Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 03, 1903, Image 2

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' ' 'T'
Offcials Fear
San Frnncleco, Dec. 20 Cablo officials
'bollcvo that eomo accident hns happen
', cd to prevent tho complotlon of tho at
bio to Honolulu, No work has boon ro
ceived ainco Friday, though tho signal
that work Is completed is expected At
any time.
Tho United States' land offico at Ore
gon City has caused tho cancellctlon ol
timber entries in Tillamook county
amounting to 30,000 acres, on tho ground
of fraud and colloeion between cntrymen
and parties who had arranged to buy the
lands on title being secured. Charles
Hays was the principal contestant and
Robert Sturgeon was tbo principal con
tostee, On Sturgeon's case tho fate of
100 others depended.
Ha Is a Source' of Irritation to Cat
Treasury Department.
"Curious things happen in tho rcgla-.
ter of the treasurer's office as well m
elsewhere In the department," said n
official of the bond department of to
treasury. "Speaking of crank letters)
I may mention the most fcnnoylntf
crank or rascal in the country. For
many years at intervals wo receive i
package through one of the express
companies billed as containing $50,000
of Unitsd States bonds.
"On opening tho package wo find
nothing but pieces of old papers care
fully put together. Not a slnglo scrap
of information is contained in tbo pack;
ago that gives tho name of the man or
anything about him. All that wo. know
is that he sends the package from dif
ferent parts of the country each fame.
'Another funny thing is that the pack
age la invariably sent collect. The.
.United States ncrcr pays express
'charges on n package of this kind, and,
of course, tho express companies lose
thcif transportation charges. It lajt
wonder that the agents at th other end
accept the package under such condi
tions... Miss Ida. M. Snyder,
Treaaturer of tiie
Brooklyn East End Art Club.
" If women would pay more alttntlon to
their htalth we woula hive more happy
wlvej, mothtri ind diughUri, and If they
would observe reiulti (hey would find
that the doctors' prescriptions do not
perform the many cures they are given
credit for.
" In consulting with my druggist he ad.
vised HcEIree's Wine of Carduland Thed.
ford's black-Draught, and so I took it and
have every reason to thank him for a new
lire opened up to me with restored health,
snd It only took three months to cure me."
AVino of Cardui ii a regulator of tho
mensteual functions and is u most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg
ular and painful menstruation, fallim.'
of tho womb, whites and Hooding, it
is helpful when approaching woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in change or life. It fre
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggists bare 81.00 bottles of Wino
of Cardui.
In Daily Communica
tion With Europe
Lengthy Dispatches by
the Wireless
Glaca Bay. N. 8. Dec. 20-Marconl'a
station at Glaco Bay contlnnss to main
tain daily communication with Cornwall
witli constantly increasing efficiency
facility. Marconi isitill hero, but Icavos
shortly for Capo Cod station. In tbo
meanlimohois sending two or three
messages by wireless tolcgrvphy to
Europe daly, eomo of those dispatch?.
being quite lengthy,
. A Liquid Medicinal floap.
A German professor recommends tbo
following rcclpo for a liquid soap for
medicinal use In wounds, etc;: One
part of caustic potnsh dissolved In an
equal weight of water.' To this ndd
four parts of olive oil and one-fourth
part of nlcohoL Stir thoroughly for
ten minutes, shaking repeatedly. Aft
er about an hour mix with an equal
quantity of water. Let it, then stand
soveral days, then Alter it, and rt la
ready for use.
Canned Poods.
Canned goods require very little cook
ing as a'Tule, as they aro already
cooked before being put in tho tin, and
some of them, like corn and tomatoes,
only require. a thorough heating. Nev
er cook string beans, lima beans or
peas in tho liquid which comes in the
can, but drain that off, then place tho
vegetables in cold wntcr and let them
stand a few minutes to freshen.- Then
cook a few moments in cither milk or
1 1
Flay Aprou For Children..
One wonders why the mothers of
families do not Imitate for their cbll
(Sreo's use the long black aprons worn
try nearly al French children. These
button to thb throat, are worn by boys
and fkla alike, thoroughly' protecting
the toilet beneath. As they can bo
dropped in an 'instant, they aro not in
the least cumbersome.
Two Impossible Men.
Dr. Hausllck .once asked Schumann
how he got on with Wagner. .
"Not at all," replied Schumann; "for
mo Wagner is impossible. Doubtless
ho is a very clever man, but be talks
too fast ono cannot get a word In."
Some time after, in an interview
which Ilauallck bad with Wagner, al
lusion was inado to Schumann.
"With Schumann," said Wagner, "It
is impossible to arrive at an under
standing He says nothing. Some
years ago on my return1 from Paris I
called upon, him to talk of operas, con
certs, composers and other interesting
matters with which I hail become ac
quainted. Schumann .looked at me
stolidly, or rather he looked Into epace,
without saylug a word. Faith, I took
leave of him almost immediately. He
is an impossible man."
Taklnar No .Chances.
"Do you mean to say that you don't
want a railway through Crimson
Gulch?" abked tho astonished sur
veyor. "That's exactly what I mean to say,
young feller," -answered Broncho Dob.
"Cactusvllle got a rdlirpttdv didn't It?
And they hadn't it two weeks before a
couple of men won half the money in
camp got cold tect, took tho train ant
wa( gone forever and ever. Crimson
Gulch ain't takln' any such chances."
Washington Star.
"That Englishman Slmklns is very
Well Axed, isn't he?" irinulred Polk.
"Well," replied olk, "Bomo peoplo
think so, but I know bo hasn't n bit of
property ho can call his own." I
"Nonscnsel Ho lives in his own'
"That may be, but he calls it "lo
hown.''" Philadelphia Press.
I j, Disenchantment.
"Hovf did you enjoy your visit to the
.Bermudus, Uncle Jed?"
"I was a good deal disappointed.
Tho onions didn't come up to my ex
pectations. Why, I've eat better Dor
muda onlona right here." Chicago
I An Old Family,
lie MIes Dellacour claims to belong
'to a very old family.
She Wei), she's Justified; There nri
six those girls, aud the .youngest of
them must be at least thirty.
Will Join Dewey's Fleet
at Once
Philadelphia, Dec. 20 Tho now bat.
tleshlp Maine loft tht Cramps shipyard
this morning, hei destination boinp tho
Lcoguo Island navy ynrd, where she will
be formally placed in commission aud
put In command ol Capt. Louie mid n
ptckod crow, said to bo ono of tbo finest
in the navy. Bho will go ruitnediatoly
to tho West Indies to join Dewey's Hoot.
Qaptaln Lents, Who Command tha
w Battleship Maine.
Captain Eugcno H. C. Lcutze, who
Has Just been assigned to the command
f thu new battleship Maine, Is a vet
rau of two warn, his llrst ecrvlco for
Uncle Snm being In the civil war.
Captain Leutzo is a native of Prus
sia, llo entered tho Naval ncademy in
1SC3, but in vtho following year ob-
tfllncd leave of absence to enter active
scrvlco on the United States ship Mon-
ticcllo, then on blockade duty.
, After his graduation in 1807 Captain
Lcutze served on the Eurnnean ami
north Atlantic squadrons for several
During the Spanish-American war ho
was in command of tho monitor Mon
tcrey on her voyage to Manila from
San Francisco. He wna promoted to
tho rank of captain on Oct. 8, IDOL
An ingenious invention which baa
been successfully experimented with
In several collieries in Lancashire,
England, bids fair to add greatly to
tho simplification of coal mining, says
the Now York Times. Under existing
conditions tlio coal after It bus been
undercut is "brought down" by nn ex
plosion of gunpowder. The new device
brings down tho coal by water power
exercised through n hydraulic car
tridge and obviates tbo wasteful shat
tering of tho fuel.
Made of steel, tho cartrldgo Is twen
ty Jnchcij in length. Along Its sides
ore orifices, each of which admits of a
prcssuro of tbreo tons per square Inch,
the total prcssuro being over sixty
tons. When Inserted Into tlio holo
bored Into tho coal to bo operated
upon, tho cartrldgo is connected with a
small hand pump. In a few minutes
after tho apparatus has been at work
the conl breaks up and comes down In
great blocks. There aro no clouds of
dust such as are caused by the gun
powder method, and tho entire opera
tion Is carried out without tho slightest
danger to the workers. About one and
a half pints of water nre used in tho
operation, and ns tho liquid returns to
n tank It can be repeatedly used.
Although tho Initial expenditure Is
greater, the cartridge method Is much
moro economical than tho system now
in vogue. It reduces the cot of la
bor, prevents wnnto and kccuicb round
er conl. One colliery proprietor who
has adopted tho Invention for use in
tli ico mines computes that each can
trldgo eaves 75 per week.
A Notable Locomotive.
The average performance of n loco
motive In this country Is n llttlo over
20,000 mlloH n year, but an englno of
tbo London and Northwestern Railway
company hau Just completed Mtn sec
ond million mlloa, cquul to 100 yenrs'
service on the ordinary basis. This lu
tho Charles Dickens, well known to
most travelers who Journey between
Slancheatcr and London. During the
wbolo of its career no pnBHenger be
hind it has suffered any accident
Ohly 85 per cent are
Operators Will Make
a Point
Wakosbnrro, l, Doc. ill) Only 83 por
cent of tho minors working, although
appeals fiom tho conl fiunlno districts
aro lohiB received hourly. All efforln
to imluco tho men to return to work aro
Tho operators will call tho attention
ol tho Anthracite Commission to this
when it moots January Oth,
Reports show that a largo porcentogo
of tho Now England mills havo shut
down until coal can bo forwarded.
Treaty Will ,. be "" Lost If
Ratified by Febru
ary First
Washington, Doc. 30 Opposition to
to tho Cuban reciprocity treaty is in
creasing. It must bo ratified buloro
February or will bo lost. President
Itooictelt is anxious.
An nzborter's Little Illander.
"Public spenkcrs often make curlons
mistakes," said nn observant man,
"and I havo hnd occasion to iiote uomo
rather singular things In this respect
Some tlmo ago I attended n religious
meeting in an out of tho way section
of tho country, nnd tlioTcry llrst thlug
tho speaker said put mo to thinking.
Ho was n short, stocky fellow, with a
rasping voice, nnO was as solemn look
ing as if ho had been going to the gull'
lotlnc. Here Is the llrst thing ho hnd
to say: 'I want to say t few words be
fore saying whnt I want to say.' I
could not refrain from laughing at tho
bad break of the fellow, nnd nil tho
good things ho said after that hnd no
effect on me. It wns tasted ammuni
tion, no far ns I was concerned. This
goes to ahow what n httlo mistake will
6omctimes do for a man. Ilcnlly I be
llovo tho cxhorter wns ns much put
out by the bull as I wns amused, for
bs talk was not as smooth as It might
n'avo been." New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Volco (In tho house) Uessle, whnt lu
keeping you out tkcro on tho porch so
' Bessie I nm looking for tho comet
. Voice You'll tako your death of cold.
Bessie Not at all, mamma. I'm I'm
velljvrappcd. Chicago Trlbuuo.
Tna Ureal qggy.,
"Wo nro to bo made one," sho sug
"Yes," ho replied.
"Hut which ono?" sho asked,
And in tho nttompt to scttlo'thnt
question, nnothcr promising matrimo
nial future was spoiled, for woman Is
not so unassuming In these days as nho
was onco upon a time. Chicago Post.
A Deceitful Cut.
. Mamma You wicked llttlo girl to
say that tho poor cat has eaten th
Jam, when I can seo tho statu of It on
your facol
Wliinio So It was pusHyl Sho utoW
tbo Jam, and nfter sho'd eaten It she
started licking my faco to make people
think I'd dono It.
flomo Words,
' According to tho Into Richard A.
Proctor, says tho Loudon Chronicle,
thu pbniHQ "I guess," to English ears
po ridiculous, Is really Identical with
tho old expression, "I wis," meaning
"I know," Tho word "guess" hns
chnuged its meaning entirely lu Eng
land, but has partly preserved It In
America, whoro of course tho native
Buys "I guess" when ho is moro or loon
In a statu of certainty. Thero aro many
other examples of words (bat lmvu
played fast nnd Iooho with "g" nnd
"w," Hiich iih "guardian" null "wind
on." "guard" nnd "ward," "gulcuct"
m DnmnseuH Is undoubtedly the oldest
fclslli'ig oily ifi tbo world. Uciiuith und
Owstaiitinoplft excluslvft of Uhliieso
towns, como next in point of age.
Wnnhltwton, Deo, 20 Tho Blnto De
partment gives no croilonco (o tlio report
tlint British tnnrliiei havo boon lauded
At I.n Gunyra. Mlnlator llowon lina not
boon hoard from slnco Saturday, lion
liu tout n dlepntch stating tlio torma on
which tlio allies wero willing io unbuilt
to arbitration by tliolTnKUOCOinmliilon.
Coal Manipulators in
Chicago. Dec. .10 Tho investigation
Into tho reputed combine of rhllroads
aud initio operators to manipulate coal
for hiKhcr prices. Attornoy (ienornl
Hamlin questioned many wltcosacs.
Ono testified that it coat f 1.G0 por ton
at tho mlno to lay down soft coal from
tho Illinois fields fn Chicago, Proofs
woio offered that enormous quantltlua ol
coal nro being hold on aurbaii tracks,
although tho city U aufforiug for want
of fuol.
Coal loday sella at 9 pet ton and tlicro
is much suffering caused among tho poor
Tho mnin lino of the Inveatlgntion la to
show whethor tho railway olllclalo and
railways own stock in tho coal minoi.
Fowling f now very llttlo practiced
In tho Shetland islands, although many
eggs are tweunsd annually. Mnuy thrill
ing stories of fowling adronturo aro
told by tho Khetlandcni. A man who
bod undcxtnkoii to climb a ccrtnln
atcep cliff was neither very experi-
enced nor very brave, although ho'
boasted of being both, llo pushed up
ward, however, briskly without look
ing behind until ho bad got up about
ICO feot, when ho stopped to breathe.
Tho paute was fatal to his self ports-.
Ion, aud ho called out lu tones of ter
ror, "Men, men, I nm going I am go-!
ug." But ho still held on for n little,
nnd it wns not till bo had shrieked
many times "I am going" that bo did
fall headlong.
nis comrades, having thus been
wnrned, moved tho boat out of tbo way
to that tho poor fellow camo sheer
down into tho deep water. Mighty was
tho plunge, but nt length ho rone to tho
surface, when of courso hu wno in
stantly caught hold of and dragged Into
tho boat. After many gasp-i nnd much
spluttering of sea wnter from bin
mouth his only remark was: "Kb, men,
this Is a and Btory. I havo loot my
rnufrbox."-"8kctchea nnd Tales of
The Strain on tbe Ere.
There Is no reason why a imisclo or
muscles of tho eyo should not fng out
Just as tbe muucles elscwhero do. Let
ono bear a weight all dny long, does ho
not attribute his consequent hendacho
to tho heavy burden ho ban borne? It
fieemu without elaborato thinking wo
could conceive of tho resultn following
upon prolonged uo of tho eye. Nature
bus dono all nho could to protect and
prolong thu usefulness of tho eye.
No cnrthly architect ever yet planned
n structure tbut would not yield, crum
bio mid fall, and tho houso b'Umnn, so
exquisitely uplifted In curious nnd
mysterious wnys, falls nnd returns to
dust more rapidly mid surely Ibnn need
be, for the reason that we do not real
ize how much one part Is1 sustained or
overthrown by another. Onu tiny mus
cle Is potent enough to disturb tho
tyhulo economy, especially If Intercur
rent diseases exist In addition to "eyo
rtitc'imrxf,' "
In this quandary the highwayman be
thought himself to consult u lawyer.
"Good sir," unld ho, "on tho ono
hand, my conscience will not permit
trio longer to do that which Ih unlaw
ful, whlUj on tho other It Is not prac
ticable ftc a man nt my .ago to chaiigu
his employment." j
"Incorporate under tho lnwa of Now
Jersey," quoth, tho lawyer readily
onough, for it chanced that hu wsui
learned to. tho law, Life.
-"niixn:wvii ,. . J
j. ,
NftMtl CntAMli qidoUy yield to troU
tnnut by Ely's Cream ilalm, whloh In agreed
nbly aromatic. It li recolted through tha
nostrils, cIcaiuos nnd heals tho whole nurJ
(aoo ovor whloh It dlftosoa lUolf. BrunHletsJ
oil tho r.Oo. nlroj Trial elxo by mall, 10
conl. Test It and you aro euro to continue
Iho treatment,
To nocoinuiodnto those who aro partial
to tho tmo of utoinUorit In applying liquids
into tho nmml iiammgoii for tittnrrhU lrou
ltti, lliu proprietors prepare CroamU&hn In
liquid form, whloh will no known ns lily's
Liquid, Cream Balm. I'rho luoludlng tht
spraying tubo In 7C conl. Driiuulsts or by
mall. Tho liquid form embodied tho mod
iclnal properties of tho solid preparation.
!(. it !,
Wo inonu'lly obtain U. H. mul FUrolgtiJ
Ho ml mixlol.ikuioh or nlioto l lurrnUon lor
IrMryimrl mi lateiiinMiiiy. rot frco tool.
:."'" rrw',w i
visir DR. JORDAN'S qrkat
r& miiiiinrr.iiiriuttica.fu.
rjr TfcUiIAiu.04JMailiWi
... ... . .1 " .-" '
If m(! "r"fl..n n4i. ,
If. I Mlt4fc 1
C-Malttlk It.. o4 Hlt.n.r.1,.1. TMIMalM .
IMll f M kr I..I. A fNWM ttf I .,,, 4m9
iMiiiuiM Hiii. i vmi rniLu.iii'nv ml
N.HH ill.. ...IL.U V.HJ.. flA ..ImaU. -- - -
L .,. , .'I.. M
on JonoN co., iobi fcrtn,a..
Yorkshire ktvn'a Plnurs. ""
A Yorknhlro man and n Lnncaablro
man were conversing togothi-r tho oth
tr dny.
Tho Lancashire snnn snld to tho York
ililro limn, "Well, Illll, ib you know
the best way to Hud n Yorkshire man's
hwt lingers?"
"No." says Bill.
"Well, 1 will tell you what hap
jonid nt our plnco tho other day. YorU
ihlre Dun had two of his nngiTK cut oft
Willi n Monui wiw, nnd they got lost
among (lin sawduit, and fwo of ray!
emtit. were down on their hands and
luces looking for them when thn fore
innii en mo up nnd naked what the
Wuru tloliiK. t
"Ono of thrmsald: ,i
t '" 'We are looking for Dan'a fingers.' J
"'Oh, come out of tho road,' suld lb
foreman. 'Tlmt's nut, tho wny to And e
Vurknhlra man's fingers.' nt tho namq
lime tnklug a shilling out of tils pocket
and throwing It among the sawdust,
when tho two fingers nt onco popped
up nfter It. ,
"There," snld tho foreman, 'that's
tho wny to find a Yorkshire man's lost
Angora.' "Pearson's.
. vj
Mmlarn flarsjery.
Your modem surgeon of nolo ls',i
Msterllu" man. Tho operating room, ol
most hermetically scaled and ut a tem
perature of 100 degrees or thereabout.
Is purllledj daily by tuomiN of n btttu
throwing a' solution of bichloride of
mercury over celling, walls nnd Hoots.
The surgeon nrrlvcs In an nuteroouilii
his civilian's garb. Ho Is required to bo
clean Hhnvr-n, llko a monk, Hays, tho
New York Press. Ills 'clothes aro re
moved. Two attcndnntti lu tho steriliz
ing room hand him a white duck gown
reaching from collar to heel nud a cowl
of tho sniuu material which covers
tightly every part of his head except
oyeo. nose mid mouth. Thu hIccvvs of
the gown reach to his elbows. Ho In
ratios his hands In the thinnest, finest
sterilized rubber gloves. TIic'ho gar
inciitu are handed to blin lu sterilized
tougii. There huu been no liulnnn con
tact. Thus equipped ho Is prepared to
How tbo Knrlli Cbniisrrs,
How doeH ono guneratloii of men
Bucceed another? Tiu fatlie'u aro noC
swept nway lu a body to uiiiko roonr
for thu children, but onu by ono tho
Vld drop off and the young como on
until a day Is reached when tiono of
thono reninln that oiivn were hprc. How
(Iocs Homo form of huinnn speech bo
como extinct? About 100 years ago an
old Indy named Dolly Deutreirth died
lu Cornwall. She could speak tho
Cornish language. After her death
there was nobody that could. TIiuh
(Illicitly did tiu living Cornish languiigo
become a dead language, And lu a llko;
Unobtrusive iniiiitier have been wrought
ruoiit of the now becomings which
huvo changed mid nro clmnghir tho'
liiirth. John Klsu in Harper's. I
It is romarkablo how vlrtiiotin nnd
gcnrrouHly disponed every one Is ut
ft play. Wo uniformly applaud what
h right and condemn what Is wroiiu
tvlien It costs us nothing but tho Hcntl-incut.-IIiiKlltt.
An tinny way to soften Imnl wafer,
detlgntfully la to throw orangp ;;ee4
luto It iuA iioforo tho water lu used
i' a m aei m mm bbbbi em