Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 13, 1902, Image 8

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From Thursday's Daily.
Fine Stationery at Norton'.
Robt. Marsden returned yesterday
frcm a buidrcsj trip to the Ccquilie.
Marshal Carter took Frank Ingols to
tho county Jail, yesterday, where he
awaits tho meeting of tho circuit court,
when ha will bo tried for tho killing; of
'Tom Bsrkcr. Ingels displays consider
able coolness in the matter.
Mr. and Mrr. !!. N. Black were to
etart home, from their visit in Missouri,
oa Tuesday. They intended to stop in
Southern California and spond Christ
inas with their son J. D. and family.
A. W.- Neal h.-s nearly finished his
Job on tho lo? landing at Kaglo Point.
lie has finished the extension, ICO feet
' in length, and is now making repairs on
the old patt.
Tho Ccqulllewas boomicg yesterday
and the' train from Marsbfiold got no
further than Johnson's mill. It was re
patledjhtt there was thrco feet of water
over tho 'track at Schroedcria The
water wsb over the ties at Cedar Point.
The absence of Marshal Carter and
failure of the town clock to strike yester-
day, came near causing the Coast Mail
to miss its dinner, as the whelo gang
plngged along till nearly one, with ears
cocked foT the noon bell.
Ccquilie Herald. J. G. Houecr, of
Bridge, who has been putting in logs
.during the euramer on the Middle Fork,
ran his output to the Cedar Tolnt boom
by the late high water and thoy will
bo shipped to the bay by rail, having
gone over last week and cold to L. J.
It was reported here yesterday that
Milt Pattciton, a young man fwho
formerly mlded at Coqullle City, had
been arm ted in Koseburg on suspicion
of being the bohl highwayman who
held np the Roseburx-Myrtlo Point
ftnge, not long ago.
Coquille Herald. Mrr, L. H. Hazard
hah received a letter from her mother,
Mre. I. Hacker, wfcp is at Redding Cali
fornia with little Austin Hazard, which
informs her that hor boy is much im
proved and'guinfng nicely, of which
many friends will be ploaeed to learn.
Railroad Han Suicides,
John Turner, local agent on tho Cor
valla & Eastern Railroad committed
suicide al Albany, Monday, by shooting
himsels in tho left temple with a 38 cal
ibre revolver. Strong drink, to which
Turner was addicted, ii believed to bo
tbo cause of tho suicido. Ho was 38
years old, end leaves a wife and daugh
ter, aged 18 years.
' ' Public Inslallat ion
' Thero will be a public Installation of
, officers by the Modern Woodmen cf
'i America- in the hall on Jan. 13th.
A epeclal program is being propalrod,
i and the comtnitteo who have tbo ar.
rangemenl in charge nro Dungan,
Kalsor and Flanagan, which asturo n
rare treat to ttaosa who will attend,
M. W. A. Election
Coos Bay Camp No SiCS oluctcd tho
following named ncntleuion to ill! the
officers of thnt lod;o for tho eiisanlnt:
term :
Vonerablo Consul, J, L, llomulb;
Worthy Advisor, V. 12. Dungtm; Ranker
11. F. Iluntly; Clerk, J. II. Taylor;
Escort, Alex McCoy; Watchman I..
Smith; Outstdo Guard 0. J. Tibbctts:
Manager tor 3 years, Ii. Lockwood,
Election of Officers
Doric Chapter No.53 Order Eastern
Star, Klectcd tho following officers for
tho ensuing year:
Worthy Matron, Mrs. Win. Nasburg;
Worthy Patron, R. C. Leo; Asiochte
Matron, Mrs A D Wolcolt;Couductoros;.
Mrs. Willfam Mercliaut; associate con-
ductoress, Mrs. W. U. Douglas; .Sec
retary, Noria Jensen; Treasurer, Mrs. J,
Degree of Honor Officers
Tho following aro tho ofllcera elected
by the Degree of Honor at tho last rocu
lar meetingi-rast Chief of; Honor,
AlicoHall; Ijidj of Honor, .Graco Mc,lll,0,ni0,T,uw nm.cno muo musico.
Cormac; Chief of Ceremouiw, Laur.i Tho nnlon. tho opnrntora and tho public
Escott; Recorder, Fanny Hazard; FN &vo ell had thlr rfoUU osplalnw! aud
nancier, Gertrude Knglo; Kecvlvcr, V. rrlarcil for them by nblo eK)kcsmcn
O.Fratt; Usher, Sarah Wilson; Inner thoconnlry over. Thonon-nnionman-watcb.Mary
McKnight; Outci Watch, the "scab"-has, for tho most part, on
Wm. Etcckel. 'durcd in silence, and his trouble- havo
; been lest sight of in tho clamor of con
A BOQUCt t tontions lhtw con union nnd employers.
...... ,. . Mr. R.iy Stannard Baker, how ever, ono
A friend writing from an outside point . ,. .,.., ,1 ..
sands this boquet to the Mail:
Your paper looks hotter all the time
and I think your businesslike views con
cerning tho rival town aro Just the thing.
Yon take tho right position.
Your town has had lots of freeadvertis.
ing, and I am confident that tho Mail
is in a largo measuro responfeihlo for it.
In fact I noticed that many say it mujt
bos live place to support a daily paper
Tbo truth is, nothing gives a town rank
among tho outside world liko tho fact'
that it has a daily newspaper. After
that is an established fact peoplo begin
to remember the nace. and if Is classed
as tomcthing raoro than a country town,
lmproying Porter Mill
A largo force ot men aro at work on
Porter milt putting it in readiness for
active m&tk, nau it is uciuk tuuijucivu
as rapidly as men can do the work.
New eills are being placed in tho struc-
ture throughout. New floors and plank-
ing and a general ovorbaulicg h'ch
will cost many thousand dollarB is under
way. A. new iron corrugated roof ot the
very best make is boing placed on
entiro bnilding, and all tbo cottages nro
being raleed and fitted for tho families.
Some new piling will also bo put in.
D. W. Small, the contractor on tho
Belt Line railroad has 10 teams oud
about 23 men on the works, having cut
his ere w'down some since the bad wcath
The work is prosecuted whenever tho.
weather will permit, and Mr. Small will
keep hie own ten teams at work right
through, though some of the hired teams
may bo taken off until bitter weather,
when tbo force will again ba increasod.
. Any report that Mr. Small has i"ehut
down" or that his men havo bad any
trouble in gcttiup their money is entire
ly erroneous. The men get their cae.li
on pay day, the 20th of each month, and
eome of them get it before. Tho men
nro comfortably housed at tho old
slaughterhouse, and if they are not well
fed their looks belie them,
Mr, Small's contract ezlends from
tho Stavemill to Pony dough, including
all the heavy grading botween Marsh
field and Empire, Tho deepest cut Is 30
feet, and the work now being done is on
he heavy cuts and fills.
Mr. Small cnu6iuera that over ono
third of hta work is dono, and ho will
comploto. tho contract well within-the
time allowed, until next Juno.
Man Killed by a Rolling Log. 'Will
Go Burled Hero
Wui. Hollop, a yountt man ompUyed
in Hiram Klng'a Dan'.ela creek lomjlntf
eimp, was killed yesterday hy a lo
rolllug over him.
Tho accident happened nbont 10:30
p. m. Hollop was otandlnj; on n lot,
when aiu-thor log camv dowrt tint hil
uiul struck tho ono on which ho ao
stnudlug. Hu wai throwtuoff ped tho
log rolletl over him, crushing him to
ilio umorlunnlo man was a new
comer hero, having left n rchoonsr nt
this port. Ho had workotl in tho Dan
iels creek eatup about n month. His
parents livo in Michigan and he has it
brother fn Washington.
Tho remains will bo brought to Marsh
Held nnd buried today.
Tlio Non-Union Miner's Cnse
John Mitchell'; notable ajrtlclo on tho
coal strike (n tho November McCluro's
will be followed by two tuoro papers
jdeaHnR ' treat controwsy from
vi tu uvck'Attvnu mivi iui tiivviuiv a
Magazine, has spent several weeks in
tho anthracite district gathering mat
erial for proscuting the case of tho in
dependent miners. Sotno of tho facts
and stories that ho will havo to relate
Rre feimply amazing. It is certain that
these articles will shed now light on tho
inner bittory of the great strike
School Notes
An exomtnation in I'i.ysioI&Zy was
l,e!d ln tho Fi,lh Krnde JM-wilay nnd
ono t0 be hcd la Vaturo tcd-v-
'lde Sixth graile aro going to havo n
grab bag ibis year In place of d Christ
, mas treo.
I Ray Leslie, a young new comer, has
ontercd the High school.
An oramlnnllnn una lipid In l'lir!n.
lozy Tueiday in tho Sixth grade dc-
1 partment.
I .J-. T...1... .!-.! . .1.- .. I-
i,,," lwu' n lwvr m ",v lvaw v
t"ng those in tho sick Hat.
A number of tho pnplli ol tho Ninth
Urado stayed in oiler school to havo
Eome difllcult points in Algebra explain-
Tho reading of "David Harutn," has
just been finished in tho Fifth grade
and they have now tnk.'u up "Adrift in
tho Wilds."
A stcreopticaa exhibition held in tho
High school department lak Friday
was very much enjoyed by tho pupils.
A number of historical nnd geographical
ob well as several amusing vlev.'J wuro
From Frfday'a Dally.
Thunder and lightning last evening.
Ed Cole, lineman, is In Uandon,
ting in telephones.
W. H.Thomas is epsnaing a tow daya
in town.
FatLcr Donnolly started for Gardiner
this morning.
Hot weather or cold is nil the tamo to
Tibbutte. His ice cream flows upjtalra
as readily inn hail and thunder ttorm aft
on a hot night in August, nnd it finds
yawning chasm awaiting it at nil timcH,
lhe Areata called from tho city nt4
p, m. yesterday, and if oho doesn't ct .
hero Saturday with our paper, Aj,ont
Dow is going to have twnbhj ivlth th6
CdASTMAJL. ( " y'-
4ho A. N, W. Club mot at Mrs, Tom
Hall's In West Mnrshflcld a flno tlrao
vrtw had, nnd .tho next muotlnff will bo
Rtjtho,homo ot Mr. F. P. Norton,
"hon Golden was up from tho Potter
mSl yoluday,. nutl my thoy will bo
shfvluR Himber In tho mill, (or iuu thoro
by tho that of tho year.
It U rcportod horo that Owar Ohmsn
Ami Augusta ihtughter of Mr. and Mrs.
1", U. reterson, (if orth 81uut;h woro
iiL-rrun inn Miiuuvy ni u-nutiiv Uliy.
Many men will eavo anh from tho
vorllsliK "xp uso ntui loo it In dl-
teot cut of prollti uttor tho (JhrUtmis
ruling U pait. Tlio tlojlor luvostod lit
wjic nilvurtlsln tn.v will bo a navlni;
Iflt prevnutu carrylm; o'or uld stock,
.tfvnr tho holtdnya fur cut prlcos when
th i Jarnary salo timo comes.
Al:ew Chips From The Kitty,
A ciias is as .-ood an a mllo,
A kiss Is as good ai n euillo;
Ilut '.hrco little kings
Aro .ho beautiful thiuga
That bi61d up tho ccllnold pile,
Mis.' Rear, who Iibm a promising class
of young ladies end gentleman, in tho
Mcthoilht Huudav School, ban taken n
grojt interest in its sticcosf, and to on
coursi;othuui In tho proparallonsof their
lossonu, has invltvd them to come to hur
rosldenco uvety Friday night, w hero tho
with them will put In nu hour of in
tcrocliug as well ni butlcial study.
Among tho iio'Icuabln features of The
Delinettor for January Is its flno cover
tho tint of a eorios that will continue
throughout the year. Tho scope ol tho
magas no has Ixton generally widouod,
nnd new aud valuable matorUl hash-con
Introducol into ull tho departments
Tho fsohlons nro presented In thuir
usual nttractivu and titnuly form, and
tho hoi day display In tho shops is Il
lustrator! and dtticrlbod. Tho pagrs of
illustrated cookery portray a decided
novelty In n Chinese dinner, Mrs. Mar
garet IItt.ll Iwins Ih thin number a
erics of Practical Ta'lk to Young Houee
keepers, and the Departments preserve
their usual degreo of Interest nnd excel
Not The Manzaiiita
Our rnarlno roportcr is a ihecp.
had tho light-houso tender Manzanlta
arrlyo hero Wednesday evening, think-
ing ho recognised her by her volco when
ellC WIlISUCCI, wuorusi inu x-r-.i-i niti ,iu
etcom schooner Acme, bound to San
Francisco with n load of lumhor from
tho Slutlaw, v. hero tho has been bar
bound 22 days. Sho tilled In horo for
lunl,. and coaled at tho Ucavor Hill
Royal Arch Convocation
Arago Chapter No 22, Itoyal Arch
Masons, has noon haviug a long con
vocation, commencing Wednesday after
noon and ending last evening. A chap
ter of tho Royal Arch is aldut to bo
organized at Myrtlo Point; and th's
convoctlon of Arago Chapter, tho only
f ono In tho county, was for tho purpose
of dolnfiuomoof tho necessary prelim
inary work.
Quite a number of Mesons camo over
from Myrtlo Point and stayed until this
morning. Tho party Included the follow
ing named gentlemen: S. H. Hormaun,
L,A. Itoberts, C. Lohmanowoky, 8, E.
Johncon,-Alex, Adams, Geo Lalngor,
G. II. Gaoriu.
New Sawmill
(Coqulllo Herald)
G, Lftvoll, tho Columbia rlvor oawmlll
man whom wo reported a Jew weeks
ago nB being hero with a view of build
ing a mill or purchasing ono, has ro
turned and consummated a deal with J,
A, Colllor nnd will bojiin operations at
onco to build a now mill on a Bito near
tho lower end o
Colliers field Just bo-
low town.
J. M. Edwards, anpcrintedoht' of tho
construction .arrived by yostordtty'a
train, having cumn down by tho Alliance,
bringing down a carload ol pnraphorua
Ha with which to atnrt 111, among which
was a holler nnd engine to bo unod on n
pita drlvor which will bo constructed nt
onco, when tho totuidntlou for tho mill,
booms, uto., will bodrlvuiti
Mr. liiwell Ih iv pinultcal mill man,
on tiio Columhln nnd ono In HrltUh
Columbia for covcrnl years'.
Prosecution Arises From Political
Reasons and Persona!
Later reports from Alaska put n d If
foieut fnco on llm matter of tho proio
cutlou of Commissioner G, M, Irwin on
n chtlrgo of inlr-nppraprlntlou of (undo,
which was reported in our dispatches
ubuut n month ago.
It scemo that tho charge tao brougt
by two attorneys of Duiiglun City, op
poil'o Juneau, and that tho trial of tho
csiso rctuitid in .Mr. livins complete
vindication from tho charges, it being
Miovru that liultiul of having appropri
ated morn thru was comltic to him, Mr,
Irwin roally hd a tulnnco duo him,
Tho prosecution moms to havo arisen
from punonnl npitu nnd politicr, mixed,
nud Mr. Irwlii'a friends, Including tho
most Iiilliioutlal citizens of that p.ut to
Alaska havo rallied to hit support.
Tho D.illy Itfi'oril-Mlucr, published
nt Jtiuooii, In its Issuo of Nov. 17th,
prints n petition nddrosicd to thu Hon
orable. M. C.Uronn, Judge of tho Unitod
Status District Court far Aleskn Division
No. 1. 'Jho Volition Is signed by 123
responsible citlzuiis of Juuvau, aud is
norded ns follows:
Wo, tho undersigned, citizens and
rckldente of Juneau, Alaska, rrcognlz
Inj: tho honesty, integrity aud ability of
JudgoG.M. Irwin, and his efficiency
ne;n public officer, and appreciating tho
valuablo nud uneulfiih mrvlco ho hat
rendorod his country and hutnnuity
gencrnlly during a long and useful ca
rccr, nnd deprecating tlio unjustlflnblo,
'.falcoand malicious assaults that have
been made aganst tho administration
of tho duties of his ofllco ns United
States Commissioner cf Douglas, Alaska,
hereby wish to express our denuncia
tion of such all attempt to defamo tho
reputation of ono of our most respected
HoJcitizcnM, and most earnestly protest
aqainst tho conspiracy to remove from
tho office,
tho duties of which ho so
honestly, capably nnd
From Saturday's Dally.
Tho Sun didn't know it was loaded.
Walter Sinclair, of Coqulllo City, is lu
Mrs. Win. Klahn, of Empire who a
visitor in town yesterday,
Alex Stauff, of Aiago, camo ooron
Friday's train.
Tho Alllnnco Is schodulod to sail
from Suu Francleco ut 11. a. m. Huui'ay.
Mis. E. Erlckson who ii opjjr.dlng
eoveral wcolc ut tho homool her mjther
at Allegany was in town tod.y,
Mr, and Mrs, F. It, Taylor, of tho
upper North fork of tho Coquille, wcro
lu Marrhfleld yesterday.
Mr. and Mm. Josaa Smith, of Ooce
River, had business bcforoU, S, Com
missioner Douglas yestorday,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed Coffelt wero in town
yestorday on fioir'way to their future
homo on north Coos river.
Rov. F. G, Strango returnod yoator
dayfrom Coqulllo whoro ho lmu boon
assisting Rov, Hnnorly in n series of
bpcclal nicotines, Ha reports that tho
.Coqulllo rlvor la falling,
A lotUr received n few days ago from,
(MI, Merchant brings tho good noni
that ho In greatly Improved In health,
nud had boon ehjoylntf to tho utmost
his stay, In tho Hawaiian islands, nhlch
In probably ut nn end by Hill time,
Tim hluckhuiiids unod by thu 7th and
yl't t;t.idi'H In thu publlo ecliool, which
veru iiiOiitloixul tho other iluy ni nuodx
Ing rc-olnlliig.aro rocolvln)i tho retilttltn
coat of block nt tho hamlo of' the larger
Haitiut Cimiicn
Suinhiy noliool at 10 n. m preachlnj
rorvircH nt 11 a. in. Topic, "Tho
K rent ArclhliTl nud It In malorlnl," Txt
tin II. Y. I. 11
al OHIO ! m,. fd
ly Mrs. Murnh. I.voiiIiik nurvlco nt 7;.'I0
P. til. Toil0. "Till) Hh'lMI ol dniiirnr.''
'lVxl,.lonih hit. I.mllufi Aid Wodiior,
day at U p. m, Thurcdayj prayer incut-
l'arQivell Parly
Friday afternoon Mrs. W, II. Pliort
ciilcrlulno.I n iinnitxr of frlomls In
honor of her mothur Mrs. do Nevuo,
trliovxpocls soon to leavo our city for
an cxlumlrd visit among eastern friends,
ThotlmuwnH most pleasantly spent in
convciration and nt tho proper tlmo
most dellcoir) rolroshmuiits wore served.
Tho ncrnslou will long bit romcmhijred
by tin folloulmr hmicn who weru prvii
nt: Mrs O'Counu!!, Mm Kih'jr, Mm
Mliuit, Mm I'lnmiKnu, Mrs McCormae,
MrriClmmlliir, Mru liugworthv, Mm
Iltitclffii, Mrn Amlnrnoii, Mrs W Mur
uli,ut, Mri( UamptHtll, Airs do Novuu,
Mrj W II Short, M1m O'Connell, Mlra
MuCormac, Mis Anderson.
GooJ lioids Convention
S. II. Crttlicnrt, Vici President for Cool
county of theNationalUoodi;oadil.igtiu
will hold u convention Cotmllln City
on January 7th nt 7:30 p. in, in tho
Courthouse, Tho object of the conven
tion" III bo to uncourngo and t-rganlzo
tliono lutercctcd In good roads, and to
dovlta mtana and plans for the better
ment ol all public high-way. Mr.
I Cnthcait Ii tbo organlzor who was
chosen nt the state convention which
w.i held In Portland this fall nud ho
will now endeavor to com out all iiood
rood fluiinuitn in (Ids county. Kir cry
ono ItiifreHled In tho kooiI work iliuttld
turn out aud attend this convention.
JOHNSON In North Maubflold
Dec. 5.1002, to tho wife of John John
sou, a son,
8ANQU!ST-In South Marshfleld Dec.
0th, 1M)2, to tho wife of Adolph ani
qulst, twins, rnughtcr and Son.
DLAIN I1LAIN At Orrlck, Mo, Dec 3,
1002. Thomas lttnlti, of Coos Co, Or.,
nnd Miss Mattio Hlain of Orrlc'x, Mo,
Tho Mail correspondent snyj:
Tho contracting parties met In tho
parlors of.tho Richmond hotel nnd.'whllo
tho Mlnistor was boing sought out tho
guosts waited patiently until thu arrival
of Elder Whltlock who said a cry lm-
prosslvo coromony which mado two
hearts beat ob ono, Now Mr, Main
says ho is well paid by coming to Mie-
sourl. Mr. Main Is a welt and favonbly
known cltlzon of Coos Uo.Orogon, whilo
Misa Mattio Main is ono of tho fair
young ladlos of Ray Cn, Musouri.
Mr and Mrs Main will probably bo.
home in Coos before Chriatmaj.
Blough, Dec. 10th, 1002, Ed.Coffoltand
Misa Annlo Mooro, Iluv. J. D, Urooko
Tho groom Ib an Industrious young
farmer and dairyman and woll and fa
vorably known hero, having livod on
tho Day, nearly all his life. Tho hrido
Is a daughter cf tho lato Oolonol Mooro,
of W.-uco county. Tbo marrlago took
plnco at tho roeldenco of iho brido'a sis
ter nnd brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs,
T. Mf Collver in tho prosonco of n smali
party of Invited guests, Among thoso
prcsont woro Mr, nnd Mrs. E. J, Coffolt,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rogore, Miss Lof h
Rogers, Floyd Coffold and qapt, J,
Ernst. Tho nowly married couplo will
Imiikothelr homo on tlio Wyalt Coffolt
placo on North Coob river, of which Mr,
Coffelt will havo chrirgo,
m rtivummntntBtmuu
iw un "TOi jilmf,
ssj.i.a yi9Msl