Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 17, 1903, Image 1

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I nuJtMSrA
T1 ' ' - i i ii
Congress Passes Re
bate Bill
Tillman. Draws A
Crowd Again
Opeclal to tho Mall.
Wiuliinutoti, Jnn II Hoprcsentatlvo
JanLm) ol Wisconsin, chairman ol tho
llotuti JuJIcUry ccmmlttuo IntroJuccil
a resolution in thu Houco ilircctliu tho
commlttcMj to liivoslli-atu thu jio-Aor ol
CatiK'tMB to tnko pobbcib'ou of oil coal
minis ami linos ol tratiBpottatlon neces
sary lor thu transportation ol coal, on
tho ground that tho necessity for the
cxnrclso of Mich power has arisen,
Tho Homo adopted u rulo providing
for tho Immodlato couildoratlon of tho
bill by tho Ways and Means committi'O
sratititiK ft dutwlo on coal. Dobato la
limited to on" "our and no amendments
till bo allowed. Anion tho six votlnjr.
against a dubnto on cnal wcro Jonoi ami
Cusliuiiui cf Washington.
WnthltiKtoit, Jan. 1 1 Tho Hunato in
anticipation of tho much advertised
rpecch by Tillman was well filled this
mornliiK. Tillman kept ft prmnlnont
placo In tho halla boforo assembling,
tuHlng tho othor senatora what a largo
number ol livo wlrca ho had In rcaervo,
how ho proposed to arraign tho proal
dout regarding tho coal situation. At
1 :30 ho spoko, starting In by arraigning
Aldrich, Mo raid If any action wero
takon In tho fc'eiialo It would bo bccauo
tho Kopubllcana had been goaded by tho
Vest resolution, Tho Benato waa call
oua In refusing lo aid llu suffering peo
ple and would bo taught a leason. II
cml rlctH took place, U would bo shown
Hint men won't'ttarvo mid frcere. llo
tali it wacrtho policy of tho government
o dunl in hot air. TJio attorney general
elta supinely by, although having power
enough In tho fihermanhct, and though
ho has found comploto cvWonce of con
splrn y, yot duniamlB powor, and wanln
nnothur Anthrnclto Coiumleolou. Tho
commission havo rjot to now dwindling
away tlmo taking irrclovnnt testimony
when 11 no oaolly could get cvldenco of
theanlhrnctto menoply.
At i:1B tho Houso without dobnto
udoptcd tho Beiiato nmondiiiont to the
coal bill placing anthracite on tho frco
Hat irdelluitoly and all othorcoal on tho
free lUt ono your,
I.vnrcit int n Tito,
Tho imiulxT of leaves 1111 11 largo nix
ty font hlh out; troo ban been counted
. mid found to oMiuut) J,UQU,000,
In Philippines, as Gov
ernor Opoclal to the Mall.
Washington, Jan. 1 1 Proiidont Hooto
volt liai ilccidml that Judgo Tuft shall
remain in tho Philippine!) uo civil gov
ornor. On account of tho rumor that
Judgo Taftwim to leave thu Islands to
becomo a juttlco of tho auprcmo court
of tho United ijtntcu, piotcata from
many promluont Filipinos wru cabled
to tho president. Govornor Taf t decid
ed that it would lo bolter to mako no
change at prorent.
Gpeelal to the Mall.
Phlladolpha, Jan. It Wllor again
presided at tho anthracite trial. Super
Inlendant May of tho Iltllaldo Coal Co.
waa tho tint witness. Ilia testimony
and examination vera largest confined
to tho "reasons for hia antipathy to tho
IIo raid ho bollovcd it makefi tho men
too iudopondont. Spauldltig asked many
AnolherTheatre For Gotham
Dpcclal to the Mall.
Now York, Jan. 15 Tonight .wltnes
aca tho addition of atill another to tho
long list of now playhoueea opened iu
Now York thia season. This tlmo it is
tho Mnjoitic Thcatro, located on upper
Ilrcadway near tho Grand Girclo. Thu
thcatro ia under tho management of
Blair ami "Wilbur and ia Intendod to
tnko rank among I lib leading places of
amusomont in tho motropolla. Tho
oponfug attrnotlon la "Tho Wizard of
Or.,' Jin cxtravagaunza which wbb llrst
preBontod In Chicago Inst 'Fall. '
tlovr TU Ilvtuovo Rptlntera.
Tho best way to rumovo n splinter
from tho hnml urter long Btuudlne 14
to Uil:o tlip skin 'oft tho iiiHldo of nn
ctl uholl mid plnco over tho pnrt -whero
tlio Bpllntcr lies for twenty minutes,
then It may bo removed without pulu.
How to Clean KUatlo Blocldntr.
Dirt la always unhealthy, so It Bhould
not bo tolerated oven In nn elastic
lUtockliiR, though that Is not an nrtlclo
Unit can bo sont to tho wnBh. Clean It
by cubbltiK It with 11 pleco of lluunol
dipped In Hour heated as much nB pos
jBttilo in tho oven without browning It.
.Shuke out tho flour and repeat tho
iproecsa If necessary.
weir An'MWcrcIl,
A, youthful mombcy .of parliament
was oneo ndvlfied by a blbuloiiH mom.
her of ono of his audiences to "go homo
to hlu mother." "I think," tho young
candidate unld, "my friend might fol
low his own iidvlco with advantage,
for ho doen not ueom to have outgrown
his affection for tho bojtlo."
Takes The Guberna
torial Chair
With the Usual Elabor
ate Ceremonies
Special to the Mall.
Balom. Jan 1 1 Today wltnotBod the
inaugaratlon of tho lnt Domocra Govor
nor of OrcRon alnco Governor Pcnnoyor.
Whilo tho polldtal algniflcanco Is ilia
laflOIUI 10 iiaimuimaiia koii ,j.
probably no man waa over 'Induce!
Into tho ofllco who eo fully enjoyed tho
good YIahea of overy lody aa tho lion
ornblo Goo. 12, Chamberlain, who took
hia teat ak Governor of Oregon.
Tho Btalo Ilousa was com plot oly
packed with apectatora. and tho large
roprctcntlvo hall wonld not hold moro
than n email fraction of thocouho wish,
cd to do honor to tho now Governor.
Tho Ilouaoa convened in tho Hall of
Representatives at 11:15 o.clocki jrhen
tho voto for Govornor was canvased and
the inauguration corcmonioa followed.
Aftor a roll call of tho two houses had
taken placo, at Bpoakor Harris' request,
President llrownoll appointed tho follow
In? commit too to canvaea tho guberna
torial votes; Senators Carter and Bwcck,
ltoprosontatirca Whelan and Galloway.
After tho voto had been canvassed tho
Joint assembly dissolved until this after
noon w lion tho inauguration ceremonies
Special to the Mall.
Washington, January 1G President
Roceovolt elgned tho bill granting lull
robato on Imported coal at 1 o'clock this
afternoon, which becamo offectlvo im
mediately. Tho Homo passed tho army appro
priation bill, thon began consideration
of tho bill to cfoMo a Departmont of
Gpeclal to the Mall.
Now York. Jan ID-Grcrt nnxloty Ib
folt regarding tlio lone ovor duo llnor
Bt Louie. Tho olllcoa of tho stoaraahip
company wero crowdedbut tho ofllclala
profosa small nnxloly. Thoy say tlio
big llnor baa beon delayed by rough
and wcuthor boilore, Bho haa 5aQ paa
No Appointments Yet
Ffirst Vote on Senator
Special to the Mall.
Balom, Or., Jan. ID Governor Cham
berlain thia morning began hia official
ieor m governor of tho Stato. Ho
ipent the greater portion of tho day ro-
cilvlog callers of whom Uioro wero wait-
til the tlmo. Tho Govcrnor'a prlvato'm0rning John Mllcbcll aaid thcro was
aecrelary, Mr. Oatena, arrived in tbo
city today and has beon engaged In
squiring information as to his lutnro
Tho Govornor docllnei to yet mako
any appointmont announcements, not
withstanding tho great anxiety In many
quarters as to what ho will do tbie line,
j In tbo stato prlnter'a officio Mr. J. A.
litch, of Albany, Mr. Whltney'a righ
.Sfid man at home, la assisting hia chief
inn clerclal capacity during (ho mah
Incident to tho assembly.
In hoth housea today tbo work baa
beon mostly of a routine nature. Tho
mcmbera.aro noxious jo ascertain their,
real stilus boforo adjournips until next
When tho rcspectlvo liouecs meet ordination.
Monday, a ballott fcr United, 8tatcs
senator will bo taken at noon, and un
Icas-the majority in ouch honso la lor
soma ono mat, a voto will be taken In
Joint convention at noon Tuesday and
each day thereafter until an eleetionls
The German Reichstag1
Makes Resolve i
Venezuela Dodging
the Blockade
fipeclnl to the Mall.
Borlin. Jan 10 Tho Rolohatae hai
pasred a roaolutionthat no proforrcd
commercial treaties bo paeEOd with
natioiiB, whero f.uch treaties would bo
dIsadvrmtni;oou9 to Gorm jny. Tho reso.
lution lmsreferoucoto tho United States.
Tho Stntij dopartmont has rsceivod In
formation tlmt Yone:uola Iiob opened
conforonco without restriction nloig tbo
wholo Columbia fronlcr. This is taken
to mean that froo trado haa beou eetab
llahed in oulor to offset tho blockado
along tho const by the powers.
Operators Give Hear
say Evidence
John Mitchell Corners
a Witness
pacta! to the Matt.
Philadelphia, Jan. 15 Boforo
opening of tbo onlnracito trial
n0 deflnito baala lor tho stories publish-
ed to tbo effect that minora and oper
ators bad reached an agreement.
Gray resumed tbo chair. Major War
ren made a brief speech, felicitating
Gray and commending Wilson for hia
fairness and force daring his occupancy
of tho seat.
Warren then offered atatistlca show
ing tbj amount paid by tbo operators
toward the eUte land of wagcs,-togethtr
with various other matters, complied
from mine Inspectors' reports relative
to accidents and deaths,
Soveral other witnesses were called to
show that minioK is healthful; also that
since tbo advent of the Minera Union
thero bad been a general air of insubon
Daow made wltntsa Pattoreoa, a
banker and coal operator, admit that
ho nevar personally know of but one
case 0! violonco, aU the othcis teitigbend otbo pretender.
1 ..,... j .
.N buyinR shoes DON'T
JTlI fr&-
$1.00 shoe at a etoro whoro (U to S shoes uro sold. you do
get plucked nearly every tlmo. : ::.:
Satisfactory abooa for Winter shoes that ploaso Ibo
people shoes iu which the shapa will hold woa't '
, S m mm. wwi..
"squash" out, or sag
Shoes that hold out because thoy'ra
IB tTv
whero, InBldo or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoo. . : :
Must bo rijjht or
couldn't everlastingly
wear or a new pair.
Why pay $5 and JO
j Tom, Dick and Ilnrry
long suffering public with scarcoly a
nor in ahapo for tho Inat ton years ,
hearsay. Thia caso proved to bo one1
where boys perpotrated violence In l&VS
beforo tho advent of the anion. Mit
chell asked Patterson a series "of' qnes
tionBj tho general' teWr of which waa td-
aeccrtaln whelhor tho present output
waa as largo as it could bo made. Ma
jor Warren objected, and Mitchell, in
bin usual qufet way said: "My object
is to lsarn if these men aro getting out
all tho coal they can. Thore ia 'frnnino
now, and tho situation iaocrloua. I am
doing all I can to rclieva it. I want to
know If tbo operators aro doing tho
Europeans Making
Quick Departure
Special to the Mai!. . ,
Tangier, Morocco, an. 10 It ia re
ported from Fes there ia no probability"
of the proposed expedition being .dis
patched Just now.
The eultan moat congregate a larger
force, which he Intends to lead pereon
ally. Thorewas a renewal of fighting ' be- ;
tween two notions outside of tbo city
There Is a rapjdly Increasing senti
ment against Europeans which made
necessary tho harried departure from
Fez. of an American missionary's wife
and threo English women. They aro
curacd and.yiliflod whenever they appear
in tho strcals.
The sujtan haB offered f 5000 for tljo
cot pluclced. If yon buy a 3.00'or ' I
in the shank, or got shabby-looking
rightly Duilt not a skimp nny-r
wrong no mlddlo ground or wo
preach Money-Back Shoos good
: : : ; : ;
for let-Well-onough-alono shoos
makoj that haVo been foisted on a
change, iu quality . $3 jo nd $4.00
never cis
1 l
t '-
in v r M-Mimim.