Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 27, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 52
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Government Robbed of
By Smuggling Operations
Cpiclal to the Mall.
Washington. Deo, 2d Advice elate
Hint tlio cmtom department archipullgo
has unoarthud n colloenal system of
muggllng which has coat the govern
ment ninny thoucrnds ot dollars Dep
uty collector MiX'oy charges tlmt rnnny
tifllccis and moil on tlio trnn ports nro
in tlio combine,
Secretary of tlio yTrear-ur Blmw tlilu
morning said that Judging from tutor
views with many noun tor a nnd ropro
oeullatlvoi, liu had no.hopo that any
currency lojjlalitllon would bo nt torn pod
In tlio Jlonro at thlt toetton, , .
Silverton Reachesthe
With New Trans-Pacific
Kan l'nuieleco Dc. 2(i CabloKMin?
from tlio rhip Silvorton eaya tlio veiaei
arrived In sight of Honolulu tlifo morn
Inp, having laid 2238 mllca of cablo.
Tlio liind ond of tlio cabol la now being
laid nnd tlio work will bo finished to
morrow, whon Governor Dole will Bind
a mcaaago to I'realdcnt- Itooaovolt.
Honolulu cltizona will eclobrato the
event in an olaboroto manner.
lWf -m.u i.nKiiWf , v
rinj Anrlrnf llonr.
The early JCgypthwiH divided tlio day
mid ttltrlit each Into twelve houra, n cub
tout adopted by the Jew or the Grvuks
probably from the HiibylonlaiiH. Tiio
day Lh wild to Imvo Unit Ihiiii divided
Into bourn fioin It. C. W.l, when n niiii
dlnl woh erectwl In tho teinplu of (hilrt
nui ut Home, I'revloiiH to the Invention
of water cloclcu, It. C. l.VS, tlio time wua
culled ut Home by public crlem. In
oarly KtiKtund ono expedient ,of men
urltit; thno wnn by wax cundle, three
InebeH burnlnj; nti hour. Tho flrut pr
feet mochnnlcul cluck won not innde
uufjl about A. D. 12A0. Day began at
iuorlito ninooK rnowt of tho northern nn
tliuw. ut Hiinwrt iiuioiiL' tho AthenbinA
niKl Juwo, nt nildulKht among tho Ho
uiuno, an with no.
.a.m... av . . - - -
WIKr lllar.
When tlio celebrated phyHlciftn Sir
ilcnry Holland told Hydncy Kmlth that
he had fulled to kill either ono of a
bni(e of pheuHiintn that had risen with
in envy nuiKO near tlio latter!1 home,
tho. wttty divine nnkitl, "Why did you
not prescribe for them?"
Ono day Kir Henry wn PiiRncet't, In
it hot argument with "llobus" Bmlth,
a barrltrter, eonoernln tho mcrttn of
their rvupvcttvo profcHaloiiK. "You will
uduilt," Hold Hlr Iliuiry, "tluit your
profcHHlou doex not mako angels of
men." "No," i-otortod Smith, "titer
you Imvo tho bent of It."
Clvlo Prltle In SoltooU,
Civic prldo la belnu tuutiht In tho 8t.
LoiiIh publlo dcIiooIh, with tho litera
uru of the Civic Improvement Ichkuo
for textbooka. Tho leniriio Ima been
eudeavorhiK hIiico Uh orKnulzatlon to
lutereHt tho HchoolteaeherH and through
them tho inipllri. Tho good effect of
tlilu campiilKii hi now heliiK felt. Tho
ton chora aro becoming interested, nnd
rccpiastN art holm; received from them
for llteratui'o to ho lined In their
uehoolu. Tho league h'lH been furnltdi-
in? tho teaeherH with -all tho UteniUiro
they Imvo called for up to tho present
tlmo and will coutlnuo uo to do. Tho
education of tho children In civic prldo
hi ono of the fundamental principles
for hccuiIiik a beautiful town or city.
Tho children beeomo Interested In tho
,worl: and convert their purenta, and n
Kvnernl tsenMmout for betterment in tlio
. lloiv o Clnin ainttlnir.
' Llttlo uued matting, an hi iiparo
jdmmberH or tipper BUinmer roomo,,
Hhould bo Hwept very clean, then wiped;
hvlth a cloth wrung out of oweot nilllci
jlo thin onco a year. It keeps the)
utrnw ullvo and to a degveo iillant. If
,'thu milk wuhIi Ih usod In it living room
'c oh a iduzzu, follow it by wlphul
with .very hot clear water to keep thej
floor from drawing tiim
It la worthy of notice tlmt Brnrll ha
n now president, Dr. llodrlguw Alvea,
nnd that not a shot was tired. Spring
Held Itepubllcau.
Now China would llko nrbltrntlon nt
The Hague. Could Micro bo more ur
prltilng evidence of awakening In tho
far eiiHt?- New York Tribune.
I'OHslhly Japan lends tho world In the
qunllty of its political spirit. Certainly
its Ideals nro u lesson of suggestion to
other tuitions. St. I.ouhi Republic.
There should be no objection to the
cost of coast artillery target practice.
It will be u deal more expensive sonic
day If our guunent eun't hit whrtt they
shoot at. Washington Times.
Kt til another polar expedition lo pro
jected In uplto of tho fulluro ot, tboso
tlmt have gone before. Duns for tho
relief party will bo announced u little
luttr on. Unltfmoto American.
Dr. Outllng says ho will soon have on
the market n plow tlmt will albo har
row, roll and seed the ground at tho
same time, m wo may look out for an
era of rapid llro farmlug. Indhinaiwllu
'L I 1 I. IM.U IIMW ffll 1 !' II I I
Canal Commission Un
der Fire
Accused of
ing The Funds-
Will Probably be
May Irvlu Is to star In "Sally hi Our
Tony Deulcr hi arranging to open a
hippodrome In Chicago in January.
Ellon Terry, It Is said, will .not nc-
company Sir Henry Irving on his next
American tour.
Kdim May Is to have tho chief role
In a new musical play by Leslie Stuart
and I'atil Totter.
II. W. Savngo of tho CaBtlo Square
Opera company n ml George Ado Imvo
returned from Europe.
Letty Llud will, It Is wild, make her
reapponraiieo on tho stage In "Tho
Girl From Kay's" at Loudon.
A now brldesmnld In "A Chinese
Honeymoon" Is Isabellu Whltlock, who
won fumo In tho "Klorodora" sextet.
Ono of Weedon (jiossmlth's actors,
Herbert Smith, has bought if three act
fnrco onlltleil "Tho Adoptlonu of Archi
bald." Mlsa Elizabeth Tyreo la making
ready for "Oretna Green," u romantic
comedy, by Grace Livingston Kumiss,
In which she will tiiuke her debut na a
United States Likely to Insist on Blockade
Being Called off Pending
Arbitration '
Special to the Mall.
Wathlogton, Dec. 26 A losolntlon
waa offored in tho IIouio by Hepburn of
Iowa, promUea to develop a canal (can
dle. Hepburn aeka an iuqnry into the
expenditures of tbo Isthmian Canal
commieslon. Under tbo act authoriz
ing tho creation of tbo commission a
million dollars was act aaide for its ex
penses. It la openly stated that half a
million baa already been expended in
salaries to tho comtnlsBioncra and an
army ot holp. Hepburn charges that
it ba been tbo praties of tho commie
elon to make places for sons of army and
navy oflicera of high rank and Influence, J
also tho eona of prominent eenntora and
congressmen, paying them far moro
than under any clrcumetancea their ccj
vlcea Iz worth. There baa norcr been
any publication of the liet of tboao em
ployed or of the expeniea thus far in
curred, although many aembora of con
greea have ropcatedly endeavored to ob
aln information on tuia point.
Henry Ilncon, tho noted Boston paint
er, will spend tho winter In Egypt:
Frederick MncMonnlcs, the sculptor,
has recently devoted his wholo time to
Dr. Edward Stclncr of Richmond,
lud,. Is to go to Russia to become biog
rapher of Count Leo Tolstot, nt tho re
quest of tho author himself.
W. I). Nciblt, who for three" years
has conducted the "Josh Wink" column
of humor In the Baltimore American,
has become connected with the Chica
go Tribune.
William Grant James, owner of the
Boston Budget, has secured tho Boston
Saturday Evening Gazette, whose gen
eral manager, John W. Ryan, has be
came associate editor of the Budget.
Mascagnl can Introduce some of his
American experiences In his next tragic
opera. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Mascagnl may not tako many Amer
ican dollars to Europe with him, but
he is richer in experience. Pittsburg
Tho Intermezzo in the "Cavallerla
Rustlcann" entitles Mascagnl to a fa'
vorable verdict in any suit that msy
be brought against him. Memphis
Commercial Appeal.
It Is gcnesUy asserted, that a com
poser cannot do his best work until
his soul has been mellowed by nflllc
tlon. Accordingly, Mascagnl ought
now to be ub!efto write his sweetest
music Baltimore American.
Not Gall tr-
IIc GcU Wei.
A British army otDccr when in fnll
uniform is not allowed to carry an
umbrella, no matter if the rain is fall
ing In torrents.
i fjytf
to go to
I "Do you expect
' "Cert. I ain't never dono uothln', her
uiu MilucNo Ilnnktiote,
Ono of tho curiosities at tho British
museum is a Chinese baukuoto of tho
fourteenth century, which was discov
ered In tho rulim it a. stntuo of nuddha
at Peking. Papei money was not Intro
duced Into Uuropo till the seventeenth
Washington, Dec 20 Tbo Cabinet
moeting today was devoted to tho dis
cussion of Vonozuolun affairs, import-
ant communications had boon recoivad
during tho night from London nnd
Borlinc but woro not mado public.1 An
announcement Is shortly expected from
tho state department to tbo o fleet that
tho quoalion will ba aubmlttod to the
Hasuo tribunal;
It was tomi-offlclally stated this
morning that tho cablegrams contained
V .
tho acceptanco by tho'alliod powers of
tho proaident's proposition. Tho ma
jority of tho cabinot ia opposed to Presi
dent Rooievolt accepting .tho reaponil
blllty to arbitrato.
No matter by whom the matter bo ar
bitrated, either by tho preaidont or the
II ago u tribunal.tho feeling here isatrnng
that tho Uultod Statoa government, it
occasion nriaoa will intlatthat the block,
ado ba called off while1 the arbitration ia
lo prograaj, '
'l)u uroiuul blotlt.tU.ij; fUbt hlong thB
Venezuelan coaat is a sure monnco to
peaceful condition;. Diflicultios of vnri-
oua kinds may arlao at any time through
tho arbltrny action of soma command
era of ships of tho allied ileot or tho in
trepidity of eomo akippor who may at
tonipt to run tho blockade.
But tho greatest objection to a con
tinunncoo oi tho blockado pending arbi
tration, will bo tho loss to American
shipping iutoreats, which tho govern
ment does not bolieyo should bo tolerated.
CaracaB. Dec. 26 Prosidont Castro
has occoptod tho proposals to submit
thft pending difference to tho arbitration
of tho Hague tribunal, subject to coi
tain conditions, which iucludoa cessation
of the blockade and return of tho Vene
suola Hoot seized by tha allied powers.
'President Castro's acceptanco has
bbeh transmitted to) 'the WaBftuigton
government from which the proposal
VT l...! t...H T1A1MH1 A. ' .. 1 T. t - AM w
Jff ' """LritfyTV 1 UU-V1"K siiuuu wuai gui piueueu. it you ouy n ;t,ou or
&l&Fimn ,0 ell0Q at a B,oro w'uo Vi to 3 shoes aro sold you do
jriWlL B' get plucked nearly every time. : : : :
Satisfactory shoe! for Winter Bhoes that ploaso tho
peoplo shoea in which tho shape will hold won't
"aquash" out, or sag iu the shank, or got shabby-looking
in a little while. ::::::: : : :
Shoes that hold out becaueo thoy'ro' rightly built not a skimp any
where, insido or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoo : : :
Must bo right or wrong no middlo ground or wo
couldn't everlastingly preach Money-Back Shoos good
wear or a uew pair ' : : : : : :
Why pay $5 'and JO for let-woll-enough-alono shoos
Tom, Dick and Harry makes that Imvo been foisted on a
l loug suffering public with scarcely u change in quality $3-5 nd $
nor in shape for tho last ton years. never !
1 ' K