xca8iis5iMJ5?-5S MfVMWwX ;va. vvi, , . --w n-u mu. fllI.fbpl;mmmyw ; -; , ,.- .tt JL I m he' Countess of Tankerville and Her Son, Lord Ossulston The Countess of Taukerviile is American by birth, for she be- ngs to one of the oldest Knickerbocker families in New York e Van' Matters. Lord Tankerville was still Lord liennet when married Miss Leonora Van Marter, but succeeded to the title me lour years later. Lady Tankerville is mistress of one of the ost splendid of British historic homes, namely, Chilliugham Castle, c park of which is noted as beiug the restiug place of the last rd of wild cattle in England. Lady Tankcrville's little sou, .ord Ossulston, a c larming boy of five years, was the prettiest as ell as the youngest page at the Coronation. . OC INGELS HELD OH MURDER CHARGE -fcnitiummjwiMfcK w i i ,i '- iquest and Examination Developes No Motive or Hew Facts Frank A. Ingel, tho gambler, who ot Tom Walker, another gambler, in n mk room of the Claymoorc saloon Sat- rday night, and Ihcu walked off, was ken in coustday about 5 o'clock fc'un uy morning. It teems that he epent tho night in ho brush in tho vicinity oiE.'W.Dean'i eeidence, waiting for the excitement to lowoyer. .A bout 5 o'clock Kigbtwatch IcCulloch who wub on wacch at the irnor by Win. Nasburg'a store, saw him coming down A street. With an aesiet mt, McCulIoch met him at the corner and pieced him under arrest. Ho made o rcaUtancc, stating that ho was on hie xny djwn to give himself up. Sunday afternoon Coroner Hortfal leld his inquest with tho following jury: vV. J. Butler, foreman, J. R. Lightucr. b X. Hofer, Otto Sehetter, W. I). L. F. 'smith, J. W. Iiutlor. Examination showed that tho bullet which entered iho body pasted directly through the heart as well as the right lung. The lirht shoulder was also badly shattered iy another bullet. Tho verdict of the jury was, in short, that the dcccabcd came to hia death from wounds inflicted by Ingels. Tho preliminary cuninalion tool plnco Monday afternoon before Justice of tho Peace Hyde. Deputy Frcsecuting attorney Furrln conducted ttte state's caeo, while C. F. McKnight acted ob attorney lot the ac cused, Mrs. Francis McCloud acted as etouographcr, Tho wltnoiee examined were Fred Johnson. J. 0. 'Wilcox, John Hack, Dr. Hareall and J, W. Carlo.-, Fred Jolineon, batkecper at the Ilrow. iry saloon, testified to Ingall'e remark at Iho Urewcry a short limp before tho ohooting, that he was.goiug up tho ttreet tu tmoko upalfltlV'bit. AVitacss did Vtotknow what that' 'niont. ri$ heard Tngalls UEOthat expression on former1 occasions. Iugall! also said to witness. "I nm pretty mad now." Ho was quite ntoxieated. This witness also saw InzAlla" ' wave a pistol in the Pioneer saloon about 'J p.m. J. C. Wilcox and John Rack IcsliGeJ to tho shooting, of which thej wero eye witnetEOF, which occurred substantially as told in Sunday'a Mail. Ingels en tered tho caloon, took a drink t the bar walked into tho back room, croeseJ tlu room to tho table behind which his vic tim was tettin?, paused an instant, then drew his pistol and fired four or five snots in quick succession at Barker. Then ho stepped back a few steps, and napped the weapon several times, after which lie brkcd out of tho dobr. After beinc shot Rarker got ap from hia chair and walked into the toilet. lie was followed by Rack, who took him by the arm and led him out, end asked him, "Tom, aro you shot?" Barker answered, "Yce, I'm shot," sat down and leaned over on tho table where be died in a few minutes. Rack told of a conversation with Ingclo In the forenoon, when tho latter said to him, "I'm goin to kill a man b?fore the 6un gees down." Rack thought he r8 Joking, but ho eaid, "I mean it," and went on to toy that he was old and It didn't mako any difference. Offered to bet 2 to 1 with Rack that he woukl com mit tho deed. Marthal Carter testified to the cir cumslnncas of Ingles arest Sunday morning and produced tho revolver token from him at that time. Coroner Ilorsfall told what the vordict of tho cor. oner's jury was. The defenso introduced no witness. Justice Hyde held tho defendant to the May term of circut coart without bonds. He aleo required $100 honda for their .-.j.pearancc at that time from tho three nitnesEes Johnson, Wilcox and Italic. ' No poseiblo motive for the crimo was brought out either at the inquost or ex amination, Thoetory'ivhleli was going tho rounds Saturday, to the effect that Bnkerantf Sylvester had heed instrumental in re- leasing from jail n man who hmt been arrested on Ingels" complaint was en tirely erroneous. Tho follow wan noi arretted on Iimols' complaint, nor did Barker or Sylvester havo anything to dd with cottlng him out of jull4 MUST ELD -a Venezuela in a Tight PlaceT' .GERMANY AND ENGLAND PRESENT ULTIMATUM And Withdraw Their Represent ?. tlves Matter Discussed at Washington Washington. Dec. U A long dlspatclfi was received by the Stato Dopaitteejm this morning from Ministrr Rowen, iu Caracas. It confirms tho prosentatio.i of an ultimatum by Ciermnuy and Grant! Britain to Vcnctnulti and tint drpartnro of tholr representation to the junboat. Ilpth legations turned ovor nil ricurii business to the American minister. Shortly after Bowcn'a mosjtgo was rc ceived, a mcsEnnor from tbo German embassy at Warhington left a commun ications from tho British ambassador to Secretary Hay, containing presumably a formal notification of tho action of Ger many and Great Britain. At tho Cabinet meeting this morning Venezuelan affairs wore diccusscd. London, Dec. 0 A Cabinet meeting was held today for the diccuselou o( tho Venezuelan situation. Fred Nelson has invented a new ap paratus for washing coal. It is a plat form at tbo foundry upon which ID or 'JO tons of nut coal is piled, when the platform breaks down nnd Ietn tho coal into tho bay. The first trial was made Monday. TIic (ioteruur of Ctiam. When the governor of (iuam. Coy tain William K. .So well, V. S. .V.. rrachcft his ntntlon, he will llud hit: worK cue out ror nun. ,-inny 01 mo r. public Hohcolx, It Js reported, have had , H to cloae bee-nusR of tho general poverty, (j'cneutl .Sewell linn hud u long and hon orable career lit tho nnvnl nervlco. Ho wna appointed to Annnpolln In July, I 1SOJ. nnd Hluro hl rraduntlon ho hni ! . . .. 1 A." . A - . . . I hpeni moiie 01 111c iimc m hu;i. vxw ruin lly uccoiupaules him to Ouiiiu. CoJorlnn Stutter Tiot Jiijurloun. The dairy commissioner of Mlnne- r.otn nn ueen eairying on sciemiuc ... - - yr fa if" c Vi$ A ;v, Ay HHi It'MIH C)J llll! IHCCl 01 uuiivr tuiur Ull v" nnlmnlH to determine whether or not &? It Is ItiJurloiiH. It Is reported that ho J ft J; Im.s fed colors to cjulto n number of , M rnbblti), i;ulr.'a pigs, catH. etc., ami hiiJ'T every case depth wnu tho result. ThlHJg?f Is an. old experiment; but, ns no one J11 ' fat Iu tho habit of drinking butter color ft ns a hvt weather beverage, 5ro Bee no , Mr3 cause for alarm. Only a Very Binall amount of It Is usod Iu a pounu of mu ternot enough to Injure nny one but the mamifaettireiH of olconiargnrJne. Crcnm.'.-y Jutiruul. A SafjccHtlvo Iljlote Inaortptton. .mils IjooU'ii So thin?, r'Aly foot's uflothar; Toush noiltho'iiH ' For fear of the.'ollier. , London Daily KW1. w J' v I r ' ' Thwk-n Who Vf mm SAWYER'S EXCELS I OR lift AND m. &SS01S StsH-s 9nnu sscsiora Kjv Wurfiml 1 Wnlonilvr. IHinllMnii T im i huh in . I( n.ir nrlfr inv.n'l lnlci Knl(tfrtntAlorut. ,. Y. t.iii if ml rti.(,, Aft. IMS I'rtail,, .C,tiHt U(M,.I.Mfr., tit ikrUci Dim khHIMMaw wmw HMBl OMNIBUS v ENDORSED Committee-Amend- ment Opposed London . Dockage Bill Discussed ) ' iVaihingtow, IVjc. 9-Tvo tulrgranis we fo Ir.id beforo 'ho Sonute today urplng I j the adoption of the omnibus blatuhood bill, orOklatiom aonl Indian Torritory, nnd opposing tl siuslo ndmlihion nn.ci. dtnent propo ?eil by the rw.mittco One l pinn from th i Commercial Club ol Kansi a City and tho other fiom tho Chan'qrof Comic erce and numerous ci !ic.r Guthrie . Oklahoma. At tl u co"clufloi i of routluu huticess. Dick's militia hill - vas taken up, Tho Honie called up the Loudon dock, age bill, which pro video thcro shall be nothing in contract i between thippcrs and ehiji companies wheroby the latter can make a charga :Ior tho dock Ux im foredat he port ol Londan, Major 3i.'xinuy is h; ending about ten ihya on tiiwBuy, lool iug nft;r tho in terests of the Great Central nnd attend- Boots, Shoes and Harness Sopaii'ed. John Ilntilinu' t'.to hni mnlier is em ployed at Ilutkvil's ihLnei shop. We also keep . all kinds of leath er. Uarnctn Leather, Sol Lu tthor, Lace iA-nthor, Latino Leather. All kinds ot Ppr'.ug LeicgN. If you want to buy any hi. id of har ness too Uatkcl, : HARNESS & SADDLES MARK'S CORN Kit : : Fro.it Btreef e2rraai3saratwj3aiixfl.iZBCt33 gcstct " RYETAB J' P Whiskey Beans. Q H Something nbsi lutuly au and with which uo huve exporinientci' for years. Ono Ivan maku' n.t'i glns Artificial Whinljoy (Ryo or Houibon); px Renn to tin pint. Jiiiit (lui thing for trnvcleri', nnd csuvcut.nt forpiciiicu. excurs oiip, otc. Contiilu all Ihu virtue of the hi'ht whibKIw without tho deh'torioub ff ct. Mad.i fropi Iho puro vegetable matter, nnd gijuri.nti'.'il to con'Jiin no poiHono.:nor i.ar cotlcdrugsiof anydc-Mription if u biH'orac ii cot .IchIi ("1, n biin miiv h'l tiii.t'ii it: tho month vithost water, nnd thumoiitoxili.jflting ef fect will boo::.erici.'i,'i. Hox of 12 Ucanti HOc. Tho Rearm retail at lOo each, and can be procund front any druirgeflt, faury grocer or (Iret-claMi bar. For eulo on (liningcarK. Ono box fort pout paid on receipt ol r.GccntH. liC if!! ua ica fe yj 2 ,, f I. n Ginseiijf Dislillinir Co; DLSTILfiliRS OF Ityonud liourbou Whlokien, ST, LOUI8, : ; ; A10. -a?xB6gm;frsream jnto important lminos? mattorM re lilllllLT III L J I I lilt. Ill IJIIH III I lilt I I rftnr ' I.l. !. ...... !.... . j.T 11.. ri ii ..ralioiif. It ..ot.ik..'nlt ,.y n!- itTr fho WS of ...Im, l.mH rn tl... J'nr" ml .t. ! t'o 'i , 0 fonul.V toJTul temi.twtlMo rnr.dt. to ,.ro.si..,, th-1 StlUt., , cllfn.ln ()iwn. Kmi ..... J?"1. ' '; ' ' , '' . , ""'f '' " wori:,tn twlvr Hlif.u t iu Lnd uMtl,er., Wnl.lnuton T.rito-y." nc:.tu id- Ll r l Af, vVuSintSl ovifs of Fomo i.eorhi lu this section r.ro f A.,..,Mt .t. mfti. ' f"',' iinro nun wilt no kivi i mr cni- hkoly to upoi;, too. CL !icl"sii PKN-iOCK loct on, Intwyt sim.I c;miI. aihltil. AI I! I If P iGojKJtwso iMccaaosUKWSoty iiesooDocooow P j f VAX ill L tU M 'Wotiw " ilW J'MJK - That is wliat wo oan fill AtliwMM mm i and all kinds. is gnavaiileou iMtiUMlAlHN right. OUR STOCJK INCLUDES anything: reqaird in Fir, Spruoe, Red and 'Whi.tof Jeclar. SIPirlPSON LUMBER CO. Phone y-ain 151, I cfyoaoccoDfcos;oQDCcaDsxJoa4 i"P; :n nkwh m: I.Utl'H t a i I i i' m. T"n II Vt u It r 7. I I .mil "' r t t. r. n y a 1 ; 1 I Sulmcr I p 1 p a ji r K ai tl il Klnu e.Ignw nd tobactv o 0 TIMlUSl: LAND, AT ..L'SK :i,.!H3- notkt: Fou i,i:i,...it,ATiii.' United States l.nml Oilk-e. Itosohiirir Or, Oct. I IW 2. Notico is liornhy clvmi '.hat In con, fill nf .Murihtlnld. con .iv nl Cof.u. htati n( Oregon, h thM 'It illol in till oi lco hiitwoni Mntfirriit Tin. I'M), for , hu piirchnH.i of llio H ' l-l. if fW. " s'o. 2(5 in TowtiM.lpNn iJH R.i ige.N'o ri V. nnd will offer proof Hi nnw .hnl tint If ml eought in morn vahm-do for .ts timle or stonothati fnrHrku.itiril 1 urpoxvt nd to oHtal.llnh his claiiit to Mil I land Ml ).u W. IL Jouala, IL S. G mtr ilBtlouw! for Oregon ut Mnrbhfltdd, (.rico'i, on b. ur day, the 20th day of I)e s. 1UQ : . Ifo nam.'n n witnv m-h: . . A. Hrai th, C. L. Ku.illi. Fred Tujlor. K. A. A(J 00 mill, nil of MrtrMilk-ld, 'Vn'sot . ' Any and nil jorsonit tl.iiiuingndvni so ly thenbovr-duscribed jiiiiJnironiMiHt. cd to (lie th'dr rlolmi ,i thin olllco 00, or More said 10 day of !) r. IOC 2. 10 11 J. T. Unit SKa. RegiatM . t I TIMIIKH LAND, ACT JUKI-" 'U XW NOTICK Fl)it 1'UIUJOA HUM ! United Suite l-and Ollicu, lOMrbwu.Oicr.Vn . Nov, 1, njta Notice lihwiliy Rivn tli.-.t In -wmpliai. cr tviili the proviiun rf tl.c net 'tf f'i i.jjni o( JtuiB n, 1878. vntititfi ",n nc n.r in 1 mm 1 01 milder UmUiii iIm.Smihi oft nlifcvni . Oncl n, Ncailn, ami Watlii.iKt'in I i-rilror) . n v tended t all tlm I'.iW.o Lind M.iti ,y iu of Aucuti 1, 1803. ALWJUTA. ANIJiU.SO. of Marahlivlil. county nf fot,i, tiiMt. of Or goo, has iliitd.iy fil-d In ! t ofi.i his wa! uii!iicnt No. ii. lor Hi im.rhfi.1' uf tl NW ofSWt-.t. Nhj. i'. UW of Si'.i-.: U lc of cc. 07. Tp a. S, It No 11 '.V, awl will .nV r lr(.of to sliow tli.it tlm lanil Villain is l.mrl ."'..M'ili! lor iu ilinl.tr or Mcnc 1I1.111 Ur ngiiuul! -lur.il .jiirpoK?, mi'l lo olil)Hi 11 lin lLiIiii lip Mi 1 !.itul liefwii V. U. )nuKl i, t;, S om j inilv.i nirr foi Ororjon, 11 1 X'.imI livid, O rgon, ci 'iird.iv. ill! 10 day of I.inuiiry. u .1. ii( 11,1111 . ih wlnii'i-. i-lnrlrs Wignnl, Jcli Mi'liclI'Mnk, I'k'I Noitli, of AIIir.iii), Or.l S. W No ill, of Mumlifnlil, Ongon. , An ' mid nil p triii cLiiniinu ndvnrx 'y ti- si'uvi .diwiilr.d landK aru reU,t:il to III') lli't'r , ciniin 1 in tuu oiiicm oa or 1 wore wm ic t' of jici, i)oy . T. UainuKi, K'sglsur. it-0 llF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISt: i IN NEWSPAPEfSO ANVWJiCRn AT ANVTfMU f Cull on ct Writo A 9 vl n mtnir. umii'Diiiionm inrtvnv'k ft a,j, wriivii u iuiiiiviiuutu iiuii'i.u x k iA ?f As Alerchnnts' Rxchant a o i'V I UA.ll riDAK'.IJ4fir. cai.. !)?, 0Wot-Ctt9C4CKr6tt)2 ea B I m dp3 m 1 til i fWfrM'mtJ ro havo to soil, and ll orders for any m4 THE QUALITY a . m AS -aij.dtlio pneo is fiK)ftCS2 North Bend Or. icQQZ&ws&wot&rA ooiscsioao 1 llt)lM MAlMslUI Bv ont'T'flN. HAI.KK AND A(i:NT I h e ii h u d T o r 1 1 n n d c t. I 2 I 1 I e n il 1 iFg Ufa g ti 2 1 11 c h v i. ayimi r. a ui IT 1 0 it h fur nil p r i 0 d 1 1' n I . I Stiillittn'ry. Jcwulry, notloms . . tifcl.fcll 0 DISSOLUTION iNOTICC Notlnt in hort'l'V g von that tho linn of ChriKtciiMTi A Joe noon h h Ixen dlt clvt'il by mutual consult! of tho pnrtien, W. U. eJhriHneii retiring. 0. A. tin. parties or at their lermur plr.uo of lllHllltt'H. D.iti il this fjth iay nf Novembnr, UK)2. IV. O. Ciir.:.v.uNniw A U. A. Joii.nho.v. TI1K NEW YORK JWORLD Til KtpKA-VlKK KDITION Read wherever iho Kugllsh Lauguago :s SpoKott Tho TiliI:e-AVeik World was n hrilllntit tuereHH in tlm beginning nnd hni been Me.idlly growing over nluce. Timo Ih thu tent of all thtu;o, and hat Hot ho ncnl of npiirnval on tho Thrici!-n Week World, uhlcii.ii widoly I'lrniilnto.t Iu every Krato and IVrrllory of tlm U11-' ion, nnd whoreiver thuru arotieopiu who ran read our mother tongue. This pitpiT for til" coming winter and the yn.tr 1WI, will maku Hh news ni'i vlce, if pomlbl'), morn extiiitnlvu than ever. All ovoi.tiof Imporlniicu, no mat ter whom limy happen, tiro le ported areuratrly mid promptly. Thu cuhri!iilur, for only oiui dollar n year, gets three papurrt rvery week, nnd more nnivu nnd I'eneral rrnding than most great dnilina can furnish ut tlvu or six tluiim tho price. Tho Tl.rluoit-Weok-Wcrld Ih alitc lutoly fair iu ItH uolltlritl tiutvu. Par llsan bins In novor allowed to uffuut ll'J nrwscoliiirifiH, and J)eiii(.erat itud Ro piiblfejti ithhu cuti nbtniit in its paiuu truthful necoiinto of nil thu gteat politi en I c.wr.p'iii!ii!). In ii.ldiiion In nil 'tho nuvvp, tlm Thrli'o-ii-Weelt-WoiId furninhua thu huit Miri.U llijilon, nlaborati) ninrhoC reports and oJio. lot tun' of tutereat. Tho Thrieiii'WoiiJc-Woihl'H rcguUr nitbrusiptiou pr. In only if LOO por v'r and thin pays for loll papeiu. Wo otfur this uni'(imln ituw.i niur and Woelc'y COAST MAIL toi'.i) her ouo year lor 1 1)0 ' . The rei'ular.mibicr-ntlon nrlcoof tho two papejilfla.O!) , 1 - Colonel WulU'i'toti might call nttgtK Ion to thu faet tluu I here are. forty- two dlvoiMo eav V'ti thu Nov.'PUi'' court caheidur An 11 partial Justlllea lion of lila nttac.'i on the Four Hun dred, ', J' I, fr" .1' 'H ,--"'H"x,-r S3 " l7,y'y'',7'' '"'",r' 'nruittm i- "" "j : - - "Tzr -! -, &' tr tf-w. WfwwiwtiynwKMi MfM