Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 03, 1903, Image 6

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W''vJ.' ir., L-i-
Gpst nan.
From 8unday'o Dally.
Mra. Goo. N. Farrln was
Tlio Evergreen Whist club mot nt the
homo of Mrs. J. It. Kochon. Mrs. T. F.
Mlnoi was awarded Firat honors (or
Having ccorcd tho greatest number of
points and Mrs. Colta recioved the con
solation prlzo.
On Saturday night occurred tho In
stallation of tho nowly elccto officers for
Blanco Lodgo No. ! A. F. fc A, M.
Dr. 0. W.Tower acting as Installing ofll
ccr. Tf
Iiillia Short, who returned on tho
Areata from Ean Francisco, reports that
Mies Bird short in still steadily improv
ing in ncrlth.
The stave mill closed down Christmas
Evo to give tho crew a chance to cele
brate. Tho mill will reaumo operations
Monday morning. .
J. L. Brown will go to San Francisco
on tho Allianco to finish hia course in
tho pharmaceutical department of theCal
Jfornla state university at Berkley.
II. Lockhart, J' S. Coke Jr. and E.
Wp)d mndo a trip to E. L. Bessey's
place on Coos rlvor yesterday.
Jos. Cowan took supplies and men to
hia camp on South slough yesterday,
and will resume operations after haying
spent the holidays in Marsbflold.
Miss Fannio Getty, of IJocky Tolnt,
passed through town yesterday on her
way to the Paniele creek 6chool district,
whero she wijl open a term of tchool
A social danco was given in the ware
houso at Porter Saturday evening. The
affair was well attended by people from
all over the bay. Porter dances usad to
be famous, and this looks like a foro
runnor of their revival.
Atty. J. M. Upton and wife, of Ban
don, are spending a few days in town
Monroe was onco a typo in tho Coast
Mail office and still likes to got a whip
of an inky atmosphere.
The crossing at tho intersection of
C street and Broadway is getting badly
in need of repairs. John Bear's henry
dray was stuck there for several minutes
Saturday morning and bad to, be pried
ou( 1 a bole.
By invitation of Rev. B. F. Peck, all
Maeonr are invited to attend services
at the Methodist church on Sunday
oveaing. As many as cau conveniently
do so apear at 0:!J5 p. m. at the church.
The sermon will be of particular inter
to all masons.
All advertising must havo truth as a
foundation or the people will sooner or
later come to think that the advertiser
ia not as honeat as ho oueht to be. All
the people who deal at a given etoro are
anxious to have the best in that atorc
and they go thore because when they
aek for the host they get just that thing,
If a man wants the reputation for telling
tho truth be must be careful to never
tell anything else. If he is careless of
Ms reputathn he will find people bub.
ricious of hia transactions and there
wlU be moro akoptica than believers
among those who read what ho an
nounces. Driving Down Rogue River
A Grants Pass dispatch says A. A.
Hall, a lumberman of the Upper Rogue
river, has contracted to furnish 100,000
foot of pin? logs for R. D, Hnmo, of tho
lower river. Beventy-flvejthoueacd feet
of the logs have already been placed in
the river and for the first timo ths ex
periment of floating logs from the source
to the mouth of theBogue is being tried,
UnlBCklly, the Icpp were placed in the
Mtiji btftwItffoeatriMamlaia
TeapllinaBy diheea.were carried, ,hjgh
and Ilrjr and wa'ihed oft ban and flats
away Trom the mala current of tho
alrcam. 80 toon as tho remaining 5,
000 are set afloat they will be followed
up and the whole drive gathered up, as
a crew of tnea wllf aiake the trip down
tho rircr and roll In all the atranded
logs at the ate fount.
If Mr Halt makes a lucccis of driving
Iiors down tho Rogue it ia likely that a
number of others will try the eame feat.
There la a quantity of sugar pine timber
in the Upper Rogue country that can bo
brought tV the mltla easily if the log
cau be brought down the rircr.
From County Exchanges
, .
(Coqulllo Bulletin)
II. W. Dunham, our well known
steamboat man, met with qnite a Eovero
accident last Sunday morning at Ban
don. Mr. Dunham, who has been act
ing aa engineer on the steamor Antelopo
atarted aboard hia boat. Ho stepped
from tho dock to tho houao of tho little
river boat, Venus. In to doing ho slip
ped from the bouse to the deck of tho
Antelope, a distanco of about six or
seven feet. Ho etruch the rail of tho
boat and was thrown into the water.
Luckily assistance was near at hand and
he was rescued. Mr. Dunham received
some revere bruises but wo are pleased
to stall that no boues wero broken.
All Johnson is having a largo addition
built on bis saw mill wbero his new re
eaw is to be placed. When this Is com
pleted a new store will bo erected. The
building will be 40x50 foot. A now
boiler has been purchased, also a new
automatic cut-ofl engine of 140-horso
power. Mr. Johnson will certainly
have a good up-to-dato mill when those
improvements are completed.
From Tuesday's Dally,
Bert Folsom, of Dora, is In town on
Ansel pollver, of Daniels creek, wai
doing business in town yesterday.
Fred Schroeder, of the Coqullle, was
noticod on our streets yesterday.
Attorney John S. Coko made a busi
ness trip to the county seat yeaterday.
0. A. Moore returned on the Alliance
from a trip to Idaho, and is very much
improved in health.
Miss Maude Brown has accepted a
position as hello girl at central.
We aro making every effort to get the
Holiday number read for issue Now
Years morning. We don't know wheth
er we will succeed or not.
That part of A street adjoining H.
Sencstacken's store ia receiving somo
needed repairs. New stringers and
planking are replacing the old ones,
which have been breaking through.
Tho cold storage atoamer lEIlhu
Thompson lies at the rallrord wharf, to
receive salmon from the Coqullle, wbllo
the Ice and Cold Storage plant handles
those coming in by bv,at.
A man of! the Elihu Tbomdeon got
into difficulty withT. F, Crawford Batur
day night, with the result that he
fetched up in Reeordor'a court Monday
afternoon. Ab there was no prosecu
tion, the case did not como to a head.
Both parties concerned were somewhat
battered up, and "Kelly" evidontly
thought he had given as much punish
ment as he had received.
School Meeting
The board of directore of the Marsh
field school district, at a meeting Satur
day night fixed Jan. 14, at 7:30 p, m. as
the date for holding a special school
meeting for the purpose of levying a tax
for school purposes.
The board discuesed tho question of
postponing the opening of school, on
account of the scarlet 'ever. It was de
termined to hold mattorin abeyance un ;
til Saturday night, vrheri more would
bo known as to tho progress ol tho dta
cato. Notice will bo' Riven in Sunday
mornlng'd paper.
Travel by Sea
Departures by Areata Dec. 2'. H.
Fields and wife, 11 Mnthoweon, J Sny
der, 0 Perkins, J 11 Taylor, E Ataou, G
Fonn, J Webb, Lllliu Morchant, Maud
Welch, J Amies.
Arrivals by Areata. Dec. 85 E Mel
bourne, Mlts J. Alveu, J Abo, J Jalpp,
J J Dunn, W Dunn, Kliziboth Dunn,
Lucy Turrlll, G Djlainoy, A Barrow and
Arrivals by Allianco from Portland,
Doc. 23: I Barnum, Alice Fiold, E J
Curtis, II A Cox and wife, A J Wolff, T
Barry and wife, E Boyd, Mrs A Cavan
agh, B II DavIs, C F Colt, Mrs Colt, 0
Blair and wife, R A Ranpp, G Roroll,
W Garbor, A Lanalou,
Departures South by Allianco Dec. 10:
J W Field and wlfo, II F Delmoro, T
Hughos, R E Morton, A J Uowoll, Mra.
G Kichards, Mrs E O'Connell, Andrew
Wagnar, John Nation, G L Bicklord,
W M White, Fred Leo, W G Aiken,
Holiday Number.
Bond in your ordora for tho holiday
number, We aro still booking orders at
10 cents a copy, for tho benoflt of those
who wish to rond a number to their
fnnds. It will cost you twice tho
amount after it is printed and placed on
sale. It will bo far tho finest special
number ever put out on tho bay. It
will have twenty or moro pages and
will bo bound in a good quality of cover
paper of a warm ho'iday color.
Any one who ordora in advanco and ia
dissatisfied after ward can have his money
back without a struggle.
Seed in your orders and your money.
If you wish us to mail the papers, which
we will do without expense to you, send
tho names and addrca:ca of those to
whom you wish tho paper sent.
BAKER-HARRY At noon on Dec. 21
1002 at tho home of tho bridea paronls,
Mr. and Mra. E.N. Harry, InBiowatcr
Valley, M r. Fred Baker and Miss Lcona
Harry, Rev. Frank Bunch officiating.
The bridemaid waa Misa Ethel Laird,
and the best man was Josoph Laird, both
cousins of tho bride. Tho brldo woro a
gown of eteel gray albatross trimmed in
white silk with a wreath of orange blos
soms In bor hair. The groom was dressed
in tho conventional blak. Thoro were
about forty persons present. Tho ccic
mony was followed by a redding break
fast, after, which Mr. and Mra. Bakor
took their departure for Gardiner, On.,
their futuro horn. 1
Election and Installation.
The following officers were oloctod to
servo (or tho ensuing term for Arago
Chapter No. 22, R. A. M., Dec. 29 1002:
High Priest, H. Lockhart; King, W.
J. Butler; Scribe, M. Breen; Capt. for
the H Pr. Horefal ; Treas. W. T. Mer
chant; Secretary, R, C. Leo;M of let V,
J, M. Hutcbeson;M of 2d V, W. U.
Douglas; M of 3d V, J. R. Rocbon; Prln
Sol, R. Walter; R A 0, J. R. Lightner;
Tyler, J. A. Matson. The above officers
were duly installed by Dr. 0, E. Smith
who acted as installing officer.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Areata leaves San Francisco at 2
p, m. today.
The Palace Chop Housochangea hands
this morning, Levi Smith & Son .having
sold out to W. J. Ellison.
Wm Turpan was up from Empiro
yesterday, and reports nil quiet in that
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on
the affected parte, ia better than a plas
ter for a lamo back and for paina in tho
side or chest Pain Balm has no Buper
ior as a l.nlment for the :reliof of deep
seajed. muscular and Rheumatic pains,
For sale by John Preusa,
1 w m' 1
v rairri niiorc rnann.
JL jLnd light loads.
dsTootl for everything
that runs on wheels.
v Gold Everywhere.
Jess Boyors and Jas Block, ol Sumnor
started for Canyonvlllc Mondoy, to visit
ft lends and relatives.
Fred ScUndor came down from Sum
nor yoatorday on hia woy to Uandou on
a pleasuro trip, and it Is said that ho
will not be entirely alouo.
Tho steamor Homer will 811 from
Ssn Francisco on Friday, coming In
place of tho Allianco, which will lay up
for exteustvo repairs ntul improvement,
1 Tho Ciarlno arrlvod yesterday for
coal irom mo ucnvur inn nunc, uuu),iuk
freight for Marsbflold and Coqulllo raer
chanta. Tho former was lauded at Dean
k Co'a waro-house.
Thoro was a young man of Caracas,
A financial-political jackass
Who monk oyed with fato
Until 'twas too lata
To avoid a "pacific" fracas. Ex.
To Improvo tho appetite and strength
en U10 (liKoeUon, try a few docca ol
Chambflrlnln'n Stomach and Liver Tab
leta. Mr, J. II. Hclt. of Detroit, Mich,
saya, "Thuy rastorod my npx)tlto
nhen impaired, relieved moof ali;utd
fjelinnanil caused a pleasant and aalla
fnutory movement of tho bowelt."
There aro ittoplo in this community
who need just auch a rocdiclno. For
tele by John Prtuia Etery box warrant.
W. Ten Brook who has Lcen working
on the government works at GrajV Har
bor, for tho past two years, arrived on
tho Alliance for a few months visit, after
whics he expects to return in tho Fall,
"Bill" Nye "Harried
The Maiu Is in receipt of tho announce
ment of tho marriage of Joseph Merrill
Nye and Helen Maude Cope, which took
placo at San Francisco on Dec. 23d.
Mr. Nyo travelB for tho firm of Mur
phy Grant & Co. and has n host of
frionds in this section, who will extend
congratulations and best wishes.
Entertained His Friends
Levi Smith, the retiring proprietor of
tho Palaco Chop House entertained a
party of his friends vory pleasantly nt
his placo of business last ovening, Tho
following wero tho invited giicats: P.
Marsden, Chas. Stidhom, R. Marsden,
Dr. Toye. E. A. Anderson. Chas. George,
ChaB. Kronholm, W. A. Border, A
Hockola, W. J. Ellison.
House Fell
Chnrloy Jackson's houso on tho hill at
West Marshfleld ttood on an uneven
keel last night, with a heavy list to port.
Tho houeo wasbolng moVed toward Jtho
front of the lot, when tho blocking guvo
way and lot It fall to tho ground, Tho
brick chimney was demoralized, and
considerable damage whb dono to tho
houso and its contents, bet fortunately
no ono was hurt, except a couple of cats
that were under tho houeo, with fatal
, No now Abont now.
"Let mo row," said tho pretty girl.
"But I would rather row," said he.
"Well, don't let's hnvo n row."
"To avoid n row, uuppose wo row to
gether, Then wo can both ( row, and
haVd ho rove." Now, iork Tlnic, ..
...,-. . . .... .w. r5
for sfAnvlNQ' People
Rollof Work Started Hero For
Famlno-Strlckon Fins A
Worthy Caiiso
At a mooting of thoSwodlsh Finn,
hold on tho 28th day of Dcccmbor, 1002,
for tho purpoio of dlsciiislug tho means
of raising money to ho sunt to tho (amino
stricken people of Finland, at which
meeting thuro wore proiont thlrlyllvo
persons Interested In raid work, Mr
Jacob Anderson waa oleettd Chairman,
and Alex Story, Secretary.
Mr. Anderson In a short speech ex
plained tho purposo of the mrotlng, and
tho mattor waa then discussed by tho
persons present.
On motion, tho following Central
Committee was appointed to rnlso
money by subscription, or othcrwliu,
(or tho purposo above tmnitloned, to be
Dent to tho Central Cummlttci in Ilel-
ilngfors, Finland, for distribution:
Herman Fluoll, Jacob Anderson, Johu
(J. Hiiatrom, Alex Johnson end John
Iho proaa of this country haa not
given aa muth attention as it should to
tho fair. I no conditions existing In Fin
land. Tho inbabltanls ol tho stricken
district number about 2,600,000, and a
largo proportion of them are In destitute
clrcumatutice, from a crop (allure.
Tho canto of the (allure has boon an
extremely wot, cold soason, Tho low
lauds were Hooded out, and oon tho
high lands whero tho hay is raised wero
too wet to produce and savo n crop.
Tho reeult la not only a scarcity ot food
(or the poopln, but starvation (or tho
cattle. The Fall linn been so bad that
tho Piill-toKu grain has also frozen out.
Tho conditiona are the woral linco the
great famine of 1807. In aomo poillonn
of the country tht people aro striving to
to eubtitton bread mudo ol ono halt
(lour anUonehaK ground bark, which
fulls to piecva as tron as baked. Peoplo
in this country can havo no conception
of tho suffering entailed by auch a statu
of affaira in that for nothorn clime,
where tho strugglo for existence la it
hard ono at the beat, and a goncroue
response should meet tho cry fos help,
Tho system of relloi ia well organlxcd.
At tbe timo of tho (amino of 1807, an
organization was foruml for tho relief
work. Tho central committee haa bcon
kept up ever tinco and was ready to
tako up tho work at tins time.
Tho meat cnrlous feature, loan Am
erican of this matter, la tho (act that
this central committee atill had on
band tomo fundj left over from tho
work of 35 years ngo. Such n thing
would cover havo happened In this
country, but It indicates tho fingallty o(
Finnish people, and the honesty and
indeper.dcnco, which prevented them
from using moro than waa absolutely
nccessery of tbe funds contributed. It
amounts to a guaranteo that the help
asked for ia needed, and that no dollar
will bo unwisely expended.
The committee appointed in Marah
finld is canvassing tho town, and sub
committees will be appointed to cover
the out-laying districts.
The prosperous peoplo of C001 should
moot tho call in a spirit of heary liber
ality. r rtm,'
It Ih ald that those who cat fruit
need fewer HtlmuIuutH tliiin thouo who
do not. There nro ninny pcrBonn who
Hlmply cannot comblnu tho two to
gether. HUHIllMMaillHMMMMUMI!
I I, 0. 0, F. Bid.
High grade Piano Organs that
aro guarantocd.
Guitarr, Banloa, Mandolins and
Mow Music received from tho
East every weok.
1 Marshfleld,
: : Oregon, I
A'Tiiniiiy SiijfgcsthJir
Thlu is lite ocatnn of the year when the
printout and unrpful hotnmwlfm ropier
IsIicb Iht mipply o( Uliiwnlxulln'n Cough
Itumody. It Is ct'itulu to bu noddtid bo-r
foro tho wlntor' Is over, and reaultn
nro much morn prnmpfnud satisfactory
when It Ih kept nt hit ml nnd t,lvnn as
soon nn the cold li anutraniKd and ho
foro Ithna becomu sotUed In tho systomt
In almost every liiHtnucoii rnvore cold
may bn warded off by taking this rente-
dv freely on noon ns the first Indication
ol tho cold npxmrn. Thoro la no danger
in giving It to children (or It contains
no hnrmdil ntllmlnucu. It lit plnaaant
to tuki both intuitu ami uhlldr6n like
It. liny It nnd you will ffot tho best.
It nlwitya cure', For anilo by John
1'reusB. '
Professional Cntcli. '
JR. H. Waltor, D. D. S.
OIIUmi NnMiuru Itldg. A, Bt., Phone 20
E. EJ. Straw, M. D.
tipoclitl attention to dlcnaen of tho Eve
JCnr, None i.ud Throat. (HnMon fitted.
Ollicc in SuuHtnckcn & Smith
A. G. Gross, M. D.
Oilier. Nnoburg Building. Phone 3
W. U, Douglas,
Finn! tlrrel, Mnrilifietil, Oregon.
S.A. D. Eaton,
practice In nil court.
J. W. Bonnott,
ti 11 .
John F. Hall.
Order In HlJonulo b!-J, Front ilftrf
,(fulifirM, Orrcon, .
O. F. MoKnigiit.
Office in llic Iicinie4 & Walter
Wold Sl Daniels
Map work a specialty. Phoue. il
Boots, Shoos
and Harness Repaired.
John Harding tho ahoomakor la em
ployed nt Haskell's Harness shop.
Wo also Ireop
all kinds of lcathor.
Darner Iather.Holo leather, Lace
lnther, I.stlco Leuthnr. All klnd
ol Spring l.r;iliiKr.
If you wnnt 10 buy any kind of liar
neu ruo ilnckel,
MARK'S CORN KP. ? : Front StrMl
Head wherever tho Kngllah Language
Ib Spoken
Tho ThrI:C'A-Veok World waa A
brilliant succeed in tho hugluuing and
hnu been sleudlly growing ever sinco.
Timo Ih tho teat of all thlutrs, and has
HOtlta seal of approval on thu Thrlce-a-Week
World, which is widely circulated
in every State and Territory of tho Un-.
ion, and whomever thoro nro peoplo who
can read our mother tonguo.
This pnpnr for the coming winter and
tho year 11KK), will maku itn news Hor
vlce, II posulblo, mora extanslvo than
ovor. All events of importance, no mat
ter whore thoy happen, nro re
ported accurately aud promptly,
Thu subscriber, for only ono dollar a
year, gots throe pjporu every week nnd
moro news and general reading than
moat great dallies can furnish at flvo or
six tlmos tho price,
Tho Tlirlce-a-Weok-World is abso-
f lately fair in Its political down. Par
tlsan hlua la never aiiowun to niioct ttu
utwB.columnn, and Democrat and lto
publican aliko can obtain in its pages
truthful accounts of nil tho great politl -cal
In addition to nil tho nows, tho
Thrlce-H-Weok-World lurnluhcB tho
host serial fiction, olaborato market
reports nnd other features of interest.
Tho Thricc-a-Wetk-World'8 regular
subfcription prico la only fl.OO per year
nnd this pays for 10ft papers, Wo offer
thla unequuled nowepaor and Weekly
COAST MAIL together ono year for
12,00 ,
Tho regular subscription prioo of the
two papers la 12.60