nwT t fSWWWM wf . ' . '!' fc ED WHITE MET HIS DEATH Wounded Through the Body by a Deputy Sheriff, Shoots Himself. t In a dceperato cncountor Kd Whito, tbe csnvict who recently escaped from ,iiio Oregon penitentiary, was killed near Kddyvlllo Fob. 4th. After receiv ing a shot through tho body from n Winchester rllloin tho bands of Deputy Shorlfl Kobert'Warnock. Whito turned hia 44-callbor Colt'a revolvor to hla own forohcad and sent a ball into his brain. Uo'dlod flvo minutes altorward. i The enconntor happcnoJ in tho vicini ty of Robert Warnock'i houto. Alter tho encounter Sunday, White crossed Alaoa Bay to Lutj jus and traveled north , and cast. MandaxDJght ho spent in n barn owned by Charles Bruncr, and Tuesday wai seen in tho Chitwood Schoolhonse, from which ho waa driven i by persons who wero coins there to bold . i a meeting. From there he went east ward np tho river, whero he obtained breakfast at a farmhouse, II is whereabouts had become known to efflcers, tnl thay wero in pursuit. Wednesday he passe! down tho Yaqnlna , Hirer to the vicinity of tbo Warnock j firm. Thero while passing up the rail- road track with Ssction Foreman Howltt on a handcar. Robert Warnock observ ed a man answering White's description on tho county road. When he noticed tbe handcar, and its occupants tho con vict proceeded to secrete himself in tho brush near. The handcar passed on a distance of 150 yards beyond White, when Warnock alighted and rsturned to the place where the 'onvlct had disap peared. Within a few minutes Whito was discovered moving along in the lane leading past Warcock's house. Tho house was only about 03 yards distant from the aonvict'i late hiding place, and ahnrso was tied to the fence in front. Warnock at once ordered tbo convict to halt andjthrow np his'bands. Whito turned quickly and presented his revol ver as if to shoot. Warnock at onco leveled hia Winchester, and, without ' flripg hia revolver, Whito turnedd an ran toward the horse. Warnock oponed fire, the first shot belnsr for the purnoso o! i inducing tho fugitive to halt. White, however, ran to the hone and lost eev eral seconds in untyiug tho animal. Then he attempted to mount, when n j ball 'from tbe officer's rifle passed ' jurongh his clothing. Then White, has I .Jily changing his plan, left the bono and started to run to the barn near tho War nock house. He had gone bat a short distance when a ball from the Winchcs t ter stopped his ill ght. It entered the small of the bwfc, and Whito staggered end dropped to hie knees. While in 1 j'tCla, position he placed the muzzle ol his , revolver ugalnst his forehead and pulled tl.o trigger. ' , Within a few minutea Sheriff Jioti, vvrho had also been In pursuit, joined -Warnock. When tho officers reached ..him Whito wes still alive, -bat he died jfive minutes nitcrwards. Whon reachod tho was lying' on his face. His right t liaad with thumb ou tho trigger olasped TjJn handle, and hU left held the mizzle of hia xcvolver, just ahe olaspeJ the keair. whsu hs t.ck his own Ufa. Hi.. Jiat lay nusr.by, nnd was burning at the voiut whore it had been eel on fire bj Khe discharge of tl.o revolver. f Tho body waa tuken to Edtfi villi, horo a Coroner's inquest was liold. uJio verdict exonerated the deputy Bher-J HOW 1 iff from all blame, and found that the fugitive camo to his death by a gunshot wound infllctod by Warnock and by his owo hand. . Real JEstatc Transfers Elisabeth E Fomcroy nnd bus to A G Hoyt lot 4 blk t Coontt'i) r.dd Dnndon 150, Heirs of Mallnda Davis to W K pxvis 112 int in CI acres Jn s 11 t20rl3. $5. 0 II Morrhant and wf toGco K Miller lots 33 A 31 blk 44 Railroad add Marsh flcld flOO. W 6 1'axpon and wf to U D Santord lots 1 and 12 blk 8 lots 11 and 12 blk 3 Elliot's add Coqitlllo City, GOO. A P Owon and wf to Frank W Smith tot S s2ot.lot0 blk 2i Railroad add March field f2M. 'A P Owen and wf to Ernest V Smith lot SO n2 of lot So. blk 23 Railroad add t:oo. Emer6on E Ferry to Frank V Smith Portion ot lots 1 2 3 4 37 33 SO and 40, blk 10, Railroad add Marshfield fin. 0 II Merchant and wf to J 0 Doane lots 30 and 37 blk 44 Railroad add Marsh field flCO. C II Merchant and wf to Em ran Dillon lot 21 blk 24 Railroad add Marshfield J125. L J Sinipion and wf to C YV Calef lot 7 blk 10 North Bond 5. U S to Rocner Ncal, W'2 of sw4 8 14 c2 of ec4 e Jo t 30 r 12, 10J acrts. Rocner Ntal to E C Carter w2 of sw4 , u c2ot 8e4 815tS0rl2 160 acres. $1500. o Carter and wf to E A, L M and J L Aasen w2 of swl s 14 e2 of se4 e 16 t 30 r 12, 1C0 acres, f 1C00, E W Hermann and wf to C M Her- mann, 21 40 acres in a 17 1 20 r 12. $1000. Mary F Flam and bus to Ethel M Perkins lot 2 s 15 1 2S r 14 01 acres. $1. Thos J Perkins and wf to E E Oake's, 2 crcs in ew4 of nw4 s U t 2S r 14. $1. A Carlton and wf to E E Oakee 'li j acres in s'w4 s 14 t 23 r 14 $27.50. Wm. Jess and wf to Chas G Hall, .- i . iu oa r T C10 Thos Krewson and wf to Thos Daver our tract in a3U 1 27 r 13. $500 Edward M Jenkins to Eva Jenkin 2 of nw4 ne4 of nw4 nw4 of ne4 silt 30 r II 1C0 acres. $i000. John P Hayes, Jr. i JackobM Hayes to John Hayes Sr, 35 acres in a 10 t 31 r 11, $150. C S Goodenongh and wf to II M Fish lots 27 23 20 and 20 blk 12 Woolen mill add Bandon, $100. Or & Cal Railroad Co to J B Haesett set of net a 11 t 20 r 11 82 21. acres . . j B Haeaett and wf to C E Houser n-3 of net ew4 of ne4 e 11 tSflrll 82 29 ocres $1. Prayed For Death or Relief Heart Disease. Dizzy Spells, Pain and ChoKing. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Saved My Life. n, vf:i..i ir-,. r.. t. ,. .in )..i no other rpsdieine can do. If your heart troublcs you, you cannot afford delay or mis take in choice of a remedy. For many years tbi preparation has teen curing cues that ?ilt'V.li!!r-nT. Ji same for jou: ' '1 wr.te yoj thi letter through gratitude for the benefit I have received by takinj; )our aluUe remedies. For three years I jai subject ujdiz'yspJIf.tornetimes several 2, th" 1" I rf 'fti T 't"?I .. 7 '; ; ",r:,"". r"'i i r freJfuently had am. nutterm?, nationr could ras not able to ftCrc4ijy auecicu ana i rrt lis A C.r na Inilili.n Pn, tendenteM, choking sensations could no; ne on mv lcH nii ana was not cute to do any vork. I called a dot-tor who helped rne come but the dis-7 peli. nnvjaon fre , ouent and I wm. so ve.y nervous ihat I did , iuem ana 1 wt so ve.y nervous tnati ua , 11 I ttm Al. a f r, rl r.,1 I r !,.,! f . A I Itr.l ( to tiite me from f.is v. ,,'A orputmycyci lo tine me irom v..i v. ,f.i or put my cyci on wawthlnif Utt wouM ht!r rue. The first pa;jt.r I tookupw-saN-wyokpaperand in it I tzr your jtjeri..,inj. My husband :".-hr.-Utiles of Ui-, MW II part Cure . on E xnd H rvinc ami one box of Dr. Allies' AntI ytart. lit. Miles' ' life." Mrs. It. II. , Heart Cure saved my IJurcn, hwh, n. U. All drucgist3 tell and riatiintee f.r t hot tie Dr. Miles' Kcmedies. .Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. ACdress Dr. Miles Medical Co., ElkhwJ, lnd. i'aiu rills stnee v.'hleh tio l have hau no mure dizry tncllf. I can He on either ftidu r.nd f4"ep all nlyat. J nave ween aula to do tjp. j nv o.'ir work lor tune Geo TMoulton to flobt Maradon, lot 5 blk 19 Btosniboat add Yarrow $5. Or & Cal Railroad Co to Fred A Krlbi nw4ofuet w2of sw7 s 33 1 30 r 11 1!0 acres $510. N U Martinson to Cathariuo Nartin en lot 7, b 27 t E6 r 12 4370 acroi. $5 M J McDonald and wf to John M, orris lots 11 and 12 block S3 Elliots' ihl Co qullle City $215. Alphonte Piorrio and wf to F. A. Ur man lot 4 rot of aw 4, s2 of ttt s IS t 28 r 10 171 PS acres, $1032. Fratik Smith and wf to Elisabeth S Crook sc4 of nw4 w2 of nc4 ni4 df net s lilt 25 r 12 100 acres. $1000. Am os J Buchanan nnd'wf to Frank K Alley tie 10 t 28 rO $750. J A Prewett to Elbert Pyerw4of sw 1 e2 of BW4 sw4ol sp4 s 23 1 23 r 8 $750 A J llnckett to S N u'llunt sw4 a 20 rl4.$50 St of Oregon to Anna Dyer nw4 t 10 t 20 r 14 1G0 acre $200. 11 R Lee nud wf fo K X Smith lot 3 anilf 4 blk S Myrtle Point $550. U to Ira, Wm. Cyrus, Ell, Amos and Harvey Metcatf e2 of nc4 s 21 w2 of nw4 s 22 t 20 r 14 100 acres Carl L Alb.rechtan'd wf tho ES Gordon lots 21 and 22 blk 13 North Bend $1000 B F Ross nnd wf tit John T Cbllver sq4 of sw4 and fractional swt of sws s 5 t 20 r 12 87 31 acres $3230. B F Ross and wl and John T Collver toTilla M and Ansel M Collver, w2 of set b 5 t 20 r i2 SO acres f 1250. Tillie M Collver and wf. Ansl M ColU ver and wf to John TCollvor, 232 cres in sS t 23 r 12 with tldo laud fronting $200. Archio Hideout lo Lottie- Itii'eout lots 2 and 3 blk lBsy City $10. sLucinda Lnkins and bus to (teorgoan. na Intininn ") nf InlO tilfe )1 Clllnl1! add Coquille City 85. Geo V Be.l and wf to S O Rogora lot . "Hj 0 w"ern Add Marshfield. $10. L J Simpson and wf to J H Koltes lot 24, blk 14, North Bond. $3. G M Short and wf to Jas Garbutt no! roc o i zv r u I m. !S Peter A Michael and wf to NO W Perkins lots 7 and 8, blk 2 Park add Myrtle Point. S50. Stephen Gallier, sheriff to Benj Gant lot 7 sec 3 and lot 3 sec 10 t 31 r 12 531-2 acres $221,03 L J Simpson and wf to JCsodGC Johnson lots 27 and 23 blk 52, North Bend. $5, John Bartell and ,l to Norman O Dodgo lots 1 and 2 s2 of nc4 tec IS, e2 of cc4 of nn4 sec 15 1 29 r 12 150 CO acres $1200. E N Smith and wife to R B Deyoo lots 0,7 nnd 8 bk 4 Smith's add, Myrtle Point $300. J1 A McLeod and wf to Emma J Seaman lota 39 and 40 blk 25 railroad Marshfield $10. ' Peter Clausen and wf to C II Mercli 'ant lots 11 and 12 blk 16 South Marsh'-' field 1 G M trhort and wf to John Spado net of no4 nw4 of nel sc 30 t 20 r 12 $25, A H Black and wf to lit ntl Bank of Roburg lots 7 and 8 blk 20, Brown's add Myrtle Point. $2000. Tendency of the Times Tho tendency of medical tcferico is toward preventive measures. The boit thought of thu world I being given to tho subject. It is eaaior and hutUr to ' nriji'nn t ifiati In nnio Fs lum lturi f ss!Jt dernonbtrated tl.ut miftumonfu, ono ol i'iiivui iiinn fcv .tu fc nun uvvti 11111; thu rnott dangerous dlseaies that ineci- cal inen tiavo lo contend with, on bo proented by Jhu ueo of Cliombeiiain'6 CmvU i,)l,.jy. IHnmoiim ulwavB remltn from a cold or an utlrck of infiu- ,,rz lrU')i 8r,d it tiH been obfieated 1 tliat tlila remedy ccuriUiMifts any tti- dency of theeo dt'easea toward ptisu rnonia. Thin baa teen ful.y proven in ,nBny thousand of iohph in which till1) remedy la.' been uned during tho grat Pvulein'0 of coMh and grip in recent y'-ar1. ud n bo rolled upon with irn- plicit cciiifi-Jenco, Pneijinonia often re- MiltR from a wliL'lit rolil u'lion lui ilamriar plicit coitfrJencf, Pneumonia often re- feitltB irotn a Hliglit cold wlieu no danijer U apprehondd until It is burhunly Ih Cl,vfcrt.,i that thero ii lever nnd 11 dftlicol- , . ,tt,t.... 0...1 t ... .1 i.i. ,v , i,.,-,,,,. H11,i nlin, , ,.. ,.,,ut, . - faav t t W l,un 5t ,B anriounctd that tho pattunt "" '" " ". u rui..v hftH pnoumoiiia. Bo on tlio pafw hilo und tako Chamberlain's Cough iturm ly aH toon an tin colti ia contriicted. HI alwaye curce. for ealo by Jno. PretiH. ' .orenz Ik cortalnlv ni-niinrMnc ... ... .... m bomc-thlna l!..o 11 rattling of thy boiiou la tho medlciil profession. Tlio (Joe ttirs iifo loohhiK 011 umI v.'oii'.er,lnjr v.'hethor It In ortbeopcdlc suii?ryw osttopathy. TRAGIC DEATH OF E. W, DEAN, Falls Overboard From tho Areata off Coos Bay Dar, - ii E. TV. Dean, wtio was a pstsengor on tho Areata from Ban Francisco, dlsp- poured while- alio was lying of! tho bar yesterday morning, d the only ox- planation is that ho wont overboard, No otic witnessed tho tragedy and tho cirruiustattco can only bo surinlied. Mr. Dean ticcutUul stateroom 'with G. Dilltunu, his brother.ln-htw. Ho had b'eon cotilliied to hlabbrth vxcettn shott tftiiu spent on dei-k Miinday n'fturnoon. Mt.DiUnuut linil beun uwalto neatly hII nlht, and about 5 a. in. ho droiHd ncleup(orihort time. Whouhonwoko, Mr. Dean waa Kune. Search i at mice instituted but without avail, and thero la noqtioation but ttio tinfortutf uto mau met hla death n indicated. Buy it Now Do not wait until jou aro sick nlli uutodautb, and tliuu rend for Cliam.r. Win's Colic, Cholera and Diartlooi Rotnedy, but buy it now nud bo pteplw ctl lor an etnurveticy. It la the unit nm fly that can always bu depended upon in tho u.oft fovorn and dangerous casus. For tulo by J no. Pruutr, A MILLION PEOPLE " IN WESTERN OREGON "The timo ia not far distant when Western Oregon will contain a million people outside of Portland," says A.J. Well, who Is in chnrd of tho literary bureau of tho Southern Pacific Com pany, in San Francltco. Mr. Well has fust completed a months visit in Ore lion. "After traveling through tho principal agricultural sections of tho statoand leeing the many superior ad vantsges enjoyed by the humors of . .111.11 ii Oregon, I cannot help but fool n doslro to como nere anu oe a larmor myioii.; . ...... Thn climato the sot of this state aro ro Mifoctlr .daniful to so aro a varletv r , .,-. - . dairying, stockralslngor other occupa- , tions, that tho conditions seems to be dovelsifled farming. Tho Oregon farm er can raise almost anything. Ho can have his fleds of wheat, his orchards of apples, pears, prunes aud othar fruits andean keep a hord of cows for which his farm will raise grasa and clover In greater'abunanco tiin can bo grown in almost any other state in the union. Tho opportunities for diversified farm ing aro better in Oregon than any other statu 1 know of. "Zut thero in something indefinable that makes Oregon an attractlvo placoi in which to live. Thero is something 1 ! ilm .imninliorA llin Innnornnhv of" ,U ... .....wU,...w., ... .,..,-.., . tlio country, tho combination of nil conditions which mako life in Oregon exceedingly pleasant. Concert Program. Tho following ia tho program of the North Pond Concort Band's benefit nud fancy drees Valentino Ball, ou Saturday evening, Feb 11th, I'AUT I (if March, a Southern Beauty, Sanglor. (2) Overturo Idealistic Brooks V3) a IntermriBO. Halomo I.oralno' b ' Mollitofolo Boitoi Ml Cornet fsolo. Columbian Polka1 Polka Rollinnon F. K'ftiior (6; Wnltz Bcauty'H Charms, Tobnni I'AIIT II , (0) Selection, Muritann, Wallitco Ki) nsn iior MiVny weep, - m is rt. ri..l.i.. .. I .. -I.. . II. J.OCKWOOIl (8) I.a I nlomn, VJ) Modloy, Blaze Away, Miasm! 0 Machio Mfj) Oriental A muricaii, Collitiu. -. , . . ir.iirtr- UAUW Anf)Kr IJrtlllv lUllVyilLj ' , nnVUI O A IfPH OHLVV OMVLU Alitor- Ing to suo her, vith luuiu prospects of euccetH. I Antnrln K,ih. 1llTlm Imrl iilxln. of Han Frnnciseo. wont mhIiomi 11 1 iad frai.eluH'H ami iro.uny 01 ino Giino Dhiannnointnient Inst ovonlnu. Frumon I, hlhhorn nnd iMueonn 11llu Tho Lifo.Knvirig crow Imvii taken tlio ; road. Thu pufclmto will bo mainly rr.tu' frmn thu Veifitll. anil tiUfh urn Irv. miiiiir nl li(Hi!(-!'.liL'lilliL'. HH till) IoiUt'r! ANOTHER STEAMEft I FQR COOS DAY To Do Built At .The Kruso Ship Yard For San Francisco " Trade It tuMiifl Mkoly nl this tltnn that tho uextvtiiul to bo built ol the Kraeo shipyard will bo n flno passenger tad freight iteaumr to ply between this port and Ban Francisco. Ills proposed that tho bout nhall b built by 8n Franolsco n'l Coos Hoy c-pltal, a ood proport- fn of tho stock to bo owned on tho Hay, It I now itiUd on tho authority of C'npt Colstrup that ntrtttmcmonlit are prnrtkally eoiiiphitud, and tho ttumtiei wIIHhj coiuttitott'd und placed on tho routf. Shilll hnvo a carrylnu capacity of ubont 300,000 loot of lumber, besldoa tiiltct'llnnumn frol.ht. Hhu will aliu havo nccointnolntion8 for about 30 llrnt clis pa'M'iici'rs. There will to plenty of builnon for n boat ol tliU kind, and In tho lino of pasnon.era travel sho is b.tdly necdwl. That hIio la to bocoiielructud oti tin) Mny ira matter ol coiiKtntulatlou and will jfivn the peoplu lui'O u (uelli)K.of interest In her. To Choose Headquarters Chicago. III. Feb 10: Tho board etn powero.1 by tbo supreme bo ly of tin lCnhthtsol Pythtaa to solcct a location' . . . . ... , . for tho now headquarters of tho order in holding a mrotlng In Ohlcn ro today for the Html dlrcunnluu of tho matter. Threo cities Iiidlanupolis, Nathvlllnaml Jones lllc, Wl. atu bidding spiritedly for .11 . I .1 .1 I. . u III tho hwtdqttjrtora and tho t'hoico will ..,.,, I... . probably fall upon one of tho throo. TJl0l0 bon ncqaintud with tho sltua- . . , .. ....,. tion arn of ttio opinion that Iudiannpolls has a slight loid In tho ract. ,. , ..1....1- -,... t.t...i .,.!' Tho beat physic. ?;n t,1ie,li ?n." . von will always tun CliHmberlnln'si Womachnd I.Ivor IttWiiU'a.ya Wlll-i lam a. uiiiini, 1 fH'Ut vi, inesu I , " Lu,,..i.n !... " Weds Proncli Nobl.man Now York. Feb 10: All of that oltt rnontofNuw York society which, tc-. cording to tho recent edict of Mrs. Astor must now bo designated tho Six Hund- red wero represented today at the wed ding ol Miss Eva Barbey, daughter ol Mr. and Mra. Henry 1. liftboy, r.d Androdo Nculhfj, of Paris. Tlio core- rnony was porforme- this afternoon in St. Uartholomen'sChiitch, the Rev. Dr. David II. fitor otliciallng. NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD INCREASING ITS CAPITAL Chicago. III. Fob 10:-Iu accordanco 1 with thu plan npprovod ro;onlly by tho dircclora of tho Chicago A Northwttt- orn railroad tho stockholders of tl 0 company mot in special session today to voto on tho proposition to incrcaso tho capital stock of I he ompany to f 100,- 000,000. As thu tottl preferred and common stock of tho Chicago A North- cstorn nmmuitj to tUI.0OO.O0O tho! T Utnount of the propocu ia $38, 600,000 1 iso oiucmi announcurncni una noen rnauo , of tho purpura of tho Incru.t'o, hut it la iiudershiod thi) proccedn will ho need 1 to reimburfo tho treaniry forvarloufli cxptjiHlIturou'jnsdo during tho lait fow 1 ,. for uxtrMorilliinry ImproveiiiOHtJ and hot torments, nnd which worn met out of tho cur runt earnings. It It undur- utocd Ut ttio etook uulliorfz'id and not iiMud will remain In tho cornr.pny'H j trory to irovido for future contln- (enelfa. In uddltlon to acting on tho proposd increasn In nUjuk thu mooting today will olsonninQrl7.o 1110 purciiiisom wio mu t Mial irai.eiiiM'H 'in prm-uny y y HcuU la nlreudy ownuj for tho iuoit iitutby tho Northwuctcm. SPEAKER HENDERSON DEPOSED Saf Upon by Presh 4 dent Roosevelt 1 1 Too Active FriencJ of . the Trusts Bad Habits Spoil His Usefulness Wellington, Fob. lO-IIonJernon li ptacllcjlly deposo.1 from tho Mjiunkor ship of tint Houbo. i'roildent Itooievolt bns Informed him tha ho la not to bo considered In tho Whito House confer encn from now on. Ho was not preront at the trust eonfurouco last night. When Hondursou'd active part In I pushing tho subitltuto bill nccoidablo to tlm trusts beunmo known, Roosuvolt nilrljisl all frlouds In tho IIciipo lo ceaio i 'oonsulllug lionderson, and drclarr-d ho ! would havo nothing more to do allh ' him. 1 llll IlllUOll.Ull) IIH'III ed by Rnckufnllor, thn i ' ' Tlio aubatituto mentioned is one furor- ono causing thu fomore telegram. At thu titnu Ktxiak or Hondtfraoii rofusud to eland for r clcclioii tho coun'.ty was surprUed, but thmo on the luililo realized that tho In . ... ... llurncj Isfoushi to Iirnr on lilm forcad lo take that action. The position taken by nun on 1110 irusi in 11 rnnpiy inauo an mcuio for loavlug him out of all con feroucci, for tho reason that ho could no ' longur he depended 011, on account ol IjIh lsnUlts. ' "" : For Coast f iamplonSllip Portland, Ore. Feb 10: The rniddle- I weigh championship of tho Pacific Coast is tho tltlu for which Al Neill and Tomrn Rily aro to engage In r. twenty sound bout tonight tindnr the rusplces of tho Pastime Athletic club. Both men have compluted tholr training aud appear to hu In f.ood shape for thu bout. Thu ma'.ph lias (iterated much atten tion, aa each man hai i host of followers, noda wml cromii6 expected to be on UI to ruo tho mill. 1 ANOTHER SUCCESS FOR MARC0NIGRAMS London Feb. 10 Tho llnnr Mlunoap , oIIh which arrived this morning'ut Now .York, reporln that slm n-culved M.trconl grains, having tho news of thn world, thougliout tho voyage. Tlio test was pronounced n cnmphitn succch?, TUC OLD REU&taLE mi &m&w Absolute)!? Piwo THERE IS m SUBSTITUTE HI " fT 't 1 1 t jk Jna Brl ..i.u.ft ltC a ss W 'WiiiX-WW,' O'iv sxim m 4 .