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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1903)
jisjPftj -w ,-mn 1V iwi :) nana "t Wfc .aEhi " i 4K3l7TvTWIIHIHiHBIH r I 'I , jl H 3C T 3?r Mm " ac f i ! u K Rli :& ift.7, B. ; - &V- v. '.! HRsSOaSTAJD ' THE OLD ROJABLE fiOM POWDER 'AbaKriutolyflHii THUtJSUm SUBSTITUTE O . From Thursday'! Dally. Fino Stationery at Norton's. Gow Why is rejoicing geratly at tvlvent ot a son and heir. the Dean & Co'a wharf is undergoing re pairs at their warehouse. j. ... C. E. Nicholson is carrying bis left arm in a sling, that member being dis abled by blood poisoning. The dynamo which L. J. Simpson vhas purchared of F. M. Fiiedberg for the enlarged North Bend lighting system, was being taken down on a scow yes terday. The yawning hole through the Broad way wharf oyer Mill slongb, about which the Mail was kicking a short time ago, has been covereredby Marshal Carter with a good strong plank. . Superintendent Ed Colgan and several assistants were engaged yesterday in raising the wooden water plpo which leads across the marsh to South Marsh field, from Ha underground location. .Coqnlllo Hearld A telegram was re ceived by parties of the lower river yesterday to the effect that the steamer Wandalay would not return to the rivor, JTbe Arago will como here In the future and the Man Jalay will come to Crescent City. Tho crab harvest in the lower bay is coming on apace, and thousands ol the crustaceons aro being caught and pre pared for shipment. They aro cooked by F, II. Barry at his plant In Empire and sent up to the Ice plant here, where ,tbey are frozen for shipment north. More Houses Lumber is being placed on the ground for two more new houses in South Marsh- field on the same block on which A. W. Real's cottage is In course of erection. R. C. Amstein will build one on the side .next to the Fourth street bridge, and Jefferson Davis, of Tenmlle, will build on tho west eide qf the block, on tho site now occupied by the commodious domi cile of Lee Bins, the Chlneso gardlner. The latter is now obliged to move over upon Gow Whys two lots, which, will restrict his Btrawberry operations! Degree of Honor The ladies o( the Degiee of Honor had a bnBy time Tuesday evening. Four .candidates were initiated, and after the business of the lodge was disposed of, the members were treated to delicious refreshments. This was at tho hands of Mrs. Welder, who is just retiring from the chair of Chief of Honor, which she,, has filled most accoptlbly for the two years, past. This order is enjpylng a gratifying growth, and threo more members are to ha initiated at tho next meeting. ' Richard D. Earlo, formerly a Marsh liield boy, Idled recently at Ban Pedro,' ' aged 39 years, the cause of' death being i-giyeu mn uuivu w , x s ft- SOCIAL FESTIYiTIES AT TENMILE LAKE Arrival of Bride and Groom With Events Preceding and Following Ttie past few days hare been full ol great significance to tho inhabitants of this community. Humors liavo boon afloat for tome time, but nothing now or uncommon had been vislblo until Inst Friday when Chas, T. Johnson tho eminent foot racer, dreessd in oil skin uniform and mounted on a black steed, arrived on Tcniploton Broadway and an nounced tho coming of a new bride to tho land ol Tenrallo. Alter n lapse ol 30 minutes, riding n bay and a sorrel came J, 8. Roborta and a sitter to thu groom, another halt hour pasted when Col. Robert Tomplcton of Nuw York State marched up with great dignity and after 15 .minutes more David Oliver Kin yon, representing United Statea arrived, aolemn.and impressive. At ono o'clock a young officer ot tho 0. N. G. Abraham Roberts passed through, with a military air and carry ing a doublo barrel shotgun for tho pur pose ot warding off inquisitive intruders. Finally at two o'clock tho bridal party 1 appeared in a gayly bodecked carriage drawn by Dolly and Blinky, two of the most trusty ot tho equine family. Tho vehicle used was ot tho Bain variety equipped with automatic airbrakes to insure safety ot its occupants. It was handsomely painted in red and green colore, beautifully covered with canvas and Its running gear artistically decorat ed with alluvions mud. The rear of tho cortege was brought up by Capt. Ray mond,United States of America, and the Misses Mills of MarshQold. The weather was mild and balmy, a slight mist was falling to keep down the duit and make thoatmosphsr fresh and invigorating. -Nature had been generous too in scattering green fir boughs and alder limbs on tho highway, interspers ed here and thero by a larger tree for the amusement ot tho party. A wood chop per by thd wayside. had spread his coat, had and a gurney sack on tho road and 87 sea gulls cne up from the cccan to see what thoy could tee. So much on Friday. On fjaturdayoven- ing (and night) one ot greatest Bocial festivities took plsco that this laud of milk, bonoy and potatoes had over wit nessed. The Templeton opsra houso had previously been prepared and dec orated by the neighboring young ladles. It was a twofold occasion, entering and usheriing into tho society ot COO by Mrs. MabeltColeman and the farowell to tho Johnson family who aro retiring from active business and expect to become residents cjt the metropolis of Coos Bay shortly. Theoung 8nd wineomo brhlo being a picture of grace and loveliness, charm- i ingly atired In a dainty dimity was quito over-whelmed by the many expansions of joy and gracious welcomo. She comes not however as an entire stranger to us. having for the past year been instructor In one of the local seats ot learning. There were visitors and guests present from all corners of the compass includ ing a bevy of young ladies from the bay, who stepped to tho gay music fumishod by the Tonmiln orchestra, led by Prof. Oh man of North Bendt Rcfeehmonts were served at midnight, after which dancing was resumed with renewed en ergy lasting until tuo gray uawn was was creeping in over the hjlls in (he east Sunday was spent in peace and rest and by Monday it was all history, things again became normal, roosters crowed and cows were chewing their cuds as contentedly as if nothing had happened, " B.J. Price Hurt Coquille Horald Ed Price superintendent ot tho River ton Eawmill, 'Was seriously hurt this morning ond hud not gajnpd conscious ness when his brother, Curtis, camo for a physfci'anl.,'It teems as'tbongVorio of tho pulleys in the mill, wont to pieces anda strap of -iron onebalf inch in thlckueMj lour inches tilde and about eighteen laches la length, flew with a terrific momentum eltrklng Mr, Price on tho neck end shoulder, rendering him entirely uucontolou. MARRIED DUXGAN-OWEN At tho residence ol tho bride's mothor In Mnrslitlold, Or. Jan, 7, 1D03, W. EDungan aud Miss Carrie Owen, Rev. Wnn Hortfall of ficiating, Aid Officers There was an unusually largo attend ance ot ladies at tho Prcsbytorian Aid Society meeting at the Mauro yesterday afternoon. It was an enthusiastic be ginning for tho new year. Officers wero olected for tho ensuing year as follows: Prealdont.JMre. R.J. Coke; VicoPres. Mrs. T. Howard; Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Tibbotts; Treasurer, Mrs. D, L. Watson, Capt. Dob Jones has tho machinery all aboard of his new dredgor, and ah lies at the shipyard dock whilo It is being placed. From Friday's Dally. GtOi Crow has accepted tho position ot night watchman at the Porter mill. II. Scngstackon has sold his interest in tho famoua Siglln acre at tho head of Mill slough to R. E. Shine, ol Empire. Tho Areata will not sail from San Francisco until Saturday and the Em pire is laid up for repairs for ouo month. R. E. Shlcu has bought ot II. Seng stacken tho Thos. Wnlkor ploco, con testing ot 1C0 acres ot land back ot Rocky Poiut. r Jas, Waason and Ed Smith brought a raft of logs yesterday from Jas, Cowan's South slough camp tor the Coos Bay Mill & Lumber Co. Rusty Miko'a Diary, Jan. 8, 1003 Somo advertisements will not bring wcahh to tho roan who pays the bills, but it is horn to find a pubjisher who will rcfuso them on this account. Claude Fox, of Ocquilo, carao over on business .Wednesday, and returns homo today. Club Election Tho Shakespeare club held its regular business meeting Wednesday evening at the homo ot Miss Edvarda Erckscn. The following officers wero elected for the ensuing term: President, C. E. Nicholson ;Vico President, 5Iiss Edvarda Erickson; Secretary, Mrs. 0. E. Nichol son; Treasurer, Mies Mamie Mauouoy. A. N. W. CLUB Tho A. N. W. Club met Thursday of tcrncon, tor tho first time in the new year at tho homo ot Mrs. Chas. Dungan. All tho members ot tho club were present, as It was tho occislon ot tho annual Christmas exchango, Much merriment and pleasure prevail ed. Mrs. Uungan is a charming hostess and tho meeting is ricorded as one of tho most pleaVant tho club hao ovor had. The next meeting will bo held at the home ot Mr?. F. X. Uofer. That Aid Society Again Our reporter forgot to mention tt very important and substantial part of the proceedings at the Prcsbytorian Mouse on Wcdnoeday afternoon. Mrs. Strange waB completely and happily surprised by tho refreshments which tho ladies brought with them. Tho ico cnam waa superb and tho cako was delicious, No wonder tho ladica all eald: "What a good meeting wo havo Jjad." If thoy hnd sent some of that calce down to this office, it weuldn't have beeu left out. Dyngan-Owen Nuptials. A very pretty homo wedding occuied Wednesday, Jan, 7th at tho hdtno cf Mrs. Nellie Owen, when, her daughtor MisaCarrieOwen was united in marriage to W. K. Dungan, ThedecefeUot) o( the home wet most, arlUUo ami elegant, the parlor end reception rooms being in greort end white. Promtly at 8 o'clock to thostralnH ol Loliongrlm wedding march softly ren dered by Mus Alice MoCormnc the brldo ul parly ontoredptocoded by Rev. 11 or a (all. The groom accompanied by Chat. Stautt followed by the brldo on tho arm ot hor brother T.L.Owcn, pnuaodbpuontii a canopr of groon from which was sus pended an imtnenso lovora knot of whlto satin ribbon. Tho impressive niarriago ceremony was then performed, The brldo waaattired In a dainty gowu ot silver gray cropo do chine, aud car rled a shower boquotot white ohrytau thcmuins and maiden hair torn. After congratulations tho guests, led by the newly married couple ropnlrodyto tho dlulng room, where tho decorations entirely of red nnd grcuu caused mUoh (avornblo comment. A sumptlous repast was then served during which Chas. W. Paterson as toast master, who proved himsolf en tirely equal to tho occasion, called for numoruus toasts aud appropilate re sponses uoro given, II the old adage provos truo Mr. Wat son Short will bo tho next to aisumo tho marriage tie, his slice ot tho brides cako containing tho golden circlet. At thu conclusjon ot tho feast tho guosts arose and drank each othors health and sang 'Here'fl To Tho Trends We Love." Tho remainder ot tho ovoninu was spent with songs and guiaty. From the landlug ot tho stairs the brldo tossed hor coquet, which was canght by Miss Jottie Watson and Miss Alicc'McCormac, who equally divided tho trophy, The happy couplo wore the recipients of many handsome and valuable prewuts, tho bride being a favorite with all, and tho groom being ono of Marthfiolds business mon and is well and favorably known. Only relatives and neir friends were present, which included tho following Mrs. Nollle Owen, Meiara and Mcedames A P Owen, W II Short, 0 II Dungan, 0 W Peterson,! J H Milnor, L M Noblo, Is Lando, Mcsdames, E L Bessy, A Hutchinson, Jas Magee, Annlo Lcck wood, Misses Agnes Hutchinson, Jottie Watson, Cora Chapman, Allco Mc Cormac, Edna M.gee, Messrs, Watson Short, Jas Watson, Jas Hutchinson, Chas .Stauff, Blllio Smith, E W Dean, Lowry Owen, Jarrst Owen, Nell and Laura Watson. From 8aturday'e Dally. "While people are wallowing In snow atlhe Dalles and enjoying fine sleighing, wo aro having fine Spring like weather here on the bay. Wo, McClure, white at work at the Stave mill Thursday had tho misfortune to have a sliver run into his hand. Ho waa obliged to have It cut out. Dr. Horefall performed tho operation, He la laid off until it improves. Tho little dressmaker who was walking across a field, on encountering a bull, said: "She K"0"ed "he'd better bias to avoid a goro." Bazar. cut Dr, J. W. Stranac, D. G, M A. 0. (J. W. of Myrtlo Point camo over to in stall tho officers of the Workmen, Thuro day night. Incidentally visiting his brother. Flanagan & Bennett Bank DIRECTORS : T. R. Shori . dun, J. W. lionnutt; PUES.; mid II, Flanagan, VICE PKE8. ; R. F. WlMuiiw, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. HARSUPIKLD, OREGON 1 'i AT 9 , ' V L Our Ptytkly Publication will keep you posted on our work nnd methods. Mailed Frco 'to the ADVERTISING MAN k of nny responsible house , Somo builuow men wonder It adver tising pnys, whilo others try akvorllslng nnd find it doon pay all right. It nil dopunda on tho advertising, and tho man who makes It right makes It pny. John Thornthwnlto has rented the Chas. Bwanson place on Daniels creek , for tho coming year. Holiday Number Tho Holiday number ot tho Coast Mail wilt be out tomorrow morning. It you want auy extra copies at 10 cento apiece It will be necessary to got your order in today, Nono will be sold for icis than 15 cents after today, Tho small donkey onglno In Song slacken' Pouy slough logging camp brokodown yesterday, which will cause tome delay In operations. Stevo Johnson has purchased n 5 acre farm on Isthmus slough of A. Jowcll. Rusty Mlke'a Diary, Jan. 10, 1003 Ads and Jokes without a point are pain ful, but thu roan who perpetrates them is generally tho last to find It out. Strappes "Five pounds for a bonnbt Madam, its a crime I" Mrs. 8. "Well, tho crime will be on my own head." Glasgow Evening Times. On tho ahoro: "How awoet It would botollvo alone with you In yonder llghthouso!" he whlaporcd tenderly. "Yes." she murmercd, abstractedly; "and do light housekeeping," Smart Set. Realistic music "Any now features at jbo musicalu?" "Oh, yes, Mr. Driequo oang ,Old Kentucky Home,' with a pistol obligate" Indlanopolia Journal. 1 1 Professional advice: Patient "What would you advlso me lodofor dyspepsia, doctor?" D:. DeQulck "Well, If you want It real bad, hlro a cheap cook, and cat irregularly. Two dollars, please." Chicago Now. Pleasant Party Mary Gonova Murphy cololi'ratod htr fourteenth birthday, on tho sixth ot January and gavo a very nice party. She recolved inany valuable presents from her Jittle friends. Tho meet worthy present waa n gold watch and chain from her father. Thoy onjoyed playing and staging until supper then played gamea until oil woro satisfied. The guosts then departed, wishing her many happy returns of tho day. Returned Thanks At a thass mooting of tho Marshfleld Firo Dopnrtraont, held last evening, tho following resolution was paccd : "Ruso'lvkd: ThatthoMartiifleldFiro Department tendord voto ot-thanks to tho persons who donatod advertising apaco, money or patronago for their Chrlatmas ball,. nnd to tho Commit too ot four for their most valuablu uervlces." In Prom Loon Lake. 0. Lrarkcr, ofAsh Valloy, Douglanj Co., wad In town yesterday, and started on hit) way homo, Mr. Parkor la (Poet piaster at Ash,. which le sltuafcd In tho Loop Lako90untry,,iq miles fromi: Alio- 4. J ' A It ' I1..''' '1',, t .11. II. I l .. gny ahdon the'jiitte of the Allegafay.- JM i i i i j 1 1 mi- n .ii - - mm Klktoa road. He II pe eVtk )srg bud, holderi o( that section, JiarW M WO acres ct flue level bottom Uk4.' Mr. Parker ii muoli Interested In seeing the, Allegany-Klkton road put through, but ho nays there I a much strong oppolltlon to It on tho part ot HcotUburg and Gnrd luur pnrtloij whusen that trade end, travel wuitld. bo diverted from thulr tolvno by tnnldug tho ctit-of to Klklon, and tliia nccounta for the apnthy ot tho Douglas county court In tho mutter o( making appropriations for Iheother cud, ol tho road. Mr, I'nrkor contemplatca moving to MMrihlluld with his wife, lolling the youugor generation leko up tho hurdoi) of lite In thu bnck uouutry. ' Iiiitlrcly Recovered Thanks to Doctors Dow and Nelson our lobprcHs hna regained its usual state ot mmhlriiMSff, ii ml Jogulng along ns of old, Wo nio not sure just what cured It. Dr. Nelson's first proscription scorned to do some good but hi udvico to lot uaturu tuku its courno therealler didn't nan out so well. Waduusday evening Doctor Dow brought up soveral phials of tho medicine prepared by the Standard Oil Co, for ailing machinery, and he administered several doses with excollont remits bu nut entire recov ery. Noxt morning Dr. Nelson was again consulted, and ho prescribed n strong dose of sulphur In oil, repealed It neeesi sary. This did tho business aud the cure seems to bo completo, Joint Installation The A. 0. U. W. and th'o ot Honor held a Joint installation Thura day glght. In tho A. 0. U. W. the fol. lowing olllcors wore Inducted Into their soverol choir: P. M. W.,A. J. Savage M. W., W. A. Toye; FCIim. Stauff 0., G. F. McKulght: R., T. M. Dlm inlck; F, E. A. Amlorton; Receiver, W. B. Curtis I. W., Alfred Hnglund 0. W V. 0. Pratt. In the I), of II. tho following woro In stalled by Diet. Deputy Mrs. Allco Mc- 'Cormac: P.O. of II., MapgIo Woldor: 0. ot II., Allco Hall; L. of II., Graco McCormnc, 6. of C Laura tvecott ; R, Kannlo llurnnl ; F. Gertrude- Kuglo; Itecclver, V. 0. Pratt; Ushor, Haruh Wilton; I. W., Mary McKnlght; 0. W. Win Ittcckul. After tho installation a pleasant even iua was spent in foclnl onjoyment, In cludlnx n boutttltul supper uud an In formal dance. Rural Free Delivery Tho following Oregon rural free deliv ery routes will bo established February 2: Alliool, ono route; orca covered, 3C rquaro miles; population to ho served, i30. Amity, nno route; area, 23 equaro miles; population, CG5. Forest Grove, one route; area, 17 square miles; popu lation, COS, Gaston, ono route; area, 20 square miles; population, 700. Irving, one route, area, 21 square inllos, popula tion, 47.1, Oswego, ono routo; nroa, 30 square uillos; populttlon, 6H5. An additional rural frco delivery routo will be okUbllihod Fobuary 'i at Eugene, Lane County, Qt., with ono carrier. The routo covers an area ot 1,8 quaro miles, containing a popu lation ot 825. Tho postoflica at Fajrdalo, Hopp.woll and Wheatland aro to bo discontinued. At The Cliurclics CATIJOLIC Servicoa at the Catholic Church, to, morrow at tho UBUal hours. rnKflnvTEnurr Tho usual sorvtcos tomorrow, Sermon aubjecta "Wlreloes Telegraphy before Marconi" and "Religious (ndlfforonco, BJ'lBCOrAl, Thero will ho services at tho Episcopal Church Sunday, both morning niid even, ing at tho usual hours. IU1TIHT Preaching eorvlco 7:30 p. m, Topto "Tho Truo Saving faith'1 Toxt Gal, 8:0, B, Y, P. H. nt 0:110 p. rn. Evonlng sor vico "Tho Problem of tho Drink Evil Solved." Moat to ont and ho toIIbIioJ aliould . not only bo sweet juluy and tendpr but should ha proporly cooked, in, order to retain all tho goodness with which God endowed It. At tho Broker yoii ' s flan, got bucH, i l lK & ' w . .'v-r ., ggataaaasatii f -3-lltf IM ttmil irti m i r -en t440l'rjm tfMiawwM k, f ':"V . - . . - ' v,.. JJa-iMMJap