Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 31, 1903, Image 6

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Coast Mail.
Prom Sunday'o Dally.
Geo I'obs was in town (rem Ills Catch
ing slough farm, minus hit moustaiho.
John Harding Jr. cold a couple of full
blood fox hound pups, .yesterday, to Fred
Ltlicnthal and F. 0. JJogan.
Tho Wall Bros, will open a legging
camp on tho Crccont Coal Co. property
on Isthmus slough.
D. Mcintosh is building a new barn
on his placo near the Coos Bay creamery,
which with the additions will bo 128
feet in length.
You choose your menu. We'll cook
it promptly and servo it as it should be
attractive and palatable and tho price
will bo as low as you can get It done
well any where.
Busty Mike's Diary Jan. 25, 1P03
1 he ease with which tomo freak ad
writers create copy is rivaled only by
tho way tho wised-up man who pa) a the
hills takes n fall out of said ad-writer.
Pugot Sound Lumberman Ucde Sam
kicks hard when a poor cuss is caught
stealing a few logs, but when whole
townships nro taken tho conditions aro
generally different.
Wm. Ward was up to Davis slongb
this week, looking over tho ground with
n visw to opening a logging camp in the
Vernon and Lobreo timber, for the
Simpson Lumber Co.
For a bad- tosto in tho mouth toko a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Price '5 cents. War
ranted to euro. For tale by John Freuss.
Bandon Recorder: A young son of
William Batoa who lives near Marshall
A Son' store, slipped an iron band
down over his head last Tuesday even
ing. Tho band slipped on very easily
but resisted all efforts of removal by the
tame roate and had to be cat off.
ProfesEora W. H. Bunch and R. W
Aircy of Ccquille City are in town
awaiting tho arrival of the steamer
Homer, to meet Charley Bunch, who is
roturuing from a Washington collpge,
having bceu obliged to give up his BtuJ
ios on accountof sickness.
Noah Bonebrako of Wasco was spend
ing eovoral days in Marshfleld this week
Mr. Bonobreak has not been in Coco
county for 25 years. There has ben
many changes in Marshfleld. Mr, B
will remaiu in tho county about a week
longoi then 1 o will return to his home.
' Evergreen Whist Club
Tho Evorgreen Whist club met with
Mrs. Milner and tho ladies enjoyed a
most pleasant afternoon, notwithstand
ing tho stormy weather. Mrs. Fried
borg making the largest tcore was award
ed tho 1st prize and Mrs. Will Merchant
recioved tho booby prize.
Lieu Script
' (Puget Bound Lumberman)
' And now1 comoth one or more who
bayo laid lloa script on1' what was fair
gOYBrnment timber land and because
their patents have not yet been issued!?)
and because the Septcrabor firea have
depreciated the value of said timber,
tboreforo Unclu Sam in his liberal ways
is petitioned to givo back the lieu ecript
and lot it bo laid on good green timber,
Oh, Lieu script, how much io done in
thy name!
i, "Tho nicest and ploasautcBt medicine
I havu-ueikl for irjdiiiestion andconetipa-
ion-.'lB Cbamhorlain'a Stomach and-
fl'Mtr TablotB," rtys Moldrd F. Craig, of
JtlhldlSarove. N. ?i "Th'iJy -fork like a
'cltarw'and do-Jiria ripo or have any un
ylweant effect," For sale bytfohn Preusft;
DoYi W
This is easier said than done, yet it
may bo ol sonic help to consider tho
matter. II tlio canso is something over
which you linvn no control it is obvious
that worrying will not help tlio matter
in tlio lean. On the other hand, il
within your control you have only to
act. hen ton have a eoUl ami fear an
attack of pneumonia, buy n lttU ct
wiiatnDoriAin s loumi iteincoy nun u;u
It judiciously ami all cauro lor worry
to the outcome will quickly disappear.
I There is no danger ol pneumonia when
it ta used. For sale by John rictus.
Whillier Club
Tho Marshfleld Whitticr Club, mot
Friday evontng at tho homo of Mls
Vivian Taylor. Tho club was organized
a week ago with tho following officers:
President, Jay Tower y ico "Ores., Miss
Lqttio Larson ; Sec, Mies Tossie Twom
bly; Treabiirer, U. A. P. Campbell . Th
club meets cvory alternate. Friday even
ing to study the life and works of Jolr
G. Whittier. This club conaisls of
Marshfibld's young peoplo who arojmH.
proving their literary tastes.
Bad Cave
The bridge on tho hill near W. S.
Chandlers residence caved down yeiter
day evening, taking tho sidewalk, '.ulk
hcad and part of the front yard i.f tho
Mark's place. The cwo was cruscd by
tho heavy rains soaking up tho ground.
Considerable damage is the result,
Maiehal Carter has put up barracads at
each ond of the break to prevent pro-
p,e ffom runn!BR nt0 Alg0 ,haB ,
terns Lung out to prevent accident.
Tho bulkhead has slid out and it will
take considerable labor to tepalro tho
The Fischer Company
The clerk of the weather certainly
had it in for the Fitchcr Company this
wtek for he has been keeping jeople
at home with a prcrcsiion of disagree'
able evenings, end Saturday afternoon
was so bad that the matinco was but
slimly attended, Last evening, however
the weather was bettor, and a good
turnout was the result. The company
go to the Coqnillo tomorrow, whore they
will play the towns of that part of the
county. Tho Mail bespeaks for them a
cordial reception.
Case of Small-pox.
On Friday eveninglleallh Officer Min
gus had his attention called to a case
at the Central hotel, which on investi
gation prbved to be emall-pox, of tho
same typo which has become so well
known and little dreaded within the
past few year.
The man was at ouco removed from
tho hotel to the Flitcroft residence,
where he has been isolated in a back
room where ho will bo well taken care
All precautions hav6 been end will be
taken to prevent tho spread of the dis
ease, wnlch, aituougu comparatively
harmless, is still to bo avoided. Ii"any
other cases developo from contact with
this one thoy will be looked out for, and
there is no occasion for any euch ec3re
as wo had last year.
HI Yu Chuck -".
Ihe eteady rain of the last few daye
haB resulted in a high freshet all over
the county.
Coos river is well up, and Capt. Ernst
reported from the Steven Rogers placo,
on the South fork, laet evening, that the
water was up under Mr. Rogers' house,
being higher than for four or five years
and within three feet of the big, freshet
about 10 years ago.
At Allegany yestorday morning the
river way away up. Tho log jam which
formed above that point on the tubsi-.
denco of the last freshet had been bro-
ken and more logs bad come out from,
tho. oast fork.
From Brewster valley it was reported
yesterday that tho water was very high
and risinu rapidly, and. from Fairvie'w
Wm. Bettys, who has lived there many
years, reported that the north fork of
theOjquillo was higher tlian' ho had
everetnU before. This" wouldindicate
a big flcod on the Coqulllo,
No daniago has yet boon reported to
thisafllco. It Is likely that tlio Initil
will be delayed by tho Hood in Hrowstcr
valley, but wo may bo cenlldont tl at
contractor Laird will not it through as
soon as possible.
From Tuesday's Dally,
Hort. Myers is engineer on tho Blanco.
Tho barometer was eslremoly low
Busty Mike.s Diary, Jan, 20 1903-A
disagreeable merchant can mnko a store
as unpleasant a: can a scolding wife n
n homo.
School Superintendaut Bunch visited
the Ktuplro City school yesterday, lie
vill go up Coos river today and will vis
it tho Danielscreek tchool tomorrow.
Tho Mail is also n sufferer from the
n36TT, ns one of our typj. setters is storm
bound at Coqulllo City, leaving us shoit
handed. Departures by llomer for San Francis
co Jan. "G. Mrs. Win Nasburg, Miss
Elsie Bennett, G 13 tampcon, John W.
Proctor, Mrs M K Walling, S VogUu,
J. M Hojori. J Sullivan.
Dislocated Her Shoulder
M.m 1.1 c..l.l.l ir-..
rs. Jnnnson boJerholm, ot rcrgus
4iii, .'tuiu, tun nuu uisiiA.t:ti iici.ihd 11101 ''i.', nn tinuinii iui uum
thouldcr. Sho had a surgeon got it , , , , ....., ...... ,.nll t,v ir
back in place ns toon as posiblP, but it fBta'nc character was talson by Aire.
wasquito eoro and pained her crvi Anton Ar.dorton who represented Si
much. Her son mentioned that ho had' ct, .. i.i (i,i, .,. ,.i,. -,.
un ChamberUln's Pain Balm advortie- bloc,,m on ht" "''WR tour. BBBB nt"
p-ii. t: ii .i .i:.i...i...i 1....ITI... .i..t ...r... ..........i i... I...-.
ed for etuaine and roreness, and tho
atked him to bur her a bottlu of it.
which bo did. It quickly relieved he
ami cnauicu ncr to sleep wiiicji suo nan
not done for soveral days. The son was
co much pleased with thu relief it gavo
his mother that ho has since recom
mended it to many others. For salo by
John Preuss.
At last cccoonts trains were 30 hours
iato at Roseburg, and the malls from
the eouth wcro likely to be delayed sev
eral dtys.
Tho ladies ol the Lutheran Church
residing at North Bend organized a
Ladies' Aid Society at that placo on
Friday, Jan. 23d to work in conjunction
with the society at this placo. They
meet overy Wednesday afternoon at tho
different homs. Tho number present
was large enough to assuro a success for
tho new society.
Slide at Libby .
The slack pile at the Libby mine was
undermined by tho flood rushing down
the gulch and slid down. This dammed
the gulch until the watur accnmulntcd
above and carried out tho obstruction,
and the result is that the track for somo
diatanco is buried and it will tako con
siderable work to dig thing) out so that
the traia can again tako coal from the
bunker at the mine
Good Investment
W. 0. Chriitenson, formorly of tho
firm of ChrisfenEen & Johnson of this
city has invested In real estate in Salem
and will build a modern 2 story brick
Uock in tho near future Mr. Christen,
sen-paid (3000 for 60x100 foot-lot on tho
corner of Liberty & Stato street. 'This
property has boon covered by wooden
buildings occupied by Chines and was
condemned last week by the authorities
of Salem. This is one of the best loca
tions on State street, and a very desir
able corner for any business house.
Good BoyJIuTny
No mail arrived Sunday, on account of
high water out along the road, but both
mails were brought through yesterday,
Much credit Ib duecontractor J. D. Laird
and hlfl men for their energetic action
in bringing tho mallB through with so
littlo delay under euch adverse circum
stances. Tho people of tho bay have
had so much experionco with rotten
service, that they should not forget to
appreciate ,tlio efforts of tho present
contractors 'to bring tl?o',mall through
on time in perfoct condition.
S or -. ,
ibvfmiBVQop -4JME
th Wet
wnrM. JU.I.i fr..i, tit. b". im.iuU nJ
vrirrnntil o-rurriironl. J to lUnl
th loiiuht-.l .,tk inl wMhr.
.1 rJr Ci I ""i"irinrHi nyoaruiir
f. U MIIkmJ P-Alitp C iiti?, Sao Vxmhu.
ff II. M, H IJV V Kit A HUN, .L l..
vy ( unu wruniur CAititftfUAlA
Improvements on Alliance
loo. D. Gray & Co., wrlto their agent
hero that tho steatuar Alllauco will bo
ready for sen about Jan. 30th and will
have been improved as follows t
Oil fuol Installed ; how raised increas
ing cargo space 75 to 100 Ions: larger
and better steorago; iced storago room;
largo smoking room and several passon
ck , nun social
ger rooms on upper i;r
hall on main passenger dack; nuw twin
rapid ivinohes forward of main hatch
for quick handling of cargo; rccalklug
and painting nud gcucial renovating,
making her onu ol tlio best froight and
passenger boats on tho Coast.
The Empire Masquerade
Tho maiquerado ball given by Krnest,f Augu.t .' 1ArU)YKN
Stnuff nt Kmpirt', Saturday night, was
i, .. ii, ,. 1 .1 1 1 .1
well attended in spito of tho bad wrath-
or, about 100 couples boirg in attend -
' ,
... ...l-.. .ii..... .: .. 1. ...... ...I
I niivu, min mi oacciioiiv innu in m kiiiwi.
' '
rninnflnfn. hv Mifii Fannin Rnttv. ai i ,'
' "
bride. Tho tlrst prlzo for ladles was
. . ... .
Awarded to Miss Anna Mickman, who!,i,nr ct.Aimnn tin o.incon or befwe Mid ant
appeaecd as Mrs. Katzunjammur. A
lino midnight suppor was sorved at tho
Arao Hotel, after which' tho festivities
were prolonged until morning..
Mr. Stauft always makes a success of
his entertainments and dunces and this
was no exception to the rule.
He Was Serving a 15 Years Sen
tenceWas a Trusty
Reward Offered
E. J. White, a trusty of tho Stato
Penitentiary, msde his eicapo from that
institutions about 3:0 o'clock Wed- " "r filing than
ncsdav afternoon. I most great dnfliet can furnish t flvo.or
White had for somo time been acting ,,?r,lJBm?,JiS.tfek.WoiU in ab.o
in tho capacity of assistant druggist at lutoly fair in its nolitical iiiiwh. Par
.i.,.u.,i,i,.iin,i,nnn i-o. .i tlsan biBH is never Allowed to affect Iik
tl.o prison and each afternoon was al- nrwa colnmnB. mill ' Dvinccrnt mid Re
lowed to go out for u walk. Ho went publican nllko can obtain in itH piigrs
out Wtdneeday afternoon, as u.ual, and Jp'g ,ol,li
when tho timu camo for his return, ho1 In xddition Io all tho nnKP, tho
IHHUU iu pui in mi Hi.i.vnriiiii.u u,m j
search disclosed tho fact that ho had
flt...I -v .-4 X.. .., -,.! i
,.l.l U'l.lln ..... ...ul,. ir..vn(,r'
sunteiico for burglary, having been con-
1 . 1 1 . 1 . r ..-.... i tofi
victod and sent from Coob county In 1800
on a charL'O ol burglary, lln was a quiet,
orderly fellow, and a general favorite
among tho oflicera and employes, and
his ocapo is a matter of eurprhu to all,
Ho has been employed iu tho prison the
I geat,vr part of tho fall and, as ho was
.Tory.iUU'ntivo to tho sick, roado many
4f tends who will 110 doubt regret his
sudden leave-taking, v
.Descriptions of the prteonor haVo been
rent out to points throughout Oris part
of thu state, offering a roward of f 100 for
his retention,1 and tho chances are that
ho will bo captured beforo ho gets far
Mr. White will bo remembered bore
ai one of the men who cracked open N.
Lorenz's safo fivtf'ears ago.
Like Old Times
travel to tho Coqulllo is gott'lng back
to first principles. Go by launch to tho
head 'of Isthmus slough, walk ovor to
Coulcdo and embark in a small boat
down Beaver slough. This is not all tho
way back, for yon don't havo to pile out
aud haul your boat over tho beaver
dama, but it brings back tho odor of old
times when two days woro Bpoffcd in
tfitlournoy from Marshfleld toCoulllo
TINIIKlt 1.ANH ACT JUNK '1,1878,
NOllUl'i IUIl rt'lU.lCATiUiN.
Vuitod Hiatus Livnd Olllco. Uysuburg
I Oisoii. Jnn. io ioo:t
, Nullrota lutruby glvnn that. In enm-
, p hullo with thtt provisions of tint net of
Congri'ttMof Junoil. ISTrt, oulltlml "An
1 nut for tho snlool tluil'or litiidn In thu
. Ki'tton of Citllforn!n, Urttgnu, Novniin,
hi I Wnithlnittnn Territory," an extended
to .ill tho I'ulilui Laud Htnttn by uct of
August .. IMi-
of Miuflhllold, county of t'omt, Btatn of
Uregon, linn this titty lltud In this nlllcit
Ills hworu Htatouioiit No. ItrJI, for tint
purclmso of thu Lot 8 .mmI HI '-' ol HICI-I
Miction i!7 nuil NWll ol HW'l 1 ol
Scot ion No. .(tin Towiishln No. .1 S,
ltitngo No. 11 W, mut will oflor prool to
show that tho html nmlil In morn
valuable for its timber or mono than for
agricultural purposes mid to egtitbll'li
Mm Halm to until liitul bofont W. U.
Douglas. U. H. Commissioner forUregon
at Marshtleld Oregon, on Monday, the
UOlh day ol March, 1U0II.
Ho iiBineH r wltimnfes: A A Ander
son, Allegany, Or . K A Kolly, Mnrtth
lleld, Or., Fred Nonh, Allegmiy, Or.,
Sllait Nonh, MumlilU-ht, Or.
Any mid all pcimhik eliUiulng niivotBt,"
Iv tho nbovo-di'U'rlhnl huidit nro re-
' quusted to tile their clinins in this oillro
' or l)((fofo n,,, ;!0,h ,,ny 0, MlU( wa
J. T. BittiKiK.i, BeglatHr.
UnltcUSUtoj I-uiil g:licr. Uow-lnitg, Oregon,
Jnn. 1, tgoj.
Notke ii Iwtctiy Rien '.h.it in eumpiunce
Midi (lie piorUtomol 11m net of TonKinl ol
Juhp 3, 1878. rntuhrtl "An .ul for llic mIo of
tlnibri l.onl in llw hWI o( C.tlifucniit. Uu
gun, Nv4iln. ami V.ihinton lertilory." m
rticnuco 10.111 inc lltlHic irfiliu .Tir ny mi
of MurthficM. muniy i t Mai. uie ul Orr
gun. h.11 Ihli iliy fiUxl in ihU ulnf ln
, ;0,n ,u,r,enl s .9. for ih Mintic !
1 Hw SomUhmji V" Jr11"" Ji"
(n -j ovkti.Hl No. 17 N l(iipg No 11
!.... 1. ..11. .if.- . 1 ... .1...... l... il...
nni, huh ih wn-t w ,-it. u..., , ,
'...1 .-...!. ... w..i...m ir o. n,..i.r ..,
""" """"- -
ie tlMIl lur .igriCllllllfftl MltHm, nilll 10
ul.Wi 1 kIohi to -ml tm.i ior w. t
VMgUt v s lomni,,(l)nfr ,or Ufn.w ,
.tAmhhrM.Ori'Ron. SMiMtitay, ih aut diy
io Murcli. tpoj
.." " . W. ' ,.;,,n', '
"'l ."' ' " rnw. i. m.ir,. ..
Ncrlr),ol h.llivlrwr. Ur.
Anv and nil prrvnn iLilmlng Ailtcrwly ll.r
I alxoc-ilctcntird lundl air rwitlMlfd to lil-
u.iy 01 .MJrcu. I9'U
I io
. T. llHirxiUJi. Krglitrr.
Read wherever tho Hngllih Language
:s Spoken
Tho Thri:o-A-Wu'k World wan a
brilliant succccn in tint beginning and
has been nteadily tsrrming over since.
Timu in thu tent of ll thincs, and ban
net its mill of approval on tho Thrico-a-Week
World, which in widely riroiilnto-t
in uvory Statu and Territory of thu Un
ion, and whnrecvur them nropeoplu who
can read our mother tnnguo.
This paper (nr tho coming winter and
tho year Mtt, will mako its news ser
vice, if pOBailili'. rnoro cxtenr-ivu than
over. All events of Importuned, no mat
ter where thoy hnppun, tiro re
ported ucciirnti'ly nud promptly.
Tho subscriber, forr-nly onu dollar a
:.... ..... .1. ............. .u ......... ...n..i, ,....!
fliricc-a-U t(.k-uoMd (urnislioH thu
,)(J3t MfM fltflo1( al)Oral0 ,nr,rktll
reports and other featurci of iuterutt.
'I'lw. 'l,l..l....-n.ll'....l.U'nrl.tu ......!..
iio iiiii.iJ--im"--miiiii ......
aubscrinUon price is only M.00 per vr.r
and this pays for W paimr.i. Wo offnr
'this uneqitalud nowepapor and Wrelclv
CQAKT MaHj ,0K0her on(J ycnr ,,;r
Tho rrgular mibtcrintion price of
two papursis f!.60
Nrwil Catarrh Quickly yithuj to treat
ment by Ely's Creem Balm, which h rtgrco
ably aroiiatlo. It U received through tho
nootrils. oloaunea and he Mb tho wholo imr-
ace OTor which it dimisoo itaolf. Urupulttn I
colhtho COo. lizo Trial nizo by ruall, 10 T
cents. Test It and you aru euro to continuo
tho treatment. . ,
Announcement. .
To accornraodnto thoso who aro partial
to tho uno of alomizera iu applying llouidi
futolbo nasal paisagen for catarrMl trotu
LUfAha proprietors prenart Cream Balm in
UnnU font), which will bo known an Ely's
LiqaTd Cream Balm. Prha Including tho
purying tube U 75 cents. Druggists or by
audi. 'ITio Hauid form emhodloa tho mod
lelanl properties of tho solid preparation
TnADE Mark
CopvniaHTB Ac.
IriTcatlonl (
lint r- Oldiit ney for oeurliiir wrteiiU.
I'atuiit tkn tfirouh Mumi A Co. receive
ivttial notht, without clinrKO, In the
Scknufic JliiKriCait.
XJitndomoljr llltnitratnd weoklr. J.nmetyJr.
Mltttlou of any cloiitlllu Joiirnul. 'J irnn,i n
fVari four muntlii, )1. bold Lijfull ntwadcolori.
lklnel'offlce? If BU Wftthlogton, D. C.
I jJ
W :i)l!
il'iljr ntitnlii t auna rurrUit J
Hoiitl niiMol.ikotoIi nr pliutodliiiYruUoii for
triHitciortiui ifltmit'lltr, I'dr Iko Ux)k.
Howl. Hoouru
IVt'OIIlN Atlll
Our Jlottthly PubHcatlon
will l:ccp you pootod on our
wcrlc mtil nicthoilo. Mailed
Frco to tho
anv rcsnnniiihlo hrmiin.
vioit DR. JORDAN'S oheatI
dm cum JT.iHmutsco.cit. '
T, lli.tl A.ll., llo.ti. I, . .
m.., r.iii..i,.aiNM.I.Ml
l.ui,H..II,.wl I..I t)..lk
Cn. J0aDAH-0IStA8l8 0FMtN
vrrtn.m iwMtitr i.un
do- UiKikiik,.iiOI,iMrf,
mI tutm M U.pl.i,, vdl U)4
u 1 1,1, r t!!. riM. ,4
IUIvIm, I. , JvfOAA'f tp.iUI MUl
Ik, ,ivdt.
CMllltl III. t-t llll'tlf rtl.tlt T(.lxal 4f ,
,m,I . m It. i,,, A rMr. CW, In ... ,.
I .-l..l.li, l.l f , !!. flllt.OMIII'11 V ,;
U l III. .UK. UUu ram. IJk. ,tlu. u. t
iMWI I I III-, !, t '
OR. JOnOAU U CO.. I OB I Mirtn sL.S. f.
c. 11. Mhrciiant ?
In conntiintly mlilin;; to its
utoctc of Cnnvral Mcrchan
:liHc, nlrcmly tho l.irgcst in
.Mardhlluhl. When you buy
at tho Mill Storo you know
tho xooih aro II re I clnss and
the prin in nil right.
All kinds of lumber and
building material,
food and sup
plies at wholoaalo and retail.
iii-:.m.ir.UTi-:uH Koit innu
(iltADK LKjlJOltH
pamily Order? rBolicitcd.
Family onlera for Pops, jiinls ntu
quarts, di'livorod by tlio case.
Robert Marsden.
Comer of Front and A street,
"lONI! SNYDEH, : s 1 : l :I3roprIatir
J. JIOTKL has lust been ciitiiely reruiciLitid
rcfnriilslinl lliroiiutiout anil h u:'iiiiioiun irt n .
pulillo fur iatroimj;o.
rvmviMios mid spring tnatlrc!a Ime brer!
placed in dlnioti every, sleeping loom of tills
liousu and nrlilier Iroublo nor uvpjns'i has been
pared to put ctciytlilnfn firit-cliss order,
anil dijlii,;, per weel:,...;, ;,. 50
ooard,p.t cel: ,0
n F-RHflnKS
I Oppooita i U7 S. Patbnt 70lloi