A--w- r 0- r j. ' r7 $ "i rtz -;v - r OFFICERS 7 CHANGED ABOUT NavyDepartmentQives New Commands Washington, March 7 Tho h'nvy de partment n decided to detach Captain Perry (torn tlin coinmnntl of tlio Iowa, untl nrilcti lilm to duty nt the uw York navy ynnl, relieving Cnptnin Barclay who (toui to Wnthliigton to taku com mand o( tliu lroinurtou yards. ' .Mninhflcld, nill lio placed n cotntnntiil ol tliu Iowa nml Wlldo koch to tliu Doa ton navy yards. CANADIAN PACIFIC STRIKE FALS OF SETTLEMENT Vnnsouvor, H. 0., March 7 Tho Canadian rnclllc strike c.iin,p near to ti'ttlupicut this morning but tho mil road conipnny Insisted Hint tho freiKht forumnn thotild hit non-union. Tliu t r i I; i r rcLiav, nml tliu sultlomnnt Inwff. l-'ivu hundred men nt Winnipeg were ordered out today. UOID ROBBERY ON SAN FRANCISCO CROWDED STREET Kan Franciico, March," Ah aiow, i Chinese merchant, was held up by a footpad In tho crowded street nt tliu door of tho Bank ol Cnllfornla nnd rob bod of $SiO at II o'clock today, Tho robber cecnpod with tho monoy which was all la coin. BELGIAN MINISTER SIGNS UP Washington, March 7 Tlio Bolginn protocol was signed this morning by Minister Bowen representing Venezuela nnd the Belgian minister. Tho itiHtru ntents nro prnctlcnlly identical with thoio of tho other powers. 'IrtS! s ws I hav had occasion to ui your! ?BIck.Drujht Stock and Poultry Mcdl cine and am pWased to say that never uitd anythlnrt for stock that stave half at good satisfaction. I heartily recom. mend It to an owncn oi itocx. J. D. UELSIinil. St. Louli, Mo. Rick stock or iHiultrr should not cat cheap stock food any nioro thnn nick persons uhould expect to bo owed by foqd. When your Htock uiul poultry nro bick (tivo mum moo icino. Don't stuff thum with worth lfss stock foods. Unload tlio bowels nnd ntir up tho torpid liver nnd tho nnitr.nl will bo cured, if it bo jiobbI bio to euro it, Block-Draught Stock nnd Poultry Mouicino uulonds tho ; bowels and stirs up tliu torpid liver. It cures ovcry malmly or stock it , I ntron ill timo. Sccuro u C.Vcont enn of Blnok-Draupht .Stock nnd Poultry Modiclno ana it win puy lor tueii ton times over. Hctbcui work butter, Cows uivo moro milk. Hogs aniii flosh. And hens lay more o(gi, It solves tho problem of mukinpins much blood. flesh ana energy as possible out or tho smallest ainottni of food con surued, Duy n can from your doalor. . . ( 1 1 DIRECTOR RESIGNS Has Worked Himself Out of a Job Wnihiiigton, Mutih 7 Former fiovcr nor Morilmnii, f,f Mitinoioltt, director ol tjiu ceiiBiif, cnlkd upon tho president th'n mot nlnu nnd formally tittidurod liln resignation to toko (.-(lyel Mny h'th, when the labors r.f tliu I'Jth census will ho prnetlatlly roirj lati'tl. Mr. Mctriuinii Paw the Koverntiicnl qcrvlcu to hccoi.m ircHldunt of it hut cntitllc agoncy ol Now York. Former Coiijtrorniinti Mctccc wJIL probnhly bo appointed to succeed li'm. POPE'S CONDITION AGAIN PRONOUNCED - SA'IISFACTORY Homo, March 7 I.npponl. thu I'opu'a phyriclntt today mnounced that his hollnoss' condition is nnin tntitliictory. FINAL ACTION MONDAY On the Panama Canal ! Treaty Washington, Mat 7 Tho Hcnnto com inlttco on fotolun tulntlons this tnornliiK con&Idorod thu I'.tnntr.n cnnnl treaty. Ffnnl action was postponed until Mon day nt tho request ol b'unnlor Money, ol Mlstourl, who i etirouto here. MorKan occupied tho ontiru timo. INTERESTING OCCUR ANCES Lively Times Aronnd the Railroad End ol ToYn ' Times woro fairly lively around tho railrond whnrl and InniKum yosterdny, Kngino No. 2 had bur emoke-Btnck, whistle, nnd other trimmings ecrnpudoff while backing out ol tlio conl bunker, through coming into collision with tho swinging doors. Shu wont to tho shop nnd No. 3 took Iter placu. Then tho echoonsr Ksilior Huhno wnB boarded by a couple of eeml-intoxlcntcd enllorBlroin another vosr-el, who wanted to tinvon friendly nnd convivial visit with tho crow. When tho inato order od thoiu nehoro they told him whoro he could go to, nnd whon Cnptniti Olson unmoondeclc nndrepoah)d tho ordo r they directed him to tho enmo place. Tho Captain then dovo bnck '.Into tho cabin nnd o.uno up witn n gun in each hand, nnd tho invndoru lost no time in gutting nshoto. Then thoy told him what thoy thought of him. Lator, tho schooner Annie- K. Smnlo, which hnd ilnlshed loading, was board cd by a repreBontfttlvo of tho ship enr pentorB who nro alleged to Imvo claims ngainst hor. Ho tools hia atand by tho enpstnn with ft hnndaplko, and an nounced liita Inlontion of holding tho ship, At InBt occounta ho was there yot. Too HoiinKIvu by Ilnlf. Tcretu'o (with tho hod) Yor not work In', Dlniile. Aro .ve. out of ti job? Dimnls-Stuv, OI full off n nlno stbo iy bulldln' ylstonlny, nn' Ol got iriad tin' quit. 1 Toii'tico-Aw, ko on! Yer- too Hlnsl tlvol-r-Judgo. . . .... . CENSUS .1 . . BIQ RIVER RISING M . X S8IS8II 301 i n sV OTs Yl ARMY OF MEN WORKING -' . . STRENGTHEN WEAK LEVEES Weather Bureau Issues Urgent Earning. . All Tributaries Expected to Rise i i .. . To Higher Stage, New Orleans, March II While there ii no "tent alnrm yet, cvory ono is wntchitnc thu river. Thn kusro this tnortiinK thowed n risu ol fivo tenths ol a foot riuoo yesterday morning, nnd heavy rains nccclcrvtu tho danger. Thu I.ovec lionrd this morning be(;an sncLIn thu Icveo nt tho foot ol Jack eon's Aventio where tho lovco is leaking badly. A bl forco ol men started to work with 10,000 tack;. Quantities ol f neks hnve been el ipped down tho rivor to points whuru the levco bIiowb tlyns ol brenkiiiK, Washington, March Jl-Tho Weather Utiteau itsufs n ppoclal river bulletin which is belli',; cent rapidly throughout tho country affected. ORGANIZATION POSTPONED Chamber of Commerce Movement Suffers Delay Tho orgnnUatlon of thu now Camber oi Cotnmcrco linn been postponed until alter tlio rcturn'ol L. J. Simpson from tho trip on which he is Just starting for tho purchngo ol machinery (or tho now rash and door factory nt North Bend, ns Mr. Simpson expects to bo gone about threu weeks, this will niako quite a delay in sotting to work. It is very unlortunato that this mat ter ia hanging (ire. Tho timo is ripe, right now, lor effective work. Tho train loads of peoplo pouring into Ore gon thould bo mot with information about Cooa Hay. They will hear ol every other portion ol tho state, but eo far us appears now, thuro will bo no provision mado (or pointing out to ilium that thoro is such a placo as Coos Itay on tho map. Tho excursion aonson will bo ovor soon and unless something is done at onco wo will got no beuoQt whatever irom tho influx of visitors, Can not somo supplementary or in dependent work bo dono without wait ing for tho formal organization of tho new Chambor? Ilnlf a hundred' men havo slguiQed their undorremont of tho new move ment nnd their willingness to bear a fihnro of tho oxponse, and 'thoro are moro who nro of the enmo mind. This would Boom to givo a basis on which aonio work could bo dono boforo it is too Into to reap somo boneflt this season. MANIFEST INTEREST Use Their Infuence to Send Ex hlblts Here That tho ofllcorB of tho Louisiana Puiclineo Exposition are taking nn in; torest in the Lewis and Clark Fair is shown by a letter to Mr. Albert Tozler - ,. Line . Art ' . '& It tnya tho dangor lino Btno Is reach ol. Tho river from Cinclnnatti to Now Urlcnns is at tho (fteatcst helijhth above danger lino at Kvaneville, 111., where the excess Ih six fctt, olRht Inches. At Now Orleans tho rivor is but one foot nnd four twelfths bolow tho highest point ever known. All tho rlvora omptylng into tho Mississippi nro expected to rieo still more, ns atmospheric indications show a probability ol excossive rains in tho upper Missouri valley well as tho Ohio valloy. Tho bureau issues an urgent warning to prorate lor exlremo high water, and cays bulletins will be lecaol as rapidly as occasion requires until danger ia past. from Charlos M. Reovos, secretary of the St. Louis committee on legislation. Secretary Reeves, in speaking ol tho I .n!li.,1.i nl tl, C I Anl. P.I. . marks that it will bo possible for its officers to influonco many large oxhibl tors to bring their exhibits to Portland altera close of tho Louisiana Purcbaee, Exposition, and further intimates that they will use nil efforts to help on the fair hero. Mr. Reovos also gives somo statistics showing that tho St. Louis Exposition will oclipse In size all previous affairs of its kind. Among othor things ho refers to the fact thai a special amondment to tho city's char ter will enable St. LouIb to extend f 10. 000,000 for etreat paying and other public improvements, asldo (from tho 40,000,000 apont directly on tho fair. READ IT THROUGH ,Twould Spoile This Story to Tell It in the Hoadllnos, To uto an elgbtetn century pbrasa, this is an "o'er truo tale." Having hap pencd in a small Virginia town in tho wlntor of 11)02, i ia a story very touch of tho preaont. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Harmon, of Melfa Station, Va,, had no personal knowledea of the raro curative properties of Onamber laln'a Cough Romedy. "Last January." sbo says, "my baby took a draadful cold and at 900 time I fearod aha would have pnaumonia, but one of my neighbors told me how this romedy had cured her little boy and I began giving It to my baby at once nnd it soon cured hor. I heartily thank the manufacturers ol Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy for plac ing bo great a cure within my reach. I cannot recommend it too highly or say too much in its favor. I hop all who road this will try it and bo convinced aa Iwaa." For tale by Jn. Treura, . TJIX MOC1UST 8KNSATI0K EVXHTWHBIU. LILIPUT Colapsablo Pocket -STERE08C0PB APPARATU6- Tho smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished in different colore with rich gold and ellvor decorations (mountings), Includ ing 20 V. F. Photographs. A'iewa of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $1,00. Swt ovorywhero propaid in letter foi v. AGENTS. WANTED. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING, Philadelphia . - Above. i the TIMltfi'li LAN)). A'CT".ftJNirnr 1878. NOTICKI'OU I'UJILICATION. .' United Suites Iind Office, Roietmrg, Oregon. I't1. 12, 1903. Notice k iicreliy nlven that In coirili,ince wHJi tliu proviilnni of llie act ofCongrcw of June ', 1878, entitled "An net for the Mle of timber Inhdi In Hit Slajc of California, Oregon, Neva tin, nnd Wnslilngton Territory," n cttended lo an me ruuiic in(iMnicnynctoiAiieu j, 1092- UANNIUL DIMMICK, of Mflrilificld. county of toot, Slate of Oregon, lm this day filed in this office Ills sworn Mate nienl No. J4JI, forihcpnrcliavjof lheI)t4Sec. 3i,Tpa0, K 11W, unit I)t3 and 4, of Sec ,'o. 6, In To.vpjliij 37 .Souili, ol Knngc ir Ve, nnd'wlll Oder proof to show tli.1t the Jant! tonkin it more valuable for its timber or stoni than for fiyricultuiat purposes, und to rslnljllil. lilt cliilm to said land Wore W. U, Douglas, V. ii. Coinn.inloncr for Ureccp, at l,f nrshficld Orcvon, on J'riday, the isl day of May, 1903. lie names as witnesses: W 11 Morgan, of MsuhfieM.O.-..L! Ncely, F K Taylor, John llaitly. of Fn'rvicw, Or, Any nnd all persons cLilmlnjj adversely the nlMvc'descrltied lands are requester! to file their claims In t'tls office on or before said tst day of .Way, iry. a-3i , J, T, Bridges, Register. TIMllRIt LAND, APT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lnnd Olficc, Koseburj; Oregon, Feb. 10th, 1503. Notice Is hereby clen that tn comnllance with the provision i-f the act of Congress of iin3, 1S73, entniwi "An net tor tne sale 01 tinnier lands In the Mates of '.nlifornM. Oregon, NcA-nda. nnd Washington Territory." ns et tended to all the Public Kind Slates by act of Ai-gqsl 4, lUoa. JVRTLE HAYNES, of Marshf.cld, county of Coos, state of Ore goti, has tins day filed In this office her sworn statamcni No. 1131, for the nucha" of the .Southeat quarter of Section No. a, Township 27 South, of Range No. is West, nnd will olfer proof to show that the land sou;ht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for Agricul tural purposes, ,ind to establish her cLiim to said lamllw-forc V, U. Douglas, U S. Commission er for Oregon, nt Marshfield Oregon, on Satur day the ad day pf My, 1903, She names ns wiincsjcs: II II Moblc?, W II Noble. V F Noble, Chas Noble, all of .1arsh ficld.'Or. Any nnd all perrons claiming adversely the noorc-descrilcd lands are requested to file their clijins in this office on or be lore sn id ad clay of May, 1003. J, T. DxiocKf, Register, a-ai TIMIIKR LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg.Oregon. Feb. 17, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the proylilons of the act of Congress of lune 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of California, Ore gon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1803. WILLIAM F I.AWSON. of Roseburg-. county of Douglas, state of Ore eon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 4470. I the purchase of the EM of NE;,', Section No. a8. Township No. 34 aoutn, Kange o. n West, and win oner proot to show- that the land sought Is more valuable for is timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his chim to said land before the' Regiter and Receiver of this oihce at Koseburg. Oregon, on 'I uesday, the rath dny of May. 1001. He names as witnesses; John Oivcns, Charles Thoni, John Thorn, Joseph Weatherby, nil of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the aljove-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said rath day of May, 1903. j. .', MRitxiEs; Kegutcr. a-ai-p TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1S78.- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roieburg, Oregon, reb a. 1903. Notice is hereby gi.en that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale ol Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Sutes by act ol AURUit 4, lt03. FRANK TERRY, of itarshfield, county of Cogs, state of Ore con, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 4449, for the purchase of tne .stf 01 .SWK. Mi 01 jsyyjf 01 section No. 34, Township a6 S, of Range 11 W.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable Cor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish' his claim to said Lind before W. U. Douglas, U,S Commissioner for Oregon, at Marshfield, Ore gon, on iaturday. the sd day of May, 1903. He names as witnesses: W H Morgan, Jesse Smith. G W Beale. of Marshfield, "Or., P R Taylor, of Falrvlcw, Or. Anynd all persons claiming adversely the above described bnds are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said sd day of Aay, 1 903. a-31 J. T. DKtrK3ES,,Re5ister. TINBER LAND ACT JUNE 3. 1878, NOTICE, FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Rosoburg Oregon, Jan. 101003 Notice is hereby given that in com- !llanca with the provisions of the act of tongresaof June 3. latS, entitled "An aot for the sals of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Novnda, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Land States by act of August i. 1802 RICHARD J. COKE, ol Marshfield, county of Coos, State ol Oregon, has this day filed in tula office his aworn statement No. 4324, for the rjurchaso ol the Lot 8 and El-li of SE1-4 Section 27 and NW1-4 of 8W1-4 oil Section No. 20 in Township No-24 S, Range No. 11 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable fof Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to said land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshfield Oregon, on Monday, the 30th day of March, 1003, Ho natnea aa witnesses: A A Ander son. Allegany, Or., F A Kelly, Marah field, Or., Fred Noah, Allegany, Or., Silas Noah, Marsbfiold, Or, Any and all persona claiming adverse ly tho above-described lan'da are re quested to file their claims in this offico on or before said 30th day of Mar, 1003. 1-24 J. T. BniDQKS, Register. iW' Aim oat au Invitation. - Fred Your father la a man of great presence of mlnd.'I am told. ( Stella Yes, and of .wedding presents TISIIlElt LAND, ACT JUNE 8. f88,' NOTICE FOR 1'UHLICATION. United Stales Lind Off! c,Roir"r-, Orcrrbn. , , , Feb. to, 1903. Notide Is herrby Riven that ill cJiii,! with the provisions of the net of Congress of. June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for .the sale of timber lands In the Stales of Chllfcrrrlla, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as extend ed to nil the Public Lind States by act Of Au gust 4, 189a, WALTER L CONOROtf of Marshfield. county of Coo, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn sute ment No. 4.183, for hi purchascor the V.'A of NEi4, NVVr4of NKt 1, ic. in, nnd SWr-.j ofSEi-4, of See Ni -J li T Vr. 91 S-t. Range $0, 13 West nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its. timber pr stone than lor iirlculiiirni purposes,' and to establish his claim to gild land before, W. U. Douglas, U. S, Commissioner for Ore gon at Marshfield. Oregon, on Saturday,, - the' Qthdiyofstay, 1003. . ; lie names ns witnesses; MnasiNouir, Will Noble, L M Noble, David Mussen, all pf Marsh field, Oregon,, , Any and nil persons clalmtne adrcrselv the above-described lands' are requested (0 Qlo" their claims in this oinco on of le:ore said 9th day of May, 1903. J, T. Uttinccs, Register, ai8 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE fl. 1878.-' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lind Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Feb loth, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An a.t for the sale off timber lands'In the States of Cnllfornla, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as extended to all the Public Lind States by act of August 4, 189a, CARL A MAGNEY, of I larrl'on, county of Kootenai, state of Ida ho, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 4433, for the purchase of the NK1.40fbEr-40fSec.10, andNj of SWij, SWt.4 of NW1.4 of Sec, No. rr.ln Tp N0.34S, R it west, nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said hnd before W. U. Douglas,, U. S. Commissioner tor Oregon, nt .Marshfield,. Oregon, on Tuesday, the lOth day of June, 1903,. He names as witnesses: John L Magney, ,of Harrlon, Idaho, John Mlehelb'rlnk, Henry, M Ichelbrbfc. F F Fuller, of Allegany, Or. Any and nil nersons dalminir adversely the above-described Lands are requested " file tr.eir claims in tins oince on or Del ore sa ibtn day of June, 1903. ' s-si I. T. flKiDGES, Re,;i:.r. ITMBER 1JAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOT! CE'FOR PUBLICATION. ' . United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Feb. 4, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provision of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Suites of California, Oregon, No vadrf, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public l.and Suites by act of Au;-st 4. 1C93. ANTHONY STAM BUCK, of Mnrshfield.'county of Coos, State of Ore gon, has this 'day filed in this office lis swori statement Np. 4450, for the purchase of the SK of H s:tlen No. 34, In Town ship No. 34 South, Ranger No 1 1 West, and will offer proof to sljtiw that tho land sought is more valuable for its' timber or stone than for ugriculturM purposes, nnd to establish bis chim to said Lind before W, U . DougLis, U. S. Com- mlssioner for Oregon, nt .larshrield, Otcgon, on Saturday, the 3d day of Mny, 1,903. He names as witnesses' Lester Smith, Jess: Smith, Alvln Smith, "William Bonebrake, all of Mnrshfield, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file -their cLiims in this office on or before said ad day of May, 1903. J. T. Uhidces, Register, a-ai'' TIMBER L!P, ACT JUNE 3, 1873 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U nited States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 37, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Concrcss ot ' June 3, 1878, entitled. "An net for the sale of , timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," ns extend--ed to all the Public I-iiid States by act of Au- -gust 4, 1893. v WILLIAM R. STUBBS, of Marshfield, County of Coos. Siale ot Oregon has this day filed in this office lib sworn state- -ment No. 4373. for the purchase of the SWJjT of NE:-4, NWi-4 0fSEi-4, Ei-a or SV 1.4 of Sec. No 19, in Tp No 35 S. R No 11 W, and will offer proof to show- that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said Lind before W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon, nt .larshiield, Oregon, on Saturday, 'the xi day of April, 1903. He names as Witnesses; Floyd Coffelt, C L Smith. Ed CoffeJt, E Coffelt, all of Marsh field, Oregon. , Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the above described lands nre requested.to file their claims in this office on or before ald 11 day' of April. 1903. 1-30 J, T. Br 1 does, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. ;. 1903, Notice Is hereby Riven that .in comnllance with the provisions of the act of Conciesa of June 3, 1878, entitled "Aji act for the sale of iimuci laiiua ii 111c, oiaica ui Vtiimuriiui, wio gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1893, WILLIAM .VcFADYEN of Marshfield, county of Cops, state 9! Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement N0.4349, for the purchase of the Southeast quarter, of Section No. 4. m Township No. 37 St Range No, xt West, and will offer proof to show that the land soucht is more valuable for its tlintx-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es- lAousn ins ciaim to aiu laiut ueiore w. U; Douglas, U. S, Commissioner for Oregon at itarshfield.Oregon, on Saturday, the 91st day of March, 1903 He names as witnesses? WH organ, of Marshfield. Or., F R Taylor, E Whitley, Lee Neeley, of Fairview, Or, Anv and all persons claiming adversely tho nhovodescrlbed Linds are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said aist day of March, 190a. . 10 I. T. Brides, RcsU.er. Desperately m. rJ -urs. i-arKo rour husband has b' , 111, wasn't lie? Mrs. Lano r novor saw him srj nrj .Why, for two weeka ho nover Bpoife q --- . t J :.r;.l4 I v - t,Yaw,'i vs "- im -TiatsririWMTftii JafcWHiMiMW" aywftinftpii U amiUfagyiatfij maafMW" fJP)Bf tMtabaHii