,.," -, - I"1" i ! rom Sunday's Dally. lido Hayra was In town from AlJora yesterday, the About a icoro ot Negro coal miners arrived on Vlto Alllsnc. F. 1L Taylor, f Falrvlew( was in town on bninoa yesterday. Senator T. M. Dinunlik, returned on tho Alliance (rem hla labors at Salem. T. V. Clark, tho woolen uilll min, returned (rom Portlana'on tho Alliance. Frank Ilsgue goes -to San Francisco on the Alliance ou a trip for health and i pleasure. The Alliance will anil at 2 p. m. today and tho Areata At 0 a. m. tomorrow, rom Empire. . Leo Neeley ot the horth fork o( tho Coquille xraa in town yesterday on business. Throo iteamera arrircJ ye terday, the llomer and Areata from S.in Francisco, and the Alliance from Portland. I ,. II. R. Davie, who has been employed A clerk in Wm. Nasburg'e ito c, haa i rclinqniehed his position. i . -; Ruity Miko'fl Diary. March 1, 1003 ,Thjs adv t.hat paya ia the one that tells what tho customer wants to know. i Wm, Bonebrake, who lately bought jtho Stfjinbuck farm on Catching alongb, ha moved with hia family to the place, ,i A small locomotivo came on the ,AUiance (or E. Johnson, to be used in a logging camp on tho lower Coquille. i John Rhcades, late of Coquille City, it in town on hla way to, Colorado, ) u t .i .u i ' . i i .where ho goes for the benefit ol hia, , ... 'health. W. A. Crane, tha Gospel Temperance! leotnrer, will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist church tonignt. lie fa well ' worth hearing. Mr, and Mrs. Jerrett, of Empire spent tho day in town visiting with .friends before leaving for California on p. ploaturo trip. L. II. Ueisn9r moved yesterday from tho building where tbey have been con ducting a boarding house, to ono of Mra Tower'a houses on Fourth Street, 'fHEOroRDjp BlACKORAUOHT HSTIPATIOH, Const! nation ia noOiinrr more i I than a clocolnc? of the bowels ' ' lit. "M. ",, .. . . iiimiiULmni7ieiiLn.an vital biql'- nation or death If not relieved. If every constipated sufferer conld realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in bis system, ho would soon net relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ment disappear when consti pated bowels arc relieved. Thed ford's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without tho purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Bo sura that you get the origi nal ineaxoras ulaclc-UrauHht, ruado bv Tho Chattajioorra irH. cinoCo. JSold by all druggista in (i cent ana ci. W pacKagos. n'fcoVtraa. Ark., M 85, loot. I canot recommend TheJford'i UImx- Drtaglit too Mfblx. I kp It In bit hooM all the tint and hat nitd It for U lt Wa jsyri. I sertr jt bv cklldren aar oUter Urttlrs. I Uilnk I coalil Bsrsr be able to work nlUiost It .'MMHpUoa. Your nidletae U , i nt Bccvsni si oiirir irouuied n ISb au iaai ips me np. ' C. U. MiViDMVn .. "" -- . V. '". tekiL. F. S. Dow returned on tho Areata, after n rtiert visit to San Diego, and ac companied byils family who havo bvon ilmhnc JoVeral months in that vi cinity. Miss Hird Short, waa a passenger na the Honvtr from San Francitco, where flip has been nndor medical treatment, with rcauita not aa bennOcial aa could be wished. A.S. Dibblo of Dibble William, returned on tha Alliance from Spokane, bringing hid family with him. They will conduct a boarding hono in the building just vacated by L. 11. Heianer. Win. Lickstrom of MarJhfleld, and and John Jonnson, ot Ferndalo, woro the aucceiaful biddor for the construe tion of tho new building which Robt. Martden ia about to erect In North Bend. Landlord Snyder ia making imp ove menta at tho Central hotel bv putting larger windowa in tbedinnlug room, and will open op a restaurant, day and night, where meals can be obtained on the European plan. E. O'Conncll'a driving hone broke loof o from in front ot tho atore yesterday and ran up Front strjot, and on out through South Marshfljld, com- ing to a stop near tho end of II street. Fortunately ueitner hone nor 1 buggy , was materially damagod. - . . F.CKaylor, late of Spok.ine, arrived on the Alliance to take a position on the tnmn nt tli Cn t m f . , t Mr L'avlnr ts an ail rounu priuter ana newspaper) ' , man, and with his aesistanco we propose ' to make improvements in tho sorvito, r ' both aa cerds r-dvcrtislng and job ' work. Wo bespeak for him a kindly ' reception. .....ro .1 u,h u au.o Buol Mary?" asked a Oreenpolnt man of iit'i. i. .i... j i a.. .i.-.i i hia wife, aa he entered the hooso, after search for tho implement. "I'll bo ' d d f I know dear, she sweetlr ro-, plipd, and the lesson went homo with snch a distinct thud that he raised his right hand on tho spot and took an oath that he would never again polluto his lipa with such a prolane word in her pre:ecc3. Moves to Coos Say A. B. Dibble and family left today w 8 MJort c w iftterton, II O Breed over the O. R. N. . for Coos Bay, en ,nd wifC R j IlByDei( Misa Wei:. Oregon, where they will make their 8ttrteDt Wrn RiciJBrd8 and wife, Frank futuro home. Mr. Dibble haa been n Cor F j shielde, J F Gallagher, T resident of Spokane for 14 yeare, and is Mitzroorrie, II C Nelson. well known aa an enterprising real I estate dcaler.-Spokano Dally ChronI- jSTATE TREASURER'S SEVEtSTII clo. NftTiri Work on the Belt Line D. W. Small ia grading on the belt line at the first cut this eldo of Pony , . . , .. , , , slough. The ground there is sandy nnd works fairly well, while farther up on u it j. i .hi . .. ii i the line It is still too wot, especially In the clay cuts. With the advent of , .. , goou weamer anu uie increasmR power of the Etm, the ground will soon be in condition for the prosecution of the work to better advantage. I C Fine Appfes Geo. Bealo bos left at this offlo n couple of apples from the ranch of F. R. Taylor, on the north fork of the Co-1 quille. They belong to tho King of tho World variety, and aro largo and hand some, and of excellent eating Qualities. They measure 13 incheain circumfer ence, and aro yellow on ono side nnd red ou tho other, Mr. Taylor devotee considerable atten tion to hie trees and bringa eorae fine apples to the market. Unclaimed letters List of unclaimed lottora remaining in the Marahfleld Oregon Post Dfllce March 1st, 1003. Poreons calling for tho same will please say advertised. Mies Ester Anderson, Alfred Ander son,,. Wm Bailey, J Barnott, Wlllio Oripns..TomosdCrinmB. E P Uarter. C j W Obaee, II W Olty, FrncIsco;Clmbolfl,i Antonla Clmbols, D R Oalc, Mra Llxslo Dlmmick, Antonii Doloranil, Veter K Qalton, H 1C liauna, Chsa Holland, Mm G M llolgate, Hilma Larson, Mr Laoril. Miia Lola I.ovoll, John T Luckoy, Resarlo Maneho, J II Mayrllo, DomnloMayiuno, l Meglnuo, N Iter nard Millabury, Mary Nyiuan, llermaun Nlssandt, Chaa Richardson, (ilmder, Koyetad, Miss Lectin Cope, Uupt -T II Sander, D F Sullivan Uhaa Waltyr, A T WhJIb. W. B. CuRna. P. M. Travel by Sea Arrluilsby the Alliance Fob L'S: R Vogal, H Vogai, A S Dibble, Mra A S Dibble, Mrs K M Pipa. Sidney Dibble, Karl Dibble, J L Pickering, W II Stauff, A L Dieter, T J MeNumeo, H K Red tlold, M Smith, J A Uartell, M C Cory ell, Mrs J W Hall. J W Hall, I) W Hall- Peter Derhaua, J E Hllery, EdnaAlford, C F llarthnloma, Mies Lillio Dean, Mica A Marccror, J Cox Jano Cox, Arthur Joi.nnou, Jacob Small, Chaa St Clair, Chaa Haywood, P Sfharvtirs, L It Burns, F. C, Taylor. S J Parr, Fred Abel, Jas Hcanlan, J A Miller, P 11 Stratton, QueenioStratton, F. J. Clark, C E Schroeder, II W Bullard. J 11 Bald wed, G. W Abe, Win Sandora, A Male, G II Johnson, P King, It W Hnrdeu brook, T M Dlmmick, It W Dlmmick, Bert Dlmmick, T W Clark, E H Pane, John Grills, Geo E Pike, M Wallace, C WHayer. Henry Harris, Mra II Harris. Ed Simpson, J A Dobomell, Jefferson n..t.-. ii. til..- v n.. .. tt I " , ' .., .illur, winiama. I Tho following porsona had eccured , . . , ., . , ,,,, m ticket for tho outgoing Alliance up. to -,,, , . , , , 7:30 o clock laat evening; Andrew . . , ,, . , . .. , Stambuck wife and four children, Ber- ,, n, PIM, . , ... . , tha Pieice, C II Merchant, m Haguist, .,.,, .. ,, , ... , Pat Mchally, F Dolton, Chaa L Beuvier, :B j DiVenport( Tho, Dovoraux, J A 'Davenport, Miss L Sliugsby, Miss j)' 6earft j., q. m EM(. Dowell and chndi w F Dennegan, Frank Hague, Noiia Jensen, Ben Samuels, M rti, a cnu p n n,.. Colline, S Sulik. F II Owens The following oersons boucht tickets. for tho Sooth-bound Alliance, In addi - tion to the list given in Sunday's paper John Angus, Masilllot, and wlfo, (t W Goodman, C A Magna II in tho atoerago. Departures by Areata Mar. 1 II II McPherton, Mia II McPherson, J Web ster, M S Enoe, J La Ruo, W II Marrill, Treasury Department, State of Oregon Salem, Fobruary 2o, 1003. Notice Is hereby eiven that there aro funds in the Treasury with which to re- deem all outstanding State warrant-; drawn 0n the State Scalp Bounty and Bounty Funds, endorsed "Presented and nt P1" loT want ' Funda, prior to this date. All tuch warrants, if proper ly endorsed, will be paid upon present- ation at this ofiice, interest theresn cvatDg fr0ni and after this date. Cjias. S. Moone, State Treusurer, l25-lt For a Coffee Club Tho Womans Club mot yestorday afternoon at; tio homo of Mrs. Bear. The topic was Biography of Lowoll and Washington, Mr. Crane, Gospel Temperonco worker, 1 gavean Instructive talk on establishing a Coffee Club, and it was decided to meet Monday at 2:30 p. m. at tho Ulan- fco parlors. Every ono interested in thla work is cordially invited, business men especially. ( Skcretauy From Tueaday'e Dally. Wm. Lawhorn, of Sumner, was in town yesterday, i., Bert Foleom, of Pleasant Hill on tho Coquille is in town on buuinees. AseeuoriT J, Thrift and Ex-Assessbr Lawjence came oyer on yesterday's train, Uktnrcn lllto of Coiulllo City came over yesterday to fpctid a few da) a on tho Buy. t Frank Bunch's Acadttuy at (travel Ford has closed for tho soannu, after n anecoaaful run ol six nioutha. Bill Nyo ia In town nn hla regular trip for Murphy, Grant A Co, amino :ompanlcd by hla wife. John W, Krusa haa taken passage on the llomer, tailing today lor Han Fran clrco, wlioro ho will sock medical aid. Rusty Mike's Diary, March .1, 1003. After tho new huilnean man haa roloctoil hit "motto" there's a lt.ll In advertlelng until ho QnJa that people den't pa) much attention to mottoes not even "kcepoflthcgrast. Myrtle Point Enterprise Wo are In formed that the railroad trottlo holnw town, which waa washed out bv tho re in'Uthlgh water, will bo rebuilt in the mar future. The loai of train acrvicn ; has proved a great Inconvenience to our merchants and nthera, and everyone is anxious to see thu train running again. Tho Gardiner Mill company of Oar diner, Oro., will Imtull a S'earnx bind mill and Chamberlain loit turner, In rn-aslns tho capacity id thoif mill 23,000 or 30.000 feet dailr. Another nlaner haa I. -iUil . ,. rnllInm.n, T,, I . ,0 . 2o.c,.ooo foot thla year.-Timbcrniau. Coquille Bulletin B. F. Ross, of Marshflcld paired through town Monday to Myrtle Point, returning Wednesday . He made sale ol tho cbnrch propel ty at Myrtle Point belonging to tho U. B church and the Dunkard church, to the Church of Got, of Myrtle Point Mr, Ross representing tho truitcea of the U. B Church. Bandon Recorder A few days asjo an Item appeared in ono of the Marehfleld 1ut,ora ""nnclnK the arrival ot Terry McEwen in Bandon and crediting him with the manascmuut ot ttio liall team of this place, this summer. Last week about the same item appeared in the iMyrtln Point Enterprise, and now what .the Racorder desires to learn is, what became ol Terry, as ho has not beon soon hero yet. Business Change Chas. Stauff has bought out J. TV. Kruso' interest in the Grocery busiurHs of Kruee & Stauff, and is now sole pro prietor. Woodmen Will Celebrate Coos Bay Camp No. 100, Woodmen of the World, will celebrate its eiuhth anniversary on Saturday evening March 11th in I. O. O. F. hall. The entertain ment will conaiat of a drama entitled "Tatters: Tho Pet of Squatters' Gulch," enacted by home talent, and music, gamea.dancing etc. and u banquet In tho hall. Tho members of tho lodo and those of their friends fortunate enough to secure tickits are euro to havo a good time. Mrs. Hereon Returns Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Horron returned on tho Areata from San Frryudrro, whither they had gono in starch of modlcal aid for Mrs. Horron. Their frionds will deeply rogrot to Ienrn that Mrs. Horron'a case waa pronounced In curabjo by the doctors and alio returned without relief, although tho stood tho trip very nicely. She was at tho Lano hobpitnl fpr nine days, where her case, hod th,o attention of Do.Rixford, head sorgeon, and of Dr. Carjntar, presidont of the Califor nia State Medical Society, who was call- I' I ed ,ic consultation. Thuy decided that nothing could be done for hor cure, so shp expressed a dsaire to return home (at once, Mr, liorron speaks In the highest terms of tho kindness and at tention of the nurses and attendants at the hospital.. J Por a Coffee Club A mooting waa held at tho lllnnqo ytalerday to dltuuse the ostabllrliinoi of a Coffee Club In Marahfleld. This la tiu lino uf wntk In which W, A. Crane, tho tniuporAtu'o ovaiiKollat haa, met rlth good success, and -that gentleman la making a strong cfforUo found audi an Institution In thla town. The mooting adjournal over until 3 p. rn.,todoy, to give n chance to got luoro of the hutlnesa men Interested In the matter. There Is no doubt but aiiolt an Institution la needed In Marsh Hold, and, If properly conducted, would he uf tho gri'ati'ut heiKllt. Editor Riley a Benedict (Port Orford Tribune) Alter au abscneo of nearly tto montha, the editor of tlili pper returned to Port Orford by atenmr Areata last Thursday after having traveled morn than 0000 mllor, over all kinds of country and among all cl nrrea of people. Wearld by the long Journey travol-etaluid but happy I waa trmOy glad to once morn tread on Oregon soil, breath tho pure air ot dear old Curry and realise that, nt last, I waa back in God's country; home, among friends and VI ml ml. Aa was announced last week tho editor did not return aa hndrparled alone. One ol the fair daughters of the sunny South, whera wave the Cypress and Jtho Scymore, has consented to take np hur abode in the land ol Oregon. Wo hope this week to commence housekeeping In the dwelling known as ( tho Sutton house, where our ft lends will jtt slays welcome, -- - -. -. .'rom Wednesday's Dally. Tha Homer sailed for San Francitco yosterday. Jar. Cowen has bought the Craig house In South MarsliflelJ, nnd moved Into it yestorday. Rusty Mik.i's Diary, March 4, 1003. A sharp knife Is a dangerous thing so is a snarp adv. Tho Wesson Bros have bought of Jas. Wall a donkey englnu for uto in their logging camp on South slough. o John Priiess has ;put In a revolving show tray in thu juwelry window of the Red Cross drug storo, aid it looks quite citifiod. Mra. Wm. Vincamp, of Allegany, came to town ycetctday for mcdlca advice, having been in poor health for sometime. She was accompalned by hor son Will. W. n. Noblo has bonght of A. E, Seaman a lot on tho corner of D and Third streets, adjoining his property. The trade was mado by II. Sengitnckuu and tho price paid was (330 An attompt on tho part of Dr. W. A. Toye to communicate with tho dontal depot in Portland yesterday dliulosod the fact that the oHce had just been gutted by a fire, Tho offlco was in the Dekum building, but It Is not llkoly that tho ffre was a serious one, as our dlspatchca do not mention it. ;ihmihi iii-k-;iimiiimuii ii ii n ii 1 1 1 nin nu-n s : Don't i NegleGt i Coughs A cough that Is left to euro Itsolf la slowly ovorcomontbest, nnd thoro is apt to be some weakness loft to mnko tho next cough como easier, BENGBTAOKEN'S WHITE PINE EXPECTORANT, is natura'a boat assistant. It ninkea tho euro easy, quick and thor ough, It is perfectly harmless, and io equally goud for old nnd young. It doesn't pay to trlfl? with coughs when you can buy a remedy on these terms: Monoy back if . tho romody fnlln. ' PRICE t5 and 60 CENTS. Sengstacken's Pharmacy Itt t MAhfield. 4 1 1 1 1 II H 1 1 111 I ortM 1 1 1 lrrH 1 1 1 Lrll I HHM 1 I'M :-. II. r'cngMiU'kon ruld t' II, J, lllakii yeHtcrdny a fraction iff tho Haskell plnqi on thu Kant fork of North Coos river, being tho icvldoiico apot of Robt Hntkclt on the north ndo nl llio river, Tluipilco paid was flV). 1 18, n.iynlt pays to adverllaii In llin Coast Maui when you have anything to sell. - o Cfcar Factory for Narsliflcld Fied Abll, late of Pnrtliiud, arrived on the Alliance and will open up n uliar luoiory In M.uhll..il.: llu Iuih rented of I. A. Seaman thu stand on U si reel formerly occupied by thu rnttagu bakery, and lins his stock stock on tho ay hero, Mr. Abell pro poses to dovoto hi attention entirely to tho wholesale trade, telling no cigars nt retail. He ia on experienced rlgnr maker, uud will undoubtedly make a ancceaauf hla venture, as the dealer of thu county idiould bu glad tu patronUu a homo Industry. To Burn Oil ' The Wlll.iniottu Pulp and Paper Company In Oregon City is going to In stall oil burnlnu engines lor thei. factory. Crude oil will bo shipped from Kan Fra'tulrro in steel tank steamers; them will anchoor bi'lou;i'orllnnd's city lim its, uhorn tho liquid nill bo pumped Into woolen b.irgns, and towed to Ore gon City. The barges aro being con structed, and will Ikj lluishe.l within n short time. While thu u-rivor paper mill makes use of thi Willamette's run ning wnttr fur power to run moil uf its l Ilfll'llllllift'. killl ril il.al nl iIaiiii w. - - -- . ....-. fOAor is also employed. Wood haa been med for tho fuel heretofore, but the compiuy has decided that crude oil a butter mid cheaper. Suit Selttcd Reliablt information hat boon re ceive Hint tha action of Thomaa K Ryan vs George Quiglby haa been suttlcd. Thin was tin action brought to recover thu poaiesssou of tho property formerly ohihh! ty The California Lumber Com pany, and now owned by Morris Ilronn of Kan Francitco, Cal. Thu stipulation for tho fliml retltument, sigmd by E. Ii. Seabrnok, ni attorney for Plaintiff and C. F McK night as attorimy fur Gm. Quig!cy and his priucipMl, Morris Brown, Is now on tile in thu Circuit Court, for Cooa County, Oregon. It is gratifying to learn tint this suit has practically Imen solllid, thus mak ing it possible for tl.e present Icrsce of Porter mill to acqu'rn title to tho property. This makes It almost certain that this plant will run steady In tha future, and it diipols 'nil doubt that might havo lingered In tho minds of some its to whether tho mill would be permanently ruu. It would nppcnr thnt koiiio of the big gntulilliiK hotiHcH In Now Yoil: get enough fivu inlvirtlslng out of nu occn Hloiuil rnlil to fully offftct Hh Inconven ience. (.vuol, "And now," mild ttio lonoly ntcnogm Plli1 i'''( .wiia kicking for a raUo, "I will mnko tnyHolf plnln." "Nnturo Hitvoil you tho trouble," Niuippeil tho cniHty old senior inombor. WJicolliig Newu. tx t 99! Nnturo might euro your cough wltliaut uid, but you can't afford to chance It. .iw. I IHF' i(jsjsMs 000mpp 'f