Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 07, 1903, Image 5

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Slept At Their sjs
Warden Cllmba Walls and Takco
' Mon'o Clothlnu Without
T. 12. IliunniniMy niiJ I), J. Ferric,
nlitlit tintDti on tlio ntalo prison walls,
liny I'fiui Mifii'fu)cil on n rlirugo ol
sleeping itt their pouts, TIili chargo wn
repot (nd to Governor Ulininberlulii, nnd
ii Iter it thorough iutotllsiilloii In perton
Turidny ulteriuwin, tlio governor tttkul
or their illiuliArico,
The now v.nrdon, i'lhrnrd A, MeJ'hnr
ion, titii'K'clcil lint men of not l.clnc
watchful, nud In portion climbed tlm wall
nrul n'oiuod tlio prriuUnn, in no immi
nent tlni)i'ro' being (hot wlintovor, nml
lio reported tnu matter tu-tU vwornor.
II they lind fired nml ilono no bHter
ihoollng than trlion Tracy ami Mnrrill
Cut out, lio would not have toon lilt nuj--liow.
A feVcui special to a 1'ortlaud parol
Mcl'lirreon d tlio necond warden ap
pointed nbout a month ago. IIu has
believed (or several lny Hint tliu wnll
guaulo wuro not vlicllnnt, nml declared
hla bellel tlint hn could safely rculo tliv
wall nl nllit, Hn madu known his in
tcntlona to tlm gutnl luMdo tlio wall,
.Blmpson. nml aliout II o'clock nl nteht,
hn wont around to tlm north sldo of tlio
en cloture, put a ladder up, nnJ trnne
forrvd bin ladder nud cl lined down the
other fide. 11a went all through the
thopa and llui yard, and then cl lined
hack on tlio wall. Ho went Into ono of
ho guardhouses and took tlio guard's
tiat and overcoat, and then left tho wall
and Hunt hock to the. olllco. Iloro ho
locked tip tlio clothing hu hnd taken,
and on Mot day morning report id to the
govornor. It Is mid that tlio governor
ordeiultlio dlncharKool thoviurds at
once, hut hu afterwards countermanded
tlio oritur, and gavo tlio men a homing
McL'horsou nml Simpson both told
of tho occurrence, and tlio guards were
given an opportunity to noss-ex-amino
their occiuerr, or to mnko
any stntutnont they wished. Thoy hud
Jlttlo to .uy, oxcont that they hnd per
haps dozed a lltln, am! they claimed
ilioy woro not derelict In their duty. It
ii understood tlint friends ol tho two
man interceded In their behalf, urging
that ihu humiliation of discovory was
sufficient iiuulshincnt, hut tho governor
would not oo it in tlint way. Ho held
that tho discipline- of tlio lnetltutlon.ro
qulred tho luimudiato dismissal of any
guard found lacking In vigilance, and
would listen to no plea. "If you woro
my own bro'.hara," ho is reported to
liavo said, 'you would havo to go."
It Is (luito certain that th rlllos
with which Tracy and Morrill did their
deadly work woro taken Into tho prison
shopa by porno parson who climod tlio
wall at night. At that tlmu thero woio
no night guards on tho wall, end only
ono inside tho incloaurv, Kow -thcro
nro two on tho. wall oud ono inside.
Whllo tho wall la long for two gunrda to
watch, two can maintain n constant
flurvey of ovory part of it. If thoy ere
vigilant. On Kiuulny night the gunrda
woro probably togothor on n dietnut
part of tho wall, or woro not glviig
nttontion to their work. Ihu only
chargo against them is that thoy failed
to dotect MoPlioraon whllo ho was ci.
toi lug or leaving tho oncloHitro,
It io evident from this movo on tlio
1 part ol tho now administration that
cillcleucy nml parformanco of duty aro
to ha rciniinlt qualillcAtloni) for holding
n position nt tho etato prinon. Mc-
rhoroon'a bravory in ritking his own
lifo in ordor to demoiiBtrnto that there
wab n dereliction of duty leaves lilllo
room for doubt as to his fit hobs for hie
.position. In no othor way, probably,
could tho real conditions .linvo been
"proven beyond queition.
fCopyrlpltl, lvn, by O. II, Warner.
In tlio old mining dnyH In Kovndn I
hud whllo workliiK at Ciow Vnlley n
tcnfmiito nml partner niiined John
(Irlirifii. Ho xrnn nn honcat, Intelligent
mini, nml our friendship wn n fiti-qiig
one. Ono .Tiiup duy (JrlggH wna killed
by n premnturo blnat. lio wna dend
huforo nny ono reached him, hut wo
rotild kco how lili denth hnd becu
hrounht nbout.
Kotir weclta nftcr tho npcldcttt nnd
fiinernl tho men who wcro worlilnj; n
claim nt tho eil() of tlio hill on which
(Jrl,;Kii' gntvo hnd hreti dug nccldeu
tully exploded aevornl poundH of pow
der. No ono wna hurt, but n portion of
tlio hill wiiii torn nwtiy nnd tho collln
ttiumrthed nml ulinttcicd. When wo
hntbercd nround It, wo found It empty.
It wax, 1 believe, on tlio Hlli of Juno
tlint wo hurled (Jrlggn. On tho night
of July 10, clow upon midnight. I mid
deuly nwolio from n nouud alcep. I
wiih nlonc In (hu tent, nnd an It wnn a
wnrm night tho lly nt tho door was
tied biicli. TliU pcnnlttcd tho full
moon to light up the Interior oh bright
n duy, I lay on my aide, facing ouf,
mid the first object my eyen rented up
on wiih thf familiar form of John
(irlggx. Ho ant on n box reading one
of hhi bool.-fl, nnd for n moment I for
got tlint ho won dead nnd burled. Ho
wiih di cased In bin working clothe, nn
on tho ilny ho wna killed, nml tho hand
which held tho 'book hnd one (lugcr
wrapped up In n nig, Just an I hnd
wrapped It three day 8 huforo his death
to heal n cut accidentally Inflicted.
I renent tlint It wiih n full minute be
foro It llnHhed tioii mv that Orlggs
wiih n dead uinn, nnd then I uttered a
yell which nrouard hnlf tho enmp nnd
rolled off my bunk and niched out
diiora. In three or four in I nut en I hnd
thirty men nround me making Inquiries,
but I wan ao upset that I could only
point to tho tent and whisper Griggs'
iiniue. Tho crowd moved forward and
InvcMlgnted. Tho man I anw 1th tl dis
appeared, mid I wns unmcrclfully'guycd
for having ah attack of nightmare.
A mouth Inter, oh hood nn I could do
ao without exciting ridicule. I left tho
digging nnd went to Ilnld Caglo Gulch,
fifty miles nwny. There wcro nbout
ndventy men on tho ground, and I was
n nt ranger to all. I staked out n claim,
put up my tent nnd was soon a rest
dent of the gulch. Ono night about
tho middle of (September, having gono
to bed earlier than usual on account, of
not feeling well, I wan aroused at ex
nelly hnlf nu hour after midnight by
sotuo one Hoeaklnc mv name. I sav
that I heard n voice call mo by noma,
but I can't offer you any proof. Th6
liiRtnnt I opened my eyes I anw John
Urlggi. I miw him Just ns plainly na I
over saw n living human being, but
only for n fow seconds. Then ho faded
nwny nml wiih gone, nnd, though terri
bly rattled, I hnd not cried out
After a fow minutes, when I got
aomo of my nerve back, I rose nnd
dressed and walked out. There wns n
light In tho tenf next to mln'o on the
right, but nil the othcra wcro dark. I
walked down to tho creek, thirty roils
nway, nnd hnd Junt reached It when
there cnino n sudden Ilush nnd a tcr
rltlc report, nml I thought tho wbolo
dlgglugH hnd been blown skyward. It
wns n powder explosion In tho tent
next to mine. Six tcutn were swept
nwny by thnt terrific blast, nnd four
men were killed nnd six othcra nioro
or lesH Injured. Of the two men In tbd
tent with tho powder wo found only
It In mv firm belief that John Grlcu-s
nppearcd thnt night to warn, mo of tuo
danger which menaced. YofJ will smllo
in pity and contempt even though nt
midnight tonight tho mysterious tap
ping of n "death tick" In the wainscot
ing will shako your nerv'o and glvo
you unpleasant thoughts.
You remember tho awful railroad dis
aster nt Ashtnbuln, 0.7 I should havo
been n pnsbeuger on thnt trulu but for
n singular occurrence. I ant hi tho
depot only n fow miles from Ashtabu
la, my trunk checked nnd ticket
bought, waiting for thnt trulu to como
along. Thero wero eight or ton of us
In tho waiting room. Opposlto me, on
tho other Mdo of tho roopi, wcro two
women nnd a man. Tho women wcro
conversing, and tho man wns reading a
uowspaper. Prom his general appear
ance I took hltn for n commercial trav
eler, One reuBOii why I ennio to look
tho man over was because I happened
to notlco thnt he hnd lost two flngera
from his left hnrTd. They wcro tho sec
ond nnd third flngera, mid I wondered
how ho could havo Injured them with
out Injuring cither tho foro or tho little
Tho trnln wb duo In coven mnutcs,
ns I saw by glancing at tho clock,
when tho etrnnger with tho newspuper
suddenly vanished nnd In his place,
his bonds empty nud resting on his
knees, sat John Griggs. He was look
ing full nt me, nnd for n fow seconds I
hud no inoro doubt tlint ho was nllvo
than I linvo of my own Identity. Not
to strengthen my cusd, but to ndd to
tho mystery n bit further, I will rclnto
that ns I sut thero looking nt tny old
pnrtucr, who hnd boon burled yenra
boforo, both women turned In a star
tled way nud then moved along a little.
3ftv will v ttuUla. tbU mm. '-,
nil othcrn, 1 Old not neo what I bclloyo
1 nnvr. f linvo no proof to otter thnt I
did; yod linvo noio to ofTcr thnt i did
not. liant right there wlUi my cym
fixed upon Grlggn while (ho (inln ttiun
dered up, took on (lip other it'iniwcra
nnd went Itn wny (o meet u tmrlble
fnle. Wlion tlio ruinhlo of tho trucks
died awny In tho distance. Jidm Jrf;gs
faded out of oxlsteuco ns n Juno fog
vnulHhes before tho summer sun, nnd
I wan nl) nlotid In tho room.
' ' ' '5f. Qiill).'
'Plione to isliirap.
(Coqulllo ilullctin)
W. 0. Hose, our hustling telophono
oporator, has been circulating n petition
this week for tho purpoie of raising
money to put n telophono lino into tho
Ffshtrnp country. Ho lias mot, with
good iticcoes, having subicrlpttona to
tho cxtont ol 170. Tho lino will coal
about (300 nnd will bo fivo miles in
length. This will not only bo a great
convcnlenco to our uj-rlvcr neighbors
but will provo of gacat vnlno to our
merchant. When tlio 'phoncn aro In
stalled the switching will bo frco of
Railroad into Curry County
Grants Pass, Or.. Feb. 18 Colonel J.
S. Crawford, of Philadelphia, and F. II.
Orgood, of Seattle, and associates, are
laying plans toward tho installing of a
largo smMter at tholr rich Cleopatra
copper mino on Diamond Creek, Del
Norto county, CalifoJnia. juct south of
tho Oregon lino. They nlro proposo to
build a railroad from their properties to
PUSH an clement in American civilization
that stands for success.
PUSH is composed of Eucrgy, Enterprise
and Education.
PUSH made the only one ceut da'tly ou the
' Pacific coast possible in MarshBeld..
PUSH started, and has kept going, the
Daily -Coast Mail where others
said if would fail.
PUSH places the news of the uatiou in the
hands of Daily Coast Mail readers
two days before its nearest compet-
itor telegraph iriiUes it possible.
PUSH yourself into line and send in onp
dollar and we will send you this
pushing jupcr.lor four months.
A Live Sloclf rroc?ilon.
Tho government btntcs thnt If nil of
tho nnlmnls received at tho Chicago
stockynrds during the Inst yenr could
bo gathered together ou tho roads of
tho country, tho horses going ttwo
abreast and tho cattle, sheep nml hogs
following, thero would bo u solid block
of nnlmnls fivo feet w.ldo and 9,000
miles long, nud nt tho rnto of three
miles per hour for eight hours per
day; jt would require eight months for
this procession (o pass.
Au Oilil Clnlm.
Representative Grasvcnor hns pre
sented In congress a very curious claim
preferred by Jncob Rltternbhch, who
wauts pay for a kit of carpenter's tools
lost or stolen In 1805. Tho elnimnnt
8nya,ho wns n stago carpenter at Ford's
theater, Washington, on tho night
whon Lincoln was shot, nnd thnt ho
wns nrrcstod ns a witness nnd hold
thirty days, during which tlmo his
tools dlsapponred.
A bill has been Introduced In tho Illi
nois legislature providing for tho .'ex
amination and licensing of music tench,
crs. If puch a. law could bo mndeT tJ
apply to music pupils, with rcnsounblo
restriction as to licenses, it would bo
4eel(d.boon to mauy crowded coin-'
Uho I'nclflc. Tho routo chosen will In
23 miles in length and havo itn torrnriUB
nt Cnbla, Harbor, Curry county, Or,
The soundings at Cnblo, Harbor show 24
to Ho feet of water. 'This would bo
sufficient to nllow tho cntrnnco and
loading of xoiy largo vcmgIs,
A Fovulne Veto Vny In Ilrlalnm
CWIinan Origin la n 3Irery.
Tn6 first Monday after Epiphany Is a
Wo dny thronghout Itclglum. "IvOBt
Monday" It In culled; exactly why no
ono H'jcms nhlo to explain. Tho origin
'of tho feto In lost hi tho legends of tho
middle ngen, but tjio modern nccopLi
(Ion of tho dny Is certainly lost to no
ono hero. Llko Mnrdl Gran, Lost Mon
day N n d;i7 of gencml merrymaking.
IJvery enfo nnd rcsUiurnnt in ItrnHnels
kecpn "open houiM'," nnd free drlnkn
n;c on hnud for till patrons of tho es
tablishment, nnd nn a mutter of fact
for many others an well who nro not
rrjulor patrons.
On IMnclc Monday, then, ns It la Iron
ically called by nomc of Uio untlvca
not oyeroiicbntited with tlio dny, tho
Btreeta of Jlrusscla nro given over to
tho people, nnd the adventurous for
eigner, who, Ignorant of the country'n
I customx, ventures out, in apt to find
uuu tuo iiciginn popuiaco t no respect
ur'of persons. On tills day the shopkeep
ers, fdgjilng behind their counters, find
themselves compelled to hand over' to
their cdutomors servants a forced con
tribution, amounting to n certain per
centage pt the year's purchases, while
tho bakoFs, too, hnve a contribution to
offer In the shapo of cakes specially
rcnuo for tlio occasion and offered as
gifts to their clientele.
In this manner tho uniquo fete Is per
petuated, (bough tbo calendar docs not
note In any particular manner tbo first
Monday after Epiphany.
I-r, f-
' .A .
Time In Japan.
Tho Jnpnneso dlvldo tho twenty-four
hours Jpto twelve periods, of which six
belong to tho night and bIx to tho day,
their day beginning at sunrlso and end
ing at sunset
Whether tho day or night bo long or
short, thero aro always sis periods In
each. To attain (his tho characters or
numerals on tlio scale nro adjustable
Two of them nro set, ono to' ngroo
with tho sunrise, tho other with spnsot,
and tho four characters between thorn
dlvldo the spneo Into equal portions.
Thus when tho period of daylight U
longer than tho night tbojlny hours
will bo proportionately longer than
tlioso at night. '
Another peculiarity In their scalo Is
that they uso only six characters, those
from four to nine, and theso rend back
ward. London Express.
Moro than likely tho next tlmo Eng
land goes gunning with Germany It
will Insist upon having somotblng to
say in the matter of controlling tho
yno bacliolor governor of" Ivnnsns,
who promised to tnko a wlfo boforo ho
was, uaugur-atcd nud then refused to
mnko good, Is ovldeutly trying to
B(pmro himself with tho progesslvo wo
men 6f Jho Sunflower Stnto. Ho hns
niiuouuccd his willingness to sign nfo
male suffrago bill ns soou as it is up to
.Hvr HoNor Vor Adnlral Cerrern.
That' Spnhr has nothing b'ut good Will
for Admiral Ccrvcrn, who commanded
the HI fated. Spanish fleet at Santiago,
1b evidenced by his recent appointment
to the post of chief of staff of tho Span
ish nnvy. ' '
The "Woman of It.
She How did Alice happen to marry
that man with one arm?
'Uio Oh, it's that craze she has for
rcmunnts. She thought he nust'be a
bargain. New York Times.
Mr. B. Constant Don't you know
consistency Is a Jewel?
Miss B. Wilder Of course, but Jew
elry is going out of fashion. Plttaburg
iual UoiiorSi
Fnnnlc My big sister Is coming out
tills evening. ' j ,
Kntto unt'a uonug, mo Dig bruadei
Is comhV out t tonight,, too. Uo wan, tip
fw six montlu, New York Time, 1
! 1
Jnit a patter of Tuts, ( M
a. ) (in tm
mrtfeKtna'I'lHmt)er X.yVi '
Charles ir.'fcoutrer, wno for the thlnt
tlmo has been chosen mnyc" of ock
ton, Mass., Is a plumber by tntdo nndt
worka for dny wages when not chlqfi
lHi7ul-att TliSBSfc';' (T Bd- i
executive of tbo city. The now mayor
Is not yet thlrry-threo nnd, according
to himself, has had but two years' reg
ular schooling. lie Is n firm believes
In municipal ownership. '
no Care Vor It.
The Thin On Are you over going to,
pay me that $10? "
The Fat One You're worrying your
Bclf thin over that money. Look at me.
I never worry. San Francisco Esam
incr. The Mnnilnrd,
"You - can't Judgo a man by hit)
clothes." A
"No. If you desire to mnko a
a lool:
! estimate 'of his Importance get
at his coal bin."
Mr.,.Dryplater-f should like, to take i
snapshot (i you, situ
xteu ttuoo uiiWJ, puru.
The FerttlA Croir'n BeRUl
There la a weajon known aj tho
"crow's beak" which' was formerly
much In uso amon; men of rank In
Persia and north lnla, It, wns a horse
man's weapon and consisted of a broad
curved dagger, blade, fixed At right an
gles to n shaft, pickax fashion,; Th
shaft Incloses a dagger, unscrewing at
th.o butt end. This concoajadtda'ggcr is
a verycommon feature oflii'dlmi iirraH
and especially bf the battle axes of-'
X IfaAX 1,Tl4h.V . ,j