Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 28, 1903, Image 8

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Absolutely Pure
f ronTTKarsaay't Dally.
K. C. J co has moved into Mrs. Jar.
UutdiCSQo'a Jioufo on Pino St.
Wm. Ireland ia assisting A, P. Owen
in his cigar etore during the abcenco ol
II, S. Bonobrake.
Tbe,Chas, E. Falk completed hei
toad o! lumber at tbe railroad wharf
Major L. D. Kinney arrived yeaterdaj
by way o! tbe Cocb Bay wagon road,
and will spend a ebort timo on tbe Bay.
A strong estimation was given yeiter
thy ontbo Q, T. tbat acotber tie-up
was likely to materialize on tbe C. B.
K. & E. R. R.
C. H. Merchant will return to San
Francisco on tbe Alliance, finding tbai
bis health it again Buffering from tbe
Etay in Marehfield.
C. J. Broechke, general manager ol
the C B M & L Co., is on the bay to
apocd levoral weeks looking after the
intersts of tbe firm,
Ruety Mike'a Diary, Feb. 26, 1003.
Advertising is like fishing leck count?
for Eomething, but it is tbe best bait
tbat gets the raoet bites.
Ren and Wcs Noah, who havo been
handlogging at Al Smith's place on Coos
river brought down their logs to tbe
Simpson Lumber Co yesteiday.
Tbe Alliance, was scheduled to leave
Rutland last evening nnd if she haf
good luck about getting out over the
Columbia bar will be due tomorrow
Cbns. Snedden has received tbe Ead
news of the death of his daughter-In-law,
Mrs. J. 11. Snedden, which occur
od at Relief Hill, Nevada Co. Cel., last
Saturday. She leaves an infant child.
Wm. Blnckmore, of Catching slough
has leasad Wm. Bcwron'a place on Ten
ml! for fivo years, nud will operate a
rheee fuctory tharo. Mr. Blacktnore
Las proved himself a first-class cbteic
Spuin has received damages from an
English bout building firm for not com
plctlng and delivering some torpedo
boats contracted for, before the Spanish
war. Undo Sam ought to claim the
monoy as bo would hato captured tbeni
I ad they been delivered. Salem Jour
nal. The traveling atato and tinware
mender hue arrived in town onhia'lh
annual cverhuling tour. Mr. Ahr is
tto well knowuto need further intio
c'.ucliou to tlio public, lie iu alto an
expert uinlirella repairer nnd his work
hp'uks lor jtf-tiif. He will call in person
.t the diffcmut residences of the town.
Adds More Machinery
The Roseburg ensb nr.d door factory
,Ia to Imvobbont ?3,00l0 worth of now
machinery, snye the Review: This will
comiet of a redwing machine, door
, clamp, buzz, plainer, bench carver and
' linpideutnl appliance's!- In addition to
this mncblnery a steam dryklln.is to be
erected with capacity sufficient to dry
all the lumber that the ifnctory can
turn out, It is expected tbat ail of
theso Improvements will bo established
by tho end of the coming April.
Files Repeal of Scalp Bounty
Governor Chnmlorlin signed nnd filed
in tho oflico of tho Secretary of State
La Follotto'a bill repenliug tho scalp
bounty law. Tho law has bcon practi
cally inopcrativo iu many of tho East
ern Oregon Counties for several months,
( r, when tho etato appropriation bc
cimo rxnustcd, tho County Courts order
ed that the payment of bounties bo dis
continued. Tho scalp bounty law has
cost the statu $350,000, or more than
euough to build and equip tho portage
rnllwnv from tbe Dalles tn Cclilo.
Tbo fourmaetcd tchooncr Caroline!
bound for the Umpqua collided in the
fog on the afternoon of tbo tOtb'rrlth the
fourmnstcd barkentine T. P. Emlgh
bound eoutb, lumber-laden. Tho Caro
line bowsprit was torn out and lost,
but tho jibboom and other rigging wat
saved. Tbo other vessel was also dam
aged considerably in bcr spars and rig
ging. The CaroHne arrived in the Umpqua
Friday, and Captain Westordalo cnm
down to tbo Bay yosterday after ship
carpenters to repair the damages.
Sentiments of One Subscriber to
New Chamber
The right spirit touching the new
Chamber of Commerce is displayed in
a letter received by John 8. Coke from
a gentleman on Coos river, accompany
tag bis application for membotsbip.
lie ia not ono to bo directly benefited by
the work of tbe new organization, but
he displays tho spirit of the progressive
citizen, the kind of which we can not
havo too many. Ho writes:
"Enoloted please find check for $10,
membership fee in Coos Bay Chamber
of Ccmmcrco. I am willing and anx
ious to help in any way that I can to
advance the interests of Coos Bay. I
fully realize tbat I am not one to do
much, but will do what little I can."
Torrens System Satisfactory
The Torrens system of registering land
titles baa been found eminently satisfac
tory in Chicago, where it has been in
operation in optional form for tho past
three years. A reporter to the Real
Estate Board of that city last week sum
marized tho results in a form that
should instruct other localities. Tor
rens certificates of title are now re
ceived in place of abstracts or guarantee
policies by tho Real Estate Board, the
eanitary district, the South Park Com1
miseiouers, railroad companies, build
ing and loan associations and mortgage
lenders, in Cook Count generally
Nino thousand parrels of land, with a
valuation of 115,000,000, havo been reg
istered. The butiness of 1001. An
ordinary sale or mortgage under this
system is generally completed the day it
is negotiated. Estimating the ordinary
expeneea for abstracts and counsel fees
on the entiro reality of Cook County,
tho adoption of tho Torrens bystem for
the wholo would save tho county up
ward of ?3,O0O,O0O annually. Hencothe
committee recommends an amendment
to the Iaw which will steadily draw the
remaining land of the county under its
From Friday's Dally.
Chcs.'Edman is having his houun on
Second ttreet raited and a new founda
tion nut ia.
Thoto Is quite a band of wild does in
the hills west of South Marshfield,
A. Abbott lost a finger while coupling
cars on tho train Inst evening.
Noblo Bros, received n largo band of
fat beet cattle yeatoulny from Win.
Bettys of Fait view.
Manager Robeftaou ifa getting tho
now tolophonu cabins futo position on'
Front etreot. , - v
There will be services t tho -Catholic
chutch nt 10:;i0 a. tn. Sunday, conduct
ed by Rev. Fr. E. Murphy. ,
Rusty Mike's Diary, Feb. 27, 1003.-A
cheorlul tompernmont is tho most valu
able stock a merchant can carry.
Major L I). Kinney expects to spend
several necks ou tho bay on business
connected with the. Great Ccutral pro
jects. '
C.J. Hope has bought . tbojBoMo
ranch on North slough, containing" i(KJ
acres, at 3500. Hall tfcllallinado the
"Word has been received hero by the
relatives of Don Short to the effoct thnt
he is seiiously ill with pneumonia "at
Sumpter, Eastern Oregon.
No report has been received of''tho(
railing of tbo Allianco from Astoria,' and
it seems probable that she is not duo
hero bofort tomorrow. ""
Road Supervisor Nortotvhas tvo'-inonj
at work breaking rocks on II street in
South Marehfiold and leveling up tho
surface. He also has four men at work
slashing brush on tho road toward East
port, to lot tho sunshine on tho road.
L. R. Robertion is in receipt of a
ter dated Feb. 18th from his brother, H.
C. Robertion, private secretary to Sena
tor Mitchell, saying that tho Senator,
was recovering from his illness and
would soon bo out again.
The Neodlo Workers Club mot at tbq
home of Mrs. T. F. Minott. Tho usual
business was transacted alter which tbe
ladies wero served with refreshments.
The next meeting of tho clnb will be
rllh MIi firnrn MrCormae.
Parties wishing to enter a printing
-. , t. n j v ii. oflico at this season of the year, rays an
Towing The Baroda North , . .... , i ,,
6 axchungo, should bo governed by the
The Raroda, which was wrecked last ( following rulos: Advance to tht door
year near Coos Bay, and afterward' anj Bjvo tj,ree raps or kick tho door
floated, is being towed to Victoria by the j dow, The "devil" will attend to your
steamer Tellus, A start was made fori aMm, Yoa will glvo him your post
the north two weeks ago, but when ofl)(5jHco d,lrej8 Bnd the amount you are
Capo Mendocino the bark began to leak
and the collier was forced to take her
back to the Bay City. Large pumps
were placed aboard the Baroda and pur
into operation and a eecond start
made for tbe British Columbia port.'
rbe Baroda on her arrival at Victoria
wilt be dismantled and convertod into a
coal-carrying hulk.
The beut physic. "Once tiled and
you will alwavs use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Will
iam A. Glrard, IVase, Vt. Tbesu Tab
lets are the mont pVompt, most pleasant
and mot reliable cathartic in use. lor
sale by John Preuss.
Temperance Meeting
W, A. Crane, the drummer temper
ance worker, addressed an audience
which taxed the capacity ol the Metho
dist church last eveulnjj. He spoke
about forty fivo mluntes, giving a
etraignt forward sensible talk with no
attempt at oratorical gymnastics, and
made an excollent impression. Ho did
not devote his timo to throwing bricks
at the ealooa keepers, but put in some
of it In giving some wholesome admoni
tion to the temperance people, the
church memberH and even tho preach
At tho close of his address, ho invited
the young mon forward to bign tho
pledgo, nnd quito a number reuponded.
One huudrrd and ten eigued tho
pledgo of whomo a majority wero yoon
Troaaury Department, 8tato of Oregon,
Balcm, February 25, 1003.
Notice ia hereby glvrn that thorn ato
funds In I tut TuMiaury with which to re
deem nil outotnudlug Stato warrant
drawn ou tho Slaut Scalp Bounty and
Bounty Funds, endowed "l'ruaiuited and
not paid (or want ol FiuhIh, prior to
this date. All tueh warranty, If proper
ly oudorstid, will liu paid upon present
ation at this olllco, Interest theroau
erasing from aud utter thin date,
Ciias. 8. Moohk,
- I-2S-U State Tteusuror.
Cutoff Lands
. .. I
(Pttgot Sound LumbonuniO
From this on, stories about cutofl
(aud will be much in uvideuce. They
will supers cdo the big trco stoiicr. For
iustnuce, ono man sold the timber on a
quarter section r-ouio fivo or six yonrs
ngo for t&OO and tho purohasur logged it
cfl. About two years ago a man camo
along and ofturtsdiilm (&00 for tho tint
ber left. Ho got it and lodged it over
again. Two months ono ho sold the
timber on this quarter for 11, "CO, and
the man cut it up into shlnglo bolts,
1 The report of a disgraceful affair
roachoa us today from Myrtlo Point in
tho way of a man woll up in years hav.
ing criminal rolrtions with a girl of but
13 years. Thcro has been no arrost
made as yot, but thero ovldently will bo
or the' poop) oof Myrtlo Point ato made
of different matorial from what we
thitik they are. This is a repetition of
an nffatr that was talked ol last Sum
mer, but this timo thero are three wit
nesses to the crime and something must
be done. Coquilte Herald.
Tho Mail Is informed by partioa corn-
lot-ilin? from Myrtlo Point that there was
sequel to tho abovo story; tho father of
the girl gavo the man supposed to be
guilty 24 hours to leave town, and as he
didn't go, took a couple of shots at him
from a building, as he was walking down
i t
the opposite side of tho street. Neither
shot took effect, and tho parties wero
ell still in town when oar informant
- Jh.g FifSt DCgrCC
owing tho paper. He will admit yon.
You will advanco to the middle of thoj
the room and address the editor with
tho following sign: Extend tbo right
hand about two feet from tho body with
the thumb and index finger clasping the
money, which drop into the extended
hand of the editor, at the same timo
saying, 4,Wero you looking for me7"
Tho editor will grasp your hand and tho
money nnd say, "you bet!" After giv
ing him tho news of your locality you
will bo permitted to retire with a receipt
for an obligation properly discharged.
Faithful 0o
A lato dispatch from Ashland, Or.,
brings this pathetic stoay of a dog's in
telligence and attachmentto his master:
Monday tho body of William McKay, a
trapper well known in Trinity county,
was found on South Fork Mountain,
four miles west of Hyampom. Tho dis
covery 'was due to the trappor's faithful
dog. McKay and his dog wero Insupera
ble companions, On Monday, when
tho dog appeared at A. S. Flotchor's
place, it attracted) Fletcher's uoticc.
It seemed to him the dog's actions meant
that ho wished tho man to follow him,
and he decided to do bo, Tho delighted
animal led tho way to liie-maaterh er.b
in, but the doj; .did not wish to ttop
there.( and Fletcher continued on be
hind him, tramping two miles further
through tho deep suow, whoro sitting by
the base of a tree, waa McKay cold and J
stiff in death. The dog liokod the trap
per's face and showed, almost human lu
Intelllgouco. Fletcher wont to llyatupotn to obtain
help to lomovo tho body, and later a
messitgo was sent to Wuavotvlllo to the
Coroner, who summoned a jury. 1,1 Is
believed that McKay became exhausted
or olck, and, oiltlngdown by tho tree,
dropped to sleep and was fioxuu to
Froth SatUrday'o Dally.
T. Hall of May, has moved with,
his family to Marrhtleld,
Tho Emma Uttor has hor now mxon
innst in place.
The Empire lolt Sail Frauuleco nt 3
p. m, yesterday.
John Porter of north Coos river Is In
town on business,
Jndgo Wntion was down from tiiit
Coos City furin ye9totdu7.
Mrs, J.T. Collver, ol O&tchlng slough,
wai shopping iu town yisterdny,
J. I), Laird, of Sltkitm wat in towu
yostotday, looking after his mall carrlerc.
The Woman's Club will meet at tho
home of Mrs. John Ilonr with a I.ltrta
turo Programmu this afternoon.
Rusty MIko'j Diary, Feb, 2S, 1003
Thoman who writes sentences of twen-ty-tlva
and thirty word,s will starve as
an adv writer.
Norl Jensen will go to San Francisco
on tho Alliance to lay in his spring
stock of tailoring goods, and wilt re
turn abont March 8th,
Tho, Peterson boys will open up a log
ging camp on Marlow creek (or tho
Simpson Lumber Co.
A telephono message from Sumpter
yesterday afternoon brought the doits
tbat Don Short, who is sick with pneu
monin thore, was bettor,
A Good Appointment
Dr. E. E, Straw has recolvod the ap
pointment of Health officer for tbo Port
of Coos Bay from Governor Chamber
lain to day, Vice E, Mingus, whoso timo
explros when his successor qualifies,
Young People's Meeting
Tho YotiOg People's mooting nt'tho
Baptist church tomorrow evening at
0:80 led by Mr. C. A. Ovorton, subject,
" Character Building." This ia a Hub
Jnct of great importance to young peo
ple and all should attend.
Methodist Church
Tho revival rorvlcoa are still in pro
gress at the Mothodfst church. Tho
Sunday services am as follows: preach
ing at 11 a. m. Hong and pralao sorviro,
beginnlnir at 7 p. in. led by Bro. Crano.
Preaching at 7:30, All are cordially
Invltod to come and join with tho si r
vicos. Presbyterian Church
Sabbath School tomorrow rft 10 a. m. '
Subject of sermon at M a. m. "Jesus'
Our Savior and Savod Man Vitally !
United." Tho Y. P. B. O. E. meets at
0:30 p.m. Subject of evening lecture: '
"Wholch-fl-iMno.. i u..i.. .. f
"'"iiuihiuii, VUIIIU
and fjod will Bless You.
Coos County Should Wake Up
Tho Knirrnn Board of trado has a man
In Portland to divur,t immigrants to thnt
locality. Coob cpunt,y should do like
wifu and not lot njl tho. progtevslvb
town? of tho Wjllninotto valley reap tlio
entiro benofit of tho rnilrondcompanics'
immigration .work, '
" -- M '
The Bapjlft Church
Sunday Hchool nt 10 a, tn. Frothing,
sorvlco al U n. in,' Toplo "Th Near-'
nra'o!aoil." Txl, Acts. 17t27 Though,
Hobo not far liom any ono ol us, 1),
V, P. U, ut 11.311 p. in. Evening eervlco
at. ?:3() p. ur Toplo HuuJ Prosperity.
Text 3 John: 2, Prayer meeting
Thuridar at 7:30 p, m. A Cordial wok
t'onio to all.
TUOMSKX.-At South Mareliiinlil, Fh(
22, lrr2, to thmrlfoot J. P.Thonipwu
n daughter.
MORTON-LKNNOK-At tlu rtbldciico
of tho brido'ti parents iu Kinplro City,
Or, J'eh 21, IW3, Arthur Noitou ami
MIim Ituuo Letiuon, Ryv. Wm, Llors
fall ofllclatliig.
Tho hrido Is tho daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Lcunoii. The groom Is
employed nt I.lhby, whuru tho uowly
married couple will roalde,
JKIUUTT-MAQKI.. At tjmplro City,
Or, Fib. 21, 1003, Herman 1). Jerritt
nnd Miss Edna Mngco, ltuv, Wm.
Horsfall officiating.
The brlilo in tlio daughtor of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas, Mnxi'o, nmi ore of Emplro
City's moitchaimiiiK and popular young
Indie. Tin groom Is a civil engeneer,
mi J como to tbo Bay iu connection with
the (treat Cuiitrat oH)rtlons, being 1st
Assistant Engineer, and has boon living
In Empire, with his mother and sister,
Tho ceremony was performed about
0:30 at tho retideucu of the hrldu's par
ents, in tho presents of n hundred or
more imitcd guckts. Win. Mgcr,
brother of tho bride, nnd Miss Clara
Jerrett, rislor of tho groom, acted as
best man and bridesmaid, respectively
and dipt. Magoo gavo away the bride.
After the ceremony and congratula
tions, tho party repaired to the Golden
Eagle hotel, which had tvon elaherately
and beautifully decorated for tho oors
ilon, whore refreshments in the greatest
abundance and of most delicious qual
ity wore served. They then returned to
tho Maere residence, whoro music, o
cut and instrumental, nnd enjoyment
Ixifitting the occasion detained the com
pany until a fktit hour. A great num
ber of beautiful and cottly wedding
presunta went received.
'Ihosit nttending from Marshlleld woro
Mr nnd Mm I'M Wilbur, MraudMra
R M Welder, Mr and Mrs Is I.audo, Mr
and Mrs Geo Furry, Mr and Mrs W
E Dangan, Mrs Nulllu Owen, Hi O
Wright and C F MeKnlgbt.
The nnwly married couptu will tako
passage on tint Alliance for their future
homo in San Francisco.
RICHARDS-HALL At the fitavo Mill,
Oregon, Fob. 28 1003 Mr. Wllllim
Richards and Miss Radio M. Hall,
Rev, F. G. Strauge officiating.
Tho hrido is tho oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. O, Hall and ono of
Marshfleld's most popular young ladies.
Tho Broom la u worthy young gentleman
aud highly respected by all who know
Tho coremouey was preformed about
8:30 at tho rosidenceof tho brides par
ente, in the pre boiico of about twenty
invited guosta,
After the ceremony and congratula-
tious tho putty repaired to tho dining
room whoro tho greatest abundanco of
rd,re8,iui0 "' tho most delicious qual-
Uy oro wrved'
A nUmbor ot very prolty ueo'ul H
C0Stly prBOnt" Wor rocolvod'
Th80 Prom,t WOro: Hev F' G'
Strung, Motsrs audMesdames E. O. Hall
Jainoa Nowlin, Chas, Hall, Wm. Knr
dell; Mru. Thou. Coke; Misses Ida B,
Hall, Eva M, Coke, Laura Dlmmlek,
Beuilo Colce, Mildrod Coko; Moesra
Harold Dimmick, Rnpey Hall, Walter
Spado, Win McCluor, (Jeorgo Richnrds,
Daniel Dimmick, Author Noil,
'I ho nowly married couplo lonvo dn"'"
tlio Allianco for Southern California,
whoro thoy will visit rolativoii. Thoy w'
vexnoot to be gone about si: weeks.
i :
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