Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 14, 1903, Image 1

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M T.
NO. 11
ltA .. - i ' M' f v" r-' 'Tv"' '
Such are Conditions
yf.'j ,
Throughout Mississip
pi Valley
fit. I.oulr, Mnrch 12 Tho Inhabitants
on tlio Kail aide nro alarmed at tlio hitch
water nml a general InmiJixtloti la
threatened bChoklu crook. On both sides
ol tlio stream nro countlosa elevators,
factories, railway depots, yard nod
email homer, (Jrcat damnKO will bo
dono If tlicy nro inundated.
Paducab, Ky Mnrch 12 Tlio river
li now 10 mllet wido and li itlll rising,
(ho water la In tunny buildings.
V '
Now Orleans, March IS Tlio river li
rlsln mora rapidly, and now It within
tight Inchca of the 18117 mark. The
forco of men la iucrtasod on all lovocs.
ficrrolnrr Sbavr's Wcrr AaaUtnnt.
ItotnTt II, Armstrong, who linn tocn
made asulrtunt secretary of the trvo-
ury li chargo of cuHtomn mattem, Ih
tlio youngest i"i"i who ovor hold that
post lie la twonty-nlno years old.
" 1'rnH HrriU mill Appcmlloltln.
"Many very Intelligent people nro
dotcrrcd from hwiiIIuwIuk tho seeds of
berries, grnpcH ii ml othor frultH lout tho
lodgment of thcHO Hiiuill hltH of Indlgoa
tllik'iit'HM miiy Induce that dreadful ac.
cldent nppoiiiliettla," Buya tho Dlotetlc
Oiuotte. .
"Thin fear Ih utterly bascleBS Blneo
tho healthy upiiomllx Is protected by
a valvular arraiigomont which pro
vontH oven tho BnitillCBt floods from en
tering It. It l only after lullammnttou
Iiiib already destroyed Its iiormal pro
tection that any foreign Bubstnuco can
gulu iiccchu to It.
To feel compelled to eschow nil
Boedy berrlcH and frultfl Ih to wirloualy
curtail ono'e dlotary, and It Ih entirely
unnecessary. In fuct, tho freo (ind con
'ntunt uso of rlpo berries and frulta of
nil kludu la one of tho heat preventives
6f thla diuigerouH dlacase." , , ,
By Special Session of
Panama Canal Treaty
to be Ratified
Wellington, Mnrch 12 Tho Cuban
reciprocity treaty wna reported favor
ably from tho Fcnnto c.unmlttu on For
eign ftclntlons today, with nn amend
ment providing that Its provlilons bd
concurred In by the Houco.
Tho adoption of.thli nmcudment is &
dlatlnct Democratic victory, nnd la tho
flrat frulta of Gorman's lcadcrihip. It
inaures, it is bcllovcd, tho ratlflcntlon of
tho troaty at tho present ecarion of tho
Sonato, although it can not become cf
fcctlvo until nltor tho Houao concurs in
tho tariff reductions provided in tho
troaty. Thla la expected to bo ono of
tho flrat acta of tho next congrcM.
Tho acceptanco by t tlin Republican
majority of tho Democratic contention
that concurrence of tho Houao la neces
sary boforo tho reciprocity treaty, which
changes tariff rates, can beenmo .n law,
rvaiB great surprise to tho Hopublicani,
wholiavohorotoforo stoutly held that
thosonato nlono, with tho l'rosldont
constituted tho treaty-making powor
Gorman's victory thcreforo is decisive.
Tho formal ngreomont for tho time
when tho voto on tho Tannmn cannl
treaty will bo reached was uiado public
today. It provides for 15 tninutos do
bat o on each side, on amendments, dur
ing Monday nnd Tuesday, nnd tho final
voto ou ratification is to bo hnd.Tuceday
afternoon. Morgan will bo allowed to
mnko a public speech.
Tho Bennto today received a favorablo
report on Allison's resolution directing
tho committco on rules to investigate
tho expedience of tho coming debate
l'lntt of Connecticut proaonted an
nmeudmout providing that throo-flttliB
of tho votes In tho h'onnto at any timo
could adopt an order of tho tlmo of do
bato, nnd tho tlmo nt which to tnko tho
voto. Tho amendment, uudor tho rulos,
wont ovor one day.
Consideration of tho Panama Treaty
was resumed behind closed doors today.
Tho gonorul bollef is that tho sosaion
will ond Friday of next weok. Tho
Panama Canal trouty will bo ratified
Tuoaduy. Tlio Cuban troaty will como
up humcdiatoly. Tholr adoption and
an amoudmout Bending it to the
Houeo for conourronoo will bo followed
by an early adjournment.
IIU Titilcrod TIiohkLIh.
"Soniotlmes," fmtil tho poot, "I lmvo
thoujjhta that stniCKlo for expression."
'And souio of thoso you lmvo Klvon
to tho world show tvldenco of tho
Btruj,'Ble" ivpliud t,ho critic Chicago.
Reported From Upper
Yukon River
i , irn
One Hundred Dollars a
Tncoma, March II Great excitoment
cxlats In tho upper Yukon over nnothor
gold ditcovory, comparablo to tho Klon
dike. It is on Duncan Creek. It is
said that f 100 daily perman has been
taken out of tho richest claims. Tho
pay itriak is toven mlltfl long, and bed
rock is 25 to ICO feet deep. All has
been lecated, Yukon recommends at
Ottawa tho cxpenduroot four millions
Installing- a water rystcm for all produc
ing creeks.
- T
.1 U-i .
Will be Chosen at
1 1 rn Kwry,
Selection Takes Place
April 9th '
Portland, March 12 Tho congression
al committco mot this morning and do
clded to hold tho regular primaries and
convention for tho nomination of
Tongno's successor.
All county convontiona must bo held
on or beforo April 4th. Tho district
convention will bo hold at Eugono on
April Oth.
Tho convention will consist of 173
delegates, based on tho last congression
al voto.
Pound n Difference.
Tho Irroprcaslblo Child Mn, la. there
any dlffercnco between lovol unil flat?
Ills Mother No, dear.
Tho I. C. Then why did pa got ft,u
pry when Mr. Jones snld ho wna a flat
head and then fool good when ho heard
that Mr. Smith said ho u-ua lovol head
ed? Columbia Jeator.
A llcqncnt. ""
Mlatrcs8--DIdn,t you hear mo ring bo
foro? Mald-I kind of thought I did ma'am,
but I wasn't Bure,
Mistress Well, next tlmo, plcaso,
give mo tho bonollt of tho doubt Flick.
ino ciuatena or eggs 'that may be
found on npplo trco limbs should be
picked off during opon wcathor lu wh
ter nnd tliua provcat hatclilug, of the
"TTT" "
United Mine Workers
to Push Cases
Against Slayer 9f Coal
, Miners
Indsn'apolls. Mar 11: Tho United
Mino Wbrkcrs organization hasformnlly
taken up tho recent killing of two min
ers at' Bjfckloy West Virginia, which
is docjared to bavo boon morder by
Marshal Cunningham, who they claim
was employed by tho operators to terro
rise tbo strikers nnd intimidate them
against striking. Cunningham is also
charged with soveral murders before.
The Mine Workers will employ a staff
of wldoly known attorneys to conduct
the. prosecution.
iate preaa dispatchos giro tha follow-
iBff particulars of the killing referred to.
"Acpordlng to the report, thcro was
great: feeling against Cunningham and
tho men decided not to allow him to ar
rost them, and ho was driven away. Mr
Evans says that ho eont a telrgram to
the men to submit quietly, but that the
coal companies, who own all of tho tele
graph and telephono lines connecting
with the town, refused to deliver it and
beforo he could get any message to the
men Cunningham and his doputivs,
who, he said, woro tho worst chrracters
he-'Could collect, went to tho town a
eocoud time and killed tho miners in
tho bight time in their beds.
Mr. Evans says that ho went to the
scene of tbo trouble the next morning
after 43, mon had been arrtstcd for con
spiracy to kill Cunningham, and found
there in a houeo occupied by a colored
man tho dead bodies of William Dod
son, William Clark and Richard Clay
ton, all colored. Tho reports continues:
"On inquiry wo found that the wife
of the colorod man, with four children,
together with eight colored mon, woro
iu the houeo and that about daytucal
nil that woro insido woro awakened by
shots fired Into tho houeo from the out
side. This shooting took pluco without
anythiug boing said to thoso on the
Insido and the threo colored mon I have
uontionod woro found dead on the floor.
Two wpre in tholr night cloths nnd the
other one was partly dressed with one
shoo on, pkrtly laced, and the other foot
bare," ' ,
" aiRBnetUlDsr a Wltnesn.
Brougham, whllo practicing nt the
bar, onco tried tho experiment of mag
netizing an ndverao witness giving ovl
douco nnd succeeded In n remarkable
mannor without speaking n word. Seat
ing, himself Immediately boforo the
witness, he fixed him with Ills oyo till
tho poor nun blushed, stammered nnd
finally collapsed In nervous confusion,
probubly leaving Ids most important
e.vldeace bnsahL -. .. ..jj u
Water Will be Highest
Ever Known
All Water Craft are at
a Premium
Memphis, March 11 Tho river rose
six inches in the last 21 hours. At 8
o'clock this morning It was two and one-,
half feet abovo tho danger line. A por
tion of North Memphis is anw inundat
ed, and several street car lines have
been abandoned. Steamers aro tying
lose to the streets, as halt the wharfs
are under water.
Refugeos from the low lands are ar
riving by every boat.
Government engineers officially state
that the situation is very serious, and
predict that within a week the highest
water ever known will be rushing I
throug tho leree channels.
Natches, March 11 The riror is six
teen feet above the dangor line. This
morning tho steamer Betsy Ann arrived
from tho Bayou Sara district with 50
destitute passengers. The captain re
ports that skiffs, bateaus, rafts and oth
er craft are at a premium and all local
packets are doing relief work.
Tho difficulties of the situation are
added to'by the refusal of roustabouts
to ship unless at oxtromoly high wages.
: N buying shoes DON'T
S4.uu siioe at a storu
get pluckod nearly
a dTTTgg
Satisfactory nhoos for Winter ehoca that pleaso the
people shoes in which the fibapo will hold won't
"tnuaeh" out. or sac in the shank, or cot Bhahhv.Innklna
in a llttlohile. ::::::: i : :
Shoos that hold out becauso they're rightly built not a skimp anyr
where, inside or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoe. : s
Must bo right or
couldn't everlastingly
wear or a new pair.
Why pay f 5 and $Q
Tom, Dick and Harry
long Buffering public with ecarcoly a
nor in shape for the last ten years.
v 'y . t 4. j Vi. ' i in.
Tendered Receptiomat
' r i "
May Not be a Candidate
for Qongress -
. -1
Eugono. Mar 11: A reception ia be
ing tendered this afternoon and evening
to Hon. Dinger Hermann, late Com
mb)6ionor ol the General Laud Oflko.
Mr. Hermann says bo has not fully
decided to become a candidate for con-
eresi, but is only feeling his way. It is
going to be bard to servo ono term and
get what tho district wants in the way
of appropriation, and at the same time
secure half the earth for the Portland
Mr, Hermann expects next wepk to
go to the counties south ot here tq meet ,
' .
pd friends.
, i
"" conid xot ainna le. "I'
A. llfoof tlio poot James Gates Per
clvul contalnti somq personal Incidents'
that show tho clifttacter of tho man.
Among them li thla:
When ho was made state geologist
of Wisconsin, a yqung man wasap;
pointed to assist him. Ono day 'the
geologist entered the governor's- offlcd
In a state of excitement "I cannot
stand it Indeed I cannot! I cannot. -work
with him any longer!" bodcclurcd,
with Bomo agjtntlou, rof erring to his.
asslMnnt. '
"Whnffl tho truoble?" f
"Ho whistles, and hp throws stones at
birds," was tho indlguaut reJoIndcfT
Thereafter ho pursued his geological
labors uunsslatcd.
get plucked. 1 you, buy a $3.50 or
wuore f u to o enoea aro sola you do
every timo. : : :
wrong no middlo ground or Vre
preach Money-Bock ShooS'-;iood
for let-woll-enough-alono ehoes
makos that lmvo boon foisted on a
change in quality ' ?j end Sw
. t i. ... i i k t -.
1Uit . 4
" n-T-irrtw-T"-.
-"" Minrjjnj
--ton wifcTM"
' M":'U&&aL'8to htWiV:iVMl?wiMtwS8iSVii hiia23g.3i4ai.V ! Z
i'oat. .ifwi-9.