Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 07, 1903, Image 1

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NO. lW
n atdlkakakaH5iBkakakakakakakakTTrW
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i 7 ' .
JtLmjf J8L,
Appropriated by this
OverBillion and a Half
Closing Scenes in the
Washington, Mnruh -.: A 'mwarm of
visitor In groat numbers wo to in tlio
Home to wljutKH tlio itcono, in tliu
Kunnte, thegallurlos wero partially llll
t'J. As toon an n (Uonitn wna. gained,
'Alllion, cbalriiiin of tliu appropriation
Committee, oflorod tlio annual utatoment
ol tho appropriations made by this con
gress na compared with thou of tlio
COth congros ahofl nn lunruJio in ap
propriations madu of 1111,01)0,0)0, of
which ni'urlv half I" fur tlio I'uiomn
banal. Thoro is aldO an increase of f "0,
000,000 in tlio postal service, n large
portion of which is for tliu freo dollvory
H-rvico. TIjo total appropriations ex
ceed ovor 11,1651.000,000.
Allison in hiit speech alio callad nt
lention to tlio fact that tho lat con
gress adopted nn River and Iluibor hill,
while thla one appropriated $20,000,000
for that purport). Ho said he was con
vinced that llio appropriations made
would meet tlio approval of both parties.
Thu Honato thon tool: up tho Hivor
and IlHrhvr hill ninundmoiit formally
eettiiiK neldo tho Phllliplno tariff
measure Hoar, by unanimous consent
fcpoko on tho Phllllpinb bill, which had
thua boon ollleially declared tlead.
In tho Houto, ntthooponlhg.itichard
eon made tliti point of no (tiorotn, Tho
clorlc was honreo ami could hardly bo
hoard, '
Henderson' called Cannon 1o tho chaff
to preside. Ooutlnuod applauao urcotc;!
tho taking of tho clinlr by Cannon',
ilcudoreon addrcaaed tho IIoubo uith
much .'uelin(, and did much to hoM tho
Mouuda which had bcun doalt within
(ho last few days.
Ho aroused thu Houso to, tho wildoBt
onthtiaiasm of pntrotio fovor, by fro
quont roforouco to tho country's flag,
BftyiiiR (lint tho wounda uindo In tho
lpglalntlvo hall would dulckly heal as
all ha boon (dyon for tho preservation
of tho country.
Tlio hotiBo was declared adjourned
olnodio at 12:110 today by tho clork
amldjjt tho chining of patriotic songa
and n guuora! ovation of epoaUor Hond
mm !
Escorts Fulton to Sen
ate Chamber
Still too Weakfor Much
Waihinston, Marrh I Senator Mitch
oil na wai fnarcdaomo tlmo aohaa Icon
apparently overtaxing. t atrotiKth in
hia oudoavora to diapoio of tho groat
tunaa of cormdondencc wiiich has ac
cumulated during Ilia alx woeka illncaa.
Ho did not appear in tho Honnto until a
luto hour tolny, whon ho eiccrted Sen
ator Fulton. IIo wont out aniuat the
proluit of hia nnno, who wok with him
couatanlly. .
Tho fc'onator'a tomprrature today wont
up to 102, and ho folt tho lack of etrenijth
aa hn attempted'to got about, lindeav
orn havo been roado to induco hltn to
rrfrnln from work uutil hia ia itrongor
hut tho prcuurotipon him from hia con
atltuanta continue, and Iio dlaiikea to
loavo hia work undone.
Immediately after cacortlnif.Mr. Ful
ton to tho flenato thin aftornoon, Mlt
choll loturncd to hia hotol arid went to
bud under directions of hia doctor. Ilia
condition ia ndt regarded na torioiiB, be
ing merely tho result of ovor work and
Tho dollvory'of tho eulogy of ltcprc
Bontntlvo Tongue last Sunday affoctod
him moro than waa epparnnt at tho
time, aud yesferdiy he vialtod eovefal
departments tiring himsof;by tho effort.
If ponible tho doctor willroitrain him
from (urthnr exertion until ho recovers
hia atrcngth.
Wnshington, March 4 Tlio Anthra.
cito commission at their mooting to
morrow intend, if poBsiblo, to got both
eldoa to ngroo to certain matters botoro
tho vordict bo rcaulorod, as well ns to
eccuro furthor confirmation of 'tlio
wolghing system. "
Coming On Areata
San Francisco, California, March 0.
Following is thu passenger list of tho
Areata, 'sailing for Coos Day 'at 4 p, ru,
today: Mrs. Goo Ouerin, Mrs Thos
Guorln, Mesira J McKoo, Dr Wm Law
lor.Joo Folbhos, Win O'Conoll, A. Wat
eon, F llolohhnucr, FUrondoll, John
KaBarln, Miaa N Denttlo, Miss M Yoitor,
0 Smith, A Smlty, twolvo steerage,
8. NOT .
Brownell Annodnce
His Withdrawal
Herman n'sNomjnatlon
Oregon City. March 6: Hon. Oto. 0
Hrownull, lies, informed aovcrnl Intimatu
frlondi that ho ia out of the race
for congress in this district. Cer-
iaiu factors in tho oppoiition that has
arlien to his candidacy make him deem
it inadvisable to maku the raco at pres
ent, i I
Itis generally consldored.that he will re
colve an Important fedeaal appointment,
and that nomination of Hermann for
congress ia partof tho same deal, though
it i not adtnittod Ly Mr. Brownell's
frienda hero that ho ia in any daal with.
Hermann, or any other candidate "for
To Consider Import-;
ant Treaties
President Sehdsiri His
WAsbington, March 5 Tho Bonate
conVened in special tossion at noon.
Bonitora Hoar and Cpckrell, accompani
ed by Sergeant at-Arma Kansdale, call
ed upon tho president a I o'clock' and
formally mado'kn6wn that tbo donato
was iu session. A recess was takon for
half an hour in tho mean time.
' ii
President Rooaovolt sent ther follow
ing message to the Senate this afternoon,
"I have-called you together In extra
ordinary session to coneldor cortaln
treaties, concerning which it provod 1m
poeslble'to take action during tho rogu
lar tension of congrotB, just ended. I
ask your especial attention to tho treaty
with Colombo, securing tho right .to
build aa Isthmian canal, and the treaty
with Cuba, securing a measure of com
mercial reciprocity 'between the 'two
countries'. Theeo two troatloa aroo'f
groat and far reaching importance for tho
wollfare of tho fltntos, and tho urgent
need o! their adoption xequlros mo to
impose upon you tho inoonvenienco of
mcotins nt this tlmo.''
Wither's Slayer Book
ed for HetUp,
Jury Wastes no Time
- On Verdict
Eugene'. Or, March6:The trial of
Klliott Lyoria for tho murdor of Sheriff
Withers Wednesday forenoon. Itafore
night jile case closed, Lyons boing foumi
guilty kmnrdr in tho first degree, thr
jury bdvw.oat bsly,' ten minutos, jnei
loug enoagh to prepare the verdict,.
; JUNE .
For TH'omab Tongue's
' Makes Call
. . ; i
u. Gal em. March 5 : Governor Cuambor-
lain toddy issued the call for. a special
election in this district, to fill the
vacuncy caueed by tho death of the late
Thos. II Tongue, for Monday, Juno 1st.
Indian War- Veteran's Claims
k delegation of Indian War Veterans,
who bavo olaims to file agninst thejlOO,-
000 appropriation, wore before Governor
Chamberlain Tuesday and ho informed
them that be hod been in conferenco
with Adjutant-CpneralGantenboin as to
the fornl of blanks required to make the
proofs In each caoe, aud blapk with a
aorlisof questions to bo filled out by
cncholalmant ia being prepared, that
wilt protect tho state against frauds.
Tho law doos not statu that widows or
children or horsos can bo compensate d
of whothor thero is to bo a prorata of
the fI00,000 in case claims to more
than that amount aro filed. Most cl
the veterans favor paying the claims as
tar as the monoy will go, and then tak
ing anothor whirl at it in the next leg
islature with a doficioncy. ,
t -.
Will Repair Copper Queen
Tho Copper Quoen arrived yesterday
from .tho Rogue rivor, Oapt. Burns
will havo her placed on tho ways and
thoroughly overhauled by Captain Uaus
Reed at his Bay City yard.
Itis undorstood that Captain Burns
is making a success of hia ventures at
Roguo river, iu splto of all tho draw
backs with which lib has had to contend, .
arid is figuring on enlarging tbo scopo of
his operations.
Canadian Pacific Road
in Trouble
Chinamen Employed
As SteveadoreS
Vancouver. B. C. Karch 7. The Can
adian Faciflc Btrike I growta; moro
serious daily. At Nelson and Central
the freight handlora and baggage men
have atrnck In Sympathy, aud tho men
in the ahopn it id expected 'will go oat.
Chinese aro engaged in unloading tho
steamer Empress of India. Tho Strik
ers are being aided by tho labor unions
of Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
In Spite of 'Reported
London, Marck C Notwithstanding
the reported improvement of tho Pope,
a dupatcn from itorao tuts morning
saya the stato of his health has become
eo terions that the conclave deemed it
necessary that tho foreign cardinals at
Rome bo requested to delay their depar
ture. The Pope's remarkable vitality
baa again com to hil aid and ho" IB
much better this morning.
-j '..,, t :
.. ... ..
3 Lfci
N buying ehces DON'T get plucked. -11 you buy.a ?3.00 or
14.00 Bboe at a store where tU to 8 shoes aro sold you do
get plucked nearly every time. : : : :
Satisfactory shoos for Winter shoes that please the
people shoos in which tho shape will hold won't
"squash" out, or sag
in a llttlo while. : : : :
Shoes that hold out because tbey'ro rightly oullt not a skimp any
Whero, inside or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoe . : : :
Must be right or
couldn't everlastingly
wear or a new pair.
Why pay $5 and 0
Tom, Dick and Hnrry
long sufforing public with scarcely w chango In quality J S " U-
nor in shape for tho last ten years.
Negroes Resent Actiorf
Of Leaders
ShuttingThem out of
The Party
Birmingham, Ala., March 6 Several
prominent leaders of the "Lilly Whites'. '
are reccivlnc; anonymons letters, threat-.
euing them with atiattination, ' canae
Hegroet were ruled ont ol tho Ilepabll
can parly conceils by them.
One letter states that former Bloto
Chairman Vac'in's life was saved only,
throrph tho pldndlnga of his-Negro
friend:. ,
! J V
Six Weeks Will See'
His Finish
Eugoce, March G Judge Ilamllloa
this morning sentonced Elliott Lyonr,-
the murderor ot Sheriff Wi thorp, to be
haiiKtrd Friday, April 17tb, just six
weeks from today.
The court houeo was crowded when
the prisoner wai broupht in for eoi:4
tence. Thoro is but nun opinion, thftt
i9 that the continue is just, and tho full
penalty is merited,
in tho shank, or get shabby-looking
wrong nO middle ground or wa,
preach Money-Back Shoea .jood
: : : r : ;
for let-woll-enough-alone bIiikje
makes that havo been folsttvi on a