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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1903)
-i.w,pTMjisiWisav,-tei1t-' )f -'I t v - V -- -A-rOFQ :i 1 ; -,- .I4-m.4 w --l V,-Sf- 4.,J , " - -Jb. V 'r vJ 1 ,,. r" Hln.W, f-w, ..., WMMtU,, .iJV" ..'(, ( . ' tyl fOWf "r i'V '., . . Wy ; ' S 1 it VI 1 ..I. f t 1 "" Coat Maill COAST MAIL. BATURDAY, JAN 10. HKtt n : Published Kycry Saturday by -' . Mail 'publishing- vCo. the SUBSCRIPTION KATEb One year, (In ndvanct) Jt 50 Slxmonihx.... , ,. .. .. i.eo Three months .$0 S.q:' will U.iofiirj:! w"i:t natpi" In rn FOOD FOR THOUGHT On Vie. 30th the peoplo of Long -Beach, Cal voted on tho insurance ol 133,000 bonds to put in a sower cya itotn. Tlio bonds carried by a vote ot 374 to 72. la this connection, tborc is inucb food for thought, on tho part of Martli fields good people, in tho fol lowing comments from the Lone Beach Profe: No one can foretell tho fall ex tent of this sweeping victory, when meiEnrod br its influence on the fatnre of the town. It shows that the people of Lone Beach arc thoroughly alivo to 'their needs as a tommiinity and arc determined to be second to none where .'cnterprice and racrifico eta put them 'first. They have done a great many things during tha past four years' when ' there Ecemed to bo no personal profit in 'sight and in every instance they have mado by their wlllingnets to sacrifice. 'They have dose the same thine berc and the results will shew much greater re turns both individually ard collectively than has any totber venture of a .like nalnte in the past. Long Beach has .taken a great step in advance since yet "terday morning and if her citizens con 'tlnue to show the ismo spirit nothing can stop progress in tfio future. NOTJtECIPBOCITr Wo wonder if the owneraof tbo a team er Allianco rcab'zo how their last move is likely to strike the peoplo of Coos Bay? Tho Allianco has now been on this route for several years, and to all ap pearances has been doing a good busi ness and making monoy for her owners. Sho has been getting a large eh.are of the freight, not only from Portland, but from San Francirco. In fact, her profits have como from tho patronage accorded her by the people arid b'ueiness'of the Bay.' ' Jfow, coal is ono of tho leading pro ducts of Cooa Bay, and. the Allianc bar been patronizing tbia section to'the ex tent of buying heir fuol here, tho only pluce on her route whore it is produced. It is now given out that her,' owners are about to expend eome $10,000 in put ting into the boat an apparatus for burning oil Instead of coal. Consider ing tho tacts just outlined this sceme to eomo very much ULo a slap In tho faco for Coos Bay. Of courso it is the eole bueinees of the Gray Steamship Co., if it wants to burn oil in its own boats, At the same lime it is .tho business of Coos Bay to place its patronago with those who, wherever possible,' encourage tho industries of UiIb section. Tho Allianco may bo killing tho gooso which lay tho golden egg, for if ft quite within tbo rango of possibility ws 1 for.a.Biiip-buildlng-'comrnuuIty to build 1 . u r ... a etcamor or two, of its own. 1 , if y This'ift a toaltornvort.liy pf'ronfi'dfran v tion hero oh the .May. FACTS W FEW 'LINES i 'America baa, J.800 women preachera,,' ' There are 00,000 costermongers In Xoudou. . mm 1 mm . r; "V There nro 1,000 looe factsclM la thtj United States, A petroleum oilfield baa been discov ered In Trluldnd. Canadian trade with OreAt Britain" has Increased over bIx millions the past year. In tho United States moro than $00, 1000,000 is Invested In tho making of fertiliser. In tho eleven states Interested In tho industry 200,000 acres nro eowu In cugar beets. Tho total capital Invested la rail ways and canals In tho Dominion of Canada la $1,100,000,000. There arc but 300.000 donkeys In tbo British Isles. Spain and Portugal havo between them over 2,500,000. In cplto of hard times the value ot farm animals. In Germany Is Increasing at the rate of four millions a year. The Moorish government has granted to Franco n contract for the coining of $3,000,000 worth of Moorish money. An nnnual cyclopedia for 1001 places the total gifts and bequests In tho United States last year at $107,800,000. It Is seventy-three years sluco tho first omnibus started running In Lon don. Few of the original vehicles re main. "One of the new bridges to be thrown over the Seine is to be built in two' sto ries, with ono set of arches resting on another. One result of the Anglo-Japaneso al liance will be tho prevention of prohi bition of Japanese In Australia, once suggested. "Snuff" Is tho local namo of a myste rious malady -which has already caused tho deaths of many sheep In Cardigan shire. Wales. Russia Is founding an independent bishopric In China, and tho bishop elect of Charbln and Peking will be at the head of it A silver cup, or argyl "Robert Burns from Mary," hall mark, 184 brought 10 10s. at Steven's auction rooms in London recently. The biggest meteorite ever seen has been found at Pontc Alegre. In Brazil. It Is an Immense rock mass 85 feet long and 55 feet thick. The British Lifeboat association Is considering the establishment of a wireless service around the coast, In cluding the lighthouses. London Is Introducing water troughs for thirsty horses, at which the water can be run off by touching a push but ton and fresh water run In, The territorial board of health of Hawaii Is to begin a scries of experi ments to determine the value of X rays In tho treatment of leprosy. For giving a Sunday performance at Kalgoorlle of a play entitled "Bnrab bas" a theatrical manager has been fined $500 by the supreme court of Western Australia. The lower class of the Japanese cm ploy hardly any other material than paper for their clothing. Where wngea arc exceedingly low cloth is an impos sible extravagance. Georgia is the peach state of tho Union, having 7,000,000 peach bearing trees. Next Is Maryland, with 4.015, 000; then New Jersey, with 2,700,000, and Delaware, with 2.409.000. Tho Japanese cat more fish than nnr I other peoplo In the world. With them meat eating la a foreign Innovation, confined to tho rich or. rather, to those rich people who prefer It to the nation al diet If all tho land planted In corn in tho United States this year were massed, the nrea" would exceed tho British Isles, Holland and Belgium combined or four-fifths of tho area of France or Germany. The old grist mill at Port Jefferson, N. Y., which waa built before the Rev olution by Richard Mott and 1b said to be the oldest structure on the island, la being torn down because It Is unsaf. :Tbo building was erected In 177L Sidney Smith described the Orm thorhynchus paradoxus as a nuadru hped a3 large as a cat, with tbo eyes, color and-sklq of a molo and the bill and feet of a duck, on eccentric kind of bird bitten with the ambition of be ing a quadruped. , There were 1,071 strikes during 1001 in Germany, Involving 141,220'persons, as aga!u8tl,402 strikes of 20&810 per. eons In 1000. In 200 cases in 1001 tho strikes were successful. In 285 cased they wero partially successful, and In 571 cases they fulled. ' Tho numerous islandB of tho Pata gonia archipelago are covered with ev ergreen forests capablo of supplying Immenso quantities of valuablo tim ber, while tbo mountain ranges, being of the namo geological formation as thoso of Chile and Peru, nro probably ncu in mineral resources. Tho exporting of American t hoes' Is or comparatively recent growth, In touo win vuuiury cxporjeu .oniy $i, 000,000 worth of. hoots imd .shoes ' but for the fiscal year 1001 It sent abroad f5.500.000 worth of boots and shoes, and ISuglaud. wid her colonies took $4,400,Q0Q -Wjorth i't this total. ' ? An effort Is, being mado jir Sweden to jiso electricity, in agriculture.' A! sded Ifield Is'jfcovered by a network of? wire, nnd a strong electric current Is turned ondurlrig nights and chilly days', but tit vu. tftuiiiB ouuii'y uncf warm weain er. Tho. system was Invented by Pro fessor Lcmstrom of neJtfngforsUtfnn- land. Bomo time ago the customs aulbnri- 38 tiles ,iea seised a "dox bf skittles thai at- rived In Constantinople bo. tho ftttf that tho bnUs were hardjasd, heavy aad might be used as enrinon4 balls, 'which would bo exceedingly danger bus. It was not till ono of the embas sies had taken a lot of trouble that the balls were glve-h up, . Ttt' Tranquil Ml a I. Who docs not lovo n tranquil heart, a sweet tbutpered, balanced lifer It dosn not matter whether It rains or shines of what misfortunes como to thoso pos sessing these blesuipj, for they nro al ways sweet sorcnoand calm. That exquisite polso of character which we call serenity Is tho Inst lesson of culture; it is tho flowerlug of life, tho fruitage of tho soul. It is as precious as wisdom, moro to bo desired than gold yea, than even fine gold. How contemptible mere money wealth looks lu comparison iwlth a serene life a lifo which dwells in the ocean of truth, beneath tho waves, beyond tho reach of tempesta. In tho eternal calm I How ninny peoplo wo kuow who cour their lives, who ruin nil that Is sweet and beautiful by explosive tem pers, who destroy their noise of charac ter by bad blood! In fact It Is n ques tion whether the great majority ot peo ple do not ruin their lives and mur thejr happiness by lack of self control. How few peoplo wo meet in life who are well balanced, who have that ex quisite poise which la characteristic of the finished character! Success. Tailing a Chance. Ho looked ha nnr cnouch ns he walked up to the postofflco box, set a , fcsslonH artists are tho first tq sue huge bundle on tho floor and began. nb to tho brnln Btraln, next tho low- taking pretty squaro envelopes there- ... ,i.n.iM. .1...... 1... ......... .. .1 from, dropping them Uy LHUB UUU threes into the box. "Big lot of 10116," remarked the policeman. "Nice day too." "Letters!" said tho happy man. "My dear fellow, these are not letters. They are wedding Invitations." A stern look came oyer tho face of the hitherto friendly policeman. "My friend," he said, "I am sorry to disturb you, but I must do my duty. Come with me," "Arrested 7" "Yes." "On what charge, sir? This Is an outrage." "Not at all. You arc advertising a lottery through the post" The man weut along. Kansas City Independent. The nnblile Ilcputntlon. The Governor Colonel, don't you know Judge Blank? Shake hands with him. The Colonel Ah. you are Judge Blank of Blankvllle? The Judge Yes; BlankvIIIo 13 my home. Tho Colonel Of courso I know you by reputation then. The Governor Colonel, don't you know Jt always makes mo feel mighty uncomfortable when n man says that about mo that he kuowu mo by repu tation? Tho Colonel How I3 that, governor? Why should It make you feel uncom fortable? The Governor- -Because! by Jingo, I always wonder which reputation he means. German Prcsn on Shipping Combine. The comments of souiu of tho German papers on the Anglo-American chipping combine and the British government's subsidy to the Cunard steamship lino are interesting and significant The Berlin Krcuz-Zcltung points out that Germany Is In no financial position to pursue a policy of rival subsidies, and .adds, "Wo havo more Immediate and moro passing obligations thau the maintenance for the north Atlantic of a standard of freights which secures for shareholders a dividend ot from 0 to 8 per cent" The Kolnischc Volkszeltung also dis cusses the difficulties of the situation. It maintains, indeed, that the subven tions which the Hamburg-American lino receives aro not for tho north At lantic tralllc, but for carrying tho Gcr- 1 mnn mails nnd for tho nunnnrt of (in Btcam8hip .crvlccs to South Africa and east Asia, which do not pay. Never theless, it remarks, tho German Atlau- tic company would gladly accept gov ernment subsidies If It could get them. But a generous policy of subsidies is qulto out of the question. Tho Kolulscho Volkszeltung then nrocceds to tfav: "Tho oucstlon nrltcn whether wo hayo not too loudly and n,nnn..,iv' r,Mni,i . ,.i.i..n.a too pompously proclaimed the objects , of our ambition. Many publications of , the Gprman Navy league and of the pan-Germans, und, lu fact, declarations .which havo been made In nuthorltatlvo quarters, have led tho English and tho Americans to believe, or have, at least, given them occasion to assert, that it J I 1b our ambition to achieve naval su premacy on the Atlantic ocean, tin our opinion it woujd bo very desirable thit .wo should ac&'muidcutly whqn wo havo to do with ftfich'ich rivals a'a John Bull nud Unclo Sam." . -)Maf Kt lf . U, Shamrock JH, should'' lift tne cup be would be Buamrock the first to ok, WEATHkR T?RbWETt. Blow out a candle, and if ths wick continues long to atuolder look for bad weather. It It goes out quickly, th weather will bo fair. Tho twelve days after Christmas in dicate tho weather for tho following year. Knelt day in order shows tho weather for ono month. When It begins to snow, notice the site ot tbo flakes. If they arc very flue, the storm will bo a long ono; It large, the storm will noon be over. If tho chickens como out whllo It rains, it U a sign that tho storm Is to bo a long one. If they utand around under tho sited, tho storm will be abort. When tho cattlo lie down an soon as they nro turned out to pasture in the morning, It Is bccaiiBu they fcol n rliou tnatlc weariness In their bones, and you can look for rnlu soon. Whctt a night passes and no dew Talis, It Is a sign It Is going to ruin. This omen loses much of Its mystery when one remembers that (low haB not fallen because tho night was clouded. When you seo tho pun drawing water at night, know that It will rain on the morrow. The sun Is said to bo draw lug water when lta rays can bo seen shining through rifts In distant clouds. Rrnln Strain. A French Investigator has como to tbo conclusion that the brains of mili tary men give out moat quickly. lie states that out of every 100,000 men of the army or naval profession 100 nro hopeless lunatics. Of the liberal pro- J0- Pwcu ni some instance oy uoe- 1 torn, rlortrv. llfrrflrv tnnn nnit dull -- -or .--. . ...... ... ...... scrvnnts. Striking nn average of this group, 177 go mad to cqch 100,000 Londou Hxpress. A I'r.lnfnl Inference. A teacher was Instructing n class of boys and had spent half an hour trying to drive Into their heads tho dlffcrenco between man and tho lower animals, but apparently with little success. "Tommy," he said coaxlngly to n lit tlo ehnp, "do you know tho dlffcrcnco between, ny, mo and a pig or nuy other brute?" "No," replied Tommy Innocently, but another teacher standing by laughed. London Answers. Ilia ntnlccl. "Mike." said Plodding Pete, "did you ever 50 to school?" . "Sun'." nnswered Meandering Mike. "I don't have to talk dls way. If I showed off me literary accomplish mutiti, folkn would wonder why I wasn't rcndln'de help wanted adver tisement Instil! o htiutln' fur hand outs." Washington Btnr. A MODEL TOWN. : Om to Be Elioirn nt tlie St. Loots ti jxinltlnti. A "model town," with everything just as It should be streets wide, well paved and clean, with no overhead wires nud unsightly billboards and public buildings perfect In their ar rangement! will be a feature of tho coming St Louis exposition. There will bo no crooked, badly paved thor oughfares and no tire tip bulldlugs. Streets will be lighted with tho latest Improvements, and the police and firu protection will bo arranged with tho Idea of teaching lcssono to the towns and cities. Upon n circular Inclosed spaco the town will bo built, thrco typea of street planning being used, which, In their combination, are thought to offer the best and most potentially beautiful ground plan, says the Philadelphia Times. Thoso nro tho radial, circular and gridiron types. Tho circular boule vard, so often seen In the old world cities, will be laid around the town, one-half of It being laid out ns a park road, properly planted. The other half of the boulevard will bo used for ex hibition purposes. In the center of tho ' park rond will bo tho railroad station on a 8fjuaro Just touching the outer edgo of the boulevard. Intending from this open entrance to thu town at a slight upward grndo will bu n broad, well paved street, ending In a pln;:n. This plaza will be tho offlclal as well nn the actual center. Around It will be the group of public bulldl:i;;r.', thu county courthouse, tho town hall, thu postotllce. The plaza will bo laid out with unusual care and In such a way that It nnd the Hiirroundlng structures Will form a harmonic whole. As tho streets aro to form ono of tho main parts of the oxhlblr, they will be used to illustrate tho principles of municlpaljirt. They will havo good pavements nnd guttern, smooth side walks nnd will bo kept spotlessly clean. Thero will bo rfo overhead wires, no wasto paper and rcfuno, no billboards. Htrcct signs will be plain and perfectly legible. Tho lights will bo pimple and dignified, Thero may tven bo scats 'Along tho way. Not only will tho promoters attempt to show whnt ought to bo n voided In makjng a town troautlfui.Tiut they will make uso of only the most artistic furnishings InK-bydrarttM, mall hoxto, ' wH rnnnnAt tl.rfll-l.Mn- nnnn refuse receptacles, the lighting abna- ratai' and the public convcnlcuco Bt. , : , A . . r rji inortnr ThaNvrs. Tlicnltia no hod I'nrrylwf iu Jnnnn. The nullvo builders have n method of transferring mortar which makes It scctn more like piny thau work to tho onlooker. The mortar I mixed up In n pile In tho street. Ono man makes this up Into bulls of nliotit six pounds weight, which ho toxscH to it man who titan Is on n ladder midway between the roof nml tliq ball. Thin uinn deftly catches the ball and to.ises It up to a man who Rtnudn 011 tho roof. This plan would scarcely work for skyscrap ers. "Whnt rtatnntaU Do Nik Knmr. How water, commonly called sap, necessary to the l)fc of n tree, paRscs from tho routs to tho topmost leaf nud evaporates Is ti problem not yet solved by botanists. It h known that tint ascent Is made chiefly In cuyltleti In the snpwood 'only, the heart and bark serving other purpoHcs. That Is the extemt of our Unowlcilye of the mutter. Beyond Is mere coujecttiie, nid every theory yet advanced litis fulled to stutid tho test of experiment. Tho Cnnt Wim filmic. "Do you cast things horcV Inquired a smart youth tho other day ns ho sauntered Into n foundry and ad dressed tho prdprletor. "Yes, wo do.'' "You cost all kinds of things In iron, eh?" "Certainly; Don't you see that Is our business?" "Ah, well, cast a shadow, will you?" no was cast out Intellrctnnl. "Just fahncy, Weglnnld, I'vo forgot ten ma caltrd case.'' "Ncvah mind, dealt boy, I'll lend you somo of mlno." "But ah the namo would bo differ ent, you know." "Jlnh Jorr. so It wouldl What a head you have, Algyl" Dlacnntont. Most men spend one-third of their. lives trying to tnnlco the world uiiTer cnt, another third In learning to llvo In It ns it Is nud tho remainder lu ex plaining how much better It ijcd to be. Washington Times. The last few hours before n funeral tlie clock lu tho house strikes with a tono never noticed before ami- never nppnront ngnltt, except on similar oc casions. Atchison Globe. CLEAN TOVNS. Tiicjr Attract iluini-Ncclcvra nnd Grow Vcrr Mntildlr, It doesn't cost much uud Is very little trouble to keep n town clean If tho I'ltlzcus will co-opcrnte and do their share In thu matter. And thore Is no better advertisement forn town. Home Keekers will go to a clean town Just as one will go to a cleat! sturo to buy his goods. Of course tho schools nhould be kept clean as an example to the young, and to prevent the lodgment nnd propaga tion of disease ot any kind tho streets end iillcys ought to receive more care ful attention. The latter especially nro tor) often made the receptacles v ull kinds or filth that In muiuuci- spreads Infection hrondeast In cold weather the nulKiuico la nluiost as dangerous. There must of necessity be n deal of mud and slush this winter 011 nil our uldewalks, but If each bamcholdcr v. Ill exercise a little care lu keeping tho walk In front of his house properly cleaned tho exceedingly uuplcnsatit ef fects of It may bo to n largo extent overcome. If attention la given thlr matter, 11 necessary walk about tow would bo a -pleasure IniUend of a re gret, and sociability would bo pro moted. Nothing gives more agreeable first Impresiilous of n city or town than tho cleanliness of Its streets, storen and public places, and It may draw to uu many Inhabitants and largo invest ments. Protection of street Troew, If a trco has been well scraped of tho cocoons that contain the eggs, It tuny be protected from tho caterpillars that aro allowed to develop on neighboring trees by a bund of tor or other viscid uubutauce painted mound the trunk nud renewed from time to time so that it will tint L'nt ili-v. Tlmi'ii (h nn iinrfopt prot(,t.tlon( ,0Wlfvcr, since caterpillars suspend thcuuiulves by silk liners 'or their own spinning nud are wuftcd when tluiH suspended from mi Infected to a noulufcctcd tree. An occasional spraying of the treo'u leaves wHirii'So iut0I1 ot --,- ,,,... OP ,nl.,lnil ,.-, wiU r)ol(Hm t:;o caterpillars without uurtB tho trees. All thoso precatt- tj0llSi lt ,,(.r80Vercd In. would soon end iho riitpniiiini- tut IIoit nilHitWU Were Indented. Tho English aire very fond of tho garuo of billiards, and a letter In tho British museum gives tho origin of tho sport It was Invented by n Londou pawnbroker, whoso namo wnn William Kow. Kow not only lent monoy, but ho sold cloth, nnd for tho latter pur pouo had a yard nlcnsure, with which ho used 'to compute tho amounts. Ono day to 'distract himself' ho took the IT" ?, ,? ,!nU",'vrlcu "ft-" MODJB bf Ills trOdO-tllCy may Still bO seen' In' front of certain shc-ns In Jxm- donwind, placing them on his counter, began to hit them about with his yard measure. ii" 11 i' ' in 1 1 in 11 jii ,ii.i, (l"V i " I 11 1 M ho foutul it nindo rt, pretty gnm,e. II gat a kind of skill Iti mnkltig ono ball glnuco off tho other, nud his friends who saw hlui thus employed called tils game Bill's yard. It wan soon short-' filed Into billiards'. Hut tho yardstick'! wns tho instrument with Which' the bulls were knocked about, nud difficul ty arose ns to what to cull It, Tlley balled It 11 f tor tho untuo of thu pawn brokera Kow. Paris PIbiuo. Ten .Mm nnd n fldfe, . In tho aubhiiMcnicut of ono of our, big Jlfo Insurance companies Is a snfu so largo that u theatrical company might perform therein, Thero tiro three doom, tho combinations of whoso locks' aro controlled by ton men, Knch uiilti, n high ol tidal of the compnny, Is nn ln tegrnl part of tile Integral whole, lu In stance: I'lvo men are required to opcq tho outer door, each knowing a fifth part of tho entire combination nbd uu more. A, having ret the gntlugs In hlu combination, Is followed In turn by li, P, I) nnd 13, when the bolt may bo moved. In tho Name manner tho second door Is opened by three men lu combi nation nnd thu third by two, lu tho lat ter ciiRo each being lu combination with ono ur more of tho other eight on tho outer uud iiecund doom. The safe Is regarded tin nnfv. New York Press. sJi IlrenUInu (ilnn: t ' Tho following I nu easy 'method ot breaking glnin to any required form: Mnko n cmull notch by means of n Ilia' on tho edgo of a piece of glass: then mnko tho end of n tobacco plpo or a rod of Iron of about the soma size red hot lu tho fire. Apply tho hot Iron to the notch and draw It slowly along thu ourfacu or tho glass lu any direction you plwisc. A crack will bu tniido In the glass and will follow the direction of tho Iron. v " BEAUTIFIES YHE 'TOWN; ( Vntnitlile Work of nn Iowa Improve ment Soclulr. Ono of tho cleanest nud prettiest towns lu Iowa has been made no chief ly through thu efforts of a woman's' town Improvement iiisoclatlon. About' 500 children lit the schools In this town; wear badge to remind them that theyj havu pledged tlienuelves to do whatl they can to ti.nke (heir town n more healthful nud bwtutlful place to live In. Tho pledgo which tho children' havu signed lit the schools wus sent out by the Women's Town Improvement association. This association some (linu ago purchased a largo number of tuctt al colli. They were painted n bright red and were placed on thu sidewalks' of thu principal streets near the curb,' upon wh'.eh wan prutcd In plain let-' tors 11 rcqticht that piece of paper nud! rubblrh be thrown Into them limtend of Into the utrcct. The cans were the menu of collecting it large quantity of waste (utper, but not all, and dully1 temps of pnper were seen blown hither nnd till tlii r with each gust of wind. Thu principal thoroughfare havo been duvold of rubblbh since the chil dren's auxiliary was formed. When a piece of paper Im seen, two or three children tttnrt lu clone pursuit. After Its capture It Is put lu tho neurest can. At the Intersection of three iivcnues the women went to thu expcniip of nod ding nud making a linudHomo green' whero formerly there was n dusty placo lu summer and a mudholo In winter. The children In their hnsto to' go from onu street to nnother did not hesltntu to nut across tho triangle. Now the children In tho neighborhood' vie with one another In beautifying this bit of ground. 1 The children were given n lecturo ns to what was expected ot them whcii, they signed the pledge, nud nmong oili er things was that they were not to make bonfires In tho woodH, In tho fields or by tho roadside; that they, wero nt to toko other people's fruit or pick other peoplo's flowers, and that they were not to run across corners whero soma ono Is trying to mnko tho grass grow. IIott to DnrUon Ontr Frnnm, To darkou on I: frames spongo them With boiling wnter to which hits been ndded enrbonnto of soda In tho propor tion of on ounce to half a pint, let tho wood dry thoroughly, anil If not dark ouough repent tho process. It Is well to test tho mixture on a pleco of wood before applying It to tho frnux, for If It Is too strong and makes too dark a color It can bo diluted with ti llttlo moro water, 1 How to Cleim Tin Kettlon, ' Wash with strong' soda water and scour with sand, then rub over witlt whltlug moistened with methylated Hplrlt or kerosene. When dry, polish With a leather and dry whltlug, ' , Tlntv to MnUii l'otnto Ouitiet, ' Allow two tahlcspooufulH bf cold boiled potatoes, chopped fine, to each i-'gg; tuitku thu omelet as for a plain ' ntnnlif nml Viti te vtwiilu 4 lit nnin tnna t'MIViVW IIHU IMUV IWIIVS U1U Mttl ktVC M'hlch havo be'on put Into n frying pan with hoiiio hot butter, sensoncd and 'shaken over tho 11 10 until a nice brown, (llvo them a Nprlukllug' 01! finely inliicoil parsley nnd sprcud In tho omelet Just ready (o fold, Ilnw to Ciena I.vndicr fiiitolieH, Lenther snlcholri may bo cleAiinj with n Hpnnge dipped lu warm water in which u little oxalic ucld hns been dis solved. .. 1 K) M&fr.3ffyww t .t' " . iiniiiiinytmiii wij-