Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 07, 1903, Image 8

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l-rom ounaay uny 4
TbaLadloaAld ol tho Presbyterian
chnrch mot with Mra. Fischer Wednes
day afternoon.
"Walter ConJron has bought out.E, A.
Anderson's delivery team and will oper
ate it himself.
J.R. RoberUon, who is taking an
outing on tho Tenmllo lakee, tna'do a
flying tiip to his office in town yester
day. Tho Copuille Hearld says that E. C.
Holland, has taken in J. F. Wyatt aa a
partner in tho manigoment of tho Bul
letin. Rusty MikeV Diary, March 5, 1903
Every woman 1sra ataWslictao. when it
comes to reading figures in advertise
ments. Grading for tbo new bank building at
North Bend was begun Wednesday.
J.J. Burns tho railroad contractor is do
ing the work.
L. J. Simpson, Thoe.L Renalo and
1'cler Logglo will go to Portland on tho
Alliance to purchase machinery for the
new manufacturing establishment to be
put in at North Bend.
Clarence Woodward who has been'
clerking in R. D. Ilnme's store at Wed
derhurn for the past year, has resigned
his position and returned to Marshfield
on Monday's train.
Coquille Hcarld. A petition is being
circulated and nomeronsly signed ask
ing the appointment of Fred Linegar as
post master of Ucqulllo at the reslgna
tlonoIB. E, Nosier, the present in
cumbent. Tho Methodist church was crowded
laEt evening to listen to, an address by
W. A. Crane,' the Tomperance Evangel
ist, and wo aro promised a more extend
ed account of the meetlne, for tomor
row'i paper.
Good nows has been receired from
Mrs. Captain Tom White, of Bandon,
who recently went to San FrancjEco for
medical treatment. A letter received
by MfB. Jas. Rnlandson, pf.. South
Marabflejd, eayiiig that Mrs. White bad
undergone nn operation and was get
ting along nteely. Her many friends
on theBay will bo glad to learn that tho
eifgeons k'ie hor every encouragement.
Coquille Herald L-Jie yesterday oven.
Ing little Roy Duuhara while plnjing
with an old powder can, dropped a
lighted match into it and there being
enough powder in the can, an explosion
took placo, tho force of which struck
him in tho faca causing considerable of
a burn and threw soma dirt in his eyeB.
but caused no Borinue damage.
iortli Bend Shipyard
Tho workoffltakinjroot the ground
for tho uow shipyard nt North Baud
all completed and work of driving the
pilea will begin Friday, The work on
he nevr yard will be of a aubBtantial
ft. H
kind and we nro Informed that n Urge
schooner will bo tho first vessel built
and will ba began ns eoon'aJ tho yard it
Inmdlnefcn. '
Tho many frionds of Johh Blount will
ba pleased to loam that ha lias entirely
j tlsm. Chamberlain's Tain Balm cured
mm liner mo uosiuociura iu i' "
(Mon6n, inir) had (Mica to River m?
Tho prompt rcltel irom pam which mi
lidiment affords is alone worth many
times lie cot. I' or aaio uy ono. ruusu.
A Pointer
rcopls on tho ontsido nro getting in-
U ft
(stated in Ccos Bay, J. R. Robertson
recently inserto.l a email ad in ono istue
of tho Los Angela Union, setting forth
tome of tho ndvnntago of this section,
and ho baa received as high bb six re
plies in ono day, Hero is a hint for
our Chamber of Commerce.
Work on the Woolen Mill
Piledriving has lagged eotno tbo last
few days on th Woolen mill fouudation,
owing to a scaricitv of piling. In tho
mean time, however, the caps have
been put in and work is progi easing as
fait as poeslble. A now supply of pil
ing will bo on hand in a day or two
when the work on tho foundation will bo
completed. Workman aro framing on
the bolldiug and will push construction
work with all speed poasiblo in n short
Dancing Class
Mrs. Jeeto Farrin has been requested
to givo a icHes of dancing lessons at
Empire ono evening each week. Mrs.
Farrin has a large class hero and has
met with the finest success and all
pupils spoak very highly of bir'clatses
hero and tho quality of tho work. This
will glvo the Empire peop!e"an oppor-
lunltv of learning all tho new dances
and nuv the lovers of the terpsichnrean
art on an cqul footing with tho outside
Roeobnrg Rovfaw: An argreemont
was signed by Mr. 0. Garfey and tho
Rosebnrg Lumber Co. Saturday where
by the former is to erect his large fruit
niekinc house in the Kinney Addition
jait as Boon as positive assurance 18 giv
en that tho proposed railway switch will
be put in (hero. Ab this switch 'will
almost certainly bo conitmcted, Roso
burg is practically atsured of one of tho
largest packing houses on tho coast.
The New Steam Dredge
The new tAeam dredge which was
bollt at North Bendvby Capfaln Bob'
Jones has Etarted work dredging tho
log elip to the mill nt Porter. Tbo
new machine Is giving the best ol satle
faction and works very emoothly, 0 ven
pxceedlng the expectations of tho build-
The dredge easily haudlea two yards
of dirt p minute and uies but a
small amount of fuel to operate It baa
en extreme range of about 70 feet.
Marsjifield Minstrels
The MarBbflelu Minele'l Company havo
postponod their entertainment which
tbey had annouuceU, nnlll a later uaie,
owing lo cirepmstancea over which they
liau no control. Tho boya are getting
in Quo trim to glvo an excellent enter
tainment, as they aro; rehearsing regu
larly and adding now fecturea wnich
will enable them to pnt on a high class
Tlje new date set l April 18,th. New
music, new Bongs, in fact there will bo
as fine a program as has ever been billed
In Marshfield.
From Friday'a bally. ' '
Grafting wax for alo at
tho Red
3-7-3 tw
Major Kinney has gone to Portland,
ezpectlug to return in a short tlmo.
' j t.t. , '
,J. D.Dyorand'B. B. Sherwood wero
down from gurcner yesterday on b'-ul-neaj.
' ; :
A Fhono has boon placed in Ellerby
A Manuinx Bros fish mnrkot. It la
No. 123
Unity Mifco'a Diary March 0, 10u3-Evt-n
poor adv nro Hko pins they have
their good points,
Tlio steamer Blanco went to D.wIcIb
creek Thursday nftori'oon with n bjrgo
tho Simpson Lumber Company's camp
nutl railroad.
W6 aro requested to put fii tho paper
that "tho editor of tho Coast .Mail's
... a
Unrlitr hn I'rtt -ft ruOllur.' It JC II
preecut from her good friend, Mrs. Jus,
Catching, of Sumner.
C. S. Kaiser, leader and instructor of
the North Bend baud, is planning to
taku tbeorgauizatlbn to the Coquille,
after Lent, to giro n series of concerts.
This moans ft treat for tho Coquille.
If it'a bilious attack, take Chnmber
lalii'n Kiniimc-li nnd LivurTahluts anil a
aulck rccoveiv is certalu. For tJ.i'n by
Jno, freuss.
E. A. Anderson is fitting np to dovoto
more attention to the baggage transfer
business. He will ueo biggngo checks
and systcmatixo tho business on tho
lines followed in' larger placed. With
tho tide of visitors sotting this way,
such conveniences "will bo appreciated.
Coquille Herald The englno recently
sot but of Lyons' mill and replaced by a
new and larger oqe, has been tak n to
Rlvorton whoro It will bo pot inlo tho
mill at that p'aco at en auxilary power
to the ono they nlready havo. This will
greatly increato tho output of that well
arranged and neat mill.
A Close Race .
A raco down the CoaBt from Sealtlo
between the steamers Santa Barbara
and Charles Nelson 'resulted in a close
finish and was won by the latter vcrsel
by a scant margin. Beforo loaving Seat
tle the captains of tho steamers match
ed ti.eir voeeels for a race to the Cali
fornia metropolis, and money wna wa
gored. Tho rival steamers loft Sealtlo
togethed and raced down tho coast.
Captain Schage, of tho Charles Nelson,
claims to have won by 10 minutes.
The A. N, W. Club
The Artistic Needle Workers wero on
toftajnod by Miss Grace McCormac on
Thursday afternoon. Various Tdnds of
handiwork was exhibited jlrlshcrochot,
Battonberg and Point laces, crnbroldory
and'rrinbow shawls.
After roll call and tho routino of their
regular business, refreshments were
served which wero of an elaborate na-
wrt. r.. --.-'- i"-
In the name of tho Club presented tho
President, Mra, Seoioy. with an el.gant
put glass cream ritcher and sggor bowl,
It being her 15th wedding anniversary.
fehe was also presented with numarous
other Bouvenirs in remembrance of this
occlasibn, In all this was ono of the one who was present: On Wednesday
pleasantest meotfags tho club Iiob ever evening W. A. Craue, the GoBpel Tera
beld. Some'of tho work now in handperancoEvanglist addressed ono of tho
by its membera is point lace in e high largest crowda that ever was in tho
negroe of perfection and would rival M.'E. Church. This wbb Mr. Crane'a
some of tho amoua old laces. ' second lecture in this city and nt both
The club will moot next week with times tho hpus wae filled and peoplo
Mrs. J. R. Bochan. '.' turned away, At tho firot mooting thero
. 'noroa 1.10 pledges Blgnod, and at last
WAKEFUL CHILDREN 'nlna'a mcotlnK about 00 most o
For a long tlmo tho two ypar old child
ofMr.F, L. Mcpherson CO N. Tonth
ai ii. at.iiwt wis u'nnm ui(ri run
two or three bouro In tho early part of
Zr 'WtiFnlSZ iSaia
that the child had stomach trouuln, and
ijavo her half of one of Chamberlain's
Jtomach and liver Tablotn, wklch quiet-
fd her stomach and sho slept tho whole
5S8t?SSclWd. Pae'nt 'cure'
ana ehe la now well and etrcng. For
ealo by ,Jno. rreuas.
Sudden Death of G. B. Self .
(Coquille Hearld)
It is again our duty to iccord tho
death of another piorieer and rotpected
citizen of Oilo cpmmuuity in tho pcrcon
pf Green B. Self of near this clfy, who
patted away Sunday, March Ut Mr
Solf km born in Tonnoisco, March 24.
iris. Mil was thorefora (17 yean, lit
months and 7 days of ago at tho time of
his death. At tho early age of two
")- -.. -
years his niiuch In life was started In a
westornly direction, making his first
hail in AikniiNls. In tho early C0'a hu
cWia(o"thu const, ppondlng lovural yours
In California and Nevada, mid then
cnino to Coos comity whoro ho haM since
remained. Ho leaven two sono. Arthur
nnd Charles, and ono daughter Miss
Estma, to mourn his death, his wife
having pteeodeed him across Uio dark
river several years. Arthur, tho oldrst
ton. h.is been uutoni uoverni years,
spending a groat portion of tills tlmo at
sen, while Charles nud Miss Emma Ilvo
Real bslatc Transfers
. C H Merchant and wf to W J Whlto,
lot !, b)k N Western add Marshfield, $10.
,L J Simpuwmnd-wf to Jaa R Robert
aon and wf lots 14 and 15 bile 40 lots 10
and 17 blk 61 lot 'JO blk 10 lot IS blk 20
lot 10 blk 11 lot SI blk 17 iota 13, 14 and
15 blk 47 North Bond. 5,
Heirs of Jas A Lyons to Uonono II
Haskins lot 7 blk 10, Watklns add Co
qulllo City. (00.
C H Merchant and wf to Leonard
Plana lota 1 and 2 blk 38, Railroad add
Marshfield. $150.
Jaa M Elvinnoy to Jas. McAdams n2
of se4 and se4 of net sec 10 swl cc 20
tiflVll, !150 acros' e2of aw4 lot 3 and
4 tec 10 t 30 r 1 t'l 05 100 bccb. f SS0.
Last evening tho Baptist Young
People's sobioty held their monthly
business meeting at Uio homo of Mrs.
John Dolan In 8outh Marshfield. At
tho conclusion of tho business meeting
a flue program was carried out.
CaptalnHOborg of tho schooner Salva-
tor scavo a,.ahort but iutoreating .address
which was very interesting and highly
enjoyod by all. Mr, and Mrs. tiorman
treated tho company to a duet which
was well received; Othora also gave
recitations. These monthly business
meetings are constantly growing more
popular and tho Baptist Young People's
Society can congratolato thomjolvos on
thi intorcst they huvo beon abfo to ol-
tain for their mootings considering tho
great number tho atti actions. Thos
attending had an enjoyable tlmo.
Refrcshmenta wero served which
wero pronounced oxqulaltobyall. Thoio
preient were; '
Messrs and Mesdames: Cfeo W Clax
ton, V O' Pratt, P M Gorman, B R Myn
att, J Dfrland; Misses Constance Irvine,
Mary l'oshoy, E iAyro, Besfio Ayro,
Rnelo Mvnatt. Zoo Dofan: Messrs
Sarauel C Fotich, G T Peterson, Capt.
Oberg, G K Millor, Jack'Davis, Goorgo
Macujng, "Wm Longstaff, Edwin Dolan,
DflIeMyn6lt Irvlno German, J. Dolan,
"'" "'""
, r,0Y,lu ""'""' '. ' )
Temperance Meeting
Tho following notoa on Mr. Crano'e
meeting have beon kindly furnished by
tuem young mon. Today bluo ribbons
. unan nn manv vou ,n
ban uv vv ..
t0WIK At the Bchool Houbo when tlicf
PpU. were lined up to enter the School,
DU(iing a great number of tho young
, i..,i un rthhong on tholr
men ana boyo.bad bluo ribbons on tnoir.
coae T,
' Mr.Crane ch'ose for hi. aubJectWednev
,iv f,v,nlns. 'Some Thinga I havo seen
, , cu . .
handled hifl subject in a rnaaterly and
pleaBing manner. In tho couroo of liia
remnrkfl ho gave what ho called an i.on
net sign to place ovor tho Saloon, as
follows: "Banks of Losing-Open at
all hours. Nothing token on deposit
jhut'goc-u' money.. Nothing paid back
but diegraco, degradation and death.
An extra dividend of delirium trumeua
gtven to old dopoattors,
A (rco pass lo Hall inturod' to thoio
who pay well At tho counter. TloVela lo
all comutorlos onllllening tho.huariir to
w dfunkird''i grave In tho patipor acetiuii.
AHMilldrun of llopfltora rcntfreo to tin)
Orphan Asylum or Alm houso.
Whlln llghtlnrj tho saloon busliioiJ,
Mr. Oranodoeit not nbiiso tho saloon
keepora. Pur this li hua been aubject-
ml to lumu ctIUcImu, but ho suema In-
cllned to proceed on original nnd In
dopetulout linen In nccoiupllohlng
Ills work. ,
Ho expresses n prcforonco for iibIiir
tho Invur ot love, rather than thn club
of ahuso iu bringing peopla Into lino
for tho good of thu community.
.Tnould SpolloThla Story lo Tell It in
k tho Headlines.
To uo an nlghtaon coulury phraim,
this 1 an "o'er truotalo." Having hap
pened In n finall Virginia town in tho
winter of 100J, P la a ntory very mueh
of th prom-nt. Up to n fhott tlmo ago
Mrs. John 1.. Harmon, ol niena nituiou,
Va,, had no porsoual knowledgouf tho
raro curntlvo properties of Ohambor
lnln'a Cough Rrmndy " Last January."
ehu says, "my baby took a dreadful cold
nnd nt one. tlmo I feorivl alio would havo
pnaumonln, but ono of my neighbors
laid tiio how thi remedy had cured her
little hoy uud I began giving It to inv
baby at oncn and It soon cured hor. 1
lu'artily thank tho manufacturers of
Chamberlain' Coukii Rimicdy for plac
ing io great n cure within my roach.
I cannot recommend it too highly or say
too much in its favor. I hop nil who
read thin will try It and be convinced an
I was." For alo by Jno. Pieuti.
All Altruistic Storekeeper
A. F. Norton, who bought tho Lan
caster general s'ore at Couverso, a short
tlmo ago, has disposed of tho stock of
clgitrs and tobacco. Ho saya that ho
has couscluntlous scruploa agaiuH tho
aalo of tobacco, nnd that ho expects to
rnnShe store "na Christ would run It."
Norton will soil1 for cash; will pay
his clerks at tho cloio of each day, and
will not deliver goods. Tho store will
not onder any circumstances bo opened
on Sunday, and will closo every evening
at 0 o'clock. Should tho profits any day
exceed 12.60, Norton says ho will sell
tho remainder of'tho day at cost. Tht
clerks will ba given a percentage on nil
profits after Norton's actual living ex
penses nro paid, nnd will got groceries
out of thostoru at cost, Tho poor arc
to bo charged tho actual wholesale prico,
and thoeo unablo to pay aro to bo given
bread and molaeses free. Norton will
ulvo away bread every day. No pack
ed eggs or butter will hu sold. Indiana
polis News,
From Saturday'a Dally.
Tho Allianco sailed from Han Fran
cl'.co Thursday.
Goo. Benlo has returned from a trip
to the McKinloy neighborhood.
AttornayWaltor B)cc!n!r, of Coquille
City, camo ovor on yesterday' train.
Jako Matson of north alough was n
visitor at the Coast Mail office last
Tho Port Orford Tribune Bonds out a
pathetic cry for tome ono from some'
whtre lo come thoro and start a laundry.
Tho best way to decide on how much
money to spend in advertising is to do
as much us ia postihl i and crowd on
moru us clrcumstun.ccB will i ermlt, ,
Rusty Mike's Diary March 7, 1003
Don't count your chickens until they nro
hatched don't advertise your goods
until you got them.
Mr. Jas. Cowan will move to uouth
slough 'to reside (hla Hummer at dm
logging camp of which Mr. Cowan has
A. E. Beamnii sold for R. U. Shii)fi &J
lots in Weatorn dd to Oliver Mircusou
or $300. Mr. Mqrcuson is a now corner
havinu arr'ved 'on last Alliuneo frpm
Portland. Ho li at work clearing .hie
property, with the intoution.of building
a resl'denco. ',
Chili. George tays.lho little dally Is
great an an ndvottlalng nhimtluinplfor
quick results He put n want ad hv
yoaturday morning's papor i advertising
noun) conl land which hn oIiib on Pngot
Oniiiul, nnd hoforn noon hu rceelvod a
hitter Irom n innii In Uunttlu who wanted
to buy the huul.
Anslalaut United Htalos DUtrlut At
torney l'urdy,ol Mimical oll, who was
prominent In Uio fljiht ngnlust thu
Northern Securities Company, In slated
for tho appointment of rJpiclul Assist
ant AttornnyHleiiornl under tho now
act creating that olllco for tho purpose
of enforcing nulttriist lawn.
' I
Coqulllu Dolli'tln.-O -n. E. I'lko nnd
Alfro I Jali noon returned Inot wrelr from
n business trip to I'ortlnnd. While
thoto Mr. Piko purchated n lino read
englno and also n donVey onglui. Theio
maohiroj will ho mud Iu Pllai's camp
nt Seven Milo.
Port Orford (Curry county) Trlbu:o.
Coos bay coal In In great dem.uid in
Sail Frauclico, says a recent arrival from
tho metropolis of tho Pacific, nnd it Is
not mi uncommon oecuraucn to sou
coal carts llnod up for flvo or six blockn
and nt an early hour In tho morning to
got'conl from thn bunkers, when a Coon
B.;y colllur nrrlvon,
Bandon Recorder. Contractor John
Kicrnan'a foreman for tho Rock quarry
work, .-nine on Inil wuek and prepara
tion to cet tho quarry iu order to com
mence extending thn Jetty has already
Injap. Mr. Logan, who aupnriuUnda
tho jolty construction for Mr. Klernan,
has complelud thejrallway track from
Parkur'a wharf to thn track iu! two
yearn ago, mid la getting the preparatory
work woll along n tho Jutty.t
. 4
B.Y. P. U. Meetly
Tho Young Propln'a Society of tho
Baptist church, moot tomorrow liven
ing at 0:30 p. rn., led by Mr. II. Mynatt.,
His subject will bo " Eternal Llfo." All
are welcome, cotno out and help ui
with tho meotlntti.
Baptist Church
Sunday School at 10 a. in. Preaching
service at 11 a. m. Topic, Soul I'roepoj
nth. Text. John 3:2. B. V. P. U. at
0:30 p. in. EveninitSorvico at 7:30 p. m.
An Interesting nnd profitable timo an
ticipated. Thurnlay'a Prayer moot
ing 7 :30. All aro Cordially Invited.
-5 ...
Methodist Church
Hovlval meotlng still conttnnn at tho
Methodist church tho cervices for tho
Sabbath am an follows: Sunday aehool
nt 10 a. in., preachpig nt 11. Kvonlng
sorvlco will begin nt 7 o'clock first half
hour dovotod to a song nnd 'praieo
sorvlco led by W. A. Crano. AH cordial
ly invited to attonil all thoeo services.
Presbyterian Church
Sabbath Bchool at 10 n, m.. morning
worship at 11 a. in. Sermon by tho
pastor on J"Times of Refreshing From
Above." Tho Young People's Endeavor
mooting nt 0 p. rn. anbjoct, "Chriat'n
ToHching About Heart RllrhteousnoBS.'
Evening. worahlp at 7:30 p. in. Sermon
by tho pastor ou: "Tho All Conqueritg
MATSON-DAVIS At tho rorldenco of
F, F, Hotnon in Murahflolil. Or, Mar,
2, 1003, Albert Mation nnd MIbb Nor,a
Duv'js, Rov. B. F. Bongaton ofllclotlng.
Tho brido is, tho daughter ol Jaa
DavlM, of Halnco elongh, and tho groom
Ian eon of Alex Mutooti. Tho wedding,,
waan quiet ono, tho caromony taking
pluco about 0 p. m. In tliu preHouco of
fow of tho relatives of tho contracting,
parties and Invitod frlendu. Tho happy
couple will commonco ljousokooplug In
n cottogo on A Btreot, M. Matson beint:
tho employ of JE. A. A'nderflon.' whero
his sorvicofl aro lilghly valued by ,hifl
V '
far. i, miiiiiiii.iwi'" irttl
il iiiarfimn nli "111111 'ImajLI.,',
fct V '