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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1903)
wiy -w fiwnf-jiMwj M. iw 1" 1 GAPTAIN .. 1 , . PLAYS tHESPY $ Helps German's Fer riinst Venezuela May Make Complica tions for U, 8, . Now York. Jan SGaplaln Terrell, of .tho Jtcsl 1) lino stenmor Culatn tins been tuspended from duly chafed with hhv liiK violated tlio neutrality lawn, With lltaulleijcdirespojulbllityif havlnK nlvon A Gorman Information which Ud to tlio capture of tlio Vcnuuola giiu boatJllrnnda, Dec. Olli. At Maracalbo Harbor Investigations la being mfldu wlilcli may lead ,to ntrnliioJ relations between tlio United States and Veredicto, na tlio Venezuelan consul lini notlllcd President Castro of tlio facts, and made a formal protest. Tlio itory In that tlio Ctilata recoived pormlislon to pasectiKUe, and made un arrangement of.tljt:al n hereby tlio Uerman nuiiboat Panther know tlio Ml. rami n was in port and when alio tailed onward with stern lights tlio Panthor immediately rushed In nnd undo tint rrrtuio. Capt. Terrell. donlcs the charo, ANTHRACITE COMMISSION IN SESSION Philadelphia. Jan 6 Members of tlio Rnlhrnclto commlerlou, with John Mltcholl, nnd several operators end at torneys aro coming toJav to hold n con ference, preliminary to reopening tlio nnthraclto commission. Chairman Gray oxpcc'.s that thoro will no eutslon today. Heveral Interested parties can. not arrivo until evening. Uiircnuonnlilr, Cuntomer I want (i shoe Hint Is both comfortable mid idyllHh. , Hhopinnu-Pm very orry, madam, but tlio at;o of mlraclcii In past ; OSTRICH LOGIC. 7 "When I can't set dancer tltcre is no dan;er." That's the logic of the ostrich which hides its head nnd exposes its body to the hunter. There nre not a few people who eccm to have gone to the ostrich to learn logic. The most dangerous cncmlcn of humanity are the enemies which can't be uccu, the diiease breeding microbes which infect the blood. It is harder to uct the microbe DUt of the blood than to keep it nut, but Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Dibcovcry docs both, by puri fying the blood nnd then keeping it pure. If there nre eruptions on the skin, bolls, pint plcB, cores or oilier - Mgus 01 impure "ffl-fl - vWWibood. use Doctor pi -i-jnw mini y 1110 uioou .w ,. . ,,. . 1 ' . -Wi" " nnd euro the cnipttous which come from it. MylilooilwMnllnutofonler, mill I lincttORO to Ihc doctor," vrrlten Mrs. Jmc K. Mom, New Jtiilon. Stuuly Co., N.C "lie kuvc me mcdW cine which helped me for n liort time. In the winter: of ifys I oi woric ttinn 1 hud ever Ixxu. My loimll were cnUrerd mut my neck vmUlcn nil mil of nlmpci my tliront win inrc mid. I amid not cure it, My limlwml went Tor the doctor, tut lie irnvc me no encourniieniciit. He helped nic n Utile, hut It did not luit lonif. He ntlciuted mrfbr twelve month, wlten I liennl tii'n Indy whoe condition wuit Hkc mine, who nut taklni; your medicine and was irtltliii; will. Ho I fcc cured ftome of the meillclnc unit lgiii ItiUtiK It, In one week I vn ulilc to iloiuycouklm:. When Jbejrnti tnUnir the medicine I could fit up only few mlmitcti nt nlluie. and I could reatorkkcp only n little nhllo ut n time. My throat was no Dure nt IIIUH J coum 1101 even nwaunw mreti milk, nnd my tonblU wcra full ul little cnlliiK uih. mv left Mile wan tnvollcii out of Nltniie nnd 1 could hardly net my uuotli, The doctor torc. n.iH 1 mid I would not set well, but tlltec liolttcu of vr. vicrce' i.ouiru,, Aicuu-ni uiscowry, uircc tottleof hit ' I'cllcU.' tlirec lK)ttlcnonr.tVne,a Catnrrh Ucnitdy nnd the tine of uilt wuter did the work, una cured me." Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant relleto cure con stipation and its couoequeuccs, MAYBE PANAMA .',': n -a Miner -"Details Agreed . -Upon, COLUMBIA MAKES SHOWING I1EGARDIN0 HER CLAjIMS Much Revenue to Be Pocketed By the United State.-lnvestiga-tlon to Bo Made WaBhlfRton, Jan, 3 It U.oroportcd hero lit ofllclal circles that tlio atato do pardncut Is prepnrlng to Istuo an ulti matum to Colombia rcfjulrptf n reply within ten days, othorwieo all ncctlB tlons for J'ltnimn routo to como to en cud and rs'Icarngua be chosen. Columbia, alter all the minor datalls had already been agreed upon, dofnanded (,'00,000 moio rental than the United States believed lair. , Tu addition to this Anibanndor Her rcn bnx never been given tlio full author Irallou nccctiary to conduct negotia tions. Later Hecrotary Hay held n long con forenco with Ambassador Herron tbli morning and it was nftertvardannnounc ed that all minor dotalls had bcedagrecd upon, Tlio rental demanded by Colom bia Is JOjO.OOO annually. Thli concession elves tho Unltod States ownhrship of tho rnilwny at the end of CO years, and includes Colomba'e claims to revenue derived from the rn!l way, which is f2Q0,000, alio light house fees, harborsgo and docking fct t Colon and Panama, amounting to 1 50.000 an nually. All this will bu pockotcd by the United States in caso of Its 'owner shlpof tho railway nnd canal. Socrolary Hay, when tho matter was phoed in this light, ndmlttcd tho Justice of tho claim and stops will bo taken immediate ly to verify tho figures. Ilntr to Dentroy Wntcr Unit a. - Carbolic ncld mny be lined to destroy water bugs, tlip't pcHt of mnny npart uieutK. Two tnblespoonfulH oC tho melted crystals nhottld bo put Jnto a pint o( witter. I'lnco It In n Hpntycr and uho In tho cracks nnd creviced whero InigB run. Dono onco every two or three (Inyo, in two wcckK tho bugs will entirely disappear. Remember that carbolic ncld la n corrohh-o ncld and Hhould bo cnicfully hnndltxl nnd kept from children. In lining, should any drop on tho tlngem rub tho spot with sweet oil, which will nllny tho burn. llotv rrelinn n Cnriiet. To freshen u carpet put n tenspoon fill of nmmouln Into n pailful of wunn wnter, nnd wipe thu enrpet with n cloth wrung out tu It. Tho dust In thereby removed, tho colon) nro bright ened, nnd any iuuect lurking la It ia ppcodlly killed. Tho resumption of tho uso of coal by tlio Ainoricnu people will hardly bo viewed with gleu by tho Thnnksglvlns turkey, A riutmcr In Ciindy, "Oh, Henry, did j'ouho over love?" (i did onct, nu' It cobt me nearly 83 cents." New York JouruuL Wf if $ mitchell issues'! '' statement Defends Miners From Charges Says They're Not to Blame for Famine Dotrott. Jan a President Mitchell, of tho United Mluo Mino Workers today Issued a statement regarding tho miners not working through tho Holiday. Ho says they have always taken tlio Holidays and did not know thoy woro expected to work. He says the- chirae of InRratltadd toward tho public is being mado against them by thoro who would malign them, cooking to divert attention from the real cauto of the cool (amino. Hoeloecdwlth tho following: "Tho troth is that tevernl thoueand miners havo been refused tho prlvilodgo of working nt nil times since tho cloro of tho sttlkti although thoy havo dally im portuned tho companios to permit them to rjturtt to their places occupied prior to the inauguration of tho strike." WILL MAINTAIN BLOCKADE Iterlin. Jnn 5 It Is announced that Kngland and Germany arrived nt an agrcoincnt Thursday ovenlng ,to main tain tho Vcneznclon blockade througb. out arbitration negotiations. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Will be Protected by Gov. Taft The Public are so Instructed ViNdiiugton, Jan 6 In a supplement ary nnaual ropnrt Governor Taft will oppoto tho recently established Filipino Independent Catholic Church, as organ izod in opposition to the Iloman Catho lic. Governor Taft has Issued instructions to tho police.thnt they must try to pre vent tho followers of tho now faith from forcibly taking posscsBlou of tho Roman Catholic property. They must also pro tect tho' now Church holdings and any property to which It has good .title. I'uUtiKT n Tooth. An IrMnnim who hud gono Into a dentist's to get t tooth pulled had It out In it fow minutes. "That xl be hulf n crown," said tho dentist. "Hulf n crown!" enld Pat. "Why, tho Inst tooth I i;ot pulled nt homo the old doctor Bet me down on tho lloor ami put the iilppcru In my mouth nud pulled mo round nud round the room, out of tho door nnd down tho fituliu "When wo yot to tho foot, tho doctor tmld, 'Uy the hdp of heaven nud tho tit tract Ion of gravity we'll hev her out yet,' so when wq got to thu top out canio tho tooth, nnd he only tool; n shllllnM" London Tlt-Ults. - r VIMnJKX3EEH5D. . ; v C0NGRES mm m At l SESSION y .Hoar Will Speak on -v Anti-Trust Bill . Bill Removing Duty on Goal Washington, Dec. D A largo repre sentation was present when the Senate opened this morning, tho gsllories wore filled, and no time was ldst in getting to business. Hoar gave notice Immediately after the roulino of tho morning business to morrow that bo would speak on the anti-trust bill. Lodge introduced a bill for the sus pension of duties on coal for 00 days. Culberson offered a bill removing the duty on anthracite. Piatt, of Conncctl cnt objected, and declared that there was no duly on anthracite. The resolu tion went over. Among the nominations cant to 4he Senatowore; William Ester, of Min nesota, to bo Consul at Antique, West Indies. Hugh Pitcarmn, now conaul thoro, will be Consul General at Ham burg, The Houso and galleries wero al most empty, scarcoly a quorum of meu bere wero iucecnt, when Henderson dropped tbo gavel. Hull, chairman of Military A. Pairs atked the unanimous concent for the immediato consideration o( a bill crea ting a gonoral staff of tho army. Rich ard'on only objected and the House proceeded to' consider. Hull, said tho bill-had been unanimously endorsed by tho committco on military affaire, audit was for tho purpose to concentrato sev eral of tho staff departments undor one bead. Bartlctt wanted, to knqw If it was not for the purpose of displaping General Mllos, commander of tho army, Hull replied the term commander of the army as nothing but a myth, and said that Miles had not authority to issue an order unless dlrectod to do so by tho presldoni or the secretary of wr. There was only one commander-in-chief, the president. IMilloloKicnl. ?fc . l-.C. ... .- t. D-te iB.wlt!l-. " W y Norn Now I know why they're called tumblers, bad luck to them! Chicago News. fBHI III lllll Itow to Take, Ont AVI no Stalna. Apply a llttlo tnblo 6olt to tho spot stained nnd also moisten it with sher ry. Scrub tho spot with Eonp end Water, and no trnco of tho stain will be loft. Tho ncld contained in port de composes tho salt and Bets freo cho rine (bleaching gas), which removes tho vcgctublo coloring matter of tho ,wlno. 7 How to Prevent Oako Scorching. It you will ifa n dish of water In tho oven when tbo cako.Is bnklng, you will. And tuttf thero-wlli bono Bcorch liig. ' '' '' ' t "l I,. " J , l'iil ijtXv flsWBvPBsV a t- i. mv- 1 ' REBELS 'SjJH,,, t t ..$ c T, i m m .- -, Caracas Practically CutOff - From Rail and Wire Communication Laguftyra. Jan C Three columns of rebel forces are within eight miles of Caracas this morning. The tclkpb lines and railway have been destroyed, and Caracas la practically cut offfrom, all other cities. ' ' ' Tho city is reported to be is a panic Many dales tbat allies are giving open BEilfitanco,to the rebels. It o feared tbat Castro position Is (becoming nn tenable. t noxr io Vatlty Damp Cellars. i The olr of a dnmp cellar maybe inado drier and purer by placing lii It an open bos of fresh lime. I .i ' . Hoir to Car Qcibur, lit! Any one suHerldg with'glafly should placo a warm sobt bag rotind tbti throat nnd Ucep It: on as long as the patient can Dear Jt ' A Gonacteae jar. "Did you ever stop to think, my lore, said Mr. Mlpawbcr, gazing nt bla plate of lobster salad, "that tho things we love most In tltls life aro the very things that never agree with us?".' "Will you ba bo ,klnd, Mlcnwber.t aald Mrs. MIcawber, straightening up. "as to tell mo whether you are speak lag of tho salad or of me, air?'' ReclclesaaeM ef a Beglancr, Old Stager I seo thin Is your flrst Cflmpalgn. Candidate It k. now; did you guest Itl Old Btaser You are distributing real Havana' cigars.' Chicago Tribune. EicIibmb of CtaBUmtati, Maud My mamma aays she can re member when your mamma kept a froccr's shop. Mario My mamma aaya ahe can re yiembcr how much your Jqatama owe ker for groceries. " '' i' Every one should take care that he behaves so well tbat bU-aemtea da act behave better. JLtchiam Globe. ftEDTORoV BUCK-DRAUGHT rm STIWTIOH, Conitinatien lanntMnnmnrA , than a rlnrrmnrr of ihn ftnwntl nnd nnthintlPM tin vital olo.. nntinn nr rimth If nnf rnllovo If overy consUpatJ. stifferer could realka that ho is allowing poisonous filth to remain- in his system, ho would soon get relief. Constipation Invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear "when consti pated bowels are relieved. Thed lord's Block-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without tho purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get tho origi nal Thedford's Black-Draught, mado by Tho Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1..00 packages. orga, lk., M SS, 1001. I cnnot rtcoaaiid Thtdfttd't glack Draught too highly. I kmb It U t r hoiu U the Umo and hi nud It t w no lut tea jtari. 1 nertr gT mr elUSrea aT 0tbr Uxilltc. I tulak T foalit nertr on aoia io vin niuioat It os accouBi i ctmi irouDiea rntn , ruuuniua. luur jaiuicine U I all that keep bo up. V. ti. SCiMUIiAflD. 6L08 iM'?AJT44L'itr. v NATIONAL 'if ' r -r -r. CHINESE: w LOTTERY W Ur 'Appmyed by the Dpw; t l n, gef impress i f 4 Tcoma. Wash,.' Jan 5 Fekln cdvlcca per steamer, Mys, the express dowager has approved' plans for establishment of a-Natlofiol Chinese Lottery to raise funds' lowardsliquldatlng the war In demnity. " 1 oiJiiitralno is reported from Poicr Islaade, -The population are reduced to ' 'A M .1 a diet'of potatoes anu leaves of seaweeds ftntgrtte, Beliof must be sent from Formosa. 5- 1 TlffnERLAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878, NOTICE rOK PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Rottbur?, Oregon. Nor, r. ipoi. Notice 1$ hereby ciren that in comrtjkince with tlic provisions of the act of Congress Tune 3. 1 373, entittetl "An net for the Mia timber lands In IheSwtcs of Cnlifornin, Orecoi .Nevada, nnu wasntngron ierrtiory,' " tended to all the Public I -nnd States by act of August 4, 1'gca, ALBERTA, ANDERSON, of MAnhfield, county of Coos, State of Ore Con, lias this day filed In this office his sworn statement Na 3861, for the purchase of tho NWX of SWt-4. Sea a5. EJ of SE1.4 & lot 8 of Srt, a7. Tp 34 S, R Nolr VV, and will offer proof to chow that the land sought is 'more valuable for its timber or Mone limn for agricul tural purposes, and to esublisn' his claim to said land before W. U. Douglas, U, . Com missioner for Oregon, atMnrshfietd, Oregon, on Saturday, the tp day of January. 1903. lie nam-s as witnesses: Charles Wijant, John Michelbrinlc. Fred Noah, of Aliesany, Or. S. W. Nott. of fashfield, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file claims in this office on or before said xc dar of Jan, 1003. . T, Dricocs, Register, ji-8 ay HEADQUARTERS F. O R HIGH ' GRADE LIQUORS CHOICE WINES AND PURE BRANDIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER t pamtly Orders Solicited. SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELK . DRATED RAINIER BEER i - Fnriiily orders for Fons, pints anC quarts, delivered by the case. Robert Marsden. GROSSMANN'S PATENT WRITING RING The most important improvement of, the ege in the art of penmanship makes, the poorest writer a splendid penman In, a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsod by prominent Collego Presi dents mid Hoard 3 of Education in Eu rope and America. Sample dozen as sorted sizes sent post paid for $1.00, Bin glo tnmplo 2-ic. When ordering a ainglo rinir. otato whether for man, woman on child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. No. IIO 6. Fourth St, Philadelphia 1 THE STEAMER ABCATAa JX. O. XJELSOX, toastcu Hill Make Jlcgulur Trlpn -BETWEEN- COOS BAY AND SAN FBANCISC0 -OARRYING- PAESENGEnS AN0; FREIGHT -LOWEST RATE'S. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Proprletoss. F.S.liQW, Agent,. Marebflold, Orogoii S.O, CO. A cent, Empire City, Oregon 1 'i "tln tin '4 V, W ,o-' i. V ". . . 0 .iuw'jwaj,i