iTSSCCWWIjWKWW'SiftSL'f 1W XMMMmWMf Mj tf. VI ', IF v. Ml I WM ,foM.; . v fcti - ' "i lMiSS!Mlll . I f r h n i .; fi: , 1 .isriDijOOjL T ME OLD RELIABLE &AKlK5 POWDER Absofufely'Puro THERE IS NQ SUBSTITUTE From Thursday's Dally. Fine Stationery at Norton's, Tho steamer Signal coiloJ at tie Heaver Hill bunker yesterday. The Catholic paronago has been wired for electric lights. ItuiajoKahur, of Bandon, ia visit ins ilrs.'. L, I'Belan of this city, Andy Welsh has bought another lot adjacent to his property in Woet Marsh field. Dean & Co, are expecting new boiler ior the Bay City mill, on the Empire. The town was unusually full of people yesterday, buying Christmas presents, L. II. Heisner hid bis new barouche 3ut yesterday, giving bla friends a taste of luxury. 0 W Hickox ia contemplating the erection of a residenco In West Marsb 2cld. Marebfield merchants, have enjoyed an exceptionally good holiday trade, for which they wore well prepared. E. W. Smith is preparing to mo7e out to bla new houso In the Railroad addi tion. Mr. Frledberg contemplatea extending the electric light system down to Fern dale if enough encouragement ia given to justliy the expenditure. Simon Erickaon who has been work ing In tho Gardiner Milling Co's logging camp at Bchoflolds has returned borne and will atop at bla ranch for the winter Now that the cold storego cleaner la lying in the bay. waiting for a cargo why not freeze up some of our prime beef and help load her for the outside market. Geo. N Tarrln was taken down yes terday with a severe attack of appendi citie. Ithaanotytt been decided by liia physicians whether an operation will beneceeBary or cot. Suited to a tee: Foxfto bear) "Come over tomorrow, and wo'll play a game Of golf on link." Bear-"All right. I don't know what tho game ia, but if there's any job you can put up on the lynx I'm in with you." -Boston Herald He lived untimely: "I have often though of whatan unfortunate fellow Jonah waa." "How'b that?" "Why, if ho had turned that whale trick in the twentieth centure, he'd have been in overy soap advertisement in tho civilized world." Denver Tlmea. , "MaraJane'aaida fond mother the other morning- io her daughter, "did fr ' Daniel Johnson" -you on the it'epa latt night?" "No, mamma, he did not.'l, 111 the (ond parent -" "M "Hpa" in stead of "stops," it wouid Iiftvo troubled Tina Juno tpmnly Tlb-BIU. A new ilynnmo will arrive on tho Al lianco for tlio electric light works. Tli now dynamo has a capacity ol 8000 llRhtB. Tho oloMrlc light whlstlo blow energetically yesterday morning, not r an alarm of lire, but as a signal that the lost boys wore (ounil. Tho Empire soiled from San Francisco at 5 p in Tuesday, and tho Areata sailed nn hour later. Ai Captain McGinn claims to have tho fastor boat it will b j interesting to ceo whether or not Can I tain Nelson can ovrshtko htm. ; Downie(uferriug to tho pleasant-faced lady who has juat pasfed) "Ah, my boy, I owe a ureal deal to that woman." Dorking "Indeed I Sho'a not your mo- , ther, is the?" Downlo "No, my land- i jady." Glasgow Evening Times. J. D. Dyer, of Sumner, was doinp business in town yesterday. Joe Ycakam, who recently took a band of cattle to Perrydalc, tolls a good jokt- on himself. As ho was passing nlon?. well decorated with valley soil, ho pre s 'it toil such n disreputable appearance that his character was mistaken, and he was hailed by a en all boy with : "Hey thete! My mother want you to come and cut her some wood." Joo declined the proffered employment, with thanks. Rushing Construction E. Wold has received a letter from E. J. Daniels, who recently went to take a position is tho engineering de partment of tho branch lino which the Columbia Hiver Northern road ia con- struclinc from Goldendale, Wash,, into the Yakima valley. Mr. Daniela says that construction ia boing pushed with the utmost energy and the grading gangs are working in a foot of enow. Thero ia a race with tho Northern Pa cific for right of way and no time ia be ing lost. Old Pioneer Passes Away Jas. Jordan, ono of Coos Bay 'a oldest pioneers, died yesterday morning in Em piro at the borne of his daughter, Mra. C. Secatrom, after quito a long illness. Ae to Mr. Jordan's exact age thero has been some question, but Cbas. Seestrom, hie son-in-law, states that bo waa born in 1S05, making hla age 97 at the time of hia death. He came to Coos Bay at an early date, about 1S53, and waa a well known fignre in the old pioneering days. He follow ed banting and trapping mainly thongh at one Umo be ran a store for a abort time in be building erected by John Perabbaker, which was tho first atore at what ia now called Marshfleld, This building later became the Western ho tel, and ia now occupied by Gov Why's store. Mr. Jordan married ono of the native woman of Coos and was quite an influ ential man with the Indiana in the early days. At ono Umo he was well off financially, but liko many cf the pioncerB, be did n-jt have the faculty of taking full advantago of tho openings for financial advancement. He raised quite a family of children ofwbomthe following survive bim: Mrs C'haE. Seeatrom and Peter Jordan ofTenmlle. and Mra Wm Watora of North Slough. Mr Jordan's life for many years had been uncut mostly on theTcnmile lakte where he had a good place. There hia wifo died about a dozen years ago, and there the old pioneer will bo buried by the aide of hia life partner and of a con who la also interred there. By all who know him, and that In cludes'all the old settlers, "Old Jim Jordan" will baheld in the kindliest remembrance. Peace to hia ashes. A glass or two of water taken half an honr before breakfast will usually keep the bowelfi regular. Harsh cathartice ehonld be. Avoided. When a purgative is nee'.d, t Vo Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv.rT tlflts. They are mild and gentlu in tho r action. For sale b Jno Pieiius. Q Rlttatut(wttt WmV . H h ca dtci on Mtkiirmu- H I sfyREItAm pm Oil. ll i - V M J iltti lit lUnp. tfw kfl !a net UmV. V X hrnM not iAvi ri h ntr. tint ui l . P' I F a lowby tin lfl ' SOaf V, i I Sold tTtryvktrt In tn It tlttt. MJ. by SUrtdard Oil CompinyL LOST BOYS COME HOME IN THE MORNING After an Unpleasant Night Spent In the Wooc's Minus Food and Fire lVter Fcot, Willio Curtis, Albert Campbell nud Georgo Manning, tho (our boys for whom searching parties wore cconrlng tho woods Tueiday nlitht, camo in about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, wet, hungry, tired and bruised but not seriously tho worso for their night in tho woods. It seems that they started ont yester day forenoon with tho intention ol getting baclt about 1 o'clock. The four boys startel home togothor before twelve, lhey had traveled a round about way and concluded they would take a short cut home. Just where they, went la not altogether clear, but they were etill on their way homo when darkness overtook them. The night was wet windy and dark and any ma terial progress waa impossible even if they had known which way to go . At ono time thoy beard tho gum and saw the lights of tho scarahing party, but could not get to them. So they worried through tho nii;ht as bast thoy could without ehelter, Ifood or fire, their matches all being wet, and re sumed tho search for homo at daylight. Probably CO men wsre out about half of the night in search of the boys , and quite a number took up the search again in the morning. So tho boya were not the only ones who suffered discomfort from tho affair, NO FOOTBALL GAME WITH EUREKA TEAM Expense of Entertaining the Marsh field Boys Too Big a Load The prefects for a garno of football with tho Kurekn team seem to have gone where tho woodbine twineth. An interchange of letters and telegrams has been taking place and tho situation seem to have eirnmcred down to tho proposition that Eureka waa too hard up to etand the expenses of tho Marsh fielJ team. Last year, Marehflold coughed up royally, paid the ti ponces of tho Eureka team, Unquoted them and did tho handbome thing, Tho Eureka boys ev idently do not want to brine our team down thero on any lues genoroua a scale, but the town being only six or seven times the ei?e of Marehfield, was not equal to the outlay, This Ib a Eornnwhst Hiirprleeing de velopment, as Humboldt pooplo did'nt use to be built that way. Frorr) Saturday's Dally, A D Boone was a visitor from Sumner yeBterday. Evelyn Flanugan is reported down with the ecarlet fever. Alex Bruce ia down from North Cccs rlvor-ovor Christmas. . , v Ilsrry DJtamlek roturncd hornoon tho i.m.ta, ufter fljvoral i-u'-rs n'Mriico tTtrr"Ur J Ji . .l'xW Int.n.- A Vl.V' .Ilili... L ( VOiV I Mjbr A sfvfl Jfy ut Krttst! A Sti.uft had a particularly taste ful holidn) display In their whitlow, o M 0. l'ohl, tho Myrtle Point ncullnt, is making uiptofcMomtl visit to town. Citl'. lVin Kitbi'iti hrtj been tffurcdn tlA.tust'.iiliutr on tint tug HuntortU the rmpiu.1. Tholvyw.ii lotvod to tho lower l.v l.utevot'itig luitdo.l with lumber from Don n & Co'b mill, Tho latest from t lit) Aldunco U that she is barloiuitl, actually barboitnd, at Astoria. The ilromiti'nb.t!l Chrliliuno uvoulug wm n and iccial auccoe?, and a a very enjoyable nffnir. Sheriff Stovo Galllor was In town yi torday having driven over from th county on i illcUl buniuess. 11. M.cholbrtnk wan down from Al legany yoitrday. lie will spend tht winter on his homestead. Mrs. Dr. Towiir hai recently placed in hur lioiPu n tluu Chickorltig Pnrlo' Grand Piano purchased from the Chat (irlison Music Co. Tho Areata and Empire Ixitli nrtivt.l yesterday, III hours from Kan Krancltro. Tliid wab a remarkably quirk trip, nnd the qtie-i'.ion of speed is still in dispute between tho two boats. Doctor Hod son is vary sick at his homo on Coos rivor from a stroke of paralysis. Ills daughter Mre. Dillon was called from Marshfleld on Christ mas day, In A It Campbells prize competition three persons, Mrs. Filtered, Mrs. Geo. Campbell and Chas. Woodward, all bronght In complete lists ot Campbell's ads appearing in the local papers since a certain date. Tho prize of $10 in gro ceries waB divided between them. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our most heart felt thanks and gratitude to the people of Marshfleld and vlciuety for their kindness in aiding in the search for and recovery of our lost boys. Such acts of kindnisa can norer bo forgotten. W BCtlHTIS. Pjctku Scorr. Mas. France) Oamciixll Mrs Majst Masjuxcj A Pleasant Event Mrs John Bear entoraineb her largo Sunday school class at tho Bear Res idence Christmas Eve. Tho class wore all preeant and tho rcmembranco of tho plessurabla occasion will lone linger n their minds as one of tho events of their lives. The hostess waB overjoyed with the happy mooting of her class. The young people enjoyed it hugely. Refreshments wero sorved In tho regular courso of tho pleasures and tho crowning was a beautiful gift from tho class to their teacher aa a token of af fectation and esteem r. bountiful Chocol ate set aud a picturo or Josug. ANT1-GAMBLIHG ORDINANCE SHOWING ITS EFFECT Whilo thero is naturally some kicking about tho now gambling ordinance, the rceult of Its passage and enforcement scorns to bo giving general satlefactlpn. Some of tho merchants say that it roado notlcablo differencu in their trade, and that somo working men who usual ly came to town Chi 1st mas and blow In their monoy at the games before mok ing their purchaeos, this year Ctted them solves out witli new clothes etc., before spending tho balance of tbolr wads on a good time." One good effect already to soon from tlio ordinanco is a thinning of tho num ber of tin-homo hanging around town, and performing no useful service for any ono. Tho shutting down of tho games has compelled thnmtnrrol: not? paaturo Xlarohnt ('artiir dirlarcr. tM hs im v iSlSlSlSBSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlDtSBSBSSlSl ' siiiiiiHiiiiHP''9sjaksiiiii -lJISBSBSBVkjBSBHSSBBSBSBVffV' 'BBSBSBsVSBSSBSBKJIU "OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS," BY BOUGUEREAU. poses to enforco the now ordinance ' PrOfOBOiOIinL CfirclS. strictly and without fearer f.vor. t.n.1 , R yjMQr R. D. S. that aa long as ho is marshal open gHtiib.-,KNTANfUlKON AN MK.CI1AN Hog will not be tolerated. ' K AI. Pr.VflsT. AT THE CHURCHES airrivr Sunday tchool postponed. Preaching Servicoatll. A. M. topic Boaide him sail Teict. Mark 3: 20. B. Y. P. H. at ;). 30 P. M, evening servlM at 7,'no P,"M.' topic Hest Teict Matt 11:28 Ladlrs Aid Wednesday at 2. P. M. Prayer mcttin? Thursday at 7.30 P. M. all aio Holcome. 11CTIIODIJT Hegulnr servlcei at the Methndlut church Sunday Doc. 21 both morning and night. Epworth Ioguo atlI:H0P. M. No Sunday school until! futher notice. rnxHtiYTKnuN fisrvlces will bo held at tho Presbyter ian church tomorrow as follows: 1. Pastor's Bablo class at 10 A. M. 2. Bormon at 11 A.M. subject The Wandering Jow. .'I. Endoavor mooting at 0:30 P. M. 4. Sermon at 7:30 P. M. subject "The folly of unfalth" All adults may como, only assemblies of children are forbidden. CHRISTMAS DAY PASSES QUIETLY IN MARSHFIELD Christmas passod off qulotly and smoothly in Marshfleld. Til? dlsordor Incldont to the celebration of tho day hr a miscollanous crowd was reduced ton minimum, and while Thomas and Jeremiah wero in tho usual holiday de mand, thoro was but llttlo diaturbanco, Only ono arrost for drunkeuness wuh made. Whilo the orders of tho health com mittee pnt a veto on tho usual Huiidny school Cerlatmas treo observances, qnito a number of smaller gathering) wore held. Chriatmas tree exorcises wero ho)dt the Lutheran chinch on Christmas ovq, but it is understood this troo was not for the children, but lor grown pooplo, At tho churches, tho day 'was not genorally observed by any elaborato ser vices', except that at the Catholic; church which bad been oltiborately tjecoratud, there wore special Christmas oborv ances commencing with masa at 6 a. in, ending with a servico of great beuuty in the) evening. M the MethodiU chnrch tho rogular Thursday ouonlnrf' prayer meeting was elaborated somewhat and given n uimclal Clj'qtuiBS iliivor. IN . i ItmSt -i umrti .xuiHirv nuik: .. r-t., i i.'hip. -u jMAUKHi-lf.I.D : (iJJEtJON. E. E. SLraw, M. D. VIIYHK'IAN AND M'lt(M)N. bpfChll ultciitlon to dlwawi" of the Eyo Kur, N(e unit Thront. C lmu llttM. Oflicein SiMtustnckcn ?c Smith Buildiiu;. A7G. GrosrfrMrD:7 "" PHYHICIAK AND M'tMilCON. Onico, Nnsbutg BalldlDK. I'bnnn -121 MAkAiipiki. : : OICKftOW W. TJ." Douglas, ATrOUNEY AT LAW AND U. H. COMMIHIi)NEIt. I font tlltel, Marl.l!rl'J, Otri;m. B.A. D. Eaton, -I.AWYI'.H- Will practice In all courts. EM PI UE CITY Oil EG Oil J. W. Bonnott, ATTOUNEY AND COUNHKI.OK AT LAW. MAKSHKIFI D CUK John F. Hiill, ATl'OKNEY AT LAW Otun n KMortulo blxl, ht(M itrrk-t vfnnhflcJil, Ornaun. . St MAKSIIlMIvrvD, ORK oTlFMcKiiiglit. ' AITOUNKY AT LAW Office In Ihc rjctiuc4 & Walter IJuilcling. M.ARHHFIKLD, OHEOOS Wold h Daniels EN01NEEB8 und HlMtVKYOHB Map work a specialty. Phune, I7ll Marshflohl, : : Orogon H IDEA FOR A PRKSUNT Long after the memory ot gifts have faded away, each look at that bosutlful piano In your home will bo a reminder of th good taste and tho ceuorotis spirit of thaglrnr. CIIAS. GRISSliN MUSIC CO. can supply nil yonr needs Iri.tliia lino I, 0. 0. F. lililg. I MKQBRINlKlUULUWitf!l Boots, Shoes and Harness Ropa red. John Harding the Rlmnmaker ia em ployed at Hiibkcll'p llurnosu shop', We'also keep' . all kinds of leather.' s- Harness Leathor, Sole Loather, Ltec Ioathor, Latlgo Leather, All kinds of Spring Loggings. If you wuat to buy any kind ness Eoe IlaskoV . IIARNKSS h SADDlJ& "f I'wnbfwii' PnlliMII -Tji.-; lilsW atistfelal 3gi8!SSa