Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 20, 1902, Image 6

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pM.- -- s... i Mp.ywjUKiwwijuin i tiiiMimii ii &iii&Hl0rMiipmi&!&m4rtimKm
n - rw i nir i imixwMwo
- '-i-i . '
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Allies Carrying a
Hand :
-May Send Special Venezuela Message to
CongressAllies' Precipitate Action
Not Understood by Their Victim
rnerlo Cilrollo, Dec. 15 Tho Britieh J
cruiser Charyldib oud German cruiter.
VinnSa bombsrded tho fortress nt 5
o'clock Sunday afternoon and quickly
tilenced it The bombardment lasted
45 minute.
Tho fortress is comporbJ of Fort So
lano and Caetlo Libcrtsdor. After Ur
ine ccaced the Charbdis cent marines to
occupy the cattle. Tho fortress was al
most demolished. Probably only a few!
persons were injured by the shelling.
'The .Commander of Castlo Libcratador
has been taken prisoner. The crullers
are still hero.
Tho people of Puerto Cabello cannot
account for this precipitate action on tho
part of tho allies, which they consider
a proof of that Great Britain and Ger
many intend forcing a war upon Vene
The British marines propose to make
use ol the cannon of Castle LlbertaJor .
No damage was done to tho town. Tho
excitement of the people ia subsiding.
Caracas, Dec. 15 A movemsnt ask
ing for President Castro's resignation
Iiib been started'. I! 'the request is
teudeied and granted, it if proposed to
'ask Vice President Ayala to auumo tho
presidency. To call congress together
in order to end the trouble, is also sug
gested. It was learned this morning that a
Washington, Doc. H The trc:ty
with Columbia, on tho Panama Canal
will be signed this week and sent to the
senate for ratification before the holi
day adjournment.
Hcrran received full power from
Colombia tosign treaty, whichwaB agreed
upon with Secretary Hayes. The terms
glvo perpetual control, which was
misconstrued by Columbia to mean sov
ereignty. They have been replaced by
n clause providing for 100 yeare lease
giving tho United States .the sole right
to renew said leaeo or effect n lease in
Aronwodajd rnos oni io Baniadoid ttratat
-poiu ox Bajpoquio uuoj pubp; oqj, 'ireai
, q to ffiBjS3rurj 'nuaa o j ox iSntAvidt
110.17 jvlJ.tDjvy io sancssva jusvu otj oiuj
lvj)Ja oa orjAj. osoij; o)oioaiwoaoB ox
- uouioounouuv
onnnnoo oj oana oiv noi pnv poj( 'biuoo
ol 4IIOT A oz!fl I'l1 oz-18 09 ot nM
oioiHSmtt -tidbii satmmn it nomM. joao oqui
--jn3 ojoijii oiu epjoq imu sBaio.'smis6U
oq) n3noJlrii'r)OAjooM sj ?I oriuaiMo iqo
03jSo st rrc)itt 'uinifr mvoiQ OflX 1 inow
toi) oy eppjC Awyrih xjxiwjvp Isun
v'l "ul'"l""J ""-I'd "lBu y l,l,,,y J
" i:i Bv tton:j oq U5A jnv. 'raaoj pjnon
tti iiiftirr mn ir ejuuaju fiininriilrnd nm i
German-resident and two servants in
Sanettoban, three miles from Cabello,
wask:i!el in F.iturday's hombAtdment.
Washington, Die. Io Picsldent
Hcosevclt this morning held a consul
tation with Secretaries Hay and ltoot
and Senator Cullom, chairman of the
Foreign A flairs committee, and Repre
sentative llitt, chairmun of tho House
Affairs Committee regarniug the Vene
zuelan affairs.
The calling together of such a meeting
is regarded as of tho utmost significance
but its deliberations bare not - been
made public.
It is said the President contemplate?
sending a special messago on Venezue
lan development to congress,
Immediately after the White House
conference, Root called at the State De
partment w hero bo was clojuted with
LoDdob. Dec. 15 In tho houso of
Commode this morning Tim ilealy.
Irish Nationalist, caused disorder by
demanding to know what rraa the com
parative value of tho German claims,
London. Dec. 15 In the House '-o!
CommonB, Cranburnc, Parliamentary
Secretary of Foreign affairs made a
statement and denied that tho Hrltish
Admiral r as responsible for sinking the
Venezuelan ships.
Portland. Dec. 15 President Jtoosc
velt announces through tho Western
senators that he will visit the West in
the spring, probably in April or May.
It will ba a resumption of tho tour inter
rupted by illness. lie will visit the
middle West cities,. San Francisco
Portland and tho Sound citlts.-
Portland, Dec. 15 Solomon Hirech, I
ex-minister of Turkoy, under Harrison, i
a man prominent through lifo nt;d busi-1
ness, and Republican politics ot Oregon, '
dlel this morning at elevon o'clcck. Hi
ago is B'xty-fcur yeara.
A glass or two of water, taken half nn
limir lir.fnrn YirnnWrnuf tvtll iihiioHi. Uf.n
tho bowcla regu'ar. Haruh :nthtylici I
hhoald bo avohhvl. Whiiuu purgative!
ia needed, tul:o Chambulain'd Btoujnch
nnu iitver inoietB, Uiey nro miluau
pontlo in their action. For ealo by
Jno Pr3U88.
Brought Aslibro, Christened ' bnd
Spliced In Presence of Bljy
San FrancUco, Dec. 15 "In memory
o( John W. Mackay, I christen the Pa
cific Cable-; may it nlwujs carry mes
sages ot happiness," With thojo word
Luclllo Gaga the 11 year old daughter
cf II. T. Gngo Governor ol California
on Sunday chriMonod tlio trans-FaclUc
oablo, breaking n bottlo ot champagne
over tlio alioro oud.
Ihii inaugurated a now era in tlio
commercial development ol thu I'acillc.
The landing and ((dicing of tho chore
end which is to connect tlio main laud
with Honolulu was accomplished with
out a hitch of any kind, and wan. w it-
ncased by 30,000 or 40,000 people Ideal
weather prevailed, with ac.uccly uny
A ChnttRr.
"Well," Mid Noah as he hunted for
n dry spot on tho top of Ararat, "n lot
of people came down to the pier to Jooh
us when we started, but I don't sec
any of them nrouml to poke fun nt our
home coming." Life.
How It llntMiriicil.
Judge How did you come to club
this man xo severely?
Otllcer Well, ycr honor, he kept par
rlctly shtlll xn' wudn't dodge u Blugltf
crnek Ol made nt him. Judge.
He who gives a trluc meanly la moan
er than tbe trifle. N
Anions' the riahca.
i r .
"All, tfila must be the line I expect
ed, ostitis me to dinner."
Then and Notr,
Once, long ago, 'two htr delight
To drem up In a handsome gown,
But now. when he' out late at nlfht,
8he llkci to dreia htr hubby down.
OlcaifO Nwa.
Of Oaleitoi, 'Jxiu.
"Wlnt of Cirdul It Indeed a bleulng
to tired women, having suffered for
seven years with wcakncis nd bear.
Ing-down pains, and having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
with no success, your fclr.e of Cardul
was the only thing which helped me,
and eventually cured nfe It seemed to
build up (he weak parts, strengthen
the system and correct Irregularities."
By "tired women" Mrs. Adams
means nervous women who havo
disordered menses, falling of tho
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
tlieso ailments that women hayo.
You can cure yourself at homo with
this great women's remedy, Wlno
of Cardui. Wine of Cardul has
cured thousands of caw which
doctors havo failed to benefit. Why
not begin to fjet well today? All
druggists havo $1.00 bottlei. For
any niomach, liver or bowel disor
der Thodford'a JIlack-Drauaht
should bo used.
KorivIv1cttncllltratur,niMrnui. irivliu
ymiwuii, win uuiitr aiih y ic, if
ill, Aim u
i w
miininx'tfk !' u inj i tf n
v!l;.r.;.Z.Mm...i,i.r!r ,-P
From Tucsrlny'o Dally. ,
Campbell Tho
Heart Failure
A. C. (Cliff) Campbell, una found dend
Sunday morning nt thu old mill, on
Hroadway. Ho had evidently been on
his way to his homo in South Mnrshllold,
Thu sidewalk nt tho point whore tho
body wuu found itt about four foot above
thogrotimi. Mr. Campbell hnduvldonl
ly fallen over tho low Milling and lay
stunned, and death uriMinl, either from
heurt fniluro or exposure, us It win a
very cold tilutit.
Coionor Ilorsful rtimmnmd n jury
and iuvettlgatcd tho cirniniMnurox, n
verdict leing found according to tho
facts ns stntsd abnvo.
Abraham Cl f n CaiupbM wa lorn
in llrooklyn, N. Y , March 3, iSITt,
M-rvttl in tho U. S. Nnvy during tin
war of tho robcll'on, enmo to Califoriiin
about lbt'iS, tnmo to Cue Hay with his
f.nth'r A. J. M. Campbell thu following
year, on a sailing verndhuulingnt Nor'h
H-ud. lie putrlintcd a farm rn Coos river
known at that time as t'u It cker place
now known at tho Piper place. Ho wan
married to Mary Frnucii Mlltt in
Itoi-luig Oregon, Juno 1, IbTD. He
turned to Coo? 11 ty and with his father
engaged lit tho steamboat buiiiicrs
They built tho steamers Juno, Ccuiot,
Mink, and Fawn, operating each for a
perloJ of years on thu Bay and Coos
River. Ho retired (rem steamboat
business nbont 161)2, working nt his
tralous machinist and engineer up to
tho time of his death, Decembor II,
W1. Ho leaves a, wife and roven child
rcn: Alex P. Kd.ar, Albort'Alinira,
Kuby, It.y and Mrs. L. It. Itolcrtton.
Ho has two brothcrsaud two sitters liv
ing, Ucorgo and Lwiorn Campbell, of
Marshfleld, A.P.Campbell ol Itivursldo,
Cal., and Mrs. Mary F. Van Hotiten,
of Paltereon, N. J. Ho was n fond
father and a loving hutbaad, and was
well like J by all who know him.
Tho funeral will toko placo from tho
family residence in South Mirahlleld, at
1 o'clock p. m. today, Key, F. G. Strange
ofliciating. Frieudo and acquaintance
aru respectfully invited.
It 'Wtll l'ay tn Ilntr Unn Willi Ten or
.Mure Cnw
A neparator will pay In nny dairy
where butter Ih Hindu from ten or more
cows. When cream Jh taken by the
most careful netting of milk, either In
bhnllow pnns or lu deep" cniiH, too much
of the butter fat l.s loft In the aklm
milk, wbllo n neprirntor will Icnve
scarcely any. Tho difference will In n
uhort tlmo ntnount to enough to puy fir
a u-parator costing from $75 to ?1'J5,
to pay nothing of tho Increased value
of tho Bkltnmlllc, while tho labor of run.
' nlng rind caring for n separator Is far
less than that required for setting tino
skimming tho milk and cleaning the
panB. Hand separator!) do good work,
and all excepting the smallest sizes
arc made so that they can bo run by
jowor when desired. A Hinnll trend
power Is all that Ih needed for n sepa
rator capable of handling 400 to COO
pounds of mill: per hour, and tho run
ning of it Is un excellent way to make
the buU pny bis board. The uho of n
separntcr effects such n great saving
of Ice that It Is oven more profitable
In tho south than in tho north, whore
Ice Is less expensive and cold springs
nro rnoro abundant.
Muny dairymen who pell mill: to
city consumers find It profitable to use
n separator, not for removing n portion
of tho cream, but to secure milk which
Ih of uniform richness and for remov
ing y Impurities it may contain.
! Kvcn tho finest of strainers falls to re
' movo dirt from mill: as thoroughly as
It Is done by n separator, and thoso
dairymen who furnish tho purest and
most uniform mill: will nlwuys hocure
tho best trade. Farmers' Hulletln No
i IiOVf, ,
True lovo la but u liumhlo, low horn
And hath IU food nerved up In earthen
wuro; It la u tlilnf to walk with, hand In linnd,
Throuith tho overyiluyni-au of this work
day world,
A lovo that i;Ivcb and taken.
Not with Haw Heeklnif nycs like ncdlo
Hut. lovlnir kindly, over looky tlicrn.rlnwn,
A lovu tlia'. afiftll bij ntvt and froulj. taoh
uour. f
Jamea Iluaaoll Iowaik
-4"4 !
vvmi 1 01 SftA3 Tffi ft?13 lift
HiistU I Hi Rami Brw m urJl
That is what wo have to soil, and
wo can iill all orders for any
and nil kinds. THE QUALITY
is guarantee! j and the price is
Red and White
1 riione Main 151,
0 -O 0 &. .Cm o
" 'i''.'i: N o'rton:
,. L it tost S a ii Fr a n c ( A o a n d P"n i t I n n d c
d n ri 1 e h. A I t tlTo 1 e a ding M a g a t I u e h .
s o u Tt 1. 1: u v a n ii i' l a vino tr.rTtT I H .
& I
;: S u b sc r I p 1 1 on s for all
-. ; :;.
papers it li d p o r I o d i e it I s , j ''
','. Fiuu cig.m ait I iMt::r. i .Stationery, Jewelry, notlmil
Unitoil SUtea Land Ofllcu, Hooihurv. Or,
Oct. I ItKrJ,
Notice is horuhy givon that lu compli
ance with tho provlNimit ol thu net of
L'ongruis of Jumi Ii, lh7H, ciiluK.I "An
net (or tlio miiIu of iiiiiIht laiidx hi tint
Statu of California, Orecn. Nuwnln,
and WttHhlugtou Tiirritory," iiHcxhtml
ed to all tho Public I. wild States by net
of August -I, 1H'J.
of Marshllutd, ci-U'dy ol Coos, tato ol
Oregon, luiB tin il.ty tiled in thlu ollico
his sworn statouinnl No, .VrMi, for the
purchuso of tho HWI-I, of fee. No,
520 In Township No '-MH lUiigrNo II W,
ami will offer proof lonhow that tho hind
sought is moru valuable for its lluiber or
stnuo than for agricultural piirpoaes, and
to establish hit claim to said laud Iwlom
W. (J. UoukIuh, I'. H (,'aiuiniHloin:r Inr
Oregon at Murnhlletd, O'euon, o.i Katur
day, tho 'JOih day of Dee, ll)0'J
lie uamiii iin wltiifKMA! .'. A. Smith,
O. L. Krultli, Fred Taylor, II. A. ArrJor
Hon, all ol Mamhllold, Oregon.
Any and nil portions claliiiliig adverre
ly thuahove-dpturihod IiuxIh urn ri-jmHt-til
to lilts their1 eluliui in thi-t otllco on or
tfjfnro said 110 day of Doe, 1V0.'.
10 11 J T. UuiitoLH, P.ogUter.
1'IMIIKIt LAND.AfT JUNK .!. 1878.
United Males l-ind Office, ttoiititirg.Oirgon.
Nov, i, i io.
Notice Is lu-idiy tilvi-n that In i'oniiii,iiicn
.villi itiu prov'.lon ul llio act .of Coiifjifn of
iiur 3, 187a, eiillilvl "An ncl'lor thu .ilc of
lunlicr Limit in tin1 .Si.ilui uf I aliform.i, On'con,
N'cv.idn, and W.wlmigloii 'Irnitoiy, ' in -'i-dnilcd
10 all ihu I'ulilic Land hl.itc by nil uf
Aui;iii .1, iBya,
.if .M.irilifii'ld, co'iniy of Coos, Stale of Ore
t;oii, li.u iluit 1l.1v filril in tins office hit imorn
.tati'iuenl No 3S0t, for llin ixiilIi.im: of llio
NU'WoISWij, .Vc i, :i of.Shi.a A lot n
of Set 37, Tp -j H, H No 11 V, ,ind will oficr
:iroo( 10 liow lli.it III" laud souxhl It ni'wi:
valuable for lis limber or stone lli.in fur a'iltul.
lural purpOM'f, ami 10 rilalitlsii I111 cliiuPCd
said J Hid la-hue W, U, Uouj;l,n, U, S I 0111
MUMioiier for Origon, at Maulilu-ld, On con, en
Satiirdiy. lint 10 day of aimtry, 10113
flu nam 1 at ttiinejvffc. CI 1, 11I1-. VI,'anl,
olui Mitlii-lhrnik, l'iel Noah, of Allq;aii)', Or.
S. W N.iih. of M irMififld, (htgou.
Any and all pi-iviiw tliliiiin,; ,vlve'S'ly llm
1 uti 1 n i.'Kd Iin l are rt'tjicai-il in hie th Ir
hunt in I'usollif on or helon sai I ic day
if 1 1:1, lyrj. , T. llHin.i.t, Kiuutv . 118
6 Call on or Wrlto
lE.CDAKE'S advertising agehcy!
64 flf.65 Merchants' Exchango
! ban pkancisco. cal.
3-J4-I m 1
North Beiti Or.
' ' !
Til H t C 15-A-W I-7kI?" KD1TION
Head wlmrtvur tho Kuglisli Li'jgua,
t SMl(en
Thu TiiiIwA-ttVrk World wns n
liililiant eticcofs in thu hoiiiuliig mid
hai lii-i'ii nleatlily growing over illto.
Tltiut in tho loot of nil th I ntf, ntitl hui
not iti Kpal ol approval on tho Thrici-a-Week
World, which In widoly t'iit:ultio t
in every Hutu and Territory of thu Un
ion, and whureuver thoru aropooplo who
1 an read our mother tongue,
Thii pap. r Jor tlm coming winter ond
thu your ItKKI, uiM iiialiu Iti news ner
vkit, if i""mlli!o. morn extoueivo than
over. All ovoutiof importance, no mai
ler wlinrn Ihey hippeti, aro re
ported atrtiralely ami promptly.
'I hu subnet liter, for .nly 01111 tloll.tr a
year, gets three (i,ipi.H nvnry week ami
moru news nod goiuir.il ri-adin t!ia:i
tiioit great tlulltim can furnish ut flvu or
six times thu prlee,
Tho Thrlcu a-Wek-Wcrld U niiso
Ititely fair in its ii.tlltlcnl ntiwii. Par
tluati bins Is rioter allowud to nffict lis
in ws column, nod Dumocrat tuitl It'r
ptiblican alikuntn obtain in its puguc
truthful accounts of all thu grunt pollll
cal ram pu lull,
In addition Jo nil tho unwrt, thn
Tlirlcu-ii-Week-World (urnishus tho
holt iiorlal Ih'tloii, nlnhorato ninrkul
reports and other fendirei of inturuil,
Thu Thrico-a Woek-Worhl's recul.tr
Ntibrcriptlon prion in only $1.00 per year
end this p'tys for I Hi) papers. Wn offur
I ijilu iiiifuuiiioil nuwMpupur wntl nekly
COAST MAIL toolhor onu yenr Uit
'1 hu regular suhacriplinn prico of thu
two papers In S'J.fiO
Corner or front and A (drools,
JONHSNVUBR. : : : : : .'Proprietor
J. IIOTKL hat lir.t In-i-n entlicly refit n-d v it
reluriiiilail throughout and isaifainopon 10 t 0
public for iMtinnajju.
Newtu'ds and iptlng inattrcssrk havu li er
iilmcil In alniotl every sleeping room of i!i a
liouen and neither troublo nor cxpsnso has h n 1
pared to put everything in first-clan order,
Poautand thjln;, per week 15,-n
Ikianl.pj week.,,., . lt
Kn;le MR .. . j-
' Jl'im rtnririir,,
"ly iH.lnotlH.TH, uln't tH-yV"
"I biii'hh hot. 1 never secil '0111 flghJ.
luV'rOlilcouo Auicrlcuu.