' 1 J ft VOL XXII, MARSHFIELD. COOS COUNTY, ORtGON Feb. 7. 1903. NO. 6 a 09 r f ' ' csv g? F&K ' ' 5 6fWi$- MA i UlfJV AfTfJi 7vr-.. c Era JT J3.-T It. JL JA- I nju ) CLOCK-FARCE Senatoriia Situation Unchanged Adj iournment Taken Till Monday Sftlum 1'oh 0 TIji rotnlt of today 'a ballot wns the amu a that of ycstordny Not cvan n voto wni olmPKiwl on taking tliu Joint Imllot t iiofli) to ilny. Nothing '"t of tho uttul onlor happen onud to enliven tho clockllko prucwdluK nml tho niiriounrumniil tout ImMi Houmj rill ml o urn until Monday vr HI provo welcutnu nnwa to thowt uto Imvo Iwan obliged to attain! thueu uuuvunifiil ica tlom. It it n tafu rnillvtlcn thbl a tiny off to morrow will bo approclnted by tho I jcc tatora who will ko homo niid wait for ncniftliliiK- llttlo inoio intcrctting ut week, Tcduy'a ballot was: v.oolc. Todays ballot resulted: l'u I ton litur Wood MIIIh Scattering A Incut 34 10 17 13 NEW SUPERINTENDENT FOR PENITENTIARY fialom, Or., Fob. O-Kiivuruor Chitiu- riorlaiu this afternoon appointed Charles W. Jiuiu'n, of Itukur City, supurintoud- out of tho state penitentiary, to succeed J. I). Leo whoso tonu expired March 31st. M JiiuiUH wnn formerly county record or oi linkur County COMPROMISE TO' BE MADE IndiaL'opolin, Fpli fl Tho Whro coij fornnco in nculii in nursion nnd tho law lief hi provnlout Hint a comproinlto will bo nffectod. THE (SUB RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Puro 7HERE1S NO SUBSTITUTE i SHERIFF SHOT TO DEATH Lane County Officer the Victim Of a Murderous Horse Thief . . Euucno, Fob 0 News reached Eujjono early till moinlna tlmt Hhorlff Withers wan iliot nml family wounded last oven ing, 20 miles west of here, by HlliLyons whom ho was trying to nrrust for horeu etenllntj In Jackon county. Tlio ball oiitorud tlio aherlffi throat and lodyiil In I th spinnl colum. Tlio whole body wr.n i pnrnlizcd. I'hyfcicians luft thl morn ing fut tho icitio. Tho body will bo brought hero toni;lit, Sheriff Wllheri untured Lyons' houeo nml wo a hold br J.vnnt tnothor nml wife while tho hhot una flrod with a winches tor. Lyons escaped with n poesa nftor liiut. Lyons not forrnor deputy sheriff, Ho liar, cinco going out cf otllco, been In tho penitentiary for embnullng-echool funds, Tho man- who did tho killing wbi ll(;ht comploxintied, light hair.promincut llpj, weight 101 pounds, ft foot 0 inches tall. Tho county oflcrs n rownrd of f Ct0. Buy It Now Do not wait until you nro tick nigh uutodniith, and thou tend forChntn r. Iain's Colic, Chnlitni nml Uinrrloat ltoinody, but buy it now iiiul ba pn ur d for no eiucrceiicy. It in thoonn loin idy Hint can nlwnyh bo di'pcinlod upon in tho tnoft Mivoro nml dmiKcrotu catce. 1'orealoby J no. I'lcuir. The town of Gold Hill is darkness. Tlio light plant was destroyed by tho rcce.it Hoods. Tho .'enow is 0 fcot dcop botwecn Mound and Crow west of KiiKono, A rabbit drivo took placo yosterdny ami .will continue today nt Hlock Is land in tho Columbia river, Tho snow is roportod 8 feet dcop in Coast Itnugo in Tillamook county. Tendency of the Times Tho tendency of mcdicnl eoloncn is toward provontivo munsures. Tho boit thuuiiht of tho world in IjoIdk lvun to tho nubjoct, It ia imalor nml lioltr to provent than to euro. It hna boun fully domoiiEtrnted tlmt put-umonin, ouo of tho mott duiiKorouii diaensos that uiedi cnl mon havo to contend with, cnu bo provontod by tho ufo of Choinboiiaiu'a Couuh Ueuiidy. l'ueuuiouin nlwnyu rosultn from n cold or nn attack of influ. onzn (Krip), and it hna been obseavod tlmt this romedy countornots nuy ton doncy of thi'Fo dieenses toward pnou inonjn, Tills line .uo fully proven in tunny thoumuid of catiiiu in which this remedy tins been used during tho ttrent j jirovulnnco of colds mid grip in recont, yonrs, nnd cun bo relied upon withlm-, pilclt continence, i'neunionlii otton re sults from n flUnht cold when tio dauber is iipprulionuoil until It ia suddenly dis covorcd tlmt there in fover nml iidilllcul ty in brcntliinK and pains in tlio chest, (lion it is nnmninctd tlmt tho imtiont1 linn Dtioumoiiin. Ho on tho pnfo sido und tnkoOhnmborlniu'H Couuh Uemcdy always curee. For salo by Jno. TreuBs. i nn nnnn nn tint nnlil a init runlnil. If. HUME HOT F0I1 FULTON AS WAS EXPECTED Upon tho qrrlvul ol Itopretcnlbtivt Huiriu much IntorU't win centiirud in him nnd ull tpoculntion unto how bo would voto for Kenator wua ButtliHl, when lio cimt hie voto for JIarrie, Speak or of tho IIouh!. Hu hnd been counted by tho Fulton forces by Fulton's friends but in coiiTcrtltiif. with roportorit, llutno said: "I don't liko tho company in Trhlch you nuwnpnper tnuu nnd others Imvo bcon placing inc." It wn nftor ho had been sworn in by Hecrnlnry oi Htnto IJuubnr that he mado thin (tntouidut, the naturoof which was n coinpli'to eurprlno to nil, for Humu hnd liren ilnliiHil by tho -Fulton force and, potclbly bfcnuto of his nbeonco, hnd lx en conceded to them. "I gnesi you hr.vo bcon- Itntening to lomu ono'c tnll:," continued .Mr. Humo. "Hu; tho report that I would voto for Fulton wna promnturo. I don't caro to b placed In that company ; Ihnvo conio nil tho way from San Francisco with a wound in my olilo to help elect n Sena tor. Wo need a young, vigorous tnnu for that pIucb; one wlthr. yood, strong stomach, ro hu can stand 'JO years r.t Wnchington. Ily tho end of thut timo ho would bo in a position to accomplish rorno Rood for tho fctate." And when his uamo wn e called on joint ballpt, Humo yoted for I-nwreuce T, Ilnrrir?. aprakar of tho House. - - -4Vv OFFICIAL ROSTER OF NARSH FIELD'S FIRE COMPANIES' At tho Inst meeting of tho' town board tho report of tho tiro department ehow- oJ tho following members of tho flro department in gooi standing. All others hnve bcon dropped from tho rolls. The list isns follows: Momlara of tho MarahQcld Flro De partment. Hook & Ladder Co. No. I, KLCFnrrin, OFMcKnlght, A E Kruso, J W Flanagan, HHBiiiith, It 0 Conies Jr. Jns Hutchoeon, F A Sncchi, Frank Ilaguo, J W Quick. 0 U Golden, Jno Kronholm, W E DuiiKan, E K Straw, ' L K Nichols, K Cole, E H Colgan, Julius Kruse, IIoso Company No, 1, C E Nicholson, J T, Hull, W N Elckwortli, Ooo Forrey, A Ii Cnmpboll, Wm Nneburg, A Abbott, 0 8chottor, Cnrt Albrecht, 11 0 Wright, M Irolnud, ' Jns Ferroy ' Jr, AV S Donning, ' ' ' K Ferroy, t . rt v. Knulnp Company No. 1.- Jab WntHon, F N-w, 0 A W&l'.xrii, V l lJW, A HU'nunii, J biiia,df, W AJT,, J WTtMdtto, Jlciiljott Niiftnlou, Auiut i'Hilcy, ChABt.tiff, L U'linbnrthoni C LVJnilUi, RobjJt'w Kwanton, V J Pratt, J W ClmpMiu, Geo I' Wtnclicitor, Oco Afro, llotfj'Cdtntmuy No, 2,- Frank Dmudiu', J HouiiiIh, J Horron, WraW, ViiiJIriliiiid. L jjuuziy, II fibort, A tJeiiBtacknn, II iliirwlu;i, E tt'olrtt H Matron, 'X . . Claif Noblo. -o- BIG SCHOONER GONE ASHORE Vlriynrd Haven, Masr. Feb 6 Tho ovei masted schooner Thomas W. Law- son, oat laUen, is asuora note. At temp i are being mado to rcicuo the creir.jf Ilnndon 'Rerordor On Wedneedar tliero were three rchoonurs IyinR- at tho twnaon wtiari each Having throe tnajts. llila U tho tint timo In the history of ttio placo i .ml tlio llko tins occureu, OPEN SEASON EXTENDED Pn at headquarters, and ia not to tako TO MARCH FIRSTisagrrdThVtno more-trains will Word wns received by tolephono yes- j be sent out short-handed. If, tho men tcrday.from tho Coquillo that the pow-j me called ont for less than a half-day,. er.s that bo at Salem had granted an authority to extend tho open fishing season to March 1st. This is in response to potitiona recently cent out asking that Ccoa Hay and tho Coquillo river be placed on tho eauio footing as Rogue rivor, tho Umpqua and other streams of' wio nimu, vuioru usiiiug is pcrmiticujH until March 1st, whilo Coos Bay nnd Co quillo fishermen havo boeu choked off on Feb. 1st. It is understood that the law will be amended nt this soision, and in the moan timo Its operation will bo suspend ed to permit of taking steelheadsfor the rostof this month. Tbis-will mako Quito a dlfforence tn the harvest of frozen stoelheads which will go to mako up tho cargo of thoEliliu Tborupeoi), and in the amount of monoy which will como to our fishermen ftom this new extension of tho fishing indus try. EARLY SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE PROBABLE It teema likely that the strike of trainmen on the railroad will bo sottlod with but little more delay. The boys havo submitted to Manosor Ohandlor a lettor outlining tho terma on which thoy nro willing to return to work, nud the Mail hopoa to bo ablo to chrouicle iu its noxt.wsuo tho adjustment of all dlffor eucos and tho resumption of operations, Tho blockado of trafllo which was brought abput by tho freshet and Ib pop potuotod by tho .striko, is causing not, only tout inconvnrjionco but much linen ulftl loe. r)0pln now hnvu a. ebuueo to ', nmlmiof bow mnch bsm-fit this little railroad really U to tho comtuunity, ut.d tlioy will appreciate thuurcnIcinj(of tho blockatlo at thu enrltool possible mo merit. The Delayed Mail Tho second Iwtch of mail since Sun 'dajr urrlvod yosterdny noon. Thero was nbont 800 poandjof it. A largn nmount) instill fofcclc. vff may depend that tho contrcctor on this end will rushjtj throti(th as fast h ft is brought ovr the mountain, if ihero is stock ononh nlong tho road to do It. At tho came time, tre f-hnuld not let our BatUfactiou at get-' tlrij; tho rnnil at lntt prevent nncffuc- tivo ror p.bout tho delay. 8omo ono wns to blarno anJ if hu h allowed to rfet off easily we may expect a repeti tion of the'porformanco v.heu;vor it units hWcnuvenionco. r ; Convict while Located i Sheriff J. II! Rots, ol Llucoln county, J located tho efcaped convict, White, on . Altea Imy. Tho me'n cncnp.ed in a fubi- t indoof shots on the beach nearWnldport. tl o convict finally ercaping through the undergrowth. Neither of tho men was wounded, although the eberiff tontbul- lota tlirough tho convict's coat tail. Tho last tiaco of White showed whero bo ; had croteod Alsca bay, nnd started cast niong tno weaver creek rond. Strike Settled As forecast in tho Mail yctlerday, the strlkoof trainmin hsuj-bcan. practically eottlcd. n train crew of firo men. nil ntd t t. .i .... , """" lwt oul n "B,n Jesruay. u t ; understood tuat .ilaunger Chandler has granted tho requests of tho men, except that thu raise of G cents an hour in wa ges all around will have to be passed It will bo counted as half a day. ulnMMKUlIOiaMMarajlinK3KKSIlIIBail4HHBIll.E 8' SHOE TALK I s N buying shoes DON'T 4.00 shoo at a Btoro whore 0 to $8 shoes aro Eold you do jp$ plucked nearly every time. : : : : Satisfactory nhocs for Winter shooa that ploase tho people shoes in which the shapo will hold won't S Wff,Tiy "equaBtf" out, or'eljj in n llttlo while wm Shoes that hold out because they'ro rights built not a skimp any where, ineido or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoe. : : : 1 Must lin rlnlif. nr 8 WALK OVER 8 SHOE couldn't everlastingly preach Money-Back Shooj-ood wear or a new pair. ::::; Why pay $5 and $d for let-well-enough-alone shoes Tom, Dick nnd Harry makeB that havo been foisted on long sufloring public with scarcely a change-rin quality j y ad $4.00 nor in shape for tho laBt ton years. noverleu MAGNES & OUTFITTERS & BORN WELLS In Marshfiflld, Fob. A, .to tli wife of I). Wells, n tlauvrlitsr. IIUBJJAItD At North .Ucnd, Or. Jai, SO, to tho wife of Uha?.' Hubbitrd con. I'lIOMAS At Ferndnle, Jr.n. 31, t thi wifo of T. Tliom, a on, CATCHING At Sumuer Or..I'b. C JUJJ to inn who oi J. w. usvcDing m eleven poand ton. DIED 1 BEATTIE Athiilmmoon north Coo river, Feb. Gill, 1003, William L'caltb' aged 75 years, mouths and 'Jl day. ' WilliamDuattytwaa lorn at Newcaath, Eaglnnd, Sept. 14, 1820. Ho cstno t-. America when about 18 years of age an lived first in Pennsylvania, oftcrwcid n aiding in different parts of tbecountrj In I860 he came to California nnd en gased in goldminini:, In 1605 hu mad' a trip back to ths British Isles, &t.J wit married in Scotland to Miss 3Iarg:e Crar.ford, who earvivcs'hlm. Dcctcst canio to tho Bay uboht 1S71, and fi nbeut 25 yoars lout passed he hna retld cd on his farm on North Coos river. 0 Into tho Infirmities of ego havo groni upon him, and his hut sickness wa of about 3 weeka duration. Besides tin widow three daughters nud two em survive: Mrs. R. A. Church, William and John Beattio, oi Coos river, Mn Kate and Nettie Bcattie, of San Fran cises. The funeral will take placo todcy services being conducted by Rev. F. G Strange at tho grave in I. 0.0. F. come tary, the' remained being brooghti'dowi on tho Alert, which will mike a special trip. Real Estate Transfers 0 II Merchant & wf to F P Norton lot 1 2 3 and i hlk 39 railroad add ilarahfield lots 3 andO blk'B Weftern add Marehflold $575. Wm Jenkins to Mand Q Smith lote 1 and 2, block S Myrtlo Point Or. fSOO.' C. II. Merchant and wf to Peter Scott 4 acres in South Marshfiold. $1000. got plucKed. If you buy a $3.50 or M in tho shank, or got shabby-looking 1 nrnnfnn mlililln nnnn.I , MATSON FURNISHERS 1 M. m