. I r it ' t- 3 i" " i , vr;. . ((jTATK AND GENERAL NEWS, iwsT) TlioCJIty council at Hiker City linn nutliorlzuil tlio coimlruollon u( a nowor cyaim. IVtliml rnlliiclod fJ.I.OriO.Brt licence In llm iiinrler urnllng Duo. 111. 'pin I. nun (Joullly Inx luvy I two mill lower tlitii yiuir and tint valuation in 'JO por ci'tithluhur. An orcanlcitlon known nn tlio Orogon Information lttircHii win formed In Port lnml rocmitly. Tlioy luvo 1111,000 at tlitilr disposal. llitkor City In to havo n now city hall, to cost J.'IO.WK). Mudfonl haa out standing warrnnta of (:ui,njr po. Ami a tout debt o( t7o,i:a till. 'Hits van reduced Miu post yonr II, :to7.n. Tlio Hilem Mate. man lilti Charley Fulton on tin caput with tlio remark tlmt tlit latter lift! romu atoning to ilo no well m Mr. Gucr. Tlio HUtetiiun cites Ihn fact that ClaUop Counlp. Mr. Fulton's home, kvo tlio Kopubllcan tutu ticket UOO majority last Juno, ex cepting to FtirnUh, who ot only 100. Mr. Fulton rmiivml 100 popular totea In Juno lor United Htatvn Hcnator, while Mr. rr received -iri.OCO. Ergo, according to tho logic o( tlio Htatcrtnon, Mr. Ornr'a claim upon tho olllco nro exactly :t(V llnim mom forroful than tliicUmRQ1 Mr. Fulton; iiodort do inoiittrnnduui. The govermonlla having a lara con tract cl rovolineiit work dono on tho Willamette river mar InUodendenco. l.'tO.OOO will booxpundod on '.hiJ pioco ol work. lllllaboro levied a 10 mill tax on all taxable proporty In tho city limit. John Dun, of l.ohonan, Linn county tonimlttcd aulcldn at noon Friday by blowing tho top ol bin head off. It was prrmodtlutod rulcldo. Ho km DO yoara of OKI). Mlifl Calhrlno Crawford of Albany. ngod HI yoara dlrd from a atroko of ap paplcxy Thursday. Tho Palntora t'nlon In Portland hate dumauded a raUo from 1.00 to 3.M). Tho u.aitor pnlntori, or contractora havo rclumd to giant tho doinaml. Mutnoma)i County haa a dobt of 1618, U:l 40, llerliort Mundoll a b)y who robbed tho poet olllco at Ukiah, Oregon plead Kullty and was bound over. Now burg will vu Urgo oto on wbothar cowe or not on Monday. arc to run ut I (iranlii Pahb '.romana olub nro trying to havo llrookur Wathington locturo. Prraulunt Hooiovolt will bo otked to lay Iho eomor ttono to Eugune'd new high ichool building. Tho uovnrninuul boa loaard tho dredg er nl Portland and will opornto It on tho Columbia and Willamotto rivura. Thirteen applicants woro boforo tho statu niudlcnl board tlila week for exami nation. Tlioy will ho nakod twonly r.iiuahoiis, ton In aurgory and ten in ituiitomy. Win. L'astloman, a linomnn at Port land, was rocoiltly dropped 40 feot from u trootop. Uu cacupod without eorloua injury. Tho now factory at Foroat Uiovo la nearly roady to bc(ln condoiming milk. Tho now factory la 100 x 185 foot two rtorcti high and ban n bailment HO x.'-A frrt. It will require 1000 cowa td aupply thu demand. , 1 Two now mining compnnloi havo been formod to opuratu in tho lituo KlVor district. I.ano County 'n tax luvy la 'J'JJy mlllu for ntutu and huIiooI purposes, Thirty tona of Oivgon cxhlhltfl will bo Miippcd to tho Japan exposition from Oregon next week. Old brewery liumed ut Grant Paes Wednesday morning. I.iponvo or no IIinwiho was decided by Iho Muyoitt voto ut Aflhlaud WedmiHiluy night whon bin majesty miulo that city a wot town. JJakor County contalnii 1(11,110 sheep. Tho sheep In this county cmiiaumo.fram 1H to 'JO thotiimud toiiH of hay a ml re quires tho attention of HOO mon rtflO pur month por iiihIi. Thirty or forlv caeosof pmall-pox In tho vicinity of Thurston, Lnno County 1h causing tho .elllzuna eoiipitluinble alarm. Moro new caeoa aro breaking out uvory day. , Tho mombnrs of tho junior claaa decid ed to dirpumo ith tho idea of prodtie iiiKa coIIi'ro iiuhual, which la tho eatab Hulled .'.UHlntuRt the, Kucno auhool. and rn,Uo $100 to rut libido ob u loan luud, utid'epuud tho iiiterost in buying a com rloto'work of porno author and dedicat ing it to tho U. of O, Library. Jiwnri. Hayed, n wealthy pIoncor citizen ol Hunt mi County, droiiped doml ut hla I........ ...k fi.,l fl.i.olf 'I'lin.rfilrtu .tiftrltlttf.'- IIWIIIIIUII " U"' l.l..mi. ..... At tho tlnlo of bin dvnth he, with bin' hired man, war miKHged in killing no In bin back yard. In Fouler ncliool dlntflct a aharpor in (IiIchI lint ecliool board to yign a warrant for fllli. Ho puraiinded two of tho miimbernol IHo IJoaril 10 aign n Biaio inutit teuutdllii: it churl that wan to bo pllilod in thu neliool. ft wrt iiflorwrtrdn illccnveriHl that tlioy had Imiod rohool warrant lo tho iiiuoof fllit, which ho pioM'iiled to Iho Heboid Cbrk, who ennhod them uu thu iiKont got away. Jflnuty-four iiiarrhign llconcca woro lulled I.i lJ0:' In Coon county. Tho Tax lovy nlMulford la 11 inilla. Aahland hue aoveral cajen of bibbII por. Tho Marlon County II ir .imoclntlon Ih petitioning tho Irgklnturo torcduco th'ifeofor printing brlofa to Wcontaa page. It l ono thing to lead o homo to water hut you cannot alwnya mako them drink. Tho prlnlcra aro i.nt na thlrety na ioiiii) of tho nttomoya may think. I)eparluT'irby"Ar"cattt for Han Fron c!co today: MIbj A Jonlie, M(ia K Jonlnj, Ma DommHt, Mita M K WIN lion, Albert 'ijilo, J J Hulllvan, WIl Jophcott, W V. Cloghorn, E quniilc llngor, I' H Hitch, F J Dangle, John. Dlmuiltt, C F AndrowB, Mra Hctdy, Momlo Hixidy, J A Morrlton. J A Ilfctn block, W O Harrow, W Hullard, O C LangloUc, Mary CUghorn, A Holla, A Cottulla, J Malbray, It Anjory.G Ooavoy Chat Kckerbloom.O W DonglaBi, Frunk Wlckqian, and 7 in tho etcorago and re futed '15 moro paaiengcrp. Steamer News AJvIcoi from Portland to W. T, 'Mer chant, ogont for tho Alliance, are to the effect thai tho llomor did not tail from Portland ycaterday, but would bo ddlay od longer thnn waa nt Aral tuppoHcd. Tho largo tteain nclioonor Preutlia waa to nail In hor plnco, but 'will jroturn to Portlat.d from thlt port 'natead of going to San Fraucleco. Tho Homer, which hat DCcotnmodiU una for paitougort, will tako paeaongora for Hau Franclaco, but hor calling datn ia not flxod. THE IIIOOp-.T HKXHATION KVKKYWIII.nB LI LI PUT C o I a p s ti ) I u Pocket -tmuwoscoPH apparatus- Tlio amallofit Hiereohcnno with tho .itroiiKosl oplienl tlToct. Highly finished in different colora with rich gold and silver deeuratlotiB (mouutlngt), Includ inir '& V. F. Photograph-, Viowa of art (genre). PHICF. ONLY l (X). ifnot ovorywheio tirep.ild In letter foi v. AGKPT.4 WANTHD. I.ILIPUT S1EBE0SC0PE CO. FOUHKbT IIUILIMNiS, .,1'hiladolphla GROSSMANN'S PATHNT WRITING RING Tho mokt important improvement ol Iho ugo in tlio art of ponmniuhlp mokes tho iKoret writer a aplomlid peuoiau In a fow wooka by tho ueo of this ring Kndornod by prominent Collcgo Prosl dauta and Hoarda of Kducatlon in Kn lopo and Amorica. Bamplo dorin ob HoMed clr.eH pnnt ost paid for $1.00. Bin glo eiimple 21c. When ordering a single rlnir. ttulo whether for man, woman or child. ' v PENN MPG. SUPPLY CO. No. 110 8, 1'uurth 6t, PhllndclphiB ,Fnst ntul Cotnmodious Stcainship L1ANCE tar HARDW10K, Master Make regular trips U'twcrn S.ia FiaiKltco jad PortUad vi llninlKjIpt and Coos Il.iy, calling at above ports each way. Tho ALIJANOK la .i ikst ,DS?"cliiHi pnaaonger bout, nni hue all tho modem couvenloncoa ja9itti(I is ono of tho fiatot Stoiimcra ol her cliss. imr- jjp. K X V, "A X 'S. 'A 'A X A'A 'A 'A A FreighW.h K&r ntul Pnsseu,g6r Rates or Sniliug Dates, Apply'' to -'t .t II. SlimSTACfc'&N, Acrrnt. IW,rAlRSHFIISLDl Oregou oar gjsr a w m THE SENSIBILITY OF WOMAN She Has a finer Ear, n More Dclicafc Sense of Toucii and Smell Why She Cannot Keep a Se cret First to Laujjh and Cry & & 0 -3 HcrTalcnt as a Mim ic How She Sub ducn M a. n The Voman Who Weeps Beautifully Her Fear and Ucr Won derful Bravery & j, Uy PAOLO MONTECAZZA, President Anthropological Society of Italy l& WJk t mm Spok Too Soob. Alexnndro Du-ana waa ouo day till puest of Dr. O iatal, a leading practi tioner In MaivcllleB. After dinner, whllo tho colfeo Was .being 4 banded round, tho boat rtqueflted . tho great novelist to enrich bin nlbum .with one of hlH witfy ImproviBatlonH. Certainly," replied Dumaa, with n Binlle, nr.il, drawing out a pencil, h wroto nr.dcr tho eyes of hla entertainer tho follr IWlng lines: Blnco D; , oiutal carno to our town ro cm -e lloaHCB,ii(iual and hereditary Tlio liu jpital hits btcn pulled down v,V "Vo.j UnttercrlV, hero 03KlnhnciKtrl docta.', mightily plcnbcd,;.but tlio lfoct went on: An.4 wo Jmv nsiijif laecwdlattry. ' "V"i4 t4tinii ntimiiM vt n HiiliHMHiiiiui H-f-H-w-i-; :: A Hot Water Cure Wo all know what pain le and yet wo don't. Wo know what Its Benaationa are, and ttat it can o enrod by two agerita drnga and heat. -If heat will answer it Ib tho bettor, of courao. Drugging pain may bo temporary rollof only. If heat helpi at all it iailso curing. Hot Water Bags nro a potent old in a hundred ilia. Emorpnclea and pnln will como whoro nothing will answor as woll. Can boapnllcd nnywhere. Kcop warm or hours. Wo have- all slzoa of tho beat ktnda at prices Jast as comfortable as tho bags. P.uffta4- I OAJN frequently 1ms a finer onr, a moro dclicato ooiiho of touch nnd of flinoll than man, because lior Klein m fmor, bccnuHo alio docs not smolcc or nt lc:3t docfl not nbtiBO tobacco. tf WOMN 18 THE FIRBT TO RESPOND TO CER TAIN IMPRE88ION8. SHE IS THE FIRST TO CRY WITH FEAR OR ENTHUSIASM, THE FIRBT TO HLD DEN FROM SHAME OR WRATH, THE FIR8T TO LAUOH, THE FIRST TO WEEP WITH TENDERNE88 Ort FROM PAIN, THE FIRST TO SPEAK IF QUESTIONED. It h raro that n woman doca not interrupt any ono who is talk ing. Education sometimes succeeds in overcoming this weakness, but in general tho need of responding to an impression received ib Htrongcr than reflection or education. THE ALMOST AB SOLUTE INCAPACITY OF WOMEN TO KEEP A SECRET AI,SO DEPENDS UPON TJ1IS ORGAXIO DEFECT, OF THE FEMININE NKttVOUS SYSTEM. They say Uiafyhcn ono of tho norvo cells is under tension it experiences an impera tive ncod to, oxpand. , Fear is ono of tlio moat ifrcsistiblo oi automatic emotions. This emotion is usually moro readily produced and moro intense among women becauso they havo less control over their thoughts. There in n femininn timiditv which sometimes irivcs place to a virilo courugo, to tho most admirablo courage. V. K . FREQUENTLY A WOMAN IS AFRAID OF A MOUSE, DUT SHE ASCENDS THE QIQDET WITH HEROISM. SHE CRIE8 AT THE 8IQHT OF A SERPENT, DUT SHE TOS8ES HERSELF INTO THE FLAMES TO SAVE HER CHILD. Woman's fear is largely a matter) of education. Men from infancy aro encouraged to bo bold, brave. Women aro 'indulged in tho most unreasonable fears. Men tell her that they liko a timid womaj tn'3 because tlioy liko to defend her from dangor and.bccauso they liko to assert their virility boforo her. If in man tho desiro to conceal his emotions so as not to ap pear weak predominates, with woman tho desiro to be beautiful makes hor think sho is s6. In "his own peculiar mimicry man al ways says, "I am Btroug!" And woman always wishes to say, "I am beautiful l" Thcso word aro different, but tho principle at bottom is tho Bamc, for man's first power i3 courago and wom an's first power is beauty. h ; experience, intelligence, education, have taught woman the infinite value of miml6ry. compare the wails of a child who wisvie8 to de taken to the the ater with the weeping of a woma.n who. wi8he3 .fo VANQUISH THE RESISTANCE 6f A 8WEETHEART. Tho two creatures wcop equally and for a similar reason, but with whatf.difforonco in, their methods and resources I What pov erty on tlio ouo hand; what riches on tlio other 1 Tho beautiful woman caresses hor owocthoart with n smilo full of tears. With each palpitation of hor muscles, each ctfrcss of her fingers, each undulation of her bosom, sho emits an appeal to compassion tha.t finally littlo by l&tlo leads her swoothoart to her feet arid binds and couquora him liko a prisoAcr, liko a' slave. What a sublinio gonitis of mimicry Is concealed in that little, floxiblo and graceful body which paralyzes and fascinates tho big body of man! ; , !A WOMAN WHO .WEEPS IS POWERFUL. THE WOMAN" Wild tWEEPS BEAUTIFULLY. IS ALL POWER FUL. - SENGSTACKEN'S PHARMACY, Marshfleld, Oregon W-XJut.-.J.4.M-W"M I 1 1 1 & II Mill M HI MUM' Ml H--' o- C o s I. s k. "P.P. W0.RT0W. NKW8 DEALEIt AND AGENT S n ii Krnnclscn and Port-Ian d L a t e h t (1 it 1 I i off. All "uj' el en ,i g M a ft a z 1 n e h .1:' 1) U T T L K It V A S 0 1 1. AY INli J A UJ) ' Buhocriptionfl for all papers and periodicals. Fine cigars and tobacco. Stationery, Jewelry, notions 5 e - S3 e UMIHII l-HH"M"i-H I M M -i-H llllllllllllllll I-M-M-Mf T HIMvU. ' LUMBER -H-H-f f i lllinillll That is wliat we have to sell, and we can fill all orders for any and all kindst THE . QTTAJLXTY is guaranteea and the price is right. " . OUR STOCK INCLUDES anything required in -Fir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar. i SIMPSON LUMBER CO. -i North Bend Or. 5 Phone Main 151, 4-MH 1 1 Vi iiiiiiiiiriiiiiii jk-v-m-Ka- k Mn( IIvo Hern. First Chnpple-I wxndcr 'jw, Choi Ho, how tho donkey over cfuuo to bo ub1 iih th-er cinlilcm of utntjlctts? Rocoiwl phnpplo (wit h n ya wnJ-Don't ltnow. I'm sure, dciU boy; must havo b(n before ion,r day. Warm Ait; vloi i. Author-Oli, well, if yo j doil't chtoso to publlHh m; story t X. im.vo otU,cr liMa In tlio Are. ' ' ruhllaher-AOli, you 'hi A-o? tt I wcio you, I'd puUils-atory. jtl wlta 'em, IfNckncrii nXh Dochhnnd.4 , n..i.u..u. l--o.millir klllH, tictlotl aro Jo aome extent freaks In uorsoihw of littlo more real value to mankind tlmu tlacliBhuuds, the Awed off dwarfs among doaa. Tho little child who eaid of this rfdlculouB splayfooted, bowleg gcl cttrlqaure of tho canine race tlmt It uniat liuo been Iwrn under a bureau hit tho made exactly. The nose smit ing, cloud cuppi'itf horses that'try to throw tbelr frout legs over their cars at ovcry stride aro gr&tcsquo a,ugr--tlona from Bound and admirablo types. They and tho dachshunds should dlo .appear together. New York Tribune. Over a Gmo of Chess. 'An awful example of tho risks to bo encountered by those who play chess with adversaries of uncertain temper is recorded in tho "Annals of the Four Masters." Two kings nf Irish nrovincos becan a uumo on tho best of terms, but ho who got tho worst ot it Bcizeu ouo ui " rooks and flung.it with such force ut Ih'b rrtvnl onnonont that it entcrea l.n l.min and killed him on tho Boots, Shoes ' . and Harness Repaired. John Harding th ehoomalicr ia em ployed at UaakeU'a Harnose shop. We alsa'keep all Idnds of leather. THE NEW YORK WORliD TDitlOE-A-WEEK EDITION ' Ilarneta Lether3olo Loalher, Loca Leather, lJvtVo. Leatner. iihui ol 8pr!.iiR l.ewinBB. If you want to buy.any kind of Imr nesa r-oo Haekel, , H ARNESS. &'" SADD.LES U AB K'S CORNER : : Trbnt Streel onot.. brai t y -l-M-H-HKwH's'!l, f.HAv fiRlSSEN MUSIC CO. J !. 0. 0. F. Bid. Tho vory choicest mak ot pianos t anu orKana to boiuci uum . t6TTymg an umuH ui !"' sirumeiiiu For cash or on Installments, suit yoiireclf A full liuo of muBio suited to cvory grado, rccplved direct t every Week - . TIiQ Dlnia, Marslifltld, 7 'Oregon. mi.. Jiv iinnsf of ni-ev fCAlid In A1B- J ,....,,,- ..w 5 trnlla IS t ne luuiju, vi 'n. .vt.. .j, ,,., V' . :-- Read wherever tho English Laoguago la Spoken Tho Thrioe-A-Week World was 'a brilliant success in the heginninR unit hna been aloadlly growing ever aloce. Time in the test of all things, and has sot its & of approval on tho.Thricea: Week World, which is widely circulated in every Stato and Territory ol the Un ion, auil whereeyer thorfi aro people who can rer.d our mo'ther tonuuo. . Thls.paper for tho coming winter and tho year 1903, will mako its news per? vico, if poBeiblo, moro exteiiBtvo than over. -All events of importance, no mat ter whoro tlioy happen, aro rer ported accurately and promptly. Tho subscriber, for only ono dollar a year, uets three papers every week and moro news and general rendiug than most great dailies can furnish it Uvo or bix tlmos tho price. Tho Thrlco-a-Weok-World is abso lutely fair in its political nows. Par tisan bias Is novor allowed to affoct itH news columns, and Democrat and Re publican alike can obtain in ita paes truthful accounts of all tho great politi cal campnigus. In addition to all tho nows, tho Thrico-a-Week-Wold furnishes the best torlal fictiou, olaborato market reports arid other features ol intoroat. Tho Thrice-a-Week-World's recular subEcriptlon price la only $1.00 per yoor and this pays for 150 papers. We offer this unequnled nowspapqr and Weekly UOA'BT MAIJj together .ouo ypar for 2,00 f The regular subscription prlco of the two'apersi82.fK) i JW, 'V : M I n f ii ! w 1 - 1 i I i J ! i( ill '1 I i t- . v s ,vfy&. ut- .an M.ii mri utk tm tramni mmua,-422au A. AL.ijafagi'5,aA .;nafrj! JvtWP""