fiCtXjkHi iyWKal .. & f. l IM .. I. 1 i Coast Mail. fSE.S03STA.Ij 1 .AJSTJD XjOOjXj K -W V-W "VV From Thuraday'a Da!lyt Dr. J. 0. Cook was up from Emplio ycstcrdny. Albert Bear la very tick tlio effect of oyer exertion some tluio ngo. Matt Matson was down from Catching slough larm yesterday. his (I. Lovollo, tho mill man roturncd from Coulllo yesterday. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. T. Collver of Catch ing elough, were shopping in town yes tcrdoy. Tho Areata passed down tho bay yei-r terday nlternoon drawing 1G feet of water. ' Gue Engblom ol Empire.has chnrgo of tho largo donkey in Scngstacken's Pony slough camp. Jack Sullivan, traveler for Cahn, Nicklosburg & Co' is calling on his many cuttoaiers and friends in town. Busty Miko'a Diary, Jan. 22, 1P03 A etoro that ties up to old-fashioned meihods is a good deal like a horse tied to a poet it can't go. K. T. Sutton representing the Port Or ford Tribuno was a MarehQeld visitor for several dayB tnis week looking after tho interests of that paper, Tho steamers Coquille River and Czarina both went down to tho bay laBt evening but returned to Empire again to tho approach of a heavy fog. They were to try again at G o'clock this morning. La Belle Marie Tho Queen of Wall street will be the play this evening at the opera house. Don't fail to see it. If you are not attending the Fischer Company this week you are miesiug tho chacce to pass some very pleasant even ag. Tho many friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ueo. Flanagan will be pleased to learu that the quarantine has been raised and that they can again go and come as before. Tho children in the family are sirain healthy nnd well, having recover cd from Scarlet fever. By a letter received yesterday by Mil ton Hirst, it Eeeme that TboB. Hirst is sick in Sin Francisco, but the letter does not Indicate tbnt it is ery serious, lire. Hirst writes tbat ehe will bring him home as eoon as he is able to travel. Coquille Hearld-Adam rershhaker, the retired millman of Prosper was in town Thursday. Someone accused him and Win. ftallier as putting up a job on tomeone as they saw them with their heads together whispering on the corner. E. B. Price, he postmaEter at River ton tent in his resignation and was ac cepted by the pottmaster general. Up on petition of tho citizens the order to discontinue wae reciuded, Tho petition nsking the appointment of Wrn. Jiahn as pottmaster, it is thought will bo granted. Coquille Herald G. Lavelle. our new lawmill mnn returned from his trip to Portland, yesterdny, nnd ho informe ue that ho is ready to proceed with the con struction of tho mill ns euonns here valves a favorable report from Washing. ton in regard to his boom privileges, and , it ho weather is nt all favorable Substantial improvements L, J, Simpson ia having a plank drive way constructed across the flats in a direct Hue from tho Porter mill to the M'arrow wharf In .North Bend, which will materially ahortctt'" the distance It keeps a nowspapor hutl(og to keep up with theeo North Bond improvement. Porter Mill Running Again L, J. Simpson iuforma tho Mail that through the courtesy of H. E. Shlue, mauagur ior the southern Orcgou Co, enough material was borrowed from the Enipiro mill to rig up tho Porter mill until thodarunco wrought a few days ago can be pormnuotitly repaired. The mill started up full blast ngaiu jester day morning. ' FourMill City Tax Tho towu board held n meeting Tues day evening, and besides sweating over street matters until nearly midnight, they levied a 4 mill tax for citv purposee.' ' , . ' Tho reports of the city officers wero ... , also received, aud It is supposed to pub- , . , , , hsh a synoptisof the same for tho iu- .',,,. (otmatloaot thecitujne; nn excellent i lhintod0' From Friday, oauy. Tho Homer left Portland Wednesday , night aud imow barbdund at Astoria. ; i J. J. Clinkenbeard was in town last night on his way to the county seat on business, ' ' Tho now brewery at Ferndalo is Jex- pected to be ready to begin operations on March 1st. Albert Stemmermann has cut down his logging crow, at his camp above Allegany, to a Winter basis. Miss Dell Fox goes to her homo in Coquille City today to visit her homo over Sunday. Mias Vienna Masters camo down from her Catching slough homo yesterday to spend n week or so in towu. See J. S. Fuirfchlle, the carpentor, be fore you build. He has a nice lot of up-to-dato house plans.. Tho engagement of 0. S, Masiera nnd Miss Lelia Cox is publicly announced, the wedding to take placo in tho near future. Coquillo Herald Among other enter- pmes to be inausared in this place in the very near future in a steam laundry. ThiB will prove a great convenience to tho people of the town and valley. The A N W Club met yesterday after noon with Mrs. Is Lando. Tho attend ance was unuEually large, and all enjoye themselves to tho ntmost. The next meeting will be with Mre, W. T, Mer. chant, Elmer, the 1 year old son of Ole Pet- eon. of Bay City. Ml from n ladder . bits of noting ever seen here. One of nKriCulturl purposes, nnd to untalilih Jsterday and Buffered a compound frac ( these bits was Been last evening in tho gJ"" JAZtiJii tore of the left arm. Vt McCormacwas.firbt act, when Jean Jnuleide (MlMat.Miiri-hi'iI biegfin, on Monday, thu called and made the little Bufferer bh comfortable as possible. Departures for San Francisco by Ar cata, Jan. 22: Mrs. Owen, MiBB Hookey C Laino, E O'ConnolI, F S Dow, Mrs Maud Smith, and two children, Jim Wall, Mr and Mrs Clyde Dalton. The lea and Cold Storage plant ia now handling meat for all tho Marshfleld markets, each having a room for its uee. It ia gool eight to give a man an ap petite, to eco tho display of a room hung full of flue fat beeves. Officers Installed The following officers of Altior Lodge, Fraternal Union of America, wero iu- Btalted Wednesday eveulng by Deputy Supreme President Etta Sacchl: Fra ternal Mnster, Maggie Bear; Justice, Laura HatiBen; Mercy, Lizzie Heifiner; Secretary, Nellio Owen : Treasurer, F. A. Sacchl; Sentinel, Mary Chapman; Stew ards, Alex Hall, Noria Jensen; Guide, Etta Sacchl Chat Morris cut his toll hand sovorolr with a cross-cut saw Wednesday whlW working in Sonatackoni camp on Pony lough. Ho came up to town and his injuries wero attended to bv l)r McCor- rnoc. lie lost considerable blood on the way, ns nn nrtery had been cut. Tho Young Pooplo's Whist Club met i nt tho homo of Mlia Agnes Hutchoaon Wednesday ovetiing, whoro tho mombers wero most pleasantly entertained by their charming hostess. Alton Seng stacken and Miss Auulo Blesen took tho first prises, whilo tho boobies wont to Dr. Straw ami Miss LctiU Howard. Catching Canines. Marshal Carter is making n round-up of tho dogs on whicn tho l icon so has not I hAfftl rinid . Itottnr ivnt ft fnr fnp -t,ii4 , . , , , ..... dag, as it isn't the marshal' business to . , , , . , chase arouud hunting for tho owners of .. . , , ,,.., . , untagged caulnes. Ills duty is to catch ., . . ,, ... . ... the dog, keep him '21 hours, aud then , ... . , ,, . . kill him, if noono has shown up to pay tho tax. Coquille Horald-J. Khrmau, late of Portland, a practical packor, who was In this placo latoly looking for a location has been offered special inducement by North Bend aud will proccad at onco to B into butinces nt that place. This U an enterpriie which this county should thoroughly appreciate regardless of its location, and that Mr. Ehrmau thorough iy understands his busicess there is no question, and nn up-to-date packing rs - tnblishment conducted under bin sun- erdgIon w mMn the v, of ma hundreds of dollars to the people of Ccos 1 county, besides tho creating a steady market for hogs. Report Was False The report which had general cir eolation on the Bay and Coquillo some i time ago, to tho effect that a young mnn by the name of .Milton Patterson whose home is nt Coquille City, hnd been ar- rested in Kiseburg on suspicion of having held up tho Myrtle Pjlat stage, f wua at! a mistake. How tho rejiort originated .is not clear, but it wob evidently etnrtud by tonle.'SO p. mischief-maker, and it waj well spread. Marshal Carter lookcil into the matter, and snys he found there una uothinqin it. The youag mnn returnel to his home at Coquillo City nb'sui Christmas and has now obtained employment on the Biy. Such false and nulicloua reporth often work great injury, for which there is no adequate remedy. La Belle Marie Onlyafairhouto turned out to sfo! the Fischer company in The Queon of Wall Street last evening, but tho piny was well worthy of a larger nudlunco. Aa the Mail has eaid this company is treating its patrons to pomeof the finest Fifcber; denounced her botrayor. Tho ... , .t.l writer has Been actresscB of much greater j pretenaions fall far short of Misa Fi&ch .... i ..... :.. . er't rendering of euch a ecciio. She was Superb. Tho piny tonight will bo East Lyntio, with Miss Fitcher in the role of Lady t IIabel, and those who like the strpng imotional drama will do well to eeu tho i company in this play, From Saturday's Dally. BuBty Mike'e Diary, Jan. 21, 1UM- An ad in tho paper ia worth two iu any desk (with apologieo to everybody,, o The Homer managed to get out over the Columbia Lar yesterday morning and is due heie thiu morning. The eteam schooner Signal . nrrivrd yesterday and came up for fuel fwin the BeavcnUill bunker. Tho item in yesterday's paper an nouncing the engagement of C. S. Mas ters aud Mies Lelia Cox is denied point t blank by the yonag lad aud her rela- tivei. Tho itont was handod in todhli oflko in writing by Miss Vionna Mas tors, who had boon misinformed.' A letter rccolvcd from J. D. Hundor lnnd yeatordivy enya that he and Mr. Sunderland are getting along nicely nt Santa Ana, Cnl. Mrs. Kundorlnnd imule n trip to Texas but did not alny thuro ns long as she intended. W. II, Noble is bulldlug a now barn on n pile foundation nt his residonco pro perty. Jack McDonald toroman in Qnge'a logging camp on the Isthmus, was in town yesterday. -o 11. Eengstacken wlllgotout some plloa nt his Pony slough camp for tho new mill nt North Bend. . ' o It. E, Shine was up from Empire yea terday. o Cius Mehl, of Coquille City, is In town eeoking medical relief from au attack ol appendicitis, from which he has been a sufferer before. Brick and Tile. C. S. Laughead is making proparn lions to open a brick yard and tllo fact nrv on Chug. Donna's nlaco on Catchine . .in,,,.,, ti. u .,nl,ln,. M.ut I. im.l- ! y needed on tho bay. If the right ! e0rt of material can bo found and pro. nt,Tv w0,V(hI theru will bo nlentr of demand for the product. Baptist CfluTCll Suudny .School at 10 a. m. Preaching 1 service nt 1 1 a. in. Topic "Carnul Chris J tinns. Text 1 Cor. 'J: 11 II. Y. P. S. nt 0:30 p. m. Evening service ut 7 :30 p. rn. Topic "The Only True Faith" text Math. S:U "I Am a Man Under Auth ority." All arc welcome. The Presbyterian Church ! Sabbath School at 10 n, in. 1. II -Nicols superintendent. C.K. meeting nt in. Misa Edvanla Erickson, Sermons at II n. in. aud 7:30 ! lender. p. m. Subjects; "Tho Ureal Light Bear er, or RevuUer of (Jod nnd Truth," nnd ."Practical Heligion nnd What it Djco." TINBKIt LAND ACT Jl'NK II, 187s, NO HUE I-OIt PUBLICATION. United State Land 01 lice. Uosefotirg Orexon. 1U-LW! Nuticu in he.ruby given that In com pliance with the provisions of thu act ol Congress of JunuU, 1S78, entitled "An hcL for tho tale, of timber luiiila in thu ritntcH of Cnliforuht, Oregon, Nevnila.f ami WiisIiinuton.Tiirritnry," iiHtixtendi'di to all tho Public Land States by net of i Auguet -1. 1WI2 of MBrltIlIJtI,t '.V,; 'ol c Stnto of Oregon, ha; thin duy filed iu thiH oflico lift eworri HUU'intJiit .No. li'Jt, tor tnu purchase of the Lot 8 and El.'J of SICI-I Section 27 and NWM of HWM of Section No. 2'i In Township No. 2 IS, Kangu No. II W, nnd will offur proof to show that tho Innd sought la more vnlunulu ior ltd umoer or bionu man ior 'aotlnlay ol March, JUlM. Ho nuuifu lib witiifheoH: A A Andor-i KJ Alli'iruny. Or.. FA Kelly, MarMi- ..,., ... i.-.:. i . i. ii..:. i. i SilN;Vh.h;;HhS0?;U,", W'" Any nnd all ner-oriH claiming ndverse- Iy thu nbowi-deeoiibed lundu aro re- quested to file their elaiiriH in this ofl'icu' on or before fcaid .'iOtli ilny of Mar, IUOU.i J-2 1 .1. T. Biiiwiw, Begitter. Wliist Parly The Evergreen whist club entertained their gentlemen frienda Thursday even ing, being tho second time this winter.' Tlu meeting took placo at tho McCor mau homo and tho members of the club wero nearly all prceont. Tho 'gentle men, who are up in all tho scientific and intellectual aspects of thu modorn game of whist plnyod"vfiry wliHi'Mmt. thojladics eawed wood in their own way, while thoy did not icoro for the ;iri-toH thoy largely out-played their partners. .Mr. Kengstacken having tho largoftt Ecoro received tho honora of first prize, tho now book "Paul Kelnor" by Jerome, and Mr. Hofor,;innking tho lowent ecoro received a copy of "Poloon Whlfit" and ho will undoubtedly bruah up on tho game before tho next meeting. The rdreehmonta wero moat dolicioue 3C THE OLD RELIABLE &AKlK3 POWDER Abiolufolyr Pur THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Mid elegantly sorvod. During Intorval Sum Alice McCormns favored tho com pany with some flue nolcctlona of muelrj Barreled the Baby A South Mnrsliflold fatuity hnd n n holu barrel of oxcltomunt ono day thin week. The 10 year old boy of tho family was playing tipttalrs with his I) year old sister. They wore nmutlng themselves with one of those1 rtrulght barrels lined with tin, tn which roust coffee is packed. Tho baby was In the birrel and tho boy was rolling it around when ho It would bo funny to close tho barrel up for n moment. So tic put the end of thu barrel in it place, but on trying to remove it I found it stuck fast. Thou thu plot thickened. The kid lusldn of tho barrel pent out a wall,, Hnd tlm ono outflldu g.ivo thu long yell. The u Other nppenred on tho scene to rvv what was tho matter nad wai iuformed by the lwy thnt ho hvl killed hli sister. Then tho lady tried to unpack the baby but for a long time tho head reidttod heruf'otta to remove tt. A knife was tried, then tho Are thovel nnd other household utensil. In tho time thu two children redoubled their out crier, nnd tho boy, who thinks tho world of his little itiater, was on thu vurgo of collapio aud thu mother wusu't enjoying herself very well. At Inst tho barrel opened and tho baby watt extracted, and commenced to com fort her brother with thu asiurunc 'Dontky E ; I nintdead yet." It watn't nearly bo funny whlhi it hiitcd a it steme in the retrospect. MOFFATT RAILROAD PUSHING FOR COAST May be Headed for Coos as Outlet for Could System Bay A rocent Salt Lnko tlirptcii eayfl: Tho hiilding of tho so-called Moffat ltnil- road between Donver and Halt Lnko openB nn endlef a nmount of conjecture ... . . ., ,, regarding Its actual ownership. David Mofl.l, a ton banker ih thu onto,. ,blo promr)ter of tho enterprise, but rumor Hnye otherB are behind the road, Thu Moffat road will no doubt ho con- stiucted, as nearly 2,000 men aro now at work on 20 mlleaof grndo near Donver Tho road as aurvnyed Ih almost an a,lr lino between tho two cities nnd will be about KOO uiIIoh In lunght, Tho shortest diatanco by rail between Denver nnd Salt Lake iu now 1170 miles by tho Union Pacific, It will therefore result In u fmvlug ol 170 mllcH of travel and form a direct mefliiB of communication iu tin. carrying of transcontinental Unfile. For the coat of constructing thu road tho mini of $20,000,000 jia!J j)ei)I raised. Active work began at daylight on the first day of tho yonr, nnd thnro in no iutimntion that there will bo any cessation, aa various contractor aro atf Bombling their oulfltH at different pointu along tho surveyed right-of-way. mi wmrnM ii.. ii.....Llfi)....i..i Ilii well known In Wall street tbnt Gould must eoon seek an outlet to the Faclflo Const if ho wlslios to maintain, lho Integrity of his groat fyntom. Ho must nl'io reach tho const by tho most direct ronto Iu order to movii trafllaat tho lenst cost. With the Moffat rond equip luted thu shortest dlitnncu to tho Const la directly to Coon Buy. Thuro nro nc Indications nt lho pretpnt time thnt tho Moffat road is to bo extended wost of Bnlt Lake. Lftitnroo as a Dlicnet. Iif.bHlucM n Rvnntnnl illnoaso nnoT-Si thrronn nutltoxln for Its eradication! Bo lt(tvould npprnr from Um ntntciucnt Of Dr. Cbarlrn Wnrdell rftllea, tho roolo' glt of .tho public health and mnrlno honpltnl nervlco of thu United Htutca, uiudo atthe recent military conferenco of, Auicrlcnti rcpnlillcH hold ut Wash- lUKtoii. lie iifcliiriMi that Innliirtm-nml vnj.i'uiuii ii in'vuiiiii mi in ui iiifllinwi iu bo found lit certulu nectlonn of the uouthern tttatin-h a dlnenno the germ of which, he niiyn, he hurt dlKcovured. Dr. Stlle4 xtaten thnt thin dlm'iiuo la lu tnrgo mi'iiMuri rnipoiiHlhlo for thu "poor whlto" (llNtrlrtM of the nouth mid Ittclt rrctly n-nixinrlblo for the roiulUlmia which have rtrtiilttl In tho cniHitdu ngtiluitt child labor In tho noutheru cot ton iiiIIIm. The pri'ticiicu of tho dlnenno In thu south Liih In the liiNt ten yeam ri'Milted lu tho Inferior phyntcnl dnveh opmeiit and mental (miwit of perHonn nffectetl by It nnd Ih the nnl cnuno of the "cruckerV provrrblnl IiizIiu'km. The cruiuido agtiliiHt child labor lu f net or Ion nt thu nouth won due Indirectly to tho general prototuro of thin illnciiiic, ami he Htnti'H that children from tho rural din trletn after working In tho tnlll.i ho come gt'iierally greatly liiiprovetl by ritisoii of tin improved wiultNry comll tloiiH lu thu cities and the better fncill tie for tho cure of the ilUeiiMe. The name nt the dlnetinn n unrlnnrl iihln. It priHlueeM a condition the symp tom of whleh are not unlike tliono of continue! nmlnrlH. Acrordlng to Dr. Btllcri, tho iltM-MNo Iiam been (HhhihwoI and Ih Minreiillde of turo. The trouble, n-on he, Ih to Identify it and to prc-i Hcrllw thu proper rem diet. Ono of the hymplottiH Ih thnt the din--n no htlinulHten nn apiiotlto for differ ent thlugH in Individual oiimn. Tho "dirt eaterj)," sayn Dr. StlleH, "all mif. fer from thin eraxlug. Tho tllM-iiHo Ii duo not, an aotnu phyHlclniiH Mlnte, to tho habit of eating dirt, but that con versely tho Iwlilt Ih due to lho iMnviiho." Dr. KtlluM' lineotlgutloiiK ami lliidlugii furulHh an luteroiitlng entitrlbutloii to tho recent dUi-overlen roMpiN-tlnjc health and miultntloii, and It Ih to ho hoped that Information roiieernlui; tho mal ady will lit- Hpretid ItriHtdcHot througli out nectlonit of Uio world In wlilih tho dlioflte Ih (oiiiiiioii, If Dr. .Sii can cure InzliieHN, he will bo regarded u u public buiiefuctor. A Jlurili'rrr' Wlilin, A munlerer In Camida awaiting cxe rtitlou luiilHted on n nime of plugong Ukt preceding death and alio for n view of the Hruffold, both of which wlnlicH were giaiithd. An Ani-lrtil Alllniirr, TIip very i-iulU-Ht examph of n nn flonal alliance Ih contained In what (a tho ohlcMt hlNtorlenl dooiimeut yet known, liiHerlhed on a howl found at Hiiuglr, In ('liaMieii-Hie Hhlnar of the lllhlo-and datliii; from about 7000 H. C. A IVrnrtuti I'errrl, Before It eouhl lie killed an escaped ferret deHlmynl elKhteeii chlckviiH, eleven ducl.H, two plucoiiH and a valua ble fame prize rabbit at Multou, York Hhlrc, England. Tho young Kloruuco Burim, who vviih promlmiiitly connucteil with a New York iniirdiii myntery, In mild (o have hnd a very hnd caao of tdngo fright when she mndu her II rut appear anco lu vaudovlllo. Tltoro will be II tt lo or no xympnlhy for tho manager who lu responsible for tho HiilVerlugu of tho midleuro. If tho merchnntH and huilnoHS men of CaraciiH had inoio faith lu I'rcHtdciit CiiHtro, ho might iln'd a way out of tho dlfllculty by paHatng lho tiombiero. Tho r;t. PolerHburg dUpntch felling of 100,000 doHlltuto and Htarving people lu Finland la not cheerful leudiiii; In thla holiday m-anon. Crop failure) Ih given aa the cauHc. 'i'lio Umwlaii govern ment Hhould Hieud Iohh on Ha army and inoro for tho relief of the ntarvlug peo ple. , A Now Jersey mechanical engineer bau Invented a method of converting the latent heat of thu atmosphere Into power. Any muii who would tamper with tho heat lu thu atmosphere at thlfl tlmd.oufrbt to -bo proaocuted. ?&i,a . i (' ', 1'W?'WPJ'' " .' .