-SHnr:-! Ft',. I1 ' r .3 h U.'trJM. NEW ORGANIZATION TO ADVANCE THE OF COOS Chamber of Commerce to Include the Pro gressiye Spirits of this Whole Section A movement is on foot to rejuvenate, enlarge nnd generally revive tho Coos bay Chamber of Cociuierco and placo it on a footinc which will enablo it to ne- couiplish (omu Rood work lor tho bay. The old chamber has done pood work, nnd hoe brought benefits to the Bay that ctiicrwito would not bavo come, but for a number of years past thu interest has flagged and all that has been done t . was ncocrnpltshed' through the efforts of a very few individuals. Now it is proposed to organixs a body to include at least one hundred of the leading and progressive spirits of the Bay, who want to see something done to placo Coos Bay in the rank to which its situation and its naturnl advantages entitle it. A meeting was held a few evenings ago in tho office of John S. Coke, Jr. tflcrctnry of the present Chamber of Commerce, at which wero present some , 1 (even or eight of the leading men of the ' 1 bay. They came togother for tho pnr- ' poseof discussing the situation and plans , ' . fer ad van?ing the interests ot the Br.y. ' 1 Both North Bend and Empire were rep j rcienteJ and the movnment which is tbe outcome of this meeting will include 1 the whole Bay in its scope. It is cot to J t boom MnrhfleId,Sorth Bend.orEmpire, or any other one point, but to boost this Wioio section; to worKior narixr ira- prowrneniB; to encourage new euujr- prifes; to advertise this country hy 'oelvo thebosf encouragtsziunt from ev stndinz out litorature and in all other eryone, The Mail will have moro to Itttimato ways; to placo tho facts about say about this rantter. liiia hnrbor nnd the rich section tribu- o taty thereto leforo the right kind of omu. wffliws "Ife'tepTS follow the summer as it goes southward. and escape the cold blasts of winter and the chill airs of spring. But for the majority of people this is impossible. JS&a TobiiKa lions hold tbern fast "Weak" lungs are made slrony, by the uk of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DUtcov erv. It cures the obstinate cough, heals the m flamed thues, stops the hem. orrhae, and re stores the lott flesh to the ema cmted bodv I am a railroad aeot." wiitrn J. It. Maiylea. itaq i.f Jk-uLuy Omzc Co., Kn Ana ror carh azo niy work WlMUK TO It I 4rmroom rmi nimulu i... !.. ihwnle" .Hl"il-S ZixZZZDJF?rn . .i.i -I- ...... -.- . ..-.'.- ."1, ." 'W tMtch mv taut- ami ..jM.t.i ,. : ,,T W. : ml - W.. l:i..., i.. r . . nictotqrur. iifcr mcdkintk. KuuimiirtS ttikmycwrM;biiinuiJUaiiiiMi,vrry. and bv v vituiin.iy iur me a intuu ii.MaaviMl tr. ami after VakhV aboi.t f7ur b. uiS ,J SaBlYi!?J?r'y.!KSL. I1: v,, .) rtwb mhiaum VUUHIK, ' t - i i.lt idele,r tTI,te11 bi'te little more profit paid ou the sale ot leu meritorious medicines, will offer the cuutomtr a, tubstitute as neiui' "just au good " ns the " Dikcovery." MSifttSKES at one-cent stamps for hook in papr covers,, or3i stamps for cloth-hounu vol 'Suuvi to Dr. Ii. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y, MW& VttTf:: MBSWJ " "i . ABillE-l P INTERESTS BAY AS A WHOLE people; nnd to bring Coos Bay btsloro IhniHWinln of l), nnftd. mrl.l lnltil,UM,"w,,lV'i """ " l"""K n' ,u proper light. It is proposed to lino up at least one hundred members who will bo willing to each coutributo toward a fund to carry on tho work. Tho members iff of tho old organization nro willing to d all work in tho matter that lies in thoir power, but to carry it on well requires' mono expenditures than any few individuals can b expected to furnish There aro enough progressive nnd pros porous business men and proporty own en on tho Bay to go into this thing and t ; do wonders. In fact, the financial out I jlay, which would fall but lightly on any ione, would only tell part ot the story. Tho now spirit which would be develop ed by a live organization would be worth more than the monetary cojt. Get all the wido awake people of the Bay working together to bring this coanlr..- to the front, and working har- uioniously without petty sectional jealotiay, from which tho Bay is re- ' J rasrkally free, ncd this country will come to the front by leap and bounds. In fact it is coming to the front anyway, but tha people hero can either help or retard thp movement. Tho theory of 1 the gentlemen who aro behind tnis new movement is that it is better to help iHimionimnrineuswinpniw.oi fu section ' They are rfgit and should re AThNfu Font Phanna! ' J Illi y rOOI Unalincl . FOUHD BY THE HOMER n., rnno D 1 v n 1 D wfl UUUC3 DAI Dfln Scoured Out By the Recent High , , , , . iicies ana resnei wnai This Means. Capt. Donaldson, of tho steamur , ... ... ..Ii..i , . ...,, .,. ,,.. ,. "fi'l"' '""".',"1 j his last trip that he soundwl tho bar j ... carefully or. tho way in nnd tho Unst I depth of water found wae thirty feet, , V .ln ..... H. I.C. 41.. . I..H , J. I.. ! i",a "R '' -- Caplnin Donaldson iHfcnownaH accro My fill ttwl r-.ln.Vili. ninn nml titu rjrwirt i ol I , , , ,, . ,, MSior.nlurwlju n,....D ..I,..,. ...... ..-, nny Imi accepUd without quftitlon. biarcoJynily paiMus whon nny Hon. "AM tin t.l. .lu,. .,! I. ..It... I,. .1... ai.nl. ' HAIlIll lint fllPtlljIl fl tlBriUr I". 1 1 ' I Q liuK'S ii kin inn urn im iiiuiwiii m.i uui ..... ..... . ....., ' i, ''P'' - raainiaintu uuut-r pios- cm cireuufitftucea. it Uoo jndicfttc how i fl "3,UV tUC" lt emauvl uou,u ,,l) ,- ,,., hv , lii.i. ,0rU rk o n.n : - - .. w .- - j ... - ..-. .- ..-- . part of thtj govtwnrnent. 'Iho st.nd was scoured out hy the force ol the run of hish tides, aided by the lure amount oi fm!, wator brought h by' the l,fc,tvy war, it was suilicicnt to put out the sand to tho depth indicated. Confine and di reel tho forco o( tliu outgoing tldon by tho couth Jotty planned by tho on Ktneors. ntul rooro scouring (orco would bo brought to bear on tho bnr by tho moit ordinary tides, and thirty (cot i by no uiontia tho limit of tho depth thnt may renwunbly bo expected. Is it nny wonder thnt our brightest people nro bojjiimln to roiluo tho fuel which ia recognlajd nt n ginned by out, eiders thnt Coos lt.ty, oven inudcnr old (nuiilinr Coos l'ny, is destined to Ih onool the few great porta of tho Tactile Const of North Atusticn? Tho man who can't see it is too dead to skin, Vo nro sorry lor him. Tlic Delayed Mail Tho Inst report fom tho dolnjci' mntl -s that nono has crossed tho moantnin Sitkum on this side nnd IteMon tn the other iido of the Const Kntige. In the mean time the telegraph I nu repairers have crosied over the incunt niu with horses repniriug tho line is thoy went, and reaching Huston 'lues' .1.... !..!.. uiii iii;ii,. ny me contractors can not oven gti the letter aiail acro U a tnystery. Or,! rather' U ls no n,-8,"- l " Wo uuuau just eucn experience in years cone by. The contracters simp'y lio down, and wo can whistle for our mail v 1, 1 t t . ..v...v....J1.HiU,1. 1. i.airu, who has tho contract nt this end of the road. He keeps his mail train goinc on time nnd carrite nil the mail thnt comes to him. It is said that n new man has lust takon hold ou the oilier on. If ,..,... , , , ,, this .s the best ho ccn do, ho vould , better let go ngain as ipiick a3 he cm. j 'Rusty Mike's Diary" A Indv called us upon tho pionc yesterday nnd wanted lo tubscibe. Hlie said the had no use for a daily, but the lilil tinnr.t mn .mtnl. nl.mil llm .. !.. . ..HH ..vm.m fcw ...u..., llUVUk ...U IUQII ., ,, , , , ,. ., . , , , , iMiko" and hisdirtry, that b!io had de ....,. , . ., termined to know for herself wjfliont taking it second handed. She Is on the list. Now, we didn't have any idea that icusty .wik m p would over attract anyone to subscribe. Some have named tho proprietor of the Broiler as the author of ,uu, ,. . ... ' j ...-., ... -.,, .,... u, ..n StlCCeShill lllieinO'4 oWinL In nr-nltlont publicity, hut it is not tho ense, as the ' ' "Broiler" man never talki to ndvtr- tlMre, He ha; his own mtrioi and does it in the straight business principle. " knowe lt "y or ,l0 wo,,w nol,Jo nasty .VikoiBMnwUmma little rnsty but he Kill make an improcsion in due timo on someone who ought to advor- ! tiho if lie don't. Ho talks to alvertisors only, and onco in a while ho iuteroita one, once in a while one of those little phlotophical gems goes home to -eomo "ileniMu-the-siiell" business man. Husty Mike knows tho value of tha regular dtiiy appeel nnd j 1 1 that is Iho rearon why ho gives his .. ... ..... ...un. ., w thorough believer in tho nrt of ndror ., , , . , . , UsinR and knows that every dose you .. atlii to tho last will hrlrif you nearer to " Nf.r. IT in I lin rllilil llr.lil ' hnrn IJ cy.a ... - ' u'" " "'"' n hnsinees which could not turn omi lllS 80 VIIIUB to EOinO flCCO'.lnt If lirililicil. i r- r. ....... ..,., .... ,..., " .'" " imhhh-iii. hero w a Krwtt tiwti in rrtiutonc. mul, A . , ' - ''" "" "' 1 'P th " ''. lie dona not toll you that nil ndvcirtUing pyp, for thoro isadvititisiiiK that doct not jay. i Probably more thnu half tlii fjiacu uiiwl in tho paporu or on thu hlllboanls or in uireularu paya litllo or no retuinH. dVobahly there aro many millions bat 't evtry year because of improiwr or tn- wlno ndvortliliiR. Hut thnt tinea not tnnko nu MKiuncnt PKlnnt ndvortlsltiK. It merely shows thnt tho iivomku nd vert liter In not ni wiso or rt careful no ho should bo. Vhit Isnoedtdts utiuly ntul caro nml business udi:oniont to thnt ovory 0110 who ndvorllves nuiy ho euro ot KdtitiK tho lull worth of his money or como near uottliiK H tho returns ho diould hnvo (or hii expeiidlldro. Tho olio who nwktvt n study til whnt ho ex pects to do will got hotter mtultn thun 'lilt Willi vi 1111 iui.i iiiiumn miuui 1 . ,, ,,, , , , ,' knowing wlnit ho will 00 recolvitig In ; 1 1... 1 ..!...., ..I.. - ...I.I return. The wny to do tho bint Inci nes is tOHtudy cnrofully fir tho liot ro turns ntul lobosurothnt nory lino or inch of spneo lined is so curoliilly plnnid thnt tho remits will wivo prollt nnd mnkc the tunii (col thnt hii boil interests were conserved in the work. Bounded c3n a kock. 1 . I I lie I'HFhtn or tlir Ai'imin mllnua in .Ptv .Mniru, A traveler from New Mexico vni tell. , "hVtt "otiiitry. lug tho other ulglit of tliu vo:iiUth ot j "Von hive nil licnrtl tho mlvlrc nlmut , building on n rock, I Mupjiote." unlil lie. I " l,,l ,u umt Ml,-n vrrliil ' Pllt ,0 ",l l''r J'" Hlioiild vNlt tliu . Aroiun llKlltuis. Tliuir ptiehlo Is ttullt I "" ' nu'in rNIn :rk) fet from n cutu- j "I" n w' 'U1 Mro,rl'' I 'I'lirtl likll 11 tlltttt Lt..H nl...lit l.k.. i ti iinsiv( nii'i tii-wiii iiutt tlny nttiie to Inuil on the top of mich n hue rtH-k. It Ri'ins Hint they wito 1 . .... . . . . . . oru"'r, "H'niwi on nnoinor rocK. nnu on-day when they viro nil out work K aiotis i-mimu si Rreat rttliiaturiii ntul wlpwl off the iiinp tin only pnth lend nig up 10 uietr rocK etty. well, inert wh nothing for It hut to hunt up an- Diner rtci;, ntiti they toot: n lire Ioiiko of their prtwent location. "It' pk'turHHiie place when riuo p'H up there. The htJusori nio hullt of ailolM. mid one hits to gut out of iloort ... !. I ..I 10 Kfi tii.nir. iuii wt-. tnoy inivo n htildiT Up which they ellmh to U'ct into tilt' Mfoilll htory. They Iwyo way, of thoir own of l:lng. I hey KClnd thoir Hour In n ugh with htoui'M. They crltid llm wliwtt ns 11 woumn wnahwt clot lied unit W ll to dry on ,, .M hIiiiwI. Thnt purt of It mny look hltnph. mt I tell yOU It tnkt!t hOino Xl.lll to Kpreml It thin Imttor over n redhot nonpnton.. n ,, , , , ,. ,,,. ,' , , they do when iMkln;. hen It In iIoii... they take I10M of 0110 corner nml lift It off n one woulil n porous plaster. ! "Hut thoHo pcoplo nro wiKt iiiiiHter.t In the art of making pottery. They hnvo Int'ii nt It for yearn mid turn out aonm llMllfBy co,ort,(, waw Jww (0H.H mul mucIi tliliiL't. AtliMi.tln.r tli..v arn 11 '"'"'"I"" li;'". " ' '' i , l well worth tho cllmh up to thlr ; rooky linmu if mu linppi'iia to Ik In , that part -or tho country. .v York ; Tribune. , CONSENT EASILY WON. Tin- Hentoii a I.I I lie . I r I Aurct'il tn n I'ltliiful Oii-rnllon. ! 1 'J'Ih.to Is 0110 little ulrl In WnaliliiL'lon 1 who rocviitly kusu her purent nu ta hlhltloii of htr iiuturo for whlcli they wore totally unprepared. Tlu child wmh erjH t-ywl, mid Iht rilllletlon wna 11 iMiuri'v of extreme iiiiiioymieo to horHulf uml family. An wiillst wiih coiiMtiltfd, who mlvlhi.tl an opt.Tjitlon to remedy 1110 tierect, arm no it wiih (iwidi-d tn tnko the llltlo one to u hoHpltnl In Ilnl llmoro. Tho ntmoHt hecreey wait oh Horvwl In fho mnttor. JIIhh Annie hail . ... . .. .... onco made 11 gnmt Fukh iihout having n " . . i . ,,,v,,,'1 t00l( .,Hiw ,in,i of c01rh0i t WIIH tt) ho oxpectitl thnt who would enter hitI. "" ohM'tloiiM to mi operation on her ey(lil UHyH J(, vnHIilnKton I'ont. Kho whh lakon to ISnItlmoro nndi-r Iho linpnIon that hIio wuk koIiij; oil fl n,fWMUri' trln with hor father nnd ..'., ,,. .' , ........ - i - iiier. ih-h uiey umvt-ii 111 mo iiov pnai, tho mother took her tlnuKhtor In .. 1 ..1 .. ... .... .1. r nip nun ntirvoimiy nioiiciieti 1110 rt'iil objiiet of tho trip. Hho net forth ' In nil ItH triple honor tin einluii'iiiNH ' '.'. ifiniil u-liicli lu tin. I(.l i.f I In. i.r.i.u ..v ,1 ' " I""'i htallllj tllllt till tt'OUlllO WOllllli J. nifieuM, iu h!i kiow older. ' j' "VllW Allllll." ylll. klltll ftllfllll' "llT. J. "nvo hroiiKht you over hero to Imvo - - -, , Jt ... . your oy- itruix'.iU'l.wl., IL won't hurl jwinuuii. uouhiii 13011 u u imvu x your ;)- llki otitiir nvopuHr1 ' 3. itoiitiHr . n'oulti." fXfhilmi.il ' T iliiiicnl of the oth- "j on Juit hot I w Annie, to tho iiatonli.li oi'H. "Vow cull-xo ulifutl mul do liny thliiK you want, mid I don't euro how much It litirtH. I'm Juvt nldt mid lircil of having a puck of coloieil Imyit uplt Into their ImtH anil ci'ohm their llnfc'fri uvi-ry tliuo they meet me." 'i'ho openitimi wiih pirforincil forth with, nnd tho yuunj; lail.v litis iih uod a pair or i-yi'8 iih itiiyhody In Wutihliis; ton. 1 "' TIM 1)1311 LAND, AOT.IUN'H . 1H7H.-- NOTlCr. KOU I'Ulll.K'ATION. United SUtcj I.aiul Ullkc, KoictiiirR, Oienii Inn. 5, lyoj. Notice It lirrvliy j; Ivor that In t-oiiiill.iiii'ti with llitt prut Mont of ilin net uf CAiiiipeM nf Jono j, 1II7U, rntiilnl "An net fur tlw i.tlo of jnim J. 11170, r lllliril "(Ml Ct ur 110 l.tlll Ol Mill.... W...I..I... Ill.l.. id. in .. ilnibvi Limit Iii tho Mmm ot CnllfurnU. Ou- Vt . luii wipmi "' A l" J ''.'J!',"' K gort. Nevadit, oml W.ulmujion 'IVtrtliirv," ,MAIlrJMI Mhlil), j j OHKUON, fttulri to all the Public Uml Sfitou hy lati . of Aukum .1. iOoj. WILLIAM Acl'ADVI'.N of M.uilitWM, county of (001, tttto ot Or Knit, I1.1t 1I1U diy liliil In ttils olflce lilt MMtn U.ttrniciit No ,:f, for tint hikIihh' el llio SoiiUmm ipMrttr, of Section No. .( in Inuntlilp No j? S. lui'i; Nu it Vri, hikI will iilti-r puxif in luiv Hut Ilia land touiilit it mom Mliutilw lur 111 iin.U'r 01 t t f ili.tn for iiKilcullnml iii(H)irM, uiul In r litlilith III, il.iliu o .,inl l.inil ln-loii W. t'. Delimit, V S 1 itiiiinittlonrr for (irt;ii nt .t.lfllfl 111 f lfl..ll 111! tjl.ll.ll ll... ..l ll..' ... -. -........,, .... " " 01 .lmil, lyoi Hf iiiiiiiMM wIiupm W II .tA)i'in, nf Mr.Mhhkl i.ir.. I' It l',i)Uir, K Wtntky. I.w .-.iv.rj , ,11 tnirvnrn, vi, Any .mil nil kihkh k.Uliiitni' i'hffrlv it o tiiY .IfMiilxM Miitlt Hie niiimltit 10 li'i tlH-inUim. in ililt ii 1 iun or IxIik- mul ji 1, il.iy of MaicIi, lytu 1 10 . I'. Ukiikii.i, Urgutcr. TINHKIt LAND AIT JUNK II, 187H, NoiicK i-uit puiii.icatkiN. I'ultul Mnloi. I.mul Otliiu. - llurohiirit On;gon Jmii. ll)-llio:i Niitlt'ti in heii'hv given thnt in tnin pli.ituo with tln 1 r v 1 r 1 1 . n of tho not of I'migrcrH of Juno II, 1ST", Dlltltltll "An act for the mix nl tiiiiii-r InmU in tli Mntuiiof Ciilifiiiinn O'tvuiii Novnilii, nml Wunhliitftnii rn'ruory ," nHoxti'iulfd 10 nil Iho Public l.itud .stntci by net of Aiigiut-I. I.Sti'J ltKIIAKD .1. rOKK, of Marshtlold, (-oiiiity of Cikih, filnto of Ott'gim, Iiiia (IiIk ilny'llifil In 1I1 in ollli'ii ins nworn nlitti'iiiniil No II'hI. (or tin' littclinno of tlm Lot H 4111I Kl '.' ol SKI I iiilon T nml NWI-l nl HWI-I til S-f tun No. 'Jti In TuwiiKlnp No. 'J I S, lliuigti No. II , uml will If.-r t f In enow nun urn initii Minulit is iuor. ...... . . 1 v.kliinhlu for Ur tiiiilmr nr kIiiiiu tlimi f.r Hi'iU'tilliirnl puipii mul to oMnhili imtlAiiii to mul littiil lieloro W . U. Doiiului. I'. H. t'oiiiiiiUriuiier (or Oregon t .Murrlitieltl Otegnii. m .Miiudny, lh .HiMiilnyol .Mtirrli, 11KJ,1 Ilti nntnrH nit witi.t'Srea: A A Ander- Mm, AlluKit' ' Or . h A Kelly, .Murult- tleld.Or, 1-f.il Niiflh,. Allt-gnny, Or. Mine Noiili, Miirlilielil, 0'. Any and nil ifiiH,iii. riit'iiilng udvorro- ,-...-..,..,...., r. .... v iv tiiti itintt-,iiHi'riniii inin h nro te- . .iipi,IimI to lilt their ilmm- in thin oil! i mi or licforo raid .'.Dili dit nl Mir, HkKI . 1-SI ' T. Hiiiim.m, HikIIit. I J! TISIKKK LAND, ACT.M'NK .1, 1978 .N'OTICK 1-Olt PUm.lt'ATION. ' V nitciJ Mile l-aitit OttK. Kmcburg. Oirpt, )n rj, 190J. 1 Nolle U Iwrrtiy lrn llil in iuiiilkin.i kiIIi Ihv r ititiont ol ilf A 1 wl 1 uti;fi nl ' 9 " " J Ue 3, IB8, mt ill ,1. ".n art lr Ihr m ol tjnitirf ami. m the MI, ol l iiio.i.u. Oirn NratlH r.l Wmiwion IrrritiKv.' nt rttint! ; l lull Hi-Pu he Ijml Mulet lif t tf Au. ml "VU.IAM K. SI fltlls. J of M.-.liM.t, Ciunty f CVm.mmm 1. luih .y i"itl n thtonca in, tunrn 'T.?' ' '"-';., If '" 1?H,C''?,M, "' ,.h.': ISSSS W. in 1 i,i ..rtrr pn-.f i m, ' ihi the Umi v,u,l " .ilullr foi US limtirr or l".n I14". tut 'l"'' wi-- tl w fM.,i.iri, hi rl.nm to ii l.imt brlntfi W. t I Kin,'. i-. ,. s. CwwNiMitKf for (j.on. t .lr.brHi.i: Oregon, un .tiiinl.iy, ih 11 il.ty of April. i,,, c " , itnm. I'ioil tuflrii. f 1. ' .ii.iiui, 1..1 V.UHC11, r. 1 i.uncii, mi ui Ai.inn 1.1 bli-'iton a) amlali An) ami all porton claiming '!vi ru-ly il , vc dnbl l.n.UHinruiM ird 1., i,' ,i,r.r cUimlni..m.ronof Mote ., ,, j.,y AJ'H. I&OJ. I JO . T. Iliii,t, KKiiti r. If wJory In fiitiii fiwly, rtlknllne hlootl hi tho rex.ilt. nnd wlnrv thin -- lalrf ihor eflit li iM-lihfi rlirumutl.ii). xout nor mrvou tfioafiHllon lo any ex tout. It Mboukl In fiiten profemhly vvi. tlfjusli U may h taken w If thoroughly luimtltMlHl, Tin- ll!ttifl Splir. Th cAthetlrul at llm. Wiii'ttctflhortf, )(MU4K,l th the woi M. I ! liltfheM I'htii't'li hplru hi j t in m. fest high. l.nnir i.Miiiiu't iiui'l. On acemitliiK 11 flHtllvngo lo 11 dHI - reeeutly u iiiuiilclpnl councilor nt Hon i.uo. In tlm Tyrol. tlio iiiiinoim hh tU K(.u,K,m. mid ttlnilnti il Hint ho ;: his opponent nhinihl lir nt cttolt npIKXie c...'.- friiiu two iiiountnlii tojw thrco 1 llllU'K WplU't. I ArlUlilnl Ton. ..M.rc.,1 .,, i. .imde u, inisiw . lil' c,r ifiji with U-n tltist nnd rolleu by in" tl: r . t.i:'h into iH-lli-tn rttit'tuhlliu; ': t !. - - - .MMl.j.Af.f;Mi.v.....j.,j,vi.r, THE BON BUM Sengstacken's .Pharrnacy Marshficld, 3-i tfH" 1 ! W'S' f v r'.-:H"J-H,i .vorosofonar Olirdo. ' .a. H. Walter, D. D. S. DKNTAI.HUIK1ICUN AND MICUIIAN- lUAl. IMJNTIHT, Dibble & William? COOH IIAV ItMAl. KSTATK Marshfiold, Oregon : . t R E. StTtiw, M. D. V I'MYHICI N ANII HUIU.KON. SpiMilul nttoiitlini liutlMeiiHori of the ICyo Kur, Nihhi 1. ml Thiont. (IIuhhi'M lilted. Office in .Seiifstituheu x Sniith Jiuililiui',. A. G. Gross, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANDHUIUIKON. fltllrc. Niixliiirg Htilldlng, Pliono i:.'l MAHHIIKIKI.. : OHKUON W. TJ. Douslna, A'fTOUNKY AT I..WV AND U. H. ft M MISSION Kit. In nl tlirri, M.tiMitil, Urruon. S.A. D. Eaton, -I.AWYKU- Wlll prncticti In all court. KM PI UK CITY 0UKC10N J. W. Bonnott, ATIOIINKY ANu COt'NSKI.OH AT LAW. .t.l.SIII'IKI.U OltK John F. Ball, A'l'ltlltN'lilV AT LAW. Of1ic in I l(,,mitu lt'o.W, Ftunl sirrt ,f j.-tl6nW. fron JJ. .St., M AKSIII I KM), ORIS - - 'C F. McKnight. - A'l'IO CNKY AT LAW Ofiice in th: lu'iiui.'1 it Wvltcr liiiiUHtiy. JiAItSllFII'.LI), OltKOON Wold Sl Daniels KNtllNKhlts hihI M'ltVKYOKH .Map work a ejurlnUy. Phoiio. I'll .Mitrrhflrld, : : Onrgun fit ,oa liuill IJKt..tO Imhuiviijco F; stand (..QmmOdlQUS Steamship Hl-l-lrlpH m - - - - 'UARnU'lPI iVIncfni " " VV J U I , I VI aStG I . ilakf rs,'iilr trip- lntwcii .Sun IVatt- Citooniiil I'li'tUnil viit Iliiinholdt ami Uonn M.iv.cHlMitg nt UIHjVII plirtH UMCll wny. I ' i'I'"" AI.I.IANCK in u llrt-eliiHc panieu- 1 ..i..i.ii . ' 'ur "" ",,u "' UM ""' inmi I rn unveiiifinij,niid in mm j nlhin,!.'"""''' For .'riilnht mid piin'oiifor rntos or rnil JUjdntiiH, npply to ; C. H. MERCHANT, Agt ' ta MAHHIiriKI.t), : OUKCSO.N J-;-rH-!!"fr';-H'f'S-H--t-.v t I npiirM-rcnni tartar nml hlcnrhnn'ttii of pmlit, ruml fl.tioriiii; i xirnciH mul HilultnrAt' pplcnH ni if-piiihlblti for uiany it fuilure in pimtry iiinl. n. 'I hi thiutiH aroilniH mid tlm Hiif.': way to buy ihctii nf ii druirkiit who will ejinrmiifti tiroliite purity ami ri'iinlillilv '. j Wo pruimro our'.owii. flavoring oxtrncls, Our Vamliit im iiimU fioiu tho Kt" nn.it M-xmu V.t iiilla llwan. M-wt of tliu an nailed Vttiiill t eon iiiinH no 'aiiiln ui all wiitiH I. hiiuIh (k hi coil hir and inn it Tonka hoitii cxlraci. I'Iiiuc'h ""iKUny In thi ua of our f.ivir tM-ciunto thoy uo iihout twiuu uk fur mt thu ordinary hind, ; Oregon vH M-r v-4-5- v-fr-W - H-H--Mi (0 JUSaggTgt---"yfV'-v' w t