"iv . f (i ! . ' r EfeSO:NA.:Li MIis Kdn.i Magco, of Empire it visit irg frlomle in town. A donkoy engine has boon taken to homo forco nt Mnrtaisr-r NuuVrMutl Allegany to nanint in hrraklttg tho log Mir. m. Lawlor of North Bend, wnc visiting tolnltvea in tWn Thuraday Wo noto Hint the Sun accepts our '"pointer to knockcra" D(i is lion ling wliilo it may. jam, and Jmen will work 'hard to nccoin pllsh this, A boom ha? In en put in to low Bcro's.Uio main river to catch tho comninn I Thw huim el t lin company ban hud n phiuomonal mowth lutt'ly, ntiQovutv log?. If tho work is prolonged tlii!r""rU ,,l,"'K' ' to krepup w)tu tln VltifitlAf.A M-Ui. ll.n IU..V.U !.... .f. llllttknnil fur titni.i t.t..tU..fc ,... 1 kw?. Kiiiuiviiviu fiiii iuu ii)r-i mm i um( n wt iiiiiii in'nuv nn nurvi Be, Mi ttl'tl. Mica I.illlo Mvrcliant has enteral rcliool nt Mills Seminary, near Oakland, California. ';aMudboafs Navljjafe Josephine County cm aiiikgIu u hmnt keu Miv r0, j. uumiimI his cu-j uottug on -UK U4.' -- -- ,1 Tho machinery for tho new mill of tho Chas. tUxlur of CetjiiftW t in town Irccnbaek mine is now neatly all in Tuesday, place and the company exports to have ' Tho Itoilt ithyalo, "Onro" tiled Mid von will nlwaya nut Uhamhrrlaln'a touinih and Liver 'tablet," tmya Will lam A, Uliard, 1Vum, Vl, 'umt Tab lets ur tin' nimt prompt, munt ploaimut and ino't ndinblo iMtlmrtlc in tine. For side by John I'rtuirn. lluity Mike'a Diary Fob. G, IWO-Ad-vcrtlfinp plans are liko cpgi they can't be hatched until they are laid. TIkj Wawon brothers brought n large rr.ft of logs from their ramp on South bloiigh to tho 0 11 M ifc L Co yesterday. j lOof tliFtamps running In a hou time. rim work of moving the machinery from Leland to tho mit.e has been a herculean task on account of the fearful condition of tho roads. It wai uecearr to abandon tho use of wheeled vehicle in moving the heavier piece and to re sort to sleds or mudbinta to faciliate the transportation. Urants rasa Courier. Jack Farley and Dave Talbot havo engaged with the CBM& L Co. to raft Mliefr loss . from the Cowan camp on Fouth slough this season. The new whistlo at the B v City mill ctupcd qnito an excitement when it blew for 12 o'clock yesterday, It U nearly as bad as the Czarina's siren. Tlio telegraph is likely to be in work ing order agaiu toJay. It rvag connect ed though late last evening, but was was tOD heavily grounded for work. The people mentioned in yesterday's paier as being storm bound at Drain on their way here, arrived vetterday', the route having been opt-no d op for travel. Th A. X. W. Club met Thursday with Mrs. McKnight. Nearly the en tiro club was prerent. The next meet ing wdl be at the home of Mrs. J. T. McCormac. Harry Adler, traveling for Hoffman Roihchild ACo. reports that We n stock Lubin & Co., of Sacramento have been burned out, involving a loss of over 1,000,000, with about 1750 000 insurance. Revival of Interest Hoso Company No. 1 mid tho Hook and Ladder Company were out for a drill yestereay afternoon. There is feeling among the boy., as well as some of the people who are depondiin: on the department for protection from tire, that a revival of interest in the department ts needed. While a majority of the members of the department do take uu interest iu the work and turn out well to meetings and drill, yet there nro sonic whose idea of their duties seem to extend no farther than the pjmentof their dol lar and the subtequirnt exemption from jury duty, and the payment of roitd tax. Tbis is not fair to tho town, nor to those member who have to bear th brnut of the work, and who uns.dtlshly devote their time to keeping thede partnieng in a state of efficiency. It is proposed to look after these matters Fomenhat moro closoly herenf.er and to iftfin on mere regular attendance at meetings ami drills on the part of tliojo who desire to keep up their membership. L. W. Muury if p-itiouMy ill from the-offtctt- of a .carbuncle uu tho buck of lib neck Mrs. ('. 11. Srott, nl Ktnpire, wan shopping in town yesterday. Frank llmvran, ol lenmile came In Wednetdny to vieit hi little d.uijiter who Is attending fchonl hro. V wnnt a large tnct o( timber Knufrnttn A Wrguur, Murelitkld Or. ' . , .(l.wlt Grant Harry came over from the Co qulllrt Tui'sdn to look up the market for ship knees, having out quite n lot on the east fork. Jiki Yoakum wan down from hit Coou liver farm yeetordny and reporta no 'nrloun ilum we frnui tint recent thnid, ' Waller M.nis-y l expected hero linrtly having been telephnued fur on itceoiint of the Kcrinii'i illticen of hie faille1 h W M uiey. o "For a timely frjlngpau, call on A. Klro It may not fry rug, hut It will keep time white the cook looks after the dinner. " Unudou Itrcorder. llio olt ject of an ad is to hrlu g ptoplo to your place ol bii!'ne, and uo call the above A peach. If It doeii't hri'ig every one In ilnudou and vicinity, to reu what kind of a thing it has lefereuce to, then it ubkht 10 any way, iput tBo. WILLIAM It. St UHHS, of MarshAcM, County of (w, Mattt ol Oiruoii hitk tills il.iy fllrtl In ilit olllce lib ttwor Mulf itiriit N. .1171, lor tlin puulniy of Urn SWJV ofNIJiM, NWiMofSKi..), K.1.4 of ,SW .. til See. No iv, In Tp No aj .S, It No 11 W, mill will oiler pioef to how h the l.uul eiiahl li mote vnhithle foi Hit llmUr or Mnim ili.tu for ttgiKuHnml pntK t nml to rM ilili.h till iMIiit to will l.iml Morn W, U. l)oti:li, V S. I'tiiiimlHloiirr fm OteKOit, at .lAntlitu'ltl, (irrcvtt, oil NitiinliV, tlir 11 t t.t ol April, nij HeitniiiM h iiltiivveit. I'lotil tilili. V 1. Sniuli. Hit Cnllrlt. li llollrll. Ml ol Marth. Iltihl, Orreoii, I Any nitd nil peinii clnlinlnij mlvctl) lli itUwr ilcille(l l.imU me ntpie (l to file ilieir ' L'Ltllll In lllll ulllcp nil or Iwlim. 4jli .l.iv I ol Aplll. igoj. I . 'I'. IIKIIN1K.1, KtfKHtt-r. 3C F""stand Commodious teamship Capt. Kdwards expects to put the Alert back on her rnn tomorrow, after nn extensive over-hauling. Among the improrompnts added is a steam heating apparatus for the cabin and pilot house, wliiuh was badly needed In such weather cb wo have been having. T. C Nowlin mado a trip to Alleganj this week. He reports that the dam ago to farms in that vicinity from the lata frebhet will be considerable, from the lodging of drift, the carrvinj away of fences etc, and tho deposit of rcdi ment which will necessitate a larce amount of re-seedir.g. Struck By Wire Cabb j fij. Dailcy, who was impioyedin Hi King's logging camp on Daniels creek whb injured quite severely yesterday ntlernoon. Ho was struck above the r.'aht eyo by the wire cable, which flew out of a block wliilo the donkey was pulliug, A long gatb wan cut on his head, no was brought to town in Goorge Deal's launch and Dr. Ilortfall clored the wound with eight utitchee. The exact extent of tho mane's injuries ,hed not been determined last night. First Log Driving in Myrtle Creek W. P. Johneon rrado his first run ol logs on South Myrtlo creek Friday. Near 1200 pieces were put into the stream and about 1000 floated all the way down to hia boom without any fur ther effort. Nono at all were lost, whichJ iB very giatlfyiug for hie firbt attempt iu l'Rclflc coaBt streams. Mr. Johncon'e electric light plant is now on the ground at hia mill on South Myrtlle and, will ho in operation. Ho believes in keeping fully up-to-date, and electric UghtB will be 11 now and interesting feature oat there, as. well as a great convenience. tfccJieburg Ifevievr, Too Many Newspapers! A gentleman (aid to tho writer the other day that there ought to be but one nowtpaper in town. As it was, it was very poor picking for them all. He was Informid that no town was ever in jured by a newepaper whote honiet in tent was to build up an honest legimate boeinses. Many towns are built by newspapers, even though tho editors do not do the building themselves or, have it done. The town which patronizes, its papers will always have a flchting chance to be counted among the live towns. It should not be forgotten that Mereh fleld has never been any the worto for having three papers. The By City mill will Mart up Mon day, after r-overal weeks' y off for the inMnll.uion of new boilers, and otbor improvements, C. W. Sitiiford, the prosperous Hainc eloush farmer was doing bnii ness in town yesterday. Herald. On the account of tho rim in lumber, the mills are putting forth extra effort. Tho Lyons mill r.t.-thi place is running day and nkht. irurtty Mike' Diary Feb. 5, 1003-Ad-vertitiug, like salt, li ufod to make buincfs favoiy, there should bo but one cook and ho thould moncge the salt. Will Sugg of Coquillo is nursing Gub Molil whois attho residtuco of W. D. L. F. Smith. He reports the patient doing nicely, It is nice to seothostato law makers raise their voics to protect th-j varioufc indualries tuch as hotel, etc. U'c suggest that while they are in the busi ness not to forget the newspapers, who netd protecting ogainst deed beat sub fcriber;. IVcsb) ler ian Church Sablwth School at 10 a. m. T. 11. Nlcols Snpt. C. I-:. Meeting ni fit.'JO p. m. Tho pastor INv. h. . Strange will preach at II a. ni. and 7:110 p. m. Ser mon Mibjet will be "Caring for the Lives of Olhore" and "Walking p Hit Steps or tho Imitation of Christ." When you frol blno and that every thing l'"- wrong, take 11 iIojo of CI111111 liTlaui'd Stomach mid Liver Tablet!. They will cleMiPo and invigorate your tnmach, regiilnttt your bowel, give you .1 relih 10' )onr food nnd make you feel that in tl i old world i n unod pluce to live. For enlo by John Pnuira. Haptist Cliurcli Sunday School at 10 n. m. I'reachlug Service nt II a. in. Topic "Mans Debt to Man an J How He Shall Pay it." Text Homans 1:11 11. Y P. U. nt 0:30 p. m. iCCIlflE HARDWICK, Mastor. Make regular trip between Han Fran- citmanil Portland via lluntliohU and Coo Ha)', culling nt nbuvu porta etch way. Tho ALLIANCK i a flrt-t'hsp paKicn- ger boat, und hits all the tnittl- ern ctiuveuleuceh.aud lnnti of tho luMeM HttMiuera of her cliin For freight and past-ongor ratos or rail ing dates, apply to C.H. MERCHANT, Agt MABHHFIKLI), :: i: OKIXION I CIIAS. fiRISSEN MUSIC CO. I 0. 0. P lufr T The very choieoni inlt nl plnnos V nnd iirgHim t-i iiolect frnui I, i T . uiijiiik mi fc'iiui ui iiiiiricai ! . I t rillTiulita Kvening serviea at 7 30. topic "Win-! .Vir ,,, nr nn ,.,,,..,,,. .... . , . ,.. w. - . ...... .w...-, .j... joursell A full lirm ot muidc ruiied 8inE8 AND SON8. r. 10. Onrvln of Itidlntuipollfi, '7TI, Is the, prcaldeut of the ANoclnled Hnr vnrd gitilm of tlio United Hlittea. Hrproeenlitttro Jncoli Itiippert, Jr., of Now York him onu of the ilnent eolhs tloim of y. llrrnnrtlH Iu tint United fltuttw. Mnny me prlitu ivlmiern. Me. Cliiunherliilii und Mr. ChnlYeo, Hie orlglunl Tunmism'ti nnd I1I11 Pimlner of llrut IIiuIo'h I'onmuce, "'I'tituierfieo'H l'Hi'dtit'f," lite nllll living tit Crovehnid, fill. Dr. H. It. fMeniiml, who linn been tout to the leglNlntlire fioui Miicon eounly, Sin., In the flft Itepiibllcan elccltit In Unit county In Iblrty-rtru yeutu rtnonf theiloheMl titled men In drent Utltiilil la the Huliii of Ullccleuch, who owiiv, clilcily In rtcotliind, IiIh unlive pluce. Home -IM).C(H) ncrei of land, bring. Iiirt rtu iiliii' nl it ntHl of over I.IHIU.UOO, Alfred V. nderhllt la uioio of nn nth Iclo tliiin liitMit of Ilia fninlly. Ho Ih n iiilmiillil lioraemiiu. 11 good polo player, In Hi wktllf ill nt Kolf iin he ilrii'd to Imj nt tiitiulM nod In it llrut rule burnt 11 1 hoehey, Klfon Lower, tho new cliiilniiiin of the civil horvlce coiniiilMttnu of Crok lotinly, III., In a iiew-apaper man und during the early agitation for civil nt'fvlc lefortu was clixmly uwoolntcd with tho late .Itihu W. Ulu. Kir Fruui-tM Jeiinc, the Loudon tllgnl tnry who pitftlilex ovrr the dlvorcn court thttn. Ih coujtlib'ritbly over lx feet tall. A burlvhue writer recently cnllml him "the gnnti ti friend hoiho ptoplc hi. re nt one jwrlod f their liven." He noinetlmei iiiIn through h iiiHtiy im twenty HUltrt Iu ti d:iy Couvreaaumn Iinl of Callferulit wiih hmlly bnitou lu the raen Inut Noreinher. On bin way mat to ntteiitl the openlini of cntigroM the train on wblrli ho wrta trttvrllug wmh (Mirtlnlly wreckinl. A cob leuxue tiiiurnltilntril bliu m ccciiplug mvIoun Injury and ltul n-plliHl, "Oh. tttttt wan uc IiIhk nftcr ho wreck 1 wnu In on elect lull day." TIMELY TOPICS. dows." Text Kccle. l'.:S "Those that I'tok out of the Window h be tlarkened. Thurrday Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. All arc welcome. IMPROVEMENTS AT THE TELEPHONE CENTHAL Manager RobertFon U making some substantial improvements and additions to the equipment of tho telephono ccn tial office In Marshfleld. A new cross connecting rack hat just been set up in the office, capablo of accommodating lOOO Bubscribere. To this will he added a new ewitcb board, to arrive on tho next eteamer. This will bo in four sections, and will require three oper ators and accommodate COO tubtcribere. To thiB other Ftctions will bo added from time to time, as the number of subscribers inereaea. A now cable carrying 100 wires will be put in from tho corner of Front and A Btreets to the office, and another carrying 200 wires from tlio polo iu front of F. F, Norton's. Theeo cables and the switchboard are expected on the next steamer, after which it will tako about six weeks to effect tlio in stallation, which will bo done with the Barney I-swis, a seven footor from tho Willamette valloy is visiting over at Deschutes, Crook county, and the "Lcho" of that plcco says -of him that ho is av ery powerful and fctrong man. It ndntoa an instance wherein ho actually lifted his voice to tho roof of his mouth. Well, what do you erpeO? Lines down ond no press disrwehee, locals scarce, one typo quitting without warn ing, togonway, the marine reporter on the oick list aay .you ore lucky to get a paper at all. Mrs. A. M. Twornbly is having the Seaman building on A Street, recently occuphd by the Cottage bakery, papered and fitted up for Dressmaking Parlors. TUUSKIl LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1878.- NOTICK FOIl PUBLICATION. United Swi I.irvd Qllktf, Kotrlxirg, Ottg,on, Jan. ,. y Notice i htrrliy clvcn ht in cwnnluncv with the nroviMontor' Ihe Ml of CunetrM ol Junr 3. i73. rninW "An net (or tlm wle t.( linilKi Und In the SutM of California, (Jit gon. Nevidn. Mttd U'.i-h.nijlon TeiriHMy." a exirmied 10 all the Public l-iml iute by net ef August .t, itoa, WILLIAM .1cFADYKN' of Marthfiekl, county ol Com, wte ot Ore gon. a tln lUy filwl m thU office n Mtorn tutemnl No 4749. for Ihe iMircbuwr ol ttw houthcHtt qtMiter, of SacUon No. 4 in ToAmhip So. 37 S, Hkpk No 11 Wrtt, ami Mill offer oof to thow tlwl ilx !an! touht it more vulu.bl for It limber or Mone (ban for .ntlctillural fmtpmat, anil lo et tablih his cLaim 10 mkI laml Mote W. I' iJougl.u, U S. Conimuionr for ()r-Knn nt ,l.ir.hMI.Qrrgon, on ixiturrfay, the ant (Ij) of March, 1903 Hi-fi.viiMHH ttitnrtw: W II 1ofgtn, of MnnhhtiM Or.. V It Takr. li Wlutley. U NecVy, of KalrWew, Or, Ativ and ail iwrton cLiinuni! adtrrtolv (lie above-iletcrtoetl laml are rcqueitwl to file thoir claimt in tlm oltioeon or Ufort- Mid ant day of March, ioa. 1 10 . T. IlKlbAU, KegUter. every grade, r reel -rod direct uverr week Marslificltl, Oregon l-t-H-H-m-H-4-M-W-H' 1HH Professional Cards. R. H. Walter, D. D. S. UK.NTALKUIUiKON AND MiiOHAN- lCALDKNTIHT. Offlctt Nwhtirt' Illdg. A. m., Phono. H, MAKSIIFIKLD, : : OKIiUON. Dibbled Williams COOS HAY KKAL KsTATK Marshfield, Oregon A business man eIiowh Ida queer rhared head when he kicka bicaiice another buMness man occupies too much advertising space in tho local papers, Kobt. Kruger took n larger raft of Co quille logs down the hay yesterday, -o Help along the new Chamber of Com merce. ' o Rusty Miko'fl Diary, Feb. 7, 1003. If they treat their customers tho samo way they treat advertising Eolicltors, it cortainly wouldn't do some merchants any good to advertise, o . Dr. John A Aunola is now located at Kmpire whore he can be found, TINBKK LAND ACT JUNK 3, 1878, NOTICU FOK PUBLICATION. Uuitetl Htalex Land Office. Koboburg Oregon. Jan. 10-1003 Notice is hereby given that in cnnl tdiancu with tin. provUioriH of tho act of Congresflof JunoU, Ib7t), entitled "An act for tl.o saloof timter IiiiiiIh iu the rjtatenof CHliforniu. Oreyon. Novada. and Wabhinirtou Turritorv." uh extended to hM the Public Laud States by act of August -1. I8D2 HICIIABD .f. (JOKE, of Marfllifield, county of CVhih, fitnto of Oregon, lias this day filed in thin oliirn nib hworn atutiuodril ro 4:ii, lor tint purcliaHo of tint Lot H arid Kl '1 of KICl-l Section 27 and NWM of HUM of f-eo Ion No. 20 In Township No. 21 S, Kange No. II W, nnd will offer prcol to Hiiow that tho land sought iu more vaiuahhi for its timber or ttono than for agricultural purposes nnd to establith hiaclaimto hhIiI land before W. U. DonghiH, U. H. Cornminc loner for Oregon at Mnreiifield Oregon, on Monday, the 30th day of March, IMXI. lie names an witnesses: A A Auder Bon, Allega- y, Or . F A Kelly, Marwh fleld, Or., Fred 'Noah, Allegany, Or., Hilan Nonli, Marshfield, Or. Any und ull perHons claiming adverse. ly tlio above-defcrlbed lundH nro ni- quoeted to file their claims in tlilo ofllcu on or beforo said .'iOth day of Mar, 1003. 1-21 J. T. Bhuhjkh, ltegiHtor. E. E. Straw, M. D. . PHYKICIAN AND SIMKWiON. bpcelal iitteiitioii to tliHeuHe.H of tho Kye Knr, Noxj 1.111I Throat. (iliihhCH litted. Office hi Sen.stnckcn x Sniitlt liuildiny. Kir Thtunnn it Ik In jpMttt; to lift flic rup. nnu WNwttiiigttJU Ih mice tigulii litoklui; for a K,ntuittt irluiilng club next jvrtt.--U'nrL!npton MUir. A wonian nl ihe hend of the unit tent gti;i fitctortt-t In (he world will uiMkti the 1Y111HM' refortiui't'ii lo lite tHuld mid gititlo aex n trifle uhcnIIhI for. Haiti more Herald. Tho t-4il.it walk linit been exportetl to Pari, nnd. Lke many Cllf(irnla wlneit, will iloulitlttMi In liuporirtl iifier 11 llttht im Ihe genuine French nrtide. They, cull It the iIhiim' tin giiteau. IIoiiHtou Chronicle. Tho verdict nerpilttlai; Lnurn Blggar Htitl eoiivletliiK her to male nMochiteti of coiiaplrtti'y with regurd to the Men. nett entittc m one of tho tnaulfiiHta tloiiH of tli Miprrlorlly of Jurlox to logic Hint frvtifutly take 11 way Uiu breath.- Pltmliurg l;uitili. THE WRITERS. A. G-. Gross, M. D. PlIYrilCIAN AND HUItGKON. Office, NnHburg Building. Phono -is:i MAKSIIFIKL. : : OHKUON W. U. Douglas, 4TTOKNBY AT LAW AND U. H. COM MLSK IONIC II. Frctu iiirci. Mnrtlifirlil, Orrgon. Colonel ThoinHM Went worth Illggln twin hut J nut celebrated UU nvvouty ninth blrlbiiuy. Faiiiio VmizI, the noted Ilallmi novel Ikt, Ih Iu (JMllfoi-nln KHtberlittf umtorlnl for it novel deullui; wltb life mid vixilal eolidltlonn III Hut l region. Jiiartiii Mci'ttrthy bn Juat paatted blu Horeiiiy-tHt oml Wit Inlay, lie Iiiin np paruntly nUindwiud novel writing und In iloMitlni,' blmaolf uxclmdvoly to Ida tory. Tho eminent d'erinnti playwright, Oerhnrdl IIaiiptmiiti, Ih only forty, yearn old. He wit.i Imrn ul Oherulr brituii, iu .Sllettln. HU fattier wan a ho tel Keeper. He Hint cttiue Into general notice throiiKti the perforiuiitico of I1L1 "Vur Kouueunufgtiiig," uhlch iimdo u great t.ciiHittlon. THE POULTRY YARD. TIMBUH LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICK FOIl PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roscburj;, Oregon, J.tn. 37, Kjoy Notice Is hereby clven that in m..,ii ,.,.. with the provisions of the Act of Coneruss ol June 3. 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale ol pmuer inus 1 1 h c owes 01 cailiornla.Orirpn, Nevada and Wds hlngton Territory," as cxtehd! bd to all the Public Land States by act of Au- S.A. D. Eaton, -LAWYHU Will practice iu nil court. IvMPIHKCiTY OIIKRON J. W. Bonnott, A'lTOl'-NKY AND COUN.SF.LOlt AT LAW. MARSHFIELD ORK John F. Hall, A'iTOHNKY AT LAW. Oflicu in I'.ldorado block, From slrcvi .darthtcld, Oregon. li. St., MARSHPIEM), ORK Old pl.ih.tar furiiinhen good llmo urn tctl.'il. Durlmr the wlntnr It ia 11 good piuu to noep tnu noor weif covereir witn ut ter. Keep the laying heiw In 11 tempera ture whoru the drinking water will not freeze. In raltilng fowla for meut liihtnul of obbb aeltict the Inrgo breitlH and thono that grow rapidly, When you begin to futton TowIh, nop 11 rut u them from lhtt.n (hut nro to be. kept through tho winter, Tho latter, uhould nut Im vo falteiilug food. O. F. McKnight. ATTOHNHY AT LAW Ofiioi iu the I)cnue4 & Walter Building. MAKHIIFIKLD, OUEQON Wold & Daniels ENOTNKKRS and SUHVUYOItS Map work u epociulty. Phono. 470 Marshfleld, : : Oregon FOUR KINGS. King Oocar of Swollen wiy ho ha written verwo hIiico boyhood, Tho ItliiB of Italy hiiti twenty-four cupboiirdH full of coins. Ho him been collecting hIiico ho vi'iih twelve ycuru old. Tho king of Hlnm Iiiim given thirty liino volume1 of tlio Trlpltkn, tho Und dhltit Iilble, to the United States Cou Krentdouul library. King Edward Iiiih purchiiflcd an oil painting by nit Eugllxh nitlst rcpre uentliiir Queen Victoria luudlug nt (J ran ton In 1012. It will bo hung la liulmoral cautle. ThJ new east nnd west Cuban' rail way, which in near completion, lu J1Q0 miles loiif;. KiL aKlmww. (--s j