SJWSSTSJIJSWSSJSWSJSSJSSlMWSJSajSJMSMWSSJSSSSlWSJSfSJJSjSSSISSJsSSlS WIBP WTWWIi'iJ? Ml' .,1 . H H ff i ' r M :1 f f: 133:RSO:fcT.AXl from Thuraday'a Dally. 11 A. G. Aiken la back from about Ibrco weoka abscnco in the elxea mines. Mr. and Mm. 0. D. McFarlln wero in In town over night, Busty Mlko'a Diary, Feb. 13. 1903.- Waltlug for business Is all right If you jo it on the run. Bam Centere moved bio family from Couth Marebfleld to Empire, yesterday, by team. ' Mr. and Mra. Jcsso Farrin will com. mence their dancing school thla even ing in tho Odd Fellowa hall. Tho Homor crossed out OTor the Columbia bar, at last, about lO.'a. m. jestcrday, and should arriye thli fore- noon.. Tho Valonline party which was to beheld at the residence of Mr. and Mra. 0. A. Metlin in .Boulh Marsbfleld on Saturday night, will be "hold it the residence ol Mr. and Mra. Geo. Ay re. F. M. Stewart, the Coquille marbla man. came over on yesterday 'a train, bringing two tomb atonca for shipment to Gardiner, and desiring: to secure some sandstone blocks 'for basea to monuments. Albert Fist, lato of Bandon came ovrc on yesterday's train with his family and household goods, moving to North Bend whore he will follow his trade of carpen ter. The woolen mill proposition is only a foretaste of the day when this whole peninsula will be bno big town; when tho CoiT Mail will havo a power prcee and tllo marine reporter will be relioved from hie nightly toil. - Goods that are in general use require to be advertised to prevent their being supplanted by other articles. Good that aro not known must be advertised or they will not sell. Several new caea of ecarletfover are reported in town. There is a good deal of complaint at the non-observance of the ordinance governlngl cases of con tagous dieeaecr. Amreting will be held by the Com mon Council today at 3 p. m, to finally determine upon proposed amendments to tho town charter. Any perion who may desire to do eo is invited to be present, Koblo& Condron commenced work yeeterday on the Irepaira to broad way forwhich they have the contract. The plank? wiil be laid at an angle of 45 degree instead of straight across, which will add materially to the life of (he planking, No merchant fails to realize that great good would be accomplished in merchan dising if all the business could be dis tributed through thb 312 business day of the year. But they advertise spas modically and fail to underttand why people trade spasmodically. Wm. Cavacagb, one of tho Coos Bay boya, wbo has cotnploUd his studies in dcntrlery, has opened ofllce in the I-ewU building in Portland for the practice of his profession, in association with J Francis Drake. No advertisement is better than that which tells something about the goods. The people who have things to buy will want them a'! the more if the merch ant tells how good the things aro and how much some of them can ho used and enjoyed by oie who does the buy- f ( Out Koing paBEengore by Areata Feb, )2: Mra Eabb, Mra McMlckle and two children, W H Erdice, Jan Carlton, P Christopher; Mra Christopher, Ellen Christopher and three Children. 11 Fln cll, J Johnson, Robt Uerron, Mrs Uer ron, R Jaco, G Jnlsot, II Gadlor, J Nob ler B Angela. V Greenwonld, W 0 ConneJI, A Bhoono, Jon Chrlsto, Capt Colslrup Why Not Move II? When rock was being hauled out to tho hospital silo for tho foundation, a wagon broko down on Fourth atreot In front of John Preuia, residence. It was necessary to onload and tho thrco large rocka wore loft lying in tho stteet. .That waa soveral weoka ago, and the rocka aro there yet. Two of them aro well to one aldo, but tho largest takes up half tho driveway and is'a menace to navigation. New Furniture Store R. F. Bwn and F. M. Kelley are pieparlng to opon a Jfurnlture store In the Garfield building in tho room re cently vacated by the Owl Bllllaid Parlors. Part of their atock arrived from Ban Francisco on the Areata, and a much lareer lot will come rom Port land ou the next trip of the etcamrr from that point. These gentlemen are recent arrivala who liked the prospects here eo well that they deteirnlnod to cast their lot witti oa. They havo chosen a good location and will undoubt edly do a good business. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which it agree ably aromatic. It is recivtd through the sottrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face orer which it diffnsoa itself. Druggists sell the 50c cizs ; Trial size by mail, 10 cent. Test it and you aro sure to continnt the treatment Announcement. To accommodate thoee who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trcv bits, the proprietors prepar Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Pn te including the sprayingtubeia75cenU. DruggisUorby xnsiL The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. " Stack On Coos Bay Will Root, an old time friend of the writer, of Fargo,North Dakota, but who ie now looking about in Oregon, has spent several weeks in Coos county, re turned to Myrtle Point yesterday morn ing where he has some interests. Mr. Root is very much pleased wih Coo. Bay country and while here baa in vested in nome North Bend property. Mr. Root knows a good thing when he sees it, and could not go by NortbBend While here we compared notes as to the merits of the two countries. While there we nsd to gather buffalo chips for fuel to keep old Boreas at a distends, and induro the hardships of a 40 degree below zero winter and drouths and other inconveniences. We both came to the conclusion that this, a very severe winter here, was much more preferable to one of the Dakota stormbound, blizzard-full, windy winters and the summers b&re wero Heaven, compared to the dry, hot, drouthy, cli mate of tho Great American Desert. From Frlday'a Dally. II. fcengstacken will get out 1200 piles for tho new woolen mill at North Bend. It is now stated that M, J. Kinney atill holds an option on the Southern Oregon property. J. E. Fitzgerald has rented the liig gins farm on north Coos river, for thla season. fi. 0. Rogers has lost quite a number of Angora goats, by a dieease which bailies the local experts, A. J. Ravage & Sone. are raising and remodeling John 8. Coke's house on line street. The Woman's Club will moet Satur day with Mre. C. II. Marsh.' The pro gram will appear tomorrow. 1 Rusty Mike's Diary, Feb. 13, 1903 If advertising etiquette prohibits you from making your advertisement distinctive, cut out etiquette, because a porson with out money never gets credit for having any, Thos. Blaine lost quite a lot of fine hay at his Coos river plaoo, by the high water coming up into his barn. Wm, Seattle has given up tho 0. 8. HipRlns farm on north Coos rlvor and will go to bis farm on Tonuilto tor thla season. J. II. Dlors, Rnlt Gresn and twooUicr genttomen connected with tho Great Central arrived Wodnoadny night over tho Coos Bay wagon road. BhorlCT Stnvo Ualller returned on (Ho Homer from a trip to Balctu, alter a longer abacuco thau he Intended, and will co to the count scat today. Wm. C. Denbner has bought tho Chiatonson property adjoining Mrs. Avlns' dry good store. The salo waa made through Bengstacken Real Eitatn Agency. At tho council meeting yesterday the proposed amendments to the city char ter were approved and will bo forwarded to the Cooe county delegation at Salem to bo put through the legislature Sidney James and his sister, Mioa Gertrude, late of Coquille, came over yoatorday to takopaseageon the Homer. They will make their (uturo homo at Mercod, Cat, Tho loggers at Alleaany have brokon out of the jam there about 1000 loss which they turned loose lost evening to run down to tho boom. We bad begun to thfnk that Tibbetts had forgotton that wo liked ice cream, but wo have learned that it was be cause we didn't hear him when ho hol lered, John Blomquist has bought, through H. Sengstacken, one of I. Hacker's lota adjoining tho foundry and will creel thoreon a sash and door factory and boat buildir.f plant. A good advertisement, one that is well written and properly displayed, is worth more in any part of the paper than a a poor advertisement in the best position that can bo selected. "Top of column, next to reading matter," or "brokon column, among pure reading matter," will not make a poor advertisement ef fective. Retailer and Advertiser. Arrivala by Homer from Portland Feb. 12: A W fieal and wife, Uraco Neal, W F Shortnage, J U Snyder, E G Wag ner, Mra J Denholm, Stephen Galllr, L Masteneon, T J do Nerne, Mra R J de Nevue, E K de Nevue J W Bell and family, T W Jerkins, EPS Abernethy A Felman, F Rogors, Mrs Bogers Miss Harry Meyer, A E Wilklns, Mrs A E Wilkins, A U KroscLel, H A Banott, M A Griswold, Rsv J Alwer, C B Wal ker, HONOR SAINT VALENTINE The Artistic Needle Workers Ex change Yalentlnes The A. N. W. Club met at the home of Mra. J. T. McCorroac yesterday af ternoon, with nearly all members pres ent, the occasion being one of interest to all, that of a Cushion Exchaniro and Valentine booth. After the order of business was finished, Mrs. La rid o and Mrs. Noble conducted the Exchange in a manner becoming the occAiIon. I.lgh refreehmentB wero interepersed. Then thuPostofiice opened. Borne one request ing all valentines to be opened nd dis played for the amusement of the club. Wordscsnnot describe the tone,manuer, laughter and tears expressed by the twenty-five women in the following 30 minutes, upon receiving and patting comments on those received by other. Especial mention is roade.of on imported bat received by Mrs. McConnac, which should bo seen to bo appreciated and ad mired. Meutiou is aUo made of tho nineteen spoons received by Mra. F. X. Hofer, composed of all eorts und sizes from mombtira Who knew of hoi great love of spoons. Taken altogether, the afternoon was spent In a mdst delight ful manner, In the parlors deoorated for the occasion in Ivy and hearts. CJur hostess surpassed hersslf as an outer Ulmr during tho ftfternoou aa all pris ons can testify. Thoso present: Mtsaos Grnco McOor mnc, Buslo Elckwortht Mosdamoa Bear, Dungan, Edmau, Frlodborg, llofur lias afd, Hall, Koltos, McCormao McKnlght, Mluott, Patorson, Norton, Hochoti, Smith, Senley, Lando, Noble, Robertson, Uolandsou, Merchant, Taylor. NEW PACKING HOUSE FOR NORTH BEND Important Real Estate Transaction MadeAs an Investment The New Town A Hummer Yostorday E. 8. Gordon who has been building a store building at North Bend sold one lot and the store building which is 20x00 lor 12,400. AUo three lots aud a smaller building (or 12000, In all tho salo amounting to 15000 to Messrs Ehrman A Holgate, who expect t put in a comploto meat packing plant and oporates this business on a largo scale, They havo a alaughtor house la conreo of construction and will begin operattona aa soon as weather conditions aro right. Theso gentleman como highly rrcom motided as thoroughly understanding their business and will inako tho pack ing business a sourco of benefit to tho entire Cooj Bay country. Tho gentfo men have plenty ol capital back of tbVuV to moit all c3inptitioa, and will pat the highest price for meats of all kinds. Mr. Gordon is somewhat elated at having made a sucussful deal and having secured this important addition to North Bond. Uo has tho greatest faith in North Bend and willl immedi ately begin tho erection of a 4 story building which will be used on tho ground tloor by stores aud occupied by offices above. Mr. Gordon bought tho lota sold yci terdaa for f 100 a piece loss than G montba ago. From Saturday's Dally. Rusty Mike's Diary, Feb.'ll, 1003. A great many would-be witty advertise ments are about as funny aa a house on the street. B Tho storekeeper who doesn't "bollovo la advertising" Is always pleased to bo mentioned in tho papars as "an enter prising merchant." Mr. and Mra. Frank Black, of Bum ner.'aro in town making aome purchase) of household furniture for their new home at that place. Qrttwi II. Finell ia a passenger on tho Areata for Ban Francisco whero ho will lay In a new supply of goods for hla etoro. o Watch out, and protty aoon you will seoalot of the knockers crawling in over tho toll ond of tho band wagon on tho Great Central proposition. The Marebfleld Pedro Club met at thn homo of Albert Sloop in South Marebfleld and bed battle royal at Pi dro. Len Johnson won Crat prize and Albert Bleep tho booby. J. E. Fitzgerald, Will Denoing, Will Cox, Chas. Kronliolm and u number of others went to the sandhills yester day to camp out and protect thomcelves with rifles. Robt. McDonald, from Gage's logging camp on the Isthmus hns boon spend ing a few doya with relative at North Bend, o ;- Frank Smith, superintendent of the Coo9 river hatchery wont to tho Coquille tiile week with a largo lot of young Ral- mon which ho turned loose in Cunning r ' bum creek, The lunoral of John Puskala, who died auddenly at tho itave mill Thura day, took place yesterday and waa quite latgoly attended, L, II. Ilelsuori ban bought tho large dray truck which the railroad company had lit tho depot, and will molt in con nection with tho hauling nud do) Ivory bualtioee). F. E. Abortiethy returned on tho Homnr from Portland, nudaflur 'visit ing hla alitor, Mrs, Bonnott B trail ton, will go to hla homo at Djra. Frank Bowron Is buying ntock through tho Tctitnllo country, foi R. C. Dement of Myrtlo Point. The Christian Endeavor roclely gave a dime social nt thuihumo of Miss Anna Flaher. Vnleutltios wero exchange! aud a flue time enjuycil by nil. Light re freshments woro served and all the young people exprossoia wish that valontlntaday should cotno ofteuor. Ovarlnnd shipments from thn Eait j hvo been considerably delayed, of Utn. The Standard laslilon Uo., noiiiy wioir agout hero Chas. George, that thnlr good havn boon delayed In transit and they can't aay whoro they mil be do llveted. Mr. and Mre. A. W. Neal arrived on tho Iloiuar from Portland. The newly married pair wero showorod with rlco by their fallow passengers as thoy came down the gang plank. They were mov Imt yeitordey Into the neat cottage which Mr. Neal has just completed iu South Marshfiold. K Coqnlllo Bulletin-Mr. B. II. Burns, of this place, has sotnowhat of a curiosi ty iu tho ahapu of twin calves with which ono of his fine milch cowa pre sented him last week. They aro main and female, and in color the malu la an exact counterpart of tho sire and female ol tho dam, one being deeply red all nvor and thn other largoly whlto. Coquille Bullltnn: Tho examination for teachers' certificates began at the county school superintendent's ofllcoln this placo Wednesday morning with twenty-three applicants, including one for stato papers. The board of examin ers consists of Supt. W, II. Bunch Prof. W. D. Peedy and Prof. 0. II. Noi- lor. o Episcopal Services at tho Episcopal church to morrow morning and evening. Sunday school at tho t'snal hour. Epworth League Sunday ovonlng 0:30 p. m. In Method let Church Subject "Selflth Ambition end Chrlats Service," Leader Ml on Maud Brown. All are Invited to At tend, o Baptist Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching sorvlco at 11 a. m. Topic "Justlco and Faith," Text, Rome 1 jl". "The just dull live by faith. B. Y. P. U. at 0:30 p.m. Evunlng Sorvlco at 7:30 p. in. Topic. "Casting Shadows in Life." Acts, 5:15. Thursday'a Proyor meeting nt 7:o0p m. All aro welcome. Presbyterian Church Babbath School allO a. m. Morning Sormonutll o'clock. Subject: "Our Intercessor." Young Peoplo'a meeting at 0:20 p. in. Loudor Mlsa Alice McCor moc. Evening lecturo at 7:30 o'clock. Subject: "Lcesona from tho Life and Charactor of Abraham Lincoln, Methodist Church Tho revival ecrvlcoa aro atill in pro Kress at tho Methodist Church tho pro gram for the Sunday services aro as follows Sunday rchool at 10 a. m. Iproachlng at 11 a.m. Subject. "Our Great Possessions;" "Hold that fast which )liou hast, that no one tnko tliy Crown" Rev, il-ll Evening service nt 7:30 aubjaot "God's oxnnotatlon aud Dliappolntmont." Iialali tt-2, Kpworth League at 0:110 p. m. Vpsdal tmtila for tho uvenlng will ho n d initio mid solo, All are Invited, Travel By Sea Dopiulurcn liy tho Homer south Fob 13: Mlin Manila Knru, J W MoNaiunr J C Yalf, Mrs R Davlcs Mrn (lller, Hli'lln Lambert, Maria WoitotUntl, MrnBL Dennis and II children, BJL J nm on, Mia (1 A Janion, W I, KUtner, Mra A G Alknu, 0 V Dlllmsn, Milton. Hirst, Goo (Iroaa, Win Glover Jr, Wm (Jlovur Br, L Clark, (Irtinduo Kaited, Wn don't bellovn K. Holer's pamphlo on strawberry culturo, about which tho other county paporn nra .briiKgliig, amounts to much. N, lit He didn't syinl ono to tlio Coaht Mail. o BOIN HALL AtCentervlllrt.Or. Feb. 11, 1D0J. to the wlfu of C. II, Hall, u son, (HLKEY-At Llhby Feb. 10, 1003, to the wlfo of Ed Gilkny, a eon. PKTEHSON-On ifayuei alongh, 1'ob, 7, 1103. to tho wife of I'rauk Polorlon, a run. NEI.SON-At Mamhllold Fob. 10, ICO-lj to tho nlft of Frrd Nelson, a son. DIED KAllNICK. At tho Ituann Asylum, HaIbiii, Ort'gun, Monday Fnhrttory l, 1031. Bertha S. Karulck, agud .11 years, of hunrt failure. Tho uufortunato Imly wna a resident of lleavar Hill, Until her mind gavo way and sho was adjudged Insane. Hho waa taken north on tho last trip of tho Humor, accompalned by her husband. Ho waa returning ou tho Homor, hut nhlltj tho itoamor waa bar bound at Astoria hn heard of his wife's death and and hurried back to Salom to eeu her hurled, returning to Astoria In tluio to catch the steamer. ' PU8KALA At CoiitwillO, Oroon, Feb. 12, John Puskln, aged about & ycara. Death was sudden, evideutly tho ro suit of heart fulluro. Mr. Puekala waa working at the C. B. U. L. Co.'a mill. He romplalnud to u frli-nd, ahoul.ll a. in,, of a pain in the region of tho heart, but thought It would wear off. flu re turned to work aftor dinner, but shortly alternant ho suddenly dropped to tho floor and dlrd Immediately. Deceased was u native of Finland. Ho had been on the Buy twurily-fivo years or more, following tho occupation of a logur. Ho wna a hnrd-woiklng man and n gnnoral favorite with his aiiociates. Ho had no rclatlvee on tho Buy, hut n brother la said to ho somuwhero on this coast, Hla friends will see that hn has decent bur I ul, and tho funeral will take place at II a. in. today, o STATE LINES. (fold Iu being found Iu the river bet Ioium of Georgia. Wisconsin to nntlHilcd with clnm sheila and pcarle. Jnnenvlllo Gazette. The center of population contlnucH to Lover nbout tho Btuto of Indiana. Pop ulation center and dlnlect poetry np jwnr to bo Indluuu opodnlUea. Wash ington Port. 1VUt Court Dreaa la. . I "Full court dreaa" conalata In Eng land of either u black velvet nult with kneo broccheA or it plum colored cloth nult with trouHcrii. Both coHtumeu are of modern Invention, aupcrncdlng the flapped cou til of many colora und long embroidered wulatcoata, und ore unlu tcrcHtlng If luofTuiudve. f " Tlf. " It hattbeen iiald thnt llfo la madoDi of throo tbJngtt-herodlty, erivlrinmnt and tho win. If tho heredity and' en vironment of the child tfro what Ihcjs, should be, tlw.wlll ylll choosu thoJdci(t and do It ?f i It lft 3 V :.eBegaeiaaiiaaWswtwi 4 M 4