Yds , asr 3 7, 6o, iuu. 1 fr m-mi,t,mfli i f JJJ.'i.nvi-: . f itffnrtiiMMiMAat ii. ...i u. .. . . , . V V - ' - ' " iiiMtOTfJPaVMHMMvi a- A !,., .. ' . i . ,'. t, J " ' .-,. - "--- i u , T ' " " i"1' " iiii aiftiMM. t wm , i , i , , . ? , 7; ' 1: ii - tft)i i , , . -.wHji(B,Wi H?WSWvlllS4ffll i'vXW.jlvt "i"Jh l A1V lr J r,,? UjtiM Mff Tt , .. .u 41. i i r, irv.- ;, .- iwjmmm . lr 1 1 "3c"? j" Ti 1 I t i i , v U'tHh ,t . , WEEiur : mM&mmm& jtfAjfJ..y V0ilvMH PARDEE PAV0R3 ' ' FAIRS' Recommends Modest Apptjpfiations Topresent Califor! - qia ' Thereat Biioramonto, Jan, 7 Qoorgo Pardee wni InauBurntcd governor today. Tho now govornor In an cxliaujtlvo inauBural oJJro tnatlo tho (ollqiring avoraiiio recouitncndatlom rvgartllng the St. Loula and 'Orruon expoiltlona: hX s Juitry, at which It oiijy le (leasable that California be represented by Mich ezhlblta of tier products as wilt raoet llkoly provo o( benefit by attracting capital and tho boat claoi of ecttlera. Tim former will bo international in character and will equal or" exceed la icoj,o any otlinr exiotltlon hold in thll odutiy. while tho iwcoud . will be ol rwit lolort-il to CallfornU buctMe It will bo hold In tho leading commercial city of tho neighboring itAto of Oregon. I recomtneud that a tnodost appropri ation bo mndo, undor a Ian eo framed i that it will bo ronlblo to eccuro mott judiclotia oxpondituro of tho tnonoy and tho most clllcient direction of the exhib it. Wo should try to profit by tho ex porienco already (allied by particapation in aovorol such cxpotittont), n treaYmeFit 0F"'RUQ83 -ft. V Ilovr to Cp Thrm Clcnw MB 4 Arl , 'Wrnrluir Thvui Out. Tho mnnngur of n Chicago carpet (to" partmeut, whoso knowledge brlUH him an nnnunl income of 110,000, ndrlsed tho followliiff treatment for Y?lublo rugs: I.ny them wronj; fldo up ou tho grow, bent wth a fwnlturo beater, r. vento nnd Hwcop carefully, ft aoft brush being tho proferenco or a good cnn'Ot (iwcepor. A llttlo iiiring outnldo of the iim'u rayn Ih good occnalonnlly, whon, they tnny hu carried In tho house Tho nvct-ago American houncwsTe wears out her mgH by continual woop. lug and boating, BnyH Good Housekeop. ,Jug. Tho plan of putting them upon a lino overy two or threo M'C-vua or uvou onco u month and there having them 'whipped 1b not to bo coinmemlod If tho rugH nvo of any valuo. M'hon a rug la to bo thoroughly cleaned, It phould bo tent whero tho work l properly dono or cIko wiiHbod at homo. When tho mirfiico liecomcH aollcd, It can bo wnHhctl with no fear of Injuring tho colons oluco tho majority of oriental liigH aro washed repeatedly before reaching thlH country, nnd tho dyea used aro thereby mellowed and en riched. ' Tim best method of washing a largo rug n to htrott'h and tack It upon n clean lloor, then ncoiir It wcH with w).iihudH. After tho about tog It ntUBt Im tltotoughl rhihcd to removo all trace of thu nnltunl mnttcr In tho soap, lifter which It should not ho removed until It Is poi'fdctly dried. Then It will not shrink and will lie' perfectly flat upon tho llpor. A small, rug may bo tacked upon 'tho uldo of t tho houao or bnro, scoured as if on n lloorftud then nusca wiiu niirn. . . . .- . . - . . aisiev ., Baanaw' tvbvww nssnaeav .SBBeeeeeem. "" "'sipkMv' sav iBm a.w leaaa saawv . , " r ' "--" "' ' ,T '' " t , r- " "..ii i.ii i mi'jmj .-- - J . . r - . . , . ------ iiWi 1 T in1 II m In Kinnlil-iiriiTiirw 1 mm - - ---- ' T--S- 4. w k t A J .1 lfl M sr . "RATHER FLAT Testimony Touching ; "DatrageJi Fai tQ Imppcate the Miners PlilladMpliia, Jan. 7 Ano Ihcr big ar ray In the form of non-union miners and their families was on harid at t'tu ojieqlbg of tho Anthracito commission this morning. Tho greater portion ol the testimony wad concerning tho vari- rty 'mLJL&J&M& JTIW . a." M r " m J f A been' burned, On crot? said oil had been poured on tho bridge' by small boys. lie did not eeo it flrod. Tho first woman called was Mrs Jor dan, of "Lost crook. She said sbo was driven from town by the continued jeera of the miners becauso her husband re mained at work. After ten days resi dence In Philadelphia elm had returned home because the childrou becamo botmeslek. lb keM was reneatedl- stoned and swe eel1 nat'mf 4hwcMM,tlM of lHa, because Wo nercnauta; Dtucnere aru mllkmon foarotl a boycott if they sup plied her wants. Quay Reads Petition i ASKING NEW NEXICO'S ADMISSION TO STATEHOOD Furnished Gfeat Proportion of Sol- dlers for the Late War with'Spaln Washington, Jan, 8 Senator Quay read from his dosk today a petition from Bpanish-Amorlpan war veterans asking that atatohood bo granted to Now Mexi co, which is said to havo furnished ono man to every 160 of total population when this cob n try was at war with Spain, Tho omnibus bill was thon takon up. Tho Philippine constabulary bill was passed. BETWEEN HEATS, It, H. Planfa offer of l'.J,o00 for Monto Carlo, 2:0014, was refused. Tho ownor of Majop Dclmar, 3:03, refuses to price him at nny ilgurc. II. 0. Miller, Brockton, Mass., has purchased tho pacer Bcsslo Smith, 2:17& by Sphinx Gift. Johnny liny has bought tho Mam brluo ICIng gcldtng Point Doxtcr, 2:20, to drive nt tho Olovcland matinees. Amber Sphinx, 2;174, pacing, bay iuaro, by Sphinx, dam Lady Palmltcr, Jr., by n son of actawny, died recently. Marquotto, by Jorsoy Wllke?, Is now tho dam of two bitter than, 2:10 pac ers Planet 2:01, nnd Homo Circle, 2:03,&. It Is tho goncrnl opinion that with a Wta education to polo Tho Monk. w.V...in t,,i 7 l tu w '-t-i jv w i . a '-.Hi r- a - r it if t j i- - - vfARSWlELD, CfcOS COUNTY OHE.Vnliq, 1903, t' 'lfi'tfttflm:JltaiTR Has AnPAntfiHUnkTfWTl'Ai SCHEME Said to Be After Pan- MifjBuali i "', X H' . ' f QOLOJijBIA'S SLOWNESS DUE t TO GERMANY'S' INFLUENCES Ghanco For Canal Treaty and Uncle Sam's Option to Fall Through i Washington, Jan. 8 In official circles it is admitted that tboro is' foundation for the statement that Gormany ie try ing to euckre America out of tho Pana 4K4Suif Jfk-feetovedrto ihal Ger- &n afcttveyorkBrrfoli4iu Ameri0 options expire March 4tb Congress adjourns on that date. Throah somo powerful influence, the date of re aasflmbling of the Colombian congress, which was officially called to miet Dc, 21st for the purpose of ratifying tbe canal treaty, was recently changed te March 3rd. Hast one day before,' the. .! T. tfi gitftiiluiuiigteMtlorMIKCoP ombia does not sign the treaty, and con gress adjourns without action, there will bo nothing to prevent Colombia from making torms with a German cor poration. Officials of tho State department point to tb6 dlliatorfactB of Colombia and tho delays offered. Ambassador Horcn says Colombia may havo given Qermauy eorae hopo of negotiation. flow to Make Paraltare Cream. An excellent fumlturo cream Is made as follows: Ono ounco of castllo soap, ono ouuco of white wax, two ounces of beeswax, half n pint of turpentine, half a pint of soft water. Shred the sonp and whlto wax Into tho water and boll It lu tho water till dissolved. Melt tho beeswax In tho turpentine When nearly cold mix nil tho ingredi ents together, and tho cream .will be ready for uso. Hotr tn Wmli Glnnware. Wooden bowls make tho best recep tacles for washing flno glassware that requires careful handling. If two bowls nro employed, tho results aro apt to bo moro satisfactory. Uso ono for wash Ins ntid tho other for rinsing purposes. Hott to Kxpnml the Cheat. A girl who wishes to oxpauil her cheat can do so if each morning after her bath sho will stand erect, feet together nnd shoulders back, arms straight down and tako twonty-flvo full, deep breaths. It Is perhaps best to begin with, fifteen for tho first iwectoand grad ually lucrcaso to twenty-flvc. If ono doslrcs to go bnjto fuller perfection, b crcaso until fifty, full, breaths .can be taken. , , rUow to Make m,' Tmblo' Vmrr, To mako a pretty tablo fernery make a birch bark box 0 Indies wide, S tlnchcs longor round If you pxeferlt and 8 Inches deep, saya tho Cincin nati Enquirer. Pueto cloth around the edges lnsldo to prevent bits of earth (from finding their way out. Plant In 'tho box roots of small ferns, filling tho '.spaces with green moss' or "running pine. Sprinkle every day and keep In a cool place at night, and your, tabic- twpxjsvy wU1 Ucfp th and green all Rummer. .r... , . kkstro Has Accepted CONFERENCE W'MT rEfLD'Af'rYA$HNGTpN If Agreement Npt Reached Hague Tribunal Will be the Called on m' Washlagtw, Jan. 8 Tbe. Slate De partaaeat reeesved a ruefeege today from Mifatfltr Bowasi at Caracal, ying that Castro bad accepted the geBtral terms and ctndltleas of arbitration laid down by tbe powers. It was officially admitted, this after noon .that tbe proposal made by the powers Is for a conference So Washing top, in which Bowen is to act as repre sentative of Venezuela. If eettlemen by this method becomes impossible, tho matter will go to tbe league tribunal, The President la hopeful Ibat these egBkHewi will rertak la a Baal dicpo sition of the affair without a long-drawn-out Hague litigation. The Navy department bae ordered the steamer Dolphin to La Guayra to bringt Minister Bowen to Washington, to rep recent Venezuela. Mow to Seller Tire Kre People who suffer frea tired eyes r-irUtrtua4Ml4aiUaM kMrk iaUl French author accI(lutallydlecbrereo! on excellent remedy. IV'H a simple method of restoring tho vision to fresh ncss when, after reading or writing for somo time, your eyes begin to ache. Ono night while tho author was en gaged In writing an artlclo bis eyes gavo out before ho could finish, and ho was compelled to atop. So. turning from his unfinished manuscript, his eyes fell upon somo scraps of colored silk that his wlfo bad been using for patchwork. . Thcso gay colors bad a peculiar attraction for his wearied op tics. On resuming his work after gaz ing at them for sovcral minutes ho found his eyes quite fresh. After several experiments be surrounded his Inkstand with brilliantly colored striped" Bilk material, that his eyes might rest on them every time he dipped hla pen into tho ink. This brings instant relief. " FRILLS OF FASHION.' A yery. stylish French toquo has a drapery of Tangerine yellow velvet and a brim of dark sablo fur. Whlto crnilno and broadtail nro very much used for vests nnd revcrs on re ception nnd visiting costumes of cloth nnd velvet. Faclugs, rovers, vests nnd cuffs of whlto or cream colored cloth still ap pear ou many of tho stylish cloth cos tumes designed for special wear. Kid cloth in biscuit, tan, almond, gray, fawn and other noutral tones has been used extensively for reception gowns and fur trimmed costumes for visiting and theater wear. It Is significant that tho best gowned Women wear the simplest shirt waists. Tho fabrics nro at tho bcBt, nnd tho most expcnslvo tailors offer models that are comparatively plain nnd so Vcro, though perfect In stylo and finish. Among tho materials that dressmak ers nro using for evening dresses for tho winter nro lustrous satins in roso color, opnl gray, sea gteon and rcrslnn mauve, brocaded with silver thistles, carnation nnd sweet pea blossoms, hawthorn sprays and halt blown roses aud foliage, chrysanthemums, etc., in gold or silver embossed work. New York Poot . Thomas J. McKlnnoy has located at Punxsutawnoy.'Pa., for tho whiter nnd iinn with him tho nnclng mares Queen of Spad6s, 2;10M, by King SuUminnd Fanny K., 2:18&vby HcIr-aMuw, also several good youug steppers. AntsWtLeflsiation ' ' .lA..t.n '?vl it? CAANCESAGiir ' 5 ETMMTTKliTIME President Roosevelt Alarmed at the Friction Arnwg'Uglslatlve Leader Wasbinston. Jan. S President Jteote- teltle alarmed over the fieU aWgl tbe trait batters, sad it aakiag great eadeavora to set tba fegisktlve leaders to'agree to setat assaeare which as ay be patted, f Tbe preewKyreaas'cta ladltate danger that no aati-trust Hrr will be enacted this session. ... i AU Sbe CrabbeA HlmU Henry Yes, alias oiaun, as I was about to say, our plans often go wrong man aropoees mm' OltlBH Oh, uenry, this w as ;aMweBlr,BjK aever BHnu, oearreHr -w4ajMi aSiatt'Jsecaje wesaj tMf?!"1 accept you I r Tnlkiagr TIiroBBh tbe Boiljr. To talk through a human body, or a row of human bodies, for the matter of that. Is one of the weirdest of the elec trician's feats. If a telephone wire be severed and the two ends be held by a person, ono In each hand, but far apart, ft Is quite possible for two indi viduals Is carry on a conversation through tho body of tho medium as readily nnd as distinctly as if tho lino had been properly connected. rti SHOE -N buying eboea DOXT AfSSBT f-t.uu wui fc o oiu.a numu u iu fu ouun mo uiu JOU UU got plucked nearly every time. : : : : Satisfactory abocs for Winter shoos that please the people shoes in which the shape will bold won't IpbttM r "squash" out, or Eag in n little while. :;::::: : : : Shoes that bold out becauso tbey'ro where, inside or out THAT'S tho Walk Must be right or couldn't everlastingly wear or a new pair. Why pay $5 and $0 Tom, Dick and Harry WALK OVER SHOE long suffering public with scarcely ndr in Bhape for the last ten years . MAGNES & OUTFITTERS & msMMsMHM AFTER OREflftf 7T C a U-:M flU W W Ar r . MAY"HESyi.T IN HI Xi a Chttfii W$k DfsinklOwflt Wd .I IMctMEfNWt of . CjfjMp' Waasiagtea, Jai. ilfcweiary Hitek coek bow baa MaM bias eharaae which f . - i l i bave beta preferred aalatt Sstrveyec General Metdraat, e( OfegM, wkkb promisea to teaelt let tbe saspeflsioa 1 not d Ism 1ml of that offleer. Sease tisse ago the Department beoarae distatlsfied with lite manner in wbieh the officer was conducted sad bad a tberongb la- i vcslliation made by epeolal agest, aad it is their report wfakh la.under ceaeMer ation. 0 te of tbt aaott eerkHH ebargea 0gkMiMel4raarSeMMia.a addkHeeT totheaee-of llqaet ajMNMeaeate is said to bave BeeJe4arWl ialles, be--. v jog freqaently away fsata bis offlee dar fBg office hours aad Jeayfaf III toatxoi to labordi&atea. -iT &: 4JS a. ..iHi )D aav 'Ugmtmmu.mrimm&sx eearaaad ef the British' asaaf la laeaa. Unlike most of bis ftredoecssora, hi did not get his training la the Indian nrtny, but this fact will not hinder him from making a good commander in chief. A fashion bulletin issued by tbe London tailors says the stylishly' dressed man now must bave a small .waist and padded hips. The man who Is expected to cultivate this stylo al ready has padded brains. TALK get pucked. If you buy a $3.50 or in the shank, or get shabby-looking rightly built not a skimp any- - Over Shoe. : : t wrong no middle ground or we preach Money-Back Shoes good : : j ' : i : for let-woll-cnough-alone shoes roakot that have been foUted on a change in quality $3 s "d U-bo nver ! MATSON FURNISHERS ---i.ALv I J tusawU dcArwnst ''WViK tVJ.' 'iCH .1 4 'I ft , wtsr,fiv , . J 1 U vi