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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1903)
Sf i MAtt4 .Asufc, s . - U t , .. i V, I t V- 4'1 "V -X ! ! . K, '.-' -$ 4jv--fiW!N.r,tr A V'iwi" 1lW (i.. wp4a M 1 . t,tr -" " """ -- in .1 r . I' 'J -i- I' ; ft I f 'H 'I , V CbastTJail-, MARSMF1ELD OREGON ,From Sunday's Dally. ' Mrs B, M. Roork, who hna boon qnllo tick torn couplo of wceka is now im proving tlowly. - j v A. M. Twombly lmi been getting in tho fishing boaia and making thlnge snug for tho Winter about tho cancory. it Will Eickworth ami brtdo returned 'homo from San Francisco on tho Arcnln and oro domiciled io their South Marsh fi -Id residence. Morton Tower haa chargo of tho gov arnmout smvoy of tho Columbia bar, a responsible poiillon indicating that he haa tho thorough conQdcnco of tho En ginera' office. J. 11. Diere, of tbo Great Central who haa been in Empire, elnco Major Kin ncy'a recent visit, baa been summoned toRoeeburg, and patscd'though Marsh- field ycalerday, on hia way Out. Tbo Coqulllo Bulletin had an excel lent two-column writ up of tho foot ball gamo between Coqullld und JNortb Bend ; also several other unusually good local featuroa, in tbo last number. Mr. and Mra. II. N. Black returned on tho Areata fiom a visit to thoir old frionde in Mfesouri. They report hav ing had a sp'endid time, and thoy spent Christmas with their son J. D. and family in Southern California. frlilst Club Meeting The Evergreen Whist Club wib pleas antly entertained Satnrday afternoon by Mra. KatoLando at the residence of Mrs. J. II. Taylor. Tho first prizo waa award tJ Mm. J. H. Milner Mra. Koltea re ceiving the consolation prizo. A Spectacle. The knockers' organ publishes a com municAtion purporting to come from ' Salt Lake and signed "Fish," intended to give tho impression that tbo men who worked on tbo copper plant thero under Major Kinney did cot get their pay. Such n etate'ment would bo a lie, and such a communication, 'signed "Pith," would bo beneath notice; but the sight of an alleged newspaper going so far out of ita way to throw diecredit upon an enterprise which would bo of audi bene fit to the country, ia a spectacle for god's and men. ! t il Installations ' Following officers were inatalldd Fri- Vday evening in Suneet Lodge, No 51 I. 0. 0.'F: N G, Ch Lax ; V G," John F Stauff ; Sec, Isa'.l LandojTrea, John F 'Hall; Ward, Ieaao Landrith; Cond, E W itardell; R s'n G, E A Anderson; L 8 K G,1 W B Cu:Ub; R 8 V G, Jena Hanten ; LS V G, FM Frledberg; 0 G, 'OA John An; I'd, Vrlhur wAllama; R 8 8, GeoRboda ; L 8 S, A 0 Cox. The following officers were installed 'to rerve for the ensuing term for Sunset Encampment No. 43. The install ation work waa done by D. D. G. P. 'John f.Hall; CP.EA Anderson; H P, C A Johnson ; 8 W, W R ' Curtis ; Scribe, H enffetacken? J A. .T .l'm P d.,r. 'Treasurer, Jena Han'ej; Gjide, Isaac LndrIth; I G, W E Bcwaon; i watcl , Land?. Mfjor Linney Not Guilty Th: caao of the City of Roeeburg v3. Major L. D. Kinney, charge I with creating adiVurbance by assaulting Dr, E. DuGoi at the office of the Hotol Mc , Olellen lasSaturday evening attracted . coBBiderable attention in Recorder West's court a Mono i ay, Fivo jurymen v ere selected and the case was in progress all i. r' j t day, going to the jury at 5 p. m. The jury deliberated upon tbo eyidence three . hours before reaching a decision. All were in favor of acquittal except Rcdgere hprce doctor, who attempted to, bang io jury but waa at last induced to abide K' "tbo with the majority, TI19 trrnl'vrns more tl.a 111 r farce than anything else, ni public i . . i . sentiment waa with MAjor Kinnoy, and tho, contradictory ovldcnso given by Du Gab. tho provocating witnes, created n rlpplo of amusement In tho court room Tho caao waa vigorously prosecuted by throo attorneys, Hon 0. A. Sclilbrcslw, tho attorney for tl'ie Great Central, ap peared tor tho dofonao. More Trouble The Holiday number was too much for our job press, and that very cseeutial plcco of machinery laid down on ui Fri- dynklit,lt didn't break; it simply quit. It had been running hard torn day or two, by spell?, from no ditcover nblo cauio. Friday evening it cloied dawn, and ncithor tho editors nor tho doril himtclf could mako it turu over. Then we begin to take it to pieces, and located tho trouble in tho main daft, but couldn't tell what was tho matter;. Then wo broko a small shaft, like tho doctor who gavo his patient something to give him fits, because he could curt fits. Yesterday morning that shaft went to Kelson's machine shop, but tbo main difficulty remained with ns. Then de liverance camo. Peter Loggia caiuo in to order aomo Hobday numbers. That settled it. When you get a thorough'; bred mechanic up against a plcco of machinery that haa concluded not to turn over any raoro, they will never part until comething happens. Mr. Loggie took a look at the press. Then he bejan to try to find out what was the matter with it. Presently the steamer on which ho waa going back!" to North Bend whistled to go. Then the went, but Mr. Loggio waa right in the midst of it and couldn't leave. Then Goorgo HugLe3 blew in, and he went to work. Tin result waa that presently tho shaft waa turning around, first by hammering th?n with a long lover, thin with a abort osc, and then by band. Finally the thing got to going round and round, and our volunteer assistants departed with the heartfelt thanks of the wbolo force. Ho For Tlie Good Roads Conrealion. At the Good Roads Convention to be held at the Court Hooso in Ccqullle City Jan. 7th at 7:30 p. m. There will bo addrceseaby W. H, Bunch, J. J. Stcnley and others. The committee on resolutions ia com posed of R.C. Dement, J. J. Stanley and F. P. Norton wbo are now at work on resolutions and rccommecdationa to tho legislature for better road laps, especi ally as to laying ont and establishing roads, A good roads league will be organized to work in conjuction with tho state good roada association. Let evorv me inteteit&l turn ont and . ,,' I,, i betteriug oar highways. 8. B. Ctcart Organiser for Cooa Co, 5 it- School Tostponefl The school board met with tho health committee of the city council laat even ing, and discussed the question of open ing the public school on Monday. It wua decided to postpone the open ing of Ecbool one week, and to bold another meeting on next Saturday even ing to decide whether or not to open tho schools on tho following Monday. Itteema that similar action haa been taken in Astoria and Grants Paea, whero ecarjet fever threatens to become epi demic. While tho diecnEG ia in a very mild 'orm here, it is wieo to use all pro cantiona against its spread. Mr. Groonwald of San Francitco, ar rived on tho Alliance to toko Leo Brown's place in Sengatacken'a Pharma cy, during tho lotter'B abrence in San Francisco. "Tho nice and pfeasanteat medicine I havo used for indigestion and constipa tion ia ChBtnbe'rlalri's Stqmach aud Liver Tablets," snytHla'arit- F. Craig, of Mlddhjgrovtf; N. V.frV'IW'work'lIke a charm and do not gripo or bave any un pleasant effict." For aale by John Preues ....f"'? I .- Soft Harness Too cn rak your ha nta m mn ulov nd toiwh ftittlnt br MlnsKtlHKKAklni Oil. You con tauttwn ltillfrakott "'. '"'.f M l00 M ' oKUiurUjr would. EUREKA Harnm OH RUkMftboarlaeklnv h. HM Ilk niT. Malta of puro, b.Ty bodlaj oil. n. rtelalljr Dttard la Iik. uo4 ui TretUtr. Botd Trrhar ' la ca-U attea. Mt4i b; STAMMD (ML Ca From Tuesday's Dally. Sheriff Stevo,vCla!ller camo over on yett-ndays' trafn on official business. ' II. Lookhart started bvcrhnd for Francia:o yesterday. Sn MisiCIaro Johnson haa aocoptod a position I ns bookkeoper at Kruao & Btaufl'a C. 0. D, Grcctry. Mrs. Wm. Noble won the Sofa cusb-! ion rallied off at Mrs. Sacchi'e store Sit urday evening, tho lucky number bolng 50. C. F. McKnlght, K. B. Soabrook, Dr. Straw, A. E. Kruso and Aug Farley left yesterday for tho rand bills, wbero thoy will enjoy a few day: shooting. A week of prayer was commoncod last nvening at tho Baptiit church, to bo held each evening at 7:30. II. Sengitacken'dcnmpon Pony slough ia putting in eomo hpom-nticka for Dr. McCormac'a boom at Eagle Point. Elitor E. C. Holland, of tho Coquillo Bulletin come ovor on tho Monday's train and remained over night. The Christian Endeavor Society met last night at the homo of Thomas How ard and tranaacted ouch butiness aa came boiore thorn. Alter the regular work tho young people i ondulgod in an old'fashionod candy pull. Don't ask us when the Holiday num bcr will bo out. Wo don't know. If the evil spirit which haunts tbo job press had stayed on hi) (or is it hcr) good behavior, the numbei would hava been BBued this morning. But ho (or sho) has had tho jim-jma for threo days and hasn't got straightened up yet. For a bad taito in tho mouth tako a few doses of Chamberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Prico So cents. War ranted to cure. For ealo by John Preuss. Thero waa an unusually largo attend ance of the. Baptist young people on Snn'day even'ntr last. Tt.n meeting was led by M. E. German who gave a very profitable diaconrse on tbel'sixth of Matbew followed by a musical frogram which was par excollenco. Mra. Geo. Watklna rendered a beautiful Christmas Carol, Next was a trio by Mr. and Mn. Gormau and Miss Mauzey. Miss Foabay rendered a solo "All for Jesus," Thcio meetings are f all of life and intorost for all young people, who aro heartily invit ed to attend. , New Enterprise. n. Songstacken has sold a fithlng eito at Went Empiro to Dr. Honry St. Clair Delamoro, of Ferndale Cal,, who was represented, by Mr. Swett,-who expects to conduct a general Aching business, and tf st every thing that cornea into tho the bay, Tho slto fa ncrosa tho bay about one fourth mile abovo Empire. A building will be constructed at onco. Too Rough" Tho football gamo last Sunday be tween the Marshfield and North Bend teams camo to au untimely close at tho end of tho firet balf, the North Bend team declining to go cm with tho game, for the reason tllatjlhc Marshfield boye were playing too riugh a game. This l waa some lA'hatof'aaurprlse'o thohenno team, 'aa tliey had been b'nndlioK the , . . . vlhitora gently In tbo first lintf, nllh Iho Intouttou of dcingnnoro'buBlioa,lu tho accontl. ' ' ' ' Tho icorb alood 11 to 0 in f.vor of Mnrchtk'ld. Ten mile Item ' It is reported ihntGling.NorrUofTun tnllo on arrival it hia homo. "Tlo Sporttiunn'a Paradlso," tho otlur, day niter having spent hta holiday vacation on tho bay, dircovorud that Ida (nr famed iilnml had thlltcd tbout U'jO jHtda to tho southeast. Tin caiuo of this romarkablo move rcmnlua an unsolved mystery to f'o lo cal astrouomora and gcologlata. A trnn per conght an unuaually big otter mid J. D. Mngco ia said to havo killed n bear on tho Island during tho ataonoo of Mr. N., and although tho boar weighed aomo 1068 pouuda (tnoro or less) that ia not auppoeod to lmvo been tho cause u( this peculiar move. Accordiug to tho township map tho section lino runa very close to the north end of the island while now Mr. N. snya it is quite a long distanco oft. Had tho island moved in an northerly or north easterly direction Mr! N. would not havo bad any island nt nil whon bo camo back from town and it ia hlalntontlon to havo the thing anchored or moored faat to tho mainland when bo goea ay ay. Don't Worry This ia easier raid than done, ypt it may bo of some hilp to consider tliu iiin'tlor. If tho caiuo i tnmutliiui: evitr which you hnvo no control It U obvious that uor'Viog will not txdp b" ninttcr in the leant. On tho ottior hand, If within vonr control you hnvo only to act. Whon )otf hnvo a coM nml fenr an nttuck of ptieumonln, buy n lolto of Chnmburlnln's Couuh Rumily anil urn it judiciously and nil cati'c (or worry i to tho outcome will quickly diiappcnr. Thero ia no danger of pneumonia when it is utcd. For salo by John Prcua, Evening Parly One of o pleaianteat uvunls of tho holiday teason occurred on Soturdny evening at tho rcsidenco of Dr. J. T. McCormac. It was a genuine old-fnih-ioncd snrprifo party, gotten up by tho Misioa DIcion and Engle, in honor of Miss McCormac. ( The participants osiomblid at tho Hazard homo, near by, from wlicro they1 proceeded in, a body to tho McCormac resldcnco. . The entire house waa given over to tho guests arid tho surpriio on Miss McCor mac was overwhelmingly complete. It waa aomo little timo beforo tho hostess regained her equilibrium, but sho was not found wanting nnd did the honora in tho usualplcaslng manner. Games, music, dancing, etc, wcro indulged in. One of the prominent fontures of tho craning wai a grab-bng, which afforded a.groat deal of amutomont nnd enjoy ment. Elaborate refreshments worn rerr-d at the proper timo and wore enjoyed by all. Tho party broke up after having en joyed one of the pleaianteat evenings of tho eeaaon, Thofe present were: Morsra and Meidamea: Nicholson, Lanier, Fnrrin, Short, Matson, Mingua. Misaea; Eva Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Edna OcConnol, Mary Foihay Agnea Ilntcbcson, EIgIo Bennett, Aiico Butler, Ellen Bcamls, Alico Aiken, Lotilla Howard, Carrie Owen, Susie, Elckworth, Gusslo Brown, Mamrnlo Mahoney, Maud Reed, Annio Fischer, Anniollieeen, Gertrude Englo, Messrs: Jnmoa Hutchcson, C F Mc Knlght, Leo Matson, Watson Short, Frank Hague, Alton Sinestacken, Dr Straw, Dr Groea,Dr Toyo, Archie Kruso, Julius Kruae, Leo Nichol, John Kron- holm, Will Dungan, Chaa. Stauff, Jack Flanagan, Ton Golden, Eric Wold, George Lawlor, Dr and Mrs McCormac, Mrs McKnlxht, Mrs Nichols, Alico Mc Cormac, Grace McCormac. From Wednesday'! Dally. Tho Areata will aall from tho city on Thursday, V- !:.. t E. II. Byera wat down from Sumner in yesterday. "T ' i-T3Swm: .i hi li i fc AMV.t F. P. Norjon goon to tho itotinly ooat today ia n itoegato, jtO tho "jlood ilOnild conTCiition, Robert Carlson, on of ,tlio Columbia rlvor lslicriuan. returned to Astoria on tho Humor fqr tho Sanson thoro, Intend' lug to porno back horo in tho Fall. Tho Cqos liny Mill A Lumber Co, re ceived n rait ol Codiilllu lok'n justordny. ,Tho mill la now cutting about :i5,(00 foot n day whou tho logn cm bo obtain, vd, C. A. Rodin, tho Allugnny road su pervisor, will go to tliot'ounty sunt todny to roprcsout tlio wnntn of (ho Allcgnuy Klkton rood beforo thu county court, nhicji tneots today. Dislocated Her Shoulder Mrs. JdIiumou SoJorholiii. of Foruua Falls, Minn, fell and dislocated lior shoulder. Hho had a atirgeon got It back In place na toon an pistlbln, hut it uaatmitu soro and pulm'd her very much. Hur eon muntloiifd that hu had aecu Clinmborlaiu's Pitln Halm ndvurtls id for snraliiQ and loioutxtt), und thu niked hltn to buy hur n bottle of it, which ho did. It quickly rullovod liO and vnablud her to sleep which uliu had not done for several dnytt. Tho aon was M) much pleased with tho relief it gnvo hli mother that ho him allien recom mended it to many othura. For anlo by John Prouta. Tho atoamer Homer came in yesterday from tho South on her first trip taking the place of tho Allinncu, aud toft down tho bay nt 7 p, si. Tho pcoplo of Tern pie ton nero mnk ing plans to turn out last night and lou der nn old-fashioned charivari to C. P. Coleman and bride, who arrived thoro n few days ago. Tho uew vcaiel in K. V, Kruco'a j-ard will bo launched on tho next bite tidei. Sho will lond lumber for San Francisco nt tbo stave mill. Hor carrying capac ity will be about 1.UCO.HC0 feet. ' Olivor Keuyon, of Lnk, hna received thu appointment of Third Astlstanl Keeper at tho Cajhj DeBtruclinn light, aud will mova thero with hia family about Feb. tat. Shakoipcnran Clnb will meet this ovenlng at tho homo of Mia Erlcksen. Members arj requojlod to leproiont, aa ofilccra for tbo ensuing term are elected at this mooting. While making matchwood on South slough yeaterdny, Warrun Elliott drop ed a bolt on the ocd of IiIh shuinb, mnk. Ing it quito badly, aud was obliged to come to Marsbflefd to havo it dreisad by a physician. Fought Death all Night Grew Worse. Doctor Said Baby Would Die. Dr. Miles' Norvlno Re vived and' Cured Hor. when rqur nerves arc llrcd end deranged, your trouble! begin and remain with you until When your nerves arc llrcd end deranged. jour nervoui lyiiem m ronru up aui ulated. Dr. Miles' Nervine U the L-root jour nervoui ayflem 14 tonrd up aud rcg- uiaieu. ut, Pines- nervine it me grcui iervu Tonic and Hegulator. lesd what a grateful mother writes of what It did fur her bnbyi "My baby had tlnldnj; tpdli to Imd we detpnlrcd of tier life, l'uur or live times alio wculd faint away end be to all appearances dead. When she was eight months old she took a very severe cold nnd the doctor arid all who saw her thought It iinpoiilhlc for her to recover. Wc hardly revived her from one linking spell until iho would go into another. One morning after n most wretched nicht spent fishtinsr death nnd when all ymptom were nf(waC',wQrc, i remem bered an nlmoit empty bottle of Dr. Mile' Iteitoratlve Nervine ftnd without saying nnv- ying 1 ly n thing about U I gave the baby nearly n half teainoonlul. I lien 1 not ecu sue slept mure naturnlly. .She hadno niore ipclls that day, and in the evening I gave her a few mora 1 drops, which was all there wni, and now though the is three years old the is well nnd ' strong and has never had the illghteit symp tom since the nut attack. I know or several person,; among themrclatlveg, who have uieu uic tYcryinc wiwi saved niy l-kl.s life. 'Vc ilon to nublith this as I w axccllcnt results. It 011 have my permit- nn 10 110 an 1 can to benefit 'ofheri." Mri. W. I. Totten, Port luia, ma. ', AU.drugglits tell and guarantee first bot . tie rFiVMftlV Utmediet. nd for free book on Nervous and Heart DUeasei. Addrcts Dr. Miles Mimical Co., Elkhart, Ind. .,(-. Tnrr?r-rra8gf r "Dnd" Hibllh hna rotigurd bis position ns vllinnriliitl of ICinplrc after rorv Ing fn'llifully for tho Unit ot llirco years. Hu txprraion 'mniiy llinnka to thu boysbf Empire for tlielr good be havior J ild good wisboa, Geo. Cook, of Emptm nnd .Joliu llaa tendoiff, of Dig creek mhii In town last night 011 thulr way to visit tho county court in tlm Intureit ol Uin proposed uluingoof tbo Empire ll.tndoii county roml to crorti (.'ottlli slough near tho mnutli. Tho following ollkora worn clnsoti by tho Ulirljllm E'tdoAvnr whloli mot at tho homo of T. Ifoirnrd Mond.iy nUht t M Ihi Jot Ho Wntnoii.I'ri'B, ; Itobt H nnon, Vlco l'roa.; Mlta Kdvurdu Erlcksou, Hecy.; MIsh Mllllo Johnson, Trena.; Mlsa Edvurdn Erlckson, Crgnnlst.;' Killed a Bear. I.ealor Smith, Ed. Kronholm anl llillln White killed n Inrgo bonr out beck of town Sunday. Ho was in good con dition, nnd floino of tho tornspcopla hnvo hoc it enjoying bonr imat. But Where was His Gun One ol Mnrnblleld'a legal nlmroda who went to tho sand hills 011 a hunt the other day was observed to hivotn outfit constating of a rol of MnnkoU, a pair of gum boot n nnd a banjo. It waaaurmisod that hu was carrying eomo ammunition in tbo gum hoots. Travel by Sea l)piuturra by llomur for Portland .Inn. ft: F Uogurn ft wita. Mia II Moody and tuocliililren, V. K I'ariv, MitsHiivol sen, E I) Mrudiwr, M1m Wilkri, It Mnrtdou, S. Ivlhxton, II Hill, J Harry nnd wife, Miss Dunholm, Mr Bernard, 0 h Smith, r in thu stenrngo, Arrivals by stnamur llomrr from South J .ui. 7: Mrs II Bongstachun, Mrs Maud Smith, Luclo Hmith, J It lloburtson, T C Human, John Linn, Mr ) Dunlap, OtU Dunlap, Itobt. l'rVluon, M 0 Dona hue, L. A. hue, Mra E A Tuttlu, U Ack- orblooiu, E (liiiidtellngar, Miss N Slingi- by, Miss LS!iugtby, V .1 l)ionport, V. J Jonrxf, i: C Lundor, J C Yule, F M(- Namarn, E D Wall. Departures by Areata .nn. 5: Mra J EvnuV. A Hchidcr, J Mrchiu't, (J A St-ffor.'Mra Stiffer, J (hborn, l Gucim Jr., L Jacob, A Htntco, Jns Fleming L Joll, Mra .Inllc, Ihnrcin Jolli. Dm WooJborry, Mrd Dan It Willlnmi, Jan a . . fit a Aieoicon, hid 11 nniore, 11 Miormun, Nathnnlal Colllni, Josophcno CollL'ns Miss Hcttiu Scott, Mnttio Fcott, Molllo l'.ittou. A 'Womnn'a Ilriirt. It men trunble to win tho hnnd of, vvomun tinlcas thoy win with It thu lit-; most iuihhIoii of her heart. Klso It mny bo thoir mlsoniblo fortune when winu mightier touch thnii their own mny have nwdki'iieil nil her mniblhllltleH to bo rviironclird oven for thu culm con tent, thu mnrhlo I inn go of luipplnonH, which thuy wjll hnvo lmponl upon her ob thy worm reality. Hawthorne. EMII-KH--CI-H H CIIA5. (1RISSEN MUSIC CO. I. 0. 0, F. Bldjj. High gradu I'lanot Orgnni that nro guarouteud. , Guitar?, JJnnJoo, Mandolins and Vlollna. Mow Mniio rncoived (10m tho Eatt ovcry week. MarslifieliJ, : : Oregon. --nQa---ns;--2j Boots, Shoos and Harness Ropairod.- John Hording thn shoiimuVer Ih em ployed ut Hnfkell'a Hnrnesa shop. Wo also Ireep all kinds of leather, ;." Harneea Leather, Bole Lualhar, Lsoe LoMher, Lntlgo Leather, All kinda of BprliJg laggings. If you wnul t'.buy any kind of ma too'linkkwl, ' 1 HAUNKSS & SADDIIiS . t MARK'S CORNER : : Front Street i tv"-m MPiirimpMK k $" nil 1i4 i. '" """" " Vilnimfiniriinu "',