Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 07, 1903, Image 2

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Panama Co Agrees to
Extend Option
Alaska Boundary
Treaty Ratified
WftOiit'iTton, March 3 Tho answer of
the Panania.Onal Comrauy regarding
tho extension cl time on the option bold
by tho United States after March 4th,
was received by Cromwell this morning,
bo immediately took steps to know
m lien a conference can be held, and
Knox laid the answer before tho Cabi
net meeting.
Ills understood that the company
agrees to the desired extension ai laid
dovnby Knox ten days ago. It corere
a reasonable time for ratification of the
ttrcaty only.
Herbert, DrlUab Ambassador, and
Secretary Hay today exchanged ratifica
tion! of the Alaska boundary treaty.
Rebels Very Strong in
London, March 3 Explorer Manning
today says that the China situation in
the interior is more serious thou at any
other time. Rebels control tho situa
tion. Imperial troops are unable tocopt
v. iili them. In one province alone there
:t;e sixty thouracd rebels.
"The cquare peg in the round hole"
figuratively expresses the use of means
imitated to the desired end. A greet
inauy people who have been cured of
ljpepsia end other diseases of the atom
nch and its allied oryans of digestion and
nutrition uy tlic use o Dr. Inerce's ooluen
Medical Discovery say : " Wc tried many
medicines with only temporary benefit.
It wa not until we began the use of
Golden Medical Discovery' that we
found a complete and lasting cure."
53,000 FORFEIT will be paid by
World's DisrKNSARv Mkdicai, Asso-
r.vriON', Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., if
t hoy cannot clow the original signature
of the individual volunteering the testi
monial below, and also of the writers, of
every testimonial among the thousands
vhich they arc constantly publishing,
thus proving their genuineness,
"It it with pleasiu-e tint I tell you what Dr.
I'K'ice'a Golden lijrclical Discovery and relicts'
liav e done for me." write Mr. T. M. Palmer, of
i'cetle, Kaufjwan Co., Texas. "Two year ago I
was Ukcji with stomach and bowel trouble.
ICvcrlili)!r I te would put me indUtrcvi. I
Itvfd two weeks ou ciillc nud even that gave me
mill. I felt ns though I would Mane to death.
Three doctors attended me-ne naicl I had dy.
twpola, two taid catarrh of the stomach and
lio.vcU. They attended me (one at a time) for
o is year, lutooped talcing their medicine and
trml some relent medtdue, got no better, and
J crew w vvcaU and ncnoun my heart would
lluttcr. I could net do any kind of work. Now
; can do my house work cry welt ; am gaming
tn fliih and itngt.t and cau eat anything!
Accept no 6ubititute for Dr. Plerce'a
Golden Medical Discovery.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser ia cent won receipt of stainns
to oav cxueiise of mailitiK only. Send
M one-cent statuj3 for the paper covered
book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound
. volume. Address vx. ts v. x-iercc, uur
t jfalo, N. Y.
Roosevelt Announces
a Program
House and SenateMust
do Business
Washington, Match 3 Through Sec
retary Moody, President Roosovelt this
aftornoon conveyed to eeveral prominent
members of tho Houto his determina
tion to call an extra session of both
houses, unlets ratiifactory action bo
taken on tho naval appropriation bill
before adjournment of the present ses
tion. The two houses arc at odds over tho
particular types cf ehlps to be construct
ed. Tho House is contending for throo
battle rhipa and one cruiser, while tho
Senate wants four battle, ships of a
smaller size and two armored cruisers.
Fotf, chairman of tho House Naval
committee is ono o! the members to
whom Moody made this declaration.
MajQr Kinney Making Preparations
To Start the Belt
Major L. D. Kinney Ja making prepar
ations for the resumption of activo
opeartiomon the Bangor townsito in
tho near, future
Lumber was being takon over there
yesterday, for the construction of a
machine shop. The building is to be
20 by GO feet in size acd will bo. built at
A email crew is at work at Rangor
now, nod Major Kinney expects to have
things going in good chape by.tbe 11 ret
day of April.
D. W . Small, tho contracter on the
Belt Line, will doublo his force at occe,
if ho can get the men and teams, and
will push the grading work aa fast as
possible', although tho weather is not
yet rettkd sufficiently for the prosecu
tion of tho notk to the beet advan
tago. There tecme little doubt that matters
iu connection with tho Great Central
progcet are on a satisfactory basis. 1
One point on which the frleudo of tho
enterprise can congratulate themselves .
is that Eomeof the falie friends of thej
project ard being unmasked. A Judas I
is more to be feared than an open ewmy
and tho elimination of Mich from the
councils and the management of the
enterprleo will make for its ul.hnntu
- -
XSuok r,raru!nir.
Mr. I'ewedde These biscuits tire aw
hi. Mrs. Newedde Impossible, Why, tho
recipe saya they nro excellent. --San
Francisco Examiner.
Senate Must Attend
to Treaties
Fulton Will Have Early
Democrats Still Fili
bustering Washington, Mar. 2 The President
has issued n proclamation calling an
extra session of tho Stnatc.
Many senators hae called on the
president to urged, tho calling ot n
special session. This is an endorse
ment ot bis oitn well known views and
strengthened his determination to have
tho ponding treaties acted upon.
Tho two principals objects In view arc
Reciprocity Treaty with Cuba, and that
with Columbia, concerning the Panama
Advocates ol these measures aro con
fident that both will bo consummated,
Owing to this spcc'al session, Oregon's
newly elected Senator Fulton, will
take his seat immediately upon tho
meeting 'of the seesion, nhllo
otherwise ho would not havo douo
0 until tho regular ecjsian In Dicom
bsr. This will prove nn advaniaie to
him In acquaintances, and getting
familiar with the routine .work. The
session will probably bo short. The
F resident's idea in calling a special tei- (
jioii at this tiruo is that it affords an I
opportunity for tho newly elected Sena I
toro to reach Washington. ,
Senator Orosvenor, ol Ohio, from the
Committee in rulos, reported n new
, , , , .,, . . 11 11 1
rule which will shut off roll call when
domandod ou previous question, and ft
, , ,
limits debate to 10 minute, If nJnpted
this will end a portion of the filibuster-
Tho Senate this morning received the !
credentials ol Levi Ankeny, tho newly
elected senator from Washington.
Filibustering was arosurned in tho
Houte. Richardson r.tieed the usual
point of no quorum. Unfinished busi
ness, rclalivo to adopting tho conference
report on tho Alauka honicatead bill
was takeu up.
Supreme Court opened its tession at
noon todiy by reading the Da's corn
misiion. Tho oath was then adit.iinis
htorcd, after which tho now Justice was
aligned to tho seat vacated by Shiras,
hie predecessor.
It is said that President Rooicvelt
fixed Ihe time of reassembling of th
Senate at the earliest poeolblo date in
the hope that ho would be able to take
his long prouiieed western trip within a
few weeks as he originally planned,
Ills throat is much better.
In view of tho fact that theio wiih no
JiecesHlty for tho blustering tmvitl dem
oimtratlon by Ordat Hrlinlii, Ocnimny
and Italy, It would nppcur thut the
powers which proceeded decently to
wniii in ,...ii..i.. .. ti-i.. f.i
vwu.I the collection of their claim
ngahiHt eneziiolit nhoiild hnvc 1111
equul, If not urefcrcjjfJttl, stxjndlnj; an
!0ne Union, One Reg
ular Republican
Are Result of the Ad
dicks Compromise
Dover, March 2; 3enator Allen, a
Uulon Republican, lormor Cougrcii
man Ball, a regular Republican, wore
ulccted Unitea States Bonatorn by Dsla.
ware legislature) this afternoon,
This dually despaics of tho long-drawn
jut Addicks hold-up. This ts tho result
of a compromise.
its a,
K R 0 7. E N O Y 8 T K R S
jjjjr Street, Marshlk-ld, Ore
Corner of Front nnd A streets,
JONH SNYDER, : : j : : :Proprletcr
HOTHI. tvu insi Ixrn mtitrlr rcluied unit
rclurnisM-rl throuclioiit and is ng tin ojkii to trc
public lor pjironngc.
.ru bexu nu spring rnanrciM-. iue utei
placed in almost every sleeping room ol thl
turns and i.citlier trouble nor esprnvs h 1; bcci
ucd to pui everything In lirst-cbus order,
noaiiland clRlnK, per ccl 15.CO
lioafd.p' eek .co
SiiRleMf 35
Tiir uiuacaT okksation xvxitnMUiit:
'ColupSilblo P O C It e t
' Ihe smallest Steruoecnpii with thn
u 0BMl opiiatWffect. Highly llnfaliiil
Hrnt olrii with rich gold and
silMir decoratlonn (mountings), Includ-
ing 'JO V. F. Photographrt, Yltiws of art
(genre). PRICE ONLY fl W). S'Wt
eerywheio preuaid In letter foi i.
FORREST liUILDINvS, Philadelphia
Read wherever I ho English Language
is S poison
The Thrhe-A'Week World waa n
brilliant euccern in the leglnning ttnd
hriH hin steadily srowinu ever flnce.
TUiihIh the jest of all thlntfl, and haa
nut its seal of approval on the Thrice-a
Week World, which ia widely riicnlnlet
in every State and Territory ol tho Un
ion, und wljereever there are peoplo who
can read our mother tongue.
This papnr for the romlng winter and
the year lWKi, will malto Mb news ser
vice, if possible, moro extensivo than
ever. All oveutBof importance, no mat
ter whero they happen, aro re
ported accurately and promptly.
'IhoBiibfcilbcr, for only oue dollar a
ear, gets three papers avery week and
more nowa and general rending than
most great dailies can furnish ntflvoor
six times thu price.
The Thrlce-a-Week-World ahno
lutely fair In Its political nowH. Par
titan bins is never ullowed to uffuct ita
nrwfl columns, and Duiiiocrat and Re.
publicm alike can obtain hi iln pugeo
truthful accounts of all thu great politi
cal camptfigns.
In addition nil the news, the
Thrlco-a-Week-Wot hi fiimlchoH the
belt serial ilutjon, .ehtboratn market
reports and other featured of interest,
Tim Thrlce-u'Wock-Worlil'H regular
subEcriptlou price if only 1.00 per year
and this paya for 150 papers. Wo offer
this uoQQualed rlewpaper and Weeklv
c0a.STSMA1L together ono year for
The reirular subscription price of the
two papers is 2,5U
TiMiil'it LAND, AUT JUNE .'1. 187H.
United Stnlri Uttul Ollk-e, Koti'lmrg, Orcgnti.
IVIi lulli, lyiij.
Nntlw It licrrhy ghen llitt In chiiiiIiiicb
wlih ttio nbvllmn nfllin net of Cungieit of
I line j, tB;U, entllloit "An net for li mlo ol
timber Inula In the Malct ol Ciillfoinln, (n
gi 11, NrtitiU, nnil WitAltliiulnii IVitllni)," i
rvlcmlml to nil iha llibllc Uunl riintct by ilcl of
August 1, itigj,
"of llitttltnn, county of Kooiriul, ilittc of III t
Ik, tins tliU il.iyTilrd In tlilt ultUe lilt swoin
tiiitcinent Nn 4 tji, fur die Hin.li,tin o( the
NU1.4 of SICim ol Src.10. nnil NM of SWi-i,
SWim of NWlMofScv No. ii.lnTpNo 34 s,
It 11 rt, mul will olfrr pioot lo show 1l1.it il.o
Und niiit li moie tilimli!d lor In limber or itone
II mi for tigiluiliuiid itiiMitr, mul lu i-Mnlilltlt
hit itilm to Mlit hint liefote W, U. l)oui;l.t,
U. S, C0111111 stloiirr'liir Orrnon. ill si titjilliilil,
Oirgon, on I tirtiUy, the 161I1 tiny of lime, iij,
Ha iinim-ft rtt Mlltirnrti Jolm I. Mii;iiy, ol
HauIioii, I1I1I10, Jolm Mlcliollnlnk, Unity
Mklielliil.ik, F I' I'lillur. of Allrj;iiy, Ot.
Any mul nil k-iuiu ililintiig mhriirlv t tir
.ilxive ilrtcriUi) l.niil uif mtiettdl to llln
lliclr rlilmt In Oils olllio on or In lortt still 161I1
ilty ol June, 1903
a ai . T. UiiltHiM, Kfglstn
riMRER LAND, ACT JUNE :i, 1878.
United States Uind Olluc, UoM'biirg, Oregon.
felt. 4, 1903.
Notliv I lirrrtiy given llul In wxiiplinncc
with llir ptiivUkm oltlic art ol C'tntgrvit of un
1, B;8, inlillnl "An ml lor llio t.ilc cf lliutKr
Utuls In llir Jl ilrt of t illfoniln, Oirt;oit, NV
twit, nnil WiulilnKioii 'IVrtllory, n rMMiiK-il
lo nit the I'utillc l.miil huilrs by ii.t of August
-I. 89-'.
ANIIIONY siamhuck.
of MarjIifitM, louiilv of Cuos, Mntr of Off.
Kon, lm llilt tUy filed In 1I1I1 oilier- li Hum
Mnlcmnil No -uso. 'or the piuili.iM of
the SH of i Nilon No 3l, In lon
sliln No. tt Sooth, Ujiirc No 11 Wctt, mul
lll offer prixfflo Miom III it llic l.inil muijjIu Is
more v.iluililo for Its tlinUer or slunc tli.tu fur
igrtcultiiMl pmiKvs, a nil to oi.ttilUli M tLiliu
to mM I.1111I bcfoic W. U Doili:l.u, U. S. C 0111.
tnlssioiier for rrgon, nl .l.iuhlirlil, Or.'gon, or.
S.Uiifiliy llir Jildiy of Mny. dnj
He n inirs ns wllnessrs tester S111I1I1. Jrsf
Siniili, Al.iti Siiiltti, WlllUm llunclinke, all ol
Murtlilirlil. Orreon.
Anv nnil jll neiions cIaIiiiIiii: nilvriseN tlie
abovr-itescillxil land me tcfinestrtt to lile tlirlr
cl Mini In llilt olliwon or lirlwr Mlit iit tUy
of Mil), 1903 J I. IlKlimM, Itrglslrr. !
TIMlir.R LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 174
United Stiles l.nnil OUVce. Hotclmrg. Ofgon.
Jan a.'iouj
Noller It beirby ulrrn llml in coniiuiiie
wllli llie pfumiuiM of the Ait of Cori;iiis ol
Junr J. sflyt). rnlttlett " An aet for llic mlc ol
timber Limit in the Mitit of CtllfiirnM.OirKon.
Ner.uln ni.il U'4slnui;ton t rrntoiy." ns rslrnil
ed lo nil the Public I .mil M.ttrt by act of Au.
euit 4, 1P92
of Martfirlil, County of ('. .Suite ol OirOti
lias llilt ihy filed In tins olitc hit sworn stule
mint. No. 4373. for Ihe 1m11.f1.1v: of llir
.MVJTof NI'i-4, NWi-4of M.i . tit.a of V
1-4 of See. No 19. In 'I So 35 Ji It No 1 1 W,
anil III oiler UM)( to slum llut Ihe Unit
vitt(hi It more vntuibte for lis tnnlr or stone
thin fur ngticullunil purKvt nnil to rtt.ib'lh
his cl-iini to villi l.i mi Im-Idic W. U DoukU),
U .. Commissioner fot Oieun, nt .t.itilil'irlil,
f'rcRoo, on A.tiunliy. tins 11 il.iy of April, k
He n uiK't nt itncMrt: I'lnul 6'ollelt, C I.
Siiiilh. 1.(1 CollVIl, i: I Coffrll. all of Murili
field. Oregon.
Any amiall iiertont cl.ilnilnj nirrrly Ihe
nboe ilncrilicil I unit .ire mint! tml l'i file thrir
cLiims In llilt I'llicc on ot Infoie tan 11 d.iy
of April, 1903
1 30 . T ItKllx.l.t. Uegliler.
United Mittei I-init OfTite , Koteburg, Oregon,
J .tn V I'M
NollvC Is heruliy given 'li.it in coiuplUncq
wlih the priitMluntGf Ihe net of foitL'nnt of
June 3, 1878. 1'linited "An net for iId; silc of
tnilbei l.inils in the Mile of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, nml Vuhiui;iijn 'leintorv." nt
I'strnilcd to ill Ihe Public Unit Mum by net
of Augutt 4, 1B93.
of Mnrshficld, county of ( 00s, stair ol Ore
gon, hit tint ill filwl In thu olfne lilt
nvtorn tl.itrment Nu 4349, for I he purilMtc ol
llic Smihe-Jtt ipiarter, of Seiiiun No 4.
m 'loMiiship No. 37 S, .Mange No 11
West, nnd Mill offer proof to show 1h.1t the
l.i ml voutit it more valuable fur IU umber or
sione than for uriciillur.il purpovet, .nut lo c
lalillth hit claim lo said Luid beforr W. U.
Douglas, U S. t'omtiiltsloner for Orrgnn nt
,1arthfn hl.Qregon, on h.ilunl.iy, llic aitt day
(A Mhii.Ii, 1903
He names us wllncwt W II .torgin, of
Mnithrield Or. Kit laylor, li Whllley, Lee
Neelry,of halrview. Or,
Any anil ml M-rtout claiming ndversely the
nbovc'ilvtvrlbrit lands mi' ri'iiietted to hlc
llielr claims in ihis olhceon or before said aitl
day of March, 190a
1 10 I. T. IImiik.i-.s, Keglsier,
Unilcd .SuiUs Jjind Ollice, Koulmi;, Oregon.
IVIj. u, 1903.
Notice is htt'eby given lll.it In compliance
with tho provisions or the net ofCongrcts of June
3, 187ft, eiitliltd "An net lor llu sale of limber
liiiidt in llii! Mates of California, Orexon, Neva.
(In, mid Washlnglo 'lrriioi."nt ex tendril lo
all llic Public l-ind Mnlcsbyct of Aiuiibt 4, 1894'
of Mnrshficld, uiiinty ol toot, hiuic of Oregon,
hut 1I1U day filed in this ollke his suotn tialc
iiicni No 4m, for Uw pweh nc of iliuljlN-c,
3i,'l3(ih, K 11W, mil Lot 3 mid ., cf Scr.
No. 6, In lownslii 37 hoiiih, ol Kangj! 11
West, und will ollrr proof 10 show that llic land
soiigbl Is more, valuable for lit limber or Mom
Hum for iigriculitMil purposes, mul to iMalihsl
his claim to said land befoie W. U. MJounl.ii,
U. S. Coiiimibsloner for Oicgr 11, ut Miirshfiilil
Oregon, on Friday, the nl day of Muy, 1903.
Ilcnanu't nt wiincssiis, W II Morg.in, of
Mnrshfk'Id.Oi' ,Lis Needy, F It 'Jiiylor, Jotin
I bully, of Kiiirvciv, Or,
Any und all ieiM)iit rlalmlmr tulvcrnly the
illiovi'di"icribcd land urn rupieslert 10 filu their
claiiut in ihls ollice on or before Milt) nl ilny
of ,1av, 1903.
a.3 . T, I)hii)(,i.)i, 'cghter,
R-I-P-A-N-3 Tabules
Doctors find
. A good prescripcion
For mankind
Tho G ennt piickot ih enouuli for usual
oeuusioiiH. Thu fainllv botllu (ISO einitu)
contains iteiipply for u )vjlt, All drug
gists sell them,
United Htnttm Lnml OlIlrofR'Tluhurg
Ornuun, Jim, I0-1IMKI
Nollrnln hnrnby glvon Jhnt In cmn
iiIIiiiiiii with tliti provMmia of Hut nil u(
('iiiign'M of .lutiu :t, IH78, untitled uAii
net for the Knlniif tlinlMir liiuds In thu
stntt'n of Ciillfoinln, On'im, Ntivnila,
and WntililiigloiiTurrlliiry," ilnixti'iiih'i
toull the I'uhllu Lund HtutiiH by nut of
AilgiUU 1HUJ
! limn tm m kkta
n( Mnrchllolil, ciiinily of (Iiinn, Hlntn of
Ofegdii, hun thin day tiled In thin olllcit
hit hworn atittiiiiiiMit No i'UH, for tint
puriihnao ol the l.ut Hand I'.l 'Jul HKI-I
Action U7 and NWI-I i.f HWJ.I of
Heo Ion No. 'JO In Tmuinliln No. HI H,
Rniige No. II W, mul will offer proof to
hhnw that tlm lnml sought Is inoro
vitliinbln for Hi tlinlior or Mono thnn for
ngtlcultiiral piirpoaun mid to UDlnhliah
I'litt'l.tlin lo Kiild t .t ml hnforo V, U.
DihikIiim. U, S. ('ouuulnaioiiiir fur Oregon
nl Marahflold Oregon, on Monday, thu
.'iOlhdnyol Match, 11H).'I.
He nniiii's nW wltiiearen: A A Alidur
nu, Allngn y, Or., F A Kelly, ,Mrh
lli'M, Or , Friil Noah, Allegany, Or,,
Silas Noah, Murhlillitlil, Or.
Any mul nil ih-ihdiih I'htiinlng itdviirae-
ly the nbovifdovrlhcd lauds nro re
iliioilid to lllu tholr t'Uitus 111 this ollliu
on or before mi Id 'ttlili ilny of Mar, ItMKI,
t-'.'l J. T. iiMiiidCH, Register.
Unllnt Slates I nnd Olfur, Kutebutg OieRou,
Fell. lolh. 1903.
Noliif Is hereby given lhal In loiMplltntr
vtllll the provltmiit nl Ihn net ol C'ungiett of
I linn 3, 1Q78, rnlitleil ' An net for I lie title of
Umber lands In Ihe .Mites of ' iillfnrnii. Oiegon,
Nevada, mid WiitlilnKlun IVrillory, ut et
temleil 10 all the Public I .mil Males by nit of
Aigntt 1, libij.
of Manlifirlil. miiuiv of Coos, state nl t rr
gou, hat this day bird In llilt olllie her nvom
tiaicineiil No 4431. fur Ihe iimihav of llir
Soullieavt ijildlrr ol Stllon No, j, loMiithlp
jj South, of Kaugii No. 13 Writ, nnd will
otfer proof in show thai the html touitht I mom
vulualile for ut limber or tione llhili fur aKiVeub
lural purM)vt. and In rtlabhth liei claim lo talit
I.iimI brlvMC U I! IXoogl it. t' S tKiiliU.tkin.
er for Oregon nt Mnithfirld Oiejjun. on Jvaliir
itiy Ihe ad itJ) of .Uiy, 1903
Mie names at iliievc. K II Noble, W II
Noble. W I Not'. C has Noble. All ol .lAntli
Held. Or.
Any mid all wtms claiming ndtHtly the
nbove-detortbrtl IjihIi are iiNmHtcl Hi ftl Ibelr
cLums in llilt oIKf m or lielme vihl l iliy nl
Mty, 1903. J, I. IlKHHii.t. Itegistr. aai
United Stales l.imt JiIkm. Ktvvrlng,Onn
fed 1. iv3.
Nolke Is lieirby given Ihitt In cmpJla.ice
with the imiyltlunt of llir net of Congest n(
iine 3,178 eritiiletl "An art for the tile of
timber lands in ih- Stiiet of Cnllfoinl.i. Ore
gon, Nrvadi. mid Watliiugton Twiiloiy," nt
ettended lo nil the Public Kind .Males by act Of
Aui;utt 4, inj '
of Uovcbmg. cxMinly of I Joiic'Lis, stale of I re
gou, htt llilt il iv fileil In 1I1K olliw hit tirn
statement No 4170. l-r the iiiinliar (J tin
LKof NLJ,'. stoii No j, loHnthiji Niv t
outh. Kanje Su 11 Weal, nnd will tllr prom
lo show til it the land wfiighl It mine tutu iltlr
fur 1 1 limber or tioni. iImis fm niiculluril imr.
Mer, ai.d In rttalillb lilt cliun lr tint Uml
before the HetjittRr nnd Itrrrl.er of thit o'Mtr;
nt Kotcburg, Oregon, ou lueMliy, the i3ibd.iy
of May, ii3
He ruiiiii- at Mttnrttet. Jn)m (i.vcnt, t'linrles
1 tiom, Joliri IIkmii, JiMeipti Wmtbeib). a)! of
KovlNiig. ( ) eoi. '
Anv uml all p-rmnt cliilmlru; ndvtrtsly Im
ilxive daullK-d Umlt arc refluetla I in hit Itwlr
cUimt in this otbwe on or Inline vihl iilhit.i) of
i.ty. 1903 ;. '. "KiiK.ks. KHguier. a.aii
I'lM lil'lt LAND AOT. JUNE .1, IP78 -NOTICE
United Slatw I ind Office, Koscburg, OiftjAti,
I't b a, 1 (1 j
holier It hereby given llilt In rfMiifiMunce
with Ihe ptovi ,lons of thu tic t of CimgrnH of
Jnne3, 1B7H k'lillllel "An Ait for lhi caln ol
I imliir liiidtiri the SiaiMtol l.allfoinn, Ore.
goit. Vevuila and Wathinginn Tmfliors," hi
I'tii'iuleil 10 ill th Public I.imt Sui'.s by act ol
u,;uvt , iBya '
of .ltrshfinlil, count) of Co.', .till of Ore
K011, his ll.lt iliy hied In llilt iHhtv hit
tuorn ttileniiiii No 1119, for Ihe ruin Into of
ihi'NMof NWk.M-.k of NWJ,' of S.tloii
N'o 34. Tuvtiitiiipao h. of Ittngi 11 W. arid
Mill olfrr proof to show ih it ihe land sought It
moie viiluibh' for Its iIiiiIkt or slotie 1I11111 for
ujirkiiltural imriiotis. und to etlablish lilt
cl 1 1 111 10 Mid land before V U. Douvlit, U S.
Commlttioiier for Oregon, nl Marsblield, Ore
on,oii Silurdiy, tlm jd iliv of M iv 1911
Hi' mill's at uilm sses; W II Morgiwi, jesie
Smith, ( W ll-ale. of utrshfielit, Or., I" It
laylor, of Pnlrvlew, Or,
Any'and iillpi'ivint claiming ndverscly Ihn
aUive described lands arc rriiiie,Mtl 10 bin
tlitlr cliims In llils ollice on or before taid ad
day ol Aay, 1903,
aai j r. uiiiDtiKS, iei;iier.
United .Statu UimlOlli it, Koteburg, Oregon,
I'Vb.ao, 1903.
Noliio It hereby given tliat In coui),iiue
wlih the provisions of the uci of Congii'st of
June 3, 1H7H, entliled "An act for llut mlu of
llml.er lands In tlm .Statu of fulllornl 1, Oiion,
Nevadn, mid Washington Territory," fisexic-ndr
ed to nil llut Public l-itul Stalni by act uf Au
gutt 4, 1H93,
of M.uthfield, (otinty of Coot, nI.iio of Oregon,
bus this day hied In this olllcn lilt attorn ante
incut No, 4 iHj, for lliu ptirch ise of Ihe K H of
NKi-i. Nwi.ofNI-:i-.i, Sec. 10, mid SWi-
of.Slii-, of .Sec No. 3, in 'I p No ji Souih,
itnuge .mi, 13 wrsi nnil wiiioiii-r proof 10 nhiiiv
that tlm land ,ioiii;ht Ji morn v.iluublu for fit
llmbor or stotm lli.ni for ngrlcnlliiral purposes,
und inetiabli.il liiscliim lo said liud lieforu
W. U, Dotujlas, V. ,S. ('oiiiuiltaloiH'i- for Ore
gon ut naahheld, Oregon, on Kaliiuliy, tho
91I1 d ly of May, 1903
lln unmet ns witnesses! Ch it Noble, W II
Noble, I. M Noble, David Mussori, nil of Marsh
field, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming ndvrriwly thu
iilnvr-ilcicrlbril I inih urn ri'ijucstcil in filu their
claim In this olhcuon or before stld 9th day
ofmy, 1903. , T, llldDHU, KfgUtcr, a-33