!53JlTS'f3iij5' I V v ' A ' , -!lV " s- --- -,--n',V-TJ rn piwiffni "iii''"Hf wy e-'V"' X.l j. .4 j( i; i si:'r f 1 1 L I tit i f -n r ' i ' - rn m 4 4' "t,i WEEKLY rr1 VOL XXII. MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNJY, OREGON Fob. 1 4. 1903. NO. 7 MAT! ... ff v. OUTBREAK , GETTING . SERIOUS Ladrones Starting an Insurrection Slavery Under the Stars and Stripes Girls Bought and Sold in Aioulla Fob. It Tho outbreik La dronos in tlio north of Luton is growing In maguiltido and nor threatens to sur pass anything o( this character slnco Uio original revolution. It 1 staled that tlila la probably tlin bogtnlug of ft new iniurrcclion, owing to tlio widespread character of tlio disturbance. Tlio trouble Is giving an czcuso for brigands of tlio district to ply their trade with Impunity, Several of there Imvji h.ifiti tvrA.itt.il I, tit In tmili rAftn thnv f.gjlrft f-1-'- to bo fnaurrotos thus liopfng.tp ,, otMpo ilia torero punitutneoi mvied oat to litidits. Numerous comuJondu aro patrolling th'o districts. Two girls havo been told into slavery by tbo (ieorgo Torres, both lirlnclnic 2W pesos. Tho thirtconth amendment to tho con atltution of tho United States prohibits slavery but tho flag contlnuos to (loot over, slavery In thnsu islands. GirU enn bo bought in tho provinces for InslgnlAe nnt sums, especially whan tho parents ' aro in dobt, and n number of human vul-i tu r us In Manila mnko n business of buy ing and sollinK clrls. WEDNESDAY'S" DISPATCHES SUMMARIZED StrikoB aro causing eoriout troublo in Spain. Tho ontiro ropublio of Guatemala is in a atato of slego according to dispatches received this tnortiiiiu'. Thoannouucomont woo mndo today that tho foreign ofllco oxpoota the Vono zuolan procol to bo elgnod today. Owing to tho throatonod war in Oen ttnl America, Admiral Glass baa sailod from Sim Francisco for that roglou with his ontiro Eiinndron, It la ostimatod that ono million dollars will bo required to tldo tho fatnlno-Btrlck-on Bwcdos over until Spring, The Gpy; oruor of Kanuan nppoals to tho people of that atato in tholr bohalf, Bonato this afternoon agreed to tho roport conforonco commlttoo on tbo de partment of commerce labor bill, The meaBuro now goes to the president for Ida signature, BALKAN STATES RESTLESS Trouble Brewing For The Sick Man Constantinople Fb II Thn Balk.-n states bordering 'upon Turkey aro on thuovoof revolt. Bulgaria la backing Macedonia and Jlvrila is standing be hind Bulgaria. All oflloireof tho Itua n nn reserves havo boon ordered to hold tlioinsclvos in readiness to Join tholr regiments The Sultan denies that bo Is mobilizing troops but nono of tho powers bolicvo him. PORTLAND CRIMP OUTRAGES Will be Prosecuted to the Limit Leader of Gang arrest- ed at Vancouver Vaucouver, W'ath , Fob. 13 Uhnrlta Burfu, thn tailor rnlAlug from tbo Hrltlili ship HUt tfdnlii at Portland, ar rlvod in Vnncouver last evening, accom panied by one of tho While Brotbors, ol a Portland sailor boarding house, Lato in tbo evening White was attest ed at tho request of tho Portland poller, Uuren was alio hold. Tho tailor rooms to bn in a very bad condition. Ills faco shows evidence of a aevcro bcatlrig, and ho is vory sick. Bbortl.t alter his arrival ho was taken to a barber shop and given a bath. Huron, White and another man accompanying thorn, aro now in rooms in tho Abbington building. Portland, Feb. 13 The crimp outrago of yeHterday has rouiod tho authorities. White, lomlor of tlio ganx vas, anestett for kUnapplug nt Vaucouvor, Wash., and ho and Huron, tho kidnapped sailor, badly bouton, wero brought back to Portland. Tho Btato, city ftnl United States au thoritios are determined to break up tho gangs which havo mndu this port notor ious tho, world ovor. United 8tatos Judgo BcllIngor and British Consul I.ntdluvr aro dotormlnod to hold tho captalu of tho lllvorsdalo and sailors lioro to prosecuto tho caso to tho limit, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Track Mann DCBIQNB COPVRIQHTB C Anyon inllni iktteh and dtiariptloii mr oulcklr ucerliln our opinion frwuelhri UiTinrton ( Prol.blr Pttiitble. CompunUj tloui trloli oonnantll. II Mflbook on PaUnU Int fr. OldMl f uot for onrtt4UnU. I'attult Ukn tfirouih upi. rT H)iot noil, without clirto, la Ui Scientific American. A handionulr UlniHftj(J wilr. Jrj;t,(r ouUtloa ot nr loU?""? i.r,li !. L jTri fourtaoniB,!. ouauiui nwujui. C0i8l1Br.ar.K6WTp ImTm V tC WkiB4io, d. a IjTjnjra mu jCOMMERCE TO BE REP RESENTED Bill for New Depart ment Passed Cortelyou For Nw , f J Cabinet Position Washington, Feb 12. Tbo Dopnrt mout of Commerce bill wont bo signed by President Itooievelt until Attorney Genoral Kuox pastes his approval early n.xt week. Tho Prrsldcnt will imuie- diatcly appoint Cortelyou to tlfrr nsw aibinct position. WillUm Loob Jr., now assistant tocretary will bo pfomot cd to Cortctyou'd placo. Tho appointment of Cortolyou is a slngolnr ono inasmuch as it meats the hearty npprovnl of both partlos and comes solely as a recognition of great ability and tact. GOOD ' BILL . PASSED All Executions to be at Penitentiary Salom, Fob. 12 Tho oxecutlon of all criminals hcroaftor will tako place with in tho enclosure at tho penitentiary. Senator Marsters bill covering the sub ject passed the House Wednesday even ing by a practically unanimous vote. Having passed the Senate, tho bill now awaits tho elgnaturo ol tho governor, Since the moasuro carries no emergency clauso it will not go Into offect until 00 days after tho approval of the bill. THIS THING IS GETTING MONOTONOUS Balera, Feb. 13i-There were no cbangoi in today's ballot, which rosultod in tho following: Falton Gear Wood Wllliama Scattering Absent' S3 10 10 17 3 5 4w 1 An. Odd Cwtos. ssrtrifM, -"kwihhnim(- vl- .vu.,.. HELD UPTHE TRAIN Five Men Do The Job j And Get Away ( Conflicting Reports As To The Boodle Five Thousand Iars Reward Dol- Butte, Mont., Feb. 12 Tho Northern Pacldc train was held np eight miles from hero shortly after midnight. Two men, with lighted lanterns gavo tho danger signal. Tbo train stopped, and tho engineer and fireman wcro held up and compelled to uncouple tho mail and oxprets cars and ran two mllos. The robbers exploded dynamite. No dotalls have been received from tho scene of tbo explosion. A pcsie Iim gone in pnrsalt of tbo robbers, ll.e Kiprais ear Is currently believe! to-bavo contained ..a- ciott omocrat a! treatuto, hat tho odcl&i tire reticent. 4 rTJi.i trulti w&s tho Uiultngtcn crpuss rnnnlng over tho Nortborn Pacific trackr. A poaio from Deer Lodgo with blood hounds havo gone to tho scene. ' Tho Nortborn Pacific offers 15,000 for the arrest and conviction of the entire gang or $1,000 for each ono. Tho railway men bay there wero five in the gang. Thoro aro conflicting reports as to tho amount of monoy in the exproea car. The Mcscongcr says tho robbers could not get to exceed $5C0; other sources considered autbritive, say fat least $5,000 When the hold-up camo the messen ger threw one package behind a rack. The train mon showed fight and tbo mail clerk was wounded. Division Sup erintendent Boylo was on tho train and ran forward but was afraid to shoot for foar of bitting his own men In the dark ness. POPULAR EATING HOUSE DISABLED TEMPORARILY Fire Department Conquers Flames Before They do Great Damage the Afiro in the Broiler last evening caused damago of probably considerably ovojr 100, and placed that popular eatt Ing bouso out of commission for tho prosent. Tho firo started back of the range and was discovered by Frank Farrin, night cook, who endeavored to put it out with a bucket of water but soon saw it was useless nnd raised the alarm. About OUOItho fire alarm called out tho firo department. The Hook & Lad dor Company and tho two hose com panics wero on the scene in a few min utes, but thero was somo delay in get ting water onto the fire. The Hook 4 Ladder Company, got into difficult!! with tho telopbono wlrcn, ihlcl delay ed them in tclting their extension ld dor ,o tho toof. The firo wos exting uished without difficulty. TJho building, wliics bolong! to Mrs. Ilulchcson, was romewhat damrgtd, and tbo dlihoi and kitchen fixtures of tlio liroller badly rmnsliol up, tho rane beinc somowhat demoralized hi moving It out to gut r.t tho wall, Geo. N, Farrin, proprlntor of vtbo rettanrant, had pone homo tor the night and was not called. Tho Jos Jojhis business, outside of the first damago will bo considerable It is fortunate that tho fire got no more start as tho nest of tho old bail J ings is a bad flrotrap. GERMAN DEMANDS . RECEIVED Acceded tcHn Interest Of Peace Blockade to be1 Raised By Allies. . Waeblngton. Fefi 121-Afcwrdrng to iiiswucuona nccnoa irom tno Usrman forcga 05... dter 3Urber thU morning formally demandod of Jfinistor Bowon the paymont from Venexucla of 1310,000, in 5 equal monthly instal ments, the two first to becomo duo two weeka after signing of the protocol. Altboueb Bowen considers tho de mand extortionate he will accede to it in the interests o! peace, Germany agreeing with other allies to lift tbo blockade immediately upon signing of tbo potccol. JM ."!"! IHUKMMMsUUWlXXlIHUeCssslI SHOE N buying shoes EON'T s m m js.'flrigw 4.00 shoo .it a storo whero Hi to $8 shoes are sold you do got pluckod nearly overy time. : : : : Satisfactory nboes for Winter shoos that please he people shoos in which tho abapo will hold won't H kS0A sat i iiir, i JS , II equash" out, or sag ! in a little while. Bhoos that hold out becanse they're rightly onilt not a skimp any where, inside or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoo. , : : : MuBt bo right or wrong no mlddlo ground or we couldn't everlastingly preach Money-Back Shoes good wear or a new pair. : : i : t ; Why pay $5 and $0 for let-well-enough-alone shoes Torn, Dick and Harry makes that bavo been foisted on a WALK nPR Icuni7 long suffering public with ecarcoly h nor in sh ape for the last ton y enre . MAGNES & OUTMTTEES& MAKES HEAVY TAXES Present Legislature Breaks Record Two and a hajf Mil lions Called for ffalctn, Ftb. 13 Heavy taxation will bo the result of ho many appropriations of tlii legisliitiire. Tho total expendi ture of tbia session and the fixed ox penres will probably exceed $2,600,000. Two years ago tho amount for thn same wus 1,705,000,01. The Wayu and Means committee report nest Monday will show total expenses ofUj311.C00.81, and this .does not Include special appro priations, such as the Lewis and Clurk fair, portage railway, etc. The total now in sight, including fixed ; esjnjcs Is ?2;to3, 107.81. Other appro- j priations are pc tiding acd come wl'l bo I ......... ,t Kiaii.c-i', r T CHA5. CiRISSEN MUSIC CO. : i. o. e. f. Bidjr. The very choicest mako of pianoa anu oreane to select from " Carrying all kinds of musical i2- ! ! atrumenti ' For cash or'on installments, sul ! ! yourself A fall Una of mnslo suited every grade, received direct sTcijr noca. I Marshfield, ; ; Qrem H-iniimiiinniiinii TALK got plucfced. If you buy a $3.50 or in tho shank, or got shabby-looking change in quality Is s ad i.m nver lm MATSON FURNISHERS i ftrmf r 1 rKr.rx "jr 'Z'x -JZ X wOSL5'-' - -jJrjT8iCK3EiECI8GiSl M