Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 03, 1903, Image 4

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Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Hailed
Free to tho
of any responsible house.
SATURDAY, : : : : JAN 3. 1902
Published Every Saturday by the
Mail Publishing Co.
One year, (in advance), $1.5
Six months... i.eo
Three months 50
a.oa will be charge! wli-n not pa'! ta idfai
With tbli number the Dailt Coast
Mail commencas tba Eecond year of its
distance. Oar readers will pleaso ran
over in tholr minds the column of staff
which ia usually published on such
occasions and has been repeated so of
ten that all mast know it by heart.
The with oar friend as prosperous a
year aa we hope for ourselves, and to
the others as little bad lack as wo ask for
the li'.tlo daily.
"Tho nicest and pleasantest medicine
I hare used for indigestion and constipa
tion is Chamberlain's Stomach and
Llvor Tablets," aya Melard F. Crafc, of
Middlegrove, N. Y. "They work Uko a
charm and do not gripe or have any un
pleasant effact." For sale by John Prcuss
(Salem Statesmen)
Never in Oregon before, and perhaps
in no other state, has there been :uch
squirming exhibited by a combination
of politicians to find some way to ig
noro or in some way to get around wha t
is known to be the popular will. Hav
ing themselves provided a way to give
tho people a chance ts vote on United
States Senatore, they are nor? engaged
in a desperate effort to convince tLe
members of tho Legislature that tboy
did not moan that tho Mays law was to
bo takon eerionely unless it worked ont
in favor of eomo particular man they
bcd in view
In other words, they wanted a popu
lar vote for Senator provided it went
their way. But who should be supreme
in matters of this kind, the politicians
with their preconceived plans, or tho
.people who havo plans of their own?
If any man who (wanted to go to the
United States Senate saw proper to
rofuBo to place his name before the
people, where, tho opportunity was open
to everybody, what right has h j to "butt
in" and claim a right to be heard aftor
,tho people havo spoken?
r In ot'ior words, what reaeon can cny
man who now wants to bo elected to (he
United States Senate, and who believes
that the people should bo heard in the
matter, gtvo for not complying with the
law last JunoT , TjIb is a Jfair question
for those to'answer who aro not? en
deavoring to porsuadethe Legislators
that a popular voto does not mean any
thing and can be trifled with at will.
It ia not now b Question of politics nor
of particulaFpersonality, but it is ono
of popularjdrjareij::, and-when mem.
here of the) Legislature, who havo been
instructed by the" people under the pro
visions of a Mate law, " da to tho elec
tion of United States Senators," aro
bring ndvirod to ignoro tlio law and the
voto, it is time, to use tho lanoua&a ol
the Lebanon Criterion, to "look a licdlo
For a bad taste in tlio mouth tnko n
few dotes of OhnmberUin's Stomach nml
Liver Tablets. Price 1T cents. War
ranted to euro. For tnlo by John Prcuss.
r Tbe Scientific American publishes nn
Jntcrcjtlng account of Stanley Spen
cer's recent thirty mile flight from tho
.Crystal palace, London, nml also gives
n description of tho new ntrshtp In
Jwhlch tho Englishman's ascent was
successfully made. Tho balloon fol
lows tbe torpedo shaped construction
mailo famlllnr by Snutos-Dumont, but
bns more blunted ends. Consequently
It has not tho graceful lines of Its
French predecessor. The frame which
bears tho aeronaut nml tho uinchluery
Is constructed of bamboo held taut by
piano wire. Ab seen In the air, It bears
some resemblanco In Its proportions to
a skeleton canoe.
Three Ions strips of bnihboo nm tho
length of tho frnrao nnd nre kept In
position by struts bound triangularly,
tho base- of tho triangle being hori
zontal. Tho frame Is slung from tho
bag by floe ropes. Tho principal fen-
BXAKLST btzxcxus Amsmr.
tnro of the construction Is the position
of tho propeller, which Is placed at
the bow of the ship Instead of, as Is
nsuaL at the stern. The Inventor con
siders that tbe effect of thin Innova
tion will be to enable tho ship to hold
a mora even course
Tho motive power Is nupplled by a
email petroleum motor swung In tho
forward end of tho frame and firmly
bound In position by piano wire. A
small cylinder to feed the engine's wa
ter jacket Is fastened Just over the en
gine. Directly below the engine Is the
condenser. Tho fuel tank Is Qxcd to
tbe upper bamboo, but farther aft to
shield It from the motor flames. A
thin rod of uteel, the engine's shaft,
runs forward to a gear wheel, tbe axis
of which Is tho propeller shaft.
Toward tho stem of tho balloon Is
tho aeronaut's stand, Inclosed In net
ting. Behind him is tho rudder, a
large quadrilateral sail suspended by
ropes between tho ends of tho balloon
and the frame. Tbe construction places
all tbe mechanism except tbe rudder
directly In front of tho navigator, an
obvious advantage In cases of sudden
The -propeller Itself Is tho design of
Sir niram Maxim, who Is an enthusi
astic follower of aeronautics. It Is
doable bladcd, built of thin strips of
carefully selected pine, weighs twenty
eight pound?, In nearly uluo feet long
over all and a full four feet at Its
broadest part
How to Write on (jlaea.
To write on glaBs moisten tbe sur
face with strong vlnogar1 and write
with an aluminium point. Small par
ticles of the soft metal are left ad
hering to the glafis, nnd the writing lo
fairly permanent Or take one to two
parts of sllloato of ooda mixed with
eleven parts of liquid Ink, using a
steel pen. Tlio pen should be wiped
after using.
rne snlclde PrnbleAi.
The prevalent belief that suicide Is a
product of the higher civilization hi
contradicted by tho fact that In India
suicides by opium nre committed by
tho iiutlves for tho moot trivial rea
sons, even children destroying them
selves after being scolded and wives
because husbands complain of their
dinners. Thero nro no regulations for
tlio sale of poison, nnd anybody can go
into a bazaar and buy as much ua ho
wants. , , ,' ',
r,otiK niatniuxj Treatment.
116 died In town laut summer. During
his last illness Ida wife nursed him
.over tho telophone from Newport his
doctor rented him by telegraph from
linr HarUor,.and-fl,laUej,ywruten from
the top of the Alps by his clergyman,
Was read over hhn at hisf unorah
T Cano of Vice.
Vice Is due chiefly to Inattention; not
Ignorance, but thoughtlessness. "1 M
U10 better nml npproye, yet I pursuo
tho worse," In this case knowledge Is
not absent, but defective. It Is on tho
margin Instead of in tho focus of con
sciousness. In the laugungo of physio
logical psychology a present appotlto
presents Its claims on great billows of
nerve commotion which eomo rolling In
with nil the tang nnd pungency which
Is tho characteristic, mark of linmedhtto'
peripheral excitation. Tho future con
icquonecs of tho gratification of tlmt
appetite, on tho contrary, nre represent
ed by the tiny, fnlut, feeble waves
which flow over from Bomo other brain
center, excited long ngo, when tho con
nection of this particular catmo with Its
natural effect was first experienced.
In such nn unequal contest between
powerful vibrations shot swift and
itralght along the tingling nerves from
tho peat of Immediate peripheral com
motion and tho meager, measured flow
of faded impressions whoso Initial ve
locity nnd force were long since spent
what wonder that tho remote effect
teems dim, vnguo nml unreal, nud that
the Immediate- gratification of the In
sistent, clamorous appetite or passion
wins the dayl William Do Witt llyde
In Atlantic
The Womtn nnd the Iloap.
A traveler stopped nt n llttlo cabin In
the Georgia woods, llo wore n whito
roso on his coat, one that a llttlo girl
had plucked nnd pinned there as bo
was leaving home.
A woman entered the cabin. She
stood and gazed at the rwc n moment
Then, darting forward, she toro It from
the stranger's coat nnd stamped It on
the rude floor.
"Why did you do that?" asked the
stranger, leaping to his feet
"Ilushr Raid n man who wns sitting
near. "That's tny wife, an' nn' sho
ain't right here," tapping his forehead.
"Wo had n llttlo girl onco with bluo
eyes an hnlr llko a sunset 8he wan
dered off nmong the roses ono day, lost
lost an' when wo found her sho was
wbero the roses grow, an they waa
crcepln' over her, an the wlfo thero
went mad, an now she says the rosea
stole the child an hid her away from
as forever, an she goes about an' tram
ples thorn. Justr like cho did the row J
thero oa the floor."
9 naff and a Crook.
Robert Plnkerton onco told n Btory of
his father, the founder of the dctectlvo
agency, which Illustrates tbe elder
Plnkcrton's caution. A noted criminal
was detained in Plnkcrton's Chicago
office. Tho elder Plnkerton left the room
anit Mihnn lift nt.itiu! tnfr tltft rtfwflll.
tlon of holding a revolver In front of
hlin ready for use.
Ho saw the criminal standing by tbe
door with a snuffbox he had picked
up from Plnkcrton's desk In his hand.
, This Is good snuff," affably re
marked tho crook as be took a sniff.
"for the eyes or the nose?" nsked
Plnkerton, who knew that the crook
had lutended to blind him in an effort
to escape.
"WelL" remarked tho criminal. "I'm
Eorry to say that the nose gets it this !
Rhythmic has recovered his confi
dence and has Increased his speed.
Six of the get of Kremlin, 2.07.
bavo entered the list bo far this sea
son. Tim Murnane, tho former caretaker
of CresccuB, Is now In the employ of
Judge E. A. Colburn, Denver.
0. K. G. Billings has purchased the
Frank Rockefeller barn at tho Glen
vlllo race track and will take an active
part In tho Cleveland matinees next
Jere L. Tarlton of Lexington, Ky.,
has sold to 0. J. Carney of Lowell,
Mass., the fast three-year-old black
pacing Ally Peachcrina, by ISettcrton,
dam of Alcyone, at a long price.
A. li. Gwathraey recently sold his '
crack trotting mare, Louise Mc, 2:00.
to Harry Darlington of Pittsburg
for a long price, ner new owner will
use bcr for amateur harness racing.
It Is said that Rlgby park, Portland,
Me., will bo reopened next year. This
track, In condition, .la one of tho fast
est In tho world, and It was here that
John It Gentry paced to his record of
Thumb .Vail IMctarra.
In collections, centuries old, to be
seen In both China uud Japan aro
specimens of the most remarkable
drawings In tho world, pictures of ull
kinds drawn with tho thumb nalL Tbe
nails of the thumbs oa the left hand
of tho artists of these aro nllowed to
grow to an enormous. length, Bomo-
tlmcfl to a foot or eighteen inches, and
are then pared down to a pen shaped ,
point. Dipping this oddly constructed
pen In beautiful vermilion or sky bluo
Ink, tho only kinds of Ink used in tbetio
snered thuinb null drawings, tho artist
gracefully outlines his work.
Occasionally- the bold touches from
tho Btudlo of a master In this depart
ment of "high art" are life size and
ara.49ketcbcd by a ow swoops of,, tho
arijlf.s arm. Like other pictures and
Bkotcboo ojC.tPCifJenthoso sacred
thumb nail pictures aro mounted an
rolled up like scrolls.
Jfwt oon pay mo In trooleoiui or plarJHL
If you want to touch rat, simply pull tty
W as soou be up ntrohut It as to gt It ta
tho neck,
rd as well bo on tho bum aa have (A
t. I
If It's oft wtlh you, you're certain to bo It
H you blink your ptcpn, you must
cloeo your In mini.
Nobody dors a thing to you ntn you nro
rent to Bra. I
If you mnko mo tlrtd, you're apt to give
mo cramps. 1
If you're dotty or you'ro off, you muot
have wheel.
Cvery four tlnio winner! uro to trot th
You're n mug or mnrk or cove or iruy ol
bloke, Junt txs you plcaoe.
That In right, straight itoodn, nnd nl
it's no drciun.
Tou can pipe rnc oft or merely slio mo up.
It you'ru nloppy, you nre luohwl or
It you're on tho water wnnonn, you must
put tho nmittcrs up.
Tou can brnco or bono mc. Just as you
If you won't pull down your vest, thon
tnke 11 brace.
It )ou wiutt to drop me, simply cut m
out. .
Try to tumble or to savvy or get net or
bo put wlic,
Or you'll never twtjc what thbi ta all
I'ortlnnd Orefionlan.
Truth of the Matter,
Before nud after taking. Chicago
Knrvr Somctlilnc Abont IIIiu.
The man who knew him happened In
while he was trying to give n good lm
prcsHlou of his Industrial value.
"Yes, sir," be wbb saying, "I guess I
baye the reputation of llmr n br1
w.n. n;, eir, in miner work
than ont."
The man who happened In touched
him on the shoulder.
Mf that Is really your condition
now," suggested the now arrlvnl, "you
hail better seo a doctor and get some
thing for your appetite beforo you
tnrve to death." Chicago Pout
Another Chrerfat So 11 1.
"Hanks nlwnyn looks on tho bright
side of thlugs. Do you know what ho
said when he lost his Job the other
"I haven't heard."
"He ceemed to be qulto cheerful
over It. 'Vou see,' bu explained, 'I ap
plied for a raise of salary nearly tlx
months ngo nud didn't get It. Think
how much more I would have bad to
lese If they'd given me the Increase.' "
Chicago Record-Herald.
Ho Weed I'or Ilimtle,
A gentleman who had business In n
rniall towu "out west" had ordered
wma Important lotters Mnt there, and
&n bis arrival went to thu postotllco to
Inquire for them.
"No letters hero for you," tald tho
"They ought to havo been here yes
terday." "Couldn't have got here ywborday.
Old Brown, who carries the mnll, was
drunk und didn't go over to Iosco after
"And how nbout today?"
"Well, he's sober enough today, but
bis old woman has cut her foot."
"But there will bo mall tomorrow?"
"Skasaly, sir. Wo don't have any mall
tin Thursdays."
"Then how about next day?"
"Friday 1h sort of off day with tho
Iosco postmaster, and ho generally goes
fulling. If ho doit, ho fiends the boy
over, I never count on It however."
"You r,eem to have n slipshod way of
running postal affairs out lu this coun
try." "Waal, I dunno but wo bnve," bo ad
mlttod, n he looked over tho top of his
poctncles, "but as long as nolwdy but
Uncle Bill Simpson ever gets any mall,
ond that's only 11 clrculur ulout how to
kill cockrouchcfl, we kinder tnke things
easy and lot tho United Htnteu run
along without busting bcr b'ller." Bal
timore Herald.
The Flrnt Steiim Crulner,
It. Is generally known that tho first
itcam driven vessel to cross tho Atlan
tic was built. In Canada. Tho Informa
tion Is not 00 general, however, that
this same craft was subsequently con
verted Into a cruiser nnd was tho llrst
iteamshlp engaged In actual war.
The facts In tho caso nro stated In
"Johnson's Alphabet of First Things In
Canada." Tho ship was tho Royal Wil
liam. Sho was built at tho Cove, Que
bec, In tljo winter of 1830-31 and tjurlng
the iKfaisbn of i832-38 plied between 'Que
bec and Hallfaxv In tho latter Beasoir
h(5 .waa sent to London and there chtu.
;' ; j
rerea tiy tuo iVirtrfguprto government to
transport troops Intended for tho sory.
Ico of tlio Into I)oin Pedro to llrnell. He
turning to London, sho was sold to tliu
Spanish government, by tho latter con
verted Into a cruiser nud employed
igalnst Don Carlos In tho civil win of
I Kit), thus being tho first steamer to
are u hostile shot
Thu Orlulunt AVcddlnir CnUe.
Our wedding cako In jllio remains of n
custom whereby it Itoiimn brldn held In
bcr loft hand thnvi wheat ears, nnd
many centuries later nn Kugllsh brldo
woro on her head 11 chaplot of wheat.
Tho nttondant girls throw corn, either
lu grains or lu small hits of biscuit or
cake, upon tho heads of tho newly mar
ried couple, und the guestrt picked up
tho pieces nud ate them. Such was thu
beginning of tho wedding cake, which
did not como Into general use until the
eighteenth century and was then com
posed of solid blocks laid together and
Iced nil over with sugar, so that when
tho outer crust wan broken over tho
brldo'n head tho caken Initldo fell 011
tho floor, and they were then distrib
uted among tho company.
tTnpnrnllelc-d 2cncrilly.
Town Councilor Havo you heard,
Mr. Skinflint, that our generous towns
man, Mr. Muller. Is defraying the cost
of n new nromen.-idn all round tho
town? We think a wealthy man llko
yourself might also do something for
Sklnfllnt-Well, what do you my to
my giving you n park of oak trecs7
Town Councilor Oh, you noble heart
ed philanthropist! Whyi do you really
mean to
Sklnillnt-Yes, yes; I'll mnko tho
town n present of nn onk forest. You
have only to And the laud, nud I will
supply you with as many ucorn.t us
you inuy want for seed. Chronlk dcr
tUecementu of Ilrnld I.liuna Clotk.
('rualiril Velvet.
Embroidered plecements of braid nro
Inlet Into heavy wool guwns nfter tho
fashion of lace. Thu woolen fabric Is
cut away and tho edges bordered with
cut scrolls of velvet buttonholed nt tho
Damn sack coats in n pnlo putty
nhado nre finished off with humls of
plain stitched cloth and broad collura
The material Is n rival to (ho r.lh'.-llni
cloths, having a waved surface much
resembling broadtail.
Crushed velvets and even plunbos will
bo favorite materials this wliiU-r both
for day and evening we.'ir.
Velvet thlB season has a very Impor
tant place In fushlon, uud pin spotted
velvets me very dressy. One of tho
latest things Is u dark green corduroy.
This Is very smart mudo up with deep
russet Irtcot
Tho Illustration shows n street dress.
Tho material Is bluck broadcloth trim
med with punne velvet having nn em
broidered dot of white. Tho waist Is
mndo with u soft front of chiffon aud
Waggsby I nolo that lloldum, proni
dent of tlio Old Bettlerx' uHboclntlon,
has lx)cn suuu.
Nnggsby What for?
Waggsby For refusing to ucttla-"
Los Angeled Herald.
Sincerity Is tho hauls of nl). true
friendship. Without sincerity. It lo Ilka
ft-ehhwjthc'blaat ,.' v
I li fin
1 1 l I I II 1 1 II. m . 1 1
Wt Cornered lint I'lotnre' Mil
I littery,
r Tho Ihroo cornered lint In again In
voguo. It cornea well down on tho hnlr
ut tlio buck of tliu lionil uml In olovnted
by n Istiulenu in front, taking i pecul
iarly bcnutlftit lino when tliu but In
oquully wll understood by Iwth tlio
dotdgnor n ml tlio wearer. Homo very
mart examples of this nro In green
nml In black braver.
KitHhlon decroos that tlio iallor iiiudo
hat shall mutch tlio gown with which
IlhAUi: l'AM.Ni: HAT.
It Is worn, but thero Is Mill n great lik
ing for black, and with beM gowns
particularly pletuio lints ran Ih very
pretty nud smart wlwn all black. ,
Tho fashion of wearing headgear Is
also undergoing u change, and the tend
ency Is to wenr the lint much uiuru off
the face, so that It shows a great den)
of tho hair. The desired effect Is gnlned
by means of u high headband; other
wise tho lints nro Hat, ami the mcwLi
chic aro Uioko with very llttlo trim
ming. Theso hats with little lu the
way of decoration must bo perfect In
curve, with lold outlines. In fact
tunny of them tiro ropluH of the liatu
seen In Itomuey and Gntnriborough
Thu cut shown n tniar hnl of blnck
pAtino. with a lining or tucked chiffon.
It Is trimmed with a ruche of satin
ribbon uud a lout:, drooping oMrlcb
plumo. JUD1O01I0LL1.T.
Llttlo Tli I ti km 'Wlilrli Trannfarru a
(J mi it.
Thero Is n pretty notion In Paris Just
now to take away tho straight appear
unco of tl.x collar by llttlo clusters of
velvet rlhhu.i on onch i.lile toward tho
It la enMcr to remodel nn old coitumo
this nenson than ever before. For In
stance, an old slievo may ho mndv
quite iwmIIhIi by cutting It at the elbow
I und putting In n puff of silk or Ince.
The wide collars so universally Up
coming are u little out of date, but
practically tho sumo effect can bo gain
ed by strappings of velvet; across the
ahouldeni and a wldb efVeet In trim
ming. High collars nro tlio regulation
tiling, and ouly a few collarlwa Wod
1 1 -.- ymmou house aowN. ri
i f