," nmuymgiT" rT. " ' '"I gtWmWn&wttffi SfJSF 1 - v-. . 'wxmwe pt hjrif -. CI' 1 -' .1. " . 4- f rw MAIL. WEEKLY VOL XXft MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNT', OREGON, Jan. 3, 1903. NO. 63 mAi GOAS jl I CLOUD PASSES -.. . A iV i I Castro Willing to Meet Demands Washington, Pec. 31 MInlolor Bow n tlila morning cnblcd tlio Blnto Do portmoni Mint President Castro has au thorised hi in to say ho would in cot nil just demands of tbo foreign powora. Tlio foreign nmtatfadors woru immo modiatoly ntoMisI, nlao thn Amorlcan ambaniiadors nt Homo, Berlin, London Arid rri. Ily Utd agreement Castro has taken moans to practically comply with the condition laid down by tho powers as n preliminary to roforring tho dlsputo to tbolloguo tribunal. DEWEY'S FLEET DRILLS Yashlngton, Jan 2 Ailmjral Dewey wired tho navy department today from (Jan Junn laying tho cotnbinod squadron had rcassrahlod at Culobrn, containing tho tactical exorcises. Tho moriuo tor pcdollotillri engaged in b pedal drill, in eluding n night attack, Ono coal pancr was drownd by tho elnklnic of tho Now- aiks steam cutteJ, iu collisslon with n torpedo boat. s;z woes .MBS&fHtecz-' , : nJt VMTM.M, ' ' v .wv. m hii wj , ' Xbe Dry aoodij Economist eayt of eo trtoro -with -which It 1 familiar: TOvery employoo in It seems to be good naturod. Why should there be (toy ClfPeronce In fhla reapoct botwoon this establishment and tlio nverago atoru? Id not hnman rwtoro nbut tho saroo tho world over? True, bat (bora Is n difference Tbo proprietor of this ntoro Is not only n merchant, but n gon't Ionian, no treats UIh cm DloyccA with mnrlced courtCHy and con Miration. As n consequoneo they feol no kindly disponed toward him and hUi business that their (rood will la res Jlectcd In tbotr treatment of hlu cur; tamers," Bomo BtorelceopeTU never Und out wby It la that no few of tholr casual customers bcoomo regulars, t Lelrcli TInnt'fl JlrenUfnat Iloaqnoti, Ectgb Hunt, that early tiny icstbetc declared breakfast to bo tho tnenl of all otbnra when tho poetic lnflueuco of a table poiy was to bo desired. Ho would bring in n fuw clover heads or sprigs of grass culled fiom bouenth tho pro tcctlug Intra of n park railing or city squuro It hu could find nothing moro beautiful, und with theso to look ut Ida fancy tool; him roaming out Into bound Jces green fields and pnttureii now. Onve Ulm i OCnrt. Now, then," mid thu auctioneer, holding up a pulr of nntlquo silver con dlestlcUs, "ulo mo u Hturt." "Twenty-flvo contfi," camo from n .volco nt tbo back of tbo room, "Whntl" tixclolnicd tho borrlfled nuc tlonccr. 'All," uald tbo bidder In nn nnJer tono and with u chucklo, "J thought OREGON'S ROUGH PASSAGE Victoria, Dec. 31 Tho steamer Glen oglo ronchod prut (rom Yokahama'.today and brought tho nows that tho United BlatcB battleship Oregon arrived at Yo kohama thrco doys over duo ofler a rough passage from Ban Francisco, All tho boats woro lost, and tho stormy boss owopt hor dock and carried all tho deck sear away, resulting In tho death of ono man, Tho ship was ordorcd Into dry dock. TALKS ABOUT CANAL Cabinet Holds Extend ed Meeting Panama Co, Makes Concessions. Washington, Jan. 2 Tho subject of discussion nt tho cabinet mooting today was tho feasibility of procedure by tbo United States rogardlng tboconatructlon of tbo Isthmian canal under tho rights durlvod from tho Panama company, whoso proposition Is that this country go ahead tvlth tho work whon Columbia Is ready by treaty, to do so. This Issajd to bo ft concession on tho parf of tho Panama company, and la all that Amorica desires at prfltoiit. Poaes slon will forco tho Colombian Govorn mont into toncoasion needful. Tho ioe alon was tho longest hold this wlntor. Bpoonor and Lodgo, of tho Foreign Ho lnt'ona Commlttco of tho Bonato, woro tailed into consultation with tho Presl dent before the mooting. MiisimI II I m Up, "Did yon over oxerclso ,wlth thnt dumbbell, old mnnV" "YnnH, old ehapj I did onco, but It dlsawuiiKcd mo necktie, no I quit."- Now York Evening Journal, TEXAS i CONVIGTS MUTINY Would Rather Starve' Than Work Vortli Worth, Dec. 31 Beveuty.flvo desporato' convicts brought from 'the penitentiary to tbo convict pla ujatlon to help with tho barvoatlng mutinied two days ago and secured possession of a sugar houeo ond barrloaded it. Tho building Is surrounded by a big forco of deputies endeavoring to starve the mutineers into submission, Tho convicts announced this morning that they would rather starve than work, They want to go back to tbo piii. Soli-lac It, Patrick, a thrifty tradesman In fc neighborhood of tho Dublin dorta, vii, tho Btory rocs, a man who never spest a penny more than ha needed to tpeod. but bo was nevertheless as good & bssjs at the making of an Irish bull as any .who lived botwecu D&utry and Bally csjitle. Having ono day occasion to nend a letter to a frtaco Bomo distance, Patrick called a messenger and asked him his prlco for koIdk such a dlstnnc. "It 'HI bo n shlllmV said the man. Twice too much!" said Tatrlck. "Let It bo sixpence." "Nlvver," answered the meascirir. The war Is that lonely that I'A j-ivvW go It under a shUHn. "Lonely, Is Itr said Patrick, scratch Ing his head. "Pnlth, an' yo'ro rlfiht Now, man, I'll toll ye what wo'M do; msko It sixpence, on' I'll go jvJd yo to kapo yo company l" Cnrrftn Met 1IU Watch. CJrran, tho famous Irish advocata, Wjis master of rcpnrteo, but be did not always score, though ho enjoyed an encounter none tho less If he was falrlybcaten. Ono day, In n gay mood, bo stopped and chatted with a certain Father O'Lcary. "Ah, futber," said tho advocate, watting for un opening, "how l' wish when I dio that you hud tho key to heaven I" J'Whyr said the priest, for bo guess ed a trap was laid. 'Decnuso you could let mo In." "Ah," said Father O'Lcary, "it would bo better for you If I had tho key of tho other place, for then I could let you out." TUe Rosa. Old as tbo history of tho world ltsolf Is that of tho queen of flowers. Tho ancient Greeks and Romans reveled In roses. Tliey woro used lavishly at their fcuHta. In tlio Umo of the republic the people had their cups of fnlerntau wins swimming wJUh tylooms, nna tuo spur. tau soldiers, nftcr tho battlo of Clrrbu, refused to drink any wlno that was not perfumed with loses, while nt tho ro guttn pf Baku tho wholo surfneo of tho LucruiQ lalto waa strewn with llowcra. It HmMlod Hint. "It gota me," conildcd tho Intoxicated Individual who was gaelnc Into tho florist's wludow "It gets me! I d'lcuow .wozzcr a chr'chr'cbr'enmiemum looks llko n Skyo terrier or wezzer a SUye terrier looks llko a ehr-chr-lzzlunnlum." But tho policeman got hint Just then, and tho problem ceased to get him for tho tlmo bclug. Daltlmoro American. Oiintlmi. "Willie, did you tlmnk Mr. Speedway for takliif yon to drive." said tho mother of u small boy solicitously. No answer, Tho question was repeated. Still no answer. "Willie, do you henr mo? Did you thank Mr. Speedway for taking you to drlvo?" "Yes," whispered WMIo, "but ho told mo not to mention lt."--Llfo. No man wns ever so much deceived by another as by himself. Grevllhw PLAN OF ESCAPE FOILED Portland, Deo, 31 A plot by mnrder- era Holding and Smith to ctcape from jail hero bus been discovered, A woman I.tas carrying cayonno pepper and black j-pr-ka into tho prison with which to overcome tbo jillor, thereby making flood the eecnpo, but detectives foiled tho scheme. . SHIP ST. DAVID BELIEVED LOST Ban Francisco, Jan 2 Tho steamer Maru reports speaking tbo nbip Bt David, which was dismasted after pass Ing through a typhoan, Tho Mara took oil a sick sailor, and gave tho vesiel provisions, The Bt David was dis abled but tbo captain said bo wonld reach Yokohama. As tho ship has not reached there, she is believed to be lost. Bbo was enroute from Manila from Seattle. A Rlmple Brifim.'" Teacher In what year'.wasi tbo bat tle of Waterloo fought? ' Pupil-I don't know. Tuucher It's slmplo enough If you only would learn ho'w to cultivate arti ficial memory. " Itomcmber tho twelve Dostlea. Add half that nnmhor in ibem. 'Tliat'a Ochten. Multiply that nyaoa ThafsJUSOa Take the twely apostles again. Add a quarter of their numuer to tncm. xnat's artccn. Ada what you'vo got That's 1315. That'a tho date. Quito simple, you sec, to re member dates If you .will only, adopt nij; system. Maltlair Sure. This hunting, story comes from Scot land: When the beaters camo out of tho covert, ono of tho suns said to tho keeper, "IIuvo you got all your bcAters "Ayo," said tbo man, astonished. "Aro you euro? Havo you counted themr "Counted them?' Bold tho keeper. Aye, they're all right" Then," Bald tho shooter, .with a nigh of Bomo relief, "I havo shot a roe." The Splttiajr Snake. 'A snako found In Africa Is called the pitting suuko by tho Boers. It Is be tween two and throo feet long and Is especially bold and nctlvo, readily at tacking overy ono who approaches It I& contlucmeub It la very savage, open ing Its mouth and erecting its faugs, from which the polsou may bo often observed to drop nud even sometimes to bo forcibly ejected; whenco tb uamo given It by tbo Boers. A lAmehedn Unlutr If you nre searching for a luncheon novelty that will bear out nil the de licious promises of its looks when eat en, tho following may servo tho pur pose: Omcletto Dellcleuso Pulverize twq macaroons and two epongo Angers; put them in an enameled saucepan, adding thrco teaspooufuls of apple Jelly and ouc tcaspoouful of whipped cream, Stir the mixture with u wooden spoon and allow It to get warm, but not hot. Mnko an omelet with six eggs and two ounces of fresh butter. When It Is set; turn up first ono sldo and then tho other, In order to form an envelopo for tbo reception of tho mixture, whlcb should bo iminedlatcly laid In. Rovers: tho omelet upon n hot dish and glazo tho top with a salamander. Decorate It through a forcing plpo with a table spoonful of whipped cream. flood llcnaon. Toggs' Old Friend Good graeloue, innul Do 1 ilud you reduced to playing n cornet nt thq struct corner to mnko n living? Toggs I'm not doing this to mnko a llvfug. My wlfo wou,'t let mo practice In the bouse. ' SAM'S BIG PILE Greatest Bunch of Glue on record Washington. Dec 31The United States troasnry starts the now year with more money in vaults than was ever be fore held by this or any other govern ment. There aro now in thq vaults and eub trcasnries 01(5 million of dollars, four times aa much as that of tbo Bank of England, ono and one half that of Franco four times that of Germany and twice that ol Russia. A $7.000,000 surplus has boon accumnlaUd during tho year. X BULLET PROOF VEST. Clotk IayBte4lrr Clersrv With ' atoo lev Teat. A public test of tb bnUct proof cloth invented by be Rt. 'Casimlr Zcgles) cf Chicago was made tho other after noon In Brooklyn. The bullet from a 22 caliber revolver cloth, saye the Nw fork World. A bollc"; from a 28 cafclbsr German pockat revolvsr' merely aaadala dent la tb tost. A 44 caliber trotvei1. -yfcUk h4 but; ns uujit wrosga xr incaem at hardwood, made oaly a slight deprea aton. A S3 caliber bullet pierced the cloth, bat It was eWmad that it most havo struck a defective spot Several other shots fired from the same revolv er failed to penetrate It The cloth, which the ftov. Mr. Zeelen has been working; to perfect for over Ifteen years. Is made of finery woven tniro silk threads. Mr. Zeglen porposea b wear a walateoat of iho fabric and to offer himself as 'a target ' ' Xoreltr Ver BAfnrooaa. A novel Idea for the bathroom, com ing originally from Germany, la fiholng an Increasing vogue on this aide. This Is the use of gloss tuba. They are translucent, about two and a Tiwlf Inches thick and' annealed, to as to be durable. The effect producod la aa ap pearance Of iiaUt CfeaallnaM and f-astty,. S "My Bon plays entirely by ear." "Is that so? I thought It was by bruto force." Chicago Record-Herald. Mixed. "Br'er William, hero como de aheria ter level on yo" crop I" "Lo'm come; hit's all In my .wne'a namo." "Yes; but 'nuther man dono run off wld yo wife." Atlanta Constitution, Difference In Degree. "What Is tho dlfforonco between a monologuo rind a dialogue, pa?" "A monologue, my son, la a man's wlfo talking to him, nud a dlnloguo la hla wlfo and her mother talklug to him." Town Topics, ?T yvc-r " , . T',----,--i nil i fz i it si v. - FIRST gABLE MESSAGE Sent Over Trans-Pa-cific Cable. Roosevelt and Dole Send Greetings Ban Francisco. Jan, 2 The first mes sago from Honolulu over the Pacific cable was received hero at 11:03 o'clock last night. The signals were perfect at both ends. The speed waa fast, but the operators hove not figured ont tbo rate at which the earliest messages were ex changed. The first message waa from Governor Dole to President Rooeevelt. Almost immediately after communication waa t1 ? established a message of greeting waa flashed to President "Roosevelt at Wash- iugton. The message waa from Governor Dole,' of Hawaii. The text is' withheld,' pendjng the receipt of the message by the president in person. Houo.alo Jan 2 The pooplo ot the Hawaiian Wanda arc colqbaung the the com plotiaa of tlio cable which con nects the islands with the United 8tate. Severe storms prevented the splicing sooner. Messages from all parts of the world havo been received. When tba land end of the cable wascom ploted Mrs, Haws laid native wreaths of flowers upon the end ot the cable ro--peating tbe Hawaiian greeting "Aloha,!! and great Jejolcing. Tbe first message delivered here waa from President Roocpvelt tp Gorornor Dole. r' -. . Wouibb1! Wy. Mllly I'm writing to Polly. Hava you nuy messago for her? Tllly-Whatl Writing to that horrid creature! .Well, glvo her my ldvo.,, ' i Hi '-ri,n Wanted a Duplicate. ' JJ nd had hla leg cut off. nad whta v.' He rallied from the shock Si He jfot another ono In form '7 Of duo bill from tho doc. ' it ' i Ha hobhlcd tn thn BVIIInl t T ?.' Whon strenirth he did accrue - s And said to him. "Dear sir, I have Another Job for you." -7jo "Another amputation, slrr ' 5, ,. ' '. ?, t Quoth he ot knife and pill. Tos," came tho answer. "If you fd&M Jujt amnutata thin hill ; Richmond Zkajtch. j a, i that would ulvo bun n uUirtl" itttfu-kitaiMiUmM, v .1 i-iT .J !-.(. .vt i a irt.v bt &L ijto& tUiJUki j mJmmm&m