Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 20, 1902, Image 1

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y't' ! W yIMC V!t0-wtlrtWS
-tnNw .,.,., t i(i "ttt"
NO. 51
1 lliO
If Germany Does N
Dewey and His Fleet May Escort Ameri
can Vessels Through the Line
of European War
:; Washington. Dec, 17 Secretary Hay lias cabled Ambas- ;;
:; satlor Tower, at Berlin to ask lha German government to dc- ;;
fine for this country exactly wfiat i s meant by "Peaceful ;;
;; blockade." If Germany insists on the right to blockade peace- ; ;
' ably and to refuse to let American ships through, then Ad-
','. miral Dewey's licet will be scut to Venezuela to convoy the ''
'. '. American ships through thc'Gc'rraau WdEugltsb: lines. Ad--'.
;; miral Dewey has been told to keep his fleet, together. ; ;
' W-H-M-M t 1 1 1 I M 6-H-H-frfrH HI Ht-H H I HC-H t H I H-ft
Washington. Deo. 17 Tlio reason thla
government make tliii demand ot
Germany U because it tins in writing
In black and whito, a full elntomunt of
Germany' intentions regarding Vonoru
ela. It line no ouch statement from Kng
U ml. Tho diplomas of that that country
wero shrewd tuough to nmko only n
verbal statement of Its intent.
Tiio admlnlatratlou it awaiting Gor
manye nnsworwlth eomo atixloty. Thu
situation In now moro critical than it
haa boon slnco tlio trouble begun.
Washington, Deo, 17 MinUtorBowon
cabjed tho Stato Department from Car
neos thla morning that tlio Italian min
ister had left, Boh en hud aesumod
cljaigo of tho Italian lugntlou rvfTslre, ai
corJlni: to instruction?.
' (London, Doc. ,17 Premier Balfour re
plying to questions in tlio House of
Commono toilny repented tlio usuuranco
that England hnH no intention of laud
ing troops or occupylug any part of tho
Special to tho Mntl.
" Wiiahliigton, Deo 10 Soxrotnry ltoot
announced thla mo rnliiR that lui deold,
ed.to accept tho bid of tho Bottou, Steam
ship Co,, of Seattle, for tho govornmrnt
military transport Imsiuces from Sotittlo
and Tr.eomu to tho Philllplneo. Ho will
HQwn6kSrtu I-'ranclecoeJioeniD to bid
on buiiiiioeo going from San Francisco.
ot Make 8
tory Explanation
territory of Venezuela. Great Britain
most anxious thero should bo as little
inconvoniencQ as posslblo to nonlral
powers in tho bleckndc.
Balfour said if tho toixuro of gunboats
docs not bring tho dosirod result, it nil!
bo nccossary to proceed to actpjij block-
ado, German and English shins act
Balfour admitted tho controversy as
to whothor thero was such n thine : n
Pacific blcckndo. Ho said ho personal
ly bolisvcd that a blockndo involved a
stato of war.
Thero was considerable oxoitemont nt
tho conclusion of tho speech, as it is tak
en to bo Balfour's moaning that tho
blockade, if declared, would bo against
tho ships of all nations.
Tlio Question then arises whother
Bocrotary liny will ogreo to this,
although it is not apparent how ho can
diengreo unless Amoricn denies tho
right of Europeans to declare wan-aa
any South Amcrecnu atatu.
Ilia believed tho Germans have old
grlovnucea besides tho financial claims.
Gpcolal to the Mall.
Washington, Dec. 10 Uy n volo of 72
to 21 tlioPonftto pasEod tho puro food
bill, wlilch provents tho adulteration of
fondo and drugs. Tho bill divides tho
country into ferrito-Iee, nnd rogulatea
interstate trnfllu in nil adulterated lood
stuffs nnd ntodiciuoe,
' V
I -"i, M
Patenting of Timber
Lands Stoppe'd
Entrjes and Proof May
Secretary Hitchcock has ordered tho
Bujponilon of action in tho General
Land Oflko on timber land cniriM in
Oregon, AVaihIngtotHdlCalIforiiia. Ho
lm also ordered an InvcatigaTlDaeitiiB
ber land entries in Oregon.
A Washington 'special eoyf. Under
dato of November 21, Eccrotary Hitch
cock wrote n letter to Coimnitsionor
Hermann in relation to entries being
made under the timber and otono act,
in which tho following languago occurs:
"I now direct until further order by
tho department you suspend action on
all entries under said act now boforo
your ofllco, or that may hereafter coma
boforo it from tho States of Oregon,
California aud Warhiugton."
Further along in tho letter tho Secre
tary iys:
"You aro also directed to havoeomo
of your most competent and trustworthy
apecial agent proporly Investigate until
further orders from tho departmental!
entries rondo or ponding under tho tim
bor nnd stono act in tho ' La Grande,
Lako View, Oregon City and Tho Dulles
Land OfUcos in tho stato of Oregon."
Dinger Hnrmnnn explains that this
eueponeion is not carried into tho local
Land Ofllccs; that intries may Etill bo
mado in Oregon under tho timber nnd,
stono net, and that proof may be sub
mitted, but that whou thoso casos reach
tho General Land OlUco thoy aro or will
be suspended in compliance- with tho
Secretary's order.
Mitcliltio Mini Itmild I'lro Gmi.
Tho dllfoi'cnco between n rnphl tiro
Sim ami 11 machine j;uu Is that tho
former la lotuled by lnuul.
Coal ami Coke,
A net ton of coke of tlio quality unit-
nblo for (lomohtle purposes runs about
forty-olKht to llfty bushelH to tho ton
us nguliiHt nbout tlilrty-six to thlrtj-
ligut uusuois or jmni eotu to tlio ton.
Bluopj" (IrnNH,
Sleepy kmbs la fouml In Now Mexico,
'J'oxhs mul Slberln. It Iiiih a most In-
Jnrioiiu effect pi Jiorsos aud sheep, bo-
in a utroiiK iinrcotlc or. Kcuutlvo and
eniibhiK piofouiul sleep or stupor last
Iuk tweuty-four to forty-cJght hours.
. I ALiAu
Wrongs . Perpetrated
' By Unions
Wives of Unionists
' Testify,
Scranton.Dec. 18 Tnomore railroads
filed tlatoncnts when the Striko Com
mission mot this morning. Tho recita
tion of injurioi and wrongs received by
non anion mon at tho hands of tn
e)rickcra continued.
Fireman Reynolds told of en attompt
at assassination by tho 'etrikcr Francis
who fired four IcQnectaal thots. When
Francis was brought to trial bo laid he
had authority from the glocal union to
stop peoplo on thu streets. This fact
was brought out by counsel, ltoynolds
Bald bo worked to buy food for bis fami
y. consisting ot wife and so ven child-
xne commtsfltoa wajueepiy mov
ed by this testimony.
Mrs. McN'amarn, who appeared on tho
stand with an infant in her arms, said
her husband worked for tho Delaware I
L&ckaw&na ana was compelled to livo in
tho colliery for fear of violence. She
was wqb unable to communicato with
him. Eight times stones were thrown
at her, ouce when she had, an infant in
her arms. Shoh(i3 four children, tho
oldest 0 tyear old. Sho was awakened
ono.November night by thetbouee'being
aQre, and fortunately escaped. Tho
houto burned to tho ground. Thero was
no proof that strikers burned It.
Darrow asked that this testimony be
strickou from tho records. Graf refused
to allow this. Mre, Ethel Hodman
gave eimillar testimony.
Washington, Doc. 17 In tho Sonato
tho urgency deficlencyblll was taken up
and passed in five mlnute9. A motion
tvnn tinnsnil flint uluin tha Kenntfi 11(1-
journpd this uftcmcon it would bo until
riaturuay. .
Morgan gavo notice that on Saturday
Im irnnM nt,- tnr a lilll tn rnviilo for
acquiring the rights nocossary to tho
construction 01 mo isinmmn ennui
Ttio pension appropriation bill wob pass,
ed without objection or amendment,
Tho Houeo in commltteo ol tho whola
reported without opposition tho Hep
burn amendment to tho judiciary bill,
appropriating half n million dollars to
bo immediately nvnilnblo with which
lhi attorney peuerol is to employ conn
mi fnr tlm Kiifnrciiinnilt nf tho niltl-trilttt
lawa now on tho etntiito hooka. The
lloupo bill us ami'iuteil parseu.
Tho bill prohibituiKcnliatcdmusiciaus
in tho army and navy from competing
with civilians wosjost.
i-onn'ii lifimion.
To his sovordKii's question wherein
their rellRlous really illtt'cieil William
I'onn is said to havo replied: "The dlf
forence Is the wunu ns between thy but
nnd mlue. Mine has no ornamentb."
Sluliirlu In Italy,
Two million persons aro attacl'ed by
malaria every year hi iuwy.
Starts Today
Unless Impossible Conditions are Fulfilled.
This Country's, ' Friendly Offices
Caracas, Dec, 19 It has been learned
from an official Bourco that tho allies
have notified tho Venezuela authorhloB
that tho La Guayra blockade will bo -
como effective Saturday, Dec. 20th., at
3 p. m , of tho ports of a Guayra, Pner
to Cabello, Coro, Maraciabo, Campano
and Barcolona,
Washington ,Dec.l9 It was announced
at the Stato Department this moraine
that answers had been received from
tha triple alliance to tho proposal of ar
bitration by Castro through Minister
Tho answers, while admitting thocor-
lnMS ol tkejjrjkejple tw; k
not regarded as satisfactory, on accoaat
of tho conditions imposed. Tlio answer
of Great Britain, as made, is anything
but a consent to arbitration. Italy, In
as much as she is the youngest mombcr
of tho alliance, ia willing to abide by tho
disposition of tho other two nations.
Even GrtalBrUfn' ,,., ,..,!.
. -,-.0
number of stipulations which would re-
, , ,
qaira time for adjustment befor&arbitru-'
(& bnylng ehocs DOK'T
flC "t"
).uv miuu ut a Bioiu wueiu o iu $o etiuua nro EQIU you UO
get plucked nearly every timo. : : '; j
Satisfactory nh'oea for Winter shoes that pleaso tho
peoplo shoes in which tiio elmpo will hold won't
"squash" out, or eag in the shank, or got shabby-looking
in a little while. ::::::: : : :
Shoes that hold out becnueo they'ro rightly Duiltnot a ekirap any
where, lusldo or out THAT'S tho Walk-Over Shoo . : : :
Must bo right or wrong no middlo ground or we
couldn't everlastingly preach Monoy-Back Shoos good
wear or a new pair. :::::
Why pay $5 and fO for let-woll-enough-alono ehoea
Tom, Dicktand Harry makoc tlat-have beon foisted on a
long Buffering public with scarcely u chaugo In quality $3 5 nd $4 eo
nor in shape for tho last ten yoars. never let
lion had been ontero-1 into. The char
acter of tho objection to Immediate ar
bitration interposed by Germany and
Grout Britain Is not mado public, tur-
tbor than tbaj there bo some guarantee
that Venezuela will fulfil the Judgment
of the arbitrators,
It is cemi'Offlclally learned that one
condition laid down by Germany ia an
apolcsy from Venezuela for tho arrest of
the German consular officials, and the
sacking of the consulate at Caracas.
Secretary JUy immediately took the
answora 0! the three powers to tho cab
inet meotlng.wbere they were discussed.
It has been decided to mako aa effort to
pttaSy Vratttert ?! y MtlMwiii" vC
to as many of the conditions as possible,
while 8,1 the same timo it will be diplo
matically suggested to Germany and
Great Britain that they recede from tho
moro onerous ttlpalatlons.
1 1 1 1 i 1
Borne, Doc. 10 Tho foreign officlala
Se,,?.v0 tho ocentnnco of arbitration in.
mo Venezuelan aisputo through United
SlB,tt)S Minister Bowen .will bo accepted,
nnd eaya this will end tho motter so far
M Ital7 ie cou:erned.
got plucked. .If you buy a $3.50 or
. '
m t,
. rf H. .5. 1 '"
' wt-
, ... , fe . . . i iii i fflWfflMninfnirrr npfwiiiirr ,-' t n
- . wt A wBKmmMtmM WEIUUMfflWMKMBBMBBaUS&fWsKHKKtlt&if.