nii''Bmjjgg tti X&t Wi?'' yi-ftWi'H-fTtfWU'Wmilll'l IJ v"HrsnasnjTIv-'r' w-wsuy vw-ps- . tw -!- - ,, .., -v 4 I r ' T ir. L . ,.'J 1 1. T T. in In, lil i ' r r y. F; i f . 1 I ( 7 f I t ij I t k Aii. 111. !. GEER 6 TEN & O Complimertary Votes for Him i Multhonj all UelOff 3.tI0n J v Switch . r Salem, Keb. 17 There was an Inters ., , .... I ,i-.i .....! 6 AN oiling ureas iu loo 'eeqstiuriai himhuu i i i. i. U -i .,....,, ecarlot livery. Whtn the King and toJay when Multnomah gaTe nine com- ' pllmentary rote. lofceW , Qcn drovo but "om lh0 COUr,yard in Tnet.kfng of the JcJit ballot 4t hoc front of.Dncklagh.m Pataee, they were today disclosed some conges. Paulsen .' rf nihUftlcall, by tho multi left Fulton and voted for Geer. Th'ero U(1- Wtcd cnl,rc,y was nothing unual in this save for1 tho "covered (rom bIs receDt i,,DC"- W,lh fact he did not change back t6 lal- " ' fiRre8 t0 e""' eccn and ton before the vote was announced! Iu addition to Paulsen nine members of the Multnomah county delegation to day voted for Geer. They wero Sena tors Holmaa, McGinn nnd Myers, Rep resentatives Cobb, Gill, Hudson, Hutch inson, Nottingham and Retd. ' i"" ait The aVmoqt.cement of tbe name of Geeras uiese members were reached wirgreeTad by applause from the lobby Tbe ballot resulted as follows: '-. " 'Fnlton Geer Wood Williams Scattering Absent S3 23 16 C G 5 Representative Hume a smoker to night at tbe executive mansion on Che meketa street is tbe talk of tho lobbies. A Wet Umbrella. Never leave an umbrella standing- on the point In the ordinary way when i wet Tbe water trickles down, spoiling I the silk nnd making the wires rusty. It Is also a mistake to open It and leave It standing, rfs thto stretches the, silk. making It baggy s,o that It is Impossl Lie to fold it smoothly. Tbe proper way Is to shake out as much of the water as possible, then stand the um- brella on Its handle to drain. Sun r Stroke Shattered My Nerves. " Gave Up Preaching For Two Years. Dr. Miles' Nervine Put rao un cuve juisi Are you well? Do you sleep well? Do you get up rested, fresa and vigorous? Is your mind clear and active? If not read the following. See what another has suffered and how lie recovered. "Some years ago I was afflicted with sun ilrokc which lett me with a shattered nenr- ous system and exceedingly poor health. I K2e7LWLri5?T.fe,,Vr. I study, and after striving for two years to ' wear me irouoie ou, i was compelled to eive up my pastoral labor and retire to my Urra I where I spent nearly two years tryine to re cuperate. It was ali of no avail. Physicians' treatment and patent medicines failed to re lieve mey I was exceedingly nervous and , irritable and sometimes would shake terribly. I could not bear any noise. At the least ex citement the blood would rush to my fare .and head. Two years ago I was induced to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. After using one bottle I could see improvement in my condition so I continued taking it for nearly a year. I am happy to say I no longer have those pains in ray head or nerv ous spells. My appetite is good and I am able to preach three times on Sunday with out fatigue. I consider Dr. Miles' Nervine the roost wonderful medicine ever discov ered.Rev. D. Alex. Hohnan, Pastor U. ,B. nurch, Marion, Ind. 1 All druggists sell and puariotee first bot. tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and. Heart. Diseases. Address Df, Miles Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind. RICH PAGEANTRY . w, ACCOMPANIES OPENING King Edward Starts Partlment Off Wjth A prand Flourish Tendon, Feb. 17 King Edward opened ll'arllnmpnt.this afternoon with a crrc- moninl in nil essential respects similar to that of tho two preceding cessions of his rrl!n. Tho procession to tho House 'ol Lords wa of tho eamo diameter as i that witnessed on tho occasion ol tho Innnnlntr rf i)a tntntnn flf lnRt YPAr. kld within was ecen tho ramo state pagcan. I try. hl-torlc dresses arid revival ol an- dent forms. Tho Jonfnoy to Westminis ter was made in a gorgeous Uto coach, drawn by eighe cream co.ored Flemish ! ponies, with footmen and outriders in so gorgeously clad, with the brilliant es cort of Lifo Guards, whoso bands kept constant); playing, tho crowds seem to feel reworded for their long wait by a spectacle of considerable interest. The procession in tho House of Parlia ment was strikingly picture'squoV Pur suivants, heralds, gentlemen ushers equerries and grooms in waiting led the way, Conspicuous positions were occu pied by the Prime Miuistcr, the Lord Chancellor and the Lord High Cham berlain in tbe!r robes of office. In the House of Lords a brilliant twemblagt awaited their appearancfc.ljThe peers wore robes, the judges cf.tnVwgh court their robea of rcarlet and full bottom wiss. Behind the bishops were tho di plomatic corps and the peerefiee. After robing, King Edward and Queen Alexandria entered the House of Lords and occupied their thrones, be neath a canopy, with other members of tne r0cBl family seated about them. . , . . , n. a ae uenueman uentr u. .no u huving summoned tho speaker and the members of the House of Commons, tbe K,nd d tfae b from tbo tbrone i Tho speech referred to the satisfactory , ... , ,.., .-, n,t to the work of Mr. Cbamborlin in Jouth Africa. Other topics touched upon were tbe expedition against the Mad Mullah and various questions of home interest. Referring to Great Rritian'e relatloaa with foreign countries, the King said: "My relations with other powers ccntinuo to be of a friendly character." ( The epeech concluded with mention- ini; propoEed legislation of eolely domes , tic interest. The King Snd Queen then !reti,ea,aid a fanfare of trumpets and ..,,.., i.. aiienueu oy iuu bsiuu jiukcoiih ' accompained their entry into the House, Cohflel Miller Dead . . ... wfii. .1.. r. -. .i.ti. Ciemeni. .Minor, whj mv nunc .n born in tho city of Chicago, a vit- eran of tho Civil War and civil engineer of distinction, patBed away last week at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. John I.ablanc, in Alameda, after an illncea of manv years standing. This Is the Eamo Col. Miller who visited tho Kay with R. A. Graham at tho tlmo of tho inception of the 0 DRiJi! railroad. 'Great Expectation Do not expect too much from your newspapers advertising. '.YoaradvertiE haa don6 ul that could be expectod of it when it brings people to the etore.--renters' Inh, GROUND BROKEN FOkR . . NEW WOoLeN MILL ZT North BenH Celebrates The Inaugu atlonOf The New Enterprise i Yesterday about six or soven hundred people congregated at North Rend to wltnrfs tho driving i)f tho tint pllo for tho new woolen mill which is to bo built as (ait as mcchaulesran construct it. This is one of tho initial stops of several industries which aro to bo put in operation iu tho noar future at thla now town, tho first town in Oregou where manufacturing will ha establish ed, and pay rolls exist before there aro buildings enough to homo thoao em ployed, which is causing tnoro interest just now than any other proportion on tho coast. Mr. Slmpsonjii proving himself a man of action and deeds and his theory that tho town will soon follow tho pay roll will be practically demonstrated. Thcro wero many present from -Empire and tomo from Randon and tho day was beautiful. Tho first drop of the hammer was at 3:25 and the pilo went down in good solid bottom nnd when it waiat the propor dipth a cheer went from one and all and the bund played and everybody was enthusiastic Mr. Simpson caused his mills to te hut down bo tho worxrocn and their families could take in the breaking of Rround for the new enterprise. Tho new mill will bo built facing the new city dock and it will be a fine lo cation as far as shipping fioiitius go as tho product of the mill can ,'oavo the mill door and in a few minutes bo safe aboard a steamer. It will occupy a block of ground. A piledrivcr is now on the ground and another uno will bo at work thero in a few days and work will be advanced as fast as possible. It is t)ie intention of Mr. Clark to have the mill in operation and weaving cloth within 00 days.. Tbe event was eolebrated last night by n banquet and speeches noromado and toasts, rcponded to by various speakers. It will be long rememborcd. While Bandon will loso an important manufacturing establishmet, which has been a great benefit to tho town. .North Rend will gain one of tho Important stepping stones to variouus ether in dustries. PROTECTS. -, AMERICAN CLAIMS Portocol Signed by Hay and Bowen Venezuelan Customs as Security Washington, Feb, 17 Hay and Bow- en havo eigned the protocol providing for tho adjudication of tho claims of American cltizenB against Venezuela by tbe commlselon and the letting nfiido of thirty per cent of tho customs receipts athaGuayra and Puerto Cabello for the payment of all foreign claims in Euch manner aa shall be de termined by tho Hague tribunal. The Commissioners aro tobe appoint ed ono each by Rooaevejt, Castro and Queen Wilhelmina aftor May first and aro to meet at Caracea on cr before Jan. firjt,. and their li.lnrs aro to be conclud ed within eix months from 'that date, Each country ia to eharo jointly in the expenso of tho commission. iMhf'7l., Mm DA )lCCr & ' '" x y (Jil . J r A v Compsny j San Francisco Ticket Scalper Sends A Man to SeattU)--to Get Here. A family arrived Irom Texas on th Homer, consisting of a couple, advanced in years, with several children, and the old gentleman telln n hard-luck story of the way ho was buncoed I y a cut-rntu ticket agent in Snti Frnncitco. He arrived with his family in San Francisco on U$ way to the Coquille from some placo in Texa, where ho had been farming tho most of his llfo. Ho seems to have been almost incredibly ignorant of how to proceed to fo.ieh hie destination, ami he wandered Into a cut rate tickut office to buy a ticket to Coos Hay. The sharpor into whoie hands he 'oil told him that there nan no steamer running butnern S.m Vrauclrco and Coos Hay and that h'ts only way to get to Coos Hay was to go to Seattle, then go from there to Astoria, where they could tako a steamer 'oCoos iluv. Incredible as it may appear the old man says ho took this ad v ire, bought ol the sharper a ticket to Real- tlo and ollowd the route mapped out. Wo would tako this story with a grain of fait, hut it hardly seems that one would tell such a yarn on himself unless it wero true, and further tho story is corroborated by tho fact that u gotitlo raan now iu Marthtleld saw tho family at a Sin Francitco hotel at the time they claim to havo been thoro Not Concrrneit. ' "Why don't you try to hnml nn lion sri'd nnuio down to posterity?" "I don't know," answered Senator I'orghura. "Mnyho I don't look far nioujjli nliend. So long nH my Hlgnaturo U lionorcd nt the hunk I ain't see flint my credit with posterity makcu much aifrcrcncc." Washington Star, . ri lltiVUUH When Sandow poses nnd the musclet ridge hia lick nnd knot his arms, wc thluk we hnvC before us the very secret of strength in those magnificent muscles. Hut wc haven't. Starve Sandow, or, what is practically the same tiling h'J him he dyspeptic;, and his muscle would toon fail Strength io made from food properly digested and nf&imilntcri, and no man is stronger than his stomach, be cause when the stomach i diseased di gestion nnd assimilation are imj)crfcct. , Dr. l'iurce'fi GoMeu Medical IJiRcovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion nnd nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and assim ilation of food so that the body is nour ished into perfect health and strength. 'I hail what my nhyildan called ludlttf jtlou. Jleittivr tile iiieiltriiie for the trouble tmt II 1JI me no good." wrile Mr, V, II Wells.of Wll; taril, N. C I wide to I)r I'lerrc and ulated niycate Hornl me a dricrlpllve lut und liy. Klenle rnlct. I C4nltil out tliee us )cnl I could, Wurlit lx lioltka of lil ' Golden Medical pl covcry' aiuj ..jtiimi-iictd UUlii(lt. Aiewilay later I noliwd a i;rrat change. J'ell like a Jiew nifii. Ilcfore I Uyan the umj of the '(jiildeii ?.tullcal I)Icovtry' I suffered greatly with pain 111 fctoninclr. my nerve fteenieu nil rim-aovrti,' I yra very thin in floth, but now can cot hcartly 0U1 Rkep (xd (it iilKhi." l")r. 1'ierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free oh receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing oulyA Send twenty-one one-cent stamps fortthe pa- ,ar.rri-ri.i lvnnV nr tllirfv.nnc' BtlllllDS for the clo'th-bbuiul volume. Address Pfll ! Dr. K. V. rtercc, uuuaio, . x, TlMlllilt I,AnU. ACT JUNK II. 187rt -Nqi'lCH FUU PUUMUATtON. United Statu (.amlOllWc, Ituulmrg, Oregon, I'cli lUtll, II) j, Notice U hereby t'lven In cuinnll.incr with the piovWIon of tho net of C'ongifit of Mine 3. ih;b, vntltlnl "Alt m.t IW Um siln ol llmlxi l.unls In U i'titr ol C'lttilomlt, liu gun, N'uiiil, unit Wellington Tonliory," t-xtcmlrd to il) tlio Public Lim! Suits by net u( AllgUtt I, iuoj, CAM I. A MACINKV, ol I liurHon, county ufKootrital, stale of Ml lio. hns lhl iliiv filed In llilt olhM his toin slitleniriil No 4111, for the nurvli.un ol lti VI.'. . ..ILlf..... 1! iVllI ..I (!lt... t-.i--i ui ..i.i 111 -.i-v iu, mm i ; ui o i, SWij of NW1.1 olS, No. 11. In M'n No. JiS. It it u-l, nml Mill oiler piool to show il r l.imt MHiglit It mom vuliialiln (or Its tiinticr or iliiiif turn for ngilciillunil iti(xU'.i, unit to rtilMili lilicliilni lo.lil I1111I Ulom U II, IU1111I, (unty I'lriUol Coo t'outity, Orrgon, nt o iiiiille, oil lnril.v, ihe intli itny 01 lutii'. tuoi 1 Haiiiitiiri at ttttnrsnn J0I111 I.M.iijnry, of IIimiIihi, hl.ilio, John NllclirllirinX, llrnry iMicneiii'inK, 1 I- inner, 01 Allegany, ur. ny fitul nil titrMini ililiiiini: mli:iclv tin' . .tor lrvritrtl l.ind uic rnilclcil Iu tlir Dirir cMimt in nut oiiicc ou or inioie ii ioiii d.y of June, nJj. a at . T. Hkukick. Knitter. TIMUKK l.ANM) ACT 'JUNK a, 1H7H. NirriCKl'OU I'UM.U'ATIUN. United Stutcs Land Olt'uc, Koirlmtg, Oii-kiui. !. u, i'oj Notice it heieby Khtix llut In coniplianer wllli ilir uoMii(iii of the net ufCongrcMof Jmir 1, 1O78, rniulrtl "An net lor tt- s.l! of tlmbrr (.unit In Ilir Slnlrt of California. Urroi). firji- ita, unit WatliiiiKtnn 'Iniluny, n rtrnitnl to .untie rnbiic iwiiiMuicnynctoi.iii;uil4, teoi' DANNIKI. lilMMIC K, of Mnrliliclil. county of Toot, Stale of Oirgnn, Inylliljil.i) (ilnlm llilt atllci lilt om tatr incut No 44JI, Inr the puich iti of llf l,ot 4 ee. il, 'Ip ai S. K 11W, and I .on j and 4, ol S-c. No 6, in rownthip 37 S0111I1, ol l4ngr 1 1 Writ, nnd will ollrr proof lo show llut thu I ind tough! It innir vnlimlilr for lt linilirr or Jloni for nKiliullutn iiurKtri, nml 10 rintillil ln cl.ilm 10 wild Umi Irfon: W. U. DoucUi, L'. S. C'oiniiilttlarirr Tor Oirc n, t MartLfirlil Oregon, en I Hitay. lite iti ilty of May. iq4j, llen.unrtnt uiinriw W II Morgan, of MarshfieM.Or.l.-i N clr, K K Talor, John lluilly of Pmrtlrw. Or, Any mid .ill wi" ns rlalniing mltcrv y the utiotr.iUwritirit taniU Air trilietlrf! lo lllo lliclt cUliiit In tint oflice on or before s.ild Hi (Inr of, 1503. 3-ai . ). T. Uriuols, Ktglitcr. TIMJIKIl LAND. ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICK FOil I't'llLiTATION. Unilcl States IjiiuI Oflice, KoseliUrg.Orrgon, Jan. S. i'3. Noikc It hfraby given 'hat in cvmplunce llh the protitlontcif the act o fongrrtt of Junr 3. 187a. entitled -'An nit for the ulf of tinibei lamlt In the Males of C'alifornta, Ore. gon. NevAiU. rrwl VVithmglon Territory," ns ei tended lo nil the Public I. ind Mates by act of Augutt 4. igVij, W'H.I.IAM .tcKADYKN of Marslifield, county of Coot, state ol Ore gon. Iiat tint di tiled In llilt' oilier hit mwn statement No 4249. for the ourcbiive ol the Sutilhrutt (Mrter. of St-cilun No. 4 in Tonihl No 37 S, Hai'i;: No 11 Writ, und t ill offer proof to sliow llut site Und sought It more valuable for Its Uudier or stone than for .ignciillimtl purpovt, nnd 10 ft utihth hit clilin to 14 id LiihI Ix-fote W, V Douglat, U S committloner for Oregon nt .tarthfirld.Orrgon, on Saturday, the silt iUj ol March, 1903 lie naiift ut viitnejtrt Wll .torgm, of MarthheW Or Kft T.iylor, K Wlulley, Uc Ner!ry(vf F.iirvlew, Or, Any and :i:l pcrtmt claiming adti'rtcly the abotr detctibed lands air rriplmlrd to fill their claims in llilt oilncon or before said 3 Ml day of March, 190s 1 10 . T. Dkiixji.s, Iteglttrr. TIMIJKlt I,AN), ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTICK FOlt 1'UIH.ICATION. United iiUli 1-andOllice, Kotelnirg, Oregon. Jan 7, ir3. Notice it heroliy civrn that in couiphaiicr with the provitlont of ihr Act of t ongrc t c I June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tjie sale ol timber lands ill the Miles of Cnllfoipla, Orrgr n Nrvad.t itir.d W.uhlnglon Territory. " as rttend ed lo nil Ihe I'ubllc l.ind Slates by I.M of Ail gutt 4, 1B93. WILLIAM K. STUUHS. of Mars field, County of Coos, hiaie ot Oregon hns tills day filed In litis odice hi) sworn stale nirnl No. 4373. 'or Ihe puuhuc of Ilir hV)f of NKi 4, NW-.jof.SKi-4. I.i 3 of SW 1-4 of Sec. No io, In T No 35 & K No 1 1 W, nnd will offer jirouf lo show the sought 1 1 more vjluiblr fur ns IIiiiUt or M rr than for .igiii'dtiiMl inirKiv and to rtttbli h h s claim to said land ft (ore W, U Doiigta , If h C ommlttloner for Oirgon, nt .Varilir!-'. (i.ron, on h.iiurd iy. ihe 11 day of Ap'll, 1 ;" He ii.iiiii't jit iiiii".' -t I'lu)d roll' It C I .Smirli, 1 d Colkll, L LofKll, nil of Mar . field, Oregon Any und nil persons claiming ndtci'dy lie uIkjvu drtcrllnrd lands are rxpic led to file their t'.ilms In this office on or IrIoic salt 11 Jay of April, 1903. i 30 , T. IlllllxiKS, Register. - V TJNDKULANI) ACT JUNK 3,1878, NonoK ton puhlicatiun. United Ktutif Land Olllcit. ltosuburi; Orison Jim. I0-11K)3 NotiroiH hereby glvon that in enm pliaiiio with tho provWmiH of llni act ol Coiiuri'Hs of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Hct lor the Hnhiol liiiil'iir landH in the htntnH of California, Oregon, Nnvniln, and WuHhliigion'JVrllory," u extended to nil tho I'nhllo Land Stntea by net of AUKiifet-i. 1802 ItU'llARI) J. COKE, of Marnhlleld, couiity of Coon, Blntn of Ori'Kon, hun thin day filed )n thin ofllcn Ills hworir" Hliiti'iiieiit No 132J, for tliw purcliiiBU of thu Lot 8 and Kl 'i of SE1-1 Hfdlon 157 and KWI-l of HU 1-1 of Hec inn No, 20 In Township No. til H, itunge No, 11 V, ami wilt off or proof to hIiow that the hind noulit Ih morn valuahlo for its timber or ftono than for iiriciilturitl ptirposen nnd lo ostublinli hiu claim Jo eaid land heforo W. U. IJouglitH. U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marrhfiuld Oregon, on Monday, tho 30th day of March, 11K).'J. Ho nniiita bh wltnestea: A A Ander Bon, Allegn' y, Or., F A Kelly, Mumh fleld, Or., Fred Noah, Alleguiiy, Or., rillao Noah, Mnrbhflnld, Or. Any anil nl peiHoiis cluiining advorne- iy tlio abovo-defcrihid lundu ari re- (iiiottiil to file their I'lnimu in this oflice on or heforo tnld .'lUth dny of MnK, l'JO.'l, -t J, T, liniuaiiH, Itoglutur, TIMIIKU LAND. A(T JUNK 11, I87H NOTlOKFOltl'llllLIDATlON. United Stales Land Ortlcr, l(irlnirg Oirgon, IVIi. mill, 1903. NnHco la heroliy glirn that In toripllanie wlih tho provitlont nftltn net of t'ongir of limn 3, irt7H, riiiitlnl ' An net for the sain of limber lauilt In the blntrt of ' nllfornla, Oirgon, Nutnila, nnd Wntliliniiuii iVnlloty," 11s r li'intrt! tn all the l'ililiu I. mil Hiatus by nul of At gutt . HIuj. IVUTI.K ll-WNKS, of Mauhfli'lil. eoiiiuy of foot, ttatn of Oie gon, tat this day filed In this oflice her snoni tbttrmeiil No 4131, lor Ihe nun hate nf tin) MiulhiMtl iUitrirVo' Srcllon No u, 'IohiisIiIii il S0111I1, of U itirti So, 1 j Witt, mid will oiler iiioof to thotv tliHt lh' I md toiighl It inure vnliMhlr Inr lit ImiiIht or slum' lluiti for ugtlciib tilhil pniHtit, und lo r-ttahllili her tlalin lo suld land bfloir U l antlat. tt ,H. (.'ommlttlon er for Oitfgen. ill Mnmlilli'ti) Oiegon, on .Satur day the 3d day of ,1iy, n)j, Slir naiii'-t iu wllnet.ft: It II Noble, W II N- hie, W I" Noble, t hns Noble, nil of .lAtrili. field, Or. , Any nnd llier nut clalinlny ndertry the ahott di-urbetl hndt ar uiiieiril to Mm their ehi'int In llilt nllUv on or belon'sild ad illy ol May, 1003 J. I' IIhiikii ', leltwr. a at - 1 11 -11 - 1 r 11 ti 11 Siiif in 11 ' 11 1 THE STEAMER AFlCATA. r s s, Matin. Will Unlit- Steuuliir '1YI -HKrWKKN- OOOS I5A.Y SAN FltANCISOO -I'AltltYINU PA38EN0EH8 AHD FREIGHT AT -LUWE9T RATES. Ort'Ron Coul -A. NnvrKntlnn Cr , I'foiirlntoM, F.H. rOW, Am-iit Marrhfli-ld, Oiron H.O. CO. Aytnt, Kmpire C'ltv, On-uon Tic-BBauBW .'11 titmmmmmmiammHm (.WOSKMAISN PATIINT WKI'I'ING UNr. Tho unnt liiipo'tiitit linprnvi'tnurit ol the nu'" 'n tin art ol p'uitinnilil nmti'ii tin' poon-ft writer a 'plt'inlld pmuiiiui In n fow wi-.'kn by I lit ii of tlita rluu. Knilotri'd liv priiiuliMiK Cdhi;o i'rnil ih'titK ami ll'mrdt of Kdiinition in Ku inpit and Anicrlcit. Hitniplit ilnifii n M'lrti'd ei: nt xmt ptiil fur 00, nin L'lociunpli' -"ir. Wlii'ii orilfrliiK xlntiln rim,',,iitutti v. Imt her for mnrf, woman or child. lCNN MIT,. H0PPI.Y CO. No, 110 . fourth 8t, Pliilntlclphlis 1 1. . . . 1 Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Frco to the ADVERTISING MAN of nny responsible 'house. 1 Forelg-n Jhum Huud imxiel.tkctcti or plarto tf tnvenUon loti ireurcrtiui tnicniHUllty. For tree bonk, 1 uowMinocuroTDAnC U HO IO WJllst fpposlto U.S. Patont Offlct WASHINGTON D. C. C850oatjo)a9( IF YOU WISH TO ADVfcnTISE 5 IN NEWSPAPERS! S ANVWIIKKIl AT ANYTIME! 5 Call on or Wrllo RaDAKB'S ADVERTISING AGEHCY; 64 & 6g Merclianta' nxchango A HAN I'KAnwiJVU, v.. a vibit DR. JORDAN'S oiicat MUSEUM OF MlTOfilY' ion niT.ut st., lis rancuco, en. Tin I 'veil Antlomlhl Mutmui In Ilia , WoilJ. f.kiiti r, 01 lay cf.niucld ' un,'. illlrlr fl ny tilt olunl fcpaoilld on ih Ltl. )ycii. On. JORDAN- DISEASES OF MEM ( VI'llf,lt llinmuKtily t rlilldltit , fioM tytum wiikuut i m,, ,, I Truman Aiiriliynlli.t it. (IJ. . l.JlMl cum fof I'llKa, Vlaaiira ii' v . liy ,, lUIIUU t lltf iUI Mill' t u.tUudi. Cnntulltllnn dtt ami llil'tlvmliltt. Tfiiimini .. innallv rl Xtt Ulltl A I'Hititi Vuri In v,iv ..k undcitiiicn Winn (nt II bl B-llll. UH-' y ' M .!. .... II.ILLU rMBH I A VllUtbll iMHil kioriurn.j itiibrwiiif OR. JOIIOAN 4 CO., 1 0B I NltrEetul.,8. P. i-umniannn i llrtutj, ffinlllXy; to srhfraAAV4- t t titt' ?