Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 20, 1902, Image 7

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Italy Desirous of Joining the Other two
Bullies England Wants Deposit
Made Before
Jlurliii. Doe. 3 It iHOlllelally at otitic
pd by i'nnldunt C.utro in reply to tlio!
( urn; tin ultimatum 1 1. it It will l.o rejec-
tttl on every oint ptopnrrtt.
It -tr.o. Dor. Ill Tito Itnl'mia hvn a
clJm ngiilnit Vi:;rrul.i ul urn liriug
tbn iitu.oil emlt-tvon to iiidme llu-lr
,m-nir.ent to j,ln tU allied foreec to
twnjil njmet,t.
U-ttm. I)i-c H Th Koti-lcn ollicc
1 ia rif.vwl no Hwn frm W.msuHn
t ni'jutudrj. 'J 1. Im.dli KoI force-
Ic nut cot.tldmd probnhbi under an)
tirciniMnt.cep, nl Naval Commander
Um birn Btitlioilrul toblrtnde the const
Anypropol ion United Bta'.oi tnln-
litcr How mi n.i;ht mako on tivhnlf of
Cailro will bo roeolvwl In good tplfit,
out of regard for lt channel of transmla
r Ion, but no prop-nitiou of arbitration
hai yet I cuii rm-iviil.
One Company Makes a'
Average Annual Earn-
ing Pretty Low.
P.-'flHton, Dec Kl-D.nrow, coumol
b,r iho in'iiera btforo etilko cimimlrelon
lot oduciilu iiir.ntnir of miners nsv.lt
i.o. tes n:!iut riitlud-iphiu A Itoadlnc
Co dl ions.
A coal lou.pnr.y lolom;ln to tho
Dtilmlo A Wtiklirh Hy. HUl a wn;o
ii'tlu tl.ia moMiini-'. I.aM jnar tho i-om-puny
otuirattil nitio roiliorlea. Tho
uv.-niKli iHiiiuul curniiiKd of num-ra wna
tf'A), i.( Inliurerr, ?:3, englncor fia.'O,
breaker boys flSO.
I'ortland. Doc. lfi-Tho dbtrlet attor
t.oy boo indicted a number 0! promin
ent cltiKono for KumlillnKi ' ll08 l,lom
IiuIiik l-'ti'd Moulll, couticllinnn. Tbo
fcimado la Koltlnj; wnrih und muny
mblora are loavlng the city. 1
Wmhinglnn, Die 13 AMn Smith,
United Hinted CoumiI ill Tort of Spain,
Trinidad, enblrn tlio Unto department
that tlio Vcner.uulori legation th?ro linn
brim cloioi!.
Tli (i lmW)rtanci of tlio tlivjintcli lie
in Itn milieu! ion tlnit Vvmr.-juhui v
Hon Ilium hail btcii do.'ii.l.
The importance of tlio dlrpntob Men in
He Indication that Vomzto'a hr.t brokr n
off diplomat!'; relations with great Ilrit
ain. London, Die. U Tlio fit J.tmoa Gs
Mltu learns that- Kiutlatul would -crept
arbitration of llm Venezuela dispute on
ho following torma;
J'irst Cmtro la deposit (30,00) as nn
evidence of K'Jod faith,
Srcoad tlio arbitrator to control tbo
Vunoruolan (tiitoms during the nicotic-
ficrmnny'H r-ttinulo, tlic pj.po- inyn, fe
WaehlngtMi D.c. Kl Announcer cnt
wue Hindu at the Sti to dopurtmeut this
afternoon of tl n pointment of l.loyd
Gritcoir, Jr., how iriniator t) IV rt-It. at
...miner j,,,.,,.. co,,.ai a.,rni
rctrton. at Iehoran, rortia, formeilj
coii;ri'iem:iii from North Carolina be
c?ni(H ininlbtorto Pnrela.
Dec. IC T,;o Cook?
m.d U'nlturs aluko c!otetl today. Tho
iitr-ho has been on for a year and a half,
Tl.o men prmtically won evory point.
Mayor SchmlU win rrbl' tutor.
Chicago. Doc. K! In an Interview to
day I'rea. Jas. J. I III', of tho Groat
Northern iw. equivocally announced hla
intention totetiro from activo btiKincsa.
'I In la quoted as saying this will bo dona
as iiili:kl m con Jltions pormlt.
Ho says: "lam not worn out, but
must step nsldo for youngor men. My
silts in Met tnlio up tin burdon,
I'ortjand, Doc, l"i A letter roceived
by tho Chamber oP Common-o from
Bccrutary Moody, of Wuehinulon, saye
that Quurtorinastor I.udinuton, iu au in
tervlow enld tho Suuttlo transport bid
was llkoly to bo accaptod,
From Wedneeday'o Dally.
Last Meeting pf od Board Takes
Decisive Steps. Other Mat
ters Handled
Tlio town 1 oird mnt Slondnv ovonlnir.
.: .. .
II iJCIiiBllm inn mcotlnitot tlio old Hoard,
ami all Uln. proient i-xcopt Council-
man Noti!c.
'VUi poll hooka and tally ehecla of tlio
recent c'.ly olectlon vioro examined and
tiici raiilta arried at by tho judges and
clerks w.i er.flud and confirmed,
A petition wni prnionlM-I to tlio noun -
cil atklm: that In tho re polra to HroaiN
way tl.o hiidfja ovor Mill tlough bo
r.i!ed thrco feet, to permit tho moro
nwy rnmnco of witer Craft under it.
The plain of tho council contemplated
railing tlio bribo 0110 foot.
Tr.o Mnra'ilield Watr Co. called tho
atUtntion of the council to tho condition
of I lb street' (Clement pl-U) wliero tho
lettlin of a fill caused tbo breaking of a
water main and tho washing out of tbu
Dr. Mingun, health officer of tho City
v.ifi prceent nud reported tlio health
onditions of tho city. He reported
mu mild even of rcsrlut favor, until
that all precautions li.ul Imuii nnd were
being taken, 'J here ia a dUporilrm on
tho part of aumii reraoua to avoid the
proviiduua of tho ordii.anca providing!
(or tli iliMi'luy of a (l.ig whero coning!- ,
I ...... . -...I !.- I 1.1. .11'....
11 in u tr.iiu ciiii', nuu 111.1 iicniui uuin r
Is using (oii!idera':o offo't to fe rut c
such ran.
Tim mn.l t.r.nt.lm i.nl.r rmtni.
.IU MWI3 ,tfl'Vl ..M 1V ...v
licloro tho council was the anti-gambling
ordinance. On tho pastnge of this or
diua :ct) tho voto stovi : Ayod Urad
buy, Cjrtl', Malion, Noleon, Ncos,
WeglvoKclion I in full, with 0 synop
sis f tlio iroirloriB of ihn rcmain'ng
eecllonr, aa l 1 0 :
Ser. lr It t-hall bo unlawful for any
person ir persons to iloil, play, carry
ou, opjn orcanso to Lo opened cr con
ducted, oi'hir as owner or cmp.ojict
win thor f h ru or not, 01 play or Ixtat
or against any gattu of faro, in into,
roulott , roag-Mt-iioIr.laitjuoaot, ro.i.lo,
vingt-un (or twonty-oim), pokor, draw
pakor, bra?, bluff, thaw, or any banking
or any oth-jrguuio played with ciidtf.diue,
other dovlcc, whutbor tbo eamo bo play
ed lor mono, check', cro.lit or any
Heart Beats Per Min
ute. Weak Heart
Complicated With
Kidney Trouble.
Dr. MUos' Heart Cure
Cured Me Perriaanently.
"Vcur medicine it worth its welcht in
cold, nnd 1 cannot rtcommend it too highly
for tho good It lias done me, I v.ai troubled
with heart dlscaso complicated with a weak
luck and kidney complaint fur a number of
cars. Although live of our best doctors
waited on me I grew worse Instead of letter,
until at last nutliing teemed to do mc any
good, 1 had a rapid pulse varylnc from 100
to 150 beats per minute, a choKlng and
burning remation in the wliubplpe, and
pain in the heart. At the time I began
taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure I
weighed hut 130 pounds. After using the
remedies six months I weighed 180 pounds
nnd felt well, and strong and hearty, My
n:rvc, heatt and kidney troubles ars all
gono now nnd r,s this euro was per
formed nearly seven years ngo I know that
It is liermancnt." Edward Knapp, Wilkers
vllic, Ohio.
"For many yean I have been a great suf
ferer from heart disease, I was subject to
faint nnd sinking spells, with a clutching,
oppressive or full feeling nt the heart, that is
dlflicult to dci.cnbe. 1 was unalilo to attend
to my household duties nnd was thoroughly
wretched and miserable, 1 doctored with
somu of our ei phvslciana but got n relief
until I tried Dr. Milca lleait Cure nnd
Nrrvlne. I vxiitriencetl benefit from the
rflirt few dosei nnd finally was completely
'cured." Mn. J. M. HolloWay, Geneva, lnd.
All tlniL'iitU sell anu guarantee lirt Dot
tle Dr, Miles' Remedies, Send for free book
nn Nervotu and Heart Diseases. , Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.
other roprciutativu of valua, within tlio
ojioaf(i lltnltH of tlio cjlyof Marah
flcM. Section 2 provides Hint U?h!I be un
lawful for rty person lo actus lookout,
doorlionH)r or ttnmiko'.-por fcr any of
Ul ft,'ovo Kft"'co
Station IS makes it unlawful for any
pmou tovibit any loom or ro ins whero
any of tlKeogjrncfi nru can led on,
t-tcllvp I makes it unlawful for any
penop to keep on exhibit any Ramblinjj
table, dovlco or appAtatui or to carry on
any KBmb.inK eMab.l.bment or room.
Hcction 5 iinikce It unlawful for any,
porfcon to suffer any of thone tiling to
. ., ......
w ior "n nny preninen 01 which no ia
the oivror or o( which boiaeuUt'ed to
j pojn-fi"Ioii.
! Section 0 makei it tho dnty of lh
' police of Ilia city to telzo any attlclte
, need or portalnlnK to tho caincn men-,
1 tioned.
1 Section 7 provides a penally for vlola-
Hon of tbo 1 rdlnniico of a flno of not
, moro than UOO or imprisonment not to
1 exceed 50 days or both.
M or Coke, mcmLera of tho council,
'even Iiy lie .Mail reporter, and ilarMml
Cuter t-ay tliat tho oidinanco will 0
onfotccl wllliout fear or favur.
Tlio Cttiinitilon Woiiwin Colfcr.
MIks Genevieve IIecl:er. the eighteen-year-old
Now Vorlc girl who has twice
won the rintlonal womctfH golf cham-
v. ,- ? i, "
' iCCw?
vvwvr fc.
plonalilp, la n moat Interesting young
woman. She Is n Blender, blue eyed
llttlo ghl, 5 feet 3 Inches or 5 feet 4
Inches trill, with a great mop of beau
tiful golden hair, which she wears In
nu enormous pompadour. Miss Ilccker
la tho nuthor of a book on "Golf Tor
"Fee how Rood your little sister
nt; thty L-oyl"
tsitl, ma, r.he'8 ro lately from heat
fn!" New York Herald,
" " ' LOST HIS "NERVE'." "
WUr It V'nt Thit niu rte Failed to
Hit tUe SUi-rtir.
Thero were thirty men in tho White
Wolf saloon whon tho sheriff of Silver
couuty sauntered Iu to urrcst big Peto
Thompson for murder. Pete was play
ing a bund Iu n gnmu of poker, and
after nodding to hltn tho sheriff stood
up nt tho bar and called for n drink.
Ills bnck waa scarcely turned when
Peto laid down his cards, pulled hla
gun ml fired six shots as fast as his
finger could, pull tho trlggor. The sheriff;
nover moved. "When the smoke had
rolled out of tho open door and wo
could see, tho sheriff stood in tho same
position nnd woro tho snmc tmillc, One
bullet had burned his check; a second
had graced his enc; u third had out
tnrougti his ttiirc colinr under tile tort
ear. lllg Pete was a dead shot, nmt
yet ho had missed his man nt fifteen
"Got through, reto?" nsked tho sher
iff, breaking a slleuco that waa posi
tively painful.
"And you you nro not heeled!"
gasped Peto ns hla arm Bttiik slowly
"No; como on."
"Vou didn't bring your uns?"
"No; If you ro throiigh shooting,
we'll go." .
Peto laid hl two guns down ou tho
tabid before hint and talked td ilia
w'l . i -k II I ISSSI ll I S f
S 1.' ' VkSVOCvI
v : . KU
U ' Mrfc;iiGKM
I mm ! ill!
fflf 4MM
- I II II ! I -Mil I"
I.W mtmm fc I i y m p
. :'.'.'. 'S'm ;."ni t..w mitef. fm iiyiiw
wan fled to n post ft l)I6cU Away. Ho
reached the homo, mounted and then
bended down tlio lone street after tlio
ithrrifr", who was giving liltn not tlio
ullghtent attention. In (lvo minute the.1
pair were out of night.
"Wlrnt njlfd Polo?" Wi
nn naked of
tlio bnrkwpor, who lmd como to tlio
door of tlio unloon,
",omI hl nerve," ho brusquely rc
plltd. "IIoy do you menn?"
'Why, the fiherlfT coming wllliout n
Kim mid r.lundlnc there to bo idiot at
tool: nil hl.i and nwny nnd mndo a wo-
. niun ' blm."
field wheron fifteen or twenty yJctJma
"u ucon ""eu nnu aniu:
""fa V bin over thnr."
"And will big Peto get clear'"
"Likely; but he'll have to lenvo here.
The boys have nlready put him down.
no N. G." ' '
The Nile io the only river in tho
world that flows for 1,500 miles without
n tributary.
Off the Cape of Good Hope waves
thirty-eight feet lilgji from trough to
crest nave necn noieu. 1 allowed to use its feet onco more he
Prismatic lake, In the Yollowstono could hardly keep on :bls Ieg8,and wen
National park, is tho largest body of in n great Bwcat of agony from tho
hot water In the worjd. dread of tumbling over and mnkUig nn
Three rivers as big as the Ithlnn exhibition of himself,
would Just rqual Irj volume the Gnn- " People who have novcr tried It do not
pc, three Gangcaes tho Mississippi realize how hard it is to stnnd nbso
jind two Mississippi tho Amazon. i lutcly Ktlll nnd yet nppcar interested
Tho St. Lawrence river Is frozen four fl"d nt case. Artists' models Huccccd
months of the year, and Its navigation t It, especially those in Jtaly, nnd will
ia so dlflicult that nn nvcrage of one boltl i pose not too dlfllcult for nn hour,
steamer a month Is wrecked In its wn- Actors, when they group.nbout the mart
tors. I ia the center of the .stage, who is cii-
Askel Chin, in Tibet, Is tho lake fafiWS " the llmellgbt-nnd how they
which Hch nt a Krcatcr lielsht than nny
other In the world. Its level Is 10,000
feet. The lowest Is the Dead sea, 1,200
feet below tho sea level.
Xot All Ilrformcil.
At n dinner given by n philanthropist
lo the Society of Reformed Criminals of
gentleman complained to his host mid
way through the festivities that he had
lobt his watch. The hoot was a man of
great ingenuity. Ho caused nil tho
lights to be turned out. Then he ob
served: "Some one hero has n watch
that docs not belong to him. If by tho
time I have counted n hundred it Is not
plnccd on the floor In tho middle of the
room, tho police will be sent for." Ho
,,r,nnr Tl,lr thEi .n
turned on again. Thlrty-threo hand-
rim ft Tffitntira Inv in inn mfiiilA nt ihn
-.w . , .-.w v w
It Tt'aa Dad.
The other day a young London street
, having found a bad sixpence,
rylng to make use of it at different!
, !. n nrnn. Af lnf ,
places, but to no purpose. At last ho
went into a tobacconist's and asked for
a threepenny cigar.
Having got the cigar and also tho
change, he was leaving tho shop when
the mnu called out:
"Come back here; It's n bad one."
"Never mind, sir," replied the young
ster. "I'll smoke it if It makes mc ill."
And ho bolted out of tho door. Pear
son's Weekly.
Fnnnil It Knjoyablc,
Miss Ascum Did you really attend
her wedding? r
Miss Wry veil-Oh, yes. Indeed, and I
enjoyed myself Immensely.
Miss Ascum Did you really?
Miss Wryvcll Her gown didn't lit
her well nt all. and I heard several
people say she looked a perfect fright.
Philadelphia Press.
Himt She Talked.
Dlggs Smith's wlfo Is deaf
Biggs Docs shQ tnlk with her An
gers? Dlgga I guess so. Smith hasn't a
dozen hairs left In his bend, Chicago
Lnnijilne It.
''My coffee is uot quite sweet
enough," remarked the new boarder.
"Well, If you don't like It you cau
lump It," retorted the cheerful Idiot,
pushing tho loaf sugar his way. New
York Times.
Too llonch.
"I wish you had broken the news,
more gently," sighed the editor as the
ollleo boy pled the first pngo by drop
ping the form dowu n flight of stairs.'
Daltlmore American.
i'l . MI
Vitf -J
ou tho bawl." Chicago
l . oi , . 'hive 1
IV. ' at.
JlnrO. to Ilcnllze (iio DlnicuK '
ICeoplitK n Xntnrnl I'onc.
"Vc never lenow how nctivo ouy lir.
nglnntloriH can be till wo let t!-.-.-m out
, or till they get tho better of hh for
nome reason. A major In V.:? rrmy
recently admitted that when ho wchJ
into action for tho first Unto ho wn e)
flcnred that ho dltf not know which
-wny was north, but ho bad nn oven
.whelming desire to rea,ch It, wherever
It wna. Yet, nftcr alx or eight battler,
nnd nftcr being wounded n couple of
time, ho regarded battlew very much
A3 people hereabout regard tho evening '
tight ut tho Manhattan end of Jbe
bridge, aays tho UrooWyn Eagle.
' 'Jokcb of wanting to run when bullcta
fly are by 119 means dllllcul,t to find.
Hut a young soldier Jn Brooklyn ,con
fcRses to a more queer experience. ln
regiment wan In camp nnd hsd been
ordered out for dress parade, no usual.
"When lined up for Inspection, every
man ns stiff an a ramrod nnd .not n
"white glove moving, this oung man,
a lieutenant, began to nsk himself:
"Suppose I should slip, or anything, to
break tho quiet? Supposo I .should,
nil?" Tho Idea of falling J:ept grow
ing In his mind till befor6 the inspec
tion was over and tho reclmcnt vns
"n" llicm ror -nrc required to Keep
ntni, ho nn not to distract attention from
t'tc great man's sayings and motion,
nd becxinso they inust group in such n
way as to form n picture and keep it
till Ittcnii be .renllzed by the eyes In
front. Hut this enforced Htfttuesquo
ness 13 hard on the supes. They arc
not usod to It. When they nrc put un
der the strain, and when ns Itoman
warriors they jnua stand nt the bad:
without winking while Brutus or Vlr
glnlus or some other ponderous person
unbosoms hlmhclf respecting lovo or
politics, they nre in n small torture.
One su'.-h last season who could 1:0 lon
ger noiafc it to 'dsion to mo soliloquy uy
I thC UCad ,nan PtChCtl OYCrOXI,l!?r3c3
I .-.., .... . . , J . ..
. .. ''", - j v tua
totJieppoIIInff of tbc scene
Br.htcn Xcyer Get Seasick.
"Jtablcs never get seasick. I have
varrlwl thousands of them In my time,"
:"m ,,",!. it V , ',
'd ""'""S't ' T"1, ?Ca
"C t0 tU0 PlH.HleIllb!a ItCCOtd. -fllll,
in rough weather 1 havo fccn their fa
thers, mothers, brothers and sisters
heel over like soldiers before a cannon
ball; hut not do with tho babied.
Whether it bo rough or smooth nt
sea, a baby is always r.H excellent
sailor rosy. Jolly nnd with tho nppe
ti'o of a horse. Do you know the ex
planation of this singular fact? It U
ns simple na the fact la sttange. lla
bles don't get seasick because they nro
accustomed to tho rocking of tho cra
dle. That movement iu much like tins
locking of a ship. A baby iibor.nl ship,
therefore, Is merely a baby Iu nu un
usually big cradle, and there Is nothing
odd to him about tho rocking, for It is
what ho has been accustomed to nil
his life."
Cnpnelty of Doxes.
A box 4 Inches square and 4 1-5
inches deep will contain one quart; 8
Inches long by 4 Inches wide and 4
incites deep, one-half gallon; 8 inches
long by S !2-.r Inches wide nud 4 Inches
deep, one gallon; 8 inches square nud
82-rlnchesdeep.onepeek; lGlnehcs long
by S 2-5 Inches wldo nud 8 Inches deep,
one-half bushel; 10 Inches square and
8 2-5 Inches deep, one bushel; 14 Inches
wide, '23 1-5 Inches long nnd 10 Inches
deep, one nud a half bushels; 24 Inches
long by 10 Inches wide nnd 14 inches
deep, two nnd n half bushels; 24 inches
long by 10 Inches wide and 23 Inches ,
deep, flvo bushels.
I Rulmrntcr Good It Yon I.tUo It.
"When a man gels used to. drinking .
rainwater," said a New Qrlonuu maji to ,
tho Washington Post, "there la ho oiher
water in the world tbattnqtc-t so. good.
Moat of the people lir Now Orleaus ,
have cisterns In their yards whleji hold
I nn abundant supply of water caught
I from tho clouds, tho purest and be J
in tho world, according to my notion.
Tho wJner rainfall nlono Is used, the
summer catch uot being desirable, iVf
Is somewhat curious that In northern
latitudes tho cistern water does not
keep wholesome and sweet ns It does .
iu our country."
Had JVo Time. '
Tho P.oy'a Father Madam, let mo .
ask If your daughter knows how to run, .
n house cau cook, for example, nud
nurse tho sick, mcrnl clothes nnd, hi .
fact, is familiar with all tho multlfarl-
ous details of domesticity?
Tho Girl's Mother Certainly uot. sir!
Why, If sho had learned all thoai'
things, her oducatjjm would hu.v.0 .bgcu
I ' '
I 1
t t
( v;.-u4i