Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 14, 1903, Image 6

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From Sunday's Dally,
Thooutlook for fruit In tlio WillAmctlo
Valley is flno.
In nntlclpntion ol Easter, hona are
getting down to business.
Wm, Ward will open n camp on Davis
slough lor tho C. B. M. & L Co.
A. S. Dibble r lmvlng the buildlug
he occupies wired for electric lights.
' Thos. Howard has put iu a new oifice
hlesk which ia quite nn ornament to his
' plnco
It is reported that Ccquille is fa
vored (?) with come cases of ecarlot
Cbas. Morton had threo ribs broken
at the C, B. M. A L. Co's mill n few
days ago..
II. Sengstackcn has taken a contract
to get out some electric light poles for
F. M. Friedbcrg.
The Homer leaves San Francitco
Monday to load lumber at the C. 15. M.
A L. Co's mill.
Ruity Mike's Diary, March S, 1W3
A small fortuno and a huge ambition arc
not good mates in advertising.
Tho Alliance will leave Eureka to
Ljht and will endeavor to get away
from here for Portland Sunday evening'
The finithing touches aro being placed
on J. W. Bennett's new houfe, and he
expects to move in the last of this week.
Sunset Encampment of Odd Fellows
contemplate having a tine timo.on March
19th; It being their annual celebration.
W. A, Crane goes to Ccquille tomor
row morning where he will deliver tem
perance addresses Monday and Tuesday
. '
J Tho residents on the hill in West
Marehfield are trying to secure some of
the old plank from Broadway for side
walk extension.
The North Bend school ia progressing
nicely and has now about 30 pupils
Miss Carrie Rodine . is the teacher at
Tho Etreets in West Marsh fieldfare in
a, very bad condition. A delivery learn
was etuck for some time yesterday in
front of the electric light works.
An effort is being mado to have the
Fourth street bridge over Slill slough
raised two feet to allow tho more con
venient paesazo of scows under it.
J. J. Burns, who liaB a contract for
grading streets at Yarrow, was in town
yesterday. He is about to sand part of
his outfit to work on the Bangor town
site, The schooner Western Homo arrived
yesteaday. "While crossing the bar,
Captain Lembko was caught by the
hawser and had hie leg quite ieyerely
l Rev. and Mrs. Horsfall returned
JromEandon on Friday's train. Mr,
-.Horefall will hold Eervicee at the Kpieco
pal church today, morning and evening,
at the usual hours.
The new schooner, Annio 12, Smale
finished loading lumber at the railroad
wharf yesterday. She is loaded down
to a draft of 17 feet and has about 000,
000 feot on board.
Tho nomination of W. B. Curtis for
postmastor at Marshfield was one of
those which failed of confirmation at
."Uho, regular Boeeion ot tho U. S.t Senate,
'thrqugh not being called up, bul ViJl he
acted upon tit tho special seseion, i
' The hnny f rlor.de of John Blount w 111
bo plowed to learn that ho has entirely
recovrmi from his attack nl rheuma
tism. Chamberlain's Tain Halm cured
him niter the heetdnctor in tho town
(Motion, Intl.) had (idled to glvo relief
The prompt relief from pain which this
lidinit-nt affords is alone worth many
limes its cost. For sale by Jua. 1'reuts.
Named Deeds Commissioner
Govoruor Chamberlain Wednesday
appointed John A. Peck, of St, Lnuis, as
as Commissioner of Deeds for the State
ol Oregon The appointment was made
upon Mr. Peek's application, supple
mented by the recommendation ol fiov
ernor A. M. Dockery, of Mistourl.
Maiden Trip
Tho steam schooner Aurclin arrived
in Portland Wednesday evening from
San ! Francisco for a enrgo of lumber
She will load at tho Portland Mill. Tl j
is tho Aurella'fl maiden trip. The vjs-
tjol was recentlr built at Coquillo River
and Is owned by Huttell & Rogers ol
San Francisco.
Range War On
Tho ranee war botwecn sheer !
cattlemen has begun earlier than com
mon in Crook county. It is r ported
that W. W. Brown, one of thr largest
sheep raisers in the county, had 500
head of sheep killed at Hampton Butte
recently, nud that Georg O'Netl had
ICO killed on Crooked river. It this
rato of killing keeps up, sheep will be
scarco in Cfook county by fall. Tho
Dallea Times-Mountaineer.
Ungrateful Dog
Peter West, a well-known attorney, of
Pendleton, has a homestead near town,
and lcat November allowed a passing
claim seeker from Dayton, Washington,
named Brummett, to occupy the home
stead cabin through tho Winter. The
claim Is well improved, Whon it came
time for Brummett to vacate, ho decided
to lay claim to tho place 0- the ground
of residence, and refused to get out.
West was forced to tako the case into a
justlco court, where ho won oat.
Basket Benefit Social
ABatkct Social will bociven atDaniels
Creek e'chool house on Friday night
'March 13th. by tho Doniels Creek pun
lie echool. The proceeds will be devoted
to adding to the furnituo of the school. ,
The evening will be spent in gnme3 '
and a eplendid literary program hao
been arranged. Great interest is being
taken in tho coming event and eomo
of tho baskets will bring handsome
Miss Fannie Gettie is teacher of tho
echool at .present. Eomo expect to at
tend from' Marehfield.
If it's bilious attack, take Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick recovery is cortain. For Sale by
Jno, PreusB. "
From Tuesday's Dally,
C. C, Fox, 0! Coquillo City case ever
on last evening's train.
MrB.Thos. Johneon, ol East Mersh
field, was visiting in town yesterday.
Miss Iva Langwortby has cccopted a
position in the Griaeen music store.
S, Hanean, ouo of the clerks in tho
North Bend store, wee in Marehfie.'d
yesterday on bueinees.
Tho wire for tho telephone line to be
built between Marshfiald and Sumner
has been ordered and as soon as possible
tho work will be completed.
Rusty Mike's Diary, March 10, 1903.
You can't tell from tho looks of a toad
how far he will jump,' neither can you
toll how far reaching is an ndv.
Mre, J. M.Dolan, of South Marshfield
went to Gardiner yesterday to attend
thcfunoral of her neico, Margie Cham
berlain, aged 1 1 years, who. died vory
suddenly. Saturday evening, after a few
days illnoes which was not coneidered
ill Wright U disposing - 9 c,vU,
and olhar belonclngs, preparatory , lo
going north on tho next trip of tho Al
lianeo, bound forls'otuo Clely, Alaska.
Tho steamer Czarina arrival lust
ovenitit;, and reminded peoplo ol llto
recent panther ecaro, with an unusually
fulicxemeplltleatton of linked swuotuese
long drawn out.
The dnnco given nt Sumner Saturday
night was well attended. A launch
load of passengers vent from'.Mnrehuold
and .Jurth Bond. Tho North Bund baud
made tho music.
Charles Pussol and Hurt L'lm ol For
est Grovo have been taken into custody
accused ol being tho foot pads who held
'p William Mooro at Greenville and
e'loyed him ol 111.
Mr?. B. J. Brcutlurton, who came
over with hor family from Hundon to
take passagu ou thooutgoiug Areata, re
ceived notice horo of hor appointment
as assistant keopor nt tho light houso nt
the mouth of tho Coquillo and will re
turn to that point,
Following is n partial list of passen
gers on tho Areata, sailing for San Fran
cisco this morning: Geo Frahin, Jae
Saunders, G Foxen, H Harris, W W
Eonit, Laura Custer, M. Dayton, J W
Kruso. J WCogare, TMcGrnff, .Margaret
Monahan, Mrs Manahane.
Tho Alliance s.itle 1 north witli about
10 passengers, hut as tho purser walked
off with the receipt book, no list is
available, except thc'few names follow-
'inc. Androw Perkins, Mrs. II. Woott
Een Mj69 Ea Woottson, - Kokko and
;,f A c Je,0n nnd wJ( M, A
Chapman, C A Johneon, A F Meudine.
Settlers are uaw pouring Into Oregon
by the tbouand. What is C003 county
going to do to get her sharo of tho im
migrants? Something must bo done i(
wo expect to keep up with other sections
of the state. Let the business men ol
the county got togetlior without further
delay and arrango. to properly bring the
advantages of our county beforo tho
home seekers. Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Arrivals from South by Str. Alliance
March 8: J Morgan, K Gundleflnger,
Boldcrman, Miss Fannie Seelig, II
Finncli, W II Erdice, A C Hartlo, II F
Van Decar, C L Lockwood, Mrs W L
Cornwall, A Hcckala, J Pint Morgan, A
B Raymond, J Olson, E II Simpeou,
Earl Simpron, Alice Simpson, Mre
Simpson, T J Lewis, II Sumpttr, Miss
S Lambert, Wm Harqulsl, I. D Wall,
It II Roes.
Miss James Married
Miss Gertrude James, late of Coquille
City, was married at Berkoley, Cal., on
Feb. 10th to Mr. Walter Caead. Tho
marriage took place at tho resldonce of
Mr. and Mrs. Baglcy, former school
mates of the bride. MUs James has
taught echool in several cf tho Bay die
tricts andhsH many frionds hero to wish
her all happinosa.
, Norway Creamery
(Myrtlo Toint Enterprise)
Carl Bros, of Norway, the proprietors
of tho combined butter nnd cheese fac
tory, havo enlarged their plant one-half
its capacity, and received eomo machin
qry a few dayB ago, including a new
boiler, and they will have it in opera
tion by March JCth, When their fac
tory is completed it will be one oi tho
most up-to-dato' plants in the county.
Their creamery has been run on tho co
operative plan and will continuo tho
same this eeaeon as it has given excel
lent satisfaction.
Trial Postponed-
It haa developed that Mrs. E. E.
Lyons, wife of the convicted murderer
of Sheriff Withers, cannot bo brought
to trol at this 'term of, court. She was
bound over by the JubUm of tho Peace
to appear before tho crand jury on
' f
H .M
charge of complicity In n lelony, and
spent romo timu in jull. Him was ru
teased about ten days ago, howovnr,
through tho efforto of her attorney. J,
l. Wealhorford, by lurn'shlng $1000
bonds. U now develops that sho is In a
delicate physical condition, which pre
cludes her .being brought ton trial nt
this term ol court. Sho has not yet
been indicted by thu grand jury.
For a long timo tho two vonr old child
of Mr. V, L. McPherson W X, 'lentil
St., Ilarrlshurg, Pa., would sleep but
twoorthiou houi 0 iu tho early part of
thu night, which mado It vury hard for
her purontH. ller mother concluded
that tho child had stomach trouble, and
gave her half of 0110 ol ClnuuborUiii'a
Stomach nnd liver Tablets, which quiet
od her iitnmiich nud alio slept tho whole
night through. Two boxes of thvsu
Tubluts huyu effected n permanent euro
and she li now well aim strong. For
Mlo by J no, Preuss.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Grafting wax (or sato at tho Ked
Cross. 3-7Uiw
Stoomor Areata did not gut out lust
oveniug owing to storms.
Tho F.mplro sailed from San Francitco
Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. L. Stumlor, of Dora, was iu town
yesterday ou bushiest.
, ,
T'rc Homor sailed from San Francisco
at b p. m. Monday evening.
L. II. Hoisner has bought W.
Short's house on Second street.
Mies Kva Wilson, of Sumner, came
down yesterday to spend a few duyr
with friends in town.
Miss Kmily Flitcrolt returned yottur
day from a visit with tho falully ot K.
II, Beyers at Sumner.
The Salvator will anil for San Pedro
today. She cairtos a enrgo of cedar llr
nnd Sprucu lumber about L'00,000.
Tho steam schooner Aurolia is ached
uled to tall from San Francisco Satur
day for Portland, calling at Coos Uay.
E. II. Beyers, Fred Wilson, Mike
Boone, Frank Black, Geo, Boono and
Will firavea wtrs visitors from Sumner
Rev. F. K. Kcofiold.of Dora, is expect'
od on tho Alllanco from Portland, after
an absence of soveral
inontha iu British
Rusty Miks'a Diary, March 11, 1003
Whon a dog itches ho ecratchc: when
you havo something to say, say ft, and
ueo the apaco that it requires.
A large holler and other machinery
arrived on the Czarina for tho electric
plant at tho Beaver Hill mino, where
electricity ia to be largely utilized as a
motive power.
R. A. Church was down from IiIb
North Coos river farm over night. Mr.
Church was formerly one of the force
in the Coast Mail ofilce and ho mado a
vory pica-Rant call here last evening.
Captain Burns has changtd his plans
and will not havo1 the Copper Queen
overhauled as thoroughly as contemplat
ed when she was hauled out on tho
ways in Reed's yard, Her bottom will
bo painted, however,
The hallway in tha Holland building
ia being repaired, and Otto Schetter Is
puttiug wlllto paint on tho woodwork '
,,i , . . ,
of the telegraph office, on himself and
mostly on bis young lady assistant In
the office.
The little son of C. J. West of Kwt '
.Marsbfleld had qulto an adventure a I
V. I
few days ago. Ho fell down a deep well '
but fortuttetely escaped without situs'
injury, bbing re8cuM"by'Abbie :NMb.
Who elicf down the well ropB and sent'
.. ... . ' I
the kid up. I
New Landlord
W H, Short hm Icwod Hio Blanco
hotel of J, I.. lorry and nscumhl uhnrgo
venterday. Mr. Short linn lad oxporl
uiiuo In thin lino itnd will uiidouhtcdly
ri'Mlnln the reputation nud popularity
0 tho I10UHJ,
As tho Areata en tin. down from tho
hunker Monday evening, hu took a
.1 i.... 11... 1 11., ...,t i... i.r
" .-.-.-..-.
(our ho could ho changed or headway 1
ntnppml she collided with t)io new
rehooner Annie K Kmnlu, lying loaded
nt tho railroad dock. Homo of tho
schooners plauklug was damaged, hut
there is naturally notuo illsagreotnunt as
to the exteut of tho injuries Inflicted
on the veitcl.
Captain Nelson, of thu Areata, is
ktio n as a careful man and Is uot blam
ml for tho accident.
New Reliable Nursery Slock
Mr. K. J. Coffolt agent for tho Ore
gon Nursery Co, has n largu older of
treen to arrive ou tho Alliance. Tho
trues aro meetly nl! for tho Coos river
fnrm!M nrd citizens of Murthllold.
Tho stock consists mostly of shrubbery
and lino berries. Somoflno vnrlutles of
npple nnd peara are in thu order and
tills cannot help but I in prove tho fruit
output on Coos Hay, Th 0 replacing of
eomu wortl.lcra orchards by flrit-clnis
stock is what this country needs nud
then It will havo no competitor for llrat
. : .1 b a fruit, as there is no otliar place on
tho Pacific Const which ran cotnpmo
with Cooa county and eipeciull Coos
river for lino fruit.
You Bet,
Tho Condon Gloho gets even with
omo ottu as fnllown: Alter you gut on
your ear and mnko tip your mind to stop
your pnpxr to iiiako thu editor feel hu-
iiillntixl Just poko your llngur iu water
and pull It out nnil look nt lliu liuln.
Then you will know liow mdly you nru
missed. Thu man who thinks that n
paper cannot rurvivn without ilia nip
port lind hettur go off and atay n while
nnd when ho cou.us bark he will find
that hall of bin (rienda didn't know hu
wni gone. Tho othur half didn't caro n
cant, and tho world at Inruu didn't keep
account of his iriovomnnta wlinttivur.
You will probably find something in
your homo paper you cannot undorro,
Kvun thu Hiblu ia vury plain nnd hlta
eome hard lick w. If yot worn to gut mad
and burn your Bible, thu hundred of
. presifs win goon priming them, ami II
y! were 10 atop your paper nud cnll thu
editor ell torts ol unlr nnrnea, thu pa
per would Hltll im published, And what
ia jnoro you would sneak around every
wuek and borrow n copy ol your liulgh
hor. It (abutter to keep your vest pulled
dbvrn, your tnmper under control ami
your subscription paid up,
Hosxrt Beats Per Min
ute. WcaK Heart
Complicated With
Kidney Trouble.
Dr." Miles' Heart Cure
Cured Me Pormanefttly.
"Your medicine is worth its weight In
(old. and 1 cannot recommend It too highly
lor the good It has done me. 1 wan troubled
with heart dlicaie complicated with a weak
back and kidney complaint for a number of
Aiwiougn live 01 our ueii oociori
f waited on me Igrew worse Imtead of better,
until ut lait tiutlilnq teemed to do ue any
good. 1 had n rapid pulic varying from too
to Ijo.ilftalj per minute, a click liii; and
burninrr sensation li the wlndnliic,and
pain in the heart. At the lime I began
'"Zd'.VutnoS A&TuriW.
nelfve, heart and kidney troubles are afl
gone now nnd at, this cure rtyas ,per
formed nearly seven1 venrs ago I know that
'oTio.""1, """ PP' Y '
"For many years I hove been a creat tuf
ferer from heart disease, l was subject to
faint and sinking spells, with a clutching,
opnrefdve or fullfeeling at the heart, that is
?M Jjfeff,
wretched nnd miserable. I doctored with
.. nf .. It a ?Aiiva(lntt lint rrnt nn rllf
until I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and
jgvjgfc do.eVtf fmaW'TacoMeteiy
fe(KJrfj5&& fill VfSafeStTrISS
tie Dr.Mfle' Kemedies. Send for-frce book
bn Nervt)ii 'and Heart .Diseases. Addrcsj,
i)r, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iud.
Professional Cadra
K. H. Walter, D. D. S.
Dlllftt NnMntri' llldg. A. Hi., Phnnu. 1!0
B. E. Straw, M. D.
Special itttoiitlnii to iIIhciikoh of the KVo
Kar, No.tt i.titl Tlnftlit. (liaison lllti'Mi
Olfk-c in Suiistnckcn c Sttiltli
A. G. Gross, M. D.
'Olllrn, NnMmrg llulldlng. Phono Kll
W. U. Douglas,
Trout utirrt, Mntilifirll, Oiruon.
S.A. D. Eaton,
-LAW y 1:11-
Will practice In all courts.
J. W. Boixncit,
MAKhlll'IM.I. OKti
John F. Hall,
Oltiir in I'.ltloraito block, Kronl Ufl
,liuli.il(l, Onrciti.
O. K. McKnigiit.
Ofiiee ill ihu IH:lC', & Wtllcr
I MAlt.HlllMKI.D.
Dibblo & Williams
Mcll'Shf iolcl, -- OfGgOn
I mil hero ml vor lining buying nud
eclliritf ronliMtrtti. I will try if you list
your properly with
J. R. Robertson,
Hooin H, Bennett A Walter Building
Kaufman &. Wegusr,
iVnlen iu
Real Estate
' Olllcu oer Gohleu'a Drug .Store.
T. IViicklewright.
Prni'tlial Wntchmakur nnd .lewider.
All klnda of untchua nnd clocki denned
nud rt'pnlml on abort notice.
All work ttunrnnterd 12 loontha.
Mnrehlluld, : : : Oregon
(Curry County Recorder.)
Tho Copper Queen arrived in from
PortOrford Hnturday afternoon laden
with machinery and groccriea and fcc-1
for the Rogue Rivur Packing nnd Ne
gation Co. Copt Hums informs ut that
ho mado thorough soundings in coming
over tho bar and found it n depth of 'Jl
feet a depth fiiflltiuiit to permit thu
conat Kteamnrs plying botwton Coos Bay
nud Hnn 1'r.inclsco to couiu In ovar tho
bar Into Rogue river. Hu status a natu
ral jotty of rand ia forming from tho
north running iu n south wustorly di
rection to n distance of a (juartor cf i
rnilu ahd another nno nf abiut one
uigth of a milu iu length forming just
south of tho channel, canning n deep
channel to cut out to nnd beyond tho
bar. Tho prevailing nlco woathor is to
a great cxtotit responsible for this, and
Btnteo btorim would havo no1, material
effect in filling up thu channel oh tho
eatid Jotty has now mndo such progress
and tho chnuuul cut co iuyp that no
fenranro unteitained that the cliinnel
fa likely to HH up nt 11 very rapid rate,
Tljl's ia a mntttir of much uratlllcation to
the shipping Interests lioru ad tho pocr
and bliulluw condition of tho bar nj
horetoforo been; a great detriment to
tho Rogue river intoroata, and a source
of lunch nnnoynr.ee to cnptnliiB and
pilots generally. A regular lino of
steamers calling in hero 011 their up
aud down trips would ho of much bene
lit to Ih'a vicinity nud nn iin'jiorla: t
factor in tho encouragement anddovcl in.
mont of tho r6sourcoj of this coiin ,
which ut proEoni Is in a BOinowhiu dv -,
m'aut cintq owing to tho un'reilablo nml
Irrtwular otnlo of our fihlptjlng nt this!
"ji ;
r ! "w vTg. tr
." ii-i.
J, -,J . .,.