Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 03, 1903, Image 3

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    (- ft '
W-WWV-fMkft,, ,, frwrfSTWiyt.
' In ll It ilARf lbr
should Mi clwnlliieii. f
Ely'i CroAiti Holm
t!nt c,ioolh and fyptls
iko dlicMtil tiidintUtio,
wr cold la ttio Itoul
(Jreittii If nlin I4 pUe1 loto lh noitrlli, prdi
OTtr (ho niembrin and It ilioortxM. Jlll.f lilm.
modlUndeur follows. It Is not clrlrij ilooi
hot prndiita turning. Largo Mm, CO miiIi t DfUtf.
liti or l mill t Tilsl fill, ip'cinU by mill.
SLY IMOTUKlUI.es Wuiea MreiU Nw York.
I -1
Htotaul Oregon to H J (JmwaII t-2 of c2
2UC3 r II, 100. ncroi, f 100.
T II UokIiIII and w (0 Adam l'orshba.
kcr neif of not n 8, c2 of not a C 1 28 r 1.'),
120 acros 80).
' J l' It Morlion A wf J II MounBon to
Adam I'urahbaker, sol of iitv-I a !14 1 17
r H,-l() acros f 000.
O II MorcliAitt a w to Maria A John
(sou lota 10, 11, 1'.' and 1J blk II, Hall
road Add, Marahflold (C00.
Alfred ti Mct'ullock to D h Wateon,
jot .'1 blk 3, Coon City, 1 100.
-; N Smith to Alia K Cartor, lots 4, G,
p and 7, block C Btnlth'a add Myrtlo
Point, MV),
I! N Hmlth to W T Kerr Iota 1 8 nnd U
block 2 Bmlth'fl add Myrllu point fWO
U W Wlmor, Jr to : A Wlnmr 1-7
Int In tw at nwl nwt of snl awl a 21 t
28 r 13 except D ncroa. f 360.
JMCaitir and wf to O ! Dooncl ol
pel aw4 of nc 1 id of nr-l f cfl of nw 4 nc 1
ol ro4 a It) 1 110 r 1.', 200 acre 1000.
O O Carter and wf to 11 F Doo no I of
ic4 a 10 n2 of a 4 a 20 t SO r 12, 120
noes 1 1 MX).
4 J filiortvood and wf to Hannah liar
ry lot 3 blk 8 Notloy add Coqulllo City
O V Tower and wf to (Ircat Central
Land Cj lotn 8 nnd 0 a 16 nil a 10 1 23
r 13, 2J0 7J ncruijl.
J O Hliluldi and wf to C-ilharlno A
MeAdauia 6 ncrcf lu lot 2 a 1 t 28 r 13
Emll Ogrcn nnd wf to L I) Smith, net
a 30 t2) rO, I00acroa (10.
Alva I.eo and M It L o and wf to J I)
11 Uc rc4 )( nwl a 10 1 2tt r 12. fSO.
W E Halna to Marlon L Thomason.
Pared In blka 20 nnd 21). Kallroad odd
Mortliflold, I0.
J V Cnplea and wf, C O Copies and wf
J II Caph-s and wf to JO McClaln nol
of awi a 21 1 25 r 13, 40 acrca. (2000,
iiobert E Bhlno to J G McUlnln, 2-.1
Intcrcat In 0 2 of nwl a 21, t 26, 1 13, 80
ucn-a, (2Wl-07.
(inorgn W Ii?gle nnd wf to J 8 Kauf
man 13 Int in o 2 of nw I a 21 1 26 r 13,
80 acrea. (2001, C7.
J H Kaufman nnd wf to J 0 McClaiti
1-3 Int In 0 2 of nwl e 21 t 26 r 13, S3
acres (1
Martha J Jonas to E M Smith 40 acros
in a 12 t 20 r 3, (2200.
I. J Simpson and w to Robert Mara
dun, lota 16 and 10 blk 16 Yarrow, (350.
John Sudormaii to his wf, lota 3 and
ft, block SO, Nasburg'e add Mnrahfluld
Esther A Maius, Jcanotta W Illco and
bus Margrot D Itcminlngton and hua to
Jens UntiMin lot 1 block 11, Cloment'a
Plut of Matahlluld. (160.
J. A. Davunport and wf to John K
Mcl.cod, 1 ncro in a 31 1 27 r 13. (100.
William H'JBlcill to Honry Hontnck
cn e 2 of awl a 4 e of 00 1 e5 1 25 r 11,100
acres (800,
licit Lino Railway Go. to lloiuy Bong
Htnckon tract In block 13 K O. (1
Kin ma Kntibtirtf to John llont,'ll, lot
4, blk 30, Kuslniric'a add Marhflcld. (.';0.
I) liircchllulri and w. to Coob liny Mill
A Lumber Co, 2 ccrcu in lot 3, a 22 t 2r
rl3. (10.
D Hlrschllold and wf to Cooh Hay
Mill Lumlior Go. ncl of 0 31, t 23 r 13
120 acrea, not a 1, t 28 r ) 1, 150,22 ucrui
ota 2 and 3 c2 of nwl, 11 31 t 20 r 13, 101
80 noroa c-2 of el2, 0 30 1 2'J r 14, 100 acres
U S to Joecph V. Woods u2 of eel u 1
t 20 r 16. 80 ncree.
Toioph K WoodB to K N Smith, n2,of
eel, si t20r ID, 80 acrea. (500.
Charlos l'Ickhoff and w to Wreat Gn
tral Land Co lota U and 0 8 1C 1 25 r 111,
70.71 ncroa, $7000.
L J riimpion nnd w lo'T F Kolafy, lot
23 blk 1 1 North I)ood(D,
Hlnto of Orroii to A A Fink, B I"
Chad wick & Aaron Hoooll6 77 ncrnsof
lido land fronting lot 1, n 14, loin 1, 2, 3
and 4, n 15, Iota 1, 2, 3 and 4 a 22 lot 1,
e, 27 t25r 13, (141,01.
G I'Rtor Hmlth and wf to L- J Klrnp
Hoti h'i of nw4 net of nwl oO, ec4 of ncl
Ort'KOi) ft Gal. Kallroad Go. A Union
TniBt Go. of N V lo Cecil G Carter, lot
l,flc4of owl a 10, t R0t It, 70 00 100
ncreo $278 CO.
Ore fc Col Hallrond Co. A Union Trust
Go of N Y to Cecil O Curler, evl of net
a II) t :) r 12, 43 acrca. (120.
OrcKon A Gal. Kallroad Co. A. Union
Triinl Co. of N Y to Cecil G Garter, lot
3 and 4 a 10 1 30 r 12 78, .'II acrci (301,05.
Oro A Gal Kallroad Co. Il Union Truot
Co. of N. Y. to Kd Carlor, nwl of ic4 a
10 1 30 r 12,40 acroa. (120.
Oro & Cal Kallroad Co k Union Trnit
Co of N Y to lid Curler, not of tc4 awl
0! ncl eol of nwl 10 net of awl e 10 1 30
r 12, 100 acrea f 10,
Lutitlu K Bymons & hua to Gharloa
Unlka A Lcandcr II Ivor lot i'8, blk 15
Yarrow, (1
n2aw4of act a0 1 20 r 11, (840.
Al'co Stcmmcrman and h to flcorgo
W Blemmorman i-2 or te4 33 124 lot 4,
1 3, lot 1, v 4 t 25 r II, 154 06 acroa (10.
Htnto ol OrcKon to I. J Bimpaon 268,00
acroa'of tldu land in eccs 31 and 36 t 24
LJSImpBon and wf toSoverin Roe
otad lot 15 blk 10 North Rond. (200.
L J Blmpson and to Frod B Bupple
lot 0 blk 32 North Rond (160.
Fred B Bupplo to Bevoiln Kojlttd lot
0 blk 22, North Rend (200.
niizabulh Lfcwellcn to hua Iota 7 and 8
blk 0 Extension of Myrtle Point. 1 .
Henry BenRitackon and wf, W II Clotty
and Otto Bchottcr to J B Coko 1-2 int In
tldo lands fronting Perry R Marplo
Donation claim, (10.
RojcllaJ Andernon and hua to David
A 1'ulterlot 11 blk 20 Dunham's add
Randon (100,
1'rod Motor and w to J D Ronnott 44
100 of an acre lu a 20 and 33 1 28 r 12.
J I) L'cnnott and ( to Frrd Moor 44
100 of an aero In u 20 and 36 1 28 r 12. (5.
Vn Norria to James W I.aird, t'2 of
ret a 15, 2 nl nc4 a 22, t 28 r 13. (076.
I.ydia 1 Woodward and h to J D John-
Hon lota 7 nnd 8blk 10 a Marehdold (550.
J B Kaufman and wf to M II Whitc
houeu nw4 of nt4 a 27 1 25 r 13 (300,
C II Merchant and wf to F M Kelly
Iota 27 and 53 blk 22 Railroad add
Marehdold (100.
Andrew J KudabauRh to Jason Mn
chado, lot 8 bll: 0 Myrtlo Point (860.
Robert fe Bhlno to Wm O Willlama
owl of nc4 a 27 t 21 r 13 40 acres J3200.
TfiC PPlCC of Kcascpc.
It is hard for a lovely woman to forego
tho pltaimrca of the life which she waa
created to enjoy and adorn. She may
have to be busy all dav In office or in
etorc, yet she cannot deny herself the
social pleasures which are offered her.
iJUl ItlC lUUgllG !
often too great for
her, and she suf
fers from headacho
and backache aa a
............... r
A overexertion.
tT Women who are
tired and worn out
will find a perfect
tonic and nervino
In Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription.
It cures headache,
backache and the
other aches nnd
pains to which
women aro subject.
It establishes regit
larity, dries weak
ening drains, heals
Inflammation nnd
ulceration, nnd
cures female weak
ness. Ittuakeswcak
women strong and
sick wotneu well.
"I am 10 pleased
.with yourliutnictlotii,
JI hardly know what
thnnk (neive vail foi
your kind favor."
yriie Mrs Mllo Hry.
nut, or I,otn. Thomai
Co.. Gn. "I tvid'creJ
jj-j" ha much with Kteut
t)!iln lu my hadi nnd the lower part or roy
Monmcli niul pnlpltatlou of the heart, that at
U.ieO 1 CUlllli l:ilill HV u ,1. ww...v. .....;
I coiuu nanny lie uowii. v.oum iiiinur
i;ct up I" the Kiornltii:. nut er ui ng
of l)r. I'lercc'a l'lcanul l'cllet, I am like a ucvr
Sick women, especially those Buffering
from diasascs of long otandiug, are in
vited to consult Dr. Pierce, by lettcr,w.
All correspondence ia held ns strictly pri
vate, and sacredly confidential. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y.
'Wm O Willlania-fo Ch'aa A Ovorton J
P Thomson Fred Bupplo and I B Kauf
man 7-8 hit In ew4 of nc4 1 27 1 25 r 13
W IS Raina to Mary A Rarkaa, ploco
In railroad add Manifold (10.
Wilaon Wiila tp Job A AnnltoRo, lot
I, blk 14, aounth Marnhffuid (300
J D 11 Leo to Marilla Iasu, lots 0 10 11
12 arid 13 2 ol fw4 a 3 lot 0 a 2 nwl a 10
1 20 r 12 lota 1 2 and 8 blk 21 Krowna odd
Myrtlo Point. 1-2 ncro In blk 24 Rrowna
add Myrtlo Point. (10.
Duncan Urquhart nnd wf to Josoph
Kvty lot 4 blk O.Kvry'fl odd Jllvorton,
Josoph I'uirv nnd w to Charlca T
Ccsina lotb blk 1 Kvry'd add Rlvcrton
FrAnccB Jano Scolt to Fred von Lllln
that n2 of eel a 20 1 25 r 12, bOncres, (SCO.
Jciso A Hmlth and wf to L J Simpson
A M Simpson and wf toBlmpson Lum
bar Company lots 4 6 0 7 10 11 12 13 and
14 80 lots 23 4 50 7 10 11 13 14 and 15
b 10, Iota 3 4 o 0 1 1 12 13 nnd 14 a 15 lota
Band 4 u 22 t 22 r 12 Douglaa Co, 1802
70 acroa n2 of aw4 s 14, w2 of oc4 c2 of
aw4 a 15 ij2 of nw4i2.lt 21 r-11 ac4of ao4
b 30 1 26 r 14 Iota 1 2 and 3 excepting 5
acrca a 10 lot 1 a 11 tldo land fronting
Iota 1 2 and 3 of a 10 and Iota 1 of a 11
w2 i-3 of ncl and w2 of ac4 a 81 1 25 r 13
h2 of nc4 nw4 nwl of ac3 nc4 of ew4 a 13
1 25 r 13 w2 of ne4 uw4 nw4 of ac4 ncl of
aw4 b 14 n2 and o2 of a4 al7 1 25 rjll sol
a 34 2 ofBw4 eo4 of sw 1 a 10 n2 and e2
ofte4al7t26r ll eel a 31 w2of bw4
bc4 of aw4 on aw4 of eel a 25 1 20 r 14 tel
and (2 of sw2 of ne4 s21.
A Cap of Coffee.
An Meal cup of coffee can, It la anld,
bo mado only In one way. Tho coffee
must be of tho best quality nnd raupt
bo roasted, ground Immediately nnd
used na quickly na possible. Connola
acura In coffeo niwuro ua tbnt It Is out
of tho' question to mnko this beverage
absolutely perfect out of factory roast
ed coffeo tbnt tins been allowed to
stund lu tho open nlr any number of
hours. In addition ono might say thnt
such H thing na a cup of good coffeo
from thnt which la purchnsed ready
ground Is qulto nn Impossibility. Tho
flno aroma of tho berry evaporates in a
very short time.
A Strung- Cnlculation.
Taking tho length of tho permanent
railways on tho surface of the globo at
nearly 00,000 Kcogmphlcal miles, with
a dally nvcrngo of ton trains, It Is esti
mated that the total loss suffered by
wear nnd tenr ench dny by tho metal
lic rails of tho earth la about 000 tons.
The GOO tons are lost In tho form of 11
Dno powder nnd arc carried back to
the earth In tho shape of solublo Iron
Hardest rrt of Medical Prnoltoe.
"And what," they asked of tho sur
geon who saved Mr. Tlghtflst from nu
untimely end, "what did you consider
tho most difficult stngo of tho opera
tion r
"Collecting tho money," ho nnswercd,
with a smllo of conscious skill. "Want
lo Eat
Once give your mind to suspicion
aud there Is euro to be food enough for
It In tho stillest night tho nlr Is
tilled with sounds for the wnkeful car
thnt Is resolved to listen.
One pound of sheep's wool Is capable
of producing ouo ynrd of cloth.
A Paaater.
Taw," said llttlo Tommy Flgg on
being scolded, "I heard Mr. Wntts say
that great roon'a sons nover did nny
good. I ain't a great man's sou, am
Up to a late hour Mr. Flgg's mind
had not fouud a sufficiently dlplomntto
Doable Work.
First Decorator 1 advised hlra to
hnvo his house decorated during his
wife's nbnenco ns a surprise.
Second Decorator Goodl Then we'll
hnvo to do It nil over again when she
gets back. Life.
flood Manners.
Good manners Is tho art of making
thoao pcoplo easy with whom wo con
verse. Whoever makes tho fewest per
sons uneasy Is tho best bred ia tut)
4 ToVire'ivt' n KHk.r ' v
She met him at tho kitchen door with
a rolling pin lu her baud, and Bho brnti
dished It menacingly.
"Madnm" ho began.
"WcR, what do you wnnt?" eho de
manded nggtesalvely. "Wlmt nro you
snoopln' rotiud hero for?"
"Miuhmi," ho explained, uncumg
away, "I called to seo If I could placo
Ull Ul-l'iUVIIl IUOUIUIIVU 11UIIVJ "' .'""'
husbnnd, but uftcr scohig you I. am
satisfied. ho Is tod fcrcat. u rlsk."-Chl-cago
Cork CnrpefN.
A cork carpet may bo kept denn nnd
In gootl coridltlon by ualnjr tbt follotr
Ing mlxtiirp: Put Into a bottle equal
pnrtn of vinegar, turpentine, methylat
ed spirit nnd Unseed oil and shake
nil well together. Huh thin well all
over tho carpet with n pad of cloth or ,
something or 111c Kinu, ponsning 11 wtrt
Afterward with n elenn cloth.
To IJrlna- It Ont.
"I knowU'vo got a rein of poetry la
We. sir," confidently asserted theyoun'f
lonn to tho editor, "nnd all I wnnt lfl
chnnco td bring It out. Whnt woujd
you suggest, wlr?'
"I think you had hotter see a doctor
tnd hnva It lanced."
The Wrong Cnatoft.
Bomothlug l tho matter with tbt i
law of wasto nnu economy 111 this
world, FowIh fit for eating nro nqt
tho ouon tbnt hnvo plumage at for
trimming hata. Atchison Globe.
A Wet Dlnnket.
"Congrntulnto me, Jimmy. I'm en
gaged to Bally Jcnks."
"I'm nwfully Horry, Henry, but I
can't cotiNclcntlouNly do It I'vo been
ongnged to Snlly myBelf." "
, IIU Worth.
N'nggsby You say TrlBhflcr Is morji
troubled than he's worth. I haven't
found utm much trouble.
Wnggnby Neither have L Los As
coles DTeraliL
Uirterenoe of Oplaloa.
"IIoV did tbnt poem of yours turn
"Oh," answered tho author, "there
,was tho dlffcrcnco of opinion that
usually attends tho production of a
masterpiece. The postmaster insisted
thnt It was first class matter and the
editor Insisted that It was not"
Washington Star.
Cannibal Cblcf-Wbat .was that I
bad for dinner?
Cannibal Cook no was a bicycle
rider, your excellency.
Cannibal Chief I thought I detected
s burned taste.
Cnnnlbal Cook Yes, your excellen
cy. Ho was scorching when we caught
Ralalnsr Ilia Snlnry.
"You told me lost week that you
would try to raise my salary," said
"Oil, yes," replied his employer.
"Well. I did. I raised It after soma
trouble. Relievo me, I had a very
bard tlmo raining It this week."
Too" Mac V Food.
Much of the sinking, tired and empty
feeling from which business men who
wrrk their brains alono so often suffer
Is.due to the accumulation of toxins In
the system which want "working off."
Two tuculs a dny nnd active excrclso
aro the preventive, nnd there Is no ex
crclso which can bo got at any tlmo
and by nnybody to tho extent that
walking can. Rut to do good It must
not he sauntering. Really "smart"
walking Is what Is wanted. Hospital.
Tho Orkney lalnnda.
'Tho member from the Orkneys" Is
the only man In tho British houso of
commons who can Bay he sits for 200
Islands. Only sixty of the lslamls are
Inhabited, but tho constituency em
braces more than 00.000 people
Thu Orkneys were ouce given by Nor
way to England as security or a
queen's dower and never redeemed. In
the Islands tho voters must go to the
polls by boots, and In some cases the
distance to be traveled Ib eight miles.
Do It Novr.
"Do It Now," Is the motto which the
head of tho stationery bureau of the
postofflco department keeps over his
desk. He explains that next to doing n
thing, having to bear in mind that It
must be dona Is most wearing, and to
prefers to cut off tho unnecessary tax
by meeting tho real one promptly.
Truth Is always consistent with Itself
nud needs nothing to help It out. It Is
nlwnys near nt hund, sits upon our lips
nnd Is ready to drop out before wo nro
aware. A lie Is troublesome uud sets n
man's Invention upon tho rack, nnd
ouo trick needs a great many more to
mnko It good.
Un Cmloratood Ilnranu Nntnre.
Editor Unzoo Bugle Go a llttlo easy
on Colonel Gore this week. Iu fact, I
think we'd hotter try to cr smooth
matters over somewhat
Assistant Has ho mnde'nny thrcnt?
Editor No; ho, hasn't said a vrord.
That'B what worries me. New York
' Toothache."
If ono has n toothache nnd can't
reach tho dentist, try this method of
temporarily allaying the pain; Cleanse
and dry tho hollow tooth with n bit of
cotton. Then put lu a small rot ton
plug dipped In creosote or oil of cloves.
Cover this with another bit of dry- cot
ton, tor, still better, in llttlo beeswax
und cotton kneaded together. This
keeps out the nlr nnd downs the "tul
ery," until a dentist c&'njbe rca.vU&
,y g,, .ii , i ifii
That is what we have to sell, and
we can fill all orders for any
and'all ! kinds. THE QUALITY
is guarantees and the price is
anything required in Fir, Spruce,
Bed and White Cedar.
nm Main 131,
L, '
Latest br.t Francisco- r. a Portland "
g i dallies. AlPthe lead in k xtagaz 1 noBT S"
5 Q'i)',' t' L K P w A . D 1 I. A Y 1 NU O A KD g .
& - gt
;; S ubscrlptlona tor all q"
JhnaeL - e
papers and periodicals. ""'
:; Fine cUirjail t"nr. Stationery, jcwolry, notloc
None but the
I constantly furnish th best and
prlmost of moats, which girce mo the
MnAjtaniii nt mv nitrnni
u '
hut It Is necessary that thoy bo puro
and wholosomo. I do not promlso a
discount, but I will glvo you honest
and courteous treatment nnd value
received for your monoy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or cash rof unded.
tittimtv iriirw. vmn. . -
Sa 9999 aaawatf iwmim ciigg
MW-. -.r.
h-k-h- u 1 1 i n I m n 1 1 1 1
If von let a cold cet hold of you,
i- dtecomfort it mny mean peril. ,.,,,., -,. , ,
Mostony cold can now bo stopped it trealed in tlmo. Tho remedy Is
!! harmless and it rondoracoldahnrmleFS.
It loaves yon wondering tvhoro tho cold has cono, and fcollrg bettor
' than beforo It began, . ,
! ! Sonjtackbn'B haxativo Cold Tabloid is tle remedy. Keep in tho
houso (or ueo aa Boon aa thu Bvmplouaa of a cold appear. Co;t uutnius if
' ' it over falls. -.
A 1V4VU wU
lvH.4.iuA.w .MW4WJM
"Would Surely ItnUe Uovcnne.
In tho old days they spoke of a li
censed fool. If all the fools were re
quired to have n license now. the gov
ernment could do away with Its other
taxes and BtlU maintain tho surplus.
There's a "bIukIo tux" for you. -Monte-Banoludepcndcut.
A IMiUnnthropUt Hardened.
Philanthropic Old Cleutlenian Here,
mv little man-here Is a nlekcl for you.
ills Llttlo Man Toss ycr double or
quits whether yer makes It tt dlmu or
Vee'ps It.
4 -smtirk .-...- .,-
f I 1 3 1 ri I
NOffll Beild Of. I
Best of Me its
Free djliTerv. Phone lfil
--- - - .
n i n 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 nil
it means ten days or two weeks o!
V.. V,
Marshfield, Oregon
- W - - H"! f
Ho Know Hcv.
8he Itcggle, dear, there Is something
of tho old time lovo light In your eyes
tonight something about you that re
minds mo of thoso sweet days, of loug
ggo. I hope you have
He-Yes, 1 hnvo n little left. How
much do you want this tlmo?
And Ono of Them Went Vronrr.
Adam was luchy In another way. IIf
hnd no friends to cotuo arouml, telling v
njm how he ought to bring up'uls boys,
Chicago 'necord-Herald.
' ) .-