Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 03, 1903, Image 5

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    faiftr- -j,, ? ! ;? ,it teaa. a -
"pr"" j "wa -' T'rf",'M
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tK ,, ,, j trttiwiptirteut. ifyU.s.t r '
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nsrrixrisr ij?wj? v V -sai!w8(l
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: if.
-fir j.'
t i'i
w v
tnmviBolnsr rroof.
Hho-I hnd tin Idea licforo lent night
tluit Mr. YVntaoii wm a mini of nticu
lofty iiniliKlouH nnil ox a It 'U Ideals.
Ho- llow dlil you come to find It out?
Hht -iio proponed to mo.
'A now twilled cloth for winter cos
tume nH!jiil)lcu thu wi-uvo of French
Rllk nnil wool mixture nro Jiwt now
tjultn an iwjiulnr iim nny other drcso mn
t prln I mill nru especially pretty for un
trimmed tailor nmdo iiklrts.
Military effecta, umnrtly trimmed
voetu. lira Id nnd button trimmed collura
nnd ruvent, thewo nro chief chnrnctcrla
Ucu of now Jacket nnd tiillor bloitmii.
Many of tin lending drefwmnkcra nre
again closing tliu skirt nl tho buck on
ltunaltiu blouiMi nnd other nutumti co
tuition nnd placing thu opening on tha
luft nltlo of thu front breadth under n
trimmed tnh,
ItiiMot, mihlu nnd golden drown cloth
gowns nro to ho worn thlu hviikod, and
the French ront, UHiinlly mndo with an
tipni front. In completed hy n vist of
.white or cruitu cloth fastened with
gold buttons.
Fnnhlonablo fur trlmmluga atlll ahow
fcable, mink, mtirten or other tnlU de
pending llko n deep frlngu from stole
ahaod front j of fur wrap or yoke,
Itnlertnca, collarette, etc., of velvet,
decorated with Inco nnd fur, en ap
plique, An old fnd which acorn likely to
come Into favor ngnlu thin season la
tho nppllcntlon of fur on Inco, both 1
tiny imnda, which nro very effective,
nnd llknwlao In bltn nud uitcheit out
lining or covering tho form of onu of
tho dealgus In tho lace Jfow. York
, Vow untlva government employee la
India receive more than (100 a year.
Blucu tho fnll of tho cnmpnnllu In
Vonlcu tho gun Unit ithcd to umiounce
noon and auiiNct Ih nllent.
For tho llrat tlmo on tho Italian coat
nhnrk has nttneked nnd dovoured a
bather In tho sen near Naples.
".MuJuSa" wnH the nnme given to a
now MUlphuroiia yellow colored two re
cently exhibited In PnrlH. Another
black red variety wua called Itocr Cour
age. Nearly two-thlrda of the twelve tnllca
bf tho Ulmplou tunnel nro now com
pleted. On the Italian aldo 2,000 men
nro employed nnd on the Bwlna aldo an
even larger number.
N Thu cathedral at flnthcnburg, "tho
Swedluh Venice," which threatens to
Rhnro tho fato of tho cnmpnnllo, la
only a hundred yeurn old. It burned
down In 1721 nud again In 1802.
l'ent gnu Iiuh been employed aa fuel
at thu M ota la Kteel worka, Sweden, for
Jtliu puat thirty years, originally for
.the puddling furunceu and to n fltlll
greater extent HiibHeiiucntly for the
opuu hearth furnaces.
A Polish count nomo tlmo ago took
bin nutomobltu nnd hla colored driver
to IiIh eututc. A few dnyn later u depu
tation of iMHiuautn appeared, who do
'eland that- the negro wax tho dovll
and threatened to kill htm and destroy
, IZnrntnu of AniAHpaVt'lnirMa.
, Approximately the enrnlnRH of tho
Qvo nud two-thlrda million fnrms of tha
United Ktnten wnh for 1002 flvo nnd
one-nfth billion dollnru. Thla la far In
cxccku of thu totul Incomo of tho farm
era nt any other tlmo In their hlatory,
Tho products of tho farina for 1800
eolrt for $ 1,730, 118,71.2. Tho ccrcahi,
snvo corn, tiro about equal to the crop
of 1800, TIiIh year 500,000,000 bushchf
more corn and soveral huiidrod tliou
Baud head of ntcorn In oxcoaa of throe
yearn ago were placed on tho market.
And ono Hhould also remember that the
number of farina Ih continuously la
creasing nt a rato of from 16,000 to-V
000 auuually. Uevlcnv of Ueviowa.
Ilorae an a Bliirrtcrcr.
'A reniiulmblu atory coiuaa from Mel
lor, Ihigland. A man noticed a horao
clrclltiR continually round u limb, urg
ing It townid n fciico nud finally thrunt
Jug It through n hedgo into A Uooded
dlko beyond nt an exact Bpot where
another lamb wob drowned. Tlio horflo
("Wiio diverted from Jta murdcroua Uo
elyii with great dltllculty. j.
. .Ilrlmatone Vyw nbeqnuttlant,
1 Ijho ' gj;palea liuvo nn odd euro for
rcumatlHui, They curry & good elzcd
piece of brlmutono In thopocket and
warrant It to euro tho Wont cadea.
DUooinfort of Ktntam Bt9nOi
Dnrr Uw WMUt,
Tho dlfllcultloa unJr wbkh ooel
mining oicnttloiM wcro carried ou be
fore tho aclontlat Davy had Invented hla
afoty lump rnunt have been very great)
In many tluiea tho only ulternatlvo the
mndliuval tnluer hnd to pitch dnrkncM
wan tho plioflphoreflcimt glcnm from
dried llah. Thu mlnor'n ImplcuicnU;
orlglnnlly of atono or hard oak, grudu
ally Improved, hut ho woo forced to
work In nlmoHt complete darkmiw until
Hlr Humphry Davy hy hla remarkable
invention enabled him to light hla way
through the tuuticln ho hud excavated
with comparative nnfety.
Agrlcola, nn author who wroto about
tho inuldlo of thu tilxteenth century,
ha- left nn elaborate trcatUo on ceil
mining iih It wna practiced during the
middle ngen. From thla wo Icnrn that
tho homo gin, which nur'lvra to the
preiteut day In Homo of tho mining din
trlcta of Great liiltuln and northern
Hurope, wiih tho eugliio chlelly em
ployed both for lifting tho con I and for
getting rid of the water. Thin Intter
object wuh nlao notnetlniea effected by
moaua of pumpx turned by windmill
or by tunuela driven with grcnt labor
to an outlet at n lower level. '
Tomlm n( lliti Anclrnl Proplirl.
There exlxt In parln of Inlnm many
tomliH of the prophet Daniel. Of the.io
one of tho moMt eelehrnted la nt Cairo.
TIiIh fact need not antonl-li ua. Tho
Muwiulimina admit Klthout hrnltntlon
thu duplication or even Indcllnlto mul
tiplication of the bol ten of holy per
sona without their veneration for each
of tho remnlua being diminished In tho
leant. It In worth noting that tho nn-
turo of tho honorary (luallllcationa no
I corded to thu nine K.ilut vnrlea In dlf
, feretit count rlea. Thua, for example,
1 Daniel haa at Cnlro the iiumo of Neb
, bl Daniel -that la, they give him thu
title of prophet, an being nt thu mino
tlmu that which rutin him host nnd If
tho mint honorable they con confer. In
Algeria or Morocco feudal countrlca
tho tltlo they give to Kalnta Ih aid!,
which algnlflea lord, which la nlno tho
tltlo there of mllltnry and polltlcl
chlefi. In central Anla they giro to
thoic canonized pcraona whom they re
aiect moat, na to tho prophet Dnnlcl,
tho tltlo of khodjn, which menna In
Arabic writer or lettered.
MablitK Marblo On of Cbalk.
In nnturo mnrblo la mndo out of
ehnlk by water which pcrcolatc-i
through the chalky dcpoaltn, dlMolvca
tho chnlk partlclo by pnrtlca nnd
cryaUUUcH It, mountain presauro aolld
Ifylng It. It hna been found that ntml
lar rcKUlta mny be nceotnpllahcl by
chemical menna. Flrat allcca of chntlc
arc dipped In a color bath, staining
them with tlnta thnt will imlinto nny
kind of mnrblu known. For thla pur
potfo the aame mineral ntnlua nre uacd
na aro employed In nnturo. Pur exam
ple, to produco counterfeit "verdo an
thjue" oxide of copier la utilized. In
llko manner green, pink, black nnd
other colorings nre obtained. Next thu
chalk nllecn go Into another bath, by
which they nro hardened nnd cryatnl
llzed. coming out to all lutcuta nnd
uucDoaen reul marble.
The Krw
ilpnnlnti Minister.
Senor Don K
mlllo do OJeda, tho new
rntulHter from
Spain, npeaka eoveml
languages, la well read.ln tho Uteretur
of many countries nnd Is a crdlUblt
painter. Ho hna hud a long experi
ence In dlplomncy.
Bmliarraaatajr Por h Vrktemtow,
iTofessor (td hlo clnda) Qcatlemcn, 5
liavo to apologlao for a short delay In
beginning this lecture, I liavo unfor
tunately left my raunuscrlpt at home,
but my boy, whom I hnvo sent for it,
.will bo hero shortly.
rrofc88or,a Son (audibly) Mother
couldn't find tho manuscript, so eh
has eent tho book you copied It from.
N013 Dfork Times.
Urovni'a Sytopnthr.
Jones Cuarleyufqll, from n street
lust evening.
prown Oh, I'm awfoUy aorryl
DllaBBBHBkBBnaaa10BVv . ' wbukJs
BfcaBWBBBBBBBTSSHBBiailBlSiaijajSSlSlSllaMaili ,
K Oine Whin ho Wi-Adlng
tVBt on tho Rltflit llantf,
A clerical corrcapondont of ilo Lon
don Kxprffta tella of a wedding cere
mony In which ho oMclnted tind In 111
r.cal for rubrical obncrvnnceu laid him
iielf open to a comical nnd crushing
"I wna then curnto of n nmnll coun
try pariah In Homerfletalilrc, nnd onr
day a couplo prcaented thcmiielver
nftnr duo prcllmlnarleii for mnrrlngi
In thu village chlirch.
"All went well until tho moment
camo when It in directed by tho rubric
that tho man nhall place tho ring upon
the fourth linger of tho womnn'u left
hnnd, but then trouble began. Tho
yok-ci, nppnrenuy rrom nervounnena or
Ignorance, laid hold of tho right hnnd
of hla expectant trrldo nnd placed tho
ring there resolutely.
" 'No,' I wild, with quiet flrmne-in,
'you muitt put tho ring on her left
hand.' 'i'o thla hla only reply wna a
atolld alnrc. Thinking ho hnd not uu
dcratood mo, I repeated my wordx. but
with no better effect.
"With on much wnrmth nnd In
alntcnco na wna juallfled hy the occa
nlon I now took llrmer ground nnd
nald, 'If you do not put the ring on
her left hand, I munt atop tho hctv
Jce.' "And then tho climax enme. With a
complacent Htulle, that neemod to nhow,
Ida antlafacilon nt having for tho mo
ment 'iM'Kted' tho pnraon, tho bride
groom nettled tho jwlnt for nil tlmo
with tho worda, 'l'lcaac, air, aha ain't
got tiouer"
- j
Bcootcr Ih your wlfo ever abort In
bor accountH?
Dumly Not much! You'd Juat wight
to hear her try to toll a story. Cleve
land riaJa Dealer.
" T3MmclodT)Uicfca. "
Enameled hatha nro tho trial of tho
bouRowlfo who doca not understand
how, they should bo mndo to retain
their pristine frcahncKs. Vlgoroua
scrubbing of them In not desirable, but
a almplo way of clcnnlng them la thla:
Flint wl(o out tho tub wltlin dry cloth;
then thonnighly rub It with n cloth
dipped In salt nnd turpentine, than
which nothing la better for removing
slnlng. After tho tub hitB been gently
scoured In thla manner rlnxo with clear
warm water, dry with n freah cloth,
nnd tho tub will look llko new.
Gray llnlr.
It is claimed that, although women
nro now HUccenaful In preserving their
youth nlmoHt to tho jwlnt of annihilat
ing old nge, it la nlao true that women's
hntr turns gray aooncr than it used to.
It In nnld thero nro no old ladles In
tueso dnya. Urnndmothera refuac to
put on caps nnd sit at home with their
knitting. On tho other hnnd, their
Kniuddnughters begin to have gray hair
before they get out of college.
Monty Dlnclc I. ncc.
If you hnvo some black laco thnt
looks hopelcuKly rusty, soak It for Bonio
hours In a solution of vinegar nnd wa
ter (two tnblespoonfulB of tho former
to n pint of the latter Is nbout tho
right proportion); then rlnm In cold
coffee nud Iron whllo damp In two
pieces of tlahnel. It In wonderful how
this treatment Improves Ehabby lace.
MnrkhiK Iuk Stnlna,
Marking ink ntnlnn may bo removed
from linen by tho nppllcntlon of a mix
turn conalhtlng of n pint of rainwater
In which a tcnupoonful encli of oxalic
acid nnd lemon Juice haa been dis
solved. When tho Ink spoto have dis
appeared, wash out the atuln iulrturi
lu cleui- cold water.
Aocuuutcd I'or.
Ilnrncs There goes Stuvers. I never
saw anybody who could stand tho
hard lmocks of life oh he can. IIo's a
man of Iron.
Howes That accounts for It. 1
thought ho looked rtither rusty. Bon
ton Transcript.
Tho fool alts down nnd worries rtboul
tho, living the world owes hlui. but thf
wlsoguy hustles around nud collect
tho Interest ton tho debt. ChUajo
i . -
Ono ot'tho hard things to under
stand la bow such nlcoKWiidmotlier
as everybody has over could IiUVo Uocn I
MAllimln.lniBn .1
Vrl4ni nt Cfat Commtlon,
Judge Oeorgo Orny, prealdcnt of tlw
board of coal irtrlko nrbltratorf a
1 mMmmU .4.
! judge of the United Btntea
court I-or fifteen yenra ho rcjrre
pented Delaware In tho United Htatea
Si Peacefnl Ufpcrlenco at the Hat
JVorlcr Ccnernl Uraporlum.
Tho exhausted shopper Bank upon
the sofa, whllo from tho open mouth
of her reversed Bonton bag poured a
ennende of little parcels, freshly strug
gled far at Uic Mouday bargain coun
ters. "Oh," she cried, "wl.y does one hnvo
to shop In the city? Everything is so
hurried, confused, complex, distracting
and nerve destroying! If I wens only
lack nff Diet Norley!
"Last cummer while I wan thero I
had to buy a yard of dark brao ribbon,
and I drovo over to the ono atoro nt
the crossroads to get It It took nomo
five minutes to convince tho amiable
proprietor thnt I really wanted dark
blue and could not be persuaded to ac
cept light lusread, which he considered
more BUltnhle and becoming to a fair
complcxloned person of my years; ha
added reassuringly that anybody under
forty was not too young for baby blue.
"Another ilm minutes wero given up
to hla Incredulous reluctance to bcllcvo
that two Inches wide would not do ns
well as three, especially ns tho three
Inch width, had been mislaid on a top
hell anil he would bavo to get a atcp
lndder to get Jt down. Several more
mlnutca passed In tho search for the
ladder, Its laborious pcltagc from the
cellar, Its erection and repair with a
plcco of twln, the braces being broken,
and hla mini ascent to tho dim and
dtiBty upper region, whence tho box of
wide ribbons was nt length produced.
"I found n shade that would do, and
ho leisurely measured off a yard, lin
gered It, then pnused to rub a per
plexed car and smile Ingratlntlngly.
"Fact Is. ho confided sweetly, 'I
Bold tho last pair of scissors In the
rtore Just before you came In, nnd I'vo
forgotten my Jackkulfc. It's kind of
awkward cutting It off, but I'll man
age somehow. I guess there's an ox
hi tho shed.'
"He carried the silken roll awny
with him as Ira htarted with comforta
ble deliberation to find tho ax, which,
though the hunt for It was long and
persevering, evidently could not be
found, for wo caught n glimpse of him
nt Inst through tho half open door to
the back Hhop covering the required,
yard of ribbon with an old chisel,
"It was all so serene, so soothing and
so satisfactory! I believe I shouldn't
be n wreck before New Year's every
winter If I could ouly do my Christ
mas shopping at the Knst Norky gen
eral emporium." Youth's Companion.
WIUtuK to no Sued.
"I once threatened to suo nn old fel
low in Vermont for ?10 that he owed a
cllent of mine," said a New York law
yer, "but tho threat did not oecm p Im
press him much. ""
"What gopd will It do you to eue
inoV he asked.
" 'It will get the money,' I nuswercd.
"Hero tho fellow camo up cIogo to me
nnd said, 'Say, If tliat'B so, elle mo for
$20, won't you, and give me the other
"I gave up hope of collecting that
rlalm." New York Times.
IIodio IUacomfnrta.
"No," grumbled the husband In a
Bpasm of confidence to u friend, "I
bavo uo place nt nil for my books. The
Btorago room is kept exclusively for
my wife." ,
"Oh, eho puts away those tilings that
nro u trifle too good to 'be destroyed,
yet scarcoly good enough t6 ho of use."
Brooklyn Life.
Her Cull.
"I ran Into town today to do foiiio
shopping, dear;". snd Mn). Subbulm,
cutorhiff her Uusuuud's blllce, "aud
I"- . w. '-:.y
"I see," he luteYruijJcd, "and you JuSi
ran hi bcie bseauso you Van out."
"Pan out?"
"YVsj of mouey," - Philadelphia"
0oa Interesting Oaea Ditto na Vt
tHnck am tho tfonrth Ceiitarr.
Among tho Oreeka and Roman al
manacs 'or calendars were not writtea
for tho general public, but wcro pre
served as part of the esoteric learning
of the priests, whom the people had to'
consult not only for the dates of the
festivals, but for the proper times when
various legal proceedings might bo In
stituted. About 200 IJ. O., however,
one Unclus Flavins, secretary to Ap
plua C'lnudlua, stolo these secrets by re
pented applications to tho priests nnd
collated tho Information so gained. It
was really publishing nn almanac
when, as Llvy relates, Flavlus exhibit
ed tho tnstl on whlto tables around
the forum. From this time similar
tablets containing tho calcndor, tho
festivals, nntronomlcal phenomena and
sometimes nllualona to historical events
became quite common. They have bocn
dug up In Pompoli and elsewhere.
Thero nro nlso extant Christian cal
endars dating aa far back as the fourth
century, which give tho names of the
saints nnd other religious Information.
Ono of tho most famous of the cal
endars of the middle ages Is that com
plied by Pctrus of Dacla In A. D. 1SC0.
Lji -manuscript copy is preserved In tlio
Sflvlllan library at Oxford. Tho Sym
bolical Man or Man of Signs (Homo
Slgnorum), still a common feature lu
olninnacx, appears In this book, not, it
Jo conjectured, for tho first time, an It
ccmn to have been a survival from tlio
tlmo of Ptolemy's "Almagcsl," a collec
tion of classic observation!) and prob
lems relating to geometry nnd astron
omy. The first printed almanac was tho
"Pro Plurlbus Annls," issued at Vienna
In 1 157 by an astronomer named Pur
bach. The earliest known almanac de
voted expressly to tho year of Issue
was published by Itabclahi In 1533.
Thenceforth the ephemeral yearly
character of the publication caruo to bo
definitely recognized by almanac mak
ers. Noitradamus set the fashion of
Incorporating predictions of coming
orcnts Into almanacs, a fashion that
has continued to thin day In all purely
astrological brochures of thla cort
despite Intermittent efforts to sup
press It by royal authority In Francs
and elsewhere Era.
True Lore,
L ' L?J
"Will you love mo when I'm old?"
"Well, don't I ?"
Sieves should bo cleaned with
brush and clear water, using salt or
oda If necessary; never soap.
Muriatic acid diluted with water and
applied with a stiff brush will very sat
isfactorily removo stains from marblo
bowls and basins In bathrooms.
To prevent lamp glasses breaking, as
they will do sometimes if tho wick bo
turned, too high, scratch the base of
tho glass with a glazier's diamond.
Ff his is a simple and efficacious meas
ure, Ono of the dyod chamois skins la an
excellent lamp mat for a polished tnblo
-ho rich red. frrccn or a certain Bhado
of peacock blue. A red ono goes Bpe-
cWly .well with a lamp of Egyptian
14, mattress mat, Borvlecable and eas
ily made, is fashioned from lightweight
unbleached muslin in two layers, with
fcjeiioet of -wadding between. Quilt tho
mat on tho mactjinw-and bind-with col
ored tape.
Cold water and soap can bo used
.With (satisfactory results na a cleansing
material on all kfod of highly polished
furnltnre, provided It Is followed by
another washing with clear water aod
rubbed-dry-witha. chamois Bkln.
I "Whlto and palo tints lu coral have
been reintroduced.
Quaint- and fetching is a brooch in
tho. form of a rub.y eyed goldfish that
holds a perfect lltti.e pearl in its mouth.
Two high, round topped Btonea
mounted 'together represent one of the
newer fashions in emeralds, rubles and
other colored stono rlncs.
A bracelet that strikes an uncommon
noto8howa,yclloTvgold.in Jtressca,wove
jtogethecQO woujen plait hek locks ot
hair, at, both onda of whl'ch aro bar
wuleh clasp to&etlmrt-Jew, elar' Clrc
Ur-Weekly. . . '
rrJ.. 7n UO J Past T'sbbbS
i KYI W'lV v v.
.-,.. li X aV
v. ' AjH
J 'jTLbbbbbbbI
V" V'jbVW'Sbbbbbb!
-j , -' I JHHLbH
'." " I2t9RP1BkBBBBBBb
iirc itwysVaHBBBBl
T-J dj IKbbbVBbbH
Ur rO"DATCd8tOMES. ': '
rialted SklrtNeir 1'lecked sibe..
llaea. """..
An walking and tailor costumes Just',
clear the ground and hnvo -no trains., t
It Is a different matter, however. In We
case of smart frocku. The nklrtsM6C;
these aro not as long as they were, hut,
they take alt up In fullness aud abso-, 4
lutcly lie In folds around tho feet. -1 ".
The newest skirt is the plaited one'. '
Thla Is arranged In folds around tm
hips and at tho back, but tho front la
still kept fairly plain. It Is churning
when tho material Is not too thick.
Tailors arc using a great deal the new,
box plaited or klltad skirt, which they
mostly put Into a plain piece fitted
around the hips,
Tho materials of the moment are the
new snowflake tweeds and t-lbcllnes
Somewhat similar fabrics wero used!
last winters but now tl flakes aro lar
ger. In these blut, brown, red and;
green arc the favorra shades. ;
Tlio Illustration slews a street gown
of gray zibcllne flecked with white.
The bat la of rough white felt
me Trftaaparent Yoke. .
A very fetching waist that fastens
at tho back is of azure silk muslin,
having embroidered bands of deep yel
low batiste.
Tho novelty of this waist appears In
a transparent yoko fashioned of verti
cal stripes of narrow black velvet ex-
tending from a round band of cm
broidery at tho shoulders to tho stock,
.which la of batlsto aud muslin.
Tho contrast of tho black vol vet
against the whiteness of the neck is
(HBBmfU. V.W
azzung, aua tne waist cau uo worn
with equal beconilngncss by either
blond or brunette. New York Ameri
can and Journal.
. '
Oatrlek Feather Pnahlonnble. i
Tho picture hats arc not complete
Without ostrich plumes. They nro gen
rally seen at their best lu black or
black and white. The curtain effect
arrived nt hv lace or olantlntr of black
.velvet Is getting less exaggerated, mid
jwomen are distinctly tired of the shep
herdess shape, cither largo or small. In
reality It suits so few people and It
has become too universally adopted by y
the multitude to bo auy longer consul- (
ered worthy of attention by milliners'!;
Sheep men living along the west slfto
of the Big Horn basin lq Wyoming nro
protesting ngalust tho proposed eij-
larcrement of tho forest reserve enstTof
L the Yellowstone park. They claim that '
tMy wlu lose a large pare or weir bum.
bW: smep raage If 'the reserve, U ,
h t