T'H'"S (I , ( v Y ",$, -r MP mil Say MORE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR STARVING PEOPLE Ooo(( Sum Rnlscd For Sufferers In Swodon'8 Famine District Th(i following Hot lu Imml'iil In by Itnv II. F. Ili'iigttoti, Pastor of llm HwuIInIi Lutheran ulnuiitii uiiilur wlfoon niicpkor llio money linn bcun ruined, Tlio lint ulionnliovv iliiinh money hn been contributed In Mimliflultl tint) vicinity to relluvu tho fnmliin r.trlukun litioplii of Norrlulid, Kwedcti from frt u r Vllltuil. II F llittitinit '! 0 I'olor JttluiK'in C OD N Jdlin Uanbuig r 00 (I iiftuiovwii :i oo Hurry Holm 1 00 fjhtir, Nelon I (K) J K llntiMin I 00 Mr M Krlukson 1 Oil Mm Knrdull ' " I IMIlMn ' I M V O lH!l)IIHr 1 ' K M I'.nrullt I CM) 1' (i I'uteriMin 1 K) AugilM IAtly 1 OH Mm I Union 1 00 Mm Lnrron 1 00 Edna I.nrcon I 00 Alfnv.l MntHia 1 00 ( A Matsoii 1 t'O l II Huhmr 1 (VI J N NpIwii 1 00 Win .N'asburg 1 00 .MniH U Miirllmon r On .Mrn Ivdinon J 0 Thu AhtBoduty of tho Lutheran church 5 00 I'tt'ju Noiitii I5nst .loliu lVlofnoo U 00 Anton Nnrdholin 1 ( Karl I? I'errwn 2 HO GoclHw 4111011 1 00 Kmll JiiiMon 'J 00 J! A I'amlborg 1 00 David 1.IIJ' volh 60 Total 01 00 Heal Estate Transfers Statu of On uon to Louis .1 Simpson ii&l of n lull 'JO r 12 10 artcn, 100. Willi K Nreley nml l t Ceo W Ilenlo lots 2 tint! :i a .'II t 20 r 11 KO ncris I3"0. Nora Nsoley nml Im b to Gun W Ilcalu ml nM l.'tl r 12 KM iicfec $W), Kuiphn K Neeley to Gun W nml I) Grant IlMlr m I of it I h 20 1 20 r 1 1 VVK) Nollio I. llowrnn nml Iiuh to Fimp'ou Lumber Co. nil ol aw I nw-l of hi! t2 of tel 21 ; 2:i r Kl, ICO nuri'i. JSIU I,. I tilmpsnn nml wf to Simpaun Luiii lur Co u2 mil of fit 1 h ti 20 r II 1'JO acre: fit). C II Mcrehnnt nml wf to .-. C. Robert lotH r. nml (1 blk 21, Itai'.fMd mid Maih. fluid $l'. I. J Hinpsnn nml wf to TT Svsildo loin tj nml 0 lilk '.'0, lot 22 nil: I.' nml lot HI nml 17 lilk Kl North Mum!. li Unclaimed Letters Llet of nnclnlmtil Letters romniuing in tlio Miiuhfichl Oregon Pott OHIO Full. I, H'O.'I, I'urfoiiH calling for the wimo vl II ploaeo rny ivdvortitcd. Aim.loliii, Hmmill Fred, Ilrooko CIiup, Onrlo I)ai;uro, Coon lly, Colomnn W M, Davlu 1. H, Knmioiul Will V, Hvenoff Alux, J'orroy Wllllttin, Fluid Cliurley, 0 onion Mm Snrnli, Ilnytnr .Inu T, Jolin Fan II I), Kli!i:kvMUa (ioldk', Mnttni Klmur, Murpliy Kdwnrd,' Murpliy John, Olciiii Murtln, IMn I'M A, l'atkrEott J, Kobinroti Win, ltlclion Ataxic, Bmltli C A, Hmltli Annual, Smith S N, Bnrilixni Donjy 2, BnrdcRim Diupo, Tlodoninn Jolm, WliituMra WW, Wliylraok Frod, W. ll.Giirtla, T. M. Tliu I.ilibv c.o;il iiiimid nro rtinnltiK ful lilaat. All lopnlm huvo boan nmdo wliiuli nro iH'coiieury owlnn to llio Blid1' eniiHuil ly tlio Hood. Trnlnii nro run iilui; luulnrly njjnln. A. II. Ciunpbull oxpoclan lidy export horo uligilly to epond n wooU in hta storo doiiio!intrilln tlio II mi driiiklni; tM tlcu of M. .1. 11. coffcu nml 1'rido of Jnpiui Ten. of wliioli bo 1ms tlio i-xcUieivo ugonfy. ' '" if ' " BAD SCAN- LmJ' A A HotS H One of the Prison l mates In a Precarious Con dition. On Dm voinntnry ttnllrnony uf Mrf. H0M1 Cnrllnli',ont' of tin; two femslo con vlctn nt llm Ktnto IVnltcntlnry, nml nlio Bityn that nIiu h in n dcllcnlo coiidltioti. Hicoiid Wiirdun A. C. Dllly nml Dm,; irlnl '(iordon Hull tmvo been etmpur.ilrd by Uovcriitr Cli.tinborlnln nml Bnptirin (Ivnt J. I). !.', irmllrii: n full invrptti Kiitlun which I) tobiimndo into the (nctb of tlic cnen. Mm. CiviHhIc ncctipen Dlllcy of bultiK rcepoueiblo for hor condition, nml Hull In bold Id'cmim lie liai been nwnruof tlio fnrtn Ih tlio cnto nnd Iun fnllrd (o report then to tie proper authorllloi. Mm. IVoioCarllilo unBionlenccd from Jncknon County to nervo nine yenrs for thu crimo of nrnou, nnd nlm ha nlremly kurvml 2Jg yearn of thnt time. Now t lint tlio mnltitr Is bolni invuetiatrd hhti tnlkcd freely to tlio Governor, am) told him rho had bot'i) in n delientu con ditioti for four months. Another mini than Dillcy hnd ncceeh to tliu cell of tlio womon, Convict Whltu, n tuibty vrho nctod iJ jiriion norri', and who, it wilt bn remcinberi'd, mndu bin ornpu boiiio I0i!)8 iio. Then) wne tomo diiposN tion to throw thu hlnmo on him, but nc rordint; to Governor ChnmburUIn, the womnnmnkeslU'rcharoNtiKnlrnt Uilley. The latter ii 11 Salmn man, helm; n wid wor with 0110 child. Bi-cond Wnrdun Dllley received hii nppolntmunt from Governor Geor. lln it well known in this locality, having been Chief of i'olicu in finloni. Hull, tlio nmpemlud dniKKiat, ia from Nehamnh. 1 1 is clmrl that fin lm been neiinliiteil with tlio f.ictR in the cnto, nml wnRneiiaintid with them be foro White mndu his eicnpe, .but mndu no reKrt. Govan.or Chnmborlnln do elarua hu will probo thu cn;o to tlio bot tom. Dillcy, of cotireo disavows thu cliarj.'u made. At thu Jlrollet yon pny only for the tiling you ent. Yon gut your full moiu ey's worth in u.itiug. You don't pay for Hit cry nnd surroundingf. dipt. Dan KoburtH, nho hns been tie ing na chief ongiueur on thu tug lluntor ul Gardiner, returned homo yesturday. Tliu Coaht Mail will cheerfully pub lull tho notices of eervices in nil the Mnrahlluld Ch'urclioa, (reo of chnrgo, in Buturdny mornlng'a pnpor, provided tho nollcofl rench'tllN'ollIcti not Intor than 2 p. 'iii. Ftiday. All pnatnra nro invitetl to send in their announcements. Tlio Orpgon Dally Journal copies tho followhiK pny lonnl irotn thu Daily Co.ut Mail wlileh imllontoa that tho Ilroiler 1 innn In getting in nomu outaldo ndv.ertis iug, If tho real merit in udvorliaing comuH up to thu pica hu dished up, it ia unfo to rny thnt hu will bo HOttlni; up pumpkin plao louy; nftur wuqult eating. Tliiti was tho pay local quoted: I "Nut piecoVf" pumpkin plo Jietween hu nets tonight. .You. can onjoy tho how hotter," FREBIIET OH THE UMPQU SomQ Lop Lost. And Drain Route Blocked For Stages (Gnrdliinr G.i;ti) Tlio (ftecptlotinlhi henvy t.ihiii W finowii which have flljii In tills K'dlion within thu pMiit week or ion ilnyi tvr undoubtedly hoiiuthI thVotiK'iut tin 1011th contra I portion of llm btiMo. Tin Hot urt nf llii weok f.:uid the imjxnu Itivur hltfher by unirni Iiiciioh thitn It hnn provlnunly r'i:iUmid nt n.y Iftt.u tblN whiter, nml wmns i.iy It wan iiiUnlly ni bl;li r.t tho m"!iHirii!iln frcliii of WJ, I.oi'iirn on both rlvorn hnvo lien havlni: mueli tioubto with thuir bootim hi d raft nnd an a runnl. over 'i00 lojin nro hIouk the heneh nt tint mouth of tho iIvtT. Ili'portM from the otitBidn Iihvo rrnehud no to thu ifTuct Hint several brl''i;oi bsvv.i b(.".'ii watdiod tinny on thu Unln nml KeoIMbnr road nml tho heavy 1 li'ltt in tho inountainouM rect iuim hnvo entirely bheadnl travel ro iim otne or whk'1" is concerned. Our mail which eouius daily from Drain elation on thu rnllr ad Ih now Muu currlo.l by menmi of pack hornee,nd re port my that it will in nit probability bo jot fevnrnl days beforo thu Hliden can bo removed nnd trio bridges rupnired eulli clently for rtnuo travol aain. Iloberl G. Wilnou, ono of tho laro djliymon of CkIcIiIdu tlonli, wan doing biieinei.1 In town yeaterdxy. o Coquille I'ank (Ilernld) At tho annual uieeliui; of tho hotrd of director! ol tho Coqulllo Valley linnk, huld nt tho bank Wednesday w.iro prott out J. J. I.Hinb, preeident; L. Harlcckt-r icc-pruflidfiit, A. J. Hherwootl, Iiniah HnckOr nml G. W. While comprbintr tho full board, After an examination ol thu books nnd recorda of tho bank n 20 pur cent dividend wna decUrod for 1002. Tho Cotiullhi Valley Hank comtnencod liueiiii'ii tin years iiko and has inudu 11 conlinuouH icro'Ath moio than doubl Inn it? business tho last year 'over tho year provioue, Its despoelta now ex ceed 1 T.Vi.OOO, Ethua demonatratinR the fuel tbnt 11 bank waa needed in our little city. This innrked growth of our bank ing btiMneei is a truo ovidenco of the growth of nil other kinds of buriness in this pnrt of thu county, o 1?. N, Hnrry of bitkem hns accept -.1 n position na freight agent nt tlio di'pa in plrco of Mr. Abbott, resigned. uwmuMnntnwii "Wine of Cartlul Is Indeed ablettln.q ii iu iircu vaiiicn. iiavim; juucrcu lur Q (even years with eakiie and bear- iny-uomi palm, ana no vine irieu sev eral doctors and different remedies vWlh no jucctii, your Wine nf Cardul was the only (hint which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." lly "timl women" Mrs. Ailnum moniii nervous women who hnvo disoniered menses, fulling of tho womb, ovnriiin troubles or any of tlieso ailments that women have. You can euro ynurulf nt homo with this Brent women's remedv, Wiuo of Ourdiii. AViho of Car'dui lut3 cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Wliv y not bcKin to get well today? All H druRcutihavo 1.00 hot thM. Tor any Momaeh, liver or bowel disor der Thodford'a Hlaek-Draught should be iiroiI. H I nrnillvmiIUr'iiliinvniUrrM, utrinir fl PSUiliKmit, 'llinUvlin'AiWitorr flvivt" It '.'.'.''"'l"1" OIwiiihik. aloituiiui (.v U ('lltfenCHH,', TlMIII. Q &'IN''C,A!iBH it MfeC 1) 2 ,1 yrtZM, tV.iV.hi '.TAWWfc M waaRasBSMtoiiS 3 hftmnm I 1 ii pf x K?r 11 k i I! MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, I D Of .'n1t-Nloii, Tcxiui. (I rj E' ON MORE VOTE Hawkins, of Polk, Switches To the Clatsop County Candidate Through tho rotiiloy of tho Kflftobnrg Ho view, w is learn by plonu fiat the vote for Senator nt Snlern jester lay vrrs hh followc: Falton Gcer Woo.l Mills Fen I on Willinma Oeoro 31 10 II 12 3 1 1 Smith 1 Absent 8 Fulton'a new recruit is Hawkins, ol I'olk'couuty, who voted for Faltoii Sat urday nnd again yestordny, from Wednesday's Dally. lly phone from Uovsburg last evening tho Mail lenrns that tbero was no clmngc in yesterday's votu for pcnatur It Hood : Fulton 24, (Jeer 10, Wood 14, Mills 12. From Thureday's Dally. Tiik Mail learns by phone from lloie burg thnt yestcrdny'd vote on Senator wne tho an mo no that of tho day before. w-t-l 1 iiJB, &"--- - -4 -t-t-"t-s-- COMPOUND INTEREST 'llio troublo with most ndver Users is that they expect Imme diate returns of largo propor tions. Ono prominent mlyerUscr ilhihtrntes tho piinclplo of naver tlslug In this way: "Tho money exprndvd (or ntlvortlsluK' l (lie anine na It itlnccil at Interval. Tlio lirullta 'from the itUvcrtlalnir nro vlrlimlly the lutere.it uu tho Ineatuient. "Tho sums speut for udvcrtislng nro properly chnrgeublo to cap ital account because tho result Inpr sood will Is Bomothlnj; tbnt has value, which, If tho adver tising' litis beet: properly done, can usunlly bo sold for tho faco valuo of tho Investment. "Tho rnto of Interest Is deter mined by tho skill with which tho Investment Is made. "Just ns the quickest way to Increase Invested wealth Is by compounding tho interest, just so tho quickest way to reallzu rc sultH from advertising is to com 'pound tho returns." Ail vertlslng Experience. Advertlscra Ret good returns ' on tho amount Invested In our columns, AVj reach tho, . pooplc. 1 L r.-- mi Dryliiff prcprirritloiin simply dorol op dry catarrh ; U107 dry up tho eocrctloua, TJilch odhero to tho morabrano end decom pOMO, cfttir.lnf;ftfainDra tcrlouo trouble tlmrt tho ordinary form of catarrh. Arold til dry. iuH Inhalants, fumes, ernokes nnd snuffs nnd tuca thai T.'blch oloaniiconoothea and hcaln.' Illy'fl Cream Halm in buch n rem'edy nml will euro catarrh or cold in tho Lena cnnlly. nnd pleasantly. A trial nlzo -vrill bo mailed fo- 10 ccnta. AH drugrjsli ell thi 50c. nlzo. Ely Brothon, CO Warren fit., K T.. Tho J 'aim curst without pain, dooi not irritalo t cauie nuaedeg. It r.prerub itntl, over on Irrilatod r.nd nnrjry etirfaco, rcliov. ing immediately tho p-.tnful iuflatnmnllon. With I'ly'8 C'reara L'nlm you nro nnncj aijalcet Knial Catarrh and Tlf.y Forcr. CO VEARO' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DcBiariB CopvnioHTB Ac. nron ndlnt a kteb and dMcrlptlnn mt liilrmr aeirUln r opinion fr fi . ihfir bi nTution ii nrnbablr catatitabla. Cominunlrx paUtitabl. inmitrlctlroonndHQtUL llandbookonratrn 0 nl lr. (ildnt aaaoor for iteartnr l'cnu Ukon tdroaah ilann k. Co, aaaoor for ifrnnnr ci aiflMi. raoalrt ifttlal nolUt, without tbirf a, In (ha Scicniific Jfmerican. A findomelr lllattralM wktr. Tirrest etr ruinllon of nf aoltntiaa lournnl. Tarma. t a rear: four montbi, L Boldball namdralor. MUNN & Coi"- II8W Yorfc brancb Ufflee, C3S T EU TTMhlogton, D. U. Wo t.roniiit.y obtain U. B. nnd ttorclii f tknd mdel.ikctcti or photo cilDrestion lor i iiuuiui'jrb uu iaicauiiui7. 'or ireo DCOI, lnudTRADE-HARK Ippositc U. S. Patont Office WASHINGTON D. C. SKVTV3HSij'wt0 1 vini-r np .inRnflM'c nnwO w ar aj a tm r m " Mllhl I MUSEUlil OF AHfiTOHY' ioiiamicTt7.,iiirsncuco,ciL I T t-l'itit AmimsIcU Mkwui ! lit i 0. JOnCAH-DISEASESCF KEIIG aYt'rstl.14 ti,otUr d.ni.l f fint)UiikviilMafairn7, V Traail,rlbria HtbtrL Nilj Miffara Hf llnitnr. A mkk in.l 1 rvdlcaJ rt for Sll. Vtmmtm ,J niiuia. vj W. jircia i ipcul tm lai aKiLod. CfiMultltl fit I'm! ttttftlf Mltlt. TfMtmfM far i fAtiv f br Icifff A n Obr In t.tfv ciia 1 I uvlrtuf Wnll IM IMi I'lIILQIOPIIY '. ' Hllllll.C1i, HkUMB Fft&x, f A tUUa Ut .let mm.) lllfrt OR. JOItOAH li CO., tOCI MarrtTSt.3. P. ftllTrlAl Mtt Wti. fiflMB. BBi? t'omtr of Front und A strecfn, MAP.SHFJELD, OlIEGON, JQNH SNVDER. : : : : : :Pro?ri5tor rfims WKI.L-KNOVN AND FAVORITE J. HOTKL has but riocn cntiieJy roHtted ard rciiirniihed throughout and Is ag.unopen to trx public for patronage. N'w beds and spring mattress:, have beei placed in nlmott every sleeping room of this hutis and neither (rouble nor expjnsc ha: bscr pared to put ccrythlnj; In first-cuss order. TERMS. Boaulnr.d dcinc, pcrueek se.eo Itoard.p; cek .co DKie.ic- .. . aj the moctnsT sensation EVKnvwiicnE LILIPUT ' Cola p sable Pocket STEREOSCOPD APPARATUS Thu smallest Stereoecopo with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished in different colow with rich gold nnd silver decorations (mouutinr!fl), Iuclud in(? 20 V. F. I'hotogrnphs, Views of art (Konro.). l'HICE ONLY $1 00. S".ot every wheio prepaid in letter foi r. AGEI'TS WANTED. LILIPUT S1ERE0SC0PE CO. FOUUEST DUlLDINu, rhiladolphta Flanapn & Bennett Bank 1)1 HECTORS: T. R.Sliori iluii,J. W. llennott; PKES. ; nml. II, Flanngnn, VICE PUKS.: It. P. Williams, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. MARSHFIEI.D, OREGON O nrllt Q to W B iaa tA o T li a aakH 5?Alk 81 Via r u ir T- ' "" inn ua Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to tho &') ADVERTISING MAN k, ,of any rcnponsible house. mm WM The Old Reliable Firm!, "E.B.Dean&Co. C. li. MESCBA.NrflSsaElP Is coiiittiinily ndtliup to ita v atocK of General Mcrchan 'Jise, already tho largest in Mnrfrhficld. Wlion you buy ' at the Mill Storo you know tho goods are first class and the price U nil rig'it. A.11 kinds of lumber auct building material, feed and pup plies at wholesale and retail. Goos Bay Wlolssale Lipr HEADQUARTERS FOR II I G II. GRADE LIQUORS CII ilCE WINES AND PURE JJR.UDIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER f-amily Orde?5 rSolicitcd. SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELE BRATED BAINIERjEEB Family orders for Pops, pints nnf, quarts, delivered by tho case. Robert Marsden. THE WW YORK WORLD THR1CE-A-WEEK EDITION Read wherever tho Ennllsh Laogunge is Spoken Tho Thri:c-A-Week World waa a brilliant euccees in the beginning and has been steadily growing over since. Time is tho test of ull thince, nnd has Bot ita seal of approval on tho T:uice-a-Wesk World, which is wldoly cl culnted in overy State and Territory of tho Un ion, ami whorcoyer tbero are peoplo who can read our mother tongue. This papr for thu coming winter and tho year 11)03, will raako its nowa ser vice, if possible, moro extenalvo than ever. All events of importance, no mat ter where they happen, arc re ported accurately and promptly. Tho subscriber, for only one dollar a. year, gets threa papers overy week ami more nows and general reading than most great dailies can furnish nt five or six times tho price. Tho Thrice-a-Week-Worhl iH abso lutely fair iu its political nows. Par tiean ))''? !s never allowed to affect ita ntwa columns, and Democrat and Re publican alike can obtain in ita pngea truthful accounts of all tho great politi cal campaigtiB. In addition to all the news, the Thrlce-a-Weok-World furnishes the ho3t serial lie tion, elaborate market reports ami other features of interest. The. Thrice-a-Week-World'a regular subscription price is only $1,0Q por year and this pays for lull papers. Wo offer this unequnlod newspaper and Woekly COAST MAIL togother one year for $2.00 The regular subscription price of tho two papers is f'2,50 ?-C348e9etS9WStt$taHG IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE f IN NEWSPAPERS ANYWHERQ AT ANYTIMQ ft Call on or Write t I E.C.DAKE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY;; ? 64 & 6$ Merchants' Exchinga . X SAN PRANC15CO. CAL. , ! WIm tin Tmr trlif inct'TTlr ".n JTf 11 1 TtfilMto 3 1 31 B H U I fa A li 3J rfvUaaaal: mimmmm WTWaj?jTwWTWajajjajjfaaiajt m 1 1 . 1. 1 1 s J i I, M ) 4 IfJ i i V i r, JJ . Jt s'jw-svr&.xMC&mtJ2di i