T" ' Mr ft-A.liiHiwu: V V -Mb t. .wv J ---.f trifcic't,i"'-v- - -. -fff , .Wr.,,,,, . r.v.,v-v, ,., .-,,,. A' - '.' r I .' $i i ft I SI r u1 4 at-a--V i i v n AS- rmiK mav piav ikj ii in i mr TWICE A DAY IN THE I UTURl B Sir HENRY IRVINO w -- i . ..a. ,&,. .,.fr 1 r - - - i . . j ' I ' . 'FYV "EM 1 .Ij4 tfVft omI .. - 4 tU.W - n ' F HE OUT ACTJOHS HAD TO PLAY FOUR TI.UES A WEKK AT T1IOSK Wliq HAD TQ PAKTS. TI1K ACTOR OF TODAY HAS TO "STTvTSST A VAST MAJORITY Of THE LAND ACQUIRED UNDER THE8B FILINGS 19 FOR OTWGrtfTHAtf THE LtiaiTtofATE PURPOSES OF GETTLEMtiNT, OCCUPATION AND GENERAL. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY. J' ,1, Tltoso who nro building up largo Ituul holdings in tlio west realize that public noiitimcnt is aroused, null thoy nro crowding in o'ory direction to sdouro title to us much land na po.iblo )Q foro congress takes tltfe niittor in band. Tho cream of tlio poo plo's Innd ia being skimmed each voar, and with 1cm than 100,- 000,000 acres, 'which may bo considered m reasonably1 powiblo of at tho present ratb nuil T11K A UK A WHICH COXGltKSS PKOrOSEl) TO 1MWIOVK" FOR THE OliM'T11 m - r u,0jmm yOST THAT IS: i pot''lM'K,nti caw bo brit a very short time, TO PLAY 'HKAVYi I 5CKreK,lt'on feoforo 'Vliin hart disappeared MS PLVY 'XFVI-R "LVSS THX SIX 'TUIFS ' HOME RUILDKRS WILL JIA'VK . UK KN'INOLUUKD WITH & GENERALLY' SEVEN, S01U2TIM12S ''EVEN ! 4X TJIK HOAKIES Oh' CHEAT PASTliilKS, PRO EIGHT. It is within tho present generation of nlavers that tho I JJUCINQ XOT A TIIOUSAifDTlE PART QV THEIR POS- present generation of pm matineo lias arisen. ' ' ' TWO MATINEES A WEEK DELIGHT THE HEART OF THE MANAGER. PERHAPS HE DREAMS SO"METIMll6 OF A PLAV WITH 6UCH MAGNETIC ATTRACTIONS THAT THE PUDlijC WIL.C WANt TO SEE IT TWICE A PAY FOR AT LEAST- SIX M6HTH3. n n n That is not beyond the bounds of possibility when you con sider the multitudo of playgoers and the increasing facilities of communication. THEATERS AHE-SPRINGING 01' EVERY WHERE. THE TRAMCAR AND' ELECTRIC SYS TEJIS, THE pVERHEAD AXD UXDERGROUXD RAH.S; HAVE BROUGHT EVEN DISTANT SUBURBS INTO IM MEDIATE TOUCH WITlr TILli IrEART OF THE GREAT CITIES, and there arc. 500 towns whdre tho eamo conditions , apply in greater or less degree. SIUJ.E ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION' TO THE 'WEALTH XV PROSPERITY 'OF THE COUNTRY. it t put UrUiil rtdHiUn, Tho H U;U Inn of lliO'Vlicllilii.pMlo w (iiHKimt ir"i Hcrvice un uiu ki;" Jry littithiui HlnSuAei'l'liit'u Will. A WftHouti ltutt Im 6 of Uaiwln ami M)tt((n. I to UhihI o ko'IiiIi)' llui I.oil tlom Koolocli'iil itcloly'it unnli'im. He- Ront'it inuk.untl, ntnnilliiB liy tint izIuhii tii owuor or oi'i'iiiili'i' if a rl"t mill, i:ivo Contiilitttiu tin rohm Ho i'K'll(i,l mw'a l.i'rw Nulen. Ih tin liitvrciitliiK uxiun. IUt IllN flHt'tU'lUl npllllNt lhOt,'lllHH Wllllo! l)tMlf II lit V. WlllOll IlltM lll'fll Hllowett to tliM'Olint nthii'U mil at liluu 'rim ilia; lujinilli on tho xlntuto limik loitj; nflir W..N ItCtWOlMI tllOlt). llllt'tVlU'd lltllltl WIIM h '.tlMlfftt lltHH Itllll till IMIIIllltldlt llltt iHTfcctlV entivlnct'il iim to tint limlilllt.v cnlluil It Into Ix'llii: luivo coitm'tl to oxlnt. oMtio Nliitl to linrtii lilio, yot Itpwottlil. 'u')i tho htntnto wiih piihnimI, Horltitnt atwnyii tlinlcc 'J'lino nflor t)ih ho j ii(m.iivciiIi'iici to lluM-ltlriMin of tint hijri Irloil It,' IIn wilt iilul roiihoiiH.ro)lii: ioiUiiIIiiu isiiiiitry inlulit hnvii iirlmMi iu liltii thlTo. IiIh liihllnct innjthm lilm n ivull of Nttintitnnlint a mill ownci; i)ihIi;o, Tho ItiHtliK't wiih HtrtTdKi'i' tt'itn fn-m hui noil,, lint tho mill owner If hutji will a ttil miJKMi. il ihi loiter imiioiliiutAi iiiviiilxT of tlm niiiiintniit,y. i u & O THE NEW SHIP COMBINE MAY PRESERVE THE WHOLE WORLD'S PEACE By Vice Admiral Lord CHARLES BERESFORD of the British Navy iK V '.' iW tSI 1MIP E of Great Britain never should commit ourselves to any act likely to irritate any foreign power, moro especially the United States. it'is only right and natural that ameiv ICANS IhOULD HAVE STRONG SUSCEPTIBILITIES AS REGARDS THE' MONROE DOCTRINE. IF I WERE A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, I WOULD UNQUES. .TIONADLY FIGHT IN SUPPORT OF IT. " " As a British subject I do not want to bcc an aero moro added to the British empire, as our imperial responsibilities aro on'or- mously in excess of our organization for dofense. Thoro aro .inany reasons why the two great English speaking nations should ', forget the irritations of tho past and come cjoecr togothcr in tho IV future. THE GREAT ATLANTIC SHIPPING COiLBEJTE HAKES FOR THE INDIVIDUAL BENEFIT OF BOTH GREAT S- BRITAIN AND THE fNITED STATES, AND, HAY IT '"' NOT HAVE A FARREACilING EFFECT FOR INSURING PEACE FOP. THE FUTURE J ' During my visit to America what has impressed mo most is: j.' l.'Tho genjiino friendly feeljng toward Great Britain. 2. Tho Bputiment often expressed that combinations pf trad ing interests between the two countries would prcrent war in the future. At prqsent in o interests of peaco neither Grcaf. Britain nor tho United Statos can afford to rcjax its energies for maintain ing its navy ii such a sufficient and efficient stato that it would be able to carry out tho work which would bo tjirown upon it in timq pf war,' but IF THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN FORJI THAT NATURAL ALLIANCE .WHICH I HAVE INDICATED CAN BE BROUGHT ABOUT" BY PART OWNERSHIP AND PROFIT SHARING IN .GREAT TRADING COMBINATIONS, IT WILL CER TAINLY PLACE THEM IN SO POWERFUL 4 POSITION 0.TLAT THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD THINK TWICE BEFORE ATTACKING EITHER OF THEM, AND THE j ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE MIGHT PERHAPS HAVE K GREAT MORAL EFFECT IN PREVENTING; WAR BJ3 23?EEN OTHER NATIONS. UNCLE SAM'S PUBLIC LAND AND THE HOME BUILDERS V J. O. WtlELPteY f Wahlnaton HE tremendous increase jn wealth' resulting from tho rapid settlement of tho 1,000,000,000 acros of public land has blinded the pooplo of this coun try to tho serious defects which havo oxi3ted in tlio laws governing tho disposol of tho eamo. NOT 100,000,000 ACRES OF TILE 500,000,000 RE MAINING, ARE SUITABLE TO PROFITABLE AND COM FORTABLE OCCUPATION BY AMERICAN CITIZENS UND&R EXISTING ECONOMIC, PHYSICAL AND SO CIAL CONDITIONS. Every secretary ( of tho interior for jtwonty-fivo years past has recommended k 'curtailment b Ibd itikl p'riTilei& t JOIN THE NEW CUA.MBKU. i Tho Mail publtahes tixUy tho circu lar letter nhlch la bolus ont out tp n Inryo number of couth nu'ii, who 1'. It hoped trill lie glad to take part hi the movement Icr a new ntul Urge ml vigorous Chamber of Commerce. The signature! nppen'tl'cil' to this lot- ter aro cufllclcnt cttnrnntco that tho proposed body will bo orttaoUed on ttio right lines, and thst It will lake hold with a will to ndyanco tho inter est! ol Copa By. Tho need of auch an orgAnlzation never was to pretting na it ia now, and tho necessity will increnio' ks the year passes. Had this ruivemoni been started six months no, it would Vitvo boon of the, utmost v.iluo ris'ht now. The influx of Enstorn peoplo coniinj; on tho cheap excursion rates it already commencing, and it ia greatly to bo regretted that Coos Ilsy ii in no poni- t tion to rap her sharo of tho benefits. There should bo somo machinery in operation right now to meet thcio home seekers and investment seekers, with information about this section, tho most promising in tin stMe for tho intending settler or investor. There ia work waiting now for Just audi a body as la about to be organized, and a harvest awaiting ita sickle. Thcra should be no hesitancy ordolny on the part oi any of the gentlemen in vited to join tho new organization. Tho feu which it la proposed to collect ia a mere bagatelle compared with tho bone, flls which would flow from tho proper application of tho fund, Ono thousand dollars, or as much more as may bo rais ed can bo judiciously expended in ways that will brine retarua cut of all. pro portion to the outlay. J lw' The new Bureau of infojinatfoa just established in Portland offqrs on oppor tunity to place information oKout' Coos Day in the hands of the re.ry people wb desiro to reach, and our response to tho invitation extended con not ba too prompt. In the rooms of this Bureau cjuld be placed, without much expense, an exhibit of the products of tbia section hat rnako a strong imprcsblon on eyory visitor. The Utireau offera an agency or the distribution ot printed mattor descriptive of Coos Day of which, full ad vantsjo thould ho takou. ' This ia work that calls for the ser vices of juet such a body aa is being organized. When we eeo the good re sults that have come In tho past from tho efforts of a. few wide-a-wako men acting together, it can readily bo un derstood that a body of perhaps oevoral hundred of our foremost citizens, act ing together can aucomplisli. ircat things for the immediate futuro of Coos Bar. '-, I Tho reception of tho proposal; so far, has beon very, gratifying to ttfe n motore of the movoment, ,afld"'th seems every reason to nope mat prog Ore it. jH-KH-i-frt-W-H.-i..H-hf--f -4HH-M-i-H-H-H-fr1-Ki-H-H-f 4-f X The Fisherman of Goos Th t'crtoj of llroivtti. Olilldri'tt 'born bet with riit'ittlipr ntul lVbiiniry nu, oiiio nitthurltlM htnto. not us tall an Www born In huiii hut imil prlittt itioiitliM. ntul tlio Ktowtlil; or chlMivit N iiiuelt moro rnpld from l Mnroh till AttctiHt. Tho o.ltoiiiltli.4i;; urow miildly up to tho nlxtiTitth .voar;, thou thoro U n, nlou rovth until tho.;; )t ttppnr that thoro nro hlx jx'tliHli of p-owth. Tho tlmt oxtoiidn tip to tho nlxtlt or clKlitli yostr ntul Is ono of vory innlcl urowth: tlio koooiuI iktIoiI. from ilovon to futirtooii yours, growth Ih!;; nlow; the third porlml, from hIMooii to .. Hovcntooti: tlio fotittli porltMl Miowrt Ui" alow cruw'tli tip to tho iiko of thirty for'. . hclRht. up to fifty for choht Klrth; tlio llfth porliHl Ih ono of roil, thoNlxth u tlecrottio In tho IkmIj. t From Ihu Brtlum Jouriiul. "OIIO.M Mio ilnyii of Iinnk Wnltnti to Iim dnya of ( rover ('., Tint tl'hor.fnlk hnvo Iipoii tint lot of all tho folk that bo; F All ltiMr of tli mountain utioutm nnd f ihu illinnlliiu tiool Ol fhndy I ; i n mill mnmy bmikii, ntul luwnm riTti nnd rool All living iiIomi to NnturoV honrt nnd lovln nil Imr inooilx, Tho lilii'tiTim.' t lino of htiihlim: nirlu nml tmncoful ntiltiui wooilti And y tho tiiijiicn of Wnltnn ntul Cluvolnnd tlii'io If room Tv.hi'lng from Curry and (rout Cooj, nnd ndd tint nitinu of lluino. thiHiotti vwir Tin. iiifi fhloilv crow I! To Utinie. hoin hnmlrpil milt's nf noli nro ovorywhoro In vo;iio . !. . . ,..,. I? ,.nft I ?,i,t ,?,t, '"f"11' ""r ! ('liinWu. tn (iold ihuch'on tho Knauc- k-twoon tho tenth nml oiitotntli,. . Wh(J nj; mj1i o (Rl r,Vftr.B Bnk n, W Mn ma mh, year. omparltiK thu Ki'iirrnl roMiltH, . . Wn U- H.Bk , ,nMtn,,10r it, momhplffo and It.i hod. Ills fnthor ntul lilt father' siro from out tho Iwniny Dimn Havo plmkml thu royl sulinou with tho hncklit unit tho apnon. And now whom thn I'acllln thrown ncroirn llin bar Km cpnina , Tho Halttion mcotslils master, and ltd niastor't nnino in llumo. t Iintr mny lioyrt bo with us, this jolly fluhormnu. WhoCiUin tho lordly Minion, vlth n "cup C" an tho ran. Tho stroami of frotUml ktinw him and tho ttwotluoiiulio'a vales lUvosoon lilm drHt tlin nalmon out nnd uHi'h him on tho nenlon, And many n tlmo lili whluliu riid hnn hold IiIh Huh In ohiek Wl era Kntri down from tho IiIIIh of Muluo nuil lordly Kutinohue. Hut only Iho I'.iclflr shores uivoittrli nn ho full room Unlets well, back In Washington, Ihuy'd find n pluco for Hume, -MM IHrW-l f I 1 I I I I I I I I H I I-! IX'H-1-fl'W-M- tt ( !- -rrrr-r Circular Letter inviting Gitizens to Join The New Board o? Trade ro- ere" the spirit ,oi progress will sweep every MAWSWFnSLD, OHI.'XION, F.lZVh 12, 1003. ' . . . ii DlJAIt SIR: ' ' - Grcator apportuniticH for advancement ntul expansion nover offered tliomselve-H to a rniuinutilty than tho. s presented to tho pooplo of Coos liny at tho present time. A country o vuntly rich In natural rwourw, ns In tho Com liny country, cn;i not fall to attract the even of capital If Hiohp resources are riyHtetuntlcully placed boforit thoso who are noeltlng new fleldH of Investment, Our wonderful lUiponlU of coal, tho hundreds of mllliniiH of fir, Hjirtice ati'l ccdnr Umber, which arc tributary to our shore, our hiiudreiU of thousantlH of agricultural Intnl. our Rplcudld harbor with its in I leu of water front, wpoclnlly ailnptM for inanitfactiirliiK and thoBjdendld condlilon of tho bar at tho mouth of our harbor, If placed through Homo roliablo agency before, capitally will bo certain to remilt In tho cdtahlihliinent of inlilltlnnal tuituitfacttirirA upon our nhorcs, and vlio known but that it may result in tiecuriuj; for (.'oo.t bay tho ono tiling fho needit iiiont; 1. u., mil road 'conimunlcatlun vlth tho outsiilo world. Ktornu fiich an wo havo experienced (IiIh winter fdiow how I ho In tod wo aro am iQJhiicIi to ho desirod Is a railroad to Coos Bay. In order to accomplish tlio best nuiilta for Coos liny ni a whole, wo intuit itiako ti( our inliulH to drop Kectliiual feelliiK and nut our shoulder to the wheel. Hollaring that Hitch rwmltrt caff be.st ho accotnplNh(;d by a good, live, icproxontutlvo Cliatnberof Connnorce, orgntized on brnrvl principles nnd lucliiding reproHeutatlveH fronj lm dllTiirent ki'cIIiiiih of Cum Hay nnd vjpliiHV tho undi'ttgjd have formed theuiHilvo Into it coin in 11 toe to solicit lucmbprjdilp, preparatory to tint organiza tion of Mich n body, Wo bellovo tliat Iforder toaccomplisli tho boat re.sultH that hiicIi an orgniilzntpn kIiihiIiI not bo limited to any oiii cectfon pr locality, but hIkiuIi! include al tho variotiH liitorontH of CooHllny and vicinity, The uphtilldlni; and advauceiuout of Coos Hny'aH a whole Hhotild bo the prima object. With tlio nccompllHliiiient of tills end (ill tho different towns mid flections ftliall ropplvo direct hen'efits. 'i Iclloip that a progressive. C'haiuber ofCommerce organized on these, Hues, enn with con certed option, materially advance the jntcrcHtH of Coos Hay, nml tills object, wo hollovo, Hhinild appeal to every properly hold it aiid citizen who has tlio Interests of Coos Hay at hoart. In order to carry on uncli an organization Hiiecessfully II Ii necessary to ralso fimdH to defray tho jjjrlniia expcntiCH which 'A 111 naturally bu Incurred. Thoioforo wo hnvodoeined It adviHabh) to fix tho minimi dues at ?l0.flfl II year, payablo in advance, as it will bu nncesHary to ohtiiln funds from tho Ktnrt to carry on tho work. W'y iiIho deemed il deflrablc to imiko the now orgnnlzatlci: a nodal as well an a commercial body and with that end In view wo favor an annual banquet as a feature of tho organization, tlio oxpouso to ho defrayed nut of tlio annual dues. ' Wo respectfully ask you to becomo a mcuibor of this organization by filling out enclosed blank and forwarding to .Mr, J. S, Coke beforo Feb, Kith., llKKi, at which titno undersigned coiuiulttco meet to formulate pinns for organization, .',.' sRc'! .IAH. 11. 1 UARAN 1 .Ioiik S, Cokk MiirHhflehl. , IIENJIVSKNIIBTACKIIN ) I i.'-f'ULl(fci'.' Il. . '.t.'r ' , wik - , . w . Hktkii Lucitui: ui North Bend. t S.F.tfcCOLLUM ) viimlri. tuinfc Deli .:;$ r C4(. : 1 ' i:rteS' v- .. r"- yhii.ti 1 1 Tii l' j" ir'