided Into 2500 shares of $100 each.
Tho Company succeeds tho Necalcum
Spruco Lumber Company, which owned
and operated tho aawmill at Seaside.
and ita object is to conduct's sawmill
and logging business. It Is also author
ized to construct, equip nnd oporato a
lino ol Railroad from Seaside to eotno
poiut on tho Columbia River or Young's
I Almoit in In. Ilutlon.
Fred Your futher Ih u iiiiiii of Krout
prtseueo of mind, I am told.
; fitelln Yom, nnd of wedding presents
alao, Exchuugo. .i- .ih-,.'
I M t mm tmm
Oiegon, Mr.rch 11, lt03, Chaa Moo-
maw and Mho Lota BarrowB.
Both tho young pcoplo aro roaldents
of Corjulllo City, w hero tho groom con
ducts a barber shop. Thoy camo to
Marchflold on yestordnyd train and will
return to their homo Friday.
SCOTT In Marshfleld, Or. M-r. 7,
1003, to tho wlfo of H. A, Scott, a son.
SMITH Thursday March 5,"
wifo of Georg'j Smith, a son.
to tho
niciiiiosi) vnAiiaoK iionHOM.
Rtriietlou of some of the ahlpi thnt Ait
lulral Dowey nent to tho bottom of Mn
ulla buy, I.nter hu went to the 1'lilllp.
plucH to auporlutend tho work of unvnl
MMiil ruction nt Cnvltr. Hero bin eyo
trotiblo bceniii ro nruto that ho en
tered the Itoxpttnl nt Mnulln. A bonnt
of Htirk'eous examined him, and he was
ordered home.
HI iieo that lime he linn performed lit
tle If any active work In tho navy do
pnrtmeiit. Ho wan nnHlgueil to tlut ex
position nt liuffnlo In connection with
j1'0 nnvnl 'x'lllJ,. "" cr thnt cloik-d
I - nn p.iiii iu uio V'liimi'niou inir.
Nnvnl Comtructor Ilohnou linn tx-en
seoklni; rotlremi'iit for two yenm. lo
tun! tho muk of cnptnln on the pay roll
nnd his pny wiim $l,'.!0O per yenr." Ilnd
ho brcn retired ho would hnvo djnwit
thn-t'-foiirtlm pny for life. Ho com
pmlliiHl thnt his cyr n-ero wonk, and
nt his request two rotlrlng honrjls ex
utnlued him. Both nvortetl that ho Wu4
fit for nervlco.
He than had n bill Introduced In con
Krc providing for his rotlreinent. This
1m it wn also defeated, for nhnut thnt
time It Is mild that HoIihoii hud devol
opeit political nsplrntloiiN nud Hindu It
known thnt he propoii-d to run for con
Kreps from one of tho Aliihmun dls
trict. TIiIh killed his hope of helug
placed on tho rotlrod list by Hpeelul net
of cougrcui. ,
Ttio Baltaii of Mornre.
Mulnt Abdul Aziz, tho nultnti of Mo
rorco, whoso ndvuiieed IdenH hnvo
shocked bin HUbJccts, .wna born In IblH
and Bnccooded to tho throno on tho
Uouth of IiIh father, tho Into Sultnu Mu
lul Ilusun, Ju 1S0J.
U-' '. rfi
IIunImcmn Iimlliiot,
Tho following cpltnph miiy bo Been
In tho comotory of u purluh In tho en
virons of PmiH:
"Horo llofl Muio, N , wjfo of M.
N , miiHtor bhiclcHiuith. Tho railing
round HiIh tonib .wna mauufucturcd by
her husband,"
VPUr the Ifptintalt Wnr Hero nealarn
it I'rnm Itto Nnvy,
Cnptnln Richmond V. llolmoii, wlrouo
recent toalguntloii of IiIm coiiimlmilon In
tho United HtntoH nuvy canned nomo
thing of it NciiHiitlou In nnvul circles,
Kpruiitt from otim'iirlty to nallonnl fnmo
by HliikliiK thu collier Mcrrlnmc In tho
mouth of HnutliiRo Imrbor dilrliif? thu
Hpunluli wnr.
After bin rt'lcnmi from prison Cnp
lain Ilnltitou wmi engaged In rnlslui;
tho Hpiinluli wnrnlilp Mnrlu Thrroim,
nud tho work under tho llorrn sun of
tho tropica, flrnt caused tho oyo weak.
iwm.1 which Jh tho cnuso aligned by
Cnptnln llolmoii for his rcHlguiitlon
front tho nuvy,
Prom Culm Cnptnln llolmoii went to
Hongkom; to superintend tho recou
Ham. jBBfcfflaHprHi
sm'Jw 'V3amrwaMaa-tgwP?K.
KawkHa 7lRShirWBBaB
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