-VVJw.ixiiiJtJ,-i ,-.(, !l 't. t. (.' i: ' ; :; ,r I h :' i ,,ii ;5HCEirs eitCB tOrlfflnftll .IrJoorcf approved of Mr. Splccr' grjurao. That I .Vflith distinctly under nfood, Whcthor rh-a had nny private grlof bf her own to nvongo I don't pmcra At nny rain, nlio might hnvo nc- Axnpllahcd tho nmo rcmtlt without politicly wounding any pno'B feelings. Herbert Vincent wan an nthlctc and fcvgood follow with ono especial weak-aHO-ncw-nfl cnstly led by women. Hut nil all men nro inoro or less wonk In thlwrcfipcct Ilcrbcrt .wan not blamed by MA.frioiMlo. Indeed, thcro wan Home thing nmustng In the violence of hx love nffalrt". At last, however, he act,-fled-down to-t wo nvomen. He wan very iaad of n young girl, Hazel Abbey. tnd In lovo wltjt n widow, Irs. Ara IbiJkx IJntcs. Miss Abbey was too young nnd Inexperienced to copo with Mrs, iJBntcn. who drew tho mnpstvo Iwdy of W Mr. Vincent In her wake as n tug will tho Ilfooklyn system and provides for Jdraw n shin. Harel would hnvo ruined treo clusters at the street corners. Un nil by n display of Jealousy had It not, tW the ordinance the city forester as been for Mr. Spleer. who In tho ways , certains the wishes of tho property lot the world could discount tho widow owners to a great extent lu tree plant ud Klvc her points lxvsldr.. ing, nnd it Is believed that they will bo "You keep away from Herbert," aid ! fatrably Impressed wltu the proposed Jam. Splccr, "wnllo ine rover is on him. Sooner or later It will para Uwny." Hazel had tho pood senso to fcako tho advice, nnd alio ,wont away or a visit One evening Mrp, Bniccr was chat tins with Herbert at a ball. Mrs. Bates was present, ami, passing- "tho 'couple on the arm of n cavalier, sho gaxo Vincent a smile that displayed a fcot of very white and regular tcctli. "Oh, If I had snch teeth as Mrs. Bates," said Mrs. Splccr, throwing up tier hands dramatically, "I'd not usk Tor another beauty." 'They are as whltv as her unblcru febed soul!" exclaimed Vincent "If I were a man and bad n ladylovo .with such teeth, I would never rest till I had ono cf them for a koepsakc. I'd fwcar It. next my heart" Vincent made no reply, but the next :xlmo ho was left alone with Mrs. Bates "lie entered Into raptures upon whnt ho called "pearl crescents," meaning bcr upper and under rows of teeth, asking bet to give him one little tootn from an unexposed place. ' Tho widow demur red, epoko of tbe dreadful pain she .would suffer, tho fact that the tooth would never grow again in fact made every excuse in reason and beyond rea sonbut Herbert pleaded and whined and threatened till nt last he secured a promise that bo should have his heart's desire. A few days later he called on Mrs. Bates and received the tooth, .wrapped in a bit of white, scented tis sue paper. Tho widow showed him the j-jpotleft vacant, whereupon he gath ered her lu his arms. Tjie next time Vincent met Mrs. Spl eer, whllo he was leaning over to pick I up her handkerchief, she caught sight of n delicate gold chain which had be come entangled in the collar button nt the back of his neck. Sho knew he was wearing the tooth. Before the close of the social season Mrs. Spleer gave a cotillon party nt which Mr. Vincent, Mrs. Bates and Miss Abbey were present. Mr. Vincent ,was somewhat troubled at the presence of the two women who held the chief place In ids heart; but, ns usual, the .widow, by superior "push," carried the evening and becurtd her admirer for a partner. Miss Abbey, seeing him car ried off, turned her face to tbe wall to bido her vexation, then faced about nnd accepted for n partner a meek look lug young man who had asked her. Mrs. Spleer made a list of the ilgures In tho dance which she gave to tho leader. This was ono of them: A lndy would place an Ivory bit In the mouth of nnotiier ludy and with u pair of fancy reins drive her (o the gentleman .with whom she was to dance the fig ure. A number of ladles had been thus 'driven when the hostess appeared be fore Mrs. Bates and, placing tho bit between her teeth, drove her once nrouud tho room, then stopped before Mr. Herbert Vincent. JuHt as he waH about to put his right arm about his partner Mrs. Spleer gave a terrific Jerk on tho reins, with a sawing motion, ihat nearly pulled tho widow over backward. There was a shriek, and a doublo set of falEe tooth fell on tho floor. Mr. Vincent was a truo cnvaller. The Jecth had scarcely touched tho floor. (when ho dropjod his handkerchief over xhem, picked It up with the tiotb, nnd before any one but himself and one or two Immediate' bystundcrd had seen iwhat had happened ho sailed nwuy ,w!th Mrs. Bates. , Alter' onco or twico circling the' room he paused before the doorway nnd, leading his partner Into tho hall at 'tho foot of tho staircase, handed her tho teeth, still Inclosed In tho -handkerchief. Catching at them, she turned and hurried nway to tho ladles' robing room. Herbert Vincent aud Mrs. Splcor, .were not again on speaking terms that Benson. Ho bitterly .condemned her ,for her ungracious act, though tho 'lady went ubout with a self satisfied air, as though Bhe had accomplished a threat feat Vincent's noxt call upon 3Irs. Bates was fraught with embar rassment, no was so considerate as io swear eternal devotion, but his iwords had a hollow sound that did mot deceive tho widow,. who knew that the end br W re-ira had com. Her .-,..-.. -j. -l.u "Ir1- lover icri ncr Tcenng very unconi fnrtnblo and, needing a solace, for his disturbed reclines, dropped In by tho wny to eoniole hlmaclf with n visit to MIsk Hnol Abbey. Haxel, who lmd learned of tho device of her friend In her own behalf, had the pood fcuso to pretend Ignorance ,4f It and made her self very agreeable. That's the end of the story. Mr, Vlu cent wan landed safely In the nutlrhinv nlal not held by Mr. .Splccr nnd th catch turned over to Mis?) Abbey. V, A. MITCH 131 TREES ON CORNERS. The Brooklyn Sritrm or Tlnntiaff Thrm In Claatera. Under tho new tree planting ordi nance In Kansas City property owners will have presented to them a sugge tion for tho planting of trees that will greatly enhance the beauty of the streets nt practically no extra cost to the property owners. It Is known as arrangement. The plan described In detail Is as fol lows, showing tbe effect It will produce tnd ,tl advantage It will afford: At street Intersections, when prac ticable place, eight trees of large grow ing sorts, two trees on each .corner, rach tree, as nearly as may be, joa tho treo line of one street nnd on the prop erty line of the other BtreoL The tops of thefco trees, properly trained, will bo high above- all awnings and lights. aa jn time will form a groined arch over uotli streets. Tula clump will form a dense shade where It will do the greatest good and least harm. As the trees grow, the lower limbs may be removed until there is a clean 8hafc twenty feet high. The space un- cicr the trees wJU be high, light and airy and shady. Shotdd any branch approach too near a building It nay bo rcmovcdl One can hardly realize tho beauty and utility of sucb an arrange- ment without seeing It In hot days tbe sijado will bo very acceptable to those waiting for cars. It will be very pleasant for friends and acquaintances mooting on tho corners. Peoplo can crofta the streets In the shade of this canopy. These places, which lu hot days arc like furnaces heating the air, will bo changed Into cooling shade. These clumps of sturdy trees sup porting one another will form barriers to high winds and protect slnglo trees nnd property In general. GLEANINGS. A ?100,000 tuunel Is to be dug,, .,,,.., .. r through the mines of Cripple Creek, jber for building pnrpoies.the Lum- Colo., in order to drain them of water., ber Co. having "rush orders" ahead, .. iu r ,, . n,uluU1 ..un ,. I ivut ill inn in.-uni.-i. uuu w itvk u wvun when In his stocking foot. The water power available on the Pacific slope for producing electric en orgy Is equivalent to the combustion of 300,000,000 tons of coal a year. The owners of a number of sky scrapers In New York city hnvo been forced to purchase ground adjoining them to prevent their light and air be ing cut off by other tall buildings. It is possible that Florida phosphate will meet a serious competitor In the recently discovered deposits on Ocean lslaud, northeast of tho Solomon Is lands, which seem to be superior In quality to either Florida or Christmas island phosphate. Threo years ago a spot across Phila delphia wns covered with cornfields. Today a $9,000,000 shipyard stands on tho spot. Ships arc built thcro under n huge glass and Iron shed, which ul lows work to be done In all sorts of weathttc MERE MEN. i Morris Shcppard, a new congressman from Texas, la twenty-seven years old, but looks ten yeara younger. Sydney Clark of Illnck Hlver, Wis., who Invented the paper collar, Is now, In his ninety-fourth year, at work on a new sort of automobile. Sir Robert Ball, fellow of tho Royal Astronomical society of England, has I bevii elected n member of tho Aincrl- sah Mathematical hocltty. ' Ilenjamln Ilobbs of Springfield, Mass., Is the oldest active armorer In America. He has been JrTthe govern- menf employ for over fifty yearH. Secretary liny Is building lu Wash- lngtou a 700 room apartment house, with 11 restaurant planned to excel any- thing of the sort In that clty'a history, Kx-Secretury John D. Long ban been made a member of tho Mayilover Dc-, Kcendants. Ho Is descended from Mary . ::. . .. . . ,....'...: 1 (jmitou, who nrst set toot on x-iympuui rock. ' Soxtou Mark McTlguo has had charge of the village cemetery lu Kokomo, Iud., for forty-six years und Mi that time has dug with his own hands some C.0O0 graves. N. I. nulett of Paulett. Vt. a con sistent admirer of King 'Edward, re cently shipped by express n box ad dressed to his mnjesty containing a po tato raised onf his farm that weighed ov four bounds. frtm Bundh ally. NORTH BEND MAKING fcAPID PROGRESS Much Property Changing Hnnds- Electric Lights and Water System Being. Put In The steady ptogtojs that our huatllu! alslor clly down tho )Uy hlnsltlnj-, U indeed cnervtmg. J. J. Hums, the pr.rty bating the rontrnct for grading tho streets U a ekllllul artist la his lino. Mr. Burns now lint it number of men and tcriniB nt work grnillnK tho Athletic Grounds or Pa-k, tho dimensions of which wilt be SQ by !IT0 foot. Theso grounds when finished will bo complete nud will afford amuremout and rxor. cito to tho lovers of base-ball, foot-ball ami k 1ml ml games. K, S. Gordon will scon uavo his busi ness bonse on Sherman Avo. tlnishod and oren for business nnd the cottogo on tho bank 'of th'o Bay, facing Sheridan Avo., is nnder way. Mr. Gordon has in contemplation the erection of a three story building 70 by K) ft, modern and completo throughout, on tho corner of Sherman and Virginia avenues. Mr. Gordon is a contractor and builder by profession and throughly understands the trailo. Ho designed and ballt the GarQeld of this city eooie teu or Uclve years ago. Lliienthal Is erecting a two story busi ness block on tho corner of Cinn. and Sherman Ave. Mr. Lliienthal has a number of men at work and is pushiog his building oa specdly as possible and when finished will open up a neat and completo stock of goods. Thcro are about oue"doxcn rcsldenco houros In course of construction now. Mr. Fisher is erecting a two story residenco for him self on tbe corner of Union and Montane Ave, that would bo a credit for any town or 4 to 6000 peoplo. row more gentlemon have placed their orders fdr lumber for houses with tho Simpson Lumber Co. A great amount of delay ' t OTnArtpnri-it In llin tnnktnr nf pi-tlrlnt een,nI ,. a t0 Um nn(, R very (ericas feature in tho case is that no seasonable lumber Is to bo hod at all at any price. Wo need a dry-kill on tho bay badly. The Simpson Lumber Co'a mill No. 2 better known as tho Portor, is now run ins regularly and is cutting lumber for the export trade The pile driver is now putting the finishing touches to the loging boom at this mill nnd will from here .proceed in a fow days to the city wharf nnd drive the piles for this public dock. This deck will be 2C0 by 1040 ft, ample size to accommodate tho shipping trade. Tho approach will be built to tho center of tho wharf from tho foot of Virginia Ave. Plans and specifications for tho hotel and bank building aro about com pleted and ground for the these struct ures will soon be broken. The dynamo for tho elec'rlc light plant recently pur chncd has arrived and is about in place and will coon have the streets illumi nated a feature very much desired these lark winter nights. A contract has been entered into be tween Messrs L. J. Simpson nnl Flana gan tk Dennett, whhh Flanagan & lien- nett will extend water mains from thu I bend o Pony ai00n jirect to Nortlj ,, . . ,.,.., . ,., Bw,d- feu'vey" nro Jn "" Hold locating tho routes. MainB are 'ordered and in a few months this city vvlu be aunplled with an abundance of " tlie very beat of water. Great credit Is due Messrs Flanagan & Bennett for tUeir eney nnd BpirU of on,erprIeo. ,, . Tll proapect of Coos Hay never looked so bright as now. The spirit of tho times han imbued our people. Tho cry of poor lumber, poor coal, poor farm ing land, poor fruit country, poor every thing, with the exception of. a fcwitolat ed cases of eterlized mosbackism has ceased, Tho rusty old fcliell that used to shoulder his gun, go out, lay for nnd slay an innocent deer, take it homo and bybernate, has oithor emigrated to some ": other cllmo or lias loot! tauglimoro uio- ful avocation of nil. tho locations ot the United 8tntM today, Tho Pnctllo const offers tho best opportunities and wo mnktf frco to assert t la nt naturo has liven no inoro lavish In bestowing hur riches on any toction of tho coast thnn on Coos county. What wo need Is people, all climes of puoplo, to ilovclopo our coal mines ntul koM mine, our fur m lug Country and fruit country, our cranberry marshos, llsh clams and crab Industries, lumber ing and manufacturing, laboring nnd prnfeasinnnl men, etc, nd libitum. The best mnthud to securo theso is by in telligent advertising that will rciicb intelligent class ot people. To this end In viow wit outrht to organlto some kind of an information bureau. Tho rust of pxponsoof a snltnbio amount ol adver tising mailer would tin n mere bogntell" tothn benefits to bo derived fioui tioh n method. 'flMItKU LAND. ACT JUNK .1. 1S78. wru'l'. run rLiiiiiUATiu. UnlfdSUtcj I-nnd QINc. Uosctiiirg, Orison, t Jan. 'i. ijoj. Notice Is hereby Riven tint in compluncc iih the nrmMoniof die act of Congim i( June 3, 1871I, entitled "An net for the Mle ol Umbei liimU In the Stittcs of Cnlifornl.t, Ore gon, Nevada, nnd Wnshlnxlon Tcitllurr," nt Vttenilnl to all the Public Uimt SUIcs by act of Auguit 4, 189. WILLIAM JcFADVKN of M.inlificlil, county of C001, unte ol Ore son, Im this d.iy filed in llilt ollicc lilt .iwodiiuieiiient No. 4349, for the purxli'Xte ol die Souiheutt enwher. of Section No. 4- in Township No. 37 S, Mange No. 11 Innd sourIiI more snliuMe for Its timber or sinne irutti for ngiictiltuntt purpose, nnd to m tttilithhlcJ.ilni to wid Und before W. U. DoiirUi. U. S. Commlttloner for Orrgen nt ..rrifirld.OreBort, on StliiriLty, the ml d.y of MatcIi, 1903 HenAiimut witnrws: W II .lorj;n, of MnnhfieM. Or,. K K Taylor, ii Whitley, lxx Neeley. of Fairvicw, Or, Anv and ail personi claiming advenely the aUn-e-dewribcit Undi nrr rrqueited to file their claim in thU ntticeon or before uld aiM day of March, 1904 IO . T IliiDcr.s, Rentier. Voung Peoples Wiilst Club Tho Young Peoples Whist Club was entertained at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ilutler, the guest of their daughter, Miss Alice, who proved htr solf a most charming hosfess. The roc ills wore beautifully and pro fusoly decorated witj Oregon grapo. The color contrast with tint red light and green decorations mado a lovoly back ground for the living picture mado by the young peoplo pretent. So lost in admirntion of their surroun dings wero romo of tho ladlos protein that they actually trumped their part ner's tricks and others lost aces in their laps. Somo say Clin?, Mcknight won the first honors on those samo oversights but those in attendance do not bollove it. After tho usual number of hands of whiit, tho prizes were awarded. MIhb Jottie Watson and Mr. Ohns. McICnight carried off tho honors of tho evening, and Miss Klsio Dennett and Mr. Archie Kruse were awarded the boobies, The usual form of choosing partners for re freshments was varied by tho drawing of "brokon quotations" which wore numbered to correspond with those on tiny boxes hidden in different parts 0! the roomn. Prizes wero awarded to the following: Miss Maggie Anderson 1st prizfl nnd Mr. Frank Haguo 2d. After which music wan indulged in and all departed to their eoveral homes voting tho fair young hotoss success. CURRENT COMMENT. Artillery Is now painted no no to be Invisible. With smokeless powder nnd Invisible guns a good deal of killing may be done. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Any young woman lu the postal hctv Ico who receives 11 proposal of mnr rluge may now be sure that ho Is not being courted for her salary. Wash ington Btnr. There la tall; of christening tho now cup defender tho Kngle. The name mig-gc-bta Htrciigth, speed and fearleHHiiesH and nlao our national love of liberty und getting abend under all clrcum stances. Buffalo Nuwh. Rich hoodlums who tiso thrlr nulo mobiles to run over peoplo nud then run uwny from the police might, to bo compelled to sit out on tho front of the machines, where they can get the full benefit of tho collisions. Chicago News. Individuals can bo fairly sufo against typhoid by drinking no water which has not been bottled from a puro sprlug or boiled or distilled. Jlut 11 city gov ernment can greatly decrease typhoid by subjecting Ita water supply to fll-tratlon.-Ncw York World. ",-WW ... ;K- -X- -X; $ I'. V. i SVAVH DKALKU L it t 0 h t H 11 11" ' K'r n 11 c IS du II . All tho I "DDrm ur AN IT 8 11 h rt 11 r I p 1 1 p n p 0 r h a 11 d I'luo eU.iriit.il mm .v. e a w - H - f - H - HH - HH - lf LUMBER til IfrMH 1 IHtlllllll That is what we we can fill all orders for anv ; .j and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guarantees and the prioe is right. OUR STOCK INOLnDES anything required in Fir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar. ii SIMPSON LUMBER CO. I I pnonc Mam hi. T 4.1 1 in 11 1 1 1 II s t ,M44-HH,M t mniHM(l(()u; THK NEW YORK WORLD Tl)ItICK-A-WKKK KDITION Road wherever the Knglish Languago is Bpokun Tho Thrkc-A-Wink World was u brilliant success in the beginning nnd tins been steadily growing ever hiucu. Time is tho test of all thlufrs, and hat set its seal of approval on the Tlirlco-.v Week World, Hhlcli is wlduly rirutilitltxl in every Htnto and Territory of the Un ion, and wjierctver thoro nru people who can read our mother tniiguu, This paper for thn coming winter nnd tho year 11KXJ, will make ita news ser vice, if possiblo, more cztensivo than ever. All eventsof iinortniico, no mat ter where thuy happen, nro re ported Accurately nud promptly. The subscriber, for only one dollar n year, gets throo papers every week and mora news and general rending than most great dallies can furnish Ht five or six Minos' tho price. Tho Thrice-n-Week-World is abso lutely fair iu Its political news. Par tiean bias is never allowed to affect its news columns, aud Democrat und He publican allko can obtain in its pages truthful accounts ot nil the great polili cal campaigns. In addition to nil tho hump, tho Thrlco-a-Week-World furnishes the beat aerial fiction, elaborate market reports and other features of interest. The Thrice-a-Woek-World'H regular subscription prion is only f 1,00 pur year and this pays for 1.V1 papers. Wo offer luis iinuouitieii nowmnnor nnd week v L'OAHT MAIL together one yiar for f-00 Tho regular subscription prico of the two papers is 2,60 LAW POINT'S. Tho mere fact of mi explosion of gas In 11 flower lu held In I'liclm versus Kt. Loiita (T,7 L. R. A. KH!) not to be Hiifli clcnt to charge tlm municipality with liability for thu Injury caused thereby. The owner of an option which ma ture:! on 'ii holiday Im held lu Pago ver min Klmlnwnld (N. Y f7 h. R. A." 173) to hnvo no right to exercise thu option on thu succeeding day, where tho slnt utcH miiko 110 provision for the HiiHpeu sloii of general business on the holiday. A Judgment for plaintiff In an notion for Injury to hla vehicle through negli gent obstruction of a highway Is held In Rdilly; versus .Sicilian Asphult Pav ing company (N. Y 57 L. It. A. 170) to be no bar to another action for Injury to his person urlslng out 'of tho'samo accident. ... . J . !.. .1 Ill.l I'll I 1 ,!' P ' F .. . 1) II T I) IN. - ANI) AUKNT I h 0 0 a 11 d Fn r 1 1 11 11 d 0 it it I II K M K z Lit 0 ri .3 cr TUa VlWti oa nil 0 11 H for it 1 1 -1 p 0 r I 0 il I c 11 1 11 . Htntloiuiry, Jinvolry, nutlouti t ' j MftMMMHMniia u vmXk . . - M - - H m have to sell, and rNortti BenG Ur. I ft t I A W . I We tirpmi'tlr obuiu U. B. and Toititn mm rtuiiJ motel, ikatali or iMoolliiTtnUou (or mctiviii ui, iMicumuiuiT, jror rrtc uxii, lunuinccuroTDHnC UIDVO VriU 'pposlte U. S. Patont X)fflo WASHINGTON D. C. viit DR. JORDAN'S ohiatI MUSEUM OF ANATOMY' lltlllUKTIT.,llimiCC,Clk Tt U,.tAMlMkIM.tiLl , WMI1 flMlhlltll M Mf fMHtMlfd tfu.tx p.lillFat41ikMMl . On. J0RDAH-0I8I AB(S OF MIN 9 vi-ui Lin iitwMgkir -.4ui.4i TrMH ttl.4 b km MaiiL MJI. . nlcaj colt In r,l. riM. t4 Im HkJfc ' CottulmUm In. 4 iwlillrixlni. Tiummui. , IMtllv M Lv tfll.f. A ttih9 Out U .. .a.. 1 I un.i,iii, v,ic. ti itk rMiiLaaoi'riV r .AMMII ...N. NIUJU7II1. 1 A. tftluAlla lwtk 1 hm.i .nr,ut , Oa JORDAN 4, CO., tOtl Harm SL.B. f. THE CLKANKINO ' AND IIICAMNO CATARRH cum: i'ok OATARRH 1 Fly's Cream Balm I.'nsy find pltuant to tur. Contalnd no In Jnrloui drug. JllKllllckljrftlllOrlXll, (live llollvrnt onco. Kf&SOt COLD 'N HEAD IIn.il and t'roiecu tho Atcmliruno. Ittctorci tht Hrnisii of Tatto nnd Hindi. lUr Hr.. DU ccnti at Urugzltti nr ly null ; TrUI Hits, 10 cents liy mail. KLY DilinillilW, CO Warren BUtct, Nuw Yvrk. ( itllMIIH klifl I'lftAl.ttAA Tho United Htntea dlatrlct nttornoyi for tho UlHtrlce of Columbia, Morgnnjj llawley Reach, wiih graduated at Ynlel In tho ohiiit of 'HI!, IIIh father, tho luto' Kaniuel KergiiHon Ueacli, ono of tha inont dlHtlnguluhcd Virginia lawyers ot lilti time, wad a Connecticut man by, Idi'th nnd a gruduato of Wealeynn uni versity, Miutiietowii, ..o lUiiWMm .au.11 i-tticuij nn'i 1 imui.-miiiiiii a R3 K ' -- 1 Ii