"tja TV tp. THREE SPECIAL TRAINS Bear Railroad Mag nates to N. Y, Morgan, Gould and Harriman Hurry To Consult on Western Situation New York, March 0 Three special trains n!l making the best pwsiblo time aro bringing Mo:j;au from -Tampa, (icorgo Gsuld from Jacksonville, aud Harriman from New Orleans to this Citr. It is openly stated on the street that trouble over the Southern Pacific con i trovers? is the cause of their home coining. Gould asked bow much a special train would cost en the Atlantic Coast line to put him through, tuning yesterday nitcrnoon, to arrive in New York at li o'clock this afternoon, and was told JPO. He accepted. The first 172 miles was run in 152 minutes. It is expected that the three magnates will hold a conference this altnncoa by which adjustments will be made of all railway controversy in the West. ANOTHER 'SLIGHT RELAPSE UJYing LjUIGnCG I lies Pope Leo Rome, March 9 The Pope bad a slight relapse today, the result of fatigue from giving audience to pilgrims yesterday, and was compelled to cancel audiences yri'.u English pilgrims scheduled for tC''ay, W' v - UllleU ZO DO I Heard From! If there ir an InvalM wnmm tirrn- If there if an invalid woman, suffering un. , Tf ZTiJSS!." who has used Pr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- ' acription without complete succeu, the i undersigned proprietof. and makers of that world-famcd medicine would like ! . --. whu w wu icu.ui.uta " to bear from inch person-and it will be . to her adyanUve to write them u thev offer, In perfect good faith a reward of $500 for any case of the above maladies which they can not cure. $3,ooo FORFEIT will also be paid If they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi monial below, and alto of the writers of every testimonial among' the thousands which they nty constancy, publishing, " yuwujj ujeir genuineness. World's Disphnsahv mm ontD's Dispensary Mnmnxr. a. SOCIATIOM, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. who U well known wcUlly tkr Ulni Trent. criptlon'U, without a Wrt.lti. ,.. r.J.'J Hie tnarktt to-day, for fcnl tUfflcuiiiii. i iiHariil Iriv a,. ..,.. lt .1 knew ' 5Val W'" ?V' ttry. Trt.d sevaral different widtly-ubirttMd reraidl.i. Ml intTdid ste no irood wkiur yorite PreaaripUou.a X vwbe4 a package. I found that the real value ot yvr raedidne wai greater erea Ihan my rxpeeutlone, and the lowing- month bad none ni(i monin 1 nu nrui any paioa. The Iol 3M l u, and found tha mr fcneral uealln waa roucu belter and new 111c anu airengia nan come 10 me." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, alck women well. Ac cept no subttltute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. The Common Sense Medical Adviter, icoS large pages in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of ax one-ctut stamps to Ky expense of tnailiug only. AddreGs , IU V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. ana louna 1 One (Uva Irt.wacHled.wha htd flcrtd at I was wmrinjr. and wko told cm thai ahe had been cured taroush lh u, tJ rw bi..... u. T STATU AND. GENERAL' NEWS. j) Salem is about to i urchaeo n now chomical engine Salom hri! an orjanlrcd. Real Eitito Exchango. Farm operations fn Umatilla county have been suspended owing to snow fall. Salem City couutil has ordered tome steel cells for the city jail alo a female department. James Raster, sides! man in Y amhill county who died nt Dayton on Feb. 27, leaves 1.13 decendents in that county. Tho city ot The Dalles will appropriate money to incrcaso the city water supply from SOO.000 to 2,000,000 gallons a day. A now shingle mill Is noarlng com pletion Hilliboro. Tho now mill will have a capacity of 25,000 6hlnglos n day. Two Pacific University students wore held up Tuesday nlpht by thugs and rdbbtfd of their watches valued at about $50. The Washington committee on ap propriations have recommend an appro priatlonof 50,000 for tho Lewis and Clark Fair. The S-rear olddaughtor of John Tar son, who resides near Sherwood, Ore gon, who was. helping burn brush was probably fatally turned Tuesday. The editor of Lebanon Express has taken unto himself a helpmate. He will now not have to scrub tho forms and play the devil in general alono. James Kinney who was found guilty of kidnapping Porter Yetts, with nefareana intentions. Judge Seara of Portland severly censured the man and sentenc ed him to four years in tho penitentiary. The body of Fred 0. Doblor, manager of tho Cornucopia mines cf Baker was found Wednesday morning between the Last Chance and the Union-Companion mines braised and mangaled, undo: an avalanche of snow, by a searching party. Little Eugene Cottel, a bright prom ising lad of eight Summers, eon ot Dr. W. I, Cottel, was crushed to death be neath the wheels of an "6" car, whilo at play Wednesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock on the corner of Front and Grant streets. Deputy Grand Master 8. M. Yoran, absence of Grand Master W.F. Butcher, received notice ol tuo tne death ol Grand Treasurer F. II. Allialon, and also a request for Maconic burial. The funeral was under the auspices of tho Grand Ledge of Oregon, A. F. & A. M. In Astoria, school dlst. About 31,000 of school bonds fall due during the com ing summer and the school board has decided to redeem these by an issue of bonds for small amounts to be disposed of by popular subscription. The pres- ent bonds bear C per cent interest Iwhilo the bonds to be Issued will bear but 5 per cent interest. Something of a sensation be8 been caused up Bnako IMver by .thi discovery? among the Bnako brakes of what is ei rfi.mQd Tha find wi dlamDCl im una Wl Haas, who lives at what is eupposod to be a waa mado by Will Fishhook Ferry, ., wlth D. W. P.. who onerates a , ..0 .. -. , . - 9 "' - small boat for passengers and teams from Walla Walla to tho Franklin Connty sido. The peculiar etono waa picked up among tho rocks. The house of Mrs. A. E. Moore was broken into while all the family woro sway from home for tho evening, and the house was completely ransacked. The burglary occurred between 7 and U o'clock. At the same time a horso Lit i i - -i-..i ...i i. l,PBBIu lrolu ' nucoi, mium it had been tied while the owner waa at church, It appoart several other houses were molested duriDg the evening, but without success.. The County Court of Lano county has authorized the payment of tho f 1000 re ward for tho apprehension of E. E. Lyons, convicted murderer of tho lato . Sheriff Withers. There are eight par tlclpanta in the reward, us follow?: W. E. Parsons, 300; J. E. Noland, tlW; - James Shaub, tl50; W. II. Millar, f W); ' W. W. Buoy, 1100; James Law, fJOu; J II, Veatch, 75; O. E. oatch ?0, Marlon county Iuib a l'runo Growers Association, Erio A. Siljeuua n Finlaudor wns killed In a logging camp Friday by n falling tree near Antoria. ' e, Tho shareholders of tho Albany mlll iiig Company will lose ,So 011 each share of their sock by tho lato lire. Sue Chung and Leo Fung, two' Chinese woro married In Portland by n Justice ot tho peace "Alio etuno Mollcnn nun. Jac'i(89ti,Jo!ophlm,W.ishhgtou,Y.ui hl'.l, Lincoln and other ciuntloj are cjt Ircling oxhiblts for the Unloti depot at Portland. Governor Chamberlain pnrdoucd John W, Vineyard, who was sentenced to 1 year from Heutou County. Ho was par doned to restore him to cllls:nihip. Goveruor Cbambcrlaui nppcli.tcd the State Board of Health Saturday. Tho genttcmen so appointed nto: Pr. Ati drew C, Smith of Portland. Dr. Harry Lino of Portland. Dr. U. J. Smith of Pendleton. Dr. A. C. Kennoy of As toria. Dr. W. A. Cusick ofSalem. Dr. E. U.'Plck-l of Ashland. Following are the dales and places for holding State Grango meetings. Portland, March 10 and 11. Oregon City, March It!, at 1:30 p. m. Macleay, March 13, at 1 ::0 p. m. Salom, March 13, at 7:30 p. in. Monmouth March II, at 1:30 p. in. Albany, March 10, at 1 :W p. m. Corvallls, March 10, at 7:30 p. m. McMinnvllle. March 17, nt 3:10 p, m. Forost Grove, March IS, at 1 :'J p m. Kaiuior, March 10, at 1 :30 p. m. Eugeno, March ID, at 'JrOO p. in. March 13 has been sot as tho dato for making the award to Sergeant II. Hun ter of Eugene, of the handsome gold medal which he woa last Fall by his skill in marksmanship. Tho contest was open to any man in the Four.h Regiment for the best score In live (liotrf on the regulation 300-yard range. Ser geant Hunter's tcoro was 'J3. Theru were two other ccores of 23 made but as Hunter's was the best '23, beiug I, -I, b, 0, 5, he was awarded tho trophy. A battalion parade has been ordered for tho occasion of the presentation. 1 he medal is subject to challenge, until won three times. The expenditures of tho countita of Oregon, exclusive of expenditures for road purposes for thnyear 1902, amount ed to 11,200,510,01. This hen incrctie of nearly $ 160,000, or 15 per cent over 100P when the expenditure wiif f 1,011', 673,51. J.Kellehor, a woodchopper of Scap poose, bocomlng despondent on account of financial affairs preventing his get ting married to a lady he had left in tho East, thought to end nil with a ri.or Saturday. Ho cut hia throat from tar to car, soverinna portion of the wind pipe, and owing to the lota ol blood he lalnted. Tho Coronor was sent for to hold an inquest, hut lo found hi patient breathing, and after 11 ihort time he had him sewed up and in a fair way to recovery. Inspector T. J. Flavin and Mr Richards, of Portland, were at Green ville adj'isling tho lo'H occasioned by the two thieves who held up nnd robbed William Mooro the PoNtmastar nt thai place, last Tuctday night of till. Tho Polk county Mohair Association met in Dallas Katujday to transact Im portant businetu aud (0 eot the time of tho pool of the hvjncl'ition. The pool at present is the fleeces of about 12,000 goalu, and will amount to about CO.W) or 0O.OD0 pounds. Tha severo Winter in tl 0 hill dibtrictH will unuio tho c!l,i to bn come-.th&t lighter than 1191ml. Tho Telephone Kegirjtor Mc.M'ucviJIe, haa procured n new and upto dato r,rets, nnd has charigid'tho form of tile paper to 10 pages of fonr columns each which gives It a ycry neat appear ance. THE HALL OF FAME. .iin1"n .Tr!iii II. Itc.ML'im of To: ns U ,iyVotllitf Ma lefouro tlmu to WfllLifj his s-iomolr WlilflM I'oitHor, th omliiont w- riiun tiMtmiihirjirr, celebrated Ida eovon ,tjfthjjr)hday rfiJJtJy, .. . lUooiltea .-MtrKorr Uohl(nt. pp. Frederick Muollor, ,vho Ih to os tnbllHh In Chicago n lioapUiil for tho tionlttiotit of coiigoiiltul dofortiilly by tho bloodless Hurglcn') tnotliod, lit thq uhlot uaslstnut ot Dr. Adolf Lorunz, tho m i ! ,i-jw-w-w-i - WMU'BPWH prvnt Vienna mirgeon, who In tho plo- .1 . a .. a t .. . iu ! ueor lit hum iiruueii 01 iioiumk. inu liopltitt will' havo the Ktipport of J. Ogiloii Armour. Dr. Muollor nnd Dr. I.oroiu linvo been iiHtot'lutcil inuny yent-d In tho Vletiim hobiltul. C'hnrli-etnn'N Cotorril CoUrrtor. Pr. William Demos ('rum, t'.io now collector of tho port vf Clmrlo.itoii, N u well known colorod iiitiu In South Carolina !! '.s n close per.tonul fr; 1 of I'.'ioker T. Washington, who. It I1 1 wiil, nrBl tho iiipiiiitino:it. lr. C'runi I. n i-iiiliinto of Howard university, Wa'ihlir.'toti. Kttrnii on 11 .MrNaciiKi-r 11' Vnlc-ntliie I. Snidor. the nroshlont of tho rvorpanhUMl Wi-Hiru Nntiouiil Hank of Ih- I'lilioil Sintf. formed by tho I ijico-'Iiik of tho Wohtoni .Satlounl mill , tho I'.unk of tho I'liliisl Stnti-H. in tho ; head of this new iiist.tutioti Imoinos ono of tho niont powc rful itniinolorrt In Now York. Tho jihsoIh of tho now hrinl: nro about ? KKi.(K.W)0. Mr. Sny der biwin hlH biisliH'Ss cnn'oriiH n mm Hoiujor boy In 11 bank In IiIh nntlvo town of HiiiNoii, N. V. Ho Ih but forty-two year J old. Why Ho Illtln't Coll. You don't cull on MIh CuttUit; any more, I hear, DlobberV" .: , , r o. ,t Did Bho reject you?" "Not oxnetly, hut when I flrflt bojjnn calllnt; thoio wiih n unit nt tho door with tho word 'Wolcomo ivovon In It. nnd n motto on tho wall that rend Lot L'h Lovo Ono Auothor.' Later I noticed that tho doormat v-,i ehiuiHod 7 fSyZfnxSxtiKH MBPC. Is 3 for ono that mild 'Wlpo Vour T'eet,' ami Q n motto dechirlnj,' that 'Enrly to ISoiI.je nnd Early to Ulso Mul:o n Man vj Healthy, Wealthy ami Wlho hud thu jo iiluto of tho other." U , . ,D Tho lector carrier.! of Durlln, who nro tho pooroHt paid Kovurmiiont employee: In (ieniiiuiy, have boon niiklu for tnoro pay. To pacify thorn tho emperor has graciously ordered that thoy Hliall be provided with Hhoulder Htrnpa. What do v.'.'ikch amount to compared with nuch honorH? After thl oxhlhltlon of royal favor tho letter ciirrlcrn would 1 Indeed bo ungrateful to coiupluln. Nasitl Cnlnrrh ijulekly ylcldnto IrenU ment by l'.ly'ii Uroain Halm, which Ih nfjreo, nlilynro'r.ntlo. It l roeolvoit throiinli the iiOHlrllii, oloaunos and ho;ln tho wholo nur fneo over Mhlch It dlmmon IUoU. Druirylntrt null tho fiOo. nlr.05 Trlnl nUo by mall, 10' ccitta. Tent It ami you aro euro to ceiitlnun thotrcatmont. , Aniiounooniont. . . To necoiuiuodnlo those who aro jiarllal to tho uao of utomlrcm In npplylnu (IniihU into the iiaNaliiassagpa, for f.ifir;viii( niu Met, tho proprietor prepan Croam llabu hi II1111I1I form, which will bo known i.i Illy' J.lipild Crmiin llnliu. Pi fro iuclmlliiK tlu prayiiiK tube I Tocciilo. DnigyUlH or by umll. Tha liquid form ciubodlun tho mod. lelunl projiorlioi of tho solid ptcparatlou 'l--rH-W-J-f-H-M"C-l--M--M 1-I I CMS. (IRISSIIN MUSIC CO, : PIANO BARGAIN 1 f Vl.tl.w.l.1. i. S lloth III Good Cunihtluii J Tnkc Yrur Choice At f 67 n ? I. 0. 0. F. Bldjf, Marshficii). jj M-M-i-frV M-t-r-rhM-W-t-t-M-l-r STAil K'.A-aiiR's MJTICE SEVENTH Tro& ,u-y Department, Shite ol Oregon - Abruary 25, 11K11. S ,. it Sy i-lven that thorn am fiiinl-i tl i- 'uoumry wllh which to rr 1Jco.11 i'i n'l'it. . Statu unrrnnt rliH'ti ti -.i,i -Villi' Ihiuiity nnd Hi" '., .il'.rl "Pioioutcd and i.ot 1 : ,ir waul o( Fiindit, prior to 1 1: :.ito. All Mieli warrnuU, if proper ty oiiilor'nl, ui.l bo paid upon ptotont ntion at thU ollloo, luluiost thcriou censing from nud alter thli (Into. Chas, S. MnAiic, Stute Trciuurer, l-'JMt THE STEAMER ARCATA. 1Vi!I .tCtiUr toj:ii!nr Trii -BETWEEN- COOS BAY AND- SAN PltARGISCO -CAP.ItyiNG- PAS5EN6ER8 AND FREIGHT AT -LOWEST RATES. Oregon Conl & Navigation Co , Proprletost. F.K.POW, A Rent. Mnrthflcld, Oreon S.Q. C(. Aaont, Empire City, Oregon Goos Bay Wliolcsale Llinor House. HKAIiCjI'AUTKItS I'OU HIGH (iUADE LUiL'OltS CHOICE WINEn -AND IMTItK lilt. ; DIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER "pomily Orderj Solicited. SOLE AGENT FOH THE CELE IlUATED B BEER F.iiiiily oiiIcm for l'u", piuti nui qitnris, delivered by iIiocuho. Robert Mafsden. nt -zx "si ,u w wi k ra sa en a m az bb q Scise 'fee. : u",Ch.,rKW, DEALER IX ifJROC'EIHE.S FltE.SIi FRUITS, VEOE TA IlLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF Till: REST QUALITY. PRICES REAHONA1H.E. F R O 7. E N OYS T E It H EVERYDAY. : : : U 1 X& H ti U a H u a Q n SI a 01 a a A Street, Marsh fi'-'UI, Ore 13 n ' la u bb m a M m u m ioi sm m u M'M THE YOKK NEW WORLD TIlUlOK-A-WEcMC EDITION I'ntd wherever tho l!ngllsli Lniiijungo U BpOKl'll Tlio 'h'uluo-A.WccIc WUsrlil wae( n hrllllitnt nieces in tho beginning nnd has been ritlmillly glowing over t Iticu. Time IH Iho test of nil tlilni'i', nud hau not Ito iionl of approval on tho Thrlciwi Week World, which In widely olicnhiM lit oiory Statu anil TVrrltory til tho Un ion, and whuroi'Vorthcro ntoptoply who din rend our mother tonguo. Thin paper for tho coming winter nud tho yoar 1(K)3, will iiittko Uj uown mr vice, II iioimlhln, morn cxleunlvo thiui over. All ovuutnof iinporianee, no mut ter tthuro they luippoti, uto re poried iiccuraloly nud promptly. 'lliu iiiihncrlhcr, lor only 0110 dollar n year, goln tli;coimpern over week (titl ti.fro iiimmi nml goiiornl rliilluu than moHt grout dnillot can furnish 'it five or n'.s limes tho price. Tho Thrleoii-Wook-Wcrhl In nhno luti'ly fulr In tin ikiIIIIchI miwn. Par t mii 11 blnn Ih never allowed to m fleet Km ncttii column", anil Douircrat ami Ue piihlli'nii allku can otnlii in itn puKei truthful nccouiito ol all the great pollti cal cauipaiguR. In addition to nil tho now, tho Thrlce-a-Wonk-World fiiriilnhon tho boit rtorial lletlou, olnburato market reports nud othSr (nature ol Inturoit. Tho Thrlco-n-Wiiok.World'a regular nuliforiptlou prion I only f 1 .00 per vcar and thin puyn for I5tiiapers. Wo of for thin iiuciiuali'd unwepapur nud Wcuklv COA.ST MAIL togethbr one year lor t'2 00 Tho regular subserlptlon prlcoof tho two papers is f'.'.&O Flanagan & Bennett Bank IUKKCTOKS: T. H.Shcrl iIiiii, J. W. Iloniiett; PKK.'i.: ami. II. Fhiiirtgnii, VICE 1'UKS.; it. F. Willlitins, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. MARSIIFIKLD, OREGON G088MANN'8 PATBNT WUITINCmNQ Tho moat Important Imprnvoinnnt of tho Hge In thu art of K)nmanihlp tnkes tho jK)ori)8t writer a splendid penman in a few week by the uso of this rinu. Endorsed by prominent CoIIoko l'rnel d uts and Iluards of Education In Eu rope nnd Amurlca. Hainplo doon as aorted sizes sent pott paid for $1,00. sin lo sample '24c. When ordering a sIukIo rlmr, stnto whether for man, woman or child. PI4NN MI'G. 8UPILY CO. ' No. lit) 6. Fourth 6t, PJ.IIidclpl.la CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front aud A streets, MARSH FIELD, OREGON, JONH SNYDER. Mill : Propels tor miilS WF.I.L-KNOWN ANDFAVpRITK 9 linTWt lii Iml lwi-n inllrilv rrillrfl mil ri-fiirnliliril ihtmiKhoul and Uaj;.iinopen to the public for patronage. placed In almoit every ilwplng room of ihl liimv; unit neither trouble nor einjnin ha: b;en pared to pui cvcryililnu In fint-cUu order, TKRMS. Hoard nnd dalng, per week,,,, 15.00 Hoard, pa week .,. 4.00 S.njlle M& I t 5 Tho Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT fflSHZB Is coniititntly adding to its hIock of Unnoriil Srorohan :1Iho, rtlrendy tho largest in Murhfla!d. When you buy ut tho Mill Storo you know tho gooclu nro llrst olnss and tlio prico is nil right. All kinds of lumber and building material, food and sup plies at wholesale aud retail, ..' A ljW -HIHI 141 iA - '