: BtaHIMiaiiitMBMiaMi.aMffigl.aaMgl'.E,1 Mi IsuimaMBlbMSLlL !BXH!lm3SMIQFZW frT Iw "i-CTW.fai npwsiwiii HRII !K6fSaE sS"' (.; fi,'i(1a(irf?''pt Sllii ryffiiiegc5agiyg iypgpyWgnftriaT,fti;fri s& pnraB&L- v JT" V IT &t ,1 . "rj -v , At I ' wl'V 1 QeiMoa'Bftoogtti'CoaftaiaaaMiftgAfti ".None but the t. :.- I coiiutantly furnUh tlio bo-ft nilil pilmoHtot inimti, which lvcii mo tlw conlliloneo of my imtrouu. sweats are 2a necessity glMil It lii iiiK'twnry Hint tlioy Iki piifh iul liohvoiia'. i (( nut promlHo a juliiiit, but I will ijlvn you lionoU (Mini courlooiw tronttiu'ul am', vitliut 'Jrreolvoil for your money. Uiillnfae- '(Ion tfiinrautwl or null rofiini nl, MARSHFIELD CASH & UBNRV holbi, Piop. WiVC0O35CJ'n0CS002CJ&;H30OScCaCDCOJ5ICt0fle458 A r.n iir.u. -- -w w V v I QUESTION V Knowing ai you do of tho diwij.'.r uhlch lurks In awy J. would you iivulccl youm l(ynti kniivi- o( n rmnnly Jlkutl. y A ri'iiirily tliot linn cored hundreds of ch'uj. " I Uliu Hint In nuifrctly ImrmliM. ' j! Oiilmf utile), ion cot n llliffnl uunnlltv forllui nrlrt Jj Unit tltnt roi'.-i you ntnlilnu If H ifijlo tit' fir .t niiuii f u.f.Wf . k ir VII u curva prompiy aim nivvuu euro'i wiorougiiiy. Pi'Icc 25 and 50 cents. i SENGSTACKEN'S 2 ' MarslificltJ, - S: - ; - K3 - c - - HJ: - "i... ' .' .' " "" " - Professional Cards. ysc R. H. Walter, D. D. S. I.nNT.U.SlMUO.oN ANI MEOIlAJ.'. nwi.iHWTisr. ()l!lit Nnrlinr 111.1k. A. St., 'hw. SO mahh i-n:i-i. . : oit;cwos. E. B. Straw, M. D. IMIVliiriA.N AN'I) HIMtfiKO:;. hjiyclul uttontloii to (IbvaKciJ of tltt Kyi Kar, Ntwit i.ttil '1 liroat. ClrwMwi tlttml. Olficc iti S'jH;Jt:tckcn ix Siuitli Jltiiltliny. A. G. Gross, M." D. I'llYSIUIAN AKI islJJUIKUN. Odin, Nruir- Itull.llin'. IIm.ih. i'X MA lib 1 1 I'll: I.. ; ' : UltKUUM W. U. Douglas, AWOUNKY AT LAW AND COMMMSION'KK. l'mnl ilii-ci, M.inlifioJJ, Cezn, U, U. tffae Great Meed f the Mavy By William II. MOODY, Secretary of tho Havy I (i.-3P I HE MOST IMPCnATIVli NEED OF THE NAVY TODAY lI ? -mmmtrttmWm'. 10 OF ADDITIONAL OFFICSRO. I CANNOT OVER STATE THI3 NEED. IT DIIMANDS THE INSTANT. ATTENTION OF CONGRESS. 'I licro bhoulil not bo ovon n yoar's dclny. IT rVKKS I.OXGKR TO iiAlvE A" OFriOER OF JUNIOR RANK Til AX IT DOES TO BUILD A BAT TLKSIIIP, mill uoiulitious will not permit us to dully with tho ques tion. Much nu 1 wish to continno tho building cf ships, I do not wish them unless at tho sumo timo provision is mmlo for olTicors mul mon to innn thorn. Tho requirements enllod on Jnn. 1, 1001, for 1,015 1 ofilcora. Thoro woro on tho dnto mimed 1,0-23 officers, includ ing midshipmen, or 008 less than needed. ( Wo have botween sixty and roventy ships authorized nnd in process of construction, many of thorn of tho most important nnd powerful types. IN FOUR YEARS IN ORDEn TO OFFICER OUR FLEET AS IT THEN WILL EXIST THERE VILL DE REQUIRED 1,300 OFFICER8, MORE OFFICERS THAN WE HAVE TODAY. I nm informod thnt in thoso four yenrs vo can expect undor I existing conditions about ynSgraduatoa o tho Naval academy. This ! still leaves us moro than a thousand oljicora less than tho proper comploiuont. I ; 1 , . ew Rule Needed V By Sir JA!ES CRICHTON DROWNB. Eminent Engllih Physician T TTV.VR" HE AVOIDANOE OF VAOODTATION SHOULD BE MADE AITKEOIABLY MOKE TROTH JLESOME AND mm EXPENSIVE THAN COJiPLTANOE WITH IT, sineo for ono child unvnecinatod owing nro at loaot a hundred or so disabled carolosfpnosa of thciv pavonti. , Best of ineatsi MEAT - Wpo ilnllvcry. J'lione J8I - ii ii ii j littjlic cgl o aire. ..Sim lull a !? 14 to I'nin 15 x p;ctorant PHARMACY, Orcjjon 5 - :H - ' I 'WT - t'iJgyrjat ..-.-. S.A. D. Eaton, . -i.au yi:k- Wlll p MMlcrt in nil raiiil. KMI'IKKCCrY UKKQOM T. "W. Bennoifc, ArrOHMKY AM roi S.Kl.oil Al . LAW. MAtSliriUU) . i K John F. Hall, ATTOltNKY AT I.A'. Officr in l.liloiiulo lilocU, Fro i Jiroct vlaiililickl, Orison, . St., MARSH FIHLD, ORE O. F. McKnight. AT03ICNIJY AT LAW" Office iti tlic hcnt.C' & Walter IHiildini'. MAKHHFIflU), OKEOON Wo.Id & Daniels KS'dlNHKIlS'aml Si ItVISYOltS Maw Horlc,a Bjieelnlty. l'hono. 47d Mcnhfljld, : : Oregon K.MnriMnau.tnrauuiMUkmui'i toljcoiisviontious objection thoro ly tho ignovanco indolonco or i '.. r -'7"--rwwwww , MARKETS f MAY BE A Venezuela Preparing for .strong h VOLUNTEERS United States to Let England and Germany Have Their Own Way For -... ' The Present . , ? ' Carncnc, D.c. 12 A lumcr I cu Tent hero that United Statu Minister Vavai linn bci asfco'l by l'rtiltlpnt Cr.it ro to nrbilrnto tbo controvorty between flrcai Urlthln, Gormsny aud Venezuela. UotwltliBlandlni; this ropirt, itropnr atlon for rcili.nucu nro boin nindo v.lth fcvtiUl; er.eiBr, woik en the dt- encoa of nil strategic mini! iu rround- Ini La Ouayrn ! beln putbed, and conl It bdiiR rent from Lb Gtinyrr. to Cara rus. All rntlwny re on the lttitlib Itnu buvo be:u rent out cf Ln Gnayrr. to (hat trnutportalien of troojn by rr.il will bo Impowiblc. Vr.ehlr.ston, Ike. . AUIajctchfrom Minlatur Iloncn to thu Statj Di-jiart-ment tide morning esyii Castro Imo ro- qnco'.kd him to nsV Uoruniayond Grott llrltain thnt tho dHlicullIea uiitiuj; oyer tho claims for cl'ictl datura' s "ft 1 iu jniiua toGertnas end Hritith tnLjttts during thu ciyd wero of Vi.utzi:al:; be rubmlttid toaibltrnton. Iu olH-Heuce to n.dvri from tho Navy I)ejartMcnt the cnboat Mx-ietto exiled from Curr.caj fur La Gu.-.yro this uoru ir.K tc I'lo'.cct Aiucricnu ir.iciuvto. La Guayrc, Dec. 12 Jnotro'a docnei callhif, all Venezuelans between the noe of 13 and CO to nrine tunica with it it'order for tho nrront of all who refuio to ol'intcer, su trs.ll cia. Great patriotic detnouetrAtionn con tinuc at C uncas. lloilin, Doc. 12 Itia olflclnlly etexted that Castro'a decision to fiht in no wico mmmtmayjnwjmmntm tmt r iw if m . . ni Kjn2srr- MINERS ROBBED DAILY. Systematically Decked on .Weight Scrnton, Dof. 12 Former Dockint Bo3a ltidgway, of tho Toinplo Coal Co. naa a witroa thin morning hoforo tho lit ' ' JVntbraclto coinmisuionr Ho told ho was roqnlrcd toniako nu uvor-js5 deduo tlonoffito7 peicent continually "eyiiii In cases J ha coal was poiTcetly clcau only carrying tho n-ceteary amount of .jroppin;'. Ho denied tl o company' claim that d'ockajp m only ono purcent. t Other witncEBoa teatiflod reKaidln'fj'Uio ojporators' attltudo elnco the atriksaa BIG FIGHT i ssisiance CALLED FOR ROADS AND WIRES SEIZED cbtnf-a G' rtiany'.i nVtltuJo rcRaidinfi' tlio tcc.ipt.tlon of VtiKzucInn torri'ory Gortcajy will not atlvnnco into tha in- teller, s'cilher Mill they ntUmrt tocaj turo Ccttro, bnt will merely maintain a blocVnde. i Guayra, Dec. 12 Tho p,ocmment hae ;t!d tho German and EngUsh rail wayo nod tclejdiqnci!. Washington, Dec. 12 Gaitro'e jrojo iltion to Minister Ilowcu ia puzzling the Str.ti'l Deportment, ca tboy aro unr.ble to deuldo whether it tneana furtcuder or norety playing for tlixo to eccuro otr. munl'.io:). J It is pre turned that Bowcn in tlu ct- pncily ol lo.-nporary rcproicmqlivo cf GreafBrltuln and Getmany, will com mnnlratc Ciislro'p projosition dlroctly to thfe forh;n elllces ot those covntrles. Secretary Hay wired Ilowen permif sion to Kraut Castro'a request Fiibmlt ting tho propoiilion to Great Jiritain&nd Gonc&ny, however, not in any sense acting aa reprcscntntivo of tho United State;. At tho Ccbiuet nuclins this morning it was decided thoro will bo no cHange in the ppHey of tbo United Staecs at pres ent r.d- tjicru will bo no Increase in natal rcpreientativca on the; Venezuel an coast. r London. I);c. 12 Tlio LagcayrA liar bor Companyjecqivod a cablegrnin thl? rftornoon readiux: "UmbRrRO taten off proparty, Castro wc&lrenln." called off, (showing an inclination to keop etrlko ofllclala out of employment. TRADE & .TREATY S1GM J:D -t Supposed to Give 20 Per cent off Wahinc.U. Dec. 12 Tho Crmmer cldl treaty between Cuba nd thoUtii'.id Blntea 1mh. beon tjencd. Ncw9 came from O. V. Bliss thla mornlns raying tho draft of thaycoromcicml treaty h..d been s;nod by himself, tho Cuban seorotory of ntalo and trennurer at 11 o'clock last night. 'l'Uo torw'a o' tbo treaty aro Jnot tl'volRfd", but it ia undorutood it provWos 20 ror cent ro duetion on goodu pnaalnt; olthor w.xy be twoou tha U.ilto'l Stataa u'l Ou')J. STARTED LAYING CABLE San FrAndeco. pep, 12 Tho Cable ibip tilvcrtort commenced laying tli Honolulu cablo today. r BARRETT DECLINES POSITION Has Better ThingThan is Offered Special to the Mall. Washington. Dec, 12 Tho depart men today received adipatch Lorn Join Ihrett, declining the appoint ment of minister to Japan for the reason that ho baa employment as Ori ental representative at tho St Louis exposition,' ( It ia generally believed that Lloyd Driscoll now minltter to Tersia will be chosen minister to Japan, 1HGIIWAY BUILDING. IMPROVING EARTH ROADS WITH CI AY AND SAND. IIoti t''2Ilx nnd AVzlr Tliem to Se cure 1X20 Beat UciiulU The Toe of ttuad Machines In Uulldlus These Illsuwaya. In an Interesting .address delivered at tlio Grccnvlllo (Mlcb.) good reads con vention Frank l Rogers, C. 2.. had tho following to cay tegarding tho Im provement or earth roads: It you muct nlways bavo an earth road and cannot get gravel or stoai at a reasonable cost, isut clay onJbcsAn aud sand on the clay. When these be come suitably mixed, tboy will form it oort of hardpan, making a very good road surface at most seasons of the year. Of courac, the clay Is good when bard and dry aud tho sand quite passa ble when the weather Is eo wet thnt nobody wantn to travel, but to sccuro n medium earth road, good tlio great est number of days hi the year, that it la possIble.Mo mnko It, this Is tbo beat method that wo can proscribe. It suould be borne In mlud that nei ther Improvement la very good until suitably mixed, nnd clay should bo ap plied to saud iu a manner to secure thnt mixture as speedily as possible aud vice versa. Decide on the width of a given road between ditches say twenty to twenty-four feet, not much narrower and not much wider. Thrso arc economical widths, and tho lack of uniformity In this particular Is one of the greatest evils of our lack of j-y tern In road bulldlus all over this cop n try. Bring the road to a suitable crcwu from twelve to eighteen Inches above the a!do gutters. This, howecr, vr,ll bavo to bo vailed to meet the special needs of drainage for the locality, anil should n largo ditch be required on a narrow road It should bo entirely outsldo the regular gutter, which will protect tho vehicles from tbo dauger of tipping over. To prepare tho bed It may hnvo to be plowed toward the center, but, if bo, do not disturb tho old roadbed unless absolutely neccssnry. After plowing, barrow thoroughly, tnbo a ror.cl ma chine nnd shape tho whole bed to a perfectly rounded shapo aud roll till no moro compacting Is possible 'with a roller weighing four tons or mere. A farm roller Is of little use for tlu' pur pose. After tbo bed Is properly shaped-aud rolled as described take a road ma chluo nnd crowd enough earth to each side of a central strip of such wlittb as it may bo dcslrablo to cover with clay or gravel. This being done, clay should bo applbnl on sand to tho depth of 11 vo or six Inches, whero no gravel Is used and to tho depth of threo or four Inches whero n dressing of as riiuch gravel can bo placed upon the clay. Altqr the clay Is applied, it may be leveled with n road machine If well pulverized, or, If lumpy, it may bo leveled by 'first rolling to crush tho lumps, then bor rowing till smooth, but in each caso It must bo rolled till hard after a smooth surface has beeiWcurcil. ' Whero no gravel is mscd tho clay must bo covered with from ouo to two Inches of sand by Tover&lngitho road tnachlue uud crowding a llttld of the' surplus saud -frd'm tho sides to the centers This will nroYii 1V - 1 MW II II II I I lll-W.. I k ' tronrbeconirng muddy at thelftft,w1,rw?K spell. If n ton dressing of gravel "if , used, It filioulil bo applied to thu thilio coat of clay Immediately after rolllifjA then bo brought to a truo surfaca bf , tho uso of a 'road machine and I.Vi till It f thoroughly compacted. If tlip weather Is dry, tho gravel should bo kept sprinkled during tbo llunl rolling. When eand is uacd on clny, wer usually secure as good rcsulth r.n by putting clny In sand, for It looa iiut always prevent mud when the ground , Is extremely soft. A clny road should alwnys bo well piked with good tldo ditches, which must quickly take tho water to Its nearest natural ontlct. wntcli in tnrn must always ho trV well kept mi to take the water at onco Away froni the road allowance. Band should be applied to clay after tho picking Is done, wltfi'qut forming any' depression for Its reception, fla has ' been recommended for gravel. 15nml should never ho applied at a season of , tho year when a long dry spell lu cs pected, but rather Immcdlntqiy boforo wet fall weather and winter sets In, so thnt by the next season It may be come suQlcIently mixed with clnyt to .. produce the condition already referral to. Tho same practice should bu'em- ployed when any considerable depth of loose gravel Is applied to a clay sol; with tbo expectation that travel will mnko it hard. Tho application of sand and gravel to clay, as abovo described, can be done In lnyers, giving time for tho llrst layer . to pack before the second Is applied. It is often advisable to wait till tha' next fall before the second layer la applied, thus giving timo to watch re sults nnd uso Just the depth required . to sccuro tho best effect, as well as to economize material. After all tlds la , done, we have not secured n permanent V road suited to heavy trnfile, and wo slmll bo obliged to look to tho better gradca of gravel nnd broken Btouo to produce any roads that may really hojT called permanent I'onltrr 8tcpmotlier., , "Wo used to think that wo could raltd young tnrkeys better when wc batched them under good old motherly beco than when wc put them under the hen turkey. Now the Maine Farmer comeH out with tho opinion of a poultry ex pert who says better nnd larger chick ens can bo raized by letting the turkey ben batch them out and care for them. Perhaps both wcro right, for wc think tho old turkey often gives the young ones too much travel, and perhaps tbo ben does not give tho chickens enough when tbey are forced to get their living on an open range. Domestication and breeding have reduced tbo propensity, if not tbo ability ot the beu for travel -Hnd.catchlRsJnwctpocijilly, ana uer prcuts were reareu i yards, while the turkey is many gen erations nearer the wild conditions and likes to roam over many acres or, lir fact, will not endure confinement at all only for a short timo while-fattening, and then not In close qunrters. It thus may bo that chickens with tho turkey would range farther and forage moro than with tho ben, thus growing moro rapklly. But wo still adhere to our old position, thnt wo can grow chickens better and faster In yards that nro kept finder proper sanitary conditions than hey will grow If allowed to run at large with cither their mother or tbo turkey ben. Amcrlcau.Cultivator. j t.ovcrnmcnC Wnltevvnah. The government reclpo for white wash, which Is used on lighthouses aud other government buildings whero whitewash Is required, Is said to bo the best for.uula there is. It Is as fol lows: Tut two pailfuls of boiling water lu a barrel and add one-half bushel of well burned fresh quicklime. Tut iu quickly ono peck of common salt dis solved In hot water apd cover tho barrel tightly to keep In tho steam whllo tho lino la slacklug. When th6 violent bubbling Is oyer, stir until well ' mixed together, nnd If necessary add moro boiling water, so ns to bavo the mass Ilko thick cream. Strain through a slevo or coarso cloth. Mako n thin starch of threo pounds of rlco Hour and oue pound of strong glue, bnvbsg Urst 6oaked tbo gluo In cold water, anil to the latter mixture add twoouudu of whiting. Add this to fhe lime wash nnd also sufficient hot water to dilute to the proper consistency. Keep' hot . while applying. It will rcqulro about six quarts of the mixture to 100 square feet of surface, and It nitty bo made any color desired. Chrfsttuna Sactiuctlotia. ( ' , An appropriate gift for a inan'w-bo. travels is a sllycr flask with n cup.1 Up For tho theater goer a pair of very fc small pocket opera glasses or strong flcldglnsses la a handsome holiday re membrance. For a young man who la not nlrcady thus equipped a handsorao dress unit case or a strong traveling bag. holding euough for two weeks' holiday, Is 11 useful Christmas gift. Bleovo links aro always acceptable to men if small, strong and of good quality. " '' ' , Men do not like women to give them tles'or cigars as Christmas gifts. , , Tbo dandy who wears a silk hat will llko a strong leather- hatbox to kcVfr ' A Hftn.' Thtfify -suitable gift -at nhy season, butAtlt& a particularly good ,. ne for Christens-. - :. "V .aa- 3i i u. a M rgp'"