ww I T' T STtiGzzzr "4 t , u h V. f f r- 7 ' 4 OAST MAIL- -&. :- dATUftiUY, I0.ll I JK ill It Published Every Saturday tn the Mail Pcausm.vG Cu. U1MMI1IVIAO &.- x hUllW'All UWH c w )no)r, (Iiim!vmcw !' .v 'It IIMlll ' Ofw moiitbn :-' t.89 wttl to c'l rjj 1 w vn not p ul n i 1 Osr Binder Slwajf in Tiilanwck So cy citlsens thwo and He rtill ri mio tuppoit them for Congrats. Sir. Hermann, tthilo In Ccuprcsf, tor k iriuntlly interest In Tillamook, and at no titno eccured u'SW.WO appropriation ior tlio survey ol Nchnlem Hay aud bar. rho survey was never mado bccauHJ tho Government claimed that tho"bmi ncia" in nnJ out of Xclialeni- did not wnrrac: cny improvements. "Tit's," arguo the frleuda of Mr. Hermann "xnt no fault of hie; ho did the bti hr could." :-- 'T.T3C iursEwr M' ?msm PROBLEMS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Dy JACOB COULD SCIIUR.MVJ, Pre.iMent or Cornell UnhrarUly (MM'; ?atimfeT" t Wr-Sg.. -as - E239Ktf II FLIPPANT FLINGS,' New Yurie newspjipoiit uvorittfu six teen pajM a tluy when ltusll Haeo J' well utujjtwenty when ho Iuih n cold.--Baltimore Herald. Sir Tlumum l.lpton nh.vm ho will lcuvo no ntono unturned to win the cup. Talks us If It wan to ln mi automobile contest. New Yurie Telegram. Korty glrla n, Troy. N. V., Intro formed a chili In order to tlnd mutable hitbhuuds. Tlio good old plan of limit Ins Vm nloiie, liowover, will never j;u nut of Htyle. Montreal Herald. Thu uvcriiiiieht Is muiwldtil im to the Mtiitesuiun whoc face should ho on the thirty cent mump. Who would think that thirty cent Mtutnuncti Were ho few7 Denver Republican. It would not bo a had Idea for one of our iniuiy amusement lmrotiM to tmtko un arrangement with home of tli South American cottutrlcH to pull oil their next i evolution lu Mndhuu Stiutirv (Jarden, Judge. r, YOUR D A O LAW POINTS. A POINTKU FOR KSOCKEUS Wo want to giro the knockors a ruin tor, and wo wou't charge them n wr.'. for it. S... Mr. Knocker lend us jwir wr; if yon loe part of it you can eat Sly spare it. 4 If yon wish to indulge your propensity to knock, wo advtie joutoget in and drill, while you may. There ore a (.owl many of ycu nor, and you can npplaud ' nnd brace each othsr cp. If you wait n & fuw months it will be too late. Sprinp it gppiocching, &cd when it opens, l-ok out ! Thincs arc Roinp to hum hero thif Sntnmer, nud tho mossbcefc and rccc tUnory arc going to bo swpt off their eat nnd deep into the Eta of inucccuou; doauctadc. Thoro is clieady one roint on4he Ba n hfero tho knocker ha; no plr.ee. If &urli . ircnulo na yoa had your way tho f urpris in? developments at Xorlh Bend would never havo meterialized. But prcgroe- fivo ideas prevail dona tl.are, and you I tun ioo thd reiulte for yourseif. :..v. within a i.w montha, o'hor j U.inga are goiuL' to develop that will , mt ko you stick your eyas out. .Sr.er at ( thcGrent Central while you may; mee-r I at Bfingor while you may ;$r.cer at Mtj j ' 'Klcr ey while you may ; for your tlmo ie chort, ' Moro people arc coming in hero iu tin Bpring than you tver dreamed of. Thcj will to peoplo imbued with the epirit that builds up and dcvolopes a country. They will Icko hold and do things, and when things commence to be done a lot f peoplo here who now eland aloof v. ill begin to itch to do tomel hint; tliem eolvce.und then it will be acate of "fib, cut bait or go ashore." You and your kind will Eoon Le iu c nnnll a vanishing minority, and the awakened Coos BayHs will have no pati ence to listen to you. So, improve your timo Lefore it is too late. You can do Eomo harm now, as you havo already done harm by driving nway would -ba ecltlcrs and investors and peoplo who ou!d have gone into buMneea hero, Y'ou cr- relard some what tho pngreB of the Bay, and ce lirclally of Murshfield, if you put in your timo faithfully for tho next few months. After that your power for evil will be so smnll that you will probably quit la dUuust. rSjlTlC Philiptuiip qurftiou ia just now i very piv. i j''w question. The u:tivos in thow islands nro in 'K ellstres. Their cnttlo have Ucen largely lotr. ff3 ' Jlt, :u'.tl tho wlantU hnro lccn visited by famine nml nestilenct'. Added to all thvau thinjrs. ivy, TilK .ISLANDS UAVK LOST $1,000,000 IN TUE LAST TWELVE MONTHS 1JECAUSK QV TILE Dlv CLIXE IN SILVER AXD THE FLUCTUATION IX THE KATE OF EXCHANGE. Thovc never wouhl have boon this iinane'utl distress hud tho is lands been put upon a gold bai$ .is the financial expert of the war department, Mr. Conant, rceoir icnded and as the present Philip pine commission favored. THAT THE ISLANDS WfiTJE NOT PUT ON A GOLD DAS13" IS DUE ENTIRELY TO THE NEGLICENCE AND INACTIVITY OF THE CONGRE6S. THE FINANCIAL DISTRESS IN THOSE ISLANDS IS DUE ENTIRELY TO THE PALPABLE POLTROONERY AND COW. ARDICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN CONGRESS. . ., e l f t ,i ii.tii .!' iwyable In Instnllutents Is ht-'.d In , lite tailure of congrts to establish the gold standard has cost ccorso vorsuH Butler (Wnh., r,T !.. it. the Philippine government .-or $1,000,000 in tho meanwhile iu a. :H5) not to prevotit tlio nuiniint of consequence of declines in f e value of silver. Ami tin; loss must SZM wWl bo borne by the Klipiuo t epaycrs, who havo also, of course, suf- one who by mistake trils to a person ferod in the aggregate- mr.h heavier iHJrsonal losses from tho snuio a lontnw ilruK for a Imruili-M uu.ll , " . , -r..,. m, .-.! -'lutJ ,K held Iu Pett-tv ermw .Int'S..oii cause. Congrcts set up against tho rihpmos a 7f per cent Dinploy v. va. r7 u. it. A. -rS) to be llnbio to tariff. And now Vico Governor Wright declares that the Filipinos a third person who without ncitltr: , . .: !....! i I..... ...!.t -e ..:! "ra " "" "' Ul"",lul v' """' tcu in our iuvcrniiiuiii. ihiuuuu mm cunuui. uviuuiicu ui uuiuiultcuu exploitation alone. We have undertaken to establish n system of public schools there, and that is well. Wo have sent to the islands capable ami well paid teachers, but our government has insisted upon one language in tho schools. WW HW'JI'H-I'H -JW MH W HHMKK'H'j-! $ I i. ! r:1 o DADI DO All babies under one year of 'ge taken Freo if brought to our Studio on or be fore February 10th, 1903. CLAXTON & PARADY Artistic Photocjrap ior'?, Marehfielcl, Ore. !-: -'. n-j.j-Ht-j-f-H-H -t-s-x-;' :-'. !-5-fr H!t:-"W-M'v i- . h j. A tenant Is hold In Wrlcht vrrstia lu Illirnon (Ou.. r.7 L. IS. A. OttO) to lutro no rlteht to remove rUturoK uiimwoil to the freehold which are phtcrtl on Icitsul ! j; luiul lu thu Huseuee or a coiitrai-e jtlviov blm the rlh'ht to do m. The fact that a inortKapo I (riven to Eivuro payment nf nu eiitlru sum which Wi AME THE COOK I iiptitorrtMRi tnrtitf and liltJiulnnmln nf xlti, fraud lUvorlni; pxtmeiM and mlttltnulii fjdci"t iro roMHiinlbt fur iiinnr it fallttro In psitry ipitk- ttvC. 'Ilioatt th'in'a nriilnii4 and lta ? way to buy tlim of drtii'ilhi who Hill iMitrriiilw l.nbiiM pur.tv ttiul riialo'itv. ! : : Wt jimpan our'own fluvxliu rttrntila. Our Vhlill IV IUHll ltiM tlllt !, till lXU'ti 'n- nlilit Ihiiii. Mm of iti act ttaibd Vullt4 ! 'tine no VauIIIb l all wmr ii int (torn o.i- itr ntnl ((Him it ToukH btmii oittni'i. Thi'' iKiiiiiiiy In tho iif i uiir rlvoi N-4-aitn the- gn uWit twleo na far ati the ordinKry kind, i Sengstacken's Pharmacy Mai'shfield, Oregon -: -c-m--:-- v .-.-H'.'-? -i-v'ifWi'K'5"-H'Jf tHi r.cx ns.nl:5ri' .xyioiu iuen.;7w. PERT PERSONALS. ?o.iiUpitLJg..i..j;.r3Jt.'.,--,,--J--',gJ;?;. ,-tj'iA-jac., '.'. TO INSIST UPON ONE LANGUAGE IN THE PHILIPPINE IS LANDS IS A CRIME AGAINST NATURE AND IN DEFIANCE OF HISTORY. Andrew Canwieie la live days older than Marl; Twain, Lut not half a.t fun ny. MltirxKpotta Tlmr.x. Ciintuicry Deiww la aalil tn try hlai Jokea on bla cat. A cat, fu know, hna nine llvw. llouaton Chrouieic. ; I'ltrnpeethe Kiwaker Cannon la iiowj universally popular like tlui umpire I e- nfi liJk Itr II mb .k itat-li K'nuttltK! t lake r.n American town ot G,000 or S,000 people, give ah tbo Stari educatioueJ work in it into the charge of one Spaniartl, havo cverv- Onvn-aor ltnlley of Kanaav, who was tog b ft. socondarj- 5choo!S cccpt in Ac clomctar,- nud U trSJSZiSTSX grades given in the Spanish language, and how much would tho ruir.ll the contract.-Htttburjr Din children learn, and how could thev and the community as u wholo P1- i. i ., . f , ., , - , , ,tT ,, .rncpiTfrp It I now up to Nlckola Tcala to on relish thia wondorful method ot education? Well, SLBSIITLLI: ol!artf xiV eve of wmo HUrttln lw- AX ACTIVE AiEKICAN TEACHER FOR THAT HYPO- tri.-ni .i:v-j-. Mckila Miwaya has TIDSTIOAL SPAXIABD. AND THIS IS WHAT .WE ART, tSt"iol!rbuTW? .'ever MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP Of PUBLIC UTILITIES A GREAT SUCCESS Uy JUL'CC tmUAKO V. DUNNC of RhiQAgO 3H . V. i'Tf'i' ll I, tf i h -fiuag ! &!" b - 3m , d 1 i'lA tWiWil 771 '"iff7ftiMifTtr "fMflva'J-i--Biil i if? DOING IN, fflLE PHILIPPIXES. i ij apriupj; Meuipliiu Cotninorclal ApHMl. .11 O I rsLi y v KH H uan . "Yanunmnutaujfi," which Is Samoan or the "home of the singing bird," is .tho name given to her new residence in tlio Santa Cruz, mountains of Califor nia by Mra. Robert Louis Stevenson! Tho spot iu in one of the qulfetett parts of the great bluo mountains and much like the old homo at lYaillma, . , SOCIAL CONDITIONS WHICH CAUSE DREAD CONSUMPTION Dy Dr. S. A. KNOPr of New York, One of the Lcadlnfi Authorities on Tii'atreulosls In This Country NSANITAHY conditions prevail in all parts of crar cities in ebons, stores, fuetoriog. offir.os nnd in tho .... zxess nome3 oi men ot wcaitn. uterus m uanKintr iiouscb, ?2! ln narrow, confined, ill ventilated quarter.?, working' en tirely under artificial light, aro subject to tuberculosis. IN THE OFFICES OF 30ME OF OUR WEALTHIEST MEN LITTLE OR NO ATTENTION IS PAID TO SANITATION. I havo visited Wall street offices, where scores of clerks would bo working in a room practically without ventilation. Both employer- and employees were too busy to opon windows. If thoy were riot too busy, thoy wore afraid of drafts. I HAVE SEEN FROM SEVENTY TO EIGHTY LEN IN AN OFFICE WHERE THEY WERE BREATHING AND REBREATH ING THE SAME VITIATED AIR FROM 9 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING UNTIL 5 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. A house heated by a furnace, unless the greatest care in taken, is likely to be overheated a large portion of tho timo. Such houses are far too dry, and as a consequence those who dwell in them aro subject to naaal catarrh. THE CAUSE OF MANY CASES OF TUBERCULOSIS 18 DUE TO THE INDIFFERENCE OF PERSONS TO THE PENEFITS OF FRE8H AIR OR TO THEIR DISLIKE OF IT. ITEMS FROM ITALy. It.'ly devotoa $:Xu.Ot)0 a year to tho Fiippu-t of I Lilian achooh lu foreign cor.atr.'k. Iu Itrly the price of wit has Inch re duced t'i per cent Uy th Kovurntnent, whoae tuonopoly It la. It U prt.pci.-d to t-roct n monument to Dante hs ttotuu on the alto now occu pied by th (Niiiactriuti Htatue of .Mar ciiK Aurel.us. Oltieial Jiinulrkii wl.ow that r.,0C0 modalr, r2H eujrravlnH and 117 do-.-tlgua and palmlugu have Iwen stolen from the museum at ISinano, near VeMce. In vlv or tho Kcarc as to the per manency of typewritten records tho Italian mlnlMcr for Juutlce haa or dered that no typewritten document will bchcccpted as legal In Italy, CHURCHMEN. Hi JIW BRITISH EMPIRE'S ELL AND HOW IT WILL BE TOLLED ByJ0SE kh- U vra-lE.IV CHAMBERLAIN, British Secretary of State Tor the Colonics mm The Rov. Dr. Roberta of Phllndelphln, litnted clerk of the rretibyteriuii gener nl nhwmbly, rays the Cotifeaalon of I'aitii will be revised. Hialiop John M. Walden of Cincin nati Joined tho Freomiikons on Chrlat mas day fifty yenra ago and has been nn active worker In tho order uvcr tilllCC. Itev. Dr. George Knineiii Neb on of New Vorie city, Junt electcil nrchde-a-con, wrved in tho Cnlon army during the civil war and wan wcretary to Gen eral I'lililp Sheridan nnd later Hccretnry to Rev. Dr. 1 'otter, now bishop, who wnH then rector or Grace church, Now York. i - 9 HERE may havo bo.on many failings in our adrniu's- tration of our empire many faults which wo luvo to regret, but at all events we ehal all agree that IT CANNOT BE MAINTAINED UNLESS VE ACCEPT TO THE FUlt 'THE PRINGTpfos'" OF JUSTICE AND OF MUTUAL SACRIFICE. IF Wfi ALLOW OUR COLONIES TO ASSUME "OR TO BJJlSlfE THAT FR SOME TRIPIO- ADVANTAGE TO OURSELVES VE ARfe, READY TO SACRIFICE THEIR INTERE&T8, THEN 'l SAY "HE KNELL OP ,THE 1RITI8K KMPIRE WlLL DG TOLLED. Wan liconomlrnlly Iiicllnil. Wantaniif And is your frlond iiUong tn tho faculty known nn "Having com mon reiiKu?" Dur.iio Remarkably .no. When It comes io having common senav, he Ih a regular inler. I never know him to in." ii partlejw of It in my life Haiti icoio American. AiT-' netro.iiirct. "Vl.m I wua n boy," youiijj men benln In jical.:iit; nf ytutl.i'ul jam, Ept'C'ri "., (ipinnliiK tliulr yarna. utart In. "When I wan cno of the lioyo." -Clovt-lana Plain Denier. ,. Knt nt All Mkcly. ".She Jjcen tryluf,' to make, it fool of r " v ''Ofi', 'no. Sho'a too ambltiouB to at tempt any Hindi easy task as that." Chicago Post. tne. L'XrCIl'AL ownei-hhip, rontrol and operation f municipal utilities, such a street cars, gaa work, waterworks, electric lilit plants, telephone tuul telegraph, can be a:iel will be wliniimlere.l r.:ul operated by municipalities betlcr than by private corpora tioits. With inttnici;al. ownership mutt bo coupled a strict, HkIiI civil eon'ico, such as now prevr.ib in tho jKVftiifileo of tho United States and in tho water olHcct of tho' city of Chicago. Both havo beon mansged from their inception without alrikea, lockouts or any disagreement Ix'twocn tho government or muniripnlity on ono side and its employees on the other. For yonrs past nldorrnen who have been atupe Ml of n weak nes for boodlo could procuro osition in plenty Ur their frk-nds with -the traction companies iu Chicago, while it U niutost itnpcc fciblo for thorn to got a man iu tho water olHee, Jn tho year 1S0S iu Great Uriluin -i.h per cent of all consum ers of gas iu tho United Kingdom were h rved by public plantu, and today great eitie lil:o Uirmingliam, Glasgow, Maueheater, Leicester and Nottingham own their own plants. PRIVATE GAS WORKS OPKHATl-1) IN GLASGOW BEFORE TJIKY WEKE PURCHASED DY 'J'llE MUNICI 'ALITY CHARGED CONSUMERS $L A THOUSAND. UNDER MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP THK CONSUMI-RS GET TILE SAME QUALITY OF GAS FOR S3 CENTS A THOUSAND. Tho Now York urinate investigation developed tho fact that for years tho gas companies of Now York city reaped a Htcndy profit of '10 per cont a year on tho actual invest ment. Tho legialativo investigation of the Bay Stato Gas com pany of Boston revealed a profit of nearly 00 per cent a year ou tho actual investment. A caroful investigation has proved that tho edinrgofl of prifr.lo waterworks companies iu tho United Stales aro on an averago -IU per cent higher than thoso inado by public companies. Jn In diana tho charges made by private companies wero found to bn doublo thoso of public companies. Only nine of fifty of the lar gest cities iu tho United States aro pupplicd with wator from pri vate companies. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP MUST ALWAYS DE COUPLED WITH A STRICT AND HONEST ADMINISTRATION OF THE CIVIL CERV ICE SYSTEM. WHT..N THE TWO GO HAND IN HAND, MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP HAO CEEN AND ALWAYS VILL DE A SUCCESS. Publicity and the Watering of Stock By MARTIN A. KNAPP, Chairman Interstate Commtrco Commission VENTURE TO DOUBT THE 80UNDNES3 OF THE ARGU MENT THAT PUBLICITY WILL PREVENT 8T0CK WA TERING. Leaving out tho Bpoculator and taking into account only thoso Booking honest investment, ton times mora money hw boon ' eunk in farm mortgages, suburban lots, patent rights, buying and' foiling grain, cotton nnd other commodities whoro no ceirporuto Bharos were'flealt in or ovon oxieted than was over loit on account c ' the 'fictitious or excessive) issuo of corporate securities. . . , W E5il it ? V i fta. s -j r