Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 31, 1903, Image 7

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- J.
From Tuooilny'o Dully.
Tlio tr, llliutco wnn buiiehotl nonr tliu
onnnory ycMoulny for ropnlro to Itor
Tho IiIkIi hnnk line): ol Amtorrnii'ri
bnrn mas nof toiiixT it j by tlio liifAvy mill
(nil to bucIi nn enlunt tlint Heaved down
iiiltu t'x'.utivlvnly.
'Vim Blomnioriiinn'ii, Hchnfor itiul Nrmli
IokuIiik cnuips nbovo Alti'KMiy linvu been
oblluuil to t hut down, im tlio freshet linu
torn up tlio rond mid shut off tliolr imp
piles, The Rainfall
During tlio 2 1 bourn of . inn.. 2ltli tliu
rnln kku nt thodopot showed n pro
ftpttntliMi of I.HUlnohco. Tim full dur
Inn tlio Init revoii dnyewnti 10 I 2 Inchon.
Wo nro Indebted to Thus, Coko, wenth
cr cli-ik nt tlio depot, for these flares.
Bad Slide
Tlio alldu illicit took plavo on Uiu lilll
Saturday t'VculnK vim 'I'1"" a sciiouo
affair, mid ueildi'M tlio rnrryliiK awry of
tlio bridge nml bulk lifittl leave- the
Mark ruslJonce, oivupled liy W. h
Uliattdltir, In rntliur it procnrlotiB tilun
tlon. Tim IiiIiIko, linlkliund nnd iniiny
torn of r-otl were L'ltrrltd down tho Killed
to tliu lUttV) y.trdn lHo.v, whero Urn
hers nnd dirt ll liioxtrlrnbly mixed,
bliould nilicli morn of tlio hnnk ulldu
do ill It wotlld undermino tlio Mail;
houiu, Imt from tlio lay of Urn (round
tuore dooa not seem to be much dutiucr.
10 Iouk 8 tlio wnter linu free vent,
A bold hold-up In n-ported to !iao
Uken plica on tlio outkliti of town yes
tcrday mqrnlliR. R. June, who cooki
Ht tlio tUvo mill, wns Kul.'iu' down to 'i.o
work nbout 5:30 p in. A nhort illstnnio
below "tlio (kjIiiI" ho catno upon a limn
ilttliiK on tlio rnllintf of tint walk, Tliu
fellow spoko to Mr. Jonur, then produr
cd a pistol, nnd iinnnunced thru ho watt
hungry npil dniprr.tio nnd mutt have
nioiioy, Ho famed Mr. Jnnui In boll
Up )ia hands whllu ho went throiiKh
lid hoc kuls. Ilu removal (.".70 from
irt Jonoi nnd tliun told him to walk on
Jpnca went on to his work nnd tlio foot
pad enmc tuvwud town. Tlio robbery
wns not tupoiUd ut once, nnd thure
seems to bo no clito to the ptrpitrator.
WINTER OF 1889-90
Heavy Damage to RailroadBridge
Reported Out at Myrtlo
Reports coming in yoiterday show
that tlio freshet tins been tlio highest
bIuco the winter of 18811-90.
Tlio tuuntost dnmnuo la ruported from
tho Coqulllo, nnd the O, II. H. & K. It.
It, A N. Co , hns undoulitedly Buffered
to tho amount of mnuy thousnndii of
dollnrs. It is reported hero on whnt
seems to ho nood nuthority thnt tho rtxil
rond brldpu uciobh tho north fork nt
Myrtlo Point was carried nwny, nnd thnt
othor.bridi.o3 between thnt point nnd
tho Junction wcro inoroor lies damned,
much trestle work nlno being lifted nnd
onto curried nu-y. Tho trnln uont out
juiterdny morning but did not cotns fnr
,'ai Couledo, At Uednr point tho wntei
was 7 feet deep on tho truck nl II p, in,
Hominy, when tho flood commenced to
K0 down. Two hU oUdoi uro reported
oiio nt tho McQuIm place mid ono nt
At CoitillIu City tho wter wna ovor
the floor of I.vona' mill but not nu liili
na In H'J.OO. No urent dninnto to other
property limn tho rnilrond hna been ro
potted from tho river. Tho Cednr point
bcom dooa not teem to havo suffered be
) ond tho cnrrjlnj,' nwny of tho theer
boom, Tlilu hna allowed ho mo loa to
go by, but tlioy will bo cnURht In tho
hopma below,
Krora Oona rlvor It wnB reported thnt
(ho norlli folk nt Allcnny wnn tip tHIi'
In two Inohwiof tho 1BH0 mnrlf, tho
ennt frrk beln much lilKuor tlmn tho
wont. Tho boom m Iho oant fork tMvo
wny hut tlio loci) Jntiitocil mill Bloppcd
rt0 ynnty bolow, '
'11io bouIIi fork wns not eo IiIkIi, luck
ttiK nbout a feet of Iho I8D0 mnrk, On
both forkB coiitldernblo dninnKO wokiIoiio
by tho r.irrylnj: iiwny of fuiinm nnd loiljf
liiKof drift In tho flehlB. Ivy CJondron
Inn honvy mffererfrom tho lnttur catimi;
itho Hleviin Itoufiit. All tho fnrniB huvo
recolvtil a ilupoiil ,of tnllment, which
will omirn tbunnKi for tills minion, thouuh
It In n benefit in tho mid, bolnu n prnctl
lul renew ln of the ftoll.
Tlio wnter wn fnllfn In nil Btrtnrne
yiialnrdity. nnd tho rouonnl of the rain
will probably not brine thorn up to tho
hlKliOit rliKi nn It bus turned colder
it ml in diowltiK In tho mountnliK.
County Court Proceedings
Petition for nu npproprlntlou for cut
ting briiah on county road between Pnlr
view ii ml Dorn, conllnuod for tho term.
Petition for relocation of ft portion of
tho Kmplre-llniidnn rood nllowed, nnd
f. I) Kmltli, .Inmon Cnwnn nnd I) .Mutten
nppulntid vluworn mid H U Cathcnrt,
nurveyor, nnd tl.itt tlioy meot nt Joe Nny
Slouch biidi:o on Fob. in, KXKi nl 10
o'clock it. in.
Pltltlon for location of n rotinly road
between John A Ithodo hind to n, low
Knpon tho Hermann Kstnto In Kec. fi
twp .10, ratiRO 12, allowed, nnd I T Week
ly, J 1) Hnrhlow nnd K Davenport ap
pointed leiern nnd H H Cathcnrt, sur
veyor, nnd thnt they meot nt hotieo of
Mrs. W V Hcrmnnn. Feb. UO, 11)03 nt 10
o'clock n. m.
Ordered thnt t"nu following bills bo
It II Hny, Inbor r d 10 0 CO
John Wftltoruioic, Inbor r d 16 'Jl 00
K A Hnwey, labor rd 10 17 in
Str Kcho. frt on lumbor r d 2J 7 hO
1 Micholbrlnl:, keep forry
ncroB N Cooh rlvor for HK)2 25 00
C II Hunch, Inbor r d 10 "0 00
F I! Hunch, labor r d 10 33 00
J A Snetil. ImuUnn rd 111 2 00
Andrew Olion, Qal ni tupr r ii 1 21 71
0 K Tlnnrcn. unl n nunrrd 2 SO 00
C K MlCiiIIoiu, r.tl at f upr r d 2 ,80 73
J Itenr. ml na eupr r d i and
raeh paid out . tl"' 18
C Hodlnc, fiftl ns supr r d 0 nnd
work on Hie in creek road PJ'2 85
A Tyler (j, work" on Glenn creek
road l 00
J I.twHon, work on Glenn creek
rond 102 CO
BAnderenn, work on G'unn.
cretk rond 3.1 CO
A I.uuc,(iiiat, work on (il'ehn
creek rond "0 00
C Andereon, work on filenn
cretk road 82 00
J Henderson, work on Glenn
creek road 43 EO
J Olt, work on Glenn creek
rond 4 1 CO
J SchnporH, work on Glonn
creek rond i tO
Mr KOtt, cookliiK for hnndi
on Glonn creek rond 64 25
A Storn, 120 lba beef for crow
on Glenn creek rond 0 GO
A ltodluo, Inbor on Glenn creek
rond 32 23
K O'Oonnell, powder, otc for
Glenn creek rond 101 35
Cooa liny Orcnmcry, lbs butter
for crow on Glenn rond 22 SO
H HoiiKStnckoti, imp pi Ids for
crow on Glonn creel: road CO 05
7. T ThomnB, lal na dep BUpi-
r d tl G :iH
J W Cntchlntf, Bnlnaeuprrd 10 D 114
J Marker, enl na supr r d 11 40 03
K N Hurry, aal ua aupr r d 12 -111 77
T Tnlbot, enl na pupr r d l!l nnd
'12 to bo paid II Hanson C2 25
J (Unndy, enl na aupr r il 15 70 00
A Flamlure, mil ua pupr rd 10 100 20
W T Urady, sal na eupr r d 17 51 00
TS Kvernden, unl ub euprrilj'
18 00 63
W P Holninn, Hal na supr r A 10 2 25
Albort Sneed, enl na nupr r A 20 5U 25
H U'llllauiB, enl ua supr r
d 21 12 43
G W Wimor, sal ns eupr r d
- - ' II ..-U.
' fcmM,z
A jt jHUakes nliori, pads.
Kud light loads.
rood for everything
that runs on wheels.
, Sold Everywhere.
Mad lir HTARUAKD Oil. CO.
22 62 80
Goorco Mullon, na na supr r d
23 ' 200 42
HPHunt, aalns tnpr rd 2f fcO 25
A . Ilndubniicl), tnl ns aupr r d
27 Cl KO
U II Uo9n, lumber for r tl 10 12 00
Hitrrv Fluudera, 4 loadH wooU
for cli 5 00
A M -MoU1, V loads wood for
oh S CO
Coqulllo Wnter Co, 5 moi wa
ter forch 15 00
Cdxulllo Itlver Flee Co. 1 moa
l'j(l.tjforcli ODD
Wm Itlcb, eund for c h 0 05
J A I.nml) A Co. paint, eloyo
otc for c h. 32 25
Btr Favorite, 15 tons coal and
frt on luml cr 65 60
It K Knowltou, sund for c b and
Indluonti 8 15
(Td bo Continued)
From Vcdnenday's Dally.
It la reported that much stock was
drowned by the flood on tho Coqulllo.
I.. J. Elmprton'fl pilcdrivor hna hocn
taken over to tho crcamory, and is cn
KOKtA in putting in two dolphine, to re
pined ono carried awny by the fieehet.
Tho train rnn to Denver Hill jeiterdny,
(joint? throuRh wnter part of the way but
f.ndin,; tho track Intact.
An operation will bu porformoJ on
GuiMehl, of Coqulllo City, for appendi
citis today by Dr. Horefal, natislcd by
Dr, Gioss.
Dr. MtCormac eaya that not a log was
lost from hla cedar point boom during
tho freshet, nnd no material damnge wne
done to tliu boom,
T, II. Harry, of Empire, was In town
yesterdny. Ho reports that the fieihct
nud muddy water havo put a temporary
qulolus on tho ernb business.
(1. I.ovello catno over from Coqulllo
yesterday, niter making a etnrt on n
tour of Inspection to Fnirviow and Min
ard' mill nnd being turned back by tl.o
Rusty Mlko's Diary, Jnu. 28 1003
Somo advertising writora mo almost
humnn in their Belootidn pf tho proper
mediums, nnd other como very near be
ing foufliblo In tho preparation of copy,
Tho steamer Maudalny nrrlvcd in tho
bay yesterdny, Shu had been loading
lumber nt Crcecont city, but was driven
out of thoiu Sunday by the storm, with
only part of aoad. Cnpt, Datch'elor
then mado for this port and will com
ploto his load nt tho Portor mill.
Thos. Kiowson, proprietor of tho box
fnctbry nt Coqulllo City was.in town yes
terdny on hneluoes. Wo lenrn thnt Mr.
Kiowaou hda ordered tuoro mnchinery
from tho enst with which to incrcnee the
capacity pf hla plant. ,
TIiob Hollnnd la propnriug to build n
gaeolinu launch to bo tho fuatost boat on
tho bay, Sho will bo 48 feet in lonxth,
with 21 horeopower engine nnd designed
for n apeed of 14 milea nn hour. Mr
Holland thinks there nro plenty of tho
einnller nud slower lnuuohos on tho bny
mid tho call ie for some thing 'larger nnd
1 ,i . .4
rrirwzrm"- jw
W of W Entertainment
Coos Ilsy Circle; W.of W. enterlohicd
tholr friends try pltntntitly Monday
cvonlnr, ntcr IoJro. A burlccquo called
''Picking Chips" wna part of tho pro
gram nnd tnado quito n hit, and n tnl
Icntix of "Lincoln's Uirlbday" wnivtry
fine. Itifnshrntnlfl woro served nnd
dancing wnn eho indulged in. nnd all
present enjoyed themselves greatly.
Bridge Still There
Tho report that tho rnilrond bridge nt
Myrtle Point tit. d been carried nway by
tho freshet wns erroneous. Tho brldgo
whs damaged but fortunately waa not
carried out. In cny caeo the loss to the
railroad will bo great. Tlio water hnd
fallen 7 feet nt cednr point last evening
bringing it down to tho lovol of the track.
tuelty To Animals
Homo malicious boys who need nn ap
plication of n four-year-old club havo
boon nbuting raltlo nt Fast MarshOeld
" t
in nu Inhuman manner. With air-guns
and clubs they injnrcd a cow belonging
to Mre Junninga so bndly that It wns
tieccitnry to kill her, Thero Is n henry
penalty for crtieljy lo anin.rvls nnd some
examples should bosnnde.
Another transgression of law which
merits punishment is tho shooting of
ten gulls. On Sunday last parties wcro
ehootlng thffo harmless birds with 22
calibre rifles within tho city limits.
Tho prnctice would better be stopped at
Still Going up
MAitanrim Jnn 25 1,003,.
To tho Editor of Coast Mail.
Iu tho itom headed "Doubled his
Money" in your paper of tho 24th you
either omitted to state, or clee did not
know thnt tho same party that doubled
hia money offered elcved hundred dollars
for the same lot insldo of three hours
after he had doubled hia money, and
that I, tho present owner, .refused to
even consider the matter and have since
rcfuecd fourteen hundred dollar for the
tamo ltf.
Tuu Pntt.sr.N-rOw.sin.
The lot above roferrcd to is in North
United States to Jamca M Whitney n2
of eel lots 1 nud 2 s 20 t 21 r 12, 105 00
100 ncrer .
Henry Sengslackcn and wf to R E
Shine, Iota 2 3 4 and 5 s 0 t 2D r 13, 163
54-100 acres. $100.
Henry Songbtncken and wf to Robert
E Shlno 1 square ncro in e 27 1 25 r 13
Hnrry R Thorn to Wm H Wlgant 3
acres in a 0 1 29 r 12, $175.
Heirs of A C Housnrd to W R Davis
10 acres in s 11 I20r 13. $10.
Mnry Thom to Fred Bhunko w2 of bc4
se4 of le4 ne4 of bw4 s 4 t 29 r l'i. 000.
Fred Shunke to Amalio Shunk s2 of
rc4 s 14 1 29 r 12, 80 acres. (300.
John F Hall and w( to John Golden
2 of se4. te4 of ew4 a 5 nc4 of nw4 a 8
t 27 r 15 cc4 of ec4 u2 of rt4 s 2 of nc4
silt 25 r 11 lots 111 and 12, blk 5
Elliots ndd Coquille City. $5
G W White and wf to A K Birapaon 15
89 acres In a 3tltG7 1 13. 1500.
U S to Chna J-ovitt tic4 s 32 1 25 r 0-1 CO
J S Miller and wf to Chas II Barklow
ncres in s IT ttO r IS (450.
Martin Alcxson to Wm Wheeler 6
acres of lido land In a 1 1 28 r 13 (625.
State of Or to L J Simpson lota 4 and
12 a 0 t S3 r 12, 1403 acros $35,05.
L J Simpson and wf to Joel 0 Gullnrd
lot ID blk ID, lotO, blk 14, Norh Bond. f5.
8 A Moore to Martin A lex son tract in
original town of Coqulllo City. $3C0.
Heir a of David Wilcox to C F Dlllman
all tho intorobt of David Wilcox deed, In
any property belonging to E S Deau fc
Co. $23000.
Mary Ann "Wilcox to 0 F Dllman X
int in blka 0 7 80 10 11 12 13 and 14
E R Donn $: Co 'a 8econd add to Mnrfili
ileld X int in tldo lands fronting lot D
o 35 t 25 r 13, $10.
D Grant Real nud Knto Labrio and hus
to St of Or. ii2 of nc4 8 10sw4 of aw 4
13 t 28 r 13, 120 ncrea 01.
The Flat Salary Law
Ueprcsontatlvo Kny, of Marion, hns
introduced n bill to placo state officers
upon n flat salary. Tho bill allows:
To tho governor, $5000,
To tin tccrotary of stnte, fSOOO.
To tho Btato treasurer, $5000,
To the htlornoygcnnral, $15000.
To the chief justice, $4500.
To each two associate Juticep, $ 1000.
It is known also that a bill is to ho of
fered soon natninga salary tot (he super
intendent of public schools, nnd thero
has been presented by Senator Mulkoy a
constitutional amendment placing the
state printer upon a fint stlnry.
Figures havo been complltd showing
the expento of operating undor tho ex
isting system of paying minimum sal
aries named in the constitution, plus
fees and emoluments for rcrvlco upon
tho various boards that bavo been creat
ed by legislative enactment. These fig
ures indicate that tho several state ofllcea
havo cost:
For governor, salaries, $ 4,250
Annual npproyiationr, eyrccutivo
department 0,050
For superintendent of public
schools, salaries 2,500
Annunl appropriations 5,327
For Btato treasurer, salaries 5 312
Appropriations for clerkp. 2,000
For secretary of stnto, salaries 12,850
Fees, estimated per year from re
cords. 14,043
Appropriation (or clerical service 8,034
Fees turned over to treasurer 4,135
For stato printer, 1893-1899 53,104
For state printing, 1001-11)02 72,200
In these items appear many that must
bo allowed ander tho flat salary law,
such as clerk hire private secretary of
the governor and others. It is alleged,
howovor, that a saving or $50,000 can bo
offectcd by tho adoption of salaries for
all state officials over present expense.
Tho business men who fail to
nppreclnte ndrertJelng arc likely
to find themselves eo far behind
tho times that they .will never
catch up.
It U atirari better to ndrer
tlne a little to mueU tban
not unite enoaarti.
It la better to uso a little moro
tlmo tlmn la necessary In tho
consideration of Advertising nnd
tho preparation of advertise
ment than It is to be over so
llttlo careless about It Saginaw
(Mich.) Evening Ncvrs.
Wa advocato tateful prepa
ration of copy and frequent
change, the otUnar tho bet
Jr. V. JVi?L.SOAr, Maata.
Will iWlfclkc lUogulnr Trip.
Oregon Coal & Navigation Co.,
Propriotoss. ,
F.8.DOW, Agent, Marshfield, Oregou
B.O, CO. Agent, Em pire City, Oregon
In all It llffg tllATO
thoatd M tieasllftii.
Ely'g Cream Holm
th dlmtcd meuibrano,
1 1 enres tatarrh and drives
awiijr a cold la too head
Cream Balm It pIieM lefo th nostrils, spraada
ttrar the BiMBbrino and 1 ftbtortwd. Relief If la.
mediate and a car fa'.lowt. It Ii not dryln- doei
cot pf ndnco ir.texln;: Largo Blie, CO cento at Drue
tti or by mall ; Trial Site, 10 cents by mall.
Er.T 11KOTHKKS. M Warren BtreU Nevr 7cr.
Flanagan & Bennett
DIRECTORS: T. K.ghcri- .
dun, J. W. Uonnott; l'KES.:
mid. H. rianaKftti. VICE
PltES.: II. F. Williams,
Capital,, $50,000.
Colapsablc Pocket
Tho smallest Stcreosropo with tjm
Btroncfst optical effect. Richly finished
in different colors with rich gr 1 Hid
silver decorations (mountings). Includ
ing 20 V. F. Photogrnphs, Views of art
(genre). TRICE ONLY $100. ifowt
overy whero prepaid in lotter foi i.
FORREST BUIMHNo, Phlladolpbla
Thn most important improvement of
Iho ngo :n the art of penmantbip makes
tho pooreft writer n splendid penman in
n few weeks by tho uonf this ring.
Endorsed by prominent College Presi
dents at.d Board of Education in Eu
looonnd America. Sample tlozn ns-
'aorlcd tiz-is sent ot paid for $1.00, Bin-
Ke sample 2ic. wnen ontering a elngla
rintr, Btato whether for man, woman or
No. 119 3, Fourth St, Philadelphia
nii i j 1 1 IjI Sil Ijl
i "Ott Pi. Iij. t lij fliy-
EVERYDAY. : : :'
A Street, Marshfield, Ore,
Uver Honae t Salooa.
Eleven public houses in a vlllngo
which only eontsflns thirteen dwellings
Is n record which will bo hnrd to beat,'
says Pennon's Weekly, Such a vlllugo
Is to bo found In County Dcrry, Ire-'
land, tho only premises not licensed
belut the police barracks and a cream
cry. I fc
Greek and .Three.
The Greeks staked, their faith on No.
"3" the cr.telcs were consulted tbreq
times, tho tripod wua sacred to tho,
godti, nnd so forth.
Cotton Mather'a AVorlsa.
Dr. Cotton Mather, who died In Bos
ton In 1723, wns tho author of 382
works, tonio of them bclnj; of huge di
mensions. Tho moat bulky of his,
works contained soven largo folio vol;
umes. Ho died at tho ago of sixty-live.'
I'lR-a and Pineapple.
Pineapples nro so plentiful in Natal,
Africa, that It Is not considered worth
while to carry them to market. Many
of them nro thcreforo given to the pigs,
and from this food tho pork acquires a
delicious flavor.
The Chlnoae Chener.
Tho Chinese have n singular instru
ment called cheng, or mouth organ. It
Is a circular bundle of small reeds of
different lengths pierced with finger
holes at proper distances nud commu
nicating with a couimoa air chamber
beneath. Tho note, are producedbj
stopping tha JiolM MfliJtt'rflBroB,
,?Jt T-' "
' 3