Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 24, 1903, Image 2

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It '
From Tucsday'a Dnlly.
'chapter of accidents
at porter kill
'John Hill's Miraculous Escape, frc
Double Circulars Badly
Things wont wrons at the Tortor mill
yuslerdny.flnd It seems miraculous that
no fntnlitlos nro to bo recorded.
John Hill had his clothing caught oy
a bolt ou ft pulley nnd ho was disrobed
with tho u'catctt dispatch, only one
Bock nnd oco shoo being left on blm,
nil anklo wm broken but he euflerod no
other material Injury.
Then something wont wronc at tl:o
'big double c'rculare. Tho saws wcro
both broken In pieces,' tho boxes, and
arbors wero broken, 'ftnd things wero
riddled generally. Tho damago will
amount to 11000 or fl.r00, and tho mill
wNl bo disabled for a week or ten day?,
It seems almost incredible, but no one
was hurt in tho smaihup though pieces
'of the saws nnd other fragments wero
thrown all over tho mill.
Tho delay is especially annoying to
Mr. Simpson nt this f.timc, whon both
' mills nro oyer run with orders. An at
Jompt will bo made to rig uo a tempo
rary sawing apparatus from material
from tho 8. 0. Co. mill at Empire.
Fltv Thousand 'fiaoaclv Mill To
Be Built Al The New
The Mail is Informod on the best of
authority that G. Levelle, tho sawmill
mm who has been on the Bay and
Coqullle for some time, and who, it
was said, would build a mill at Coqulllo
City, will build at North Bend instead.
He has closed tbo deal with L. J.
Blmpeon and will put up a mill of some
thing over 60.000 capacity, the alto be
ing just north of tho present Yarrow
wharf. It wlll be a double mill
and, will bo planned with
a view to installing a completo
band-saw plant, and will embody the
latest ideas, Mr. Levello being a man
of large and successful experience in his
This will be a valuable acqusition to
tho indurtries of the bay, and it is a
wattor of congratulation that Mr. Lov
elle has concluded to accept the offr
made him by Mr, Simpson, which is
undorstcod to haye been a liberal one.
It is also o big thing for tho new town
of North Bend, though it is only a
email item of hat is to follow.
Will be Forwarded Next Monday.
A call Which Should be
The committee that hsvo bad in hand
the matter ol collecting money for tho Jolin carver, labor r d 23
fa'mlne.ettlcken people ol Finland,, re- Gc() LaiDUor, labor r d 23
port that thoirBUCceeB has exceeded their ' w w pbiiijp,( labor r d 23
expectations, though the exact amount Loyl RobertB, labor r d 23
3 r.ot yot known, as quite a number of C,a8 ccracl:on, labor r d 23
But-c:mmittetB, outaldo ol town have joljn QnrVbr( iator r d 23
not yet reported. , w y williamB, labor r d 23
Tho central committee wish to Bend1 John jjcrjollocb, labor rd 23
off the whole amount raleed, next Mon- A jj Gould, chalnman Cooper
day, and they wish all tho 8aL-com- bildgoroad
mltteoB to make their reports belore Tll0a Cripp, axman
that time. Wlwn the reports are all In, Ieonarl Buell, chalnman
It la propoeed to publish a list of tl 1 vVm Belieu, axman
contributors, with tho amount of their, M Tj ialtorBOn, axman
donations. i M j Krantz, viower
. No cause could bo moro worthy of tho j g jijer viowsr
fCntributlona ol our people, than tho re-' L Corm3n viewer
llofi 'of Buffering humanity, especially In g B Catbcart, Burvoying, etc.
' .a cose like thifl, where an industrious' j labour d 27
and frugal people have been reduced to cbaBleck laDOr r d 27
aosperato Btraits through, no fault of H A Adam8j kbor r d 27
Jhcir own. inBolicitatioo ought hardly.lo HlliB( jbor r d 27
be neceBaary. A,ny ono who has not had ; Geo iembroko, labor r d 27
Vu opportunity to eubeeribe to the fun-' j y s gnyd?r, labor r d 27
can do so by rcolng any ol tlo following
gentlonun, who compoto tho central
committee: II. Flnell, Jacob Anderson,
0. J. Hlllitrom, Alex Johnson and John
Anderion. Or atiy contributions tout
to this oflico will bo turned ovor to tho
proper parlies.
II, Flnell Informs tho mail Hint no
has a Into letter from Finland which
s.iy that tho people arc dying of what
is known there as hunger Typhoid,
belne a foyer brought on by starvation.
Let a llbora donation go from Coos Hay
for the relief of this suffering people.
W. R. Beckwllh of Astoria was bound
over to appear at circuit court for em
bezzlement from tho North Pacific
Browing Co.
Tho Joiophlno Coanty advertising
pamphlet has been issned and is la tho
hands of tho Harriman Imm'gratlon
Tho total expenses for Marion County
tor 1002 was H5.S49.Cfl.
The government is to build a new
dormatory at tbo Chemawa indian
school, also a hospital and bulld.ngs for
employes, the whole lot costing $30,000.
Tho Eugene Guard is printing the de
linquent tax list.
M ti ti:.f n 1inr.mrf.rnin has eUtd i
thcO.R.&N.Co. for 110.000 damages
on account of personal injuries received
by falling Into an opening caused by tho
removal oi somo planks bylthe company.
Samuel Dorn ol Jackson Connty ac -
.,.,.-.,-.i.. m. 7.vnr-olJ sister last
tlUVUUJ IUW ". w-j-
Sunday afternoon while handling
,t,:.i.... .in- ?! 17 voara o d.
n lubuccKt - -- -
. r, .:i tn m .rtr.ct
me gun wem uu wuuu .b -
a cartage, The ball entered the temple
of the little girl killing her instantly.
Work on the Dallas & Falls City rail
road has resumed. The first engine for
tho road is expected soon.
Tho Polk County tax levr for 1003 is
Tbo Indebtnesa of Polk County is 152,
County Ccurt Proceeding
J A Lyons Estate, lumber r d
200 43
13 25
10 50
13 12
James Wilson, labor r d 22
RV Holm, labor r d 22
A L Sargent labor r d 22
Andrew Smallcy, labor rd 22
S S Morey, labor r d 22
Bert Doyle, labor r d 22
W F Miller, labor r d 22
S C Braden, labor r d 23
J C Brown, labor r d 29
J S Miller and team, labor r d
J W Hall, labor r d 23
J S Miller, blacVBmlthlng r d 23
3 75
10 12
7 00
10 00
131 00
8 60
r "6
3 10
93 CO
51 00
10 G3
20 00
2 25
20 87
L W Deyoe & Eon, lumber r d
Cb"aB AdatnP blackamlthlng,
r d 23
' s c Braden, labor r d 22
W E Rackleff, lumber r d 23
Geo Mullen, boreo hire rd 23
Endicott & Brack, blkemith
inc i d 23
w n oi.-hfln. labor r d 23
23 50
219 72
23 00
4 00
30 00
30 00
17 50
19 CO
10 CO
4 00
4 00
,8 00
15 00
Henry Hrockmnn, labor r d 27
John Kpperaon, labor r d 27
8 I. James, labor r d 27
01 25
47 CO
8 00
19 00
1 McClosky, labor r d 29
J II Jamee, labor rd2
John tit, labor rd 27
John Maddux, labor nud cash
ndvauccd Jor labor r d 27
Kudlcott & Pago, blkumlthtttg
r d 27
Uullng & Luudy, powder, etc.
r d 111. 17, 23. 20, 27
H S Kribs, tundcohoueo, nalla
r d 11, powder r d 21
W P Holman, labor Hear Creek-
Baudot) road ti per cent fund
332 02
4 50
171 83
27 CO
03 37
Joo Morford, labor Hear Creek
Itandon road o per cent fund
Creck-Uandon road 5 per
cent fund
Al Snoad, labor Hear Creek-
Bandon road, 2 por cent
fund N
A McNnlr hardware Bear.Cf cck
Bandon road
21 76
21 75
T2 50
10 07
Ordered that R P Hunt bo paid tbo
sum of 1200 02 out of tho tlvo per cent
road fund to pay tbp following bill in
improving th'o road in road district No.
11 P Hunt superintending
John if-Tucker. OK days work
man end team
T J WoodonOH days' work
man and team
30 00
23 00
28 00
IC 00
8 73
15 00
22 00
12 00
0 00
, Alonro DavIs 3K day,' work
m.n ami lean,
11111... rt.MI ft Ttl fil lira.
" ". - "
i Fred Davis, 10 days
, ,.,,, ,
J Alumbaugh 14?,' days'
. j
j hk"-j-
oumum.. u-,-
utuemroiner, t
W Bluemrother. 4 1-8
da a
Samuel Jackson, 0 2-S
0 10
9 35
V W Smiih 1-3 day
Fred Miller 1 1-2 days
J P Hunt 1 lladays
A McNalr powder capa and
2 25
2 26
11 25
1 00
A Davis timber
Ordered thatS B Dye be appolntod to
superintend work of improving county
road near Poor Farm about 95 rods in
length, 47 days having been subscribed,
and tbo county to furnish balanco of
labor needed.
Ordered that $250 bo appropriated in
open'ng tho Ccqullle-Rlverton and
Lampa Creek road in road district 20.
Work to be dodo under the Supervision
of A Snead, supervisor road district 20
who shall make report of eaid work to
county court.
Ordered that pitltfon for Myrtle
Point-Cooper Bridge road bo dismissed,
for the roraon tjjnta remonstrance with
more names than there was on the
petition was tiled.
! .
Real E'late Transfers
Cora N Rose and hus to Oarlyle Rote
1-2 of ne4 of nw4 s 30 t 20 r 12 $100.
L J Simpson and wf to August Tyberg,
lot 23 blk 24 North Bend. 5.
Wm Croy to 1) G Beal 2-3 Int In ee4 of
Bwi sw4 of se4 a 2 t 28 r 13 t?33 34.
Wm Croy to Kato A Labrie, 1-3 int in
ee4 of swlsw4 of Be4 a 2 1 23 r 13. 4200.00.
C II Merchant and wf to Anthotfyj
. ...... i in i . . i i tr 1.1
Welch lot 4 block C Western add Marsh
field $G0
Eugene II Hamblock and wf to'
John V Hamblock tract of land In ewl
b23 t2Sr II $00.
L J Simpson and wf to Simpson
Lumber Co. b2of eel a 3 en4 pf nel nwl
n3 of aw a 27 lota 7 10 Rl 14 15 and 1 a
s!nt.22rl2. GOO 34 acree. n2 of n'J (2
nf nt.4 n! of eel sw4 of nwl of nw4 w2 ol
OT4 p 15 H64 of n2 of ee4 sw4 of nw4 w
of aw4 8 25, se4 of ae4 b 20 t 23 r 13, e2
eelBon2of ne4 se4aI0t23 rl3e2of, Gol darn It; I thought yu were a
ee4 e5 n' ol ne4 h 8 t 23 r 12 c2 b 35
of nw4 bc4 of nw 4 bw4, bw! of n 30 t
rllBc4of eel a 20 o2 ol Bel h 27, t2
bw4 e2 s 34 v2 of nw4 s2 awl of net e2 of
nel b 35 1 23 r 11 lota 3 and 1 a2 of nw4
oel b 1 lots 1 2 3 and 4 t2 of u2 h 2; lota 1
2 and 3 e2 of i2 n2 of sw4 of bvs4.b 3 nwl
e 3; nwl of eel n2 of bw4 bw4 of iwl,.tC,
e4 of nel a 7 t2 of nw4 bw4 ol nel,.,ewl
ac,i of nel.e2.gf ne4 b 9,.b2 of..jiwine4 ol
3w4 s 10 nwl n2 a 11 all eec 12 and 13
3 14 eel of ee4 w2 of ee4 eel of ow4 b
tel of not w2 ol nr4 net of nw4 t 17 e4
m24, c2of sw4 c4 1 ; 2 ol swts:i2(
all In t 0, r 11 lots 12, 3 and 4 2 ol awl
s2 of nu4 a 2 lots 1 mul 2 3 ol tio4 so4 a I
alt Ju 1 27 r 12 o2 of w2 i2 s 8 w2 of v2
w2c3a 20 lots : nnd 4, vl ol sw4 i2 e
30 nil In t 27 r 11, H27U 5H acres ) 10,000.
iBIophon V Johuson ntul wf to Potor
Blake, V2 of a4 nwt of nw4 a 20. v2 ol
not'not of so4 . 27 t 23 r 12, 210 ncres.
U 2 8 ncni In i sat Sir 12,11600.
A li Nosier to O I) Fiolds, lot 1, 27 foot
d! 2 ol lot 2 block 10 N add Coqulllo City
Mntt Storo nnd wf to Mntt Btorn, Jr.
sw4 a 28 t 23 r 13. fMO.
K S Spurgeon to Lll'.lo (1 Boyd, tract
in s I t 28 r 13. f)0
Beatrice Green to K II Scranton, lots
2 and 3 blk 18 Conlcdo. $10.
M H Dement to WlUfam Taylor De
ment, 322 acres In s lf t 30 r 12, t2 of
iD-law4,ot sc4 118.120 acres; a4 sw4
nw4 ol c4 a 18, 119 51-100 ncrcsr sw4 ol
nw I nw4 of Tw4 a 17, 80 ncres, all in 1 30
r 12; e2 ol sc4 sw4 of sc4 s 13 nw4 of no4
s 21, 1C0 acres; set ol sw4 8 13, 40 acres
all In 1 30 r 13 n2 ol no4 s 19 aw4 of no4 j
lot 1 a 18 t 30 r 12, 142 30-100 acres.
O M Hermann and wf to W T Dement
lot 1 12 of nwt nw4 of nc4 a 2 of ne4 nw4
nw I of se4 nc5 of sw4 3 IU t 30 r 12; sw4
of uw4 w2 of i4 sv4 of sn4 si i3 of uc4
t,l of nw4 be4 of sw4 a 1 1 31 r 13, lots
3 and 5 sc4 of nwt lot 0, no I of sw4 sw4
of ne4 nw4 ol sc4'a 0 t 31 r 12 $0(XO.
Wm 11 Lytton and wf to ll A Si&nal
ness ic4 of uw4 net of aw4 a 0 t 21 r 11
SO ncrce. f500.
' Statu of Oregon to .Nathan Smith s2 of
iw4 s 30 t 25 r 12, 80 acres $100.
State ol Oregon to Caisle H Simpson,
s2 ol net 2 of set e 4 t 20 r 12, 100 acree.
Mario JI1 Bordor and hus to Eva A
(Travcr. Parcel In Bordor & bonder s
add Myrtlo Point. $1.
M J McDonald aud wf to Harriet 1
Blodsoo lots Hand 12 blk 2 lot 2 blk 1
E.liotfsadd Coqulllo City, $190.
L J Simpson and wf to Victor Andor-
scn lota 10, 17 and 18 blk 21 North Bund
L J Simpson nnd wf to Matt Btora lots
21 and 22 blk 21 North Band. $5.
R II Rosa and wf to Mrs. M J Gross
and Mrs Kitty Klrao. lot 8 blk 1 Averill
add Bandon $2500.
Frod G West to W I. Laird set of ne4
ne4 of sot s 12 t 28 r 10, 80 acres $150.
W T Klghtand wf to Eugenia A Cavott
2 1.8 acres in nw'l ot nw4 8 1 28 r 13. $20.
U S to John U Cox, w2 of aw4 s 1 sol
ol sc4 2 lot 4 s 12, t 20 r 14, ICO. 02-100
acres. , ,
John It Cox and wf to Frank Flam w2
of sw4sl seJof ei s 2 lot 4 12 t 29
r 14, ICO. 02-100 acres $375.
Peter Robortson and wf to John A
Hagnor and John A Eskola n2 of no4
sel of ne4 ne4 of nw4 a 32 ewl of nw4 a
33 t 23 r 12, 200 acres M0 int in 2 95
ncref in 8 21 t 21 r 13. $3000.
Z D Brown nnd wf to Wm Doland, lot
0 blk 10 North 3ond J500.
LJ Eimpeon and wf to Z D Brown
logo C blk 19, North Bond. $ 5.
Yankee Philosophy
(Puget Sound Lumberman)
v.n.x iirAur I nno of ruco, Found'i
,uj.n0W(i mon. For yoarB ho baa
. .
kept tho Puget Mill company ' mill in
logo nt any Ecnlo. Oicaslonally ho
fcta off bits of philosophy which Indicate
bin Yankee origin. For iuttnnco: ,
1 ..A ,rian from Main is generally all
"Never sell any bu.nl-over llinlx r. II
you do, eomo fellow will burn moioto
got it."
2 "Let half of tho timber burn, the
of other half will bo worth tw Ice as much."
- ,
n2 Main man." That la what ho remarked
21 ! whon he pulled In a man who bad sllp-
ol !pcd off a boom etlck.'
Appointment of a cojnm!enlon to pre
paro n general uaeerncnt law, to thus
correct tho ovllfl of in(ijuality,nud non-
f '
; t'i,
15 ;
Taxing cornorationB to thus add to tho
stftte'o revenue,
Placing atato ofllcori on lint wlnrlos.
Havu boolss of nil atato and county
olllolala Inipvoltd nt regular Intervals.
Kuruflniunto( tho jurisdiction ami
powor 0j tll0 (.Wcultcourls with reference
. -0l,t,(rtj crlinltmls botween tho ago
. 10 .ul l( 1
Kxoculloiia for mtudor should be douo
t tho Poultentlnry, nnd nil such bodies
forfultud to thu state
Hnltnr tionrdltm ItOUtU nulsailCO Oil gilt
to bo Bovorely dealt with.
Improve tho public school sya'otn In
tho districts outside ol cities.
Havobuttwo Normal Schools under
ttnto aid. .
Hogulalo pilotage ratos at tho mouth
of tho Columblr river.
Ropea! laws providing for a health
olllccr with a boatman nt Astorln thore
by cuttlug off a slnccuro ol $1500 per
annum, -
EstablUh a Bureau cf Labor or appoint
a Commlisioner to roport to tbo next
Legislature regarding tho relative con
ditions ol capital nnd lalwr In Oregon.
Pass somo legislation to glvs Initiative
and referendum amendment a (air trial.
Relatives of tho state Insano aud also
the Incorriglblcs nt tho Reform School
should bo mndo to amist In tho support
of such wards.
Stato should own and opcrato its own
light plant.
Tho Columbia and Willamette rivers
' ought to be oponod and tree for naviga
Boye' and Girls' Aid Soslely desorves
support by tho statu.
Legislation is nooded governing water
and riparian rights.
Liberal npproprlrllon for the Lewis
and Clark Exposition.
Oregon Historical Society should ro
culvo state support.
Rcdistrlct tho state Into Scnatorlrl
and Ropreicntalivo Districts upon n
basis of justice to tho people instead of
in the Interests ol any political party.
M s.
1'I.OUlt FEED, ETC.,' OF
J F R O ' E N O Y S T E R H
EVERY DAY. : : :
r. Street, Murahfield, Ore
tlrbnd llliil.
IVhlla walking liomo from the matlnoo
i. .ij very coj4 nrui ntr," uM Ji.
"Oh. I llkv 'uxn raw," tbo majd rplxl
TTljouirti mdm toikM Hk 'tm btter frlea
Chicago Kcfu.
Vleol'rcnldont Wyiunn'n DotuiH
ornilo C'liilxi of .NorllH-rll ulilo.
"I drtodtd the thanje of life wlilcli
wai fait approaching. I noticed Wine
of Cardul, and decided to try a bot
tle. I experienced ionic relief the
first month, o I kept on iaklni4t for
three month) and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shall take It off and
on now until I have paned the climax."
Female wwrtlnoHS, disordered
mermen, falling of the womb ami
ovarlnn troubUyt lo uot'weitr off.
Thoy follow a woman tothochanao
of life. Do not v.alt buttuko Wine
of Cardul now aid 'avoid tho trou
ble. Wine of Cardul never fall
to benefit a mifferlnif woman ot
any no. Wine of Cardul reliovcil
Mm. Webb when hIio win in dan
Kcr. Wlie.n you come to tho ch:mfe
of life Mrs. Webb'H letter will
mean more to you than it Woes
now. But you may now nvoitl tho
Buttering she endured. iJmfjffists
oliei loilloi ot wmo oi waruui.
y y&"z''Ji
Tk Miui Wk ffinn
Ollmd SuMb
and Sttckmm
I. If jour rtlr dn't
Iuit Uhii. "it (or cUloi
I, i, u.ium rttkuit.,
Jilt., tt rimliiv 1
ii,n,(tniiii mii, i.uiti,,
GooiTbT wlolosiilB Limior
pomily Ordor5 Solicited.
Family orilrrn for Pons, pint anr
qtinrts.di'livcrad by lliociiee.
Robert Marsden.
Corner or Front nnd A atrrets,
JONH SNYDER. : s 5 s J : Proprietor
riMtis wi'.i i..KNcnvN andi'avoUith
J I lO'l'KI. w mwi txrn nnllrcly uliijo! (ih
fcfiiftiulirtt itiiwiifioHi ami It ag.tlnon to the
public for jrtttoruKc.
New ll ami tpfltiR iiuilrrtvt Iwvs lcer
phml In alin(H rvery lr.-prn: room ol tlilt
Imuw unit neiibrr Itotititr nor mihiim Ims been
wcl to put ccfyllnii: in lint-cUvi otiter.
llo.nl At lKlnR, r k JJ. 1
tlo-iril, p iVcei: 4-
Single .Me1 .. . .
Tho , .
Firm, . ?
Is coiiHtnntly ndiliug to ita
ntocK of (Innonil Morchnu
:1Iho, nlrciuty thu Lirgcut in
Mnrhhilultl. When yon buy
nt tho .Mill Storo you know
tho good nru first clnss and
tho price in nil riM .
All kinds of lumbor and
building material,
, , food and sup-
at wholosalo and rotail
Drylnjr prcpn rntlrm.s fclmply devoV.
opdry cntnnh; thoy dry up tho aucrotioni,
wlilcli mllioro to thb mcinbrnuo mid docom
jioio, cuuhIii n far inoro norlottii t roublo than
tho ordinary form of rntnrrli. Avoid nil dry
ing liihiikntx, fuiiiOM, Miiokcu mid unuif
nnd uiu that wliiflh clontiitcii, i.oothort and
lioiiln. J'.ly'ii Croui.-i Bnlin i-j kucli n romedy
and will euro ontnrrh or cold in tl o hood
eacily nud iiloiinntitly. A tr:u nixo will b
mailed for 10 cr ntn. All (lni:gli,lii noil tho
50o. iilito. Kly JhothcrH, M5 Warren Kt N.Y.
Tho llnb:t ctirert without iiulu, does not
Irrltatu r catiso nucelnf;. li i.preiuto itel
ovor nn Irrilntnd aud angry mirfneo, roliov
lug itmuodlatuly tho painful inflnmrnntlon.
With l'ly'n ('renin Jlnlm you ruo nnnod
ngnhiBt Nmul Catarrh aud Hay l'ovcr,
50 'YEARQ'
TrtADE MAnKt.',
Copyrights &c.
Anrnnniioilil nu
onillnu n Khstrli nnd iloncrlMlnri vmr
n'crliilil mir uplnldii fruu wlnitliiirJjiii
prulinlil iinlmiinhlu. ('miimuillm.
lIvcmilhluiiMiil. lliiiulliiiokunl'utcuti
nuluiiir nun
liivmilloii li
tent (ru. uhloul nut'iir fur Hocurlnu liutunU.
. i iiii i
I.. i. . a ,(ll4ll . til-flllitll
Ij'ftlul wiHee, wltlioul cluiruu, In tbu
inniiiuii jiuiiii ft, v.u. ruccsre
A Imnilimnolr lllnntriitnit vrnnklr. I.nrawttfr
(Ailntloii (f nnrncloiltlllii Joiirnul. 'lLrm,f)3
Tiuir i litnt muiitlis, l. tiulit liyull noivmlcalori.
MUNN & Go.3010""1. Wew YorK
UrnucU Oaico, 035 l' BU Wtublnmoo, V, iX
cT 1 f yi
91 m I i IX
liAi b r r.
ail I ti
. J. I
I if .-.--'