Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 28, 1903, Image 5

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    II .'
,.,-.. x..i "-
frts' -
t Jnjir'
l . Ml.
Tim Clackamas Count Teachers' As
sociation will givn v loanl liinlltuto rvt
Canity Haturday.
KI1I11 Fredericks, n I'ark Place school
Kir), broko botfi nnklos while plnylny
near tlm school house.
A sparring innluli wnn billed (or Ku
gono Monday night which did not como
Off ou n coo u nt ol police Interference.
Tim Icglslnturo Just ovnr wlh, ap
propriated f 15,000 limn for puicly ctw
reut espouses tlinu tlio session of 1001
Holding tho Portland murderer who in
to bo hanged on March 27th will ho tho
nst mnn to hang In Orrj,on outnldo tho
Tint llooth Kully, I.unibur Co. hnvo
secured u frniichlvo nnd will put in
wntnr works nt Hprlngllold also okctrlc
Kugouo lino a number of enrol of diph
theria tho Hlh ura'dn of tho Pntrrton
school linn bf nn closed as n prvcntitlonnry
Five boys worn (hud f 10,00 plcrn nt
Grnntn Paws for disturbing n meeting of
Krco Methodistr, They ucru placed In
J nil to rorvo out tho sontoiico.
If. Illlckonrtfor of Hi Ilollons, Oregon,
committed tulcldu by jumping over
board from steamer Amorlcn on the
Wlllumclto river Hominy night.
Oovurnor Chnmliorlnlu hns votoed tho
.Judicial District bill nnii th bill Incrcns
ins tho salary of countycbool mipcrln.
dmnt In counties having fXO.000 achoot
Tho supreme court linn rendered a
decision In tlm llconro tnx rao brought
by 1'ortlnnd parties. Tho roiirt holds
Hint tho city council Imd power to lovy
such tax. Tho opinion was by Wolvor
on. Mr. K. K, Lyons, wlfo of tho mur
derer of Bhoriff Wilburs, who hnn bnen
In Jul! for thrco weeks on a charge, of
Interfering with nn officer, wm released
Mondny on bonds, throuftl) tho efforts
of her attorney.
Tho mnn who broko tho window in J.
V. Ctislck & Go's Imnlc nt Albany recent
ly ii n monomaniac in thnt lino, He
Iim broken windows before. Ho tnl
llo'i oxactly with tho mnn who broko
Flanngan &. llonnott'a Hnnk window
ThoCoronor'a Jury, lioforn whom tho
Inquest wns held tn nrcortnln tho rntmi
of thodoath of ttnuies Hlmnnti, who wnn
hot by Marshal Ilibortonu, nt Itlch
land, lait week completely exonornte
the martihnl. Tho Tordict of tho Jury io
that tho marthnl flrcd in solf-dofcnHe,
nnd.waa juitiflnblo.
T. M. Nlghs wander, who has chargo
of the openlrg of n now wnconroad to
tho Rltialnw country from Eugene, ro
porta 17 mllof yet to construct. Thin
rond will onoblo wagons to go through
to Florenco, wlillo hcyotoforo thuy hnvo
been nblo to go only to tho head of tide.
Two masked tnon cntorcd tho storo of
Ernest Unherstroh, nt Forest Clrovo
Saturday night with pUtoln prcnontcd
commanded him to throw up hla linnds,
whllo they hurriedly took whnt cash
thoro wm in tho till, amounting to f 12
and then departed in tho darkness. A
horsojwna nlto stolon from tho barn of
Robert Alexnndor tho inmo night.
ThoOnllco Oreok wnuon road, which
wab washed nut for a considerable, dis
'tanco Along tho Uogue, by tho recent
floods, le to bo rebuilt omthis side of
tho river, Instead of tho othor as form
oriy. By building it on thin side a Bteop
mountain grndo is avoided, and tho nB
sistance of tho many minors that would
bo bonMltcd by it will bo tccurcd.
Grants Pu?b ObBorvor.
' t.Vnol.
, "AiuVjiow," Raid tho lonely Htenogrn
jiher who wn,i UloUlnu M irmUjo, "I
rwlll nUo uiyKOlf. lilnln."
, 'Nuturo mived you tl'id trodble,"
ten,upped JLlu cruuly. old senior xnotubor,
jJ-Whcellli'i; News. , . '
A Modorn
Club In
I'uretinnt to n call mndo by Prcildont
Wooluy, of the 1oarl of Trnde, a moot
ing was hold Hnturday evening in tho
oflloo of tho ItoDoburg Ltnubor Co. jto
dlictttn iiattor protnlnliiR to lidvanco
moot of Hosoburg, Douglas county and
Boutl.ern Oregon. A vory Interesting
session was hnd. It was finally decided
to ru-orennfxo n board of trado or com
mercial club inllnformntlon buronu,
rind opened headquarters for tho tiso of
tho inotiihors nod benefit and oonvon
loncoollmmlgrnnts. Mumborrlilpo in
this orgnanixatlon wore fixed nt $Iq
each, With odequnto monthly duo, nnd
n commltteo coniditlng of K. U. Wnito,
Louts Unrxco and h. Wlmborly wns ap
pointed to tnko tho matter up nnd put It
Into acllvo working condition at once.
The purpose Is to open a commodious
hendiunrters right nwny with a secre
tary constantly b charge and uio oxnty
eudenvor to secure and locate ns many
now ,elllrii and builnoss enterprltee
for this vicinity ns jiosslblu. Another
rneotlug will bo neld tonight, nnd is.
open to everybody.
Egypt's Bijj Darn
And now comrn nn Ksyplian, Ilolloe
Key, and tolls us that tho greatest irri
gation dam at Anounn. Iypt, for
which wo hnvo nil boon giving our Ilrlt
iih cousins such unmeasured credit and
praise, was tho conception of Ishmall
I'ashn, In 1871, prior to tho Kngllah oc
cupation of Kgvpt, while tho surveys
for tho same wuro couduutod by llovorly
Keunon, tho eon of Commodoro Kon
non, of tho U. B. Navy, ono of tho
American officers who was roccommend
ed by General Wm. T. Bhormiun, goa
ornl of ttio nrmy, to go to F'gypt in 1870
tnaldlu overturning tho unspeakable
Turk, Colonel Konnon with several
othor Amorlcati officers, rras osgased
for som j months on this preliminary
survey, nnd having completed it, tho
plans became Apart of tho crchivos of
of tho gcnernl staff of tho I'gypltan
nrmy. There were appropriated byttho
Ilrltlsh when they occupied Kgypt in
Hut wherovor tho credit may bo due,
the fact remains thnt tho work is one
of man's greatest achlovomonU. lypt's
dam cohittucted by the Ilrltlsh govern
ment in u forolgn land looms up as an
Incentive for tho American government
to build similar great works for our own
citiu'iiB aud iu tho center of our owri
Thomas II. Tongue
Tho Oregonian glvos tho brief synopsis
of tho career of the Into Hon. Thos. II
Horn Juno 23, 1844
Cnmo to Oregon Novcmbor 23, 1850
Graduated Pneiflc University, Juno, 1803
Admlttod to bar September, 1870
Btato Bouato 1833 to 1E0I
Delegntu to Minneapolis 1802
Borved in Congress 1898-11)03
Died Ht Wnohlugtou January 11 1003
Hurled nt Hillsboro Jnuuary 11, 1003
Euloglxod by Congress l'obruory 22. 1003
Contract Set Aside
Judgo II. K. Hannn has filed hie de
cialon in tho case of D, Drockway ve tho
City of Roseburg, tho findings being in
favor of tho plaintiff says tho Roview.
This wnn n suit brought by plnlutlff to
sot neidu n contract entered into be
tween tho Hosoburg city council nnd tho
Uosuburg Wator & Light Co., uuilcr
which tho latter waa to supply tho city
with electrlo liuhta for n period of ten
joars. Tho enlt was brought ou tho
grounds that tho contract involved an
InddbtcdnoeB In excess of tho limit of
(5000 flxod by tho city charter. Tho
city officials aru also enjoluod'from itcu-ing-or
-paying aily 'warrantq Under said
More Fatalities From
Tuesday' Fight
Marshal and Posse Out
After- More '
Charleston, "W. Vn Feb. 21 It in b(r
lloved thnt tho list of deaths' resulting
from Tuesday's battle will bo conslder
nbly Increased. Two of the wounded at
Mount Hopo, wlicra they were conyoyod
by their friends nro mid to bo fatally
wounded. Biz wounded miners aro in
tho hospital at McKendrio, and two of
there ennnot survive.
Deputy Marshal Cunningham loft this
morning with a potto to tcrvo process
on the alleged strikers who bavo been
marching around the 1'Jnet ecction for
tcvoral days, armed with Winchesters, n
portion of whom had the oncountor
--". .,.;
It is reported that tho men announco
thoy won't surronder and there may
possibly bo anothor battle.
Indianapolis. Fob. 27 Mitchell fJlly
denies the stories sent out regarding tho
planning of a gigantic labor comblno to
ii U tit non-union inoor and boycott non
union products. Ho cay'a his entiro
timcbolonsi to the United Mino Workers.
Refused Consideration
in Senate
Washington, Fob. 27 When tho Seu
ato opened this morning tho Democratic
minority pressed for consideration of tho
LlttleUoli nnti-tnist bill, and Blackburn
announced (bat ho would oject to giving
unanimous consont to any other bill,
Iio said ho would coxtinuo opposing un
til (ho end of tho cession if necospary.
By a vote of 3S to 2S tho Sonata today
refused to tnko up tho Littlefleld anti
trust bill, McCamns and Wellington,
Republicans, Voted with tho Domocrats
for consideration.
Tho Pitunum canal bill continues to
tako up much time in tho renate.
Morpnn la dotorminCd todofnntit in this
aeseion, nnd Is willing and anxious to
mnko any' combination or trndo that
will accomplish euctt result. ' Ho uses
tho Btntoh'bod and tho Cuban treaty, or
anything that comes to lifted, and It is
nyv .,. 7 S3 r i
probaWe, fr.prn t,ltc prosVputlwV, that
ho Will at least forco tiTb'W.om for
forco Utb' failure
. . ., f it
i r , , - -
this scstloii. Hm is being aided by men
who 'iro k,nown to oppoeo tho Cuban
treaty, and there is a probability that
both will go over to a special session of
the Bonnto, but will be ratified then, or
nt least a voto wII bo taken upon thorn,
and from a closo canvas ol tho Senate,
both will pass a special session, '
Tho Naval appropriation A was to
lw taken up an eoon as tho Houso was
callid to order from yostorday's-rcceBS.
ltlchardpon rc&umcd filbustcrlnc tac
tics, ranking ho point of no qoorum.
Tho doors wcro closed to prevent egress
whllo tho Bergent-at-Arms sought tho
Tho (lotntnlttco on Rules this morning
decided to report two special rules; one
proviuing tnat a mo'.lon lor a recess
shall at all ttmes tnko prccodonco of a
mqfJon.to adjourn; the other that any
general apprlalion bill sent from the
spchkers tnblo and returned wltji Sen
ate amendments shall bo submitted to
voto without debate or Intervening
motion on the question of conference,
and tho motion bo decided in itbo affir
mative tho speaker will at onco appoint
such conference
"" ETO
An Appropriation Bill
this Time
Ealom, Feb, 27 Governor Chamber
lain yesterday afternoon votoed ono of
.the tbrco .gsneral appropriation bills
passed by tbo recent legislative session.
Among the items affected by the sweep
ing vctoe is $H,500 for an executivo
maction, f34,000 for scalp bounty pay
ments, tlO.000 for Improvement to tho
state fair grounds, f 10CO for payment of
Tracy-Merrill claims, and a number of
privato claims. Tho total amount is
something over f 02,030.
A constitutional provision makes it
mandatary .that in. vetoing any single
,te,ns'Of an appropriation all items em
bracod in -the bill must go with the.
veto,, . .j- '
Rare Book of Travel
Wo wish especially to call your atlen'
tion to tho ad on our 4th page, of tbo
Stoddard Lectures, publishel by Goo. J
L. Shuman & Co. 215 Dearborn St,
1 he work is finely illustrated with
,over j400O original illustratlona and
beautifully printed on oxtra fluofaper.
Those illustrations aronot the,, old com
mon tradc-stoch stylo illustratlpots, but,
every plcturo (ib a special design nnd
artistic, this makes it vory atiractivo
work Indeed, in fact it is nn example of
perfect book work on tho finest stock
mndo for book work.
Mr. Stodard's work is most interest
ing as thoro nro over 4000 pages of de
scriptive matter of his travels in foreign
You will miss it if you do not at lens t
got tho information which a casual peril
Bunl of this work will convoy.
Sond in tho coupon contained in thond
in this paper to tho Mail Publishing Co
Marahfluld, Ore, nnd you will bo sup.
plied with necessary information.
uuo notion Advertiser Hays oi it:
Theso turo,8 aro clenr, concho,
cheery', dcBcriptona of foreign sctno.i;
description that havo tho rata quality
of imp-irting vivid improsalona to thort
wbp kjw ndthlngof trave). Hie per
ception of wlial will lutoro'st the --public
la romuricnuir "acouraie. tits lecmrou
tare ossontinl
ntinl for the pooRte; buin
neither i
books, or
neither iu (ho dryest slajuatloa ol guid6
tho busy m
published vl
CjctYa, v
rongor nntldoto (o f rates
in uoatunt a eaoxa u uir. T'-
an'of nffalrstivaVe (aajd bt?ok
lurinrtcco:tycri'lfct twill
Thirteen Came to Mm from the
Opposition Eleven of Them
After Midnight
The peoplo IgoaeralJy desire to know
Jast who tho men aro who elected Mr,
Fulton. To fatUJy that we want to
give the entire lid. Including tho .13
who stood by him from tbo start.
Senators Booth of Lane, Brownoll
of Clackamas, Carter of Jaokeon, Far
rar of Marlon, Kuykendall of Lane,
Marslers.of Douglas. Rand of Rakor,
and Williamson of Crook; Representatives-Both
of Columbia, Carnahan of
Oiatelop, Cornett of Linn, Dimmick o
Coos, Uddy of Tillamook, Edwards
of Lane, Emmet of Crook, Gault of
Washington, Ginn of Wasco, Hahn of
Clatsop, Hale of Josephine, Uansbrough
of Douglas, Harris of Lane, Hawkins of
I C M I I 8 I 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m It 1 H
That is what we iiave to sell, and
we can fill all orders for any
and all kind's. THE' QUALITY
is guaranteeu and the price is
anything required in Fir Spruce.
Red and White Cedar.
X Phone Main 151,
T ni I 1 1 I HI I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I H 1 I 1
g. P- N
Latest San Francis en nnd l'nrtl a n it
tl n i 1 1 e 8. All tho 1
Subscriptions tor nil
papora hnd
Flno oisirjaultibij.', 3
W i 1 1 1 1 HI H i I II 1 1 1 1 1I 1 1
Coughs dacoit
A cough thnt is left to euro Itself Ib slowly overcomoathoat, and thero
is apt to bo some weakness loft to make the next ccugh como easier.
; ; t is nature's best assistant. It makes tho cure easy, quick and thor- .
. . ',ough It is porfecMy harmless, and is equally good for old and r
4 young. It doesn't pay .to trllle with cougha when you can buy u ?.
v remedy on theselormsH , ,
r.' 'Money laok ill ' "' 4
PRICE 5' and
U'.t.roJ.!.... r" riL. .
. . M M. . X '
H3nKatyistzjn -rrnarmay ..AftarsnTieia vs
il lllhllill Mitrt-rn I'HH-ty
Polk, Hormaun of Cooj, HinsA ol
Washington, Huntly of Cruet... u..ib
La Follett of Marion, Pardy of Wh
ngton, IlioJi of Yamhill, Phelps, of
Morrow. Itlddlo of Douglas, Sholly of
Lane, Smith of Yamhill, Webster of
Tho othorscomo to him on the Lot
night and tho otdor in which the
camo to him Is as follows: Knyy of
Marion, Ho'bson of Marion nh'd Lln'n
Nottingham and Banks of Maltnomah
Crolsan of Marion, Homo of Coos,
Mulkoy of Polk, Stolworof Wnsco,
Shorman ofOrnnt; Fisher of Multno
mah, Daley of Benton, and Jonis of
Maltnomah, which completed tho W
votes or ono moro than enough to diet.
Washington, Feb. 27. President
Roosevelt says ho would liko to glvo
Representative Moodyan -.appointment,
but tho latter prefers to como home nnd
resume his business.
II 1 1 r-1 1 H-.r-t4H-H-t-t-H-H t
North Bend Or.
1 III 1 11 t 1 B I I I 1 a t I w-M-4-:n-
fl B. T 0 N"
o u d i u tr M 11 tr n 2. i 11 o .-r
P h A Y 1 NG0"X
' Stationery, Jowvlry, notions,
1 1 Vl 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I HH-H-C"fr
Nature might euro ycur .
cough without aid, but '"" J
y0U CRnlt aflord ' '
60 OENT8.
', ibo. H . '- J.
,, 'Q.
I. Tl - .
min jii u milium nn
M - ,